....... a Wr- to tot ; . mi r A m. -w Am anr r m a i a. x ar- at i mm m mm m mm m im m m is VOL. II. LINCOLN, NEB., SATURDAY, APR. 11, 891. NO. 43. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. xmAnOMi Ai tb. MalMt and obaft IHU of aotifylD subscriber of tb. date f tbetr expiration w. will mark tbl nolle with blue or rwd p.oolhoa tb. date at which th.lr subscription expire. W. will Mod tb. paper two wMki after expiration. If not re pawns 07 HBl um. II Will mm owwouuun. 1891. APRIL 1891. Jik Mo. Til We. Th. Fr.lSa. 1234 JLJLL 11 Jii 12 J3 J4 J5J6 JJ8 J9 0 222 3 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 THE MARKET8. tblceco Mr. Uk. UIO HTlKJ YASIJ, I Cmoaoo, April 7. f CATTLK -Eetlmated reneipt. 4.W bead. Natives, ; Tf Zf.; cow mill bull, i:ttlfiW Texan, f 1 .HtjjAMI. Auikut trolia. UXiH - tiinuUl .'ipU, MX bed. Heavy, tOV,M.l; irjiXMi, 4.41lU0.ii light, mA.mmi 'i). Market wrung. BliEKi'-Katlvea, ..;74,Vflfi; western, 94.00 6.(10; Texan, ft'lli'.Jb. Hmim City Lira Stoek. KAACrrr, April 7. CATTLE-Estimated rerwipta, 1,1M baed; bhimeute, I.IOU bead. BUsr, 1.76,l; now. tl.VHjiM; sUskur. sntl ftxxiuls. i'.tfipL14. lerkut etaady to stroufc-Mr. UCXi-KUmtlr.iut4,WiO bead: blp niut, heed, All grade. Market lower. Uoihi Live Stock. Umoff brook Yard, 1 Omaha, April 7. 1 CATTLE Ketlma tad receipt., t.W haa. Woe tMtnk 1,360 to ft, ...iWJV.7f.; choic , J.lfiO to l.aw , t.UKfeft.(; tine to (food. er, ta'iwJ 76, Mark opeued rtrou end vliwud low nd WMik. IKXiM-ENtimtttod r"!pU. l.mbmA. e,UXtH.U; mix"!, W .i faitkvy, 4 W4t4.1W. rkot opn4 lmdy to 6c lowr od cluw4 troof. bUKKP-Ktlintd rclpM, W hd. Cbuic tnuttoiia, 4.Ut,,.U; fulr to v'kmI S.l.Cxdl 4.60; common tmmUr. 11.111)1. Mirkt tc to 1U: lowt-r: kmj1 ftbtxrp in domaud Md trootf la prt-; uAlity, ooiuatou. TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS, Tfaa Waxhlngton job printer bav won their fttrike for fewer hour and greater I'renidi'nt Goinper, of the Federation of Lftlxir, orKHoized a trade gMMemblr at Oubkoxh, Wlfc The wale of the ereat Deletnar mine in Owyb county, Idaho, to a coniiitttiy of XatcUxh capitallNte haM been complcU-a. The latent Chicago world' fair ncbeme ia a pan-American triMlicnl congreMt. It will be laid before the American Medil attociation at its meeting May 6. John Harper, preMiilent of the Pittsburg clearing hoiiMe and of the liauk of I'ltu burg, h dead, aged 80 year, llewunat one l ime prominent in Ohio polltica. i r Lizzie 1 hi threw vitriol into the face of ' Oeorgn Zulwr at Baltimore, HI fa wan frightfully burned, and he will lome the aight of Iiim right eye. The girl acciiMsa hi in of leading her to hur ruin. Chief of Police Martin ikirgman of De troit haw r5Higne4 at the demand of the newspaper. Hla failure to make any heal way in the matter of the went Per rin alMluct ion, atarted the cruwtde agaiunt hi in. Jt In ald that arrangement! are making to etttalilitih in Kan Franciaco a big augar factiiry to etimpete with Hprecklea and the truNt rcfinericM, Kteele 6c Co., augar mer chant of Kan Francinco, are prominent in the projoct. An effort in making to obtain the pardon of County Treasurer J. A. lloetnan of C) borne, convicted a year ago ofetiibez allng county fundi. A etition forbiare leuHe will be preneuted to the atate board of pardoim t Iiim month. (ioveriior KranciN signed among other, the Kheltori bank bill, the achool book, bill nnd the Australian ballot extension act. The governor yet haa thirty bills to consider, and it is sjild to be doubtful if he aign them all. Itii.hur,! V Hull ....... I 09 un,l rku.U J. Hull, lined 41, were atruck by a Wush- inKiou express train, neven muea from Uultimoie. Kii liiinl was Instantly killed and Charles fatally Injured, llolh men were traveling niusiciiins, lnaiuurral over a trivial matter at oitagu t liy, James .McNaiues shot (ieorge