The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, April 18, 1891, Image 4
C5t $arae' Alliance, raUUk4 Xtott SaturUr by Thx Ai.i.uci Publishes q Co. Oh. Utk M4 M tttk, Llaoola, Hb. Editor .BullMH Manager "In the beauty of the UIIIm Chria ni bora ncroe the tea, WUfc a ( lory in hi boeom That transfigures yon and ma. Am ha trove to maka men holy Lat us atriTa to make them free, Slaoa God ia marching on." Jtlis 9'ard Bout. "Laurel crowni cleave to deserts, And power to him who power exert.' A ruddy drop of manly blood . Tha aurgliif aea outweigh." fmtrttn. "Bo who cannot reaaon la a fool, Ha who wiH not reuon ia a coward, Ho who dan not reaaon is a elava." TO CORRESPONDENTS. Address all business communication to Alliance Publlihtaf Co. Add res matter fur publication to Editor Tamer' Alliance. ' Article written on both tide of the paper aanot be uaed. Verjr lonf communications, raw oinnrne uaea. A GROSS .VIS.l PPREHESIQX. We dip the following from the Lincoln Herald of last week: "The Farmers' Alliance, feeling that the want of money is the universal cause of misery, and incited by dema gogical leaders, will lly at the throat of capital." . Is the demand for more money inimi cal to capital? It is claimed, we sup pose by "demagogical leaders" as well as others, that an inadequate supply of money impedes commerce, depresses prices, and deprives producers and laborers of the just rewards of their labor. If this is true it is certain that a larger supply of money would be di rectly in the interest of capital. The capital that is valuable to the country is invested in trade, in agriculture, in manufacturing enterprises, in building railroa Is or in making permanent im provements of various kinds that will be useful to the people, and bring in come to their promoter. Now isn't it evident that anything that lessens the reward of our tradesmen, our farmers, oar merchant, our railroad builders, cr any other of our people who are en gaged In industrial enterprise any thing thai Impedes and these enterprises, and hampers free exchange will lessen Bot only the volume of Vhtlnets, but the per cent reward of business, aud, consequently i iBrOUi to capital. IK) we need at this late day to taak an argument to show that a kxttaaiog of the volume of money In proportion to pepulntlou. created wealth or funded dit, due impede ev changes, lesseu price, dimlui.h the re ward of Ulior, trade, and all Muds id production, aud enable tu low men who handle utouey a a rutnaHhlity fur interest lu acounmUte U their handt the lrgt proportion of tU wta'.ih t the aati.n? Wt thiur, not. Debt io-day U waiver!. nrjimiuentat. netioMHtl. I' I aald that l bote aie H rfM).gu) iff finvUi Jli im teou. try. t ha come to be a stock arguutwat tl the fold bug of Ute in fatwr of a ett.aud ovatrvtlon of the money ycdntne, that "the largest proportion of the tiutMM of the country la coedoctad a rrdt bail This U fuel, but It la a lo tad and deplonhfe one. It it kit Maastural coi.dli'.oa teat ha tee brevfst about by the coatiaea'ly THE diverging volcmee of money and ex changeable wealth- The very debt spoken of demands an increased volume of money; because a aoon a a debt ia funded in any form it becomes an c-s-cnangable value, and demands money to exchange it. This principle also ap plies to increased values of real estate. Unless it can be shown that a people can thrive on debt unless it can be proved that it is a source of prosperity for a country to have all its producers, laborers, merchants, manufacturers, railroad builders, etc., etc., pay tribute in interest on the total volume of their business, as well as on an aggregate of funded debt that is appalling, to the small part of the community who make a business of loaning money, it cannot be shown that the Alliance in 'demand ing a larger volume of currency is "fly ing at the throat of capital." If our brother Calhoun will carefully think out the nature of capital as dis tinguished from money the nature of money as a government monopoly, and its effect upon the people as the primary exponent and controller of the laws of supply and demand as applied to all productions, he will not make any more auch brash breaks as in the extract quoted. Neither would he be so incon sisieni as to publish such a speech as Judge Broady's, with commendatory headlines, in the fame issue with the article from which we made the above extract. THE SECOXD VETO. The veto of a portion of the items of the content expense bill by Jimmy Boyd was one of the most contemptible cowardly pieces of spite work ever per petrated by any person exercising an executive office. That this fellow from Kilkenny should ever have been allow ed to exercise the functions of governor was and is an outrage. lie is not gov- rnor. By his own admission he is not a citizen of the United States, and so not eligible to be for a moment gover nor of