THE FARMERS' ALLIANCE, LINCOLN, NEB., SATURDAY APR. 4, 1891. 5lje Jarmcra' Alliance, rabuh4 rT turaaj by Tint AniAirci Publishing Co. Cot. lit u4 M Iineoln, .Editor J.lCTBOIUMOli Bust Mumw la the bmaty of th lilliM Chriat wm bora aoroM the Ma, With a glory In his bosom Thai traniflgqrM you and me. A ha strove to make men holy Lat u strive to Baka them free, Siaea God if marohlng on." JulU Wv4Hvm. "Laurel erewn aloaro to deeert. Aad power to him who power exeru." "A ruddy drop of manly blood The forging aea outweigh." Xnurm. "He who oaanot reaaoa is a fool, He who will not reaaoa ia a coward, He who dare not reaaoa la a slave." TO CORRESPONDENTS. Address all buafneas communication to AddrvM matter lot publication to Editor W ' i llionii gmrmvrw j i ... ... Artloles written on both side of the paper caanot be used. Very long oommuuioationa, at arula cannot be uaea. MEN OP THE PEOPLE FOR 'oa. Hon. Jamee B. Weaver for President, It if none too toon to be casting about for our standard bearers for the great conflict of 1892. The new party the great Independent party is to be not only an important but possibly a con trolling factor in that contest. The character of the men it is to put for ward m iU repreeentatiree, as the ex Bounders of its principles and as the exemplars and samples of what the ac tual administration will be when it comes into power, is of the first lmpor tance. They must not be unknown men, They must be men who hare made a record before the people; men of prob ity and honor; men of great ability; men who will commamd the respect of all men, even their opponents. A fatal step would be to take op dark horse on the ground of expe diency. This was shown in one of the nominees of the Cincinnati conven tion of 1888. We need not name him We must not put forward men whom we will blush for when they appear on the stump; Dor men whose mouths must be watched by a committoe; nor men who need to go into hiding through a campaign. In looking about for the head of the ticket we find no man so pre-eminently qualified in every respect as Hon. Jamks B. Weaves, of Iowa. Mr. Weaver is a man of broad cul ture and great ability. Ilia achieve ments in the political field are of the highest order. He is a lawyer of great ability. He is a parliamentarian of the very highest class. He Is brave and un flinching in bis duty, and has proved in a hundred ways and in many stations his entire devotion to the interests of the great plain people, of which he is one. He is hated as well as dreaded by the plutocrats as no other man is hated and dreaded. If he is placed at the head of the ticket we all know that war to the knife and the knife to the hilt will be the watchword in every state. We now present his name as tha of the one man whom we know who stands pre-eminently above all others In fitness for the position. We have no shadow of personal interest in tho matter we bard had no communication with him in regard to it. We are no hero-wor shipper, and can support any other rood man. But we name him as the man whom we now think the best. For the second place there is more difficulty In making a choice. It seems that it must be a southern man. Tow dererlv would be a irood one. But he is not a southern man, and he is also for eign-born. Loucks of South Dakota, would suit us; but the same objections apply to him. L, L. Folk, of North Carolina, is a man of the people. He is an orator of the first class. Weaver and Polk would be a strong ticket. But we fear there are some Insuperable ob jection to l'olk. The Washington Junta, headed by Macune, have opposed the new party, and favored affiliation with the democratic party, which stronK in the south. It Mr. Tola is 01 the same mind, of course he is Uo lutely disqualified. No man must 1 put forward who has not absolutely ab lured all affiliation with either of the o!d parties, and who wilt not fight them to the bitter end. II we we re as sured that Mr, rolls would do this we should unhesitatingly pronounce in hi favor fur the second place oa the ticket Not knowing, we hold our Judgment in abeyance. But lt us have no new men, no ua tried men, ao unknown men. The beat Umber the eouatry can afford U de manded tr the battle of lwl. MatK rifjyavtrAnot. There are many Taylors, but only traitor tl that nam, Thla should be borne ia mind, and swob staling and honorable as Taylor id .flutter rounty aad Taylor of Johnon county, both member "I the hou rt rpr4 UUvta, should not It any war be 'aU r mlagted with the vile traitor from U.p eouuty, who reward should t a halter. CALHOVX OX THE S1TUAT1QX. ! The following is from the Lincoln Her ald of the 28th. It is refreshing in its frankness. We greatly admire the sturdy independence and frankness of Bro. Calhoun. He says what he thinks in ringing words, the meaning of which is unmistakable. Of course, we do not always agree with what he thinks. But in these days of