The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, March 14, 1891, Image 4

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i .
rabiUhrt Btwt Bmrer 7
Ta Amnrci PcBLMiiuro Co.
Cllt. lit M4 M SU Uwoola. Keb.
J. MMTI. K4llr
.TWHPtO Buslw-s Manager
"la the beaut j of the lUIlee
Chrlrt wu bora across the m a,
That tnuufifure yon and m.
1 k rtroM to mk men holy
Let itriT to make them free,
Cine God U Batching on."
f 'y-.:. . " Julia Ward Boat.
Xairal erowaa cleave to desert,
AM power to him who power exerts.
"A ruddy drop of manly blood
Tie Barging outweigh.
"Et who eannot reaeoi If fool,
Cewhe will not reaaoa b a eoward,
Ce who dare sot reaaon if ft alave."
Mint all butlnoM communications to
AlltaoooPubllihlnf Co. t
AddrrM mutter lor publication to Rdltnr
Farmer' AllSmwi.
Articles written on both IJ of the prer
(-not be UMd, Verr loogconununiMttlone,
mm a rule cannot b uel.
Mr. Burrow bas been contined to his
room by alcknest for nearly a week. A
aevere cold and overwork ban almoHt
completely prostrated him, but be Is
Improving, and will, we hope, be at his
desk again soon. Our editorial col
umn arc not what they should be this
week, and we offer the above as an
apology. ;
On Tuesday morning, Boyd's attor
neys filed with the supreme court a cer
tified copy of his application for citizen
ship, filed with Judge Dundy, of the
federal court, and sworn to before E. 8.
Dandy, Jr., clerk, on December 161 A,
J 800, more than a month after election
day was past and gone. ' ;
These papers set forth ( hat James E.
Beyd was born In Ireland on the 9th
day of September, 1H34; that he re
mained a subject of Great Britain until
he moved to the United States in the
year 1844, and that his father declared
his intentions to become a citizen of the
United States on or about the Oth day of
March, 1810, and had always understood
that he was a citizen of the United States
by reason of bis father having become
such. His citizenship baring been ques
tioned, however, and doubts having
been raised in connection therewith, he
asks permission to file bis declaration of
intentions to become a citizen and to be
permitted to furnish the necessary
proof.. 4 .
- A copy of final papers were also filed,
with a lengthy answer or special plea,
Mttiag up a full history of his official
life in detail, as well as his father's offi
cial life in America, aud claiming that
all these matters gave him citizenship
and qualified him to hold the office of
governor of Nebraska.
In this answer his attorn eys admit
that virtually James E. Boyd holds the
office of governor of Nebraska in direct
violation of the constitution and that
he was an alien at the time of the elec
tion in November, 18W.
The attorneys for John M. Thayer at
once filed a demurrer stating the rea
sons given in his answer do not consti
tute a defense nor justify the defendant
in holding and exercising the oftlee of
governor of Nebraska.
The court set Thursday at 9 o'clock
for the hearing of the argument on the
defense. .
The members of the house and senate
who were so afraid of violating the con
stitutional provisions governing the con
test can now console themselves with
the spectacle of a man occupying the
executive chair, who by his own confes
sion was not entitled to the right pf suf
frage at the time of his alleged election
to office, and has no more right to be
governor of Nebraska than the Prince
of Wains himself.according to that con
stitution they are sworn to protect.
Section 2, Article V, of the constitu
tion of the state cf Nebraska, says: "No
person shall bo eligible to the office of
governor or lieutenant governor who
ali not have attained the age of thirty
years, and been for two years next pre
ceding his election a citizen of the
United States and of this state." " For
the pt two months Mr. Boyd ha sup
pressed this record. Why? Is it irot
WattMi he knew that the truth knowu
would prove him to be an usurper!
