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About The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1891)
It, THE FARMERS' ALLIANCE. LINCOLN, NEB., SATURDAY, 31AR. 14, 1891. TH1 PEARL OF THE PACIFIC. Valdimir 8832 (1S;1 is a black Percberon weighing 100 pounds; foaled Feb. 2, leJW, and iias lieen at the head of the stud at Wolf Creek Stock Farm, ow ned by Win. Krn3t. tor two yean. Oo everal occasions hi owner has refused a long price for Valdiniir. Id the judgment of those who are in a po sition to know he Is one of the handssmest Ten-heron stallions that ht ever crowed the water, sad his breeding is of the best, giv ing hlrn a strong dami 01 Drwiani blood in his veins. He has proved hiniMilf an excellent breeder; his colts are uniformly black, and show the splendid style and action of Mr. wnst wm exniou him with bis get at the State Pair next fall, and we may anticipate somethiu if good . As a a two-year IJae M It Apprt te the Tf ef Amer IraaVLItor. Lima has been called the Tearl o! the Tactile and other flattering nama. ays Theodore Child In Harper's Mazarine. la the old days of the viceroys It was, beyond doubt, the floeiU as U was the richest, city io New Spain; but now It is a sadly sultlcd peart, a moribund and Inert pjsre, where everythlnr bears witness to decadence, poverty, and almost da spair. Th streets swarm with bejr- Cars, and the majority ef the 100,000 their Hire inhabitants of the capital live ie an indigent, primitive, aed thoroughly iinbygtenlo manner, wnicn wouia 0id j a HoS of over one hundred unendurable were it sot for tbe clem- competitors he carried off first encr of tbe climate, which enervates honors. This was in the great and conduces to a languid and indolent borse show at Nogcot le Kotrou in state, comparable la tome respects to r!W-t WoJf CtwV can Uio fatalism or u luric. inaeea, me of Gue (rlDJ, ot yoanf( 10r. su-eet lite or Jima irequenuy romiou. d m of that of Constantinople, which is likewise a city of stucco monu meals, barred windows, and overhung lag mirsdores. la tbe first place, you find a similar abundaaco of money changers, who bavo their counters open to the street, and display to tbe covetousness of the Impecunious a selection of gold and silvecolns and bank notes mixed up with jewelry, plate and miscellaneous bric-a-brac. The Lima money chanc er also deal In lottery tickets and In "buscas" the generlo name for those mummies, bits of canvas, domeitio utensils, and hideous crockoryware which form the basis ef Peruvian State Alliance, bas niad the following antiquities. These "huscas" ought to NU)S, ana will meet wiUi the county cieni inca cmos, out mucn oi mo pov (jm lery is now made in a modern mstin- Johnson factory at Paila. I have always no- Pawnee t JO Tr sew of the bt-st breeding and thor oughly acclimated. Last year's Importation shows some surpris ingly fine young horses, and pros pective bayers have only to see I hem to aduilro them. Tbe proprietor, Uni. Ernst, an agreeable gentleman who is neighborly with every one. His numerous visitors are always we! come, and a visit to this breeding rslablUhment always repays one for the trouhlo involved, hee his new catalogue for pedigrees and other Information sent to any ad-Ureas. The Farmers' Alliance, If BUSHED WEEKLT AT CORNER 11TH AND M STREETS, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. J. BURROWS, Rditor. J. M. THOMPSON. Business Ma'gr. i 9 PKBCHKttON STALLION, OWNED BY WM. ERNST, UHAF, JOHNSON COUNTY. NEB. U. Lecturer's Appointments. F. Tratt, Axs't. lecturer of the See A. N. Wycoff for U wclock prop erty- March, tlced that the scarcer money is In a country, and the