hypocritical Journalism, when three fourths of the papers are muzzled by corporation patronage, the editor who frankly speaks out his own real views is to be cherished. We wish there were more Calhouns: Between the railroad politicians and the republican and democratic senators peculiar and pitiful bunch of mixed knaves and chumps that they are, tbe dominance of the Alliance in the poli tics of Nebraska is assured. They un dertook to deny the people of this state the right to legislate 0n railroad rates. Tbe railroads reached out the strong nana ana laid it upon tbe legislature, ordered one branch of it to do no more business, and the republicans and dem ocrats in the senate backed the demand, as subservient to the railroad bosses as if they had been track hands, lhe re sult will be a wave of indignation that will sweep the two old parties out of existence and crush the railroads. The party that does not emphatically repu diate the action of its senators will be dead and damned, and the pity of It is that the senators themselves cannot be more personally and stringently aamnea than the customs 01 our mil and water civilization allow. A GEM IROM VAX WYCK AXD A REPLY TO IT. Nebraska Citt, March 21, 1801. Jar Bukkows, Esq.: In your Ksue of March 21, 1801, you republish many falsehoods. I have a long time borne them in silence, but now desire to brand them as they deserve, and ask the cour tesy of an answer in the paper in which they appeared. An early reply will much oblige, Yours, etc., C. H. Van Wyck. Lincoln, Neb., April 4, 1801. C. H.VAJf WrcK: Your line of March 21, by the bands of Chaplain Diffen bacher, was duly received. Permit me to say that as to the falsity of the statements you allude to as hav ing been published in my paper, you are under a gross misapprehension. I am prepared to prove by affidavits, and by incontrovertible documentary evi dence, the absolute truth of every state ment I have made in regard to you. In regard to giving you space to reply through my paper, I will say that when you desired to attack the ticket you promised the convention you would support, you had no difficulty in getting access to the public through the press. You pledged yourself to the state con vention to support Mr. Powers for gov ernor, iou not only assailed him through the columns of the public press, but you had tbe articles published in circular form and sent them by mail broadcast over the state, and to every Alliance member whose address you could obtain. We have copies of those printed circulars with which to confront you at any time. I have no doubt the press is as open to you now as then. It is certain that if you wish to say any thing against Jay Burrows, the World Herald and Omaha Bee will welcome your effusions with delight. In view of these facts I do not feel under any obligations to give you any space in my paper, and decline to do so under any circumstances. . Permit me to add that if you persist in your attempt to keep yourself before the people of this country as an anti- monopolist and friend of the people, I shall continue to meet you with the truth as to your vile treachery in the late campaign. That treachery delib erate and premeditated, and inspired solely by blind revenge lost this state to the Independents. It is part of my mission to smite bribery aad treachery wherever I find them. This duty I shall not shrink from. Hope of favors nor fear of revenge cannot deter me. Wher ever you go with your demairoflrio mouthlngs, will I follow you with the flaming two edged sword of the truth Yours, etc., J. Bukkows. THD JOK'A TK'IM'XX QUARTER I Y. We have Just received from the pub lishers, No. 1 of "The Iowa Tribune Quarterly Issued b the Iowa Tribune Publishing Co. This is a neatly priuted pamphlet of 128 page., and Is full of val uable matter upon "the Supreme Isue,' fin a nee. It is edited by J. B. Weaver and K.H. Gillette, We are glad Indeed to see this publication. No man in tho coun try Is better able to edit It than Hon. J. B. Weaver. The money question the supreme Usue, and the demand for tit Wue of special publications to edu caie the people upon it U an augury of great good. fin mi 1 1 RRCRUITS fOJt Tilt J.WSXPXXT Paul VanJervoort has written a long letter to the public In which he formal ly severs his connection wui the re publican party, aud Join hU political fortune to the independent. Among other tblnn he tayai "I am going to leave a pa'ty whteh simply in ihU state reft-weeoU a streak of rv4 eluding front l.uoo mi: of itltway, and ha tvr In foundation the rtd'ea, taveuoua, robbing, black walling baud if eormol anuana vuiurea or vne iwneury ( , ..... . . fc. ... 