.'THE r VOL. II. LINCOLN, NEB., SATURDAY, APR. 4, 1891. NO. 42. "'jj'x'" ' ""rf""" i r NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. Eipieatiows : Am the easiest and cheapest MO! of notifying subscriber of the date of their expirations we will mark this ootloe with a blue or red pencil, on the date at whioh their fubecrlptlon expiree. We will send the paper two week! after expiration. If not re newed by that time it will be discontinued. 1891. APRIL 1891. Sa. Mo. Tu. We. Th. Fr. Sa. TYj4 JLJL:Z AAJOJi J213 J415 16J7 J9 222 2Z 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 THE MARKETS. Chicago Grain and Provision. Chicago, March 31. ' WHKAT Mar. 91.0M; July, Sl.Uf Litis. CORN May, July, tlVMc. OATS-May, 54,; July.'&rfe-, POKK May, 12.55; July, lilJS. LARD May, $0.H7fwi.0U;Ju!r, 7. 12l$&7.5. SHORT Kibii-May.Xi.UT; July, HJ.CiJ. Chicago Lire Stork. Usiom Stock Yabds, I Chicago, March 3L 1 CATTLE Estimated receipts. 6,000 head. Na tives, H.ottJMt. itt; cows and bulk, W&ObkXtt; Teians. l.&uai.OO. Market stronir HOGS Estimated receipts, 1H.0OO head, Heavy, 4.0.Vff.Y15; mixed. $4.0.10; light S4.i5.4.eo. jnarnei nrm. SHEP-Natives. S1.U0QS.75; westerns, S4-25 Kansas City Lire Stock. Kansas City, March 31 CATTLE-Estimated receipt.. 2,000 head; aipments 2.300 head. Steers, $:i.H.rijtt. 10: cows, $-MuiM; Htockers and feeders, fcI.U0ift4.15. llarket st roll if and hiKher. HOGS-hstiinated receipts, 2.800 head; ship- merit, a.ttwi ueaO. All grades, sz. mnjjl.oj Mar ket higher. - . . Omaha Live Stock. Union Stock Yards, I Omaha, March 31. f CATTLE-Estimated receipts, 2,700 head. Prime heavy. tZ:MAT: medium heavy. $3.7iii 4.80; common, $.U4ft3.70; choice to fancy cows ana Hellers. .UOit.J.au; common to medium cows Jf;i.Jf3.50; canners $1.U2.10; bulls, $1.7.V-'.B0: let meated feeders, (2.2.ry.20; stackers, S2.mttfa.00; steak beefs, 4.85. Market active to higher; cut beef, S-i 75. HOGS Estimated receipts 3,200 head. Light, $4.lw,.6.": mixed. 4.454.7U: heavy. S4.i 175. Market opened lUc higher and closed alow. KHEEP-Estimated receipts, 800 head. Mar ket steady. AMUINU ALLIGATORS AND HOUNDS. Officers Have a Lively Time with an cle Tom's Cabin" Company. 'Cn. .new iork, March 31. A panic oc curred at the Novelty theatre, Driggs treet, Williamsburg. The excitement was caused by s deputy sheriff and a constable serving attachment papers upon Harry Weber, who is manager for the "Uncle Tom's Cabin" company. This writ was secured for unpaid salar ies. Ushers intercepted the officers and lively tussle followed. The audience, mainly composed of women with chil dren, and young girls without male es corts, grew terribly alarmed at the fierce struggle, and many started for the street. Finally the officers broke away from the ushers and made flying leaps over the heads of the orchestra and landed upon the footlights. Both were badly scorched by the lights. Among the property of the company was about a dozen full-grown aligators and seven savage bloodhounds. Thj officers in their haste rushed among the brutes, and both men, in order to evade the sharp fangs of the animals, were compelled to shin up several stage trees until the animals were called off. The animals, with the scenery, were about the only attachable property the officers found. Dr. Crosby's Funeral. New York, March 31. Dr. Crosby's f nneral will take place on Wednesday. The private services at the house will be held at 2 o'clock to-day. Dr. Hall of the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian church, and Dr. Taylor of the Broadway taber nacle, will officiate. Immediately after ward public service will be held in the church of which Dr. Crosby was the late pastor. The burial will be at Wood lawn. A joint meeting of the Methodist, Re formed and Iresbyterian Ministers' as sociation was held, Rev. John Hall pre siding. He spoke of the loss they had sustained in the death of Dr. Crosby. A committee was appointed and after wards reported suitable resolutions on the death of Dr. Crosby, which were adopted. , Capt. f atlry In Had Odor. Omaha. March 81. The acquittal of Capt. Catley, company C, Second in fantry, on the charge of cowardice in refusing to lead his command to the re lief of the troops engaged In the battlo f Wounded Knee, by the court martial, and the consequent severe criticism of the verdict by (Jen. Brooke is thorough ly agitating army circle. The general declared ttuit there was ntmolutcly noth ing to warrant the acquittal of the ac-ciiM-.l, snd Out old Indian lighter instat ed that lib Htwe denunciation of ("alley should Isfoiiie a part of the mvrd. Capt. ('alley is reinstated, but hi brother otlicer Insist that m U nt en titled to rrcogniiioti, ami ho is Ignored by ail Mci' t the lui-iiiU is of his im mediate (Ollllll.tll'l, tllg Mult r llelrua Watvr t wyi Nrw Wkk, .f mU nt.