worse the state of Us finances, tbe more numerous are the tables of the money changQi-s. The evidence of Lima confirms this obser vation. The finances of the country ore notoriously In a fearful stale. Although tbe mountains of Peru lira full of gold, silver, ' and other precious inoUls, there Is not a native gold coin to be found in tbe country, except as a his torical curiosity, and the very small amount of coin In circulation is of the most primitive and inconvenient kind, constating of coarse copper 1 and 2 cent pieces nnd very heavy silver dol lars. The conoquence is an etteasivo credit system and the use of 0.tnl cheek. The Li mo no prefer to run Into debt freely ral her than be bur dened with a few pounds of silver dollars. Richardson Nemaha Otoe 2. 4 0. . 11. 18. ia. Call at (; rlswolds for field garden and tree need. 140 So, 11th St., Lincoln, i For female, nervous and kidney di seases consult Dr. Aley, 1023 O street, iincoin, xeo. r,'U Some of these appointments were to hare len filled by O. Hull, State Lec turer, but he has taken another route. O, Hull, lecttirerof the State Alliance, has made the following dales, und will meet with county as follows: Yiin will find thn Ht. i !Iiut1am and nthnr lending varieties of corn at Urihwold's Hkkd RruHK, 140 So. lllh St., Lincoln, This is a Bargain. 20 ncres of good garden land only 2 miles from the post olllce, for $30 per aero. A. x. Yinvwr, Klebards Hlock. Uodge Hurt Thurston Wayne Stanton Cuming miller - Poik Hamilton Hall Buffalo Adams Clay iickolU Thayer Jefferson March April T,. 7, 10, 12. 14. II). 21. 24. 2. 2N. 81. ) . , 4 7. 0. Iarm For Sale, A good 80 acre farm, 4 miles from the county seat, can be bought, now, on eay terms, for $200 les than was of fered in cunh for It a year ago. Addrex. T, O. Box 20:j, ' A Tyalml ttrrtl rtnv, Sir Kd win Arnold In Scrlbner: Next we turn into the 'lilnza," the "Brood 'way" of tbe metropolis of Japan-a really fine thoroughfare, with paved sidewalks, tramways In the middle, and shops of a superior description. Here ebbs and flows he full business life of the city, and mingling with It, as elsewhere, the clattering pattens, the mothers and sisters with the babes on their backs, the children , kite-fly tag; the traders sitting over their glow ing charcoal brawlers; and hawkers of fish, dried radish, cakes, porilmmotts, toys, pipes, kites, and flags; the coolie with their balanced load; the blind old aamisen players; the Buddhist priests, tbe pretty muimees with their hair like black marble, and pleeou feet, the Imperturbable, slit-eyed babfos; the acquaintances meeting in the street and profusely bowing and saluting; the Japanese officer riding along, each with his btitto, or groom; the flower-peddlers, the bullocktnen, the bird dealers, the tea-house, the little funny house-fronts and opened Interiors, the bath-rooms, the temples, the stone yards, the basket-works, the gliding rice-boats lout letrera- bletnont, in fact, of the wonderful and ever interesting capital city of Japan. See A. N. Wycoff for Haveliie prop erty. For the opium, morphine or cocaine habit consult Vt. Aley, iw u street, Lincoln. Neli k82tf For rheumatism, neuralsia, Urltrht's disease, sciatica, etc., eonmilt Dr. Aley, 1020 tl direct. Lincoln, Neb. mil We make a specialty of Held, garden and flower seeds at tints wo:. t'n SEED HroitR, 140 South 11th St., Lincoln. Houses to rent or sell on monthly apymeats by J. StevenKon with J. It. MeMurtry. corner of Eleventh ana M. Removal Notice, The Chevrouts have removed their restaurant from 12U S. 12thit. to 21V N. Uth St., and are now open again for business. Being near the corner of Hay Market square, also near the cor ner of T st., between the two hotel.