iKMiver, editor oi i lie Usage ('ouiity 1 linen. The bullet tmk elfect iu I louver's head, but it is not believed that the wound will prove Intnl. MeNaineN waa arrestexl, Kx Ki uator llliiir say that hi aenti liienlH t,n the Chinese, question have been misivpieHeiited by many ueM'spMr and that he intends to ai'cept the pluie of mlu Isler to China tendered hint liy President Harrison. Mr. lllair had a interview with the president last Mittday, HarHr& Itrot hers deny tli.il the Hv, Dr. Mi'iideiisliall of Cleveland Is the au thor of the finiioiis novel, "The 11 re ad WltinelV At leuil they My that he I aot kuoun to them a mat h, and that h waa not paid for the work, nor Is h. rth eelving the royalties from tha aal of lb novel. Owing u complaint of hi iuauagw liirut fi.iiu b. r.uglisU stisk holders. U. W, Kiiupw.n, preMdeiil of lb O. II. lUiit liioud 'iu kluu lloiiMnuuiliy of Chli o. ban rrlgtHMl, 'lite liaiiuiiiiitd ha a psld upi uptuil oi ;ji',l", with olll.vs in I M iko, ii.ioi. New York and la nver. r re l II Tbwiug, iireident of lit. Am.r ban National Uuk ol Atkatisa City, wlili It re.ei.tly l under arnwt, t lmrtiil wlih Iruitduieotly isoutnj a e.r till. , tie i.f depul of Win tnltertar Is4 impiuMted by rumor in usdtiou Uaiiiia and M'haatiuiml diiiiiia,tiiu r tH I ml. I'runu f Marin h. hmtm. Hill I.Uf, VUh, AjTil l.-Tbo i4ib itl ttsk i f lb t htir U (ii, Hi. tti.Hi (NMwrlivu Mi-ri aiUtl. utltmiu, ba Ut a liureMd liilLV'Vt.tniii, Th dtvl d. u l fur year were f I JW.taai, u lt rwrv. (mot now am jhhu ! ftlj, Th rvi li t. f.ir lh yrar ru linu haturday wr. .l,lua,ni tbi, an Im rea-e if tUiMai!) a x.iumed Mitlt Ui tear. tm a Tanw, Aj.rU 7 aU !. Un t ti t-t trrahlettl of III HuWty da lln da tfw. tear, uu to i, vm , .,&.; viiutue cow, z.7 4.1(6: common to medium cow, 11.1x.76; native fowler. ml.1Uiiri.Uil uomiooo native Feed IGNATIUS IS DEFIANT Ee Calln the Charges of Briber? Game of Bluff. TOOK ARSENIO IN COURT. Tk.aia Hafn.r, C.nvleted of Murder, Attempt Buleld .t Il.over llllnol ' l'aatrrelter Captured A Mother' Terrible Crime. St, Tacl, Minn,, April 7. Referring to the charge of the Piower-I're In Mawer to hia uit for $10,000 damage for libel, rknator Donnelly naid: "Tlw editor of the Pioucer-PieaM, liaving gotten into a bud boat, are playing tuperidou game of bluff. They have merely gone over the tilt of the leading Minnesota paper for the laat twenty five year and made of every intimation that I hud offered or rweived a bribe a direct charge. In a word, of a hundred Hilly campaign roorbudia they bavt built a mountain of corruption, 'which in a few week will bring forth a poor little monae," Mr, Donnelly's attorney haa made a motion In-fore Judge Hick to require the Pioueer-Preaa to atate fully and definitely tint name of the oflhrr or agent or the Central Panne railway coin puny through whom Mr, Donnelly i charged with having received f,iHM). An affidavit accompanied the motion, in which Mr. Donnelly (wear that he it innocent of the charge and need in formation to defend hitnael against the accusation. Tb Indlcit.d Dlrerlom. Nkw Yoitg, April 7, Notice wit aerved on Diatrict Attorney Nicoll by Page & Laflin, connat'l for tin- twelve indicted director of the Hartford and New Haven itailroud coiiiimnv. that a motion would 1m inude in the atipreme court for a atay of proceed tnga on the indictment found against them. The uiuulct atwney waa alao nol Hied that on the Kith of the month a motion would Im made for removal of the caw from th court of general gion to that of h court of terminer, The notice of motion ia accompanied by afTiduvit of Preaident Ciiurle P, (Jlurk and John M, Bower, biographical vketcher of the twelve director, and a package of news paper clipping lwfore the coroner and grand Jury, The affidavit, of Mr, Clark and Mr. liower relate to their connec tion with