The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, April 18, 1891, Image 5

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Omaha, Neb.
This m ill give you an idea of cur prices.
w, pmrrTW pound? of tranu!atl HJar for 1. Other urar in pmponioimtt valw.
OlHtTilNClTliEeOK Bl'0IMi: W Olio the poutHL ool -ict;jrMTtpr-rtitcd. Ei?rjr
atte treated euke and fair, tinublf orward injog i verjr rec-
Grocery Department.
Parlor Matches per box
Oil Sardines
French mustard
Potted haru.v
Star lye
Large bottle blue
ftottle catsup...,
Pea, can
Bottle lemon extract
vanilla "
" almand "
" raspberry "
Sugar corn, tan
Wax bean, can
Lima bear, H for
Strawberries, 3 (or
Pied Cherries, 3 for
Tomatoes, can
(Gallon apple
French peas, can
3i bar 15 B soap 1
7 bars Ferns -soap
(Jood tea
Fair coffee
Extra good Hour per sack 1
heek No Further 1
Graham per sack
ISDI'CKMENTS. With tvety pound of tea we alve a pmwnt. Wltheverr lund of Snow
Flake Halting Powder, which we yuaiantSe In tw pure and ure to plmtv you, w e arfve you
your choice of too following article: Kiber Pall, Haper I'all. Fiber wah lialn, one 4 piece
KltM set. one 4 quart Porcelain lined Kettle. Price of the Powder, Secern per pound.
WHOLESALE. We carry all fuod lu quantities, and we Invite dealer and peddler to Klve
A WOKD TO AttMEKS. Wesolleit conilgnmenta of irood butter and erira. We will ale
way pay the hlrhet market price of the day. We have made arraiiireinenu with a reliatil I
cominhwlon man. who will take all the jrrain, bay, or poultry we may send him, so emiiyo ai
your thlpineni to u. lin.l
G KEEP nearly everything-, but anythinir we donot keep we will rut for you. inch a Dry
Good. Cibthlnir. Agricultural implement., Gun. Piano, or In fact anything that I procura
ble In Omaha. We will buy for you Junt a If we were buying for ountelve, and vend them to
you at exactly the price we pay for them. Tbi Mail Order llepartment le under the manage
ment of a gentlt man of very great experience, who will be pleased to act a your agent In
this city. Any buaineM Information you may request be will lie pleatd to give you.
HOW TOOKDKK. Write name and Initial plainly. Htate how you wUb goods aent, by
mall, expre or freight. We reouire the full amount (etit with thr order, but If you delre
good sent '. O. D..2U percent, of the probable amount of the bill must be Rent with the order
a a guarantee of good faitb. Thus if the bill coiuca to flu we ihuuld expect - in advance.
W E. Bennett Co,, Oma&a,
A Region of Dower, Fruit and I'reclou
Metal Wonderful Work of the
local Million of Wealth
Were LooteiL
Cuzco. capital of the Incas, was tho
City of Gold and a wonderful city It
must have been. But tho Ineas, too
were wonderful. This ancient empire
extended from about the second degree
north latitude to the thirty-seventh
degree south, embracing all the mod
ern republics of Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia
and Chili. Its western boundary was
of course the Pacific, but its eastern
lias never been clearly determined. In
some places it spread out far beyond
the Andes, and in others the territory
of barbarous tribes came down to with
in a few miles of the coast.
A for the Andes, the early Peruvians
dubbed thene stupendous heights "Cop
per Mountains," Antes (meaning cop
per) being the original word which the
Spaniard corrupted into "Afides."
Their western Wtepw, with splintered
and precipitous sides of granite and
porphyry, and the higher regions
wrapped in snows that resist even the
equatorial un and melt only under
their own volcanic (ires, do not offer tv
more encouraging field to the farmer
than tho desert where rain seldom
falls, thut btretch between them arid
the ocean. Yet every rod was utilized,
and in order to waste no available inch
of soil the Incas buried their dead in
caves and built their own dwellings
upon rocks.