-tw F, Witl.i iti brought unit avkiiit Tin, II. lvut'r in Um uprt'iitt uti t t rt cm-r if .', in; t!iiiui'vi 1 1 breath of fontiiu t tu l'in alt;tiitiht of oih btt.t t l i!,.- k .f U i Uw Vt-r tviiq ovy f M u.trtiu, t I iu- uui tu tlint t i !.! (nr o ) W ti' r party Ht'bita, .Moitl, J !.! I'.iru H I, , alUiwt s w-r tt ift-j j tt fit -1 j ?!.it (,.,t. trml wltih wiriint lutoio wtiUttw Unkhui Ul. A BRIDGEWRECKED. The Pontoon Across the Missouri at SU Charles Again Demolished. BATTLE IN A STAIRWAY. Greeks, Italians and Other Foreigners Fight Savagely la m Chicago Tene mentLake Steamer Sank A Lynching In Texas. St. Charles, Mo., March 81. The largest pontoon bridge in the world, lo cated at St. Charles, across the Missouri river broke from its moorings and cables about 5 o'clock a. m., and with a series of cracks and groans, and with a shower of flying splinters, started down a very wild river propelled by a stiff gale from the southeast. Five men connected with the bridge were on it at the time of the break John Coleman, Fritz Weeks, Louis Robinson James Sparks and Capt. John Enoch, the bridge man ager and superintendent. At a late hour these men had not been heard from. This is the third wreck the bridge has experienced within the past few weeks, and from the ap pearance of the harbor this last wreck is most complete, for not a single pontoon stands out from either bank of the river. The cables toward the St. Charles shore broke first, and as the St. Charles end moved down the stream the cables snapped in turn until the last one broke, when the bridge moved down a few yards, and then bunched up in the center with a grinding crash, heard for a considerable distance. The wooden railings flew in every direction. Some of the pontoons must have struck the stone piers of the Wabash bridge, for there was another tremendous crash when the boats passed under the high spans. At the dyke that runs out into the river at the northern line of the city limits another crash was heard, evident ly caused by colliding with the sharp corners of the dyke, which is constructed of square log pens ruled . in with rocKs. The break was caused by about an acre of driftwood piling against the bridge. Battle In a Ktalrway. Chicago, March 31. The race pre judice existing between the Arabians, Greeks and Italians living in the squalid tenement at No. 126 Pacific avenue, broke out afresh, and before being sub dued by the police considerable blood was flowing and several broken heads were being nursed. The fight started between the Scota and the Marginni families who live on the top floor, but in a very few minutes a hundred howl ing, yelling, half drunken men, women and children were participating. Old fashioned and modern guns, knives and revolvers were freely used. Up and down the narrow stairway the yelling mob fought and struggled. Tony Scota, a low browed evil-looking fellow, leaned over the stair railing and fired a shot from a murderous looking revolver, the bullet taking effect in Mrs. Marginni'g head, producing an ugly wound. The Iiolice were summoned and a wagon oad of men sent to the scene. They were compelled to draw their revolvers and force their way through the crowd to rescue the woman. The Wreck of the Dictator. Norfolk, Va., March 81. Lieut. Walker, of the United States life sav ing service, arrived at the beach, and is making a rigid investigation into the loss of lire in connection with the wreck of the bark Dictator. There is a dis position here to censure the Sea Island life-saving crew for not attempting to launch the life boat, as it was shown that even