The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, March 14, 1891, Image 1

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    T 1-213
NO. 39.
rniirtAii:-ll the eejtlnat and cheapest
aitu of notifying subscribers of the date
of their expirations we will mark tbU notice
with blue or red penell,oa the date at which
their subscription expire. We will send tbe
paper two week after expiration. If not re-
newea y um ume 11 wiu ee oiwonunuw.
Chicago Grain and Provlaan.
C'HICAOO, March 10.
WHEAT-May. 11.01: Jnlv. Tc
iwkn-May, wnuc; JUIV, Hr..
Alll-U U - It ...
rM-May, 51.:: July,
tK-Mav, tiaiA, July,- afll.M.
iD-sLiy, ttSOl: July, $11.224. .
fcUOBT KlfiH-May, tA.0U; July, 3).
Chicago Live Stock.
Chicaoo, March 10. (
CATTLKKstimatod roreiuU, 6,W0 head.
Natives, .SHV,&-; cows aud bulla, fc.lOtfJ.BO.;
Texan. fl.Ar.l.). Market rtron.
HOtlH-EatlmaOfd receipt iS.OOO head.
Havy, $3.M;.r: mUei a.tfl.7fc; light,
& Murkct strcuif. -
BHEfcP-Ntiv. J4.uuiij.7a; westerns, l.'&
t.90; Texun.'ti.:- -
Kaaa City Live gtoelc
, KAKAClTr, March 10.
CATTLE Estimated receipt, hoad.
iihiiiniMiitH. none. Btwrs. W.Sk&.'i.S't: in,
il.teU.4M; atoekw and feeders, S3.W&:j.itt.
MarU,t. ti rm .
' Omaha Live Stack. N
Vxioi Stock Yarm, I
Oicasa, aLu& & ) -'
CATTLE -fcstimated receipts. 8.400 head.
Prime Heavy. t:;..'A.V: medium heavy; I8.TS
fr4.MI: oonunon, fA'JUl TO; choice fancy cow
and heifer, common ie medium
cow, S3.WtfcO.15; cauners, fl.Sjr.JO; boll $1.7
dipw, Best lueuTu'i reeo.ors, aiocsera,
$;.M2i3.(W: steak becre. $4 S3, Market gener
ally 6c to 10c higher; quality rerjr good; cow
ana heifersscaitxt, '
HOUS-Eatinialed receipt, .300head. Light,
3.(JK8ia.B: mixed, $;i.2U&3.6; heavy. $3.3J0.
Market opeiiMi (c Mguer; eiueea wean; saariy
lialf uf the rotnlnts unused.
HHKEP BiinxWd reoaifta, bead. Mel-
aw nniuf.
Shellbyville, Tenn., was viltd by fire,
'aod property worth 6O,00O, insured, wu
Mian Hannah Hunter of Peabody, Kan.,
was attacked and killed by a dehorned
The Fayerweather will caw? in XcwJYork
watt brought to it sodden cIom without
atatcmeut or reuKonrf.
An earthquake hb(x k waa felt in vArion
partK of tbe stute of Waahiugton, but no
uaraage waa done. ' ,
Ben McC'aull, maner of tlie Wiljton
ranch, Tarnpa, Tex., killed Cliarlt Can
trell in the renewal of an old quarrel.
- Tbe federal court at Mttle Rock. Ark.,
has appointed George C. Bufortl receiver of
the Cutunif t cotlou factory of Maiurnotb
Springs, Ark.
Gen. Morgan, imult-sioner of Indian
affair, advise tbe government to dinar in
tbe Indiana and given many reaaou in sup
port of mtcb a coiirw.
Captain Theodore Williams of the Mis
aissippi river bteamer llibernia wan ahot
and fatally wounded on tbe at cancer, by
John Sargent.
Judge Thaver, at St. Lotiix, decided tliat
the United Ktfctett ditti ict court lias full
jurindletion in the Wymuu to Mt the
validity of the McKinlcy tariff law,
Tbe xtove nioubiers of St. Ixiuis tiro pre
paring for a iitrike for higher wagiw aud a
general adjustment of grievance May 1,
and there is danger that the strike will
spread toother cities. -
The secretary of 'war has directed the
abandonment of the ndnance depot at
Fort Leavenworth, and the transfer of the
ordnance stores and enlisted men now
there to the Hock Inland arsenal.
