THE FARMERS' ALLIANCE. LINCOLN, NEB., SATURDAY, 3IAR. 7, 1891. WORLD'S t AIR TROUBLES. Th (-ell ( Ckk-SK Fbm M.Mrl r ItoM.Ht. Chicago, Martha. An ordinance has htn prvp 'or introduct'oa in the city council, which, it ia hoped, will settle the light over Luke Front park, in which the government, thi stat, the city, the Illinois Central Railroad com pany, tiie world, fair and the abutting projierty owners are more or less inter ested. The ordinance provide for the removal of the Illinois Central tracks to point 1.2Wfert east of Mwhigan av enue and the erection of a wall between them and the park high enough to con ceal ita car. This will not olmtruct the view of the lake from the park. The park way is to be eitended to Twenty aecond street and South Park avenue, connecting with it there, is to be con verted into a lioulevard, running to Jackson itark, where the fair is to be ' held. , . K Katra Hraalon. f Washixoto:, March 3. It now ap pears certain that congreM will dispose of all the appropriation hills by noon. It is learned from good authority that the presideut ho said lie will not call rn extra session of con grow, as there U no necessity for it. After adjournment he contemplates a gunning trip. (lorrratncnt I.aana to Individual. Wasiiinotox, March 3. Mr. Counell of Nebraska introduced in the house (by request) a bill to provide a system for the creation of money, and to pro vide for its loaning to the states and territories, and from the states to the counties, and by the counties totiti tens. Aa Iowa Central W rack, Rockweld, la., March.3. A train on the Iowa Central was wrecked here, two coaches lteing hurled down an em bankment. The passengers on board were badly shaken up, but only one, Thomas Tate of Chicago, was seriously hurt. , AatPlnk.rton HllfOfrratad. St. Paul, Minn., March 8. Among the bills which came up for fiual pass age in the house was house file 14, known as Mr. Stockwell's anti-Pinker-ton bill. When the roll was called ou the final passage of the bill it was do tiztsd by a vote of 39 to 30. Thirteen I'luhri'meu Adrift. Buffalo, N. Y., March. 3. Thirteen ' fishermen have been blown from shore on an ice float. They were carriedseveu miles from shore and would have per ished had not Capt. Maythani fired up a tug and gone out after them. All were rescued. They drifted ou the ice for ninv hours. - t Hank It luck llnrnnl, Dks Moinss, March 3. Fire at midnight destroyed the new Marquard bank block. Fred Harbach lost his en tire stock of furniture, and IIillyerfc Martin lost their stock of jewelry, cov ered by insurance. Total loss, $150,000. UNCLE SAM'S AUCTION SALE. I will sell on my farm, between the Atlantic and Pacific, on March 4, 18M, all of the following described property, rto-wlt: , Twenty tous of fat office seekers Twenty-three car loads of Associated fireeses, used to press hayseed. Five hundred head of watered stock. Two dozen trusts, Grinder's patent. Five dozen syndicates. Sixty dozen land grabbers. Three thousand national banks. My hired men fed them well and they are pood stock for the butcher. Half a dozen stock exchange, can al so be used for dchoruing cattle. Two hundred yards imperishable bonds; all have patent expansion bal ance and are set iu dust proof cases. One gilt edge bond mill and premium elevator. Forty car loads No. 1 usurers. Twenty-five car loads of commercial travelers. Fifty tons perverters. Forty-five cases of eye glasses used to discover technicalities. Thirty cases hardeucd mortgage ma chines. A large assortment of cut aud dried caucuses. Will also sell one halt of my patent right factor, aud many housohold ar ticles too numerous to mention. Hale to commence at 1 o'clock a. ni. Terms Soot cash. Some of U. S. Satan's agents will be here, and will kindly loan you of my inouey, at U per cent, if you give mortgage. If their supply of money should not be sufficient for the detnaud, then they will send a dispatch to my treasury, and It will be forthcoming the- same day. A free