The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, March 14, 1891, Image 6
THE FARMERS' ALLIANCE, LINCOLN NEB, SATURDAY, 31 AR. 14, 1891. f, THE FABM AND HOME SAVE FEED BY SHELTERING YOUR STOCK. Shelter JM-Arr te Coed Profit Rslntng Backet Willow InpwUar of Cera Haiki-FlaBting Vreee Trum Forest. sheltering Mark. , Wt do, notethlnk itha been full fceaf into the miods of a ccrtalo class of farmers'jreU thai sheltsr 1 a neces sary condition of success In stock rais ing. But the thinking and progressive farmer does not deny, but advocates the necemty of tome sort of shelter for stock to protect them from the storms of winter and to save his feed. For it lit well established fact that it requires a ccrtalo amount of food to keep up the normal animal beat In a horse, an ox, cow or any animal. Now, If by reason of a lack of shel ter, more feed U necessary to keep up this heat to a normal temperature, it Is just that much feed wasted ' that might have been saved If the animal was sheltered. Many farmers make a practice of letting their stock stand out all day in a driving rain or blind ing snow storm, and their barns emp ty of all stock. Such a practice Is ruinous; it is a drain onjths farmer's Income that he can in roality ill af ford. Even the "south side of a straw tack" is very poor shelter; In fact as a rule, it is the poorest kind of shelter. How often do we see rows and horse crawling up close to a stack, or by the side of a building, or in a fence cor ner for what poor shelter ft will afford against the biting wintry blasts. Any man tout will permit such a thing ought to be put through the same pro cans himself; it would at least bring blm to his feeling if not to his neim. In experiments that have been nude, It has been proved that it has taken a very much greater amount of feed to keep the same stock In good condition when not sheltered than when it was: in some cases utmost doublo the amount Any farmer bad belter keep less stock and shelter It belter than to keep a great umount and half freeze It to (loath. " '" Importance of Cora Huak. Doubtless to most 'farmers the husk on corn as well as the chaff of grain seems a useless appendage, though apparently unavoidable. Hut when all corn and other grain grew wild the h utile was a very necessary part of the pivot to preserve the ced from vicissitudes of weather until tho lime came for It to grow aguln. Corn in the husk and on tho stalk dries out be fore its vitality cau bo injured by severe freezing. Tho lightest frost nips the husk, which thereafter dries up and forms a dry covering over the grain. It Is for this reason ra'.her than from mere shiftlessneu and lazi ness, that many western farmers who grow dent corn leave it until nearly spring before they hutk it If they threw bushels of wet ears in a heap they would either rot down if the weather wus warm or freeze so as to kill the germ during weather when tho thermometer went dowu to zero. But the husk In cultivate corn each year grows of less Importance as better means aro devised for drying corn artificially. It is likely that improved corn may be bred with very few husks making the work of clearing them o.T much less difficult. Planting Treei from Wood l.ut. , In very many places young trees from wood lots are planted out In lawns and along roadsides for orna ment Vcy rarely do they prove satisfactory. Trees In woods are ten der, because they have never been ex posed to storms, as trees in open ground always are. Hence when ex posed to these new conditions they are apt to die. Auother reason for their failure Is that their roots rarely spread to a great distance. They go down In much the same shape as the tops of the trees go up. When exposed to winds their lull, slender tops bend over and prevent the roots from get ting firm hold of the soil. Cutting off the tops to one or two buds partly prevents this, but these trees ur never equal to forest seedlings grown in nursery rows, whose side roots are developed by frequent cultivation. The price that these seedlings bring is really chenper than goinar to the woods and selecting trees without charge. The llaaket Willow. There are many new lines of indus try In this country which the farmer might take up profitably lu the preteul state of tlepretslou la agriculture, "Ihe resources of . the country are only about half examined, and when a more diversified culture of produrl is taken up there will be more money on th farm. There Is one tree, however, which tiss been neglected In this country, aad which, owing to It use fulne In the 4,1't anl Imlutlrl, intent be made very jmiiltaute. The basket willow is a tree that van geaetsUy rotuniamt a fair tle, and whUU may Im grown as an adjunct to the farm. A gvat deal of net swampy