a small boat could make the trip in safety, the bark's dingy coming ashore without capsizing, and bringing four men. Two of these men after they had gotten ashore wanted to take the small boat back for their comrades, but were not allowed to do so. Ouly two bodies of those lost on the Dictator have so far been recovered. The body of the first mate is thought to be lashed to the wreck, and the body of the captain's wife is supposed to be under the wreck, as she 'ua on it when the final crash came. Trouble at a Crave. Pittsburg, Pa., March 31. Jen Sen, one of the wealthiest Chinamen in this city, was buried in Hilldale cemetery according to the full ritual of the Ma sonic fraternity. Jen's funeral was at tended by about a thousand Chinamen from all over western Pennsylvania. They inarched to the plaoo of interment preceded by the Second Brigado band. They carried Chinese llatts and beat cymbals and tom-toms, making an un earthly racket. At the cemetery a fight occurred between the inoiirutis and hoodlums, and two of the former were thiown into the newly-made grave. Fried chicken and rare delicacit s, Chiu e coins and jo sticks were left at th grave. The edibles and coin were stolen by the gauiiim after the fum-rat cortege left th cemetery. Heu'a dtU Wart caused by the gi Jat-k Me t attSVs t . fiRtHiKLV!, March 81. Thi case of Jack McAuliffe anl other iuchm! of violating the CMuHtttg law lutclliug poult was pottpoUfd utitil JluirwUy, Aprs! b, on ttttoiiitt i f tin al.wnce of th district attorney. 1 U uem. v, A J. c:tptnivd lit H10 ,utd t.ut, ii!i ntorvi U McAuluftS 1h MtiAUrh sltt4 Will f .mloit, l!n.S't.s. SUrvh 31. Th Jlyrt. (Itirk Oitim will coiit.t ui llj r -irvwtn,f In the irtv!n'ii rtitirt. Ir. Uj i' of Try. a:i cv rrt In h.t.i In it te.lifi. I UijS tn lo iplut.m tltd h4- ".vlnv' will 4ii-r'4r! to L-4 uulne. THE PARNELU ENVOYS. r O'Kelly Declares the Narcrss of the Mis sion Is Assured. Chicago, March 81. James J. O'Kel ly, the chief of the Paruellite delegation, left for Detroit. "Our mission," said Mr. O'Kelly, "is already an assured suc cess, notwithstanding the reports to the contrary telegraphed all over the coun try and printed in the newspapers. Over thirty meetings have beVn ar ranged for already, and every day brings new invitations. We will commence about April 12 in Philadelphia, taking in all the eastern cities and coming west ward as far as Chicago, where we shall have to divide up our delegaliou in order to be able ttf fill our engagements dur ing the next two months. The state ment telegraphed over the country that I got a hostile reception in Lincoln, is utteily without foundation. I am not at liberty to state what took place be tween President Fitzgerald and the other gentlemen I met ami myself, but it will come ont in good time. The statement that I was curtly told in Omaha that there was no money there for Parnell, is a ridiculous falsehood. I was most cordially received by the lead ing Irish citizens of Omaha, and a good meeting was guaranteed. I start for Detroit to meet O'Brien J. Atkinson of Port Huron and a number of other rep resentative Irish-Americans of Michigan. After that I shall take in a few or the principal cities of Ohio, and then I re turn here. I am perfectly satisfied that our mision will le successful and that the great mass of the Irish here.as in Ire land, aro solid for Parnell." NATIVE TROOPS DEFEATED. Five Hundred Goorkhas Slain In a Battle at Manlpur. London, March 31. A dispatch re ceived from Manipur.province of Assam, tells of the disastrous defeat of a force of native troops garrisoned at that place. The chief commissioner of As sam, Mr. James W. Quinton, has been investigating serious troubles among the native chiefs in that conntry, hav ing in contemplation the arest of a prominent chief who had been active in effecting the deposition of the reignirg rajah. M. Quinton established a strong camp, which he manned with (ioorkhas, native light infantry in the British East Indian service. This action was nromntlv accented as a challenge by the hostile tribes and thecamp was savagely attacked. Two days of fierce fighting followed. The Goorkhas fought with valor aud determination, but the odds against