dinner of dreMcdJbeef and standard oil will Imj be served on the grounds. Itcasou for selling is that my hind men have mismanaged offairs so badly that my boy have decided to do all the work ou the fa nn themtelve. lleucc, the above named property will bo no longer needed Ut the farm, Cmu: Sam. A rraiU of a Hpiargo, One of the illrUt tames aver work 4 or coalbtsar otri U that ef but in? a farm. Ous of a pair look over ttie country until ha Hud tt matt he i after, and he the but the farm attlm farmer's price. paving from $-M1 AH) down to bind Wgaln. IWfure tb pa tiers can U made out a eoafd tratseuiast aluag.falW t ! wlh the sate farm, and antra the lirwr II. 000 mora thsa lb otur did. 'I js tMndtttrUt a etUllu Item and : l- tiMYt tho !ht urhver ell U a tig Uiau. TUta hot it n dutpem at sight, and the laruisr lea rat some thing m- , 1 km Oi''bi mf s!!U with t'attifiit firmer, wha aid sold out 4 tskoa l-OO to It at lite bargain. was taere wfcaa the ettt nuu eatM iiii a uttiiU"c "ff- it4 at the barn, and Uncle Jerry came ia and said to Aunt Sally; "Seems like a chance to make a clean thousand dollar. The first buy er sars he'll take a thousand, and that will leave us the same. . -. . a aa aa t Did we ever nave si.uuu an at oncer she aked. Never." Erer have a chance to solunre out and make fools of ourselves?" No." -D'ye tbink we do it if we had the mouev?" all. I was thinkin of a new watch and a broadcloth suit" "And I was thinkin of a silk dress and a new bonnet Uncle Jerry, we dasn't do it. We'd splurge in lcss'n twenty-four lours." "Guess we would Aunt Sally, and so I'll sell out to the fust man." He sternly refused the second offer. and ereu when $1,000 more was added he was indexible. The flrat purchaser never showed up again, and to this day the old couple are holding the inouey and have the papers ready lor the trade. A BRAVE MAN'S BLUFF. riow Col. CltavM seampadad a Baad of Aparhaa. Away back in 1964 news came to the ranch of CoL Manual Chaves, at fx8 Ojtielos, New Mexico, the match lets rifle shot and Indian fighter, that a band of twenty ApasOes had swooped down upon the Hio Grande and stolen 200 head of horses and mules, with which they were fleeing toward the Manzano mountains. A force of set tlers were in pursuit but the Indains had a long start and were well armed and mounted. Should they once reach the Sierra, further pursuit would be simply suicidal. Hidden behind rocks and trees they could pick oil their pur suers with absolute safety to them selves. There were no other man In the house save his dying son-in-law; but without a moment's hesitation Don Manuel saddled his pet swift mare, and with hi deadly rifle across the saddle bow galloped off alone to meet a score of the most fearful of all savngo war riors. Hiding southward to the top of wooded ridge, he soon saw the Afiaches coming toward him. When they wero uear he charged boldly out at Ahem, signaling behind him us if to a force hlddon in the limber. The In dians, unable to fathom his audacity mid supposing that of course he had a strong force at his buck so that they were in danger of bolng caught be tween two fires scattered like quail it to the mountains, leaving the stolen mules to be recaptured by the pursu ing Mexicans who were close behind. In returning home from this adven turewherein his nerve bad saved $10,000 worth of mules to bis friend Don Cristobal Arinljo Don Manuel's mare stepped into a prairie-dog hole and fell upon him, crushing his leg frightfully. He was three months in bed, but ultimately recovered full use of the la?; and the courage and cool ness which had so long distinguished him still mode him a terror to the hos tile tribes of the Southwest for mora than a decude longer. A Farmer Who Didn't Want Any Soap. "You can either beat a farmer as slick as grease or you can't beat him at all," said the patent hsy fork man1 ui we were talking about his adven tures In the rural regions. 