the railroad. The director have been notified to apcur next Wednesday. NIk Iiobber In Court, LokAsuklim, Cal., April 7, Henry Miller, stuge robber and all-around highwayman, hail hi examination be fore United Htatea CommiHeiouor Van Dyke, He wa held in fl.OOO bail and waa taken to Arizona to tttand trial in the United Htate court for robbing mail and aaaaulting a mail carrier. Dr. J, M. Hurley, who waa an eye wltnoai to Miller's crime at the time he held tip the Caau Orande sUge in 1H1H in An zona, waa here and tetifkd for the gov eminent. He ixwitively identified Miller. Miller M ill Ui tried 'for robbinp the Waverville atagt on March 19. It he ia convicted iu Arizona the law pre scribeN that hia jmnislimciit ahall be im priaonment for life. Took Ar.enlt! In i'ourt, Dbnver, Col., April 7. Thonma Heflt- ner, who haa bum on trial in the crimi nal court here for the killing of China man Jim Lay, in this city laat fall, wa brought into court to hear the verdict of the jury. When the verdict. "Mur der iu the second degree," wa read Heffner was seen to raise a muull vial to his mouth and swallow the contents, PhyKiciuiiH were called and a atomucl. pump applied, which saved the life of the would-lie suicide. The vial con tained araeni c, and would have killed twenty men. A ItUtr.uliiH Tragedy. Nkw Vouk, April 7. A tragedy oc curred in Kutrt Kahway, N, J. A An ton Henry and hla uewly wedded wife were leaving the bride's home for the train the guenU crowded to the door with rice and old shoe to bid the couple God speed, lit tiry Mets, a friend oi the groom, nretl a salute rniin a re volver anil AnUm Henry fell dead. Met filed too low. It U Is lit ed Met wa under the influence of wine. He waa arrested. I'.lal la Lar, llHibtaag, Pa., April 7,At la, hi an eipliwioti ot natural gas incurred in a row of frame lion on Irwin alley One house waa Wily wrecked and eleven luen terribly burued. The plivnl rlaii ay four of thut have nneive-l fatal Injuries, All of the vti tliu are Hungarian and, with oittt euvptioii, have faunliK llvlnh tu lh ol I nuuary, The eiitMnn wa due Ui lite ugligenc Of luplt.ytw of (ha Natural (la cunt iay, (Mi.rrll.r api.r.4. pKokU, Ilia., ApnlT -Fwoin tlun ewunlerfidl nit kle hava !' inakihg Uwir apisrancw Iti ll mlribuMoii but of tka vhiirt hea of IbU t'ti v ud at oltwr r latest, 1 he Ui)lef y of wher llwv cam rt wa itsl, wkm W. W, ue on, John WoU and l Irani rdi.tuf young men. living iu Mn it, Tm wttl vMuitiy, were srrwsUM and bslsl m here. I Im l'sd id f mm ei L iter and a half huhid of lb. hugn nt tie w ili raMurod, lt .1 li. I in, Ibattvi. April t. -The ff fain) attU UiH ;Mtr snl tiinric r f.rmr, h-4.tin , Inii klm f uu, dwd I hltl i tin' lii AulmfioUte, WESTERN STOCKMEN. Aaa.al Heeling .f Wyoming Caltl. U rower at Ch.jrenn., Cuevknxe, VVyo., April 7. The an nnal meeting of Wyoming stockmen held here, was well attended, prominent rattle growers being present from Wyoming, Colorado, Montana and Ne braska. John Clay, Jr., of Chicago acted as president of the meeting. An address wa made by Stock Agent Leary, of the Union Pacific, who said that m.OOO cattle would com north this year. Instead of inspecting them at the unloading point they would be inspected where shipped, and would not be accepted without a clean bill of health. The retiort of the officers of the KtfM'k aswM'iation show it to lie in a g ui financial condition. A large number of cattle thieves have been suc cessfully prosecuted during the year, A better feeling ts-rvadnd the meeting than lias Deen manifested. lor several years. Cattle have wintered well, price have an upward tendency, and stock men anticipate a return of at least a part of the old-time prosperity in the business, SILVER ANNIVERSARY, Celebration .fib. Grand Army llrganlaa- tlwa Tw.ntyllv. Year Ago, DWATUll, Ul., April 8. The city