lowland is now lying mhhwkI, and of toOINthty bnneitt. Aty row of vege tables, In or any nar article that lttght be ue, wiuM lit gladly grew tt the leslsiiJi If they cwuid fct aud to tin so, Tb Vtllow seems 1a be the tdel!rA tre for sikIi (;. Wis intuit t( naufy aiw .uiuuail.v teat abroaJ to purchase willow, and jrei iner ire iiUMitsaft oi n! sere it s whit could be rat J to yield good willow without much labor A 'ew cutting stuck in the marshy grounds will grow into trees that wi;i continue to thrive for half a century. The trees grow mora naturally on wet land, and as this U the kind of land we cannot use for oth-r crops, it would be economy to set out plantations of willow. lu northern Europe grant quantities of willow are grown and ox ported to this country, whew it is used for baskets and other purposes. rare of Hnm riant. A great de -.1 depends on the light for success in bouse plants, and unless tho window Is situated so that plenty of this comes in, the flower plants are apt to be poor, weak and sickly lex 'Ic ing. The southern exposure Is at ways the best aud till plants fond of much sunshine should be placed in a wlndor. fronting the south. The geraniums, heliotropes and lantanas always do tho best when thoy have plenty of sunshine, and tbe southern expoiure is the best place for them. On tbe other hand, there are a few flowers which cannot stand the warmth of the sun in midday, and yet they need it during a part of the day. An eastern exposure is best suited for such flow ers, and next to tho southern this is the best side of tho homo for most indoor plants. Tho north window is only suited for" such plants as need shade and moist ure, those which aro crown for their foliage and not for flowers. The ferns, palms and lycopodlums do welt in such a place Too west window will only do for such flowers as need plenty of sunlight, and even then it is often necessary to shudo them from tho sun in the middle of tho day ly a this curtain. This is the warmest window of all, but It is better than none, especially If tho proper amount of shade is given during tho warmest part of the dsy. Remedy for Hum. A celebrated remedy for burns Is mode as follows: Take fifteen ounces of the best while glue, break Into small bits and souk In a quart of water until soft. Then dissolve by menus of a water bath, and add two ounces of glycerine tied six drams of earbolie add; continue the beat until thorough ly dissolved. On cooling this hardens to un elastic muss covered with u shin ing, parchment-like skin, and may be kept for any length of time. When required for use it Is placed for a few minutes in a water tmth until suffi ciently liquid, nnd applied by means of a broad brush. It forms iu about two minutes iishinninir, smooth, flexi ble and nearly transparent nkiii. Tnis preparation costs but a trifle, nnd It easily kept at uU times reedy for use. Htock and Pur in Note. A calf will not grow well on skim milk alone. Fienty of rubbing will produce good clean cants on your horses. There are few breeders that can make a success of cross-breeding. The aggregate is made up of parts, as no one knows all about farming. Rightly managed, stock farming can be made tho most profitable part of agriculture. A colt should earn Its living after it Is two years old, but it should never bo overworked. By having good mares to' do the work, and raising good colls, the farm can bo made more profitable. On every farm there should be a sufficient number of stock kept to pre vent any food from going to waste. One does not necessarily need an ex pensive barn with u large capital, in order to properly shelter his stock. Instead of being more, early matur ing animals. If well managed, are less liable to disease than when the ow slow. . With horses, size Is easiest obtained and easiest lost, of any one trait In breeding, . Hint te llounekeepeni. Hinds may be kept smooth in cold weather by avoiding the use of warm water. Wash them with cold water and soap. Soak clothes that fado over night in water, iu which has been dissolved one ounce of sugar of lead to a pailful of rain water. When any one runs u n:ill or a wire In the flesh hold the wound over burn ing sugur as soon as possible, and it will prevent soreness. Soak tho feet anil bind oa biking soda dampened, and in the inorntnr you w ill be surprised to And the sore ness all out of corns. IVoour from your druggist a small bottle of tincture of benoin and apply to any flesh wound. It will heal im mediately and not get sore. To tske the rust out of steel, rub tho steel with sweet oil; in a day or two rub with ilnely powdered uuhuk ad lime until the rul all ditaipars. then oil ajaiit, roll in woolen and put in a dry place, uciatly If It be table cuttery. Scrubbing brushes