'That is, ho is either gullible or oversusplcious. Somo will refuse a good thing and some will snap at a swindle. I think I can illustrate my declarations right here, or at least one of them. The man in the seat over there is a farm er. " "I should say so." And he's one of the sort who sus pects every stranger. Watch me try him." lie took a cake of toilet soap from his satchel and going over to the farmer saluted .:!m in a pleasant man ner, aud added. I have a new make of sonp here which I am introducing to the public It Is worth fiftoen cents a cuke, but I make the prloo only five." lWt want it," was tho gruff reply. With every cake goos &$ green back, a gold bracelet, the deed of a town lot in Kansas, a pocket knlfo, a pair of eye-glu4ses, and a solid gold ring. Don't want 'em sir!" 'As 1 want your opinion of the soap l will give it to you." 1 won I taka HI" 'Hut, sir, in order to Introduce It Into your neighborhood I will give you 100 cakes free, and at the same time leave five watches and live deeds to town lot." I.ooka-hore!" shouted the firmer a hoju mped up and spat on his hands. "You go away from moor I'll muah you! I'm cm to your IrU-kt, old am a, and if you think you have picked up Itayaeod, you are barking up the wroug reoi" And the hayfork man had lo move lively to escape the blow levelled at hi no. A MtMarl Wltlow. Widow Sarah Flint did asintrtthlag wuA she married Col. Atbora hatton iu lliuourl twtuty year ago, SUe . acted aa autnuiul cootiavt by which bar tWUit by a far'r hrrMiad should twooma baits tfc Mr, SUtloa's tatat lu ? am hildr wra bora la lbut. Kite diwj lw taari Uler, wuU mil aay vhihirsn by bar Koat hu laa4. wb died reveettv, lav(a aa vttata valued at liiVXi.fAXX The coin part a natMtd, but tba parties veptiHt tlQU.uutt a I xiniptutU gad U Ut'c&ildrta t the Ht1ldr, THE HEARTHSTONE. A DrpsrtmtDt for Hons and Flre14e. Edited by Mrs. 6. CO. Upton. "The corner itone cf tae republic It the bearthttoQe. WOMAN S PLEA. Tbo rate that shuts ns from our due. Tbouyb beautiful and tolden-barred, Mutt yield to juttice; we refuse The offered crown, all tinwl-t tarred With cheap and tawdry hues. Fareaalerto be kind than Just: And klndeottdnes not teem amUa From soul to aoul: but do not tbruat Gold alms upon ua while in this You err; Ob! give ut Justice flrsL Nay, laud us not, nor kits our baodt; Shall yaJlantrr and love hold sway While bond and bowed, lo many landi, ' - Your weeping aid. Obi Freedom, pray While Freeland a mltnomer stands? Not for our own wren we make plaint; That some are safe and boused from caret Which make our sisters wan and faint, And k-sdt tbem on to tin and tnaree, Should bind our tpoeuh with no restraint. Tbo bird asalnat bis gilded cage Beating bis tired, captive wings Does not bit tired, prison heart attuag e, Though sweet may be the tong he tingi Wide weatern tklet, whose sun our small world rlngt. Free life for all, your glad free ttars pre sage. Misax Buck. Bellwoed, Neb. Harvard college was founded one hundred and fifty-three years before the slightest provisions for the educa tion of girls was made by Massachu setts. ISoston public schools founded in 1044 were for boys only until 17W when girls were admitted to the "read ing and writing schools" for a part of the year. I'rimary schools for both sexes were opened: in 1818. In 123 girls were admitted to all grades below the high. In 178 the Girls Latin High was opened. The seminary at Bethle hem, Fa., opened as day school In 1749 and as boardiug school in 1785, is gener ally supposed to be tho earliest of the kind in the United States. Legislators on Woman Suffrage. Picking up remarks here and there. among the members of the Nebraska legislature, on tho municipal suffrage bill, which was discussed in the house ast Saturday, some are found that arc worth repeating. For Instance, here is one from the gallant member from: "I lay my vote at the feet of my wife; it shall be cost as she directs." . Another says. "Count on me when a question involves the rights of women; my mother was a woman, and my