filling tip with Grand Army veteran for the encampment. The festivite be gan last night at the Grand opera house where services were held to coiumetn orate the twenty-fifth anniversary. Gen, Veaaey, Gen, Ogleeby, and Gen, Mars den of Lowell, Maas,, were among the dignitaries tircsent. The exercises con aisled of axldri'ssos, historical sketches and music. The Grand Army bad it birth here twenty-five years ago, th first post being organized by Gen. B. F. Htephenson of Springfield, Ills,, with twelve charter members, six of whom are living and were present at the opera house lust night. Wednesday will be tne oi g nay o: tne wecg arm ttiousaiKi of veteruns are expected to participate in the silver anniversary parade, Thurs day and Friday the business meetings of the enmampmetit and the woman ra- PLOTTED IN VAIN. Mad Men and Women and Ibelr Hold C'.n.plracy. Nkw YoK, April 7 11ie six plot ters i!oncerned in the conspiracy to captore the estate of Loring A, Robin on, the millionaire merchant who died in Brooklyn on Oct. 10 last, m-e ur raigned in the court of general session They were ('assie Brooks, livron V. Cohi'U. John F. Baker, Howard Uelclier, Kdward L. Ktudwell and Mrs. Mary west, liaaeranu coiien vere ik-ki in tl.M) each, as were also Howard Belcher and Miss Brooks, Mrs, West and Ktudwell were sent to the house of detention as witnesses. Their bail was fixed at fiOO. Although Baker's bail was nxed at fl.MH), He was permitted to leave tne court on ins own recognl cance. M iss Brooks and Belcher were remanded to the care of Inspector uyrnes at the police heudonarters, Belcher has not been hi-retotore con cerned with the plot, and might have escaped arrest but for the fact that in ner confession Miss Krooks charged the man with being; instrumental in getting her to impersonate the widow of the dead millionaire. Until recently he waa employed as a uartender by the notori ous 'loin Gould. His arrest is consid- erod lv the imlic na a most iinnnrfunt- one, biokam, the other conspirator is still iu Ktaniford, Conn. Application was made to theauthorities of that town for his surrender to the New York of ficials, but they refused, claiming that tne application wan not a proper one, tne magistrate before whom he was ar raigned iu Ktaniford discharged hnn, but he is still under surveillance. A reouiit inn will Ixt nei-nsMiirv ls.fWn li will lie turned over to the New York officials. MORMON CONFERENCE ENDED. Tb. Mei-lln AddreiiHtd by (ieurg. Q Cmuimiii ii the l'nly(amy (nestlou. Halt Lakk, Utah, April 7,The con ference of the Mormon church ended. George O, Cannon made an address, in which he said that the church wua very anxious to know what the government was going to do with the matter of their dealings with their plural wive. and that he hoped that they might be penult ti ll to kii p t Item on at count ol the ties that existed, but tiny did not kuow. lie counseled thriu to do as the law said, ami that it tln-v were not s r inltted to k p tlu iii to do aa I hey were comiuaiidml ami resisHt the statute, ltd let the burden, if suv, fall ott t)n Lord. Hall Waal, la Meet nrhelt. Hah FHAKilattt, April .-Jim Hall, the Australian iuiddltweight, antmu..i- hi nadiui-s Iu light Jim Corbet! houlil I't trr Jst kst.n be uiiabl. to bp pear III the ring Ural month. Peter fall fhnu the dogcart shimk him up badly and gave Kim an iigly prtii ot the ankle, lull it I Uioiihl he will r- cover the use of hi leg Iu lime In ct.in idel. bu training. Although Hull tight oitlv at IM suioU, he he ia no fr if CorUlt.aad Uliei ra he culd w hip hint easily, l t.lt.. hl.ppail S. ItaMla. Pnti uncnu. April s - Jim Uy id Pal Fairill no-1 under (he ausphr. eMhstJ iski-r Ctly Ahh tie club fi r a rla of , The ( m. w In have Un for i rounds, t i- eo.U rry mlt , Ttiepolnv, however, luieilt ted at Um end of llo thud