- nnd on the thoroughfare to and from the depot their location is convenient both to the traveling public and the farmers who bitch on the square or put up at the surrounding barns. After April 1 we shall be open day and night with good meals or lunches at reasonable prices. All tire invited to call. :BMt V. A. UHKVR01IT, W. IS. CITKVKOl'T, Proprietor. ' Manager Valu ItrcrUed. Two pedestrians met In Monroe avenue and one knocked the other down and hurried off. "That's an outraee: ' exclaimed a cltUten who helped the fallen man up. - Call the police and have him arretted!" shouted a second. Run after him and get satis faction!" ad v 10(1 a third. MlieBtlenieu," said the victim as he reached his feet, "It is all rIgU-all light" . -How all right?" 'I owed him 14 and refused to pay It He 'therefore took It out of my hide." "But, man, you have ben knocked down!" "I know It, but I've saved $A If anybody's ahead Pin the one and there's no need of raiting a row over a And be got a brur on his Jaw with hit left band and skated o,T into a aids street. Free Pres, Fryer -What Is the point at tue In Hie ease of JagS v- Hendoi-ntm whicn baa tMn dragging through the courts lokgF Lawyerllrfi trauMa boaaa ovsr the ewasrtlilp of a valuabl roan dv. Tk UUgattos. has besti golut oa far about six years and b t-etl the rou- leiiaata nearly f.V.iKo m far. 'Who will wia the dtf rsaltial!, dorsMtthlakr 'Hte dug f h, be diel ft'Ay h the v-a4 jear." . Muay'i Wee's l. U'ckh & Stewart, 23t S. 11t h St. 517-4 1 Hebron, Nebraska, Oil Price List. . Hrinie White .10 ct. Water White... , 11 Jet. Perfection .12 ct. leitdligbt 13 ct. Barrels range from 50 to IH gallons, J, T. liAisTu;r, State Agt., Lincoln. Neb. Nouce. Having rented my f.irm at Shalx'rt, I will move to Piltrer. Stanton county. Neb. After Mar. 10th all communica tions for me will h? sent to Pilger. All business relating to Alliance work in this county will be sent to Klins Barns. REAL ESTATE. Farms for salt; and exchange in all parts of Nebraska. Correspondence solicited. DORR BROS. A BRANSON, Over 1st National Bank, Lincoln, Nebv Important Innouncment Slate Agent Hartley informs us that he has just secured the sale of the best riding cultivator on the umrknt. It is something new having all the latest im provement. Steel, gangs, with extra 5ang4 for use in Heeding, and is un ouMcdly ahead of anything in this line. A "full line of plows, harrows, seeders, garden and Held seeds. For prices, circulars, etc., address, J. , UAU! L.M , I7tate Agl., Lincoln. Neb. Z. S. BRANSON, LIVE STOCK AUCTIONEER. PRICES RIGHT. tiOOI WOItK il'A ItANTKKO. Office over First National Bank. 3H-m UnrolJi, f I I Nrhraitlm. Sweet and Irbih potato seed at (ini.v woli's SkkdStobe, 140 South Uth St., Lincoln. Never Injures Stock , Stock is never injured when enclosed with a picket and wire fence. The Gar rett Fence Machine, this fence is in successful operation in every Slate and Territory iu the U. S. and seems to be universal favorite. Address . II. (Jarctt, Mann field, O., for catalogue giv ing full description of muchiiie, and also wholesale prices of wire, pickets, etc., which he sells at wholcmile prices di rect to tanners. From Nouh's time to the present day pigeons have been used as luoNnengei-H, both in pence and war. lho V, recks were familiar with their uws, and em ployed them as mc-weiigois, touching their utility to the Romans, who uwd them to great ndvantnge during the nicge of Mpdena. During the siege of Paris in 1870 communication bet ween the authorities at Tours and tli be leaguered city was muintuincd by