The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, April 04, 1891, Image 5

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Sugar Beets.
The following premium on sugar
beets have been offered by the state
board of agriculture:
For the best one-quarter of one
acre sugar beets grown in Ne
braska, in the year 1891 150 00
Second best. !. 45 00
Third best 0
Fourth best 83 00
Fifth best 30 00
Sixth best 25 00
Seventh best 20 00
Eighth best 15 00
Sinth best 10 00
The Oxnard Beet Sugar company will
duplicate the above premiums, in cash,
-without discount. All other conditions
and requirements are the same as for
the regular premiums offered by the
board. Thus, the actual net cash pre
miums to winners will be:
For first premium W0 00
For second premium 81 00
For third premium 72 00
For fourth premium 03 00
For fifth premium M 00
For sixth premium 45 00
For seventh premium 86 00
For eighth premium 27 00
For ninth premum. 18 00
Still further, in addition, the Oxnard
Beet Sugar company will pay out of the
.state bounty, over and above the prices
paid for sugar beets at its factories in
the state of Nebraska, fifty cents per
ton bounty on all beets it purchases and
consumes, raised in the state in the
year 1891. Also 20 per cent of the
weight of beets purchased and con
eumed, in the shape of pulp, will be re
turned free to each party furnishing
"fcarlaa; a f Hamate."
My friend, the agent of a Buffalo
wall paper bouse, wan "lau&g on"
with a headache in the waiting room
of the bif depot In Philadelphia, when
slick looking stranger about 16 yean
of age tat down betide us and asked:
"Is the ache mostly over your eyes
r is the baek of your headr'
"Iff all over my head, " groaned the
. victim.
"Exactly. Proceeds from a nervous
state of the system. Ah! your pulse is
way up. Let me see your tongue. I
thought so; a cold current of air bas
chilled the nerves along the spine, and
smashing headache is the result"
"Are you a physician," I asked.
"Well, no, not in the ordinary sense.
I am called a professor. Some call
me a fakir, even. I effect cures by
what is called laying on of bands. You
are skeptical, of course; but I'll
agree to cure your friend here in ten
minutes or forfeit $50."
"For heaven's sake go ahead!"
groaned Tom. "If you can cure me
in an hour I'll give you ten dollars!"
We went down into the baggage de
partment, where the performance
wouldn't attract so much attention,
and the fellow began passing his hands
over Tom's head and face, and also
rubbing his hands. lie hadn't worked
a minute before Tom said he felt better,
and in ten the headache was entirely
"Now, don't offer to pay me or I
shall be offended," he said, as he
stopped work, "and you'd better sit
quiet right where you are for about
ten minutes. Close your eyes, thus,
and lean back a little more so."
lie bowed himself out in a graceful
way, and had been gone fifteen
minutes when Tom carefully arose,
opened his eyes, and suddenly called
"Robbed, by thunder!"
The fakir got 90 in cash, a rail,
road ticket to Washington, and a
diamond pin worth $125, and the
polioe haven't nabbed him to this day.
A Religious and Bunlneaa Combine,
A poor country congregation found
itself badly in want of hymn books.
The clergyman applied to a London
firm and asked to be supplied at th?
lowest church rates. The firm replied
that on condition the hymn books con
tained certain advertisements the con
gregation should have them for noth
ing. Necessity knows no law and the
minister sorrowfully complied, think,
ing to himself that when the advertise
ments came they could be removed
from the leaves, The hymn books nr.
rived, and joy of joys they contained
DO interleaved advertiements, Christ
mas services were hud the following
Sunday, and the good ptiraon joyously
gave out an appropriate hymn and the
congregation sung the first verse with
fervor. When they reached the lust
line they found that this was what they
bad been singing:
IIrk I the herald auirpla ting,
-' IUU ar Juat tin thing;
Tear on earth and mercy mild,
Two for man aul ona fur child.
IHavofered tit ft pot.
A spot in Home where Nero com
mitted suicide It said to have btn dis
covered. It is nn the I'tnolun hill and
was ldntlflid by thu dUooTery of a
tone with an luwrtptlon fixing the
location of the villi Uure ll U known
the dtnnl wm Uotttv
Young Uu.tmuit-llcrVe the ld
thimtnut aWit m. Udmr jtw1. as
wmt by any iihr nmw U s a IU
ll wouldn't. Young wife IVwy, what
dlnVrenrxe eould thn nam make?