rouud sul.uptl further flghiing. Th tight, whtf.. it lte., w fi t mid for.oiw. nh ti,lv ha li rf inncU lh W of It, anvil w Imdly wmdet wheu lb UttU wa. tltU'llUpUsI lit "' .mi..!..) Il.a nsi iii tuu A FAMINE PREDICTED Heavy Deficits Reported in European Wheat Crop. tne PAELIAMENT IN SESSION. TbaMauipur ABalr DlMiouad lath. Com man Mlal.ter rerter Hurprltad Tb. nalUhea AisMslnatlon -Canada nnd N.wfoundlnad. London, April 7. The Standard pub lishe a review of the agricultural out look, in the course of which it says: The wheat crops of France and Rmisia are much In-low the average. The de ficiency will be at least 30,000,000 quart ers. The paper adds: It ia expected that the cold winds and frost have al most destroyed the French croiai. Ger many, Holland and Belgium all furnish pessimistic reports. In Iioumanla there is A decreased wheat area, and in India there has been a bail wheat season. The only exception is Hungary, where there re better prospect, and it is almost certain that the world's wheat consump tion will exceed the production coin puted. Whatever the magnitude of America crop may be, it won't be siiih" cient to cover the European deficit, thus compelling an extensive draft upon the resource for tne intra year in succes ton, la the Comm.na. London, April 7. In the bouse of common Kir James Ferguson said in be half of the foreign oflico that the Maui pur affair originated in a dispute lie twee it the former rajuh of Manipur and lit brother, 1 he raiali fled, leaving tits brother in control. Commissioner Ljointon was sent, to restore order and was met with resistance by the new ruler, at the head of a large body of troops, with tne result made known by the dispatcliea. The viceroy telegraphed thut he would soon quell the disturb ance, Mr, Labonchcre moved a resolution of estimates by 10,000 on the ground that the Kensington palace was useless and the country would be better off without it. lie also moved a reduction of 425 for Kew palace, as nobody knew where it was or who lived there. Kir George Trevelyan sustained the esti mate on the ground that the palace were historic; mementoes of considera ble interest. Mr. Waddy proposed to reduce the vote for Bushey honse on the ground ttiat it was occupied by tne Due de Nemours, a wealthy forehrner. and it wus monstrous that such a man should occupy it at the expense of the English people. The Ht. Hon. D. Plum met held that the queen was entitled. if she saw fit, to allow the house to a Freuch nobleman for a residence, Mr Laliouchere's motion was rejected bv 77 to ot ana waaay bo to o . Canada Obteet.' Ottawa, Ont., April 7. Minister ol Marine Tinnier, speaking on the subject of the treatment of Canadian fishing vessels in Newfoundland worts, said that oflicial notice had been received some time ago that the Newoundiand authorities intended to rigorously en rorce tne nait act tins year, 1 he act makes it un offense for any Canadian, United States or r rench fishing vessel to buy or take bait in Newfoundland without a license. It was rumored some time ago that free licenses were to be issued to United States vessels, while Canadian vessels were to lie discriminated airniiist. The result of such a policy of discrimi nation, Mr, Tupper thought, would be the repeitlof the Newfoundland bait act, which was allowed by the British government to go into effect in 17 only on tiio express Mtptilutton thut it would not Is enforced ng iiast Canada. The Dominion government hn already com iiintiicitti-ii with Newfoundland us to the necessity of continuing the exemp tion of fun, nliaii fishing vessels from the pidviiooiis of the bait act. Justin. Slriliin Kelt ret. London, April 7. A very affecting cene wa enacted in tin queen' btu-h division iif the high court of justice, the occasion Wing the retirement from the k t. . M ... VI .... - 1 . 