The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, March 14, 1891, Image 5
THE FAKMERS' ALLIANCE, LINCOLN, NEB., SATURDAY, MAR. 14, 1891. ARDY & PITCHER. n MIR 1 1 T One of the We are always glad to show goods and give prices and would be pleased to have you call when in the city. .' WE ISSUE A CATALOGUE Which '.will be forwarded on application. HARDY & PITCHER, 209, 211, 213 S. llth St. NAMES OF THE TRAITORS. COLLINS, OF GAGE. TAYLOR, of loupe. TURNER, of saline. Song of the Independent People's Party. WHEN WK CAFTCBB OLD MOKOPOLV. Throughout the land there is cry The folk! alt know the reason why. Kin monopoly the two-legged barrow Hac captured Uncle Sam to our sorrow. He kci the Grand Old Party la getting dotty, So he goes ana hire little Bogey. And give him twenty-five thousand a year To advocate the sale of lager beer. The democrat editors helped biin blow the ' bugle, But little Bosey kept all the boodle. And Paddy Jim toelectlon did go With his pockets full of rotten eggt to throw. Theee hard times will soon be past And better days will come at last, For everybody that you see Bay they cannot believe the Omaha Bee. The Independents are In the field ' And gathering strength each day, They will moke old monopoly yield t for so the people say. The farmers want good times again, To sell tholr beef, and pork, and grain; And they do all agree , To captureold monopoly, . He thinks that we are very weak; "' He will find himself mistaken; With thunder tones so loud we speuk, A.nd shout till he is shaken. Cheer up, my lively lads; wo will get him under,' We will capture him with all his wealth and plunder. Old monopoly is a yillian and a cheat, A pauper maker and a dead beat. Come fanners, mechanics, laborers, and all. Help us roll tho Independent ball. Independent wo eniill be, When we enpture old monopoly. Hurrah 1 Hurroh! Hurrah we are free When wo captureold monopoly. 1). S. Thomas, North Platte, Neb. Commending Miss Ball. Xl;ckollsCxl'ntv, .Neb., Feb. 20, H.1. 1'csolved, That the members of Alli ance No. Tltt do highly commend the action of Misa Ball of Lincoln, for pre Henthijr Senator Taylor with a boquet of (lowers draped In mourning aa an iiublcm of purity and ;kiek at his fall from praco, and tho great and glorious Iirinci(ls ho was scut to represent. fiesoLvti, That we, the of ttlnino Coutre Alliance No, tin con demn the thrco representatives, Taylor, Turner aud I'olllu.s, for tho action "they took in voting against tho concurrent resolution, aud we condemn them as traitor to tho cause and their constit uents. XI Its, J. S. fJAtIT, Mkh. M. K.Towsst, 15. II. Hl'KD, V. II. WlLMAKTH, J. K. C'ahi'hcll. CoElUtittc", t or Senator Coulter. lt.vinuN Ai i.iwf k, Xo. n;r, I'cU, 1. KH, Vnuu;,t, It h:ui Citno to to liur knowing' that Senator T. H. t'otiltsr lm evjr'v,Hi!ii'lf a wot liar. In fax or of the Iowa trirvvlintim freight till, a mcftjitiro which lhJ fitdppemlent pnrty 1 1 thh i'iir; t ! tat ate iliiinHnj and 011 tUU plulforut Seu.itnf Couiter wa- ihmu the Isolde i thctrforw 111 Rtw!tt, by lKiitiil!t AJlUurw, No, n, lUt we hri aud demand l Cuulter thit h stand by 14a rttiltiii n! and hWtirt f.r a hiiuolnigjti hit! n,t .) o- :l the In a rate a j rutulv4 in the bit nil, and llut he ttAbd by the! to re 'm ottw at bun'. on eusrar, atid nit thi-r tnm-4 lu(f d"Knni'ti . ly f).e !Vop! In.!.'