them were very heavy. They are reported to have left 470 of their number dead on the field. The chief commissioner and seven orncers are also reported to be missing. Official Advices. LONDON.March SL-r-Official dispatches received from Calcutta confirm the truth of the disastrous news from Mani cure, province of Assam, to the effect that a force of Qhoorkhas had after two days of fierce fighting and the loss of 470 killed out of tneir numoer, been de feated by natives of the province. Of ficial advices leave uncertain the fate of the chief commissioner of Assam, James W. Quinlan, who was at the time of the battle conducting an investigation into the tribal troubles, as well as of that of several British officials who ac companied him. The viceroy, how ever, expresses the belief that all have been either killed or taken prisoners. To add to the gravity of the situation the same advices say that that it is be lieved that 200 Bengalees infantry and 800Ghoorkhas who were marching to Maupin.have been attacked in a difficult mountain pass and annihilated. The Motion. New York, March 81. The commit tee appointed by the syndicate to exam ine the condition of the Louisville, New Albany and Chicago railroad submitted its report to the directors of the Mouon road. The committee found the condi tion of affairs as represented, and was satisfied to execute the contract al ready drawn for control of the property. President Breyfogle and Vice Presidents Hunt and Postlethwaite, together with eight of the present directors, then re signed. The new management elected a new board of directors, which chose Gen. Samuel Thomas as president and John Greenough as vice president. Mr. Breyfogle was made assistant to Presi dent Thomas. It was stated after the meeting that the road would be contin ued as an independent system, and that its alliances with friendly connections would not be disturbed. Textile Workers Organising. Lowell, Mass., March 81. A meet ing of the textile workers was called to order to form a national association. The report of the committee on creden tials showed delegates present from the cotton weavers', woolen spinners ami cotton dressers' association of Lowell; Knights of l.aUr Association of Textile Workers and Warp Dressers of Law renee: the Textile Workers' association of lover, N. II., and the Cotton Weav ers' amH'iaiiou. Iklegate. from Fall Hiver, New Bedford aud other places are expected. a lrMr s Lli! It ! lb won, March 81. The direct lialiiU tie of Treasurer Lathrop of the llooUm Car Spring company are about f! I.OoO, IKU lll ll.il.ln M tlul iDier to tho amount of t;7,io0 on the company's note. 11 is ot are Miaeimtlly a cUiui of f .'J.Omi on the company, the llvhlrr htrlke. Kh mtfKK, M,m h 81. About 4) per rt ut. it thi r-j;uUr for of cutters are t woik. There are many lrtt!ul f ititilimof Utlor in cui-xfuMrH i,f lot k-ottr, Tiw elotititi factor were lUKi'fc'td ttitlt tilvts tKvktUjf fur work, Mnt A, Tex., M,mh3l. Vtllt i 1 1, rt-lored. v. I. n ! J 1 re for t"i !' ; a trtiitui.tt tt Jiuu't ujaiji an tiiiubUi U 1 txii Ua ntar Ihu t it. WASHINGTON GOSSIP. Amrrican Reef Successfully Intro duced in Switzerland. FOR SUGAR PRODUCERS. I'rovlsloas of the Art la Regard to the Bounty Carter's Appointment Sat isfactory Mr, Lrntrke Itecllnee The Klncald Murder TrlaL Washington, March 31. The leading hotels in Zurich, Switzerland, now have on their bills of fare 'viande de Anien cane. The stock yards' translation of it is "Prime American beef." Now that the European market for American meats is looking up, the report of Con sul Catlin telling how it was done is in teresting. A suggestion having been made to the Swiss Butchers' association, an influential body extending all over Switzerland and having some 500 mem bers, that there might be a profit in the introduction of American beef cattle on the hoof from one or another of the great seaports, it was determined to make the exieriinent. A committee pro ceeded to Antwerp and purchased 110 Chicago beeves from a cargo just arrived. They were shipped from Ant werp in eleven through cars as fast freight for Basle, reaching Zurich in good condition and within less than three weekB from New York. The round price