1 M , is in ti oi wusiice niepneu. ills reutiw judge, including Lord Chief Justice mIi iliige, were Dreent. while the retir ing judge, in a voice broken wild emo tion, responded o I lie high tribute paid to hi honor, integrity and rin.u.ut abilities by Kir Kit hard Kvarard WeUier, q. V, When Justice ht. pm-n thanked hla colleagues for their kindly expression, tears w died to hi ye, a well as to tin is of luatiyff thpt tator. Hi w ife and oth -r uieuihrr of the. Kti pht ii faintly who werw prewut were overcome w Hiirtiu.iion, Tb. I'sra I atbera Ml..4, Uknmn, At nl T.-lt i atiHounml that the tirriunn govei tiinma ha d. M llitelv rt.ilved In withdraw ti m. bargo placttt tiiu Aiuerhau (s.rk. Jt U a,lled. huVMiif iIimI ll nlti. i.l ,,,,i i.. of till, withdiaw al will pnUI.y U de. laved for aon.e lime, Iti l W of tvrtam begitntthn whu b are kttll giugoi ! tweea the German geiiiiHut aad Ilia feoveraue-iit of l'ie I uite-l Mate IhroU.ll V IUIlil alter I'ltelpa, TH rpa U tl.4. Uiw. Al-ril I, At imi t'litiu vtven to I he CoHt'tfu of Cardinal, lha i.iia Mknl Aii lil'i.ln p N at.l for inforiu I k ll lit li. nilta'al lul Ivllglou it- OmIU.U lit k'l.I.u.l It,- II..). k'.iL.. Ikl-irMtnl Itlltwwit a great I v aatUltrd nn in. reuii oi in. retvui rtugvt e tin, ,n. itke wl'U pit ure u . loo' I- u i f the nuit.ul at imi takn b the Jil h tlhipa, MAY BREAK" THE SOLID SOUTH. Igniflceai IftUeaa by aa All! Lender In neath Car.llaa. Charlkston, 8. C, April 7. W, J. Tklbert, the state lecturer of the Alii ance, aotxndisl th keynote of the cam paign of 1803 at Orangeburg Friday, Among other thing Talbcrt said that the Alliance had indorsed the Ht. Louis platform at Ocala and did not propose to support any man wuo is opposed to tne ueiuano or these conventions, "There is," he said, "a movement on foot, in which the labor organization of tiie United States are interested, to nave a convention in February, 1802, It is a people' move. We demand i change in the monetary system of the country and if wa can't get it in on way we win get It another, we Intend to have reform or we will know the reason why. The Alliance want to bring about a peaceful and quiet revo lution, out if wa cannot come by tooce- f ul methods it mast come by some other method. I am against Cleveland for president. My candidate baa to up- port tne Alliance piauorm. Talbert is regarded here as the ex ponent of the Alliance sentiment. It may be regarded as almost certain that South Carolina will not be in the Demo cratic column in 1802 if there ia a third party candidate in the field. CR0P8 NEVER LOOKED BETTER. Report Covering a Thousand Mil. .1 MI.Mturl Paelfle Railway. Atchison, Kan., April 7. C. M. Rathburn, superintendent of the Mis souri Pacific, whose territory include about a thousand mile of road north and west of Kansas City, has had re port aa to the crop prospect from all ni subordinate ami from every station in hia territory. He say they are very gratifying, the best in the history of the road and that the realization will equal the anticipation. Northern Kansas and southern Nebraska will have the largest yield of wheat ever known. The acre age was never before so large. Farmer wbo suffered by the drouth lost year have seemingly given all their attention to wheat this season rather than risk corn, which matures so late in the vear. This, however, does not mean that there will be a shortage of corn, as the farm ers have Much a good wheat prospect that they are getting ready to try corn, aa usual. The roadmaster write that in the Solomon valley, where the drouth was o bad last year, the ground U now wet three feet deep. Flattering report also come from Crete and other points in the jNemuna valley in Nebraska. A HlgansM Profamor. Sioux Falls, 8. D., April 7.