They terraced -every hill and moun
tain to its summit, the terraces being
often narrow as the steps of a stairway
and walled with stones; and they tilled
every crevice in the rock with soil
where there was room for a stalk of
corn to grow. Thee evidences of
their patient toil are still plainly to be
seen, and often the aerial gardens lie
on such steeps that one wonders how
anybody could liavo found foothold to
cultivate them.
The irrigation -system of 'the Incas
was perfect, thoir ditches extending
hundreds of miles and curving around
the hills, here sustained by .high walls
of masonry, there cut through the
solid rock, or carried over tho valleys
on enormous embankments. Massive
dams and reservoirs were built to col
lect the floods that came from the
melting snows of the mountains, and
this supply was conducted to rainless
Here at Cuzco I have-this day seen
the ancient fortress known as Saeliah
uaman, says Fannie H. Ward in ii letter
to the Philadelphia, Record. This
stronghold is said to have been built
about the year 1113, is a remarkable
piece of work, and held the same re
lation to Cuzco that "the Hock'' docs
to Gibraltar or the Acropolis did to
Athens. It consists of three terraces.
707 feet higher than the city, reached
by a winding road which was so cou
rt noted that it could be t't-iiy de
fended. Military men say that its
walls were built in accordance with
the best engineering science of modern
riuimhuamnn's walls were composed
of inimeii-.f blocks of lime-tiiiie, and
each salient had one of these at it end.
Blocks measuring 'i feet long, li feet
wide and lo feel thiek nro common in
the outer walls, ami ther.i is one gnnt
tone '.'7 feet high, it feet wide and li
feet thick pil d upon another of almost
equal dimension. limn inhering
that the' normous iiiiisnes we
hewn from the hills, and fa-hioned
Into khae ky u people Ignorant of th
use of lion; that they were brought
from AUtmA tjuarrle without tho aid
of btiut of burden, raUed to their
lrv Kl pmklon on the sierra and
adjusted with tho nicest aoiiraey with
out limchlueiy, one la lilled with as.
lefiMiment. Twonty thuimand m u
are ld ti have becti nipioyU for
tfty years on thf great alrueture,
The b.t Idea of bow tht old capital
mn't havn looked W.for the tsimpieat
twiy h galiunl in th ktrttt now nam.
d Triunfo, reinitln of vil
arcuiit liiiUctj Are, tivrf.i'unr'.ttfj ,
Hardware Department.
Nutmeg grater 10 CI
Key ring 1
Harness .-snap 1
Pie tin 1
Lock, clap and staples 1
Tack per box 1
1 pint pan 2
Tin cup 2
A HC plate 2
Tin table spoons IS for 10c, each. . . 2
Curry comb 3
Hncuit cutter 3
Lid lifter 3
Screwdriver 3
(iood dipper. 3
Fry cake pan 4
Hird cage hooks 3
Tack hammers 4
2 foot rule 5
Bert can opener 5
Silver ni eel fork t
(iood Khear 5
Paint brush 8
Thumb latch 5
Mincing knife .1
Chair seats 8
Whitewash brush 10
Door bolt 10
Its modern houses, among tnem um
Houso of the Virgins of the Sun.
There Is a sort of crescent-shaped plat
form, which is believed to have been
the principal altar of sacrifice in tho
Sun temple, and the famous Piedra
Ilaroada. or "stone with cuttings,"
which shows seats, steps, basins and
tltar, all hewn out of one immense
rock. Near by is tho Koadero, or
'place where the sun was tied up" a
gigantic stone ring, which shows the
meridian of Cuzco.
Remains of many other temples, fort
resses and palaces may be found in the
neighborhood of Cuzco. There are
villages whose people live in stgne
caring that were erected five or six cen
turies ago. gp
Various delightful excursions mny
be made from Cuzco without incurring
great fatigue. It is a pleasant horse
back ride of only twenty-four miles to
Lake Huaipo, on the road to Urbamba.