! i 'ie nl ativf tl.U . IS A IU m a , lit ' I'lXMuV T IS. Yap wt. t T. r . t'ti"xil t.. lt e !'.? tuaty jtiwf tt ia.:r I l; f', wti4 r)t huh U!tin set u Ivraey Jioim Ach tt imij.t!'jf m kw ' to ' l ii,t'!i U tt. Largest Stores in The Stay Law. Mk. Editor: Will you please explain the proposed Stay Law for your read ers' benefit? Is it intended to apply to the present indebtedness or to future con tracts? 1 ask because lawyers here claim that such a law cannot apply te the present obligations as it would be unconstitu tional, as the present statute provides for nine months in which to redeem real estate sold by mortgage and is therefore a part of the contract, and that uo law can impair an existing contract. T. A. Clugston. No ex post facto law can be passed. It is doubtful if any stay law would be passed affecting transfers by mortgage sale that would change the status as they existed when the contract was made. But there is no prospect of any such law being passed. Endorsing Senator Hill. Science Uidgk, Feb. 18,1691. We, the .members of Alliance No. 1120, and citizens of vicinity having re ceived reply from Hon, J. F. Kill, to a letter written him by our secretary in regard to the rumors afloat indicting him of being untrue to the Independent party or its interests, do hereby resolve that we will maintain full conlideuco in Hon, J. F. Hill; until he proves himself recalcitrant to his trusts which will be manifested by his vote on bills whioh may come up in our state legislature. Also, that we present this resolution to The Fakmeks Alliance of Lincoln, Neb., for publication. M. li. Foote, J. M. Hammer, F. E. Hakixgton. tL Committee. Demanding the Expulsion of the Traitors. , Naktasket, March 4, 1801. Subordinate Alliance No. 5G7, of Buf falo county, Nebraska. Wuekeas, We sincerely believe that Collins, Turner and Taylor are tools in the hands of the corporate ring leaders of cur state to create a dis turbance and division in tho Indepen dent rank and tile, therefore he it fit-solved. By Cherry Creek Alliance on ! this L'th day of February, that we de-1 mand of the Stato Alliance that said ; Collins Turuer and Taylor shall bo ex pelled from any and all rictus in tho Alliance and Independent conventions hereafter, aud be urantlca a traitors. Passed by a r.nauiuious vote. Lot: is 1'kwii.i.kk, Chairman Committee on IluholuiiotH, Agninst a World's Fair Appropriation. 1Umoi.i h, Neb., Feb, 23, ln. At nn open meeting hfld February SO nt Pleasant Hill Alliance No. WM, the following resolution wa unanimous) adopted; ,'fiolcet. That we druouRvu tho hill to appropriate tl'iO.Ottl to reprewat thU sUta at the world a f Air at ( hicagn In and adding to the ainudy over tant people of .Nel r.i-.k4. Ktlc4, That thU resolution l placed on the minuts cf thi Alliance, aud a copy be nt to the 1 akmh.V Al. 1 1 tt K i! Lincoln, Nebraska, for pub I teuton. A. M if mk, twretary W. Lh n- V. F. CkAKK. ti, M KX. Mu. W.mViki., Mkv IJ. Li C.xtMli.H.fl w U-.i'itU:. pctt.on lot Ktuieil liuuifK L, I'l ui,iT,.uv. V.. U lot, "I In I' : .... . n,.t t,.)rs, 1.1'tTMii .IMIIM'K: A(Hit ,Ve.irUM,uivai ap tli farmer 4 ur lnca'.sty v,ci'e!,hey i , to U'eali f--d iuh m Ateittirvtentst With heavy -at on (U '8iidi to tii;i.Utvrw, i