should be kept with the bristles down and they wilt last tUe at long; common state will tell you if you stand them the other way the watet will run dowt aid soak Into the bJtk. lojMnlng the bristles, whether they be glued or wired. Iih.ih Wash Take one and Ilf fluid uati of tincture ot myrrh. tMit-liill ounce of ihlik ratitllaft, fisfht ounce of evM ! and on a lour i It of as Mtine of powdered Uri. Mis this well before iKiitg. It Is very g'fri la vm when the tatth sre da m1 r for sponjy or ytocrstsJ fl-um. HE HAD A STEADY NEK VE A MINNIE BALL AND A CAVALRY FORTY-FOUR. A Motile at of Peril la New Mexiro and Hew a uNervjr" Sleilcaa Youth aaved SI I llotuin LWee Shot of a Blind Mao. , '- The nervo which shinos forth in a deadly crisis of cracking revolvers or flashing knives is neither tho only nor the highest kind, but it is a noble and an admirablo quality, even when mis applied; and when we shall cease to admire and respect H the human race will have very Utile left whereof to be proud. We shall have come to a sorry pass when our blood shall fail to tingle to such a deed as that of Mrs. Custer's brave sergeant He had arrested a de serter of desperate ' character and brought him to a little town in Nebras ka. .While they were eating dinner, the desperado picked up a can of pep per, dashed the contents In the ser geant's face and started for the door. The blinded officer, even In the incon ceivable ' anguish of the moment thought only of his orders to bring in the prisoner alive or dead, and, listen ing for tbe footsteps of the fugitive, fired to the sound and dropped his man! As striking an example of "pure nerve" came under my own observa tion two years ago, writes Charles F. Lummis. Valencia county, New Mexi co, had been disgraced by along series of cowardly and awful assassinations, done by one young Mexican despera do and hts peons, a series which cul minated, on the 14th of February, in my own receipt of a leaden valentine, in the shape of two loads of midnight buckshot. The question whether these Influential murderers should be pun ished had entered into local politics, and tbe campaign was a very exciting one. At some of the precincts the judges of election and the voters were alike armed with Winchester and six shooters. Among those that were act ive in the movement to overthrow the evil me i who had for years exer cised a reign of terror over 'Bloody Valencia," was gentle, generous Dumas Proveneher, one of tho pioneers of the Territory, and he was one of the dozen of us whom Ihe assassins had J in irked for d jath. Shortly after midnight of election day, the ballots of that precinct were still being counted by a flickering lamp in a long, low room in the plaza of San Itaf.iel, and poor Provenclier was there. He had just received news of a plot to kill the judges and seize the ballots at three precincts, and leaned over to the Untied States depu ty marshal, Martin Gallegos, to whis per a warning. Gallegos is hardly more thn a boy a common, illiterate Mexican youth, at whose awkward ness and ignorance most of us would turn up our noses. But he had in him the stuff of men he showed by the most gallant act I ever saw. At that very instant there were six hired murderers crouching nt the open window; and while I'roveucher was yet speaking one of them thrust in hts old Springfield and fired. Th9 great half-inch ball struck Trovencher in the aorta and from that chief life foun tain the blood leapt out in a tall, broad arch. The stricken man gave one low cry and fell dead against Gallegos, whose face and body were drowned In the spurting del uge. The click of an other rifle came' from the window. There were still 6lx living targets in that lighted room for the marksmeo secure in the darkness without To shoot at the assassins were vain they were invisible and could kill every man In the room before one could lift a finger against them. There was but one thing to be done to put out the betraying lamp. But that was thirty feet away; and before the nearest man could reach throe steps toward It, all would be corpses. How long it seems. now that I come to tell about it, how long It seemed then! But from the sound of the shot thai slow Trovencher to the ring of another that left the room in darkness and the occupants in safety was really less than two se conds. One could scarce discharge two cham bers of a doublo-aetion revolver more closely together than those two reports came -the of tho xssassin's rifle and the lighter crack of heroic Gal legos six-shooter. The young Mexi can, absolutely taken by surprise ai he was, had not even turned to look toward the window, had not even shrunk from the poor claya tlut wat spurting its ghastly flood In his face, and blinding and choking htm; but