The latter Indian town, as well as
Yucuy and Huayllrba, is quaint enough
to repay a visit. They lie in the
'nlley of Ucayali, where both climate
ind scenery are the most perfect on
the face of the earth. In this Peruvian
Eden are natural groves of fruit treo
figs, apricots, mangoes, chirmoyas,
iU:. and immense fields of wild straw
berries. From Urubamba to OHntnytnmbo is
twelve miles, under the shat ow of
wide-spreading trees which during
half the year are a mass of scarlet
blossoms, while ti mountain fiver
ripples on each side of the way. Just
before entering OUataytambo one sees,
high up on a wall of sandstone, the
colossal figure of a mai outlined in
veins of iron oxide. Of course it is a
freak of nature, but many superstitious
tories are told concerning its origin,
tnd no native will puiss the plac with
out taking olT his hat, crossing him
self and repeating an Ave Maria.
Ono may spend a profitable week in
OUataytambo examining ruins and
fortifications, and will be sure of a
welcome in the house of the curate.
The village is doubly interesting from
having been the stronghold of Olianto,
a du.-iky noble who fell in love with
the beautiful (laughter of Inca Tupac
Yupanqui, and stole her from the
House of the Virgins of the Sun in
Cuzco. He kept her, too, in spite of
all the hosts of the empire, for five
long years, until captured at last by
strategy, by a warrior whoso unspcll
able name means "Man with tho stone
eyes'1 when he and his sweetheart
were burned alive in the great square
of Cuzco.
Uxuctly how much plunder the con
querors under Pizarro secured can
never be known. All agree that the
precious metals torn from the temples
of Cuzco alone amounted to more than
(9,000,000. It 'is known that tho 20
per cent that tho Spanish king claimed
as his share of the loot was enough to
restore financial credit to impoverished
tipain. Millions more went to the
church; enormous sums were expended
in tlie erection of convents, monas
teries, palaces for tho viceroys and
tlu)r public- buildings, and enough
remained to enrich every impecunious
adventurer who cnxne to the coa.-t
A KnrTf ul
Attvottc th hill ti'ilxMof th- Arilo
Indian frontit-r cuuiilnif U ciuit.) a
highly el4nud a 'ihih1 iii'iimths;
hut own the-e muMer of si rutin. 'em
srs 4M''tutUinnlly m'witt'il. A Hindoo
traveler who h td wualon to ptira
tlmuiph Iheir country retilly lal.l out
Mil his money in h-vim-hI l.tryc din
morula, which hu hound iini.itnl 11
had with a aolli'd rujf, imido to look
Hits tho buiulito of h woiiml. l,i then
put Ot) rniru'-d lothe sud lumie-l a
donkey with Ioham of ilc(d bread,
inch a tho mountaineer l!ka put: in j
k g'MHl d'iMi of opium In cttrli. anon
fell In with a huif s doen I liL'-ir.ili.who
paid no BtUiiition to thn rnvi,'l trnvul.
r, hut M)unuml Uon Iho br nd and
At th V-ilrt Of It, Th t5)ilt!ft HX.ti
put thi-m to t!ti, whwivutxm thrt m.
ler tmik wbal iimwjf thy J.uJ, their
rmt nntt ti IhmI of their dothe. ami
nt til ttay in t . Hut h took
rttr not lo tiavl i- that rvnd ftilii.
The Ctutraa ml fropwrtioM la Ht
Beauty of the human fcrm is to-day
exactly what it was in ancient Jref ;
it is the same through all the centur
ies, however blind we are to ila char
acteristics through lgnoranit'. The
census of ages is a true verdict, and
clans ie forms become safe models.
Creek sculpture was wrought when
ihe body received its highest cultiva
tion, &rd was so beautiful as to be
called divine.