aua- uTv. mt t.y th:r i1:. u:!; 0.1.; ' 'p e,i n tlM, ther'HM cn :u'l4 to r2aHlv Ut i B. f ti4l m'.it'Jbc vtiHip.iMy.Uurruptlau 1;4 ti i wl ktniB the 1st f" M itiul ..r';t wine cwtip4i) of Uutt and t uniaif counttvf. ami lUnucce at tint r'leM the fraltiitt I f itti Ui fatMwii h- Hri the ct.i' iikt tt v i-ooid nupm?rtt. It wtxt IcU ff.n-t Jv' 1. U RE the State. LINCOLN, NEB. 1800, and at present it has about $110, 000 assets and about 110 members. But owing to our present law it is merely a dead institution for not hav ing it recognized and protected by law. We therefor petition the below to our honorable members of the legislature: Be it therefore R'iohed, That wo, the member i of Alliance No. 1807, do respectfully, yet earnestly urge upon the members of the legislature which is now la session concerning the bill providing for In corporation of mutual fire insurance companies which is now introduced in the house. We therefore appeal to the members of both houses to lead their celerity of quickening such bill at their earliest convenient hour. Charles Scygo, Henry Oak, C. J. Johnson, Committee. From Saline County. Editoji Farmers' Alllotce: We had the pleasure of attending tho meet ing of the Saline County Farmers' Alli ance at Dorchester oa last Friday. Considering the weather there was a large attendance of delegates, nearly 100 in number. I was agreeably sur prised to see so many delegates pres ent as well as to see the enthusiasm of the members. If the delegates present represent fairly the membership of the subordinates, then surely Saline coun ty is safe in tho future to the indepen dents. The session opened at a p. m. and adjourned for supper aboift 6 p. m. At 7:30 p. in. the writer addressed the large audience present after which the delegates went into secret session until near .1 a. m; next morning when they adjourned to next regular quarterly meeting. Much good work was done, some of which if carried out in tho near future will be of vast benefit to the Alliance memberRhip of Saliue county. We wish to thank the Alliance mem bers for kind words and courtesies ex tended us while in attendance at their Dorchester meeting. W. F. Wniunf. Capital and Labor, Knrron Farmers Alliance: The imagination of the two old corruptible parties that the farmers will not stay together is all a mbughu. Thwe far mers aud laborers, before leaving the old parties, carefully looked back over the last twenty years of their lives aud saw how they sank into poverty and di.str4j. An invotigatloa showi tho fact that it ha leeu the money power working by corruption through our legislature and congre1. This Is capi tal against labor. Now readers, wish to Impress upon your mind if you are a'eapimH.s?, stick to the old parties and you will get fat oft of tho laborer. If you are a wot king man of any pro fiwiskm. 1 care not what, examine the principle upon which the Independent party U bated. It W tho only thing amid t thU present exiting rvil that will give u the return; f-r our labor, Now readers. houet toi.e! , w can m from tho twenty jaar that organ capital can down unorgan!vd labor, Vuu bet organized lator ca? down or ganized capital in km tinm thau that. Depend uwn It xvh ar lmr In stay, Let Me say H th capiul'.st your f'ititi pi twenty d pi-u-U upon U.x.d -d l.iW, and t fie UtxMrer your fctunt tn-oi;r iff d( p ud upon r';i'ii,Mf l;tiF. j 1 i Hur ttkefi ly Its rCnuptiWe jhiw-d,in ninant t t" t'i two oi l pir Uulxw that they ran nut t,itsl the I tMitr l or?aijn'l atnr. They I I 'Hint th ui !" rf.k ihit j thy ii.iut lortn a drum n publican 1 tine til tfafe .No. litat N ttir l,t teo('S. tiltl"M wntr htitrc .iu! hm xt.K'Y i :ne ih. I eiii tu. tfrtbe w ih!1 m r.'B , i tuttnxU i t : id d. iif ipith th tn,ttM' j. 