This Is tho question that U aked bv
all parties interested in transportation
and the proper ifgutation by law of
freight . charge ia Nebraska. The
ttonget efforts arw bt ing made by the
railroad lobby to keep thj frWmds of a
ttmmium rat r from uniting on the
fMgtfof a bill that purpo, aud
prompt and decUWo action trnut bo
liken or all effort la tlsl direction will
l fut.hv
latin u?nt!m the rcopb nf ur
fount ry are t timing their attention
toward g;ranut ownership and iia
trvd u lb only into oitk u of th
t.iUvfc.l prdK ta,
' f mi
N'We hue rtvtlud oiue
pdorit!g tho Ktvtford land cwrrcy
hll A c-oni; m a tjoniinit. ad
will not w.wt until t-mbr, tin re
will t;p!t Um ia :r master.
. Speaker Elder has received adverse
criticism from his colleagnes during the
past week, on account of some of Lis
appsiotairpt especially that of the
rift&g C6mmittee. It certainly a
matter for profound regret that the
large number of bills introduced made
the appointment of such a committee
necessary In the shuffle somebody's
bills are certainly going to be sifted out,
and perhaps wise measures lost sight
of, especially In the hurry and excite
ment of the closing days of the session.
It is broadly hinted that the proposed
senatorial excursion to Denver may be
another scheme to prevent the passage
of a maximum freight bill. Every pos
sible influence 1 being used to delay
action on these bills and we think to
mote the language of the senators
"they had better stay here and attend
to the business before the senate unJ
leave excursions for next summer.
Tho House has passed a number of
important measures the past week.
House Boll No. 52 known as the mutual
Insurance bill was passed also Faxon's
House Roll No. 212 in relation to the
sale of malt spiritous aud vineous
liquors in towns and precincts.
Sleblin's House Bolls 403 and 403 pro
viding for the investment of the perma
nent school fund were also passed.
No. 402 amends section 3 of chapter
03 of the Compiled Statutes of 1887, en
titled "Warrants" to read as follows:
"It shall be tho duty of every such
Treasurer upon the presentation of any
warrant for payment, in presence of
such person, to enter such warrant In
his warrant register for payment in the
order af its preseutation, aud upon ev
ery warrant so presented and registered
he shall endorse 'registered for pay
ment' with the date of such registra
tion, and shall sign such endorsement;
I'rotided, That all warrants outstanding
at the time this act takes effect shall be
presented for payment or registration
by August 1st, 1801, and shallnot draw
interest after such date unless so pre
sented." Sec. 2. Said original section 3, of
chapter 03, of the Compiled Statutes of
1887 Is hereby repealed. -
No. 403 provides that section twenty
live (25), of article one (1), of chapter
eighty (80), of tho Complied Statutes of
1887, be amended to read as follows:
The said board shall at their regular
meetings make the necessary orders for
the investment of the principal of the
fund derived from the salo of said lands
then in the treasury, but none of said
funds shall be Invested or loaned except
on United States or state securities and
registered county bonds. Provided that
when any state warrant issued in pursu
ance of an appropriation made by the
legislature, and secured by the le vy of a
tax fer Its payment, shall be presented
to the state treasurer for payment, and
there shall not be money in tho proper
fund to pay said warrant, the state
treasurer shall pay the amount duo on
said warrant from any funds in tho state
treasury belonging to the permanent
school fund, and shall hold said war
rant of an investment of said permanent
school funds and shall stamp and sign
said warrant as provided iu section
oleven(il), of article two (2), of .chapter
eighty (80), of the Compiled Statutes of
Sec. 2. Said orlgiual section twenty
live (25), of article one (1), of chapter
eighty (80), of the Compiled Statutes of
1887, is hereby repealed.
H. R. 43, permitting women to vote
at municipal elections was defeated on
its passage as was also II. R. 92 submit
ting to the voters a call for a constitu
tional convention, the vote standing 50
to 41, The bill repealing the law pro
viding for oil inspectors was ordered
engrossed for a third reading last Tues
day. Ou Tuesday tho following bills
were passed: II. R. 14.1, providing for
change iu boundary of school districts
and prescribing manner of procedure
in such cases. II. R. 157, boards of edu
cation Iu metropolitan cities to Ins fif
teenlive of whom shall bo women.