-Pro fessor Albert Foster of this city was ar rested on the charge of bigamy, Foster is wnat is Known aa one of tne four hundred. In Hamilton. Canada, be married a young lady named Carrie winuom; tvt'o year afterward be mar ried a young lady in Peru, Ind., who is known as r lorence No. St. Two year arterwiini. in he appeared at New port, Ky., where lie gained entrance to the best circles and married the daughter of Cephas Knight, a promt nenf and wealthy merchant. Last De cember he came to Sioux Falls and has been doing all he con to work up a case o that he could have wife No. 4. His arrest was caused by the father of No, 8, and that enraged gentleman an nounces hU intention of placing the , . ... , . , ;. i , uiwii inarrioii proies-ior ueiniiii me our. He will be taken to Newport, Ky,, for trial, Italian Ml Don. I' p. Kansas City. April 7. About eigh teen Italians went over to Kansas City, Kan. , seeking work. Hearing that the Phu'iiix pocking house, successor to the Kuuhus City Packing company, at the corner of I irst and Osage avenne, wa expecting to la-gin operations in the near future, they concluded tomuke ap plication at that institution for work. Other laborer were also at the building at the time, and when they found the Italians had offered to work for$l day they proceeded to do them up, 1 hey seized clul and rocks and charged upon the Italians. They were ordered back I this city, and ths Italians made a hasty retreat. Several of the Italians were badly bruised and wounded, but none were seriotn ly injured. A Ml, Joe tailor. ST. Jo:rit. Mo., April 7. The whole sale hardware house of Shulti & lloaea wa cloned, wtih John S, Lemon a trustee, for the Win fit of creditors, Lawt Saturday the i"irliierliin wu. .lis. ol veil, Mr. ll-ieett cotctuiuiitg the biisi- iien alone. 1 he eml.UTiuient ia at tributed to slow colled ion in the w et on account of stringent money matters. The total of the firm are 'Hl.tNsj, and the lisililt.n, $I7u,inki, whit h will make creditor sure of receiving dollar for dollar, ll.frar. af t 4ere! Otnr.fculti.r. Nkw YokK. April 7 At a meeting of the executive couunillre of the Na tions! H-f.riii league tnld iu thUrltv on tlmlVl ih.i., renolution were miaul- imm-ly adopt. t directing the Civil rarvltv lt l rtu smw iiiiu of Mary land In tuveatlget. Die charge of Intt rf. n luu on the twrl f federal oftict holder In. the rotvtit HtpuHuaa triiiotiiin h.ld In I he til of !U! it more. ainl lo r irl lothiM Utive(!iiltee the it-.it n of their lavetigtion for fu ture at lion. I hlraa HaaUlnal I UU. CMS thi, April f - The tet pmtet lot U otie of the fiUr. of th election for inavor, for that rean it U Iim aaltd at Hit Leoirta glv a' idea wImi will wl i I In .UnlkHH la eMif elf qnttllv, l ite weather I ftl. la Mala, I'.l tNi, Xt , April 1 - AV I.. M. (SlllUgh, Ui itl-l.t rtu, was (o vied mayor II. . li.iid of aldi iuu u a alto 1W pubis an BLAINE AND TUPPER. lie rrenident'g Junket Causes m Halt in the Negotiations. PENSIONS TO WESTEBNERS. I ntra Work Thraat Veen Treasury neiai ny in. uirmtt Tax hiii seere tary Ru.k Nat tet Ofllrlally Kotl-A.d-No Cbanga Prebabl. Washington, April 7, Sir Charlaa Tupper in an interview with a reporter, aid that when he visited Mr. Blaine at the state department Thursday last ha mode arrangements for the meeting Monday. "I returned to Canada," Mid Sir Charles. "I informed my colleague of the arrangement made and we left Ottawa for Washington at once. When we called upon Mr. Blair he explained to us that (is the president desired to be in Washington while the negotiation were going on, and aa he waa about to leave Washington on hia extended trip in a short time, it waa desirable that the negotiation should be post poned for the present. Wa were pleased to agree to th request and wa will leave Washington, returning when the president is in a position to allow ns to proceed, It seems that