This sculpture should be carefully
and continuously studied, as well as
pictures of good nude figures. 'Jliey
are to be made familiar, that one may
learn why they are good, why they de
serve admiration. Most people funcy
they admire these classic models, but
it must be in imagination only, else
why should they allow themselves to
exemplify false standards of form, and
positively distort their own (iod-given
Searching for the highest standards
of human form, we discover that man
ly beauty and womanly beauty differ
essentially. It is agreed that the type
of manly proportions includes a com
paratively large head, wide shoulders,
rather square, a torso tapering t a
contracted pelvis; while the whole may
be 7 head in bight, or an additional
half-head added to the length of tho
legs, giving a particularly elegant fig
ure. On the other hand, fine proportions,
for a woman are a small head, should
ers rather sloping and narrow, tho
torso full and widest at the hips; while
the front line from the sternum over
the abdomen should show first a gen
tle, and then a full o il ward curve.
The conventional figure of the day is
at variance with this typo. Every
effort is made to imitato masculine
characteristics. The shoulders are
thrust up high and square, or made to
appear the torso is made to taper
in, and everything under heaven is
done to make tho waist look small.
The front line is forced to take an in
ward curve below the bust, and the
side lines to form an awkward angle,
In the hollow of which voluminous
skirts are hung.
The churm of womanly proportion
is in the long curve (mm armpit to
ankle, which is so different from the
beauty of a manly figure. The de
pression at tho so-called waist lino
only tho meeting of two large muscle
which in a beautiful woman should be
slight would better bo ignored in the
clothing, for tho sako of the greater
beauty of tho whole sweep.
It is to bo understood that tho lonfj
curvet are mada up of shorter con
tours, ono gently melting Into another.
A form made up of graceful sweeps
alone would be a weak, nerveless,
insipid thing.
These proportions should bo so
understood and so thoroughly appreci
ated, as to bo always in mind, else a
beautiful human form will not bo
recognized. Use physical exorcises to
attain the perfection of these curves.
Hang pictures showing thorn where
they may grow into your thoughts.
Harper's Bazar.
Hlamarck and Ilia Doa.
Many will remember that the Iron
Chancellor, Bismarck, lost his favorite
Tyras, called the Realm dog, some two
or three years ago. Among the re
markable achievements of this "Itenlm
dog," it was recorded of him that on
one occasion, little more than ten years
ago, two delegates from Altona,
charged with tho presentation of a
petition to Prince Bismarck, were re
ceived by him one morning in a special
audience. After shaking hands with
them the chancellor resumed his seat
in his own particular rocking chair,
by which his faithful Tyrut lay stretch
ed out silent by olnorvant. und the del
egates sat down on a leather couch
facing his highno.w.
It so happened that one of thorn hold
a roll of paper in his right hand, and
being an energetic speaker and aecus
torae i to empha-izo argument by ges
ticulation, ho waved his scroll about
while addressing tho chancellor, un
mindful of the circumstances that his
movements elicited several successive
uttemnces of disapprobation from the
watchful hound.
Presently Tyras rose to his fejt with
an ominous snarl whereupon Bismarck
unceremoniously interrupted his inter
locutor's remarks, exclaiming: "Do
put down that scroll, I beg of you.
My dog, like myself, entertains a pro
found aversion to every ijnd of a
paper. Ho believes it to be a deadly
weapon. ' The deputy's compliance
with this request was doubtless prompt.
It is the successor of Tyras in his
master's favor, who is now ill, and
that is w hy Bismarck is looking care
worn. Kut lie Didn't I'ay.
A chap recently addressed tho fol
lowing communication to a music deal
er in St. John, Me.: "Seven years ago
I stole a concertina from your work
shop, which was getting repaired.
Sometime ago I joined the Salvation
army, and Christ has pardoned all my
sins. I think it right I should lot. you
know. May (iod bless you, and uieet
me in heaven." A man who Is too
mean to nnv foe n uf.Jnn
,1,1, (l(
says a local paper, i-n't likely to make
an angel who may be safely trusted
with a golden harp.