All surplus subscriptions to tbe fund to
erect a statue to the luto General Sherman
will be turned over ta.t hc general's family.
Under these circumstances Amos R. ICno
will give H.fjOO; otherwise he would have
given but 1,00O.
Barrett Murray, ft witness azainst Fran
cis Liingo, cnargeu witn nuiruer at t am
dem, NT J., cannot be found, and t he po
lice declate that bis was the body found
3n the. cemetery three months ago. They
believe that Lingo's negro friends killed
him to save Lingo.
Work has legun on the first world's
fair building in Jackson park tat Chicago.
It will be of brick, two stories hih, with
two wings. In it will lie two lireproof
vaults in which to keep tbe exposition
plans, valued at bulf a million dollars.
Tts building will also be used for office
How the I.ale Millionaire Scoville Ii-puM-il
of His Wealth.
Buffalo, N. Y March 10. The will
jf the late Johnatbiui Scovillewas offered
forproljRte. The ostate is estimated at
alwut $3,(XlO,00. The testator gives to
his two sistein each; to his
nephew, William 11. Harper, of Chicago,
and to his nWe, Marv L. Filling, of
Washington. 1 15,(HKJ. 'H0 gives in trust
for his iiephe-ws, Samuel -oville,
Paschal and John F. Fisher, fiO.txk)
em'h. To the widow- of Ins deoen.vd
brother. Surnuel Scoville, nn annuity for
life of rm. To the St. John's Episcopal
society of Salisbury. Com,,, tho iuUrest
m iM-rpetnilv of flfl.iHM) and to th
lMhothst L.iscoil Union thapel of
Chapinvllle, I'm t annum in xrwt
uity. He gives to the Buffalo orphan
asylum. hitoruul mmiety, an art
academy, St. Vim-Hif fttuale asvluni
nnd the honn for tiro frh-ndlea. T,M0O
each. He givm to the Buffaki Fine Art
itradftuy f.'.ts) i.n a lik amouut
to the general ho . ital ttabbshea
for a sthool for nurses, A codi.
ril. however, revokes the Inquest to
th Fine Aits n adomv and direta that
11,000 be given to tiu Sis iely for the
'revi nt ton of Cruelty to t'hildrfti, and
W.otift to tbe l'niertjv 4f Buffalo.
Arth'lu 10 give $r.',issi 'tor a suitable
building in Mali4niy, (ni.. for th
us of. a publU' library. Other minor
bejnet are ali made. Tln bulaiwr of
the. rtiite !! 10 trtittH in irul for
tho ai children f his lroth.. tbe late
I'hUfi ll Ht iA ili, to In given tbcu suo.
tyastvrlr a t!ur in oiuof age.
The MtiU HlaUl.t S ,
Vi v,a, Marth lO.-tlariwhlue, who
w:mi r"nf ian ni!iUer ti! t!s it?rtr
when Helm MirknvU-h , another
m tin nglrii in i.ria for th at'
teroptMl llU.iiifid Kin Mitaa.dUavows
tiu te.und!ity lr tbo ruiK, llo
was alwil la Frn when tu womnu
wre atraiiitml, md hl u atihiriiy
Otet tltu aoldler who wW gviatding the
Tbe Irish People Will Have to Choose
Jlctwcen 1'aruell ami the Church.
Germany and the World's FairThe 8r
vain MinUter's Kxcuse Sir tharla
IMIke Will be a Candidal. ,
Storm iu Eng land. "
Loxdox, Sfarch 10.A Dublin letter
aays Archbishop Walsh does not ap
prove of the extreme course taken by
those of his fellow prelate who bold
out excommunication as the penalty for
the followers of Parnell. While hold
ing positive vkws, both os to tho folly
and evil effect upon tho nation's politi
cal and moral interest of giving count
enance to Parnell, tbe , archbishop does
not propose to treat either clergymen or
laymen among Parnell'B aupiiortcr any
different in a religious sense from what
he treats others. This, however, is not
the view generally held by the high pre
lates, and the indications are that the
Irish people will have to choose between
Parnell and the church.