'Xffy. 1 Une t l-ud tie lh ji h ft.T !!-.;. u t.f t let. Now tM;n!.Ut, Iw lUve i bdy, tht Wt r.n fcw t'j !, dt Mvi, II Kk Vrvfl I'Tv- ;nt. THE STORE. im to 1MI O 8 ire l. ' This yonng man like great many other people wanted all ke could get for his money and aa a matter of course became right to our store end never got any further than the ' Shoe Department. When we say we are selling boots and shoes cheaper tkan anybody, ex presses it rery mild. Oar prices can not be equaled, a look through our de partment will convince you that what we say is true for good Straight, Hon est Goods, we lead the procession. Ladies' Department. A fine French kid H. T.. for 3.00 worth 15.00. A fine Dongola H. T., for 2.C0 worth H0O. A flue Dongola flexible sole for $2.00 worth 3 DO. Ladies' fine kid flexible sole for $1.98 worth $3.00. Ladies' fine kid button for $1.75 worth $2.60. Ladies' fine Brazilian kid for $1.25 worth $2.00. Ladies' best Pebble Goat for $1.C0 worth $2.60. Ladies' best Calf button for $1.75 worth $2.50. Ladies' best Oil Grain for $1.05 worth $2.00. Ladies' best Kid button for 78o worth $1.60. Mines' Department Misses' line Dongola heel and spring heel for $1.75 worth $2.25. Misses' fine Kid heel and spring heel for $1.50 worth $2.00. Misses' flue Dongola heel and spring heel for $1.25 worth $1.75. Misses' fine Pebble Goat calf tip spring heel for $1.55 worth $2.25. Misses' fine School shoes all solid spring heel for $1.20 worth $1.75. Misses fine Oil Grain all solid spring heel for 98o worth $1.S5. x Child's French Kid sizes 8 to 10 spring heel $1.55 to $2.25. ChUd's H. C. Dongola, 8 to 10f spring heel, $1.85 to $2.00. Child's H. O. Pebble goat, 8 to 10 J spring heel, $1.25 to $1.75. Child's our kid, 5 to 8, spring keel. B5o to $1.25. Chita's Pebble gr 5 to 8, 98 j to $1.35. Child's Pebble solar tip 6 to 8, 75o to $1.10. A job lot of children's shoes, sizes from 1 to 8, for 10, 25, 35 and Wo. Ben's Departnent. Men's oil grain working shoe for $1, worth $1.50. Men's oil grain Gudmore shoe for $1.35, worth $1.75. Men's buff cong all solid shoe for $1.16, worth $1.75. Men's buff calf laee and cong, $1.30, worth $2. Men's buff calf lace and cong shoe for $1.75, worth $2.60. Men's fine buff calf lace and cong shoe for $2, worth $3. Men's fine calf hand welt lace and cong shoe for $2. 20, worth $3. 25. Men's Kang hand sewed lace and oeng shoe for $3, worth $5. Men's French calf hand sewed shoe for $4, worth 6. Boys' calf button H. O. for $1.75, worth $2.50. Boys' calf button for $1.50, worth $2.25. Boys' eil grain shoes for $1.25, worth $2. Boys heayy calf for 95o, worth $1.50 China and Crockery Ware. In this department the same low prices prevail and we are sure a visit will result in one or more purchases. The department embraces glassware, crockery and stoneware, lamps and lamp goods, etc. Bead these prices: Teacups, 5c j with handle, Ct coffee cups, 0 l-io, with handle, 7jc; tea saucers, 5c; coffee saucers, 6 l-4c; 6- inch plates, 6c; 6 inch plates, 6s; 7- inch plates, 7ic; 8-inch plates, f? ; 7-inch sor.p plates, So; 6 inch soup plates, 9c; 8-inch platters, l'Jc: 9 inch platters, 2ia; 10-ioch platters, 29.;; 11 inch plattera,33c; 12-inch plattera.JJOa; K-inch platters. 