1 1 .... I Hat " HU Mter U vrt rbHitieat, though quite an ,taU vf Pul Vand4tvoi1 XEEDED IMPROt EMKXTS AT THE PEMTEXTIARY. Tbe appropriation for the new cell house at the penitentiary ought to have restrictions thrown around it, and the cells built according to the civilization of to-day, rather than build them in the style of seventy-five years ago. The suc cessful contractor for building the new cells must have as large an amount of the $40,000 left to line his pockets as possible. If you want to see celt life as it was generations ago go down to the Nebraska penitentiary cella narrow, 111-ventllated, no convenience for at tending to the calls of nature save an old bucket that is used year by year, and from tbe nature of things, sends up a stench unbearable to the uninitiated. Yet, from the time the men come in from their work in the evening until the hours of work next morning, two men in many cells, must eat, sleep and Inhale the fumes from the cell bucket And yet we say penitentiaries are re forraatories.' Not much reformation under such conditions. This we term penal not reformatory. If the $40,000 will not put in the cells with a modern water-closet in each one, then add 14,000 more, for that is the es timate for 100 closets, and have them built properly. If the $40,000 is enough all right, if not add some more . It would be only another disgrace Ko Nebraska to build tbe new cells in the old, antiquated style of the present ones. Let all our legislators, when they go to dinner to-day, place their food on a plale, and with a cup of coffee and some bread in the other band, retire to the outhouse to enjoy it, and we believe thev would then decide this article worthy their attention. And let them continue to eat their meals under the conditions mentioned, three times day, for 865 days a year, and we are sure common decency would be looked after in building the new cell bouse. This legislature ought to build a din ing hall, with place for chapel and school and library room up-stairs. Also a small sum should be allowed for pri mary school books; extra books for the library, as no books have been furnished them by the state for many years, al though there have been some additions by gifts. The present contractor gave them some the last year. If the new dining ball and chapel building cannot go through this year, then small sum ought to be allowed extra. For repair of rooms now used as place of public gathering, $200. For school and singing books, $100. For library books, $200. For musical instrument to be used in public services in the chapel, $200. QETTIXQ TOGETHER. If anything is to be accomplished in 1802 the imperative necessity exists for the different reform organizations of the country to get together. That these organizations are in substantial accord upon the leading questions of the day upon the money question, tbe transportation question, and the land question there is no doubt whatever, These questions embrace the labor ques tion in all its phases, and embrace as well the complex relations of labor and capital. But the number of these or ganizations is so great, the ambition of their leaders so pervasive, and the num her of issues their members desire to embrace in a political platform so nu merous, that great practical difficulties exist in the way of their getting together These difficulties must be be surmount ed. A platform must be adopted em bracing only a few leading principles upon which all can unite, and some men of the people must be found to put upon that platform as candidates for 1892. If this is done we believe victory will crown our banners. The plan put forth by the National Alliance at Omaha embraces only six propositions, and these probably the ones upon which the very largest num bcr of reformers in the United States can unite and agree: It also provides a simple and complete machinery for de termlning public opinion on these Issues, and for practically carrying out the wishes of the signers of the declara- tion, without creating any tyrannies committees or any centralized power. and wtthout putting any society or any set of men In advance of others. Noth ing prevented the general adoption of this ilan and immediate and efficient work upon the lines laid down by It, but the untimely call for the Cincinnati conference of May U'th, But that call UUaoed and the conference will held. We shall attend It, and strive to have the Omaha plan adopted by It l alllag in that, we shall Join heart an soul In any plan upon which tbe major it aifre which iromle uccea. vv are for unity. must gt ltthtr. We subjoin an extract from a private letter from a leading Independent the state of New Turk, which voices the doubt whU h many now feel. Hu while fu? friand I somewhat dWeeur aged he will K he aiajortly. ami work heart and sou) for succe, e March tt, 1H, isiiMt Brwi, I M today tike writing row a ramV ling, toaaMentlal letter, 04 the palUlcal ttalek. Immediately after the puU.eatloaof aOtnh Ittti-Atutio rumfi- ! m ttere wa a brlA demand in our tut lor ropie to orculai M I ttt, but a swa at th peopl learned TUS that there was to be another conference on May 