The Freeman' Journal publishes a
letter from bir Charles Cavan Dnffy in
which that gentleman says that the
policy of the independent opposition
which Mr. Parnell has so far carried on
successfully, originated in 1847 with the
Irish confederation. Then, with Catho.
lie episcopacy, they resisted the policy
with all their power and banished the
priests to penal parishes for their sup
port of the independent party. Later,
by reason of corruption and intrigue, it
became reduced from fifty to live mem
bers of parliament, the bishops always
condoning or approving every act of
treachery. Tlie letter concludes us fol
lows: "Until all this clerical inter
ference is changed there is no more hope
for the Irish cause than there is for a
corpse on the dissecting table."
8tortn la Kngland. . -
Loxpoir, March 10. The worst snow
storm of the season swept over the
United Kingdom, tho wind blowing at
a fearful velocity, driving the snow
around in drifts two and three feet
deep. The streets are deserted by both
pedestrians and vehicles, while railway
communication with the eubarbs of
London is almost entirely cut
off. Telegraphic communication
with the provinces is suspended,
as the wires are down in
all directions. The English channel is
simply one expanse of boiling, seething
water, the waves dashing over the pier
at Dover, washing everything away.
Across the channel steamer -are "ar
riving in port in a battered condition.
It is possible that but little is known
of the magnitude of the storm. The
banks of the Thames from - Richmond
are inundated. The wagons iu Covent
Gap market are so snowed up as to be in
accessible, in consequence of which the
supply is becoming scarce. It is re
ported that five fishing smacks have
been wrecked off Hastings and three
persons drowned. A coast guard boat,
whilo attempting to effect the rescue of
the distressed seamen of Sandgute cap
sized and several of those on board were
IMltte Will He a Candidate.
Loysox, March 10. Sir Charles Dilke
has consented to be the liberal can
didate for the Forest of Dean. In ac
cepting the invitation to be a candidate
SiT Charles said that he had often re
lated his decision not to return to
public life until he had cleaned his char
acter. No legal process existed where
by he could prove the falsity of the
charge against him, and his vindication,
presented to the public in pamphlet
form enabled him to prefer tho troubles
of political life to the case of a literary
career. If the constituency, therefore,
should ratify the action of their coun
sel, he would coiucnt to be their can
didate, Krvrii Killed by an J.iplwuinn.
Glasugw, March 10. In the Dixon
works a condenser - used iu the manu
facture of ammonia, exploded with ter
rific force and fatal effect. The mnn
gled remain of three employe have
been recovered and four other bodii's,
including tho manager of the concern,
are known to lie buried beneath the
debris. A nmn 1st of jiersons were also
severely injured.
War On I'aria Mulaal.
Pams, March 10. In the chamber of
tninUters Coiitani referred to tho Paris
mutual betting system. M. DoVele
expressed a hope that the chamber
would take action to restrict the num
ber of race, niieiings of which there
were now BW auuuwlly. LioeiiKew for
IsMtkuiakitig ought, ho said, to bo given
only to societies t improve the brewl
of horses and not money making so
cieties. rrHt au4 (he World' I air.
Ibuus, .MurcH 10, Tho lending
itianufiii lutvra of (lei inuny w!l meet iu
Berlin net week ucouidertbeirnir
toward the t1iiia;o fiNition, snd to
appoint a romunttev Iu take charge of
the German hi!rrfi. Tli-Uer:n.un
tuhit wl'l donbib w be ettnlvf-. The
leading in r batit and nUb rtm n of
JWrlin ie luvttrd to join kit the driller-
an. 'ii.
HoMU, March !-TKe ifpe ha en'
trotted to lit blh-p of Vwport and
tlettt in tho lrnlatiin Into the
KllgiMU luin Uiigeof tlteptpiii Wc)l id on
labor and k.odwi tnnjevt. Tho trn
Uiion w ill be tiiiiabt'd by Kalr, And
then forwarded tv all llng'.H1! iwViiij
Chicago Iteteetlvea to Watch the Call-
foraia Mtrucgte,
Sachaiiexto, Cal.. March 10. Bal
loting for a successor to Senator Hearst
will begin to-day. A queer develop
ment of the senatorial fight is the story
that five Chicago detectives have arrived
here to witness the balloting. Iu
formation of their presence was brought
to the city by a Sacramento man, who
came from the cast on the same train.