wife is a woman. ' An honorable senator savs: "I do not like to say give the women their rights; let us say rather, cease to withhold lrom them their rights." The sentiment of a few may be ex pressed by one who says, "I have not given the subiect much thought. I have an idea it will be time enough to pass tuts measure when the women want it. Very few would vote now. if they had the right." One says frankly, "I am afraid if my wife voted she would vote on one side of a question and I on an other, and it would make trouble." e forgot to ask him who would make the trouble. One thinks that Moses and St. l'aul oppose women's voting, but as the men did not vote in those Jays and were commanded to "honor the king," lie ought to ue consistent and refuse to vote himself and set up a king that ho may keep the letter of the law he would enforce upon women. There is one man who was so honest that he spok,e his sentiments. He wits opposed to wo men's voting because he "didn't know what they would do with the ballot, and thought they'd vote for prohibi tion." There are about a dozen men in the legislature (aud it is surprising how they ever got there) that think women are loo pure and good tn-voto, aud that there are so niauy bad women they would make politics wo'rse than ever. Between these extremes of opinion there are a good number of quiet men who see the right and jastice of the de mand tor the ballot tor women, and their "aye" when the measure is pu", to vote will be the most cogent argument we have hoard. O. Hull, lecturer of the State Alfianee, has made the following dates, and will meet with county Alliaacea as follows: Dodge Hurt March o. 7. 10. 12. 14. 19. 21. 24. !'. VS. in. Thurston Wayne Stanton Cuniiug Butler l'olk Hamilton Hall Buffalo Adams Hav Nuckolls Thayer Jetleron April On B. tt M. No. 4. Colored porter iWm. McAUbuer) says: "A few nights since, while placing oine fresh towels In the toilet room, 1 fouud quite a lot of Jewelry, which I tied up in a handkerchief and put away. In the morning a lady claimed he had lxeu roblx'd while In her berth In tho Ueer. 1 asked her if she had uot left it some where. ThU she potltitely domed. She deacrlUnl the property I Ii-ni. and claimed It worth l..Wlx. Not until 1 produced the trinket did he rvcl the f.ict that she had lain them down while performing her un;vi. Good old l aele Unary and 4 year-old Itiitt, hUnephrtw, were la tonfarvnee. Aiked how ho put h IU tlma tha tmaU boy lgnn with breaWfaat, hui ri ovr p!t.y tima to dinner, than urtu;jh, mn play to aupiwr, and thu pn.wvl i .loi.t.L t!, Tom, what m after euppr." alt4 hU wwi, fu boy's blj eye Itok' fU4!y lata pace, but hi') Hp tvr movd. Surely toruethiaa mwi fl up per' tn elder repented, ,' Mid To.u with a roluetaal tlWt. Well! ht I U? "I l whipped m9tly, ritubui'g DiitvtUib. Lecturer's Appointments. B. F. Pratt, Asst. Lecturer of the Bute Alliance, has made the following dates, and will meet with the county Alliance as follows: Saline " March, 2. Gage 4 Johnson " " 0. Pawnee " . Richardson " " 11. Nemaha " " 13. Otoe " " li. Some of these appointments were to have leen filled by O. Hull, State Lec turer, but he has taken another route. Leese & Stewart. 231 S. 11th St. See A. N. Wycoff for Hivelock prop erty. Call at (iris wolds for field garden and tree seed. 140 So. 11th St.. Lincoln. For female, nervous and kidney di seases consult Dr. Aley, 1023 O street, Lincoln, Seb. 82tf For rheumatism, neuralgia. Bright' disease, sciatica, etc., consult Dr. Aley, 1023 O street. Lincoln, Neb. 82tf You will find the St. Charles and other leading .varieties of corn at GumvoLD's Sekd Stoke, 140 So. 11th St.. Lincoln. This is a Bargain. 