H. R. 28, relating to exemption of prop
erty from taxation. IK R, 218. 11. R.
li4, on Insurance. H. It. 227, making
It the duty of the county attorneys of
this state to act as claim ugents for all
persons having claims against the gov
ernment of the United States for pen
sion, bounty, cr back pay, whero such
claims have arisen out of the late war,
aud shall prosecute such claim without
payor compensation from tho party
seeking such pensions, Wnuty, or back
pay, or from any other source other
than that provided bylaw for tho salary
of the county attorneys. 11. K.fu, pro
hibiting employers from exacting n
agwrurut either written or verbal from
an employe not to bin or U'coiue
member of any labor organisation a a
cooiiiitu oi securing or continuing m
mpioymi-nt aud protld ug f..r a tine f
mie hundtvd d..'! .r tr each eflc.e.)' T,r.!, runaway iutiri em.ld
H K. II. R. '.'mi. II. K. m. It. not write hi hwii name ytenUy, x
it, iu ta ami oil 'uen i lghty tiof
ckspter wrvcuty t ljftit tatu.i tf !W. ' Koads," to read a lullowt
Section NJ Allowance t pet eer I ht
everwrer hll Ur allowed two t' dollar,
pef iky, ta;M'.ng the time nocf4tl!y
pent U notifjiifg th hand. ur1n
ieudintf the work ou reads an I in mak
ing out bU rturo; but nut ta cvd the
uw of forty (13) dellwr ia auy
ore yar, which sum shall be pi!d out
of the district iyi4 fvind, fr dwlirct-
l"g own la! or A and three fourth;
(J) of his road tax. 1 If there is not suffi
cient money in bis aiMnot road fund
with which to pay said overseer, he
shall be entitled to a certificate from
the county board, which certificate!
h&UW ?,id.out ol the district road
fund, and'lf there be not money Jn tL:
district road fund to pay such certifi
cate, then the county treasurer shall
register and pay such certificate in the
same manner that county warrants are
paid, a warrant on the county general
fund from the county board, for the
amou nt of labor performed.
The senate has lost two days during
the last week. There were several of
the senators sick. La grippe can arret
senator without a warrant from the
supreme court. Senators Smith,
Stevens, Warner, Horn, Taylor and
Shea, have been sick. Senator Shea
has been sick nearly all the time since
the legislature has been in session, and
this Is the forty-seventh day. '
The senate has considered and passed
some important bills during the lust
The most important subject of legis
lation are the maximum freight bills.
Steven's S. F. 83 has passed the com
mittee of the whole with recommenda
tion to pass. Newberry's ,11. R. 12 is
In the hands of the senate, having pasted
the bouse.
A bill authorizing warehousing and
Inspection of grain in Nebraska bos
passed the senate.
The Lincoln charter has passed the
A bill amendatory of the "mechanic's
lien law," was discussed at length in the
senate and indefinitely postponed.
A bill to allow women to vole In
municipal elections was defeated. The
wholesale abuse heaped upon the legis
lature at the Red Ribbon club by Judge
O. I'. Mason was damaging to muni
cipal suffrage. S. F. 173 enables per
sons to mortgage the crop to be sown
and planted for the purcnase pr'ue of seed
has passed the house and will enable
people to buy seed grain.
Saline County Farmers' Alliance Meeting
At Dorchester.
The first quarterly meeting of the Sa
line County tanners' Alliance met at
Dorchester, Friday March Cth. The
house was called to order by President
Savage, committees upon credentials
and resolutions were appointed and set
to work. The committee on resolutions
made the following report, which was
adopted: " -
We hereby express our confidence in
and adherence to the plan for forming a
national Independent reform party, in
which societies and organizations are
ignored, and the units composing them
are organized and placed in. a working
condition, upon a common plan of ac
lion, for the success of a common cause
We declare eur allegiance to the fol
lowing principles as promulgated by
the National Farmers' Alliance, at the
late convention held at Omaha:
1. The free and unlimited coinago of
2. The abolition of national banks
and the substitution for their notes of
legal tender treasury notes; and the is
crease of currency to 830 per capita.