The detectives said they were going to
Monterey to escape the rigors of a
Chicago winter, but got off at Sacra
mento. What business they have here
can only be guessed at, out as tney are
known to havo been making the ac
quaintance of lobbyist and members, it
is believed that they are here on sena
torial business. One story is that they
have been employed by the national
Democratic committee to procure evi
dence off-corruption, and in case the
senator to be elected boys his seat, he
will be followed to Washington and
prevented from taking his seat. The
candidates are Morris M. Estee, ex-
Congrcssnian George u. Felton, M. II.
Delonng, George II. Bonebrake, ex
Governor George C. Perkins, General
N. P. Chipman and ex-Senator A. P,
Williams. Tbe Democratic vote will
probably go to one of the following per
sons: James V. Coleman, ex-Mayor
Pond. Congressman Thomas J. Clunio
or Wm. D. English, The Republicans
have a maiontv of sixty in the legisla
ture, but it is thought no choice will le
made for several days. The Republi
cans have as yet called no caucus.
An Ohio Man Goes to the Penitentiary
1'or a Coaalderatlon.
8pmxoiKi.D, O., March 10. Michael
McFadden of Woodstock was released
from the penitentiary few days ago
and instituted suit against David Hen
ley, a wealthy resident of Rush town
ship, to recover f 1,340. In his petition
McFadden cjaims that when he was sent
to the penitentiary in lie8 for larceny it
was on an agreement with Henley that
if lie would file a plea of guilty he
would be paid for the time in the pent
tentiary. Tbia McFadden did and was
in the peniteniary about two years. By
the plea of guilty on the part of Mc-
Ifaddea it is claimed that Homey eon
was kept out of the penitentiary. Since
McFadden' release Henley has refused
to keep his part of of the agreement and
the suit id now brought to recover the
J oh anon' CollapiM.
Clevelaxp, O., March 10. A deal
waa completed between Albert L. John
son and 3, Palmer O'Neil, of the Na
tional League, whereby the former sells
out for 130,000 cash all his property In
baso ball.-. Thi includes Jhe con tracts
with Cincinnati aud Cleveland players.
the gronnd leases in both cities and all
other things connected with the Wa
tional game. Judge Sanders and At
torney Kussell of this city and Ld. Han
Ion and V. II. Brunnell assisted in the
transfer. The League at once take
po&seaiiioa of all Association property.
A Stauipetla at the ( mur d'Alene and
General Rejoicing In Mouth Uaketa.
Spokane Falls, Wash., March 10.
The passage of the bill opening Camr
d'Alene reservation to settlement baa
created a stampede almost equal to the
Oklahoma craze. For several months
large numbers of people have been
camped along the borders of the reser
vation, and fully 2,000 men have ioured
into Port Falls and Ccenr d'Alene City,
which are on t b border of the reserva
tion, during the lat two days. More
settlers are coming in by every train.
They are waiting for the president to is
sue a proclamnl ion. Trouble is feared,
because some of the Indians will object
to up their lands.
Brown's Valley, Minn., March 10.
Hundreds of Indians belonging to the
Sisseton and Wahpeton bands gathered
here from the reservation and took part
with the whites in celebrating the open
ing of the 1,000,000 acres of the finest
agricultural land in South Dakota. The
whites rejoice at the opportunity to se
cure land valued at $10 to I'.'Oimacre
nnder the homestead law, and the In
ilinns because, the treaty gives them
over fll.Ono.OOO, The Great Northern
railroad will le extended across the res
ervation front Alterdeen and the St.
Paul will come iu from Wilinot on it
way north,
Oolil In MiMoart.
MoiMmviu r,, Mo March 10. The
southwrHtcrn part of Vernon county is
in a fever of excitement over the dis
covery of gold four miles south of this
place. Tlie lead is Afteti feet thick and
asay foufotiiMe of gold and three ul
silver to the ton.
Ilie Sl.amwr ltu key ! Vtr.i ke.l.