TUe liiMika lloriotv.
Thorn la much mvlltjn.ico shown In
tho mutter of returning Itoriovvod
hiKiks, nnd t!il often by prraotia of
Whom one would expect 'belter thilli'.
For ii. run lis lifter it book l ii-ud. It ia
ullored to lio l(liil,l tho hoiihe. unit no
eieeinl i-fToH U nm.le to return ( lu
owner. Thut n laiok ahontd Ih- ret li n
ed HM .iit in. irud, just lix ililiieii--ly
ono would return it to ! n?ier uln
it or a tinmen! utXvv ni-ai'linf It, would
bpiieur to u i uithout In,' Yet it 1
not ulwnya the ck, 1I.hi.i' lumr
TirMMi Tib to Ihi ielul II,, n In
I.oinb'n tiMli neiiMMi. 1'iHir old whlt'i
headml Tib! ly thu t'.mr, you hiiVS
bn to couplo of law n fet uml rw
oeptlons you will Hrn for t!w Jtingl
mid atart niton w ithout lttttlidUMtioit.-
ItttatiUt'AT 'le'iegi J.t,
tar tan ! li,
Coidbiiira (Imikinii out nt lh ten
nienU) Ahi! It mut tw very hard la
tw (hhii'." Wi iitiii in "tin tits i-ott.
tmry, it toiilouddedl) y to
JOWf." -AUiSI llAll (IO -. i
taxwell. Sharp & Ross Co.
We Have Competition, of Course, But it's the Sort that
we. We are not doing business for a Day, but for All Time.
Wo deal with our customers, Man, Woman or Child, in such a manner that we can do
business with them the second time Yes, Continually.
We deterrr.ined iifon a certain course that course square dealing, Honest Goods and Bottom Prices and
in that course we are anchored to stay. Every department of our establishment is replete with variety, complete in point
of quality, and unexcelled in value and utility. Do not be misled by envious imitators, but call and inspect.
1532 to 1538 O St., liincoln. tf
J. C.
Successor to BADGER LUMBER CO.
Wholesale and Retail Lumber.
Telephone 701.
O street between 7th and 8th. Itlncoln, fleb
Readers of Tiik Alliance are commended to Lincoln's Leading Dentist,
$5.00. FULL SET OF TEETH FOR $5.00.
Teeth extracted without pin. Ko choloform; no gas; oo ether, 40tf
All liHings at low rates.
Carrier Who
IJrava Manr Inrr In
Mining Cauip Tliry
Know tha t'eak.
I'ac and Canyon.
Hie mont welcome cf all In tho min
ing camps fur up the Kocky Mountain
peaks are tho mail enrrier. liruve,
hardy fcllowi they are thut climb tho
peaks on snowshoen. delivering the
mail and many precious packages that
always fill the pouch. Delivering tho
malls In the mountains in midwinter is
a difficult and dungerotm work. Some
times the currW is swept away by a
(nowttlido, and months roll away before
the brave fellow and his pouch are found.
About fifty of theho mountain mail
carriers lose their liven yearly on tho
dangerous trails In Colorado carrying
the malls on snowtdiops to the frontier
mining enmps. In I'Uib, Idaho, and
other pnrtH of tho Went in the same
manner they force their way over the
lofty ranges.
Tho carrier in the frontier of the
Uocky MountuiiiH Htrups the mail pack
on his back, puts on his Norwegian
snowBhoos, and, with a lonj pulding
polo, fcturts on hix weary climb over
the range. Unuiilly there in a crowd
at the postoflice to winh him good luck.
Only men of known strength and cour
age can do this work, for twenty-five
pounds of letters, papers, and packages
become very heavy and burdcnHome in
climbing the mountain).