8. Government ownership of all rail
roads, telegraphs and telephones.
4. The prohibition of alien ownership
of land, and of gambling in stocks, op
tions and futures.
5. The adoption of a constitutional
amendment requiring the election of
president and vice president and United
States senators by direct vote of the
6. The Australian ballot system.
Whekkas. Faithfulness to principles
and honest efforts in behalf of others,
are ever worthy of commendation and
endorsement, therefore be it
jRtiolied, 1, That we heartily thank
our representatives iu the present legis
lature for their manful and persistent
etlorts for the welfare of their constit
uents; and that we especially recognize
in Representatives S. J. Herman, James
Smith and Edward Arnold, eminent
qualilications for legislators and true
friends to the people.
Ktsolred, 2, That we hereby express
our thanks to S. ,1. Herman fur the able
manner in which he presided over tho
house of representatives while in com
mittee of the whole for consideration of
tho railroad bill.
F.ditou ISi khows: As an Indepen
dent, I am iu favor of bringing the con
test of governor and state officers to a
healing, and lunke those cowardly,
money-l)OUght whelps of our ranks sow
a double dose of their inl pilty. Bring
the matter up in the form of a joint
re solution.
The man who nominated Senator
Collin, of tiage, called upon him this
inoritiii'i aud gave hint u U a scouring
as few men ever nvelved.
When the senator attempted to ex
plain why he voted iu hu did on the
concurrent remdtitioti, tht Incemed vis
itor thook hU li tt Iu hi face, and hiwed
between hit teeth: "Von inwardly
whelp. If yoa on your niuiith t me.
f li math) ou Into the t!wr! itu lute
Nought a utit'tu uiHiti our ivuiv. and
vnir, ,MB tmn!$ ruu'u'mn de.pbe
ni" icouii be rea.i wiitto it hniy.
lie UI to tbe twe
vt thri?e who
wi. I I M
axkrd wbiit the nisUet
very nrron t d."
tA. "
!Ury vt Ittchcr, the pUuer (urub
tare dealm f Macule, tee well
Ineww tBdj leflgthy oie frem
U. V tsle )lftuiw inrer In b
vitiog your aueui'on tvi their Urge d
varied Uhk the bet gind made h
iery dvpartmenk their wihertUe-
nont iu thl lue, and c.v!l or writs
thrst fur uihlnftjdfd la tfcr Mm
We the undersigned lo hereby declare our allegiance to the
Int. 'Hie free awl unlimited coinage of silver.
2d. The abolition of national lanU and the tnbditution
. i.i. -
. . , .
lamry notes; ana me increase vj cumin iu vovjtr vujjuu.
3rd. Government ownership of all railroad, and. telegraphs.
4th. The prohibition of alien oicnershij) of land, anl of gamUing in ztotis, option
oth. The adoption of a conmtnuonai ameiwmcni requiring me uevuun vi i remaeni ana
Vke-PrcHlknt and United State Senators by direct vote of the jeople.
6th. Tfie Australian ballot mjtcm.
Ami we hereby express our s itsh for a National Independent Convention to nominate can
dithttes for President and Vice-President on the alx)ve platform; and we heieby agree that if pure,
able and honorable men are ko nominated we will support them and vote for them in preference
to any other candidates.
We also hereby express our desire that this declaration shall Ik? circulated for signatures iu
each state and territory of the Federal Union by the executive officers of each industrial organiza
tion iu said state or territory, and returnd signed to such officers; ami when five million signatures
shall beobtained and reported by the executive officers of the different industrial organizations of
each state and territory said executive officers shall select one representative from each state (each
State acting l)y lt&eilj lO COIlSliuue a provisional coiumnu, imu uiu provisional cuiiiimucc Biiaii
meet at Cincinnati, on the 22d day of February, 1892, and fix a ratio of representation based on
the number of signatures in each state, determine upon the place and date of holding'said nation
al convention, and appoint from their number an executive committee to raise funds, procure a
hall, and perfect all necessary details for the same. ...