4-ic; tmall Itowls 11c; medium bowls (30;, lie; large bowls (24), 17c; 0-inch round scalloped vegetable dishes. He; 0 inch round scalloped vegetable dishes, 7-Inch round scalloped vegetable dishes, 21c; 8 inch round scalloped vegetable dishes, 39o; 9 inch round scalloped vegetable diaUee, C3e; 10-inch mnnd scalloped vegetable dishes, IBo; fiua oral pickle dishes, ICoj 7-inch covered tnreen, !; icih co i red tareen, t3c; No.1.6 fancy shape pitchvr, holds one pint, It;; No, It) fancy shape pitcher, holU t n quart, 19 No. 21 fancy shape itchcr, holds 3 pints, 21c $J, li lorry shape pitcher, hol.'t 2 qisrUi, 33;; No". C f.. ti er shsc4 pitcher. Ittdds one gallon, !laln deart dishes, let sagar Vton'.s, !3,; Urge h pitchers, frJs. thh is the ctlubrated J. and O. M. iu wue and is the best mhiU tronstona chias made en this earth. We Late iu stock seme rate patterns of lUtcUu't decorated dinner aud tea acts at tiht Sncea. We ih w a few very handsome eeoratcj -.nvlln sre tht ra.t sell si n rai b te dbber or U sets i hy the efnuiw plec, TXis i a vcrv sualis tliii g t tty, St Ht,ii as Itrga er snlt a set as y Ust t tiri' wiu ifid a l l to il jwitr ute a! r yit eircisitUdces deoiaud. 1. s'ire jn tuis warn yei )He ist Cut t h i ivu pUts in all W ( sr'.assts and prieee are Maisi.tcd T(iKru ait ! Uaxwell, Sharps & Hoss Co. lijai.j.rj rt ot., tisie. attt mm ivH"t ni4 ia 4 Notice. To all Subordinate Alliances of Fron tier countr: The regular meeting of the Frontier uounty Alliance will be neia in Jstoct iville on March 25th. at 10 o'clock, a. m. All presidents of Subordinate Al liances are urgently requested to be present, itusiness oi importance, v is- iting brethren are invited. M. T. Wl:t. Secy. Seed Corn. Frank B. Ilibbard, Secy, of Irving ton Alliance, Douglas county has somo prime corn which he offers for seed at a very reasonable figure. A sample of the corn can be seen at the Farmers' Alliance oflice and speaks for Itself as the entire crop last year averaged over 80 buthels to tho acre of sound well ma tured corn Any farmer needing a su perior article ef yellow dent seed corn should write to Fbakk IIibbarc, 87-Ct Irxington, Neb. Referekck: Allen Root. Omaha. State Sec'y Thompson. 1 Of all the fanners in Neb. have 1 2 heard of E. 11. Andrus the land man. He is the man who ran for State Land Commissioner on the Demo cratic ticket in old times when there were only eighteen democrats in Neb. In fact he nearly beat Kendall He did not stop doing business but kept right on selling land. He sold over a million acres for the li. &M. and if there are any knock-down bargains In Neb. you can get full descriptions and a nice new map free by writing to 36 K. H. Axdhus & Son. 800 P St; Lincoln, Neb. 