Thene carriers know the peaks, panst
es and traila as well as tho city carriers
do the streets and numbers of their dis
tricts. But sometimes the Morms are
so severe that even the old mountain
eer grows weak with his heavy burden
and sinks almoHt exhausted in the ob
scure trail. With a compass in his
hnnd, he carefully feels his way along
the precipices and dangerous places,
and often the storm is fco revere and
blinding that he is compelled to find
fhelter under some friendly cleft or
dig for himself a bed in the snow
banks. Although their great overcoats
and clothing may look rough, yet their
underwear would please the fancy of
the asthetic. The mal of them bavo
rilk underwear. On reaching the sum
mit of the mountains tho carrier
shoulders the pole, and, placing his
rnowshoca cIomj together, begins his
The old-timer on the trulls will po I
flown the mountain with the hwiftneas
of the wind, a mile a minute. Kut woe
to the one who i inexperienced, for
out slips tho guiding pole, up come
mow cl.oes, and the unfortunate car
rier.mull nack and ail goes rolling down
the mountain, f-omt times the ice and
SI.OW are as hard and i-moolh as glins.
Tho perilous trip brines him to
romo little mining ciin.p nectled In the
mountains. What a jojful creeling
he receives! '1 here are. people there
from the Kat, faraway New Kugland,
and the tunny South. Sometime he
li delayed by the storm on tl.n ningo,
and already the men of the rump Jhivb
been aeui ehing for him, fearing thai
be hud been bt r ept away by
tha terrlbii) miow liue. 'J ho village,
collect, and ail u isger to lrurn t
latet r,rv ni, ieud ihrlr let'cr..
rerehanco tbv can in Im oher m!i.t
'0 rach. The pom h is oM-ne.l iinU
Ihe mail pouted o il on tlm Boor, '1 bo
frontier Hnliiirt!er pick out what
belongs to l.lx tifllce, K,it the ret !
put lain Um hjsi h, to bo co rlcd .till
further to lt UeitltstUvn,
tan Nllm-n, the Swcdf trad carrtor
it the .H.m Juan, wt rt n mew
I'.lde l. W1, Aim not fuund
for n"Arly u )tAi. II. ri.t ns
from Mlveitin tt Ujhlr, tb,l II.
brvet w j.iiC Atn,r l. rli thiovk'li
Mortu, NlSw aa art.rd Aanliit
laktftir Uf Attciepv A icnlole twins,
as ilaf btt rilverum rU
tphlr, Ai.d tho Wo hJ ktt b nt-si
t the liedjr 8l9lf It'.ii I'.iu Le
could not reach Ophir in that mountain
tempet. lint NlUon would not listen
to their wui nlngs, and even If it were
Dcrilous ho must go.
At Ophlr the miner of tho camp
were wuiting and longing fur the ap
pearance of the faithful letter carrier,
Christmas eve came, but still Swan
Nllton laid not been espied on the
mountain trails, whcre"wany an anx
ious eye had been turned.
And thus, while those nt Silverton
were anxious, the minors at Ophlr were
becoming apprehensive at the delay.
Christ mu came and went, and still
nothing of the mail carrier, Search
ing parties went out on the trails, but
there was nothing to bo seen or heard
of the lost currier, During the sum
mer the search was continued by one
or two friends, but atlll there wag
nothing learned of the fate of Swan.
Another year rolled round, and during
tho wummcr another search was made,
and on August 13, IHH.'t, at the bottom
of a snowbank the picks and shovels of
the searching party uncovered the
body of Swan Nilson, and still strapped
to his back was the old pouch with
Ophir Christ miw mall. The lock was
rusty, und the pouch had to be cut
open. wax on the currency pack
age had rotted a hula through the
greenbacks. Some of the mail was
moldy, but a part of It could be read
quite easily. Accent I y I was looking
over the old mail pouches 1hat have
been stored away In the Inspector's
department of tho Denver post olllce.
"Mere it is," said the Inspector,
pulling out from near 1he bo i torn of
the pile the old mall pouch of Swan
Nilson. A card had been tl id on te
pouch; near the old rusty lock, oo
which was written the following:
"lhls pouch was in a snow-slide on
the dead carrier's buck for twenty
months, near Ophlr."