snatching th heavy revolver from his belt had shot tho l unu out alt In one swift InJisliiiguUhaole motion, and without apparent aim! t'ure nerve that lu one second sarod six live. The battled Rsas,slo Red; and ths toi ui of linblio r;Uh aroused by their deed put a temporary check upoo. Ihelr murderous employer. . Thrrr-Uewdrd .Ian. 1h n.'tul fight of a Htm with three fall arms and hands may be aaily seen tipou tho streets of M ir Uit i, British Colombia, lis is a Uus. stau by birth, aud nrst came ta Amer. ice la lei? as k attache o' the Greek vhiitvll a; Situs, w hero he resided about 11. lie It a large. Mwrftilly built ma but teems i hate ia con. trot of this eu bodily ms-tiber, which hangs down his back from a point suott tftsrtly between his shoulders, and rolls from side to side la an un sightly manner, as though paralyzed. Besides being well equipped ia the way of arms, be has a set of tsetb that are aoubled all the way around. Il is hardly necessary to add that the deformity of his teeth does not de tract from a naturally ferocious-looking countenance. Notwithstanding hi wicked appearance he is a mild-mannered, Christian gentleman. THE DRINK HABIT. An Appetite From Which XaSare of "e0 Hae Beea Exempt. It seems to be as much a part ol man's rature to drink exciting bever ages as it is to breathe. No people, no country, no age, has been free of tbe habit, and, of course, tbe abuse, with its consequent intoxication and all the attendant evils, has also been a constant and universal experience. Tbe study of the question reveals a wonderful amount of Ingenuity on the part of ignorant people in the pro duction of alcoholic drinks from the most unpromising material. It has been proved, too, that the abuse of the habit of drinking has .so destroyed or injured tbe sense of taste that only the strongest and most pun gent liquids will satisfy the unnatural craving. Women have been known to drink enormous quantities of Cologne water merely to gratify their un wholesome appotites. There have been instances where raw alcohol has not been too fiery for a victim of this terrible feeling that they cull thirst In country places, remote from busiuoss centers men have ex tracted spirits from bitter roots, from ordinary vegetables, from all sorts of growing substances at an expenditure of thought, time nnd study that de voted to a tisoful end, might have pro duced wonderful results. Lately ether Las been drunk to an alarming extent by the Irish peasant ry, and the habit seems to be spread ing. It is said that at fairs, markets, in railway carriages, particularly tbe third class,, the odor from ether-laden breaths is appalling to one who is not used to the fumes of the drug. The poison, it is said, is freely old nt pul lic houses nnd groceries. Its effect is often so to excite the wretched victim that, at a fair or other public gather ing, tho fun, ns they call it, becomes so fast and furious that the ordinary decencies of life are disregarded. It is declared, moreover, that the habit of ether-drinking has been ac quired by persons of comfortable means and respectable positio.i. Eth er taker of this class, like habitues of other forms of inebriety, rarely avow the true cause of their wfoiij;. doing. They take ether ns others iake alcohol for var.ous mundane Ills Boston Transcript. Tbe Walrna I Wlthla Kmny Heat-h. "So trip to Greenland would be com plete unlesj a run were taken across to the American shore for a walrus hunt. The walrus is found on the Greenland coast, but the whaler say they can be seen In drovjs of a Vbous and on the west side of the water. No one bothers them much, for al though their Ivory tusks are eighteen inches long and thick enough for pool balls al the thickest part, and of very fine quality, no one seems to care for the ivory. It Is said thai a schooner load of tusks could be gath ered If wanted. But for the sports man the walrus would have that at traction that is always to be found in game that is fierce and fearless. No better trophy in proof of a sportsman's hardihood and courage can be had than a walrus head. While a single well-directed shot will kill one, au ill directed shot might cost the sports man his ' life.. Tho walrus teHrs through !c3, overturns boats, and at tacks the whale ship itself when an gered, and there is a malignant ex pression In its face when angered that alone would frighten any one except a mau of trno courage. Too .Miirh Handshaking There is nothing more agreeable to a wurn.