Nebraska. This veto, allowing he republican officers their attorney's ices, and denying it to the independent ontcstants, is too vile to uame. If here ever was an election in the U. S. vbicli was carried by corruption and ribery and illainy, that of last Noveni- I wan t Via nna Tirn t linn rwt nij. les and unlimited quantities of money were it sued from one bank head quart ers in this city. That the whole vote of Omaha should have been thrown out there is no doubt whatever. Tho what-is-it who is posing as governor admits by allowing Mr. Powers' fees, that the c entest against himself was a just one. Mr. Powers has aeked for no special (sympathy or special favors. as a matter or policy the veto was foolish, as it lays the basis for a claim that will not down, and will occupy the time of the next legislature. And no allowance of fees could ever be so low as those in the bill tiiat was passed. There is only one form of words that can litingly characterize this governor by grace of the supreme court. There is only one characteristic of American society tha( has ever enabled him to move in so-called respectable circles that is the making the possession of gold the test of respectability. If it were not for this if he was measured by his principles, his morals and his practices, as he should be he would ie in tho slums now where he belongs. liaised to power by fraud, maintained raere by corruption, ho is the concrete lexponent and representative of the v ilest and lowest elements of American politics. MR. Ml EH WAX AXD MR. KOOXTZ. The Trenton Register of Apr. 10 has a austic article from the pen of Daniel AO. Sheridan criticising Senator Koontz, and alluding to an item in The Alli ance of some weeks ago in reference to him. This paper has no reason what ever to champion Senator Koontz. We thought Mr. Sheridan's former article did him injustice because it made no speeilio charges, aud we alluded to the matter in the interest of fair play. It is certain the senator's course caused much feeling iu his district. We thought his McCook.spe.ech very ill-advised and showing a disposition to fa vor the money class. THE CIXCJXXAT1 CVXUEXTIOX. , To our old friend J. W. Dorland, we will say we have been fearful as to the results of the above convention. But we are as anxious as he is or any man can be, for the people to get together on a practicable and honest platform. We shall go to Cincinnati to try tb ac complish that end; and if we fail then shall still keep trying. We have con tributed our nilte towards the meeting, aud will do everythirg in our power to make It a success. THE SUB TREASURY SCHEME. We would say to our friend David Tappan, of Custer county, If this should meet his eye, that the sub-treasury m heme was not endorsed at M l.ttiiU. ami our impression is that It was nt at tkala, Fla. Be that a it may, we would not for a moment upport any oigaulatlou that would rndor It. It i a fut scheme, w ithout a single good quality. l e regret to M e our friend so ready to worship meu who aie even now do ing all thry can to prevent the Mmm Uon of a per national party, and all they ran to turn the Adiance over to the deuieoratio party. We admire ludepadtn and ptn, blunt, rpeevh. a our friend uit v know, But Idling a naa Una Bar before you know he I I a lluila more tttaa blunt. It W Wttd Guv. lbitd fiial Knilu.l l It uu ! the dewrwaiie it of the Ml on ta t tc id (he New berry bid. The toierM' itntld hanliv e. eel a dying gtvan t he lt. low, swevt aim mutual, in huutf l uei rl that tfc party ha ! tacrine! 13 t r.r- ad, aud it It bot ejttywl. FARMERS' ALLIANCE, LINCOLN XEB, THE POLITICAL FITlfiS IX XE BRASEA. The independents of Nebraska have every reason to feel encouraged. Against the two old parties against the most compactly organized ring in the west entrenched in a long possession of the offices and patronage of the state against an avalanche of free passes and corruption money without stint they won a victory that was a surprise to the country. ' The legislators they elected came to Lincoln and against circumstances and combinations the most adverse, and handicapped by the treachery of several of their own asso ciates, made a most admirable record. The passage of the Australian ballot law was eue of the issues of the cam paign. The independent proposed it in their platform, and enacted it; and if they bad done nothing else they would have justified their election. So admirable has been its operation that no word adverse to it has been spoken, and all parties want to claim it as their work. We do not care now to go through the list of other good laws passed by the independent legislature. We pub lished the full list in our last week's is sue. Suffice it to say that no party ever before came so near enacting Its whole platform into law as did the indepen dent party of Nebraska. The past is behind us, with its con