means of the homing pigeon. More than onu inllllon prlrle uWHugi and one lum- tj-cd aad fifty thousund nlneinl dm- were curried over the bends of the Ormnu army, conveying the only intelligence received of the sunermgs f those within the Invited city to the nuWlde world, lho inensageii were photographed on a thin film of collodion, a single film coi.Vaf plug twonty-tlve mes sage, and ono bird could carry a dozen fllnia. They were inserted in a section i.f a quilt, which was bound to the tall fcathMi-a by pacing a nukn wrd through )iolw pierced in the euds by a stcl vnnU Tor Sale, Trade or Rent. A line section of land. 24 miles north east of Homerville, Gosper county, Neb. 240 acres under Plow, 4U0 acres, under fence, 2f0 acres In blue grass pasture, two story seven room house, good sheds, granary, corn crib, barns, cor rells, windmill fixed for pumping or grinding feed and all necessary out buildings for farm and stock purposes; iHH) barrel cistern and 700 foet or water plpiug. All in good shane, would make onu of the Uncut stock farms in JNcb. Addrews. 11. S. Bkli,. 'lOIMNSt, Lincoln, Neb. Iluutftund IrrinU-tl Vmrm, UsrJn and OrrliHnl la the teltrteii Hear Itlver Vulley os tha Male I.iiteit of the I'nloa VurUlc and ' nlrl PacHc : II. It. near I'orrlnr muI 04m, I'tah. Snlcndid location for business and in dustries of all kinds in the well known ity of Corinne, situated in the middle of the valley on the Central Pacific K. 11. the lands of tho Bear river valley are now thrown open to settlement by the construction of the mammoth system of Irrigation from tho Bear lake and river, just completed by the Bear itiver Canal Co',, at a cot of t;i,000,000. Tho Co. controls $100,000 acres of these line aads and owns many lots and business locations in the Citv of Corinne. and is now prepared to sefl on easy terms to settlers and colonies. The climate, soil, aud Irrigating facilities are pronounced unsurpassed by competent judges who declare tho valley to be the Paradise of the farmer, mm grower and stock raiser, Nice social surroundings, good choos and churches at Corinne City, and home markets exist for every kind of farm and garden produce in the neighboring cities of Ogdcn and Salt jakc, and in the great mimug camps. Lauds will bo shown from the local of fice of the Company at Corinne. Nli rariirNler. A woman who had apent a full hour In one of the tor veterduy "looking for ttotueihlng for her mm," was finally ked If ahe was not rather particular for a would-le puivbaiwr who had such a choice tf ChrWttua presents. '.Why, ye, 1 suppi I am," she r. Idled, but 1 tell jvni I Need U IxO " I heo your noil Is l pat llculai f" I nhould ixiy o! Hanlrt I My to stilt you ever saw, Why, he's turned Ate out of doors, bad tljiht with bis (dlher, pet the Iuhimi on I'r. and laen the boc wit and wdd it. And if I should set 1.1m anything he dldu't iHn to like he il Wi k alt of the tunil. Lrnttur out o( tb -, order bt fthr off the pvinUa aud nw m for a (Hil wlfMnr. Oh, w-rt kin f,wiuy f(or top to Uuwtin. aad w're g4 to oalt hi fetafs."" Idrylt r Piv. Something New, A Necessity to Many, Useful to All, Smith's diagram to parliamentary rules, showing the relation of any mo tion to every other motion, and answer inc at a trlance over 50U oucNtions in uarliamentary practice; together with a Key containing concise muts ana ttlrec- tlous ror conducting the business of do uucralive nemvlies. A work designed for students, teach era. prouoatdunnl fnen, all who inav be railed upon to preside over businesa meetings, all who ever have occa&ion to take part iu business proceedings, and all who may whm to inform thcmnclves on tno