paid at Antwerp was about 7 cents per English pound. The freight for the entire lot from Antwerp to Basle was $S49, which is rather higher than will be paid for subsequent shipments. The cattle found a ready market at ouco. Zurich took thirty, Basle, Berne and St. Galle each twenty, and Winter thnr and Brug each ten head, and the beef was pronounced to be excellent in quality. It was sold off at the usual selling price, about 17 cents per pound, and proved inadequate to the demand which hail been created by the news of the experiment being made. Carter's Appointment Hatlsfactory. Washington, March 31. In appoint ing ex-Congressman Carter of Montana to be commissioner of the general bind office the president has given more widespread satistaction man no pos' silly could have through the appoint merit of any other one of the many can' didates proposed for the place, not be cause there was no others suggested who were not equally qualified for the position, but it is doubtful if there is another man in the country available for the appointment who was so well and favorably known to all the con gressmen having business with the land office. Mr. Carter, during his career in congress Rave particular attention to matters relating to the land laws of the country, and he was looked upon as one of the best posted men on such subjects in congress. He will mnke an excellent official, and while others who were in the race will naturally be disappointed, they will not fail to join in the general commendation iri the wisdom shown by the president in making the selection. Utiles for Sugar Producers. Washington, March 81. The com missioner of internal revenue has pre pared a serious of regulations for the enforcement of the provisions of the McKinley tariff act in regard to the bounty on sugar of domestic produc tion. They prescribe that all producers of sugar who intend to apply for a bounty on sugar produced during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1892, must file notice and make application for a license within the year beginning April 1, giving full and detailed information of machinery, apparatus and capacity. A proper bond must also be executed by every person or firm intending to manu facture sugar. Full instructions are given in regard to tho books producers shall keep, etc. The bounty will be paid from year to year. The Klncald Trial. Washington, March 31. -In the Kin caid case Judge Bradley ruled that testi mony going to show that the deceased had on various occasions threatened the life of the defendant was admissible. William E. Curtis, Perry S. Heath, ex Congressman Laifoon ami others were called aud told of threats they had heard Taulbee make after the publication in a Louisville paper, of which Kincaid was correspondent, of the story of a scandal ous occurrence in the patent office, in which Taulbee aud a female clerk figured. Mr. Lanicke lierlloes. WahhisotoN. March 31. J. A. Lemcko of Indiaua, prominently men tioned as the irolhIe successor to United States Treasurer Huston, in formed the president that hi health was so bad he did not desire to be con sidered in connection with that office any loiiuer. eM.ecuuly as he had sr. ranged to go abroad in May. It is stlinl tliut llttitt.tii'M rffclu itf.1 i.itfc w'M not Ut aufptcd until a utcmKr shall havd U u appointed. Mln I tiller's Mrrlgo. WAKiitNutuN, Manh 81. -The mar ris of Mb (irac t'u!l r, th rldist daughter if I'hUf Justicw Fuller, to Art hit aid Lapltam Ciowu of ( liu ajjo. to., a 1 !.uo at M, John's F.pwtvpai it.tmo. fcl lloart tr SI 1 1 he. PlH-oii uu. Pa , Man It ai. Tha car rW and iti ioki r In Itttsl.ur and AlhtfUny, aUott ido in rt'tmWr, th't ubd It K oft a llitt If th iriletutl. (of a Uot l.ur d.ijf without a .Mo. ti"it tu Bj2 U iiot ailo.t. "M,o ruiplojtr tavelv(tJKtl to rt iv'mw tho biitwo. CHICAGO MAYORALTY FIGHT. Bator Painter Addresses Two Meetings la Favor of Crelger. Chicago, March 8). Senator Palmer arrived in Chicago and at once plunged Into the mayoralty fight, advocating, as expected, the cause of Dewitt C. Creiger, who has been declared by the Demo cratic state central committee the regu lar Democratic nomine as against ex Mayor Harrison. Marching clubs