Well hsrVe ymr cwn ', Two
months go yo www MUn CatrMm
and, Miwmv ha wt you ..r! Nuw,
you'ro Mr Uottlin, and - Jna!ta:''
It haiinHi a f.-w dajs atfe, )
Wore waa snow o the ground, and be
wm abtHil helping Ur ii.ui the aUlh,
A she was about ta !; Inui tttcutir
ho U.1 short. "Arw you trail
Wthanj-sif" "Hw" ho said, An&
drive with )our Irtft bandf" 'Ye,
1.1 su'd ajula. Mi'tf tho plasm Ul
me U m the r!U hand won't
r 1
VUi la IM O 8utm1
This ytmng man like a great many
other people wanted all ke could get
for bis meaey and aa a matter of conrse
became right to ear store and never
get any farther than the
Shoe Department
Whs wc say wc arc selling boots
and shoes cheaper than anybody, ex
presses It very mild. Oar prices can
not be equaled, a look through oar de
partment will convince yon that what
wc say is trne for good Straight, Hon
est Goods, we lead the prooessioa.
Ladies' Department
fins French kid LL X.. for $3.00
worth $5.00.
A fine Doagola H. T., for 12.50 worth
A fine Dongola flexible sole for $2.00
worth $8.60.
Ladies' flus kid flexible sole for 1.98
worth $3.00.
Ladies' flac kid button for $1.76
worth $2.60.
Ladies' iac Brazilliaa kid for $1.25
worth $2.00.
Ladies' best Pebble Ooat for $1.60
worth $2.60.
Ladies' best Calf button for $1.75
worth $2.60.
Ladies' best Oil Orsin fer $1.05 worth
LadW best Kid button for 7le worth
Hisses' Department
Kisses' fine Dongola keel and spring
keel for $1.76 worth $2.25. .
Misses' fine Kid heel aad spring keel
for $1.60 worth $2.00.
Misses' fine Dongola heel and spring
keel for $1.25 worth $1.75.
Misses' fine Pebble Ooat call tip
spring heel for $1.65 worth $2.25.
Misses' fine School shoes all solid
spring keel for $1.20 worth $1.75.
Misses fine Oil Grain all solid spring
keel for 98o worth $1.85.
Child's French Kid sixes 8 to 10
spring heel $1.65 to $2.25.
Child's H. C. Dongola, 8 to 10,
spring heel, $1.85 to $2.00.
Child's H. O. Pebble goat, 8 to 10
spring heel, $1.25 to $1.75.
Child's ear kid, 5 to 8, spring heel.
85o to $1.25.
Child's Pebble gr 5 to 8, 98o to $1.85.
Child's Pebble solar tip 6 to 8. 75o to
A job lot of children's shoes, sixes
from 1 to 8, for 10, lo, 85 and Wo.
Men's Department
Men's oil grain working shoe fer $1,
worth $1.60.
Men's oil grain Oudmore shoe for
$1.85, worth $1.75.
Men's buffoon all solid shoe for
81.15. worth 81.78.
Men's buff calf lace and oong, $1.80,
worth IX
Men's buff calf lace aad oong shoe
for $1.75. worth $2.60. .
Men's fine buff calf lace and oong
hoc for $2. worth 18.
Men's fine calf hand welt laee and
oong shoe fer $2.20, worth $3.25.
Men's Eang hand sewed lace and
ceng shoe for $3, worth $5.
Men's French oalf hand sewed shoe
for $4, worth 6.
Boys' calf button H. 0. for $1.75,
worth $2.60.
Boys' calf button for $1.60, worth
Boys' oil grain shoes for $1.25, worth
Boys' heavy calf for 95o, worth $1.50.
China and Crockery Ware.
Ia this department the same low
prioes prevail and we are sure a visit
will result in one er more purchases.
The department embraces glassware,
ereckery and stone are, lamps and
lamp goods, eta. Bead these prioes :
Teacups, 6c j with handle, 6o ; coffee
cape, $ 1-40, with handle, 7fo; tea
sanoers, 6o coffee saucers, o l-io;
6- inoh plates, 6c; 6 inch plates, 6tc;
7- inch plates, 7,c; 8 inch plates, 8o;
7 -inch soap plates, Bo; inch soup
plates, 9c 8-inch platters, 19o: 9-inch
Blatters. 21o: 10-inoh clatters. 29a: 11
inch platters,83o; 12-inch pIatters,S9c;
14-inch plttters. 44c; small bowls (36)
Hot medium bowls (30), 14o; large
be wis (24), 17c; o-inob round soelloped
vegetable dishes, Hoi 6 inch round
scalloped vegetable dishes, 19oj 7-lnch
round scalloped vegetable dishes, 24c;
1-inch round scalloped vegetable dishes,
!9o) 9 iaeh round scalloped vegetable
dishes, 83ot 10-lnoh round soalloped
vegetable dishes, 88o fine orsl pickle
dishes, 16o 7-inch covered tureen, 64o;
inch covered tsreea, 63c; No.36 fancy
shape pitcher, holds one pint, It i; No.