'Lincoln city property a specialty. (Jrlswold's garden seeds are guaran teed to be fresh, 140 S. llth St.. Lin coln, ! Chattel Mortgage Sale. Whereas, default bag been mad In 'the con ditions of a chattel raortcafft, dated January 24, 1MX), and tiled In the olttoe or tbe County Clerk of Lancaster County, Nebraska. Janu ary ft, 1WX), aud executed by Areb Muillnix to Eunice J. lUrnum to secure the payment of two promissory notes of even date therewith, one of two hundred dollars, payable January 34, IWit, and one of Two hundrwl and fifty dollar, payable January 24, 1MU. aud upon which there la now due at the date of the flrsl publication, the sum of S.IJHOU. , Mo suit or other proceeding's at law havlna; been instituted to colleot the said debt, therefore by virtue of the power of sale In said tnortiraeo contained, the said RuniceJ. burn urn will, for the purpose of satlsfylne said sum with Interest and oosta, sell tbe following- property, to-wit: One span of brown mulns, K years old; one brown horse, shout 11 years old; one roun bone, about 11 years eld; one roan cow. 6 years old; one brfndle eow, about 8 years old; one red cow, D years old; one spotted oow 6 year old ; S red calves, 1 year old ; two farm waKons; two sets of harness, and alt other farm Implements, also all increase on above described stock. Hale at Livery Barn in Wa vurly, Laocatr County, Nebraska, un Satur day. March si, A. X), JW1, at 1 o'clock p. to. oi said day. KcniCfi J. IIakncm, 37-at Mortiragee. BRONZE TURKEYS . AND" ' ' . PLYMOUTH BOOK OfflOKENS. Stock the Very Best. Prices reasonable. Address, ' MllS. W. A. 1'OVSTKB, 37-Tt Albion. Nebraska. S. L. WRIGHT, Box 41, Lincoln, Neb, Breeder of tiest strains Light Ilrabma, Hsr red Plymouth Kock and Black Lanirthan fowls. Ekks from pure breeds a specialty atflforlii. Addresses above and mention Y Ait.M r.m' A i.i.i hvy. ig-Jm PURE BRED POULTRY. White Plymouth Kock 11. each ; Toulose Geeee S4. per pair; also egvs in sca.ou from White Guinea., Pekln Ducks and Par trldtre Coc-hlns at ft. per 1J eawfullv packed, as 4w W. A. BATEN Jr., I ri-oiout, Neb. tt Will Prevent Hog Cholera. THE Western Stock Food Is tbe greatest discovery of tbe sge for Horses, Cattle, Sheep. Hogs anil Poultry. Tt Is a natural remedy and preventative ol all diseases of tho blood aud digestive orpans, Haotsfreely on tho liver aud Kidneys; tends to tone up the whole snltnHl syctemand Is a sure preventative of Hog- cholera. 1 ll., B'ilb and tlb. boxes at l!5o, bee. and 1.00 respec tively. Manufactuivd only by WESTERN STOOK FOOD COMPANY, Bioomfield, Iowa. Cauteii&Bailby, Commission Merchants, 825 and 829 Kcrttt I6th St., Lincoln. Ken. DEALERS IN Butter, fRjfs, clieewj, potatoes, poultry baj", grain ami live block. Farm Produce a Specially. SO Reference; Firt National Rack, lijhlatlcii Eipcseil f:m Compile Eipcsea! Rai.'rcis Mcncpelf Eiposedl Tiuilsa and Tariff Eicssad! Kin; Capital Eipssedl Tii Traltarccs Press Eipated? Cacgrr U Ocr BtpaMIc EXPOSED UTEVEP.TBCDY READ, READ, READ CCS KEPDBLICAI 110MCHT, r.y VkLMKRVOI.lK.), 4Kb h WOKMtU SN Tfl THI mm tmm of the pecfie I'Nur.ncuvKRUFiJiw. Mr"TMt id ani ittii'iM rlUte ss. e t tr,k'ii itt i liters ll J.KM t, Mta. W"W it ,) t srt.ilk kt(rta4 kvkktts a V,nttthf.H T-j t 'u( 14 S stt't4 H".'at ! snautief u. utl s4 l 't4 riiit.4 u iitn in Is Ww4 . iu4 tbe SMtMt m, ' i.rn, 4I lk f Wir- u4 it ' j in , a ! ssi Ai;. 