and bands formed an escort for the senator, who proceeded withont delay to the meeting of the Democratic Polish Americans, which he addressed iu com pany with other speakers. The audi ence of 2.000 greeted him enthusiasti cally. The burden of Gen. Palmers speech was that Chicago was being looked to by the party throughout the country for a great Democratic victory. He intimated that harmony now would go far towards securing success in a later struggle for the control of the state. Gen. Palmer subsequently ad dressed a large meeting of Scandinavian-Americans in another portion of the city. BOONE'S BANK ROW. The Family Dlffleulty Patched Up and Depositors are Safe. Boone, la., March 81. The pending lawsuit between John A.McFarland and his son Jolm I. McFarland, was settled. The suit grew out of the banking busi ness of John A. McFarland. The bank suspended Novemlier last with $0,000 due depositors and nominal assets worth vlO.000. Shortly after the assimiment John A. McFarland attacked the deed of assignment, allefinuif he was temporarily of unsound mind when be signed the same, and alleging ttiat hispcoperty had been diverted by bis son. J. 1. Jttci'ar land, for seventeen years cashier of the bank. It was a family row, but left the depositors unpaid, lhe settlement ef fected betweeu the parties gives the old man 820 acres of land adjoining Boone worth 10.000. while his son takes the bank assets, pays the depositors, and gives his father $300 per year during his life, As the sou is worth at least fou, 000 outside of the bank, tlie depositors will get the full amount of their claims. Lake Steamer Sunk. Detroit, Mich., March 31. The steamer City of Detroit went on the rocks at Lime Kilns crossing, Detroit river, at 12:13 a, m., during a storm. The shock stove a hole in the bottora and she gradually sank in twenty feet of water. 1 he steamer Dad seventy pi sengers and 12) tons of freight. I here was 110 commotion among tho pas sengers and few wjre aware that any thing happened till all the danger was passed. The passengers taken oil by the steamer Riverside and returned to this city. The extent of the damage cannot be estimated at this time. The vessel was valued at $375,000, A New Comet. Mt. Hamilton.CVIo., March 81. Prof. Barnard of the Lick observatory dis covered a small fairly bright comet. Its tail is fifteen minutes long. At eight hours and thirty-four minutes its posi tion was right ascension, one hour and ten minutes, ten seconds north, declina tion 44 degrees and 48 minutes. The comet is moving rapidly southward in the direction of the sun, one degree a day. Its present motion, however, will soon carry it out of sight in the neigh borhood of the sun. This makes the fifteenth comet discovered by Prof. Barnard. Proclaimed Himself the Messiah. Little Bock, Ark., March 31. The Rev. T. J. Shelton, editor of The Arkan sas Christian, the organ of the Christian church, and oue of the most prominent clergymen in the south, two weeks ago in his paper and from his pulpit an nounced himself as the Messiah. He also said he was ordered to go to Kansas City with the wife of a prominent met chant, a member of his church, lln caused a row in the church. Sheltotft was arrested in Oakland cemetery while attempting to resurrect the OOUV OIiA 1 a young lady who recently died, a meii" to raise from the dead. to the most valuable show animal, and ofaU tae 1 1 Poland China hogs. The following males la use A Drunken Justice. M; Doctor Mil (Orient Diliti Yeuag Jamb Kansas City, March 31.-J uatijjf. vfti? tuTikr, te farm sp.lloao Ganzhorn and the manner iu which l erymaa. Catalogue and prleee ea anailcaUon. office has been run in the biggest Wt " T J HAKHH, WestLiVerty. lew. of the peace district in Kansas City a subjects of universal gossip. Police o tcera were looking for him with a wu rant charging him with embezzling $ which he collected on a judguien When last seen h was rounding i ',De"n South Grand avenue with his court ; x m f taches. all of whom were intoxicatfTj4j TCj The justice is now out on bond awa w ing trial on a charge of assaulting)! colored woman and for a disttu banco 1 the peace. ur Joy In South Dakota. nU 1P the west AH., a D. March tS storm of snow aud rain, which aggr oste.1 llirM. or fniir iricliHi i,f limlsli At South UtMltield the snow is mc than a foot deep. In thu viciiiityt Ilieltcd about as It fell. Last ni$ht r and snow tuutu fell. Fanner r Iilv U. liuhtcd. for the rrouild U Kelt1 a tluxoii-tt nuking, and seed will pna as soon as it is sown. The waaon op most auph'iouly. A tlurelag Mis. Tie I.