San rtttMwo, March 10. A dis
patch from Seattle says that the ateutiu r
buckeye, which v.a reported to have
been w re ked with twenty panMiigers
during a gale 011 the aoitud, In arrived
. u u. ".' .';
Tha IMIbmI Strug!,
Si'iustiiuu, 111., M uvh I0. -Tlie
liepublU an and the Farmers' Mutual
IWnrtlt aH'iaHoii iiu'ii refitMHt loan
iwer tbe roll VI in tbe joint h wMr
The lild ballot rttUd; Palmir, 101
ToriKt, Kan., Mrcli M - ;aler
KU r friiht rat bill, jnovulmg for a
reduction f alsit .Mipff ct-pt, in rright
rate, failed to p.i- Om tiat. 'i ht
Uo. MMd the net bill making
eight luurs a wt k day lor state, couaty
and litutdiipal emplovee. The hou-
t..-d iim ttiat bill airrotriatini
.0,11 for the idnii dttpUy at the
The. Alton Kot Ready to Euroifc the
J To-('iit Mileage Kate.
Deaver shipper Will aard A gain t Dl.
crlwilaation hy Kallread at.Paul
and Uuluth Change Worh-
' ; Jug on the Canadiaa Hide,
Chicago, March 10. One universal
aigh of relief went up from the passen
ger departments of western roads when
it was learned that there was another
postponement in the Alton' demand
for a 2 cent miloage rate. Preoident
Hook of the Jacksonville and Southeast
ern had telegraphed to Chairman Finley
that he would like a delay and could
give the Alton assurances which would
obviate the necessity of the 2 cent rate.
This reduction ha been the most prom
inent qnestion for some time to western
roads and they propose to nuite in any
proposition which will save the present
rate basis. The Alton's position has
not been changed.
Western passenger ' men are 4 also
wornca oy xue receiptor a circular iroin
tbe interstate commerce commission
asking a detailed statement of all fluctu
ations in passenger rates uunng tne pasi
year. , Passenger wen call to mind
Chairman Cooley remarks that any
published rate is prima facie a paying
one ahd wonder if a reduction in rate
will follow the receipt of the atate-
ments. None of them nave oeen com
plied with as yet, but enough is known
to show that the uv -rago rate for ten
years is little, if any? above the 2-cent
mark. . :, ,
A freight for Denver.
Dmvkk, 1 Colo,f' March 10. The
mooted matter of a freight bureau was
definitely settled at a)ccial meeting ot
the director of tbe mercantile bureau
called for the purpose. T he work will
be carried ori jointly with the work of
the mercantile bureau. A committee of
five representative business men will be
appointed next week, to whom will be
referred all questions nnder the depart
ment's jurisdiction, such as dismmin
tion by railroads, charges, shorts, loss
and the like. The bureau will work in
harmony with the railroads as far as
possible. ' It is not the inteution to an
tagonize any corporation, but the inter
est of Denver railroad shippers will be
paramount to all other considerations.
Tbe LouUvTll. and Kathyllle.
Nkw York, March 10. At tbe meet
ing of the board of director of the
Louisville and Nashville railroad the
office of chairman of the board wot
created, and Mr. August Belmont was
elected to occupy the position in control
of the Mew xork onlce of the company.
Milton H. Smith, the present vice presi
dent, was electuu president with uis or
ficc iLouisville.
The Central System.
Rutland, Vt., March 10,-The New
York Central railroad on Saturday took
possession of the Hockemo, Newport
and Poland railroad on a formal con'
tract. Dr. W. W. Ward Webb oflShel
burn was made president and Frank
Smith treasurer. The road will be
changed to standard gauge and ex
tended to the St. Lawrence river.
8t. Taal and Dnlnih Changes.
St. Pall, Minn., March 10. W. H.
Bliss has resigned the vice presidency of
the St. Paul aud Duluth, and will here
after devote his entire time to the legal
department of the line. General Man
ager Plough has been appointed by
President Hayes to fill the vacancy, aud
will wear the dual title.
Working on the Canadian Side.
DcLfTii, Minn., March 10. J. F.
Dronilkcd , an explorer, returned to Du
luth, states that the Port Arthur, Du
luth and Western road has 2,000 men at
work between Gnn Flint and White
Fish lakes, on the Canadian side, grad
ing, preparatory to laying the iron in
the spring.