19th, 1891, there was no further j use of trying to get endorsers to said Declaration. I So everything is again at a stand still. All are discouraged. Chaos has come again. The people now confront their monopolistic enemies, and have within their reach their last opportunity for a peaceful ballot solution of the problem of the plundered. Unless "the Gods" do not want to de stroy the Independent movement, the Cincinnati conference will be troubled, like the builders of the tower of Babel, with a "confusion of tonjrues." As when the sons of God came together, with them Satan came also." so it will be at said conference. When honest reformers meet, with them 'the restless devils of discord" will come also. If none but honest reformers go to the National conference there will then be danger of an overloaded platform. Iubbard will insist on "a broad plat form" with his latest hobby "Hill's New National banking system" that recog nizes only metallic money, and guaran tees three (3) per cent on money depos ited by hoarders of capital. Norton will want greenback, with a big G inscribed on the party banneis, and in the platform. The single tax men will be on band with their narrow plank. The prohibitionists will bolt if their unseasonable issue is rejected. And so on to the end of the chapter. The fact that those who ride these hobbies are honest, increases the danger of it. The Stanford boomers will be on band touching elbows with the brazen apos tles of Delay. But I shall not worry about it. If the conference lets well enough alone, by endorsing the National Far mers' Alliance plan of organization and Declaration of Principles, no harm beside the loss of three months will re sult from that meeting. Let us wait and see. Yours Truly. B. TWO IXTERESTIXQ 0CCAS10XS. Two very interesting events took place at tbe state house last week which would have been noticed in our last is sue except for the illness of the editor. Tbe first was the presentation to Mr, Pirtle, chief clerk of the senate, of a beautiful silver tea set by the employes of the senate, as a token of their re spect and esteem. The presentation speech was made by Mr. McCall, clerk of the committee of the whole. The presentation speech was a neat and happy effort, and was happily respond ed to by Mr. Pirtle. No tribute could possibly have been more worthly be stowed. The second event alluded to was tbe presentation of seventeen silver medals to the seventeen senators who so nobly stood by their guns during the late dead-lock in which the corpora tions tried their bulldozing tactics to accomplish a defeat of the Newberry bill. This presentation took place on Thursday evening of last week. It was to have taken place at the Lindell ho tei, out it was louna mat there was no room in the house large enough to ac commodate ine participants, so an adjournment was made to the senate chamber. The occasion was a very happy one. The presentation speech was made by Congressman McKeigan, and was one of his pleasantest efforts. Addresses were also made by other dis tinguished gentlemen, and responses by many of the senators present. la ten all in an it was an occasion long to be remembered. Greatly to our regret our illness and wrong infor mation as to the date prevented our being present. LOOK OUT FOR FRAUDS We have not set ourselves up to pro tect the public against frauds. The con tract would be too large. But of all things we despise it is to see a popular er growing public sentiment taken ad vantage of by a fraud as an advertising dodge, A quack doctor, who adver Uses himself as a "specialist" and whorte advertisement to the amount of some thing over one hundred dollars, we re cently refused a place In The Aluaxck, Is out with a prospectus for Tfo Wester Xa t tuna lit t. and parades a list of con trlbutnrs which contains some respect able names. Of course this is purely an advertising dodge, and should be so un derstoud, If people wUh to pay for ad vertlslng sheet they have a pcrtecl light to do so, , t tT The IKik Cot xtt I.kaokk Is the name of a bright Independent pa tier Jut started at Fremont Neb. It editor U Mr. J.W . hherwood, formerly of Uucola. Mr. Sherwood i an able and trenchant writer and wltt give our lMd couely friend a good paper, It devotion to tho cause of tho Independ bUhU U of the Srt order. Tut Lrit bt printed at this office and ha to patent aide edited by monopoly nwppr union, By thus saving the Investment of t ewill plant, Mr hrrwaod ran give his reader a better raner al a lower eot aad raa devote all hi time to editorial work and bi aea luttead of bothering to Pflul on rr two pad of lpr at great pene. THE CTIZEXSr TICKET. As we have advised, a combination of citizens without regard to party f has been made and a ticket put in the field. This ticket should receive the support of every man who is in favor of honest government and opposed to boodle rule. Voters of