flicts, its triumphs and its mistakes. It is the future that we have now to deal with. We are eager to renew the bat tle for the rights of the people. We are sure of greater triumphs in tho future than any achieved in the past. We are ready to profit by the blunders we have made. The work before the independent now Is to capture the local offices in every county in Nebraska, preparatory to the great campaign of 102. It i none too soon to begin. How is this great work to be done We will tell you. By the leading men of the party and the Alliance in each county consulting with each other dis cussing the qualifications of the most available men for the different offices by carefully studying what combina tions as to persons and localities will bring the best results on the first Tues day in November by each man relin quishing personal ambition, and joining with his fellows in those measure which will bring outthe best men and be the surest to win success. The rock that new organizations often split on is the rock of personal ambition. Conven tions allow incompetent and dishonest men to be forced upon them, or they nominate candidates from motives which should never enter into the mat ter. In the approaching campaign let us avoid these dangers. Select only the best men. Select only men who are known to be honest. Integrity is the jewel we must strive for. Now as to the means. The word "or ganization" embraces the whole subject. We must make committees. Our sys tem is a representative one; and we know of no other way that w ill carry out tho will of the people except through duly elected representatives. A precinct campaigu committee should be fermed in every precinct, consisting of from three to live members. These committees should select their repre sentative to form the county committee. This couuty committee, as well as the precinct committee, should constitute a political club which should meet at fre quent intervals during the summer to discuss the situation, deviso ways and means, aud invent and execute mission ary work for the campaign, as w ell as to be developing the right men for the offices. Now do not wait for great numbers to take hold of this thing all at once. Remember, "Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there will I be also among them." Half a dozen meu in -each precinct working harmoniously together can carry al most any county in this state. We do not moan by this that the halt dozen will have to do it but that number or less can begin. And XOW is the' time to begin. THE RAILROAD JOfRXAl TELLS THE TRUTH OXCE. The Alliance is always ready and anxious to give credit w here it seems to be due. The Lincoln Journal is entitled to this notice fur the reason that it is now demonstrated that that paper pub lished a truthful statement at least once during the late city campaign. It in formed its readers one morning that for every vcte cast for Mayor Weir, it would count as half a vote for that moss-backed advocate of free coinage, Johu 11. Ames, The result has shown the truthfulness of the remark, for Mr. Ames didn't receive one half as mauy totes as Mr. Weir did, If .the Journal had only stated nlo that every vote for i Mr. Weir would count as four fifths of a vote for Mr. Alexauder !, its pro-1 pkecy would have been complete. IXTKRI IEM' ULTH MR.M.U'l XE ' A W sshitigtou psper give the fullaw lug Interview with Mr. Macuue, one of the Washington men w ho auuie to speak for the AtlUnce movement ( the I' tilted State. Comment Is utinece. ;tiy. Dr. Macune, editor of the ,tW A'tafteWiif. ld to the SunJii tiil.rttt that rl e r at ttieiV Alliance movement I griwlr2 ever day. ' it erowt upon what it teed, aid he, "eudtt Mcetiyta l fountain! v iutToasiuir What 1 my oidhlou vt Geo. Palmer elet-rfoti to llv f.Ulted Mate aeiutuf Wafll, in pa en! iHe wt.rJitvW5 victory l th Alliaut-e. t.VV I'a'wwr. o douM, w ill support me V loeie4 l.y th fMiueM, and I Uii 1 trv h cmlnhhi AlttmA l It M twtter that lh alliance hm I'VI'i " Plr ll.aa an alliance mail l'dtifv Mtu.!f la erdvr to tielt the i l the repultti can A Die dadio nee, think, wou a mlut, b am, St'tv Aunthvr rvMo w ay the tlevMo lain mill aiUam-e, puUUan w rny iu jjl I'alu'erwasa b-dtte tae re rial tad therefore increases our prospects of se curing a foothold in the upper house of con tri es. "The third party movement may cut something of a figure in the next cam paign, but the Farmers' Alliance, as an order, will continue as it is, outside of politics. If we were to become a third party it would be the death of the order. Some of the members of the order are getting restless and may encourage a third party movement, but any such course would be as individuals. Sun day Gait tie. THE COXGRESSIOXAL APPOBTIOX MEXT. The new congressional districts, as fixed by the bill passed by the late legis lature, with their population and as sessed valuation, are