importnut suweot ot paruameu tary rules. The subject is licre pre wilted under au cutlndy new arrang meut, by which a great amount of In formutioa Is presented to the eye at mice, in a marvelously condenstd form. Uy an tngeulously devised system of dl verging and converging lines, all the rul applying to any given motion and all the motion comiug under any given rule are presented at one view. fitcilltHtiug immensely the nctpiWHion of a genet 1 knowledge of this subject. aud furuUhiag t a chairman Instant information on any point upon which tioituts iimy arise. It l to the study d parlimentary pr.ieuee w hat a map is to tae auaty ti geography. Bear In mind Ihnt everv- meieU r of deliberative aMiitbh ououl.l umUr stand tartlameiiiary ruloa as welt asthe ehalrtnan, to uveUt the moniltcation of moviug out of order. Sinof diag-Mui, 12) by tit Inches pi lule.1 on Imnd pajMsr, A key U imi.t.Hl to the dl Kram, contaiukng lull plniutloH, Mat, and directions tor cftmlurting del U'lthe prtHwdingH, pnuietl en hoe enUmiered pir. t oruameuUl colored border. '1 tw a hole Put up iu tion I iauiia cover. tuUMMM la Kt and gold, omvealt l aud dnrabk for peAii iuh. lTi-, by mail. fot pattl. - I 50, lho abet Uxk aud FsaJSha' AlltvK o year. 1.1ft Address. Atmsvafva. tv, i s U U&eoltt. Nel Buck-:-Wheat-:-Flour ' In 10 lb Sacks, 2VsCts. Per lb. 38 J.W, HARTLEY State "Ageut. VAE jreet our reader thl week with Tia jIllianc enlarged to nearly doutle tta former aJze. We luteml to adl to Itt raKie edltorlaliy at much ui bave to fttaixa. We hope to be abla further to enlarjrolt to a seven column quarto, and will do ao as sooa u our patronage juitlfles It. 1'REMICJtjt. Tub Alliance one year and Looking Backward post paid. . . .11 50 Ditto and Labor and Capital by Kellogg .'IN Ditto and Co;sar's Column 1 00 " " Our Republican Mon archy by Venicr Voldo 1 40 The above books for sale at this office Ditto and Cusbing's Manuel pa pier covers..,,...... .1 80 Cloth covers .1 IA or sent post paid as follows-, Looking Backward...... 50rts. Cii-sar's Column &0cts. Labor and Capital .....20cts. Our Republican Monarchy ... .',25cts. Cushing's Manuel paper covers.. 23cts. " " cloth ...fiOcts. Address. : Almasck Pub. Co Lincoln Neb. Tai hIhh1 raw eortd TuunuMAat'a IT aovioCabbat axxotinO m to offer a r. a. (if"" ttalM, tut tmt VMm iauuunu, TotBtratlaonaa bow It. iiMiUiUf I alU ff IW far tlw bmt yield oMila. ,4 from 1 oiinr of irHt aUHk i will null fur S cu. Data laaaafHa. lear.TIWjBBhasJ, La Plume, Pa- Griswold's Seed Store. Garden Field and Tree Seeds. All seeds guaranteed to be pure and true to name. 140 So. 11 st Lincoln, Neb- i Intro. 1109 0 STREET. FOR THE WEEK WE WILL SELL LL Muslin at 4lc. , , , Lonsdale Muslin at 7Jc. , Indian Head quality at CJc. Good Ca ica at 31c. Indigo Blue at .r4c. Good Shirting at 5c. Extra good at 8 and 10c. Ginghams at 5, 7, 8 and 10c. Our Dress Goods are from nets, up. Our 10, 12 and 15 are all very cheap. We wish to impress on every Alliance reader in our coan ty and state that wo are the people to patronize. We will not try to deceive and misrepresent. Write lis for samples we will assure you prompt attention. Kcarca nnd dear money (hard money! niakiuir cheap labor, waste alavery. falling rtrea, bunlurwi paralyiit aad nforrd idle oru, doubllnic th VoluiiM. and Valua of rooiirr ohUKationa (bomU and inartcairr! rreatliiK a land lord yttm , A Treaties on Money and Finance BV MiiM.V, .... iowa. 114 t'loMly I) on ana prlnlad k"k. I.arga book ie'. J. W. WINGER & CO. 1109 O Street- Lincoln, Neb. "We hi-artllr reecoiuond.the 'Money Mo- nouolf' to all who would form a OtOnlte un. drirlanUiiff of tba XV financial