Hard lu Match.
Why don't you get a w ig, PerkinsP"
I would, but my hair is so hard to
match." Drake's Magazine,
A Acrnb to tha I nd.
The boy that Is given a scrub edu
cation is very apt to develop Into a
scrub man. 11a rent or buvs a scrub
farm, Invests in scrub stock, buvs
scrub implements and ralce scrub
crop. His pleusurcs and enjoyment
of life nre a'.l of the scrub order, and
his poor wife, as cho drudge wearily
through life, eeenn in her daily
rounds to m sounding the sad refrain
of her life, scrub, scrub, scrub!
Western riowman.
Little F.UIe (stamping and
about Ihe room In a rage):
I wi. my papa! 1 wlak I
I wlh
was my
Aunt Ada: ' What li the trouble,
Lltl: To.vzor's chewed my Christ
ma dolly" eyes into the buck of her
head, and I'm Jut cram full of little
eur uml miiiunin won't li t me .iy
'tin. ChliMw Juvenl.e,
A. mug iJiK.lton..
MM! Dot: ' Mamma, ht duet
:ran atlimtiy mcai.r"'
"Am tlm At, antic, of"
IMttln Dot; Dor Iran always mean
Ac4t.?" Mnmma: "Ve. Now,
iloa'l botlier me any more, I shall
put yon iold." Little Dull "Well,
leatiiina, iler irana-paival Uitaa a
'I0 iMiui.tf1',
"A nan prt tffW e birel of
apnU He told iU of lhm for
I.', J, and lie rent J"rd utl til
hand. How much did be ior"'
Akcdthe IvAi ber, II tlldn I ln
ttolbiitf," bwiid ui R farmer's bu;
1 Uiei lat he sui'kvd till urt )nt4
cldar." rerm. VwU A4 Moikinaa,
t ati h lb lUittii.Aii ami iiuAtUr
At miOiUt.t.
MMILMJ 4Pl7Vri KwrrlMuir acRcaptbat it ilonl par to quot prion. 0
1 Jirj JtALKril I anit how. lonif.!. H..ITH Itawarrr.
HI iVITII lVTTO I rallari(linturifootvrvthlrilttnijrll". flrat-claa work
JHUi IJ M III Pi IS., I and law .rii mwnnt. (Ho, Nattkhmkh.
Dlinir lI) A HV I Money loaned on vrjr ileauiiptlnn of valuable. C'allo US
ll JlUll ft II A U ft J. can rlo ym any o4. jH .
If ITt!irt A T I MKHf'H ANDIHR. Ourtoe Is nplets wit j evrrrthlnjr"in tt
M UollAJj' I iiiutivai line, frite to lull tnatliu. N. P. Cihti. k Co.
Do vou want to buy Dry
Goods? Do you pay "cash? If
so we want your trailc. Wc sell
for cash, and we guarantee to
sell to every one at the same
low price. If vou buy from us
and are not pleased with your
purchase when you get home
you can return it anu get your
money. Give us a trial and we
think wc will both please you
and save you money. f
Very respectfully,
Lincoln, Neb.
133 to!39 South 11th St.
-J-Jgtandard lSred TrOtUlliX StOCk.
fiome of the Slallions,
TTIORX I'RIXCE, moclziris.
The Boot and Shoe Man
Will save you Money and give you Satisfaction
in every instance.
THAT $2.5o SHOE.
THAT $3.oo SHOE.
I la vt' n wnwl iu ilif market tW wvslv nnl mv wkl you
want, IKi nut lny a tir f laatt f )uhn until y huvtt
ftiiiuutl fltH MtH-k mrtifH 'aHH'iiillv foi'ttmr cwt 'in. It will
I tn yur iiit.'iV't tiMt Iiiiii, '
use o stroot lias.