ID fanov shape pitcher, holds one
Inert, 19o No. 24 fancy shape pitcher,
elds 8 pints, 24o Ks. 13 Isnev shape
pitcher, holds 2 0,-urts, 88a) No. 6 fan-
(cv shape pitcher, holds one gallon, 48e;
lain aeaaert dishes, 4o sngsr bowls,
9jtrge wwh pitehers, 89, This is
the celebrated J, and U. Mesklas'
ware aad la the bast white Ironstone
hlaa mads ea this earth. We have In
stock seme rare patterns of lltrelln's
daeeraUd dinner aad tea sets at right
rues. We shew a few very handsaws
eoratad pereelela were last we caa
Mil as complete dlaasr or tee sou of
5r Us sing le piece. This U a very de
rtfcl thing to boy, M ye caa hare
as large er tsssU set m yea flum to
begia wltk aad add to U se year parse
alleee er yonr eimsMteuaee dsnaad.
le re yoa see this whea yet
ta, Oar itock is espUt la all de
partmaate see prieee are gnsiutel
Haxwell, Sharpo B& Ross Co.
IinSf T O "t, Liaeia
sua m4m pmmti iiimM la
Icse & Stewart, 231 S. 11th St.
See A. N. Wycoff for llivelock prop
for the opium, morphlae or oocame
habit consult Dr. Aler, 1030 O street,
LiDAOlB Noll. 82tl
I'ouiua to rent or sell on nionthlv
apyments by J. Stevenson with J. II.
McMurtry. coruer of Eleventh and M.
Griswold's garden seeds are guaran
teed to be fresh, 140 S. 11th St., Lin
coln. 88
Call at Griswolds for field garden and
tree seed. 140 So. 11th St., Lincoln.
Removal Notice.
The Chevrouts have removed their
restaurant from 129 S. 12th St. to 219 N.
9th St., and are now open again for
business. Being near the corner of
Hay Market square, also near the cor
ner of P St., between the two hotels and
on the thoroughfare to and from the
depot their location Is convenient both
to the traveling public and the farmers
who bitch on the square or put up at
the surrounding barns. After April 1
we shall be open day and night with
good meals or lunches at reasonable
prices. All are Invited to call. 8U 4t
Proprietor. Manager.
Randall's Investment Agency, Rooms 16
and 17, McMurtry Block Lincoln, Neb.
Bsrgins in Western Land. Bargins in
City property.
No. 48 100 all fenced, 3 wires, wind
mill, tank, 8 miles from Oxford. Price
No. 45100, 82 acres cultivated, 4 room
house, granary, corn crib, well.
Price, 11050, $iW cash, balance time
0 per cent interest.
No. 49-6 lots for $1000 orft200each, well
located in EaBt Lincoln, I cash, bal
ance time.
No. 405 room cottage, 2 closets, china
closet, cellar, coal house, well, corner
lot 50x142, 1 block from car line, 1
block from school house. Price 82000
great bargain.
1 have some choice city property for
exciaage lor farm lanas or stock, l
also have some choice land for sale on
lOyeiipayment. House for sale and
rem- .vcme ana see me.
PorSale, Trade or Rent.
A fine section of land, 2J miles north
east of Homerville. Gesper countv. Neb.
240 acres under plow, 400 acres under
fence,. 250 acres in blue grass pasture,
two story seven room bouse, good
sheds, granary, corn cribs, barns, cor-
rells, windmill fixed for pumping or
grinuing ieea ana an necessary out
buildings for farm and stock purposes;
800 barrel cistern and 700 feet of water
piping. Ail in good shaue, would make
one of the finest stock farms In Neb.
Address, H. 8. Bell.
1038 N St, Lincoln, Neb.
Manufacturers Of
1 Rubtx
Rubber Stamps, Seals
Stencils, Badges and
Baggage Checks
vt Every Uescrlptloa. EiUbllibea 1880,
m S. Iltb St., LINCOLN. NIB.
Note advertisement next week.
Saddles, Nets, Blankets, Whips Etc.
133 So. 0th
THE ELUIIADT tmm m m-co-
M I mm m Tvt I a W tan)
r4X li tn -.. ft.t.ii.,fc., " 1 1 1 L
rV"lV ifjai fcM ti4 an
u mmi m mtn m mim
I w Diia ta m at wiwali mm
i m iililtiwia ljM it UMa. w w4a. m1
. a
aawM, wu i
I ', aat
We make a specialty of field, garden
and flower seeds at Gkiswold's Seed
Stoke, 140 South 11th St., Lincoln,
For rheumatism, neuralgia, Blight's
disease, sciatica, etc., consult Dr. Aley,
1025 O street. Lincoln, Nob. Si'tf
Home and f rrlgatod Karma, Garden aad
Orchards In tha Celebrated Hear lUver
Valley oa tha Main Line of tha t'uloa
Pacific and Central 1'artte K. K. near
Corrlna and Ofden, Utah.