Lincoln, and all of yon to whom packed primaries are not equiva lent to an election; to whom the con tents of your purse is more dear than the gratification of foolish prejudice and the adherence to the shells of party lines in city affairs; all of you who hate the domination of bosses and those who brand you because you dare to think for yourselves and protect your inter ests; all of you who are opposed to vet eran political cormorants who claim to manage our city affairs as of right; all of you who are in favor of an improve ment in our municipal affairs, and the election of men who will protect and advance concurrently the interests of all; all of you who are opposed to the sovereign medicine of corporate money, electric jobbery, city bond jugglery, paving robbery, fire limit favoritism, and Councilman Rice's prairie irriga tion schemes with city money; all of you who are opposed to the disposition of office holders and seekers to take ad vantage of the natural public patience and apathy ; all of you who are not blind and deaf to the notorious and manifest facts concerning the venal and merce nary condition of our city government during the hist two years; and all of you who are not blind to the fact that the nominations of the late so-called repub- ican convention mean nothing of im provementmean no reformation for two years to come; yea, all of you who are mindful of this and these matters should be active and prepred in due time to foil at the polls the consumma tion of the sanguine hopes of the lead er's, Benton, Alexander and Thomson; and the objectionable part of the spawn of Saturday's so-called republican cen vention. Do you not see that already they stand with open, sordid hands behind them; that they are sworn friends; the friendship of mutual cupid ity? Do you not see by their bland smile and expectant gaze, that already in hope and belief they have devoured the booty? Is there one of them in whose power you would place yourself individually? Then why will you trust your financial interests to them collect ively? To oppose such men as these is the duty and common cause of each and every citi such men are a common danger, and their hopes and expectations of boodle, like a conflagra tion, must be put out. For they are men to whom an oath is a joke, evi dence of their guilt a plaything, your opinion of them a shadow; men who place all their credit and reputation ia politics and their triumph and profit in spoils. The contagion of their corrup tion spreads more widely than you think; more are implicated than you believe. Voters of Lincoln, beware lest you pull the Trojan horse filled with such men into the city. Voters, array yourselves against Alexander, and first of all oppose to that worn out, defeated, perfidious and disappointed tool and politician your best and strongest efforts; and then against that band of hovering buzzards which follow him, bring your remaining available force. If you wish to avail yourselvesuf the strength at hand you will learn that you are strong, and Alexander and his gang weak; for the conscience of the people of this city is a potent force. Compare the cause of Alexander and Weir. On the one side fighting pro tection to tax payers, on the other side robbery of them; on the one modesty, on the other wantonness; on the one honesty, on the other fraud; on the one piety and religion, on tho other wickedness; on the one honor, on the other baseness and perfidy; on the one those who defeated Courtney for county attorney, on the other Courtney him self and bis gang. In short, equity, law and order and all the civic virtues are contending in the coming election against iniquity, against indolence, agalust boot lie and all the civic vices; and last of all the well founded hopes of success are contending against the ring's and Aleaxnder's despair. Indeed In the contest now being waged in the Interest of a pure city govern ment it must be apparent to every voter that the manifest, notorious and num erous vice of the present city adminis tration will find a fertile soil in Alexan der and hi confederate, unless he and they are defeated by the dUgust, indig nation, activity, seal and combination of all the cltUen of Lincoln at the poll w htt love the reign of law. honeaiv, order and sobriety, and the good fame and prosperity of thl city. IT The eight hour taw ha pad both houae. and U realy for the lgna tare ot the governor. No party In Ne braska ever fulfilled the pledge of It piatfurra ao nearly as ha the independ ent party, and no party ever showed such sterling honeaij la It effort to fulfill them. I" 1 ' 1 "mw tW More our nit Uu the legU laturewlll have adjourned, ,V will gi net! week k fKittpUU review of the wotk rl the eatoa. ta Itiuh of IUwm.b) county killed ten wild got In Bv thou. THE BEGIXX1MG OF THE EXD. airfield, Neb., March Z Hon. S. M. Elder, Hon. Loean McKey- nolds, and Hon. Valentine