Mr. Blaine, after making th engagement with Sir Charles, informed the president of what be had done, and learned for the first time that the preai dent wanted the negotiation suspended while he was away, from Washington, Sir Julian Pauncefote waa notified of the desired change in the programme, and he telegraphed Sir Charles at Ot tawa not to come to Washington. Th dispatch was not received, however, be fore the commissioners left Ottawa. The commissioner and Mr. Chiepman, Sir Charles and secretary had luncheon with Sir Julian Pauncefote, and later they left for New York, whence Sir Charles will sail for England, the oth er proceeding to Ottawa. Nebraska and lewn Pensions. Washington, April 7. The following pension were granted: Nebraska Original: Peter Lemon, August Milner, Harrison McLHiahan, JobnY. Philip. Additional: Thome M. Davis, Uiram Magee. Increase: Richard I. Brown, Daniel Smart, Win. IT ri,.... 'i,..i. lr u i. t usiuuni, vuium ii, iuwuuia, iiero- miahDodd, Archibald Study, W. H. Morton, Levi Wilcox, Calvin H, Young. Original widows: Alzina V., widow ol Joseph F. Gilbert; Caroline B., widow of Enos H, Gobb; Surah A., widow of John Y. Phillips. Iowa Original:' Jonathan L, -Moore, Richard M. Hull, Arthur L. McKay, Andrew Lee, George A. Palmer, Jo seph F. Hopkinson, John C. McConnell, Eroetu Harden, James F. Ueitnbuch, Henry Pearson, Samuel B. Liudwey, Marshal Mc Far laud. Additional: Nel son C. Spencer, Henry R. Merrill. In crease: William J. Cain. James Lowery, David Maher, Matthias Kief, Daniel J. Smith, Thomas Starkey, George D. Greenleaf, William Henry Jenkins, John I. Hindruun, William II. Orange, George W. Smith, Thomas Benedict, William H. H. Brown. Reissue and in crease: Henry 11. Higley. Original widows: Ella, wife of Henry F. Folsom; Nancy A. widow of William Fowler. Th. Direct Tax BilL Washington, April 7.The passage of the direct tux bill ' has caused an enormous amount of extra work to be thrust upon the officials of the 'reasury department. From all the statrs in the Union letters are received daily inquir ing about the repayment, and there ia a wide spirit of luiKannrehonsion as to just what the direct tax was. From imiiana to Nebraska, from Texas to Maine, letters nave come inquiring about the chance of securing repay ment by pcrsoua.who believe tTiey have paid the direct tax to the government commissioners. In many instances in ternal revenuo receipts are sent to sub stitute the claims, but of course the treasury can do nothing for the claim ants, as the tax collected in all the northern stales waa collected from the tatea themselves and not from indi viduals. t ahapiijr Men Heleel.il, Washington, April 7. Annum tha announcement made by President Young of the National League was an order assiguiug umpires for the Initial sraiiiea of IIim WiMtt..rii AuM,u.luti.,ii .,l National League, which will be played April io ami i reeTiively. luiitiea Will la. first fiii.ni7itri.l.l liw'lli Vtr.t.,. AMK-iatioa. the umpire, in which will be pieced a follow: T. II. Gaffiiey, kn. I'llt itmui k',.i.,l,. ll,,..l,. I'harlea Collin. IVnver; Andre Kuwli. I.OICOIB. Oat park Marketable la b.rmeay, WnrNUToN. Annl 7. A retsater a - called oa Secretary Ruik and huwed nun a caoiegraui a follow! Hutu, April V Tb licriuaa aunarnutant baa vimmI ik . Miilw'iitiuii Aii.mIi mk.uI. T!ia uffit isl d Urais.a will be tMae4 The wwretary tinted that Ma offit U) in I ttlt al ion It. lw rewivel by htm tn tvnurtmiha ,f Ho utmeat. but a d lil that if em it attim i4 tkl atrwn.lv tw diti mined ttma. he had very littU doubt it would maaH be, leaa.a,.. Maetea. Waiiiuto. April 7,-H L tUle.1 m the be I of mitliority thai there I to tiunM-date pttr of a t fesng? tu tb t fhi lf l'Wll Ma'e Irt.aanret, and thai ilea prrai.ieut w ill ct-rUiuU iv u. a twa iiui.l H'iii-n retntrin froiH hi J'fi w lit lUue,