Splendid location for business and in
dustries of all kinds in the well known
city of Corinne, situated in the middle of
the valley on the Central Paciiio K. R.
the lands of the Bear river valley are
now thrown open to settlement by the
construction of the mammoth system of
irrigation from the Bear lake and river.
just completed by the Bear lliver Canal
uo., at a cost oi t;i,ouu,ouu. The Co.
controls 8100,000 acres of these fine
lands and owns many lots and business
locations la the City of Corinne, and is
now prepared to sell on easy terms to
settlers and colonies. The climate, soil,
and irrigating facilities are pronounced
unsurpassed by competent judges who
declare the valley to be the Paradise of
the farmer, fruit grower and stock
raiser. Nice social surroundings, good
schoos and churches at Corinne City,
and home markets exist for every kind
of farm and garden produce in the
neighboring cities of Ogden and Salt
Lake, and in the great mining camps.
Lands will be shown from the local of
fice of the Company at Corinne.
For female, nervous, and kidney di
seases consult Dr. Aley 1025 O street,
Lincoln. Neb. 82tf
wnue riymoutn hoc i. each; Touiosa
Ch f 4. per pair: alio ejrm In aeaaoff
. uili.. : . . i
iruw n pii uuiikh, rviia iiuuii ai. per
1H oarefutlv packed
w. A. mates it., rremont, Nab,
Leading Carpet Dealer
Get his prices before puichasing else
where. He will save you money. 48
For ladies and gentlemen. Everything new
and Brat elaae. Bhort orders at all bourt.
Keg-ular dinner tfto. Open after theaters,
ttanqueu ana supper ror nana a pnciaitr,
Ano nmriTiiTB or rmukntmr,
Shorthand, and Typewriting, b tha bmt and lamat
tXllt9K In Ibe Wml. ft I Htwii-nU In al Utwliinoa laKt
jHtur. HlurlKtiU prepnrid for bUHlnna In from 8 lull
month. K.rl'nw! fwulty. Pimwial liMlrui'Unn,
Kmtuiirul llluiiiraUKl etilalntnw, vi!Ivh Journala, and
apovtuwiia of peiirnaiwiiin, (nut rrne iif aiidrttNinic
L1LUUH1DUB BOOSE, Lincoln. Mat).
la hotter than thu lying acale Stfent who tell yon
aa ffOKpul truth that the
Jones' $60. 5 Ton Wagon Scale
la not a itaiidard wuIh. and eimr to any made,
for free book and price lUt, adUra
Jones of BiDghamton, BinAhamton, H.I.
Yule, agent.
St., Lincoln.
Ml ( mHaMi .
mmm m mm .i aM.
B. $65
BART, til
Do you want to buy Dry
Goods? Do you pay cash? If
so wc want your trade. We sell
for cash, and we guarantee to
sell to every one at the same
low price. If vou buy from us
and are not pleased with your
purchase when jou get home
you can return it ana get your
money. Give us a trial and we
think we will both please you
and save you money.
Very respectfully,
Lincoln, Neb.
133 to 139 South 11th St.
1043 O Street.
Watch this space next week 'for the
McCormtck Harvester advertisement.
R. BurroBD, Agent.
Blue Valley Stock Farm, 3 cn
Crete, SafTne Co,, N.bra.k. V' tw,J
Importer of Englishshiros.
I haTeaaSnaaollHion of tals aot4 breed aa there la la tb. .., botaslalliaaand iaarL
all f theta Imporlwl ejr tujraeir in iteraon. Aitp. from tarn ream upwarcla. Ther are amwaZ
ania fmia the W iriiia of UI.kkI ibat Krilan4 baa pniuoe4. A II uramI bremiera.
Taaaji aguai. wuti Will !! balf aa liitemt to reapouailtl. parliea. Hare takra more
pru.a at ilia NeKraak Stale 'alr. an4 Oiaaha I baa an other Hblre eahlblt tor Ibe .vnouul of
aluuhabuwa. t:ttae au4 aeatbeia. S74
Gallow!ay Cattle
,M ls laV Ihtlts tliul J7 lh4 tttot Urijjtm,
r.mj (arntsr tn Lanrstrr euunijr tkoull atitnd tbl al, It U a wU kmm
Ia t lb tha Ualto. U las kardlt and tart rattle la Ike world. Itsr bs
n t MnweHy ti Hr a Be Uulter ki(rr at rMunalU (trie.
Ika t (sit l attend. (l. WimmIs. the l,nrvM Ihe stuck aurl!onrr, will aw
the fir " Kf.a.iuU-r date, lUlllAV, AI HII. I?, al IURN,
Nrtk side llsvwarVvt Hur,
The Inter-State Galloway Cattle Co.
& Rogers,
Lincoln, Nebraska.
3 c