-honrtcd man or woman than a cordial hand-shake with a friend, but there are circumstances under which hand-shaking is superfluous and unde sirable. For example, tuko a recep tion by some prominent official In Washington. Say there aro a thou sand people in attendance, Kach f hakes hands with the host and hostess cm nrrivlng. Whcu tho time for de parture tomes, no visitor feels at liberty to leave without bidding the hostess good-bye with another hand shake. By the time everybody hat gone tbe hostess will have shaken hands at least '.MK)0 tlmns, aud feels as tired as n laborer ufler a day's work. Mere is an opportunity for a reform that will be agreeable to a largo n um bo r of agreeable and hospitable people tn Wathiugton and elsewhere as wall Washington l'ot. It martakle nilla. Mr. M prison, an Kn.TlUh traveller t? the seventeenth century, while al IXtnUle. 1'ruuto. auva that he saw a I mM "wl.i( h without tiie hsla of i hvmua htmlt did saw boards, baviog an Iron wheel, which did nol Italy drive th shw, but did hook in and turn the logs onto th saw," Hr, .Julia Use wuit have seon a aimilir tui.l at 1'rugue, Of it he saytt 'i saw tue a ntlll at I'tague of which tho dssH himelf wt matter," A KINO-HEARTED DRUCCI3T, oSlarfc Twain" Trlla aa Intereatiaa; Morj of Him. Mark Twain was present at the banquet of the National Wholesale Druggbits" Association at a recent meeting in Washington, and in return for his dinner related the following story, giren in the Pharmaceutical Era: 'About a thousand years ago, ap proximately, I was apprenticed as a printer's devU to learn the trade, in common with threg other boys of about my own ' age. There carae to the village a long-legged individual, of about nineteen, from one of the interior counties; fish-eyed, no expression, and without the suggestion of a smile couldn't have smiled for a aalaiy. We tookhim for a fool, and thought we would try to scare him to death. We went to the village druggist and borrowed a skeleton. The skeleton didn't belong to the druggist, but he had imported it for the village doctor, because the doctor thought he would send away for it, having some delicacy about using Laughter. The price of a skeleton at that time was fifty dollars. I don't know how high they go now, but probably higher, on ac count of the tariff. We borrowed the skeleton about nine o'clock at night, and we got this man N ioodemus Dodge was his name we got him down town, dut of the way, and then we put the skeleton in his bed. He lived in a little, one-storied log-cabin in the mid dle of a vacant lot. We left him to get home by himself. We enjoyed the re sult in the light of anticipation; but, by-and-by, we began to drop into silence; the possible consequences were preying upon us. Suppose that it frightens him into madness, overturns his reason, and Bends him screeching through the streets! We shall spend sleepless nights the rest of our days. Everybody was afraid. By-and-by, It was forced to the lips of one of us that we had better go at once and see what had happened. Loaded down with crime,' we approach ed that hut and peeped through the window. That long legged critter was sitting on his bed with a hunk of gin gerbread in his hand, and between the bites he played a tune on a jew's-hai-p. There he sat perfectly happy, and all around him on the bed were toys and jlm-cracks and striped candy. The darned cuss, he had gone and sold skeleton for five dollars. (Laughter.) The draggist's fifty dollar skeleton w.w gone. We went in tears to the diuggi-t and explained the matter. We couldn't have raised that -fifty dollars in two hundred and fifty years. We were getting board and clothing for the first year, clothing and board for the smc ond year, and both of them for the third year. The druggist forgave us on the spot, but he said he would like us to let him have our skeletons when we were doue with them; There couldn't be anything fairer than that; we spouted our skeletons and went away comfortable. But from that time the druggist's prosperity ceased. That was one of the most unfortunate spec ulations he ever went into. After some years one of the boys went and got drowned; that- was one skeleton gone, and I tell you the druggist felt pretty badly about it. A few years af ter another of the boys went up in a balloon. He was to get five dollars an hour for it When he geta back they will be owing him one million dollars. The druggist's property was decreas ing right along. After a few more years, the third boy tried an experi ment to see if a dynamite charge would go. It went all right. They found some of him, perhaps a vest-pocketful; still it was enough to show that some more of that estate had gone. The druggist was getting along in years, and he commenced to correspond with me. I have been the best correspond ent he has. He Is the sweetest-natured man I ever saw always mild and polite, and never wants ?o hurry me at all. I get a letter from him every now and then, and he never refers to my form as arskeleton; says: "Well, how is it getting along is it In good repairP"I got a night-rate message from him recently said ho was getting old and the property was depreciating in value, and if I could let blm have a part of it now he would give time on the balance.. Think of the graceful way in which he does everything the generosity of it all. You cannot find a finer character than that. It Is the gracious charaet tic of all druggistH. So, out of my heart, I wish you all prosperity and every happiness. ' .Tlaitaglna m Fraettoue florae. 