Nrl)iak Apportionment Plan.
LlxtOLX, Neb., March lO.The house
apportionment conimitteo has decided
on the division of the state into con
gressional districts us follows:
First District Cass, Otoe, Nemaha,
Rlchardsou, Pawnee, Johnsou, loin
caster. rWoml Sarpr, Douglas, Washington.
Third Bnrt.ThuMon, Dakota, Dixon,
Cuming. Dodge, Colfax, Stanton,
Wayne, Cedar, Knox, Pierce, Madison,
Platte, Nance, Dooue, Antelope, Mer
rick. r'onrth Hannder. Butler, Seward,
Saline, Gage, .l. )V. roii. Thayer, Kill
more, York, l'olk, Hamilton, (lav,
Fifth-Hall, Adams, Webster, Frank
lin, Kearney, l'ie)M, HUrhtii, Oo-r,
Fnrnas, ltd Willow, Frontier, llUth
o k, H; t, Perkins, Chant, Dundy.
All the Italance of the tn! is In
cluded in the Sixth district.
K 1114 M tailing Male.
GnKaUm, x March i,l'rel sr
rio, aged a kilM and his two
tilder bri-U" r injure-l by a fal' tf alate
in the Fit.-r iniiie, at FPhvttl, m
Htlle west of hern. They csui fiidu
lilitioia it few wU ajfs mlt etepFtftvl
kl I ller he.
lln lag I rutws
WA.riMrjjt, Murvh Id Th- Yuti
rriv4 at lottre Mottroe. Her coin
KiaiiiWr rtoflad t t!. utt dfjwt
lo'Ht that h dtroye4 ail auwwa
Thoata M. Wlleaa of leasing, Chargei
With Kaabeaaleaaeitt.
Lansing, Mich,, March 10. All Lens
ing was stirred up when Thomas M.
Wilson wa arrested on a warrant con
taining six counts, charging him with
embezzlement of state fundi. He has
for fourteen years been a member of the
stato lward of auditors, and the charges
contain amounts aggregating fi.CW, the
period ot peculation extending back
over n period of two years. The cora-
glaintts made by Secretary of State
oper. For aeveral years tho money for
rent of a building owned by the state aud
formerly occupied by state officers has
been paid to him, and for two year he
has not turned it in. When arrested ho
was "all brokrn up," but confessed to
having appropriated tl.200. He begged
for mercy, and said if given five hours'
time be would pay back the money. The
officers, however, were not disposed to
settle it, and he was at once taken into
court. He waived examination and was
held for trial to the circuit court, whiish
meets this week. Wilson is 72 years
old, a Republican in pojitics, and has
been a prominent figure in state politics
in former years. In 173 lie represented
Macomb county in the state legislature,
The Starving, Hoasele and Idle Already
T Numerous.
Chicaoo, March 10. Despite the
warning that have been printed by the
press throughout the country, unem
ployed men and lads from almost every
section of the continent oouKnue to
pour into tbe city in anticipation of
finding something to do, and as a result
the situation is getting absolutely ser
ious. The number of eople out of
work in this city can scarcely be esti
mated, and private residences are Iw
sieged and pedestrians importuned by
unfortunate strangers, the majority of
them of a much higher order of appear
ance than the genus tramp, but who find
themselves literally without a crust
to eat or a place to lay
their heads. Extraordinary a it may
seem. Chicago, with all its wealth and
its charities, has not one solitary place
where a hungry man can get a loaf of
bread or a cup of coffee, or even where
he can find a rough board plank to rest
hi weary bones. Hundreds, if not
thousands, of men are traveling the
streets all through the night witb the
thermometer at zero, or the skies pour
ing down sleet, and knowing not where
to get a bit to eat when daylight comes
again. Unless history fails fo repeat it
self, a carnival of crime, and possibly
bread riots to boot, will be the outcome
of this condition of affairs. Meanwhile,
the fact cannot be too strongly empha
sized that men without employment an
better off almost anywhere than in Chi
cago. . ;- ,r
A Carload of Mall Ha rued.