-ai A mi .asp, l'., Mann iU.ira l.v fvn & Irown initio at Mhnoy PI f Which Ktv lupiotn.eu! l' t on tin, and th Indication tr y litis tn,Uilrv will Im difvL tcvi ral tb) pat !!!i. havo -tt ln. It t not- feared that the tl w'il sjitem l th r-.Uu.wi. gtvws whteti ovriit tl in ,wv wonUl haw t!aa!tl. A larji f "its art t" Inj, tlut t'.mu. Tti vein of r'l on 1, t dsrt(y UtieaUt tlx JM.,!i.ni. U 1'iK '.iLiiiii, tiius t i,'Ui.i,vi u1( Ut J iv and va4 Uia a tavo-in. ELEYATOR HEN KICK North Dakota's Sew Law Xot Satis factory to Them. ITS PROVISIONS UNJUST. They Claim They Will Be L'aable to Eam s Fair Betnrn oa Their Plants aad Will Accordingly Refuse to BVo eelve . Grain for Storage. Bismarck. N. D., March 81. A spir ited discussion, is going on in this state relative to the elevator laws. The ele vator companies themselves framed the bills which were passed by the legisla ture at its recent session, but the far mers had an amendment incorporated putting down the storage fee from 2 cents for fifteen days to 2 cents for twenty days. The companies now gay that they will not operate their plant as public warehouses, but will simply buy right out as grain is offered, and cite judicial decrees to show that they can not be compelled to operate as pub lic warehouses. The railroad commis sioners intend to enforce the law In all respects. The farmers of the state feel that th legislature was altogether too liberal with the companies in yielding varionn regulations found in the laws of the pre vious session. Many say that the re fusal of the companies to receive grain for storage next fall would lead to thai passing of retaliatory laws that would virtually drive the elevator companisa from the state. There will undoubtedly be more private shipping than ever nexfe fall, but then the troublesome question, of cars arises. A sufficient number of cars never can be furnished, even when the companies are storing, and when hundreds more of the farmers become their own shippers the difficulties ott getting the grain to market will b doubled. ' A Law's Intention Reversed. I Trenton, N. J., March 81. A seriou error has been discovered by the at torney general in the amendment made by the legislature to the ballot re-i form laws. The intent jf the amend-! ment was to exempt towns of less than 4,000 from using the election booths inj their local elections. The word "notf was put in the wrong place and it make1 the use of booths applicable to towns of less than 4,000 inhabitants. The at-j torney general expresses the opinion that the intent of the law will hold, not- Withstjindintr tho vrrar Kansas Farmers to Rslse Beets. Sauna, Kan., March 81. At a mass meeting of farmers Dr. Schweitwiler of Germany discussed the sugar beet in- dustry. As a result 150 farmers hay decided to plant beets this season. The! seed will be furnished them from Ger-j many. Twenty tons an acre is an aver-j age crop, for which they will receive $4j per ton. If the industry succeeds a) German syndicate will put in a $500,009 sugar factory here. Klght-Hour Agitation. Boston, March 81. At the carpen ters' district council held here Saturday: night, representatives from twenty-five; local unions stated that they had beenj instructed to urge the council to conJ tinue the 8-hour agitation, and to leave nothing undone which might enablai the carpenters to get the 8-hour rule ee4 tablisfc ed. It was unanimously decided! to hold a series of public agitation meet ings ju all parts of this state. Jury Bribers Ueld. tago, March 81. J. J. OF POLAND CHINA SWINE. lL 1 r.i:il 1. SAM iai( ar ww. URSERIES GUARANTEED. . - , ... Ittti and Pack with Care. mK Roses and Shrubs. suited to our climate. Komi ollli to responsible parties on llasv ' delivery. ' ' aTM'llfc, frela, ltasa. NEBRASKA GUI TT A"PTV Fruit Trees, Grape Vines A N't) StnaU Fruits, J. G. KTEFF1, lOtf