plank of our (triler, a ll la without rurapllon tfca brt poaluon of that plana It ha bren our irood torlune 10 . nonueriuuy oicai ana loroi- ble Invaluablo onlhe platform aud in the auM-ralily room. Tno Money Monopoly la a book which na labor rr4nrinrihou d Im with. out," Jouraal of K.of I., l'hlla., pa., Jan. sw. Col. J a Harper, IM oia war horaa of Iba itrwitilvai W niovtmicnk tpitaka aa followa of IhM't i nayo raa witn nii -ar in"Mo ue Monopoly i" ua-d It all throuuh I ha la I t aiiiimurn and ran My that lor prMutival uu It l me ovat nooa now ia prim. Tho umirral traatnu'iit of lha mnim!y truaslis now gotiinon la wau rly, and tti labial ii.Kit ot th wutllno iytratta front nuiMiraua or voiumca irout ido iwt tat-n of tha airra on Ihn thtvv grxat oratton ol iloucy. Tranapoftatlon and l.aml, im full ana f taut aa to alvc ta lull lorr ol tna an. laortiir,! taatinlqiiaaav ot pultlna lh ar- uuii-nl, but pUIn lorv'itila and iuUMcatina in u lull a niwut a tolva ISk latak ia linii tuauur auwt lrUi. la lha public tak i r aati wtn r it . a r(iiopaia aiitoat pmo W. ll atvutau la a.iUilfrtul. ll la h.-al- thy; aa traw, but ais to h i,dnrlil ana lit rtiiiat'ifiw. It la fraud aisumt'Bt for a higher rlritUa lion, a purtr t hualtanli), II it waa rd hr tka Mni!r rj fair, hwural loiw-la, It wui4 work a it lolulMitt ot ilMiiikl thai wtititdW in,indiu. Iiu4 niH-vd it. sad five proprr raward lo Ihannadtkat torattd It and In haatl that ih.ui ad 11," J, 11 tarkM, A nxwiatvilrslutt In Ik kuU i f.m wtai fn4 uk Au wpta." -t", W.Tmi 'S W U a. fl.-li. "SNuwimiwia wipwa with whih V SfUia Ik t.wU uf umiwihi, ,' thtt Nvtxsab tity AM"tb.v ivWr M at. trdvi xr h aral Iu this fShwi At I the Auikr, r. txwa, taa piww of tka htk itUvuri lv.rH. fur lui hat uiMHHtau ad dr mm litm V., tLkifa waTIliatvyry tiua.. an4 aaw aiaJi 14 la ataia. SM SHAWLS MUST GO. ESPECIAL BAHaAINS No. 00 I-'lno Beaver Reversiblo Shawls. Jacquard Border. Full Size, Knotted Friuge. Usually sold at $4.00. They must go at 15 18 DIAMOND M Extra Super Quality Beaver, all light and dark gray Re versible Shawls. A regulation $0.50 ahawi. Our price lor this oc casion 5 37 DOUBLE SHAWLS. os x ise. DIAMOND W A vwry good all-wool Gray, Brown or Black Center Shawl, Comment Is unnecessary, at. , $ 2 3 H. K. EAQLE, & CO. 68 Wabash Ay.. Chicago, 111. UNDERWEAR. We have just torn pitted arrangements by which we can offer Indies'. Men's and Children's underwear at exst-lly cam prlee. and adl you any quantity you wUh. Tlu gomU offt red ate all strictly liist-vla, READ THE LIST. Men's red tuliwl wwd shirt and drawrr. "rtoh, $ Meu'a brown uil.xl woh4 khlrU and drawtra, eaeh, , ............ Mra rvd and Mt atrlatl shirts and diswrrs, iwh Mea's bwwu and white ftfiped shirt aad drawers, tnteh. . , Mn'a hetvy stHtteh mivwl shirts aad draw., vaelt Men heavy fray all wool shirts aad drawers, saeh Mva'l hsavy ip-sy all awl douU t(wie4 aiurts a: i in 1 w underwrote at S?tt Mn' f vtrt lii svy all wool shirts and dntwt-n, each. ............ .1 IMtjt' J rry t eats iiii'dluiu wt lgat ') loidUm' flue merino vrt nnd draw tr, eseh Itd'ea' find nil wool MMrlt-t vt and dtwr, rjt. h IkIUW tktra ttna all weal matWt tiU ml dtawvix nw'li Ijidira' XXX !et nit wmd vrU and d rswit, mh . , , , , litdtett' X.X K arh t all wd jf r iKy v t ami diswrrj. vwfl. . . . M t proxrt!outtd oruvs fa oiartn leM mtha aut ttuty Un eioard cot U li-ro foul order U rveelvd, J W. IlAim i V, SttiArt. I.Ueo.n. Jeh. M IV ie niinr trumbul8ccdc oN 4 ALLtN oetcio r 1 1 Ef r nn mt 6sri,M ' TrM "iM X E" Ir 1 1 I U I ILL Bead for Catalog M. Mailed Fraa. If rL Ka Li r W aaw l4tt.,4M T. taaia af., aANSAft CITV, MO. w aw-aaw a i )