Ami we hereby invito all men, without regard to past party affiliations, to unite with us in
our effort to free our country from the domination of corrupt parties, trusts, combines and me
uopolies, to establish justice and pure government, and promote the general welfare.
Letter to Uncle Sam.
Decatck, Neb., Feb. 17, 1891.
Dkajc Uxclk: It ia several months
since I have written to you. Since my
last you have seen what a great uproar
your western kinsmen have kicked up.
They have got it into their head, that
inasmuch as you claim tho exclusive
right to coin money, you ought to coin
more of it, for the reason that it can't
circulate till coined and they say there
is not enough in circulation to meet the
demands of business. They say, if they
undertake to coin it themselves, you
will have them arrested and sent to the
penitentiary. Some of them, unable to
find work owing, as they Miink, to the
scarcity of money -suppose they would
be better off in the penitentiary; for
then they would be certain of employ
ment and three square meals daily. So
If you hear of some of these "hard ups"
coining a few pewter dimes to purchase
something to keep soul and body to-
gather, don't you be surprised. .
The people, the common people, have
got it into their craniums that some
thing is wrong down at Washington;
that the government machinery is not
running just right; that there is a screw
loose somewhere; and they propose to
tighten that-screw ana make trie ma
chine run as of old "if if takes all sum
mer." '
They say you have four methods of
getting money, namely: By selling or
leasing some of your property as when
you sell land or lease the seal lisheries
borrowing it of those having it to loan
taxing the people directly or indirectly,
and by coining it as you did greenbacks
duriug the late war.
Then, again they say you have just
four methods of putting it in circula
tion, nanielv; By giving it to the peo
ple as you do to tho widows of our dis
tinguished countrymen by piuchas
ing property as when you buy a lot in a
city to erect a post oflice by loaning it
as you do to national bankers and by
paying it out for service or labor as in
the case of the civil and military service.
I am simply indicating to you, Dear
Uncle, the ideas these western "Hay
seeds'' are getting into their heads.
They are meeting all over the land in
Bchoolhouscs every week. Youth and
age, brains aud beauty, the civil and
the rude meet and mingle together as
they never have before. They discuss,
laud, labor, liquor, liuance aud trans
portation questions. The strongest
thing about tliem is this: Those who,
all their past lives, have leeri bittei po
litical enemies, have dropped their old
animosities aud call each other brother.
They stand together as though a com
mon dnnger threatened them aud can
only be averted by a united effort.
Koclc rooted fogies and moss backs of
tho two old parties, seem to have re
reived a iresh baptism of patriotic fire.
They are tearing away from their
former party alliliatioiuw ith a vim that
it atoniwhiug. What the tinal upshot
will be, I cannot tell; but think that in
i we will "hear eomethlug drop"
More anon.
Your in lip of tho resurrection of
tho "rag babv." Jacob Biu h.
Farming sa Trade.
Very few farmer eter stop to think
of th-!r tKTupa'.loHUt compared wu
that of others. When they hear a iuv
chanlu toll cf tbi thru' long year
pt nt In learning IU trade. It teldoui
enter their mind I tut they hate puni
a imik-n lunger appirniueiiup ana iua
leivd a trade much more cimiplh tited.
The reuwn of all thU u tho dte
of U'giulng tho f irmer trad U Ui wr
noted. 1I U'g'ts a mw a h I oM
rnoug't b r'd tho rwrw that draw the
barivw, aud frm tint Ihm on gradu
ally Uarw to lniii0 a'l il-pitiu ut
tf a tmn, tc'rdiig ttrn yvar ttnu rni
pU'jvd a wink di fur h'. p-irvnt a
a Hi4U r d.ily. .No wis mmt r'U
fci.u that h U uriRf hi ndnd with tho
dt taiU of a rry cwiiplUfttl ix'iUioa.