as follows: First District Cass, Lancaster, Otoe, Johnson, Nemaha, Pawnee and Richard son, fopulation, 177,045; valuation, 30,779.644 .W!. Second District Washington, Doug las and Sarpy. Population, 17,jO0; valuation, A000,221.8. Third District Merrick, Nance, Platte, Boone, Antelope, Madison, 1'ierce, Knox, Cedar, Dixon, Dakota, Thurston, Wayne, Stanton, Cuming, Burt, Dodge, Colfax. Population, 1U3, 24H; :.l(ll,033.55. Fourth District Polk, Butter, Saun ders, Hamilton, York, Seward, Filmore, Saline, Thaver, Jefferson, Gage. Pop ulation, lU4,y?U; valuation, :J1,64V Fifth District Clay, Nuckolls, Hall, Adams, Webster, Kearney, Franklin, I'heips, Harlan, Gosper, Furnas, Frontier, Bed Willow, Hayes, Hitch cock, Perkins, Chase, Dundv. Popula tion, 174,4!i; valuation, iib,007,l09.57. Sixth District Howard, Greeley, Wheeler, Holt, Garfield, Valley, Sher man, Buffalo, Dawson, Custer, 1-oup, Blaine, Brown, ' Bock, Keya Paha, Cherry, Grant, Hooker, Thomas, Logan, McPnersob, Arthur. Keith, Lin coln, Deuel, Sheridan, Dawes, Box Butte, Cheyenne, Kimball, Banner, iscotts J'.lutt, bioux. Population, 176,- H.1; valuation, 34,4.'M,6i5.0!. his apportionment is as favorable to he independents as could well be made. If they maintain their integrity and nominate good men they are absolutely certain to elect three congressmen.with good chances for one or two more. The vote on governor last fall in the fourth, fifth and sixth districts was as follows: Powers, 48,131; Kichtrds, 37,030; Boyd, 3'),434. "A BETTER DA )'." This is a little phamphlet of thirty four pages of poems, written by J. A. Edgerton. It describes in burning words the miseries of our present social system, and then voices the hopes of a better state of things. It is filled with stirring notes for those who labor. It demands justice for those who produce. No one can read it without gaining clearer ideas, loftier aspirations, nobler thoughts; without seeing with wakened vision, the end of the great struggle be tween capital and labor; and that end a day of rights, justice and brotherhood. We have space but for one quotation: "Men of Labor, why for others ever toil? ' Men of Labor, be ye brothers, not the spoil , Of the vampires w ho are taking All the wealth that yeu are making; Of the serpent that would crush you iu its coil. "Why be slaves? Why waic you longer? Be ye free? Ye thau these are mightier, stronger. Liberty! Shout that watchword into heaven; Shout until your bonds are riven; Shout until the sounds ring over land aud sea." Mr. Kdg. rton is a cousin of J. W. Kdgcrton, the independent candidate for attorney general; aud is still a young man; one w ho will yet do yeo man service for the independent move ment. The book may be had at this office. Price in paper, 20 cents; in imitation morocco 2 cents. IWAXSirERED LETTERS. Mr. Burrows' illness, which still con tinues, (though he is slowly recovering,) has resulted in a great accumulation of unanswered letters, and unedited cor respondence for the paper, we beg the indulgence of our correspondence for a w hile longer. Meanwhile to the many kind friends who arc sending us such letters as we received from Bro. R. W. Inness of Shelby, under date of April 10th, we return our sincere thanks. These words of appreciation and encourage ment hold us up in our work as nothing else could. We beg all to accept these lines as an ausw-er. Jl'DGE BROAD )".S' ADDRESS. We invite a careful reading of the ex tract from an address liv Hon. J. H. Broady, judge of the First district, published in another column. For many years we have been advocating the truths which Judge Broady so hap pily illutrate. We cannot express the pleasure we feel In seeing the ablest men of nil clashes come to our aide, as they are now doing. It" Dr. F. .s. Billing ha l-eeu ap pointed by the regent of the Uuiversit.V a the director of the exj l iuienU upon and luveotlgiitlous of dieat-o( domes tic animal. The University 1 receiving !5,oo per year under the Hatch lull for the purpote of such luvent gntioii. A lab oratory should have Ueu provided y tbettat for that purpooe. Bui a it was not. the Uulu rslty w ill u mh rwm a it may have ir tan temporarily ob laid, tl'We an not prepared -the world I not prepared for the demotutUatioii of !thtf gold or ailver, tor can thl piurtitw Ui brHyh about without the wiping out of a very lar part of public and private debit IMt ron traded wh'-n Uth metal are hhI at money would U but den too heavy to im borne measured by a tingle IMdavdfnt't .JfdU'vKi'l k Am, SATURDAY, APR. 18, PROFESSORS OF AGRICULTURE AXD HORTICULTURE IX THE STATE UXllERSITY. The regents of the state university at their meeting last week took steps to fill two very important positions in the faculty. For some time they have felt that it was desirable to make full provi sion for instruction in practical agricul ture and horticulture. Thus far the