.Amkteiidam, N. Y., March 10. At
the Chicago express west-bound on the
New York Central, due in thi city at
10:50 p. m.. was five miles east of here,
one of the baggage cars took fire. It
was detached and brought to this city,
where the fire was soon cxtinguiscd, but
not until most of the contents of the car
were destroyed. It contained eighteen
sacks of letters and thirty-five sacks of
newspapers Bent out in advance of the
regular postal car in order to make
closer connections. The sacks contained
mail for Bnffalo. Erie, Lock port, Cleve
land, Toledo and points along the line
of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St.
Paul road.
- A Jail Delivery Frustrated.
Kansas City, March 10. The cun
ningly laid plot of twenty-five or mort
prisoners in the Jackson county jail tc
escape was frustrated when one of the
number informed Jailer Kennedy that
work was going on. "Will" Stroley
and "Red" McCarthy, two burglars,
were the ringleaders. The former had
secured a number of thin saws from his
mistress, and with them he and McCar
thy had sawed through a dozen broad
iron bars. The hour set for the delivery
was 9 o'clock. Kennedy charged Mc
Carthy with the attempt to break jail,
and he confessed, telling where the toolt
were aecured and admitting his com
plicity. '
Governor lloyd's Anwer.
Lincoln. Neb., March 10. Governor
Boyd's answer to Thayer's quo warranto
proceedings was filed. Mr. Boyd relies
chiefly upon the fact that his father
took out papers and held office, iterfect
ing hbt citizenship in l&"il, by taking
out final pajier. Uuder the new regis
tration law, which went into eflVvt last
year, hi father was required to nro
tline bis Mipers, and having mislaid
them be took out another set. He also
shows that iu 101 he enlisted as a vol
unteer m the United State amice.
Ill gHiae in llVi ffata.
Dnr.u o, N. Y... March 10. What
threatens at this hour to be an ri tensive
fire, is raging at Court and IVarl street.
The building occupied by C. V, Forue
& Co., clothing, i gone, aud the new
Tucker block ! threatened.
l.;itT The tire 1 now nndef control.
The IVrne biiil.lm' and tbe building
on the optwMle eomor wer deelroyed.
!, mote than $100,000,
A HI nlt tiumuwd,
N w YH. March 10, The suit of
Wtri Me. hau agaiitut the National
Ktr,iiuhiiotuMiiy (a rmiv.-r fl.WWC
dumagi for iiialukiwi pnawcution w
diMiitKM-d in the ti;reiwe court. ll
wan 4 toriM r itt ot the putupany and
had Inn ai reeled o a vhargotd bsving
retaiitetl tkkrU ff the ititupny.
SIh.v, r'..;ii ti i,ioii"t t hit let
lntmi,.Hi. of tbe Wnkm hou o
Me), Diiiiti'iioii.t, .umiultlrd suicide
wlih a teviler. 'tiMUbhi aroela-j otll
A Uw'Ui wUU a loruMt' tik ndwaf
iw attno oi Mi- t, "I tPtwumef'a jury
riolvrd a terdR't ef tein;iry in
A New Ordi r W'orkin; in Opposilioa
to the Farinera' Alliance.
President Harrlton (ieea Durk naatiag
A North Dakota Appolalanent t
Joha C, Bee gtofased
Pardon Pa nloni
Washisoton, March 10. Western
people here are taking a great deal of in
terest in the new semi-political organi
zation known as tbe "Knights of Reci
procity." They think they in it a
counter-irritant for the Farmers' Al
liance. The Knights of Reciprocitf
tarted in Kansas last November after
the triumph of the Alliance. Mr. 8. B.
Peters one of the founder of tbe order,
ha gone back to Kansas. Before going
he aaid: "Application has been sent
from Washington for the establishment
of a lodge of the Knights of Reciprocity
here. Application have been received
at the central office from every state aad
territory in the union. The new order
is a secret organization, and therefore
the public baa not been made aware of
it rapid growth and development. It
has the same social feat area
a the Farmers' Alliance, and its object
is to embrace, eventually, all those who
believe in the following principles:
'First, a desire for t he perpetuity of tbe
Union, advocacy of liberal pensions to
all honorably discharged soldier and
sailors of ths late war, the protection of
American industry, reciprocity between
all friendly nations, or fair trade, esne-,
daily with those nations on the Ameri
can continent; reciprocity also between
all classes in our ualion; including a
community of interest which should ex
ist between producers and consumers,
between manufacturers and operatives
between common carrier and shippers;
a fair and honest ballot; and lastly the
disfranchisement of every person offering
or accepting bribes or attempting im
properly to influence the balloting."