20 acres of good garden land only 2 miles from the post office, for 950 per acre. A. N. Witcoff, Bichards Block. Farm For Sale. A good 80 acre farm, i miles from the county seat, can be bought, now, on easy terms, for 1200 lew than was of fered in cash for it a rear ago. Address. P. O. Box 203, 37-4t Hebron, Nebraska. Light Brshmas. Thoroughbred cockerels nine months old, will weigh ten to twelve pounds, just the thing to increase the size in your flock. Price $1.25 each. 351m F.G.YlXE, Box im. Lincoln, Neb. Oil Price List. Hrime White 10 ct. Water White 11 Jet. Perfection 12 ct. Headlight 13 ct. Barrels range from 50 to 54 gallons. J. W. Hartley, State Agt., Lincoln, Neb. Public Horse Sale At Rawlings' barn, Lincoln, Neb., Tues day March 10th, at 1 p. m. 13 head of 1 1 ported Knglishshire and Coach horses all of best pedigree, and individually sold on 1 and 2 years time. They will go to the highest bidder. Come. F. M. Wooos. S. W Bckt. Auctioneer. Imrwrtor. Social and Sacred. A literary and musical entertainment will be given Thursday evening. March 5th, at the U. B. church, cor. 28th and E. An elegant crazy quilt with the names of the donors worked in silk floss on the various blocks is to bo sold to the highest bidder. A cordial invitation is extended to all. J. W. DvvnKtD, Pastor. We make a specialty of field, garden and flower seeds at Ukiswold' Seed Stork, 140 South ltth St., Lincoln, For Sale or Trade'. One imported bay Clydesdale stallion, 3 years old, weight 1800 lbs. One Im ported dappled grey Percheron stallion, 9 years old, weight 1850. Both regis tered and grand individuals. War ranted sure and good breeders; gentle and allrightin every respect. Sold for no fault. Can he 'seen at Marquette, Hamilton Co., Neb. For further par ticulars address, Hakry Bennett, 514 South 29th Ave., Omuaa, Neb. Will sell cheap or trade for cattle or land. 35-4t Col. Jesse Harper says: " The Mon ey Monopoly is for utility the best work now in I'rint, a cyclopedia al most priceless. " "Wonderfully clear and forcible, without an exception the best exposi tion of labor financial principles." -Journal of the Knights of Labor, Phila delphia, Pa. In paper covers only 35c. For best discounts to agents, address, 80 2w L. u. baker, Sidney, Iowa. For sale at this oitiee. Faam Fences. Few improvements show up to so good advantage on a farm as good fences; and no kind of lence looks so well as the Combination Ticket and- Wire fence as made by the Garrett Fence machine. Any farmer who con templates building fence this winter or next soring should write to . it. oar rett. Mansfield, Ohio, for his illustrated cataloguo which he will send free. He also furnishes galvanized annealed steel wire and other fencing material at wholesale prices direct from factory to farmer. Farms for Sale. . No. AO. 240 acres all bottom laud 4 miles from Raymond, 130 acres In culti vation. Two goou nouses, tvarn ami other necessary out-buildings. Living water, welt aud win, mill. lhU u un- nualHu'dlv of the bext land in the state It Is owned by a professional man who has uo use for it. Price $8,500. $3,500 cah, balance easy terms. No. Vi. 040 acre south ot Lincoln 200 aores in cultivation; all fenced; cood house, barn, sheds, well, wind null and tank. A o. l section, an goou lanu. Prle$ao per acre. lerius one-third eah. bahineo on eay terms. No. 13. 0 acres 19 miles south of Lincoln; 40 acres in cultivation; no other improvements, eay terms to any one who will MUM lirst year. We have over 500 bargain In farm. stock rant hex. western land and city uromirty. 1 1 ! of all auuu. We lnlte farmer ovrr the state ta end ut a dettvrlption ot what they have to tell or e htir. 1HU IMOS. & BRANSON', Lincoln, Nob. Over Klrrt National Bank. r'or th opium, ciorpUit r cocaine habit consult Dr. A!T. IWJ O street, l ilt) Nad r.'lf S A. N. Wyvoff lor Have. ."op Dloemtr (to nr24 wu-Wla) ' Your parvtis left you uiHaf h they died, did they aolT' Vrela HI, tea, lfw Uloouwr "What di4 the t Wave your I'tvdU -"Aa arphsa, Itouara to rent or aril aa uoathir hiynwU b Ht'M. wuJ. Mv Murtry. cora r of JU !h a.t4 M REAL ESTATE. Farms for sale and exchange in all parts of Nebraska. Correspondence solicited. DORR BROS. 4 BRANSON, . Over 1st National Bank, Lincoln, Neb. Important innoiincineiit. State Agent Hartley