instruction in these two branches has been on the scientific or theoretical 6ide, rather than the practical. The receipt of the new fund the so-called "Morrill fund" from the government of the United States, has made it possi ble for the regents to appoint professors in these two departments. Accordingly, Prof . Charles L. Ingersoll was elected to the chair of agriculture, and Fred erick W. Tayior to the chair of horti culture. Professor Ingersoll graduated from the state agricultural college of Michi gan some fifteen or sixteen years ago, and immediately afterwards was ap pointed assistant in agricuiture in the same college. After some years of ex perience there, he was elected to the chair of agriculture in Purdue Univer sity, Indiana, where his work was so successful that within a short time he was elected president of the state agri cultural college of Colorado, which position he occupies at the present time. He is a man of mature mind, with wide experience, and an ability to work which has made him successful where ever he has been. This election is one of the strongest that ceuld have been made, and it indicates that the regents propose to do everything in their power to make this department equal to any in tho country. Frederick W. Taylor is a native of Nebraska. He obtained his early edu cation in some of the academies in south ern Iowa, after which he engaged in practical horticulture, under the train ing of the most successful horticulturists in the west. A number of years ago he engaged in horticultural work with his brother, with headquarters in Omaha. The firm of Taylor Bros, owns exten sive grounds near South Omaha. Mr. Taylor has been for a number of years president of the state horticultural so ciety. He has received the hearty en dorsement of the members of that socie ty for the position to which the regents elected him. He had a good deal to do with organizing the experimental work which the society is undertaking this spring, in connection with the state ex periment station, work which he will continue to do in his connection with the university. Prof. Taylor will at once take steps to improve the orchard, vineyard, and small fruits on the col lege farm, and within a few weeks will begin a course of lectures to the stu dents. He is not entirely unknow n to the university students, having met many of them at the meetings of the horticultural society, and also having delivered lectures on forestry to them during the winter term. It is gratifying to be able to call at tention to these two appointments, which are significant of the intention of the regents of the university. It is hop ed that the practical men iu agriculture and horticulture will take advantage of the opportunities which are now ollered for instruction in practical lines. It is honed also that farmers and gardeners will feel free to write to these professors for any information which thev may wish. The New City Charter. The new charter for Lincoln having been signed bv (iovernor Bovd it is now a governing law. There are some radi cal changes, some of which have been touched upon and some haven't. The polls will hereafter open at 8 o'clock in stead of 0. The water commissioner and three members of the board of pub lic works are added to the list of elec tive ollicers. No inspector of any kind shall be appointed who is not practi cally versed in the duties of his position. A building inspector is added to the list of appointive ollicers. Seven council men at large are to be elected every two years, no two of whom shall be from the same ward. In determining who are elected, co ni pari so us must be made of the vote for the meu of the same ward. The city marshal aud such num lcr of the police as the excise aud po-. lice board may authorize shall be ap pointed and may be removed by the ex cise board. Taxes become delinquent on Decem ber 1 following the levy, but if one-half is paid on or before the same becomes delinquent, aud the other half before the following June, no iuterest shall be charged thereon. The mayor aud the council are given power to require any railroad company whose tracks cross the streets of the city to coustruct and keep in repair any viaduct or viaducts, over or under such tracks, which shall also include the approaches to the same, not exceed-1 Ing 500 feet. The damages shall bo assessed acainst thenronertv benefited. The board of public works is to have supervision of the w ork of building the viaducts. Unpaid water tax is made a lien against the property where the same is furnished. That part relating to streets and alleys Is amended in va rious ways, chief of which is that if a majority of the property owners abut ting a street which is to I paved or graded petition, tho same may be doue by day's work. "The mayor and city council shall cause to be published semi-annually a statement of ihe receiptsof