4 ki.imt l aassas atusktt f )iiMa. rtiftC isciiSTii ut ti fi ti . mi THE TREM0NT Cor. 8th i P Sta. Lincoln, Htbns! Oae kloek fross B. a M. Sepet. EsssM tbreuffbottt by stews ass II rated by eke, triaity. Eleettte saU beUs, aa4 aH Mtm eeBvenleaoea. tMm P. W, COPKLAHP. rayoso ALL1AXCK HEADQUARTERS. Bates 2. per day. Special rates by tbe week, CQm!rl5!lii:JJ::t::j Strttj, O One block from motor line. Hts K JENNINGS, Prop'r, Q OMAHA, - - KXH3. 2 IT. LINCOLN, NSM. -r.-.i ui.i si jl i a. Pcsrla Houss, Q & CthSti. KmIs 25 Ctf . Lodying-, 25 and U Cts. X. A. HAWLCY, Prop'f. IStl ODELL'S TYfTTTn TT A T T iiai N Sl-eet. MEALS 25cre. - Can rerre COO at a single meal. NEXT EXPODITION. For tlrj' weather and esrlv fodder try Katllr corn at (Jri-woliVs hzzn .Stork, iA L' t. 4 1 iL L? f ! 1 (Joed Corn For Ualo. Adt one wantins eood seed corn can do well b addressing, ' n. U. joHJrsoif, 84-8m Colon, Neb. f iHBi:(. rutvrnt kikiu v Km4 ruTTOI;, rU Tkr.kM, Our rRKK CATALOOVC l ix li k M Hla l,Mrw ! (It ma t ii Debut ii in . pMiai nln !' IM AlllalM. ."'t Kruf, eiuka. VbiI t04imi Unity U FRANK rOMO I SON, Ravenna. Onto. Ueit't mi It tokm .mi In . frprrUI rU gtiim FGS? TiS iEE-O. Bed Cedars, Fruit trees sa4 I'lsata, Largest Stock, Loweit Price. Mammoth dewberry luscious to tbe eere, best berry for the prairies. I sub Ioeust, KuHaa Mulberry, Tulip trees, box Blder.Aia, kirn, Welnut. Cettoowood. ele. Hetail at wbela sale price. Save SO par cent and writ foe njy enee list. Aseress uso. u. hafvoro. 81-ens Makaoa, Jackson Co, CI MadUob TBS lixiAsca when you write. SSIUMJJltJ X tal treea, small fruits an4 ornsiseBtsl shrubs sea roses Is lens eese inent. large stock red sadpurpleferteiry fee sorimeni is earnea. ioionuo sine sprue, sneolalty. Forest seedllnrs lor timber ete'e. Asb. bos elder, msple. etel-Orpril7' pa, black and boner lnoiist,C7 X Vr vXV oeage orange snd Mussina mulberry. Prioes very lew. instruction boob, 10c. Cataloen free, address, Miu-OosTiasmtaj. Maasaay Co.,Falrbury, Meb. Mention this paper. EEDS FAHTJ AND GARDEN. Special art-segments for buying seeds i lorisnssssfanifssi 'WHOLESALEPEICE. Cn bt hr At)lsnf by adtlrMioa TksTf iUA uuntl fta1n.H f 1 aj -lT fuunnv uttv are nsrueiuvii, tm a an at. fifp, Catalogue free and trial package with It if mis paper is mentioned. HHRees and plants! A full aMrtmnt of Pore8tand Fruit Trees, riants, Tmes, Eto.,or Hardiest sons for Kebraska. Special prices to Alliance societies. Send for price list te North Rend Nursery, North Bend. Dodge Ce Neb. Knabllsbed 1SU. J. W. STaraasew. Sa 80 Proprietor. TREES. TREES. 1891 1 OFFER FOR SPRIXS 1891 A large lot of fruit and ornamental trees, graperinca, small fruits, flouring shrubs, Forest Tree Seedlings for timber claims. Being a member of tbe acyonetothe secretary f our lodge here, writeln EnjlUh or Oerman. Address CARL EONDEREGGER. 36-am Jeflersco Co. Bower, Neb. 25 MILLION NURSERY CROWN Forest Tree Seedlings. a ron lias or , Nursery Stock r ii.1. eica. Ko scents. PaJ direct vlth cutlom ers. Save rotutuUsion ulildkua. ikud lf ir!ee lUt. IMI T W fT'TVT t O llUlil. II. 11 l.,lrt t. wS5 15rowniile. Neb. UXvJuOX x JXiJuD VOK TIMBER CLAIMS, A S'tsensef fMilt, shade sad vraawentai trrrSSSd p.aats St Hani Times Prices. Ah, bi t e'Ji.r d b'avh tw at m ft aa e. nie ftf piioe lit I. 4edn - tm vvtM.rustvi, t.t.a, ia. tftrnlli, tve'trt .a I'ij.'jjtfChtc'if Ml, llth iw LlMbUi. lit, m GOOD uOTELS i