Horn: Dear Sirs and Brother Toilers. AU the employes of the G. I. railroad (Union Pacific system) located at this point had orders to be at the depot on the arrival of train due here at 6:45 p. m. to-day to sign a petition to Gov. (?) Boyd praying him to veto tbe Newber ry maximum rate bilL This petition was sprung on them unexpectedly, and many did not even read it, but signed without any hesitation, at they all knew full irell that if they did not sign it, their services would be dispensed with in the near future. Hence, as all of them are heads of families and part if not all of them are in debt some, they could not help obeying the mandates of the bosses. But it is a shame, that in this so called country of the free, the sons of honest tail in the employ of a cor poration are forced under penalty of being thrown out of employment, to sign a petition so repugnant as this la and in tbe manner it was rushed on them. The Newberry bill was rightly named the "maximum," and tbe cor porations fighting it in the underhand ed way they have done and are now doing, show that the bill is intended fo tbe benefit of the many instead of the few. There ought to be indigna tion meetings held in every city, town, village and school house in the state by the people and let their servants at Lincoln know: That the cry stalked sentiment of the toilers ofXebraska is with them in their struggle for the masses and against the classes, and by so doing ex ecutive officers will fear to thwart tha will of tho people. Fraternally, Laborer. Brother McReynolds handed us the above letter which gives in a few word the situation of the railroads. Other evidence is being being brought to light that proves conclusively that the men were given their choice between a time check and signing the petition referred to. How long will an intelli gent people permit such tyranny and unwarranted use of power on the part of the railroad kings of the country. Is it not indeed time to look for the beginning of the end, viz: Government ownership and control of all railways, tele graphs and telephone lines. In this lies the only solution of this problem, and such experiences as Nebraska has passed through in connection with railroad legislation this winter is changing the opinions of hundreds of thousands of our most intelligent citizens, and it means a complete revolution in tho near future. t, i tn T CJIAXGE OF MAXAGEMEXT. The Independent, published in this city, has changed hands. Under the old management we had no confidence in it in either a political or business sense. But its present proprietor is S. E. Thornton, a true Independent and a young man of much push and energy. While we candidly doubt his ability to make the paper a success, handicapped as he is by entire ignorance ot the busi ness of printing, he will certainly de serve success. We most heartily wish that he may succeed. DOXY FAIL TO REGISTER. Saturday, April 4, is the last day for registry of voters previous to the city election. Persons who registered last fall do not Lave to register now. Don't fail to register. STATE XEWS. A fire at Miller caused $4,000 damage. The Peru schools have closed for a vacation. Alma's city ticket is divided on the saloon question, The prosrram for the Crete Chautau qua will be announced soon. The first installment for the beet sugar factory at Norfolk has arrived. The wagon bridge across the Platte at Schuyler was swept away by float ing ice. Calhoun & Woodruff are issuing the Lincoln Herald daily during the city campaign. The famous Marine band of Washing ton will visit Lincoln April 21. At Omaha on the 22d. Kearney's new opera house has Wen leased to Kobert McReynolds the Lin coln manager, and will be ojiened with in a month. Bishop Bonacum has purchased the Judge Dundy residence in Falls City, und will convert It iuto a convent. The recent heavy fall of snow and rain throughout the state ha caused considerable damage to live stock, but Insures to tbe farmers an abundant crop forlWl. The Cutter Cvunty fiearon of March 34 contalu tweuty sts notice uf sheriff's sale, and enough other legnl advertising to make the average Nebraska new, paper man green with envy. At a special meeting of Lincoln Typo graphic I'uiuu No. '". It hunday. O. lL Kigg was choaen delegate to the International, which convene at IUnUiu neit June. Sereuty alt mem ber were present. (1. K, Mctil.l of Kxney ha Invented and paleuied a new and very aiiupl machine for pumping water. The ob ject U to dUpetuMt with all windmill and water pump, aad pump all water by meau ot routprewted air, It U so atranjrd that it make no dttlerrnce how tlM'p th Well 1. lb result wilt ba jut IN aaiit a d a strong a current of water can I pumped frvnu a welt feet deep a fruut vu only twenty feet Ihl 't'oiupreaMttt Air t.levalof. a It U railed, U a imple n-jrtMite and can be manufactured and Mild cheaper that the ordinary pump.