the city ami the exjienditure. Ihe city clerk is also leqiiiteil to publish au advertise tnent iu mt eniuer tatlug the prvietble pliant to such a degree u to make their amount and kind of supplies, personal : nation a financial bencou light to the property and material by the world. city diiiiug tho year, and invite bids The annual product of gold and silver theielore. Such bid are to l opened from the mine i not and never has been by the Ixmrd of pi.blio works, and ; proportionately equal to the nunual In awarded by the council, It I made un- icivaaeof property, the laud aud chattels, lawful for aoycliy officer to purchase Iu the United Stale, and there is no tupp'io from anyoue oiBer lhau tlw i tnvetil contra, lor, uuder penally of I mtiim. j Tan excise board shad have power , aud it shall be th duty of the board ! " apiniHs a loin ui aij'i aiten ; oilier elncor atrd policemen to the e tent that the fund ivmy im provided to pay salaries a ma im nwestary lor the protection and efficiency ui the po lice, aud to tuaiiitala oidur ami protect pcop-rty, the nun, be r of poAceuiea shall b determined by the mayor aud rvi-ite Urd and thai? nut exceed mote than one to every 4,'ou of lb popula l.ou No ward shall roo'ain ! that 7.0"O inhabitant, aud thte shall not be les lhaa tlx, a eomoiui aud eq'ialin impu tation a potuui 1891. J. IL BROADY ON MONEY THE ABLE JUDGE CfF THE FIRST DISTRICT GIVES HIS VIEWS. INTEREST EATS UP THE WORLD. Extract From His Address of Welcome to the Annual Meeting of the Im proved Stock Breeders Association. The Producer Must Have Justice. . Take the people of Nebraska; they have no money, not cash enough to pay their debts, of course there are excep tions, but I speak in general terms. All we have are real estate and chattels. This condition brings us face to face with the greatest public question in this nation or any other the currency, and if you will bear with me a moment, I conceive it to be a question that is prop erly to be talked to-day to the produc ers as it has always been talked among other classes of men; and I wish to throw out just a few ideas, which I dis claim anybody else being responsible for. So far as the welcome is concern ed I speak by authority, but now I speak on my own responsibility. Mou ey is a pure fiction of the law, for the purpose of facilitatingexchange of lands and chattels. When tobacco was mon ey in Virginia it still, as a chattel, was just the same to smoke and chew. The money part was a pure fiction. Gold, as a chattel, is good for ear rings, but the money feature is a pure fiction of the law. Silver, as a chattel, is good for spoons, the money feature being simply a legal fiction. Now then in this legal fiction the currency of the country is balanced against the real estate and chattels. This balance may be likened to a teeter board of school boys with the currency on one end and the prop erty on the other. The selfish ambi tion of those at each end in this money fiction is to keep themselves up and to put the other end down, to keep the weight on of their own end and force it upon the other. Now when the in crease on the property end is out of all proportion to the increase of the volume of currency on the other end, then the property meu go down and the money men go up. When this is so, the money men do not wish to ex? hange currency for property because they ride higher and dryer as they are; and the property meu are down sticking in the mud want ing a fair exchange which they cannot get. When the increase of the volume of currency on one end is greater and out of proportion to the increase of the real estate and the chattels ou the other, then the two horns of the dilemma have changed. In either case exchange is obstructed, commerce depressed. The only way to make it just is to have this board on a horizontal level, with the balance just and equal at the opposite ends in order that they afford increased facilities for exchanges from one end to the other as they like, without making an uphill business for the other. This is such a patent proposition that the very money fiction recognizes it and says it must be so and so consid ered; that always this board is on a level and the balance is just. If it is law that it must be so considered when it is not so, when the weight is too great at one end for the other, then, notwithstanding me legaincuon to me contrary, tne ob struction to exchange and trade is just the same as though' the board was con sidered in law tolie as it actually is, up at one end and down at the other. So we say that when there is an increase upon one end of this fictitious board out of all proportion to the increase on the other, beyond and greater than an in crease to the other, then that other gets the benefit of the excess. Now the in crease on the property end of the board is the very aim of industry aud to pro mote which the