' Vebrarita and Iowa Feawlons.
Washington, ' March 10. Pension
were ' granted to the following Ne
braskan: Original Oscar C. Good
rich, John Weesan, John Baldwin,
Nicholas Blair, Martin Cain, William
Boardmaa, Magnus J. Cobn, Sidney
Broadforth.Desmond Crane, Carl Eoffer,
William M. Dean, Austin G. Jacobs,
Michatl Conner. Othaniet E. Davie,
John J. W. Henshaw. Original widowa.
etc. Hattie K., widow of R, T, Rnnd
let, Judith A., widow of James B. Car
ran. - -.
. Iowa Original: Samuel T. Irwin,
William F. Cnlbertaon, Frederick C.
Fifleld, James R. Colter, Ferger Fer
gerson, John H. Countryman, Francis
Basquin, John E. Harris, John Doteea,
Dietrich Beekman. William H. Baker,
John O. Harmon. Charles Lewis, Will
iam H. Wolscy .Gilbert Cooler.Hezeldah
Fisher, Charles Keyes, Parton G.
Hutehins. Joseph Parton,James Brusher,
Nelson Bills, Gottlieb Kuntz, Joha
Barnhart, Henry Carr, William Hills,
Francis Windle, Henry Hensye, Reis
sue: Myron Bunce. Original widow,
etc.: Delhi, widow of Alphens Koontz;
Saruh Ann, mother of Aurclius Eggles
ton; Arabella 3t.. widow of Daniel
Carmack; Sarah, widow of John Jones;
Sarah, widow of Albert M. Gilbert;
Elizabeth M., widow of William Bab
ington; Margaret, widow of Daniel Cole
man. In the Treasury Department.
Washington, March 10. The treas
ury department redeemed under its cir
cular of Oct. 9, 1890, tM00 4) per cent,
bonds. Of tho 1.180.000 ounces of sil
ver offered for sale to the treasury de
partment. 570,000 ounces were bought.
The followingapplications for author
ity to organize national bunking asso
ciations have leeii tiled with the
comptroller of the currency: The First
National Bank of . Childress, Tex.; th
Firt National Bank of Chuteroi, Pa.;
the First National Bank of Holstein.Ia,,
by E. H. MvCutcheon and his associates.
I'ealnn USJIee Statement.
Wasiiin(itos, March 10. A state
ment has la-en prepared by thejrotn
missioiier of pensions, giving a resume)
of the, work of tho pension bureau dur
ing tho month einhd Feb, 2H. Thi
statement shows that during that Urn
7. 7.MI iieustoii certificates of all classes
were lmd, reprinienting 1,HD.1M a
Mint tmyiiient. Of this number 5,23
were loud nnder the aew iensioo ait
of June 27, im
The Prttiideal tioe. Dark lleallng.
Washington, March 10. The preai
nenfleft Wasuington tot a few day's
dntk shooting near IVngies, Md. fl
was accittanied by ex Senator He well
of New otfc.
BiiMiiit, Md., Mtnh. 10 rreshVjnt
Harrison and party arrived and soon
Went OUt llUBtilllf, A th-nr fH( t 'Ultra
up iua short tone aud they rinie4
without any jj.oue.
.Nrw tfiiti'A is, Mrt h lo -Th d
feneia the lleuiireny caaafknwd as
far as the tUners, except Maaael
IVIf, ars conortiMHl Tb drfn
onxht to ptove an ahW fte Cswem tto
and Htaffll and r-eHed aal cs
As tbetnajo'ttj' ' be wit rti.
fying wrre i-i'lM-r ItalUnn i thhr wn
pluvra, theti ttnraonv is 4 rsnnWl
Vila mtuh tot, and it i Hot naluety
thai thariof periored tratintooy wilt
fuljow the ttial. IV! It w ill try toclMU
him It from i!m ruAe ofevidvaeevkw
kw Ua b-vl uvoti him.