informs us that he has just secured the sale of the best riding cultivator on the market. It is something new having all the latest im provements. Steel gangs, with extra fangs for use in seeding, and is un oubtedly ahead of anything in this line. A "full line of plows, narrows, seeders, garden and iiald seeds. For prices, circulars, etc., address, J. W. HARTLEY, State Agt.. JW-2W Lincoln. Neb. PURE BRED POULTRY. Wbite Plymouth Hock II. eacb: Touloie Gae 14. per pair; alao arm ia aeatou from While Guineas, Pelctm Ducks and Par t rid ire Co-hlns at f I. pet 13 carefully pau'aej; ;t8 4w W. A. HATKH Jr., Fremont. Nb. Z. S. BRANSON, LIVE STOCK AUCTIONEER. PRICES RIGHT. iOOD WOKK il AKANTKKD. Ollice over First National Bank. 3H-m Lincoln, it: Krbriuka. Buck-:- Wheat -:-Flour In 10 lb Sacks, 2VsCts. Per lb. 38 J. W. HARTLEY State Ageut. Sweot and Irish potato seed at Gris- wold's Sekd Stokk, 140 South 11th St., Lincoln. PURE TRUMBULL, 8TRCAN 4 ALLEN 8CED CO., Graii, Field, Csrs'en n4 Tret leeas, Oalan tits, Ete. Send for CaUlogaa. Mailed Free. 1411-1421 er. Lauia Ave., KAN8AS CITV, HO.- GRISWOLD'S SEED STORE. Garden Field and Tree Seeds. FUj-A-HSTET JR. TOOLS. All seeds guaranteed to be pure and true 1109 0 STREET. FOR THE WEEK L L Muslin at 41c. Lonsd;ile Muslin at 7Jc. Indian Head quality at 6ic. Good Ca ica at 3c. Indigo Blue at 5c. Good Shirting at 5c. Extra good at 8 and 10c. Ginghams at 5, 7, 8 and 10c. Our Dress Goods are from Gets. up. Our 10, 12 and l- are all very cheap. We wish to impress on every Alliance reader in our coun ty and stat that we are the people to patronize. We will not try to deceive and miserepresont. Write us for samples we will assure you prompt attention. J. W. WINGER & CO. 1109 O Street- SHAWLS MUST GO. ESPECIAL BA.RQAI2SrS No. 00 Fine Beaver Roversible Shawls, Jacquard Border. Full Size, Knotted Fringe. Usually sold at $4.00. They must go at $2 9i DIAMOND M Kxtra Super Quality Beaver, all light and dark gray Re versible Shawls. A regulation 0.50 shawl. Our price for this oc- caalou , , 5 37 DOUBLE SHAWLS. 8Gxl28. DIAMOND WA very good all-wool tiruy. Brown or Black Center Shawl, Comment Is unnecessary, at. ... , $2 gg H. E. EAGLE, & CO. 68 Wabo 8h Av.. Chicago, 111. UNDERWEAR. We hae Just completed arrangements by which we can offer Ladles, 3Ueo's and Children's underwear at exanly eaie prices, and ell you any quantity ya lh. The gooU offered are all strictly np.t-cl.uw. HEAD THK LIST. Mn' rn mled ) wool shirU aud drawer, each t 37) Men' brown uilted ) wooid oirt and drawra,ea h, 37 1 Men's md ami white itr'll 'rt and drawer, each..,,..., 37J Mn' brow a and whlt ,rljKd ahirtt and drawwrs, each. 37) Mn hrtty acoU'h .uhI ahirts and driwrt. esb.,., 3?) Men's heavy gray all wool shirts an I drwr each. , HO MwQ'a heavy gray all wool double bnvud ;,ria, , , 00 Ch'.ldMn's vadwrwvar at proportlo aecoiul tW9 as wtul jvu wjuiI may b tTtl J. W. The Farmers' Alliance, rcBUsniD weeklt at CORNER 11TH AND M STREETS, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. J. BURROWS, Editor. J. M. THOMPSON. Business Ma'gr. VB greet our readen tbii week wttb Tna J' Aixias c enlarged to nearly double lu former size. We intend to add to Its value editorially as much asw have to Its size. We hope to be able further to enlarge tt to a seven column quarto, and will do so as ooa ss our patronage Juattnee It. PREMIUMS. The Alliance on year and Looking Backward post paid. . . .11 5 Ditto and Labor' and Capital by Kellogg...",. 1 49 Ditto and Caesar's Column l 59 " Our Republican Mon archy by Venier Voldo. . 1 40 The above books for sale at this office Ditto and Cushing's Manuel pa per covers 1 SO Cloth covers 1 00 or sent post paid as follows; Looking Backward........ 50c ta. Cccsar'g Column .50cts. Labor and Capital.......... SOcts. Odr Republican Monarchy .....Sects. Cushing's Manuel, paper covers. .2Scts. " " cloth " ...50cta. Address. Alliance Ptb. Co Lincoln Neb. Tff aalvcnal farar ao- orAed Tuuaoium'a fvaar Suoao Caabas