'When a horse i-tops and projtoses to turn around," says a trainer, "don't re ntal the turn, but give him a quiet, horizontal turn so ns to turn hint fur ther nround than he Intended to go. and, tf possible, keep him going around half a dozen times, in most (iises this will upset his culculntions, aud he will go quietly on without much ndo. If nix turns will not do give blm twenty, in fact, if he will keep on turning to your rein, you ait sure to couquer, as enough turning will confime him aud leave him at your command. If ho w ill not turn and backs to the rein, keep him going backward tn the direc tion you want him to go, lie will sonn get tired of that and prefer to go with the light end forward, but In-fore you let htm give him decidedly more hack ing than he like. Ilia lllth AtuMlUa. Yit tor. "Are you going to bo a great na when yon grow up. Willie" Willies You M? I'm going to I n AiTth plowr." An Arctic explorer's life Is full of WnUhlpa. Willie." ' Yes'tw. Hut I van stand 'em, I velum." I like your spirit, my boy, There la a grent deal of glory to be gstaed in a varrer of that kind." YeVtn. And you doa't hate to wash your Uc McHurtry Bcxk. BAND ALL'S REAL-ESTATE and Collection Agency, Lincoln, Neb. Lands bought and sold. Persona loapee-t-oa made of all laadt puickaeed for partMai. Taxes paid and collection made for Boo-real-aenta. My" thorough acquaintance of Ne braska, aod the lands io the state, tires as dvuit(r in burins' landt for persons he wish to invest in larmina lands ot eitf prop erty. itcrcRBJCCvs: O.W. Holdresre, Omaha, Neb., Cen'i Mft-'r B. M. railroad; J. 0. Mcrariaaa. Li oooln, former land eom. B. AM.;Linoobs National bank; L. H. KtaU banker, Orleans BOOM M ZOBAJfOI BUXLDDN), IS CO-OFEftAlTVB AND SELLS ALLIANCE STOCK. ALLOT ROOT. Ctrl ef A. L. S. Co., Ssuth Oin&ha, Kti Tabb Rock Hnrseriea. fssatai yufaarrttesfc. fntt aad 6raMtaj trees aed saraba, yraATX24 Attains. E tin t:iT T) Til cenr-m Hastings Importing Go. km & stc:ey OT it SV.ft. Kara ea aaad a akeUteeelleetleaei Imported tehee a and Freaeb Oeseh ataUtoaa. that fw atria, am ttea aid Quality 5k ieUtr eeatMDea,er; We will furnish medicine to euro One Herd of Hick Hogs in each Toarntblp la tbe U.S. free. Ulve evnreptrfflceiiDommtheiof hoes THE HALL MDICINR CO. 4w21 . 169 North 12tn Het, 8. LOUIS, XO The Garrett Picket L Wire Fence Maebliia Wmvm loth potts. A cnl P vttud favorite. TkaiMat I In uM.aaaraaUS r'reidbt Fid. Atc'-nu are report nt big tale. Marainm, Wlr, etc.. at wkoleaale direct Irom factory te Farmer wbre I aave do agent. OeUUfatfree. Ad ore ioe maBuiaciurer, H. GARRETT. MANSFIELD, OHIO. J. II. ROBINSON KENESAW, ADAMS CO., NEB. 1 Breeder and ship er of recorded Po sad China boirs. Choice breed! na" stock for tale. Write for wants. Mention alliancb. FOR S.AXjE. One Short Horn Bull and one Holateln Bull, both registered. A few choice POLAND CHINA. SOW PIGS. Will sell cheap, Call on or address, S. W. PERRIN, Colleare Warm, - - Lincoln, Kelt. Wn. Daily & Co. LIVE STOCK ComissionUertts Cattle, Hogs. Sheep 1 and Horses. CASH ADVANCES ON CONSIGN MENTS. ROOM 84, EzcBANOt Bctldiko, CM io Stock Tamos, South Omaha. Ri rasas cat i Ask your Bankers, (JMf The Iowa Steam Feed Cooker. The moat practical, most convenient, moat eoounrai eai, and In every war tn. BK8T HIRAM FKEDCOOK EK MAlili. A ylanoa at the conttruotian of it Is enough to convince a ay (unit u w . to anv other, For deeerln- live circular and iirtoet apply to Manti Hts am Fsku Cwttasa Co., Omaha, Neb. Mtf a TA T T TTRH ATTS m . ... auij a it Itvrww eM mite w mwi'm ptr Ws mk m ttt ens vest VV Wt 1 KU, tMK ap lunaltutMbliit. IU ff rssftmltrs itirwt, f, Q, TALLER DAY Poplar Oreve, 1 $500 REWARD nUuepitUl,f .'-itif n alf'Himiadt aa a III w utvr biai a aunt,lbal lite Junta 5 TON WAGON SCALE, $60 It M eoual la any Mtle, ami a standard Ivltubtu eroie. ft mrU u'j , .trn valy km o( BlDirotCB, Btnlharotoa H.Y. Gpriiis HM1 Stock Farm, MI.IETCHU,pMi,r. . iruteet, f arttta rsaaif, itwa reeder at H'wst wl Sew! Ill ClUeeil SttCt B. B. Bandsii, Br. I 1 MUtMSV SI atuv a- areas ass Beam. (trad, aad vaartaeed a ee aro sreeders, rrtees law aad terms easy. Address aj ewe. -watt KUMRED t:i i:i:t,f't : v.tfr ft - a HJt 8 I J . aV KMiim awte W laMakV . M Ot