money fiction itself was established. Aside from the producer of the bare material which bears the government stamp of money, which is but a drop iu the bucket, all producers including the builder, the bread raiser, the railroad builder as well as the house I builder go as increase on the property riiu ui ure uuiiiu. iow iu oruer inai the producer have his own aud that jus tice be done to everybody else the vol ume of currency should be increased in the same proportion. If it is not done the wrong crowd gets a portion, of the fruits of industry. If it is not done the principal of the currency, w hile it does not in figures increase in amount, does iu fact and practically in effect increase in its power and effect over property, and then conies iu additiou to that in crease ou the principal, the interest which sucks life from property and adds life to money. Nations are not in the habit of doing justice in this regard and they never w ill be until the producer becomes as potent a factor in legislation as the currency manipulators. Tne Jews the world over understand this. They are not producers, they are not proper ty holders, yet there are no other people so rich. Why, sir, one of their families, the Rothschilds, must be consulted by the powers before a European war can be had; and so it is with all who stick to currency, to money only and let prop erty alone. They are just as sure to come out ahead of the producer in the end as the proprietor of a faro bank is to come out ahead of his patrons. The money fiction has been perverted and instead of being a mere medium of ex change it has become also an iustrumeut of prey; and so you see the older a gov ernment becomes the more unequal is the distribution of its wealth among its citizens. We readily see how a little legislative legerdemain on the currency puts the fruit of industry i: tho wrong hands. The conttol of legislation to this end has forages been a study with tho Kuropean aristocracy, until it has become so high an art that it may well be called a science with them, and there are uo Hies on their prototypes on this side the Atlantic. But when Franco was overrun in 1170. the government overthrown and bankruptcy under old theories Impending, that iuVention boru of necessity tore idem looso from the old selfish theories, lauding them on their st I'd n ir unlive hoi'si'.t.iii trinm. reasou to believe it ever will bo. Tke demonetization of tilver In the Uuited Mate in ! J w as the greatest outrage ever perpetrated bn Ibis goverutueut by the wilv crowd on the currency end of ins ooaru against Win l.tiUilnl and U- tiding producer ou the n' end, w ho wer tou much auwtrUd Iu sU a'htlor w.d busiue iu eai-h ou lo Ihe i heme iu Hum to prevent It. And uow the skiiiu vuireucT crowd sound Ihe danger of the retcritou of silver. They do ool refer to any lnd eiWt en France Itolii her double standard lo-daT. Hat Ihey take this money Helton of which I hate Hikn aud build liction upon Ik lion aud theory upon theory until we are ld into a wtldemrs of ,eue and Benseuae where It I llnpu.iibl to tell whether ' the teke that uudt lb track was going on or coming back." In an older country, comparatively finished, the currency men will naturally become predominant in public opinion, and it drifts to the producer's end. So we see the west to-day mainly atone end of the board and the east at the other. If one side work for ita am-n ininnui should not the other also? "Lay on, MacDuff ; and damned be he who first cries enough." This is to be the empire of the world, and in the winged words of the brainy Senator Jones, of Nevada. oumi ue iet anxiey to snow what goes for money in Europe, and more anxiety to know and obtain what Dasses for nmnevin Amurlna " Tkn..n 1 J .....v , n 1UUUUU Jefferson, the greatest scholar and tn- uciu mai ci 01-cupiea tne presidential chair, whose forte was his trenchant pen, said he sometimes came to rules of grammar and rhetoric that he could do nothing but violate and he violated them. Napoleon, the world's greatest military eitf:iiti. often pnp.nmitttff itil.a .:f itary tactics and science that he could do nothing with but violate. He did not hesitate to violate them. Let us hope that w hen the time comes to vio late old financial theories that the Na poleon of finance shall arise. The American Live Stock Commission Company. Soith Omaha, Neb., April 11. The live stock commission men of Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha and St. Louis some time ago combined iu a close corporation, known as the Live Stock Kxchange, under the same or similar reiuauous ami ruies, me viola tion of which the otiending member was subjected to dismissal from the ex change with a fine of from 200 to 91500. The whole purpose of the exchange wa9 to prevent tlie owners and feeders of stock from selling their own and to prevent tbem from employing any one to