Any young tuatt ( ordiuaty iotell-
g at" ran go iaio a Hop at tka as id
fUu-cn, sud ttrp out ihtvn t4i (
tti m4 -taiSth, t'wrptur Vf VwC
J i e-rt .,
... . 7 ,
But take a young n?an of the same
age from the midst of a busy city and
place him for the first time on a farm
among good fanners and see bow long
he will be in acquiring sufficient knowl
ege of the business to enable him to do
all the kinds of work in a skilfull man
ner that will confront him during the
year. The chances are that at the end
of three years he will have fairly be
gun to understand what farming is.
It is the duty of every farmer to tip
hold his business, knowing as he does
that it stands back of, and upholds all
others, by keeping it before the boys
that tiicy are acquiring a trade that is
complicated and noble and that it re
quires skill and education as well as
muscle. But does the average farmer
perform his duty along this line? No,
there is entirely too much talk in the
opposite direction. There is entirely
too much of the opinion among farmers
that anybody knows enough to be a
It has been the custom for years past
and is too much so yet for farmers rais
ing boys to shape their futures some
thing after the folhjwinz style: There's
William; now tho teacher says he's a
stunner to learn and ought to go to col
lege. I think I'll let him go and see
what kind of a lawyer he'll make, for
he is uncommon bright. And James
alius was a likely lad at his books, and
I think he bad better try and make a
doctor of hisself. Now Tom some
way don't gtt along at school but he is a
good worker so I will keep him with
me and give him that lower eighty he'll
make a capital farmer.
So it goes on as it has in the past, the
bright brainy fanner boys are hurried
away to school and given to understand
both by words and acts mat tnev am
smart enough to do something better
than farm, while the slow going Thamas
accepts his farm, feeling that he Is only
tit to follow the plow, and knowing
that his education is very limited dares
not raise his uncultured voice at the
town meetng, the very place the
farmer in tho past has been hoodwinked
by schf aming individuals who claim the
right to represent everybody and every
thing. The time has fully com6 for the
faniier to throw oft' this old fogyism
and looks to the future of his business.
If you have boys to bring up, educate
them to the very best of your ability but
do not teach them that the farm offers
no inducements to their "book learned
Don't teach them to turn their backs
on the old homestead and tako to some
profession antagonistic to the farm
This sorting process ouee ended, the
farmer fathers once awakened to the
fact that brain and education are both
needed at homo, oik? of tho great mis
takes widen bas helped greatly to bring
the American farmer to the verge of
Kuropean peasantry will be righted.
Then on every hand may be louud
strong men with strong convictions,
ready to checkmate the encroach
ments of the organised enemies of
agriculture. J. K. h.
K Plea for the Schools.
Vvivx, March a, 101.
Km roil Ai.m asck: We know you are
a reformer aud up to th tltne. How
U it with our schools? Our teachers
Ktill govern by bmte force, which Is
agdiHt the law of !d aud all pro
gr"ilv humanity. Many of them who
ra not tilted by nature to fubi nag tho
rising generation lutolep'ratloo. then
whip them like Uc. aioutliia all ih
evil p4MHu-i uuy uy uy, lai imy ar
rltt imtturity and gra-.p Uhj du.tdlf
weapon, rmllug up In i ill or the pent-
tontury ai we m o it to d iv.
What U'ticlit it it to u if we parent
hake od the money pwtr. leaiing thn
lahevitaticn to our M'd.i n. who att
i iwdau'd to their tu ;! My by teacher
who er for tl tNH mid inho
fbukf Money N doing ail t!si. Who
will go f rth 'in Udull vt thtf b no m
i hililivn. u lue younsj tcd'tr
Who ht brvO r:i;i.U-l fill t. r fttl
of teaching or hwt to imrrl aud
ritrntii'tniiMtM, I? tried id fi ud waut
iiif Iu thU 'li ttur U wvitud the
frigid oi.ethfi drjiU d of
nit iui ii'luo,
Your trulf,
'ffc 'l
t1i'A buj t'!r
d u U prU'-f (.Kvr.
. t .
t'J ti M jo i
following principles:
for llcir note of legal tende
jT . .1 . a' 71 ... 1 . . 1
IU, Trick on D Eagle Wln It Pepnlwrtlf
Among tha IrUh.
In Ireland the wren Is called the
king of birds. One old legend among
the Irish, that dates ,4 far back as the
days of the Druids," thus stated by
the Boston Globe.
Once upon a time the etigle, always
proud of his strength and value, called
all the birds together for a trial of
flight, with this understanding, that he
who soured the highest would forejer
command the distinctive title of "king"
of birds." ,
The eagle, by common consent, had
been invested with the honor from
time immemorial and he had no idea
of giving it up, but the better to im
press, his superiority on all Inferior
birds he called together the whole
feathered tribe for this grand flying
At the appointed time tho birds came.
I There were thrushes, linnets, magpies,
crows, blackbirds, bluebirds, hawks,
doves robbins, sparrows nightingales,
larks, tame birds from the forest,
seabirds from the coast and last of all,
but as noby as any of them, came tho
turkeys, geese, ducks and hens from
the barnyifrds.
The eagle surveyed them all with his
piercing eyes. At some of them he
cast a contemptuous glance, but when
he saw the sky lark he looked a little
uneasy. This was tho only bird he
really feared, for the skylark can fly
very high. , But his fears did not last
long, for ju6t then - he saw something
to make him laugh. It was the little
wren hopping along saucily with his
jaunty little tail perked up with the
utmost assurance. One would think
he expected to win the prize.
The eagle began to poke fun at him,
and all the other birds joined in, so
that tho poor little wren was glad to
escape out of sight.
When the signal was given for' the
birds to start he was nowhere to be
seen, and if any one thought of him at -all
it was probably to conclude that he
had realized the folly of his trying to
compete with thoso eo Jtuch stronger
than himself, nnd had wisely gone homo
to his noHt in the hedge.
At a given signal away flew the bird.
Up. up, up! Tho wild gooso did very
well, so did tho hawk, and tho skylark
kept do? under the eagle's big wings;
but one by one tboy bad to givo up, all
but tho proud old eaglo. Ho kept 'on
soaring until be reached a point from
which bo could not raise himself nr..
other inch.
Then bo looked down proudly at ell
the representatives of the foatheivd
tribo Ivlow him, and they looked up
admiringly nt him, when suddenly
nbovc htm flew a littlo dutk qwk. It
was a bird, and the horrified eaglo
looked up to see tho de&pUed littlo wren
hovering above lain.
All tho ether birds wiw htm. too, and
tbey M l up a gwat bout. Than do n
flew tite erentftillen ct!o.
A the birds touched tho ground they
looked for tho wren, nnd they m him
hup off the jtsrle buvk. He hnd bctn
r.etlirt;r among the fcatlicrw, and tho
big ragie did not feet hi weight.
tC.t ll Uru. t a U It.... 41... .....U
the other bird hud used up all thftf
idwngtU b wa hHo to r'tich a pi k
higher than a'd of them. .
AcconHg to Hi lc!tr of the lotf."
t) WM-nwa-Midjudd "Majjof Wrd
but, t t t u y uppo, the cagln 4
rry angry, ilw hh M work hi
d tho W r, u i, l it luul a lll H'l
bS;n lht h ,,ouUJ never aaln b4
tebta to By r iuij ihlaif. arul to tt-.'-
dj' it a It iU w r-r, laintol vii fly Wfi i
l.r.ti! ht mutt (but an ofieg In it
Mmi-brrtt U . rw b rrh pc- fri'i",'
ui" Ik !d to' j, rl a to notHr. V
I,o U.iii tnMd lb wii'n !:!..
frni itfht'tiii, but w hm f hrUUrttty
I frl il utlft tidHliuuU, not a'.v
j Kk-pti-ktuU n thi luiwdttw, vootldvm!
thrir a'tuUil n a gncut flffen, .n4
tl ll (wr lltt! It lu i totf
iii. ,!u. 1 ! a bin,'. tte i f tt, 1