sell for them, unless it was at two or three times the cost of selling, and auy return or rebate of any part of this ex orbitant commission was a crime pun ishable by fine and dismissal from the exchange. This exchange is com posed of both the commission men sell ing and the buyers for both packing and exporting. I tie American Live Stock Commission company is composed of only owners and feeders of stock and they propose to sell their own stock through their agents. Last year it cost only about one-third of the commission charged by the exchange, aud it is the aim of this company to return the net earnings each year to the stock holders. according to t lie amount of stock each one ships. This return is just what the exchange is kicking at. The Stock Yards company have taken the ground that their yards must aud shall be open and free to all sellers and buyers alike, as the following contract will fnllv sh ow : "Article of agreement made between the South Omaha Stock Yards com pany (limited) and the American Live Stock Commission company and others interested: In consideration of the American Live Stock Commission com pany and others doing business with the South Omaha Stock Yards company; that said South Omaha Stock Yards company (limited) agree that all per sons, corporations or companies deal ing at such stock yard, shall have the same rights and privileges granted or conferred, to, or upon any person, com pany or corporation, by such stock yards company, directly or indirectly, shall be withheld from any other per son, company or corporation, and that said Stock Yards company will prevent, so far as lies in their power, any and ail companies or persons doing business in said stock yards from boycotting, or ob structing other buyers, sellers or other commission men in carrying ou their business, aud said South Omaha Stock Yards company agree to forfeit to the person or persons injured by the in fringement of said agreement, one hundred dollars for tho Jirst infringe ment and from one to five hundred dol lars for its second or third infringe ment, as their injury may be shown to be. "Witness my hand, this first day of April, mil. W. N. Babcock, 'Approved, General Manager. "W. A. 1'axton, Vice-I'res." Now the Stock Yards company have full power to enforce this contract. which is only just aud right; .therefore the shippers may fear uo boycott of their stock. K very car of stock will be sold on its merits alone. Now, brother, I can assure you that you will receive the same price for your stock as with any other firm. A trial shipment will prove this to you. The members of the exchange are mak ing desperate efforts to secure stock to sell, and instances arc known where their agents have offered more at your statiou than the stock was worth on the market, aud if tho offer was accepted to even up on beating tho seller iu weight. The only safe way is to ship jour own stock, for no middle man can live and pay you all stock is worth, and the sys tem of co-operation will always be to your advantage. Yours, fraternally, Ai.lex Hoot, Agent. t"Cheap sugar in the last week has turned every grocer's shop into an open argument for the McKinley tariff bill and protection. Philadelphia Press. Cheap sugar the past week has turned every grocer's shop into an open argu ment for only that part of the McKin ley tariff bill which removes the tax from one of the necessities, and con demns of itself all the balance of the bni- The Newberry bill was vetoed iu the interest of the farmer. Of course the farmer doesn't seem to see it, but it must be true, as every railroad organ in the state swears to ft. The demo cratic party is the Mercutio iuthe quar rel between the ruilroads and the farmer. Lincoln Herald. jyWe publish iu this issue an ex quisite practical gem from the pen of Mrs. Mary liaird Finch of Autelope county. Nothing liner ha appeared for a long time. Endorsing Senator Michener and Repre tentative Brcderson. Resolutions passed by Blue Ridge Siiltordiuate Farmers Alliauce, number 10-Vi, April ut, lHiil. ktsolitd, That we the memlter of said Alliauce congratulate and heartily com mend our Squalor from this district, N. i. ;,M'eheiier and )lo. Brcdcrsoti our representative, for the good work and the color they have shown, in slaudii g lirm for their people and their atatc; aud that w UiliuveGiKi will stand by them a the; do by the people; unit to them we hereby exteml our slmero lhaov. for Ihe faithfulness end perse veruce they have shown, Kttottfd, That we tli mtimticr of Blue tlidtfe. Alliance, No. lo.Y.', de nounce Ci.lllii of (iagu. and Tavlor of Loup a traitor to the independent attiy and their state. Aud he it further AWW, t hat N. M. Mil turner and Ole Brote.'isott be furnished a copy of these resolution, l Tub Fanwih Allixsji and the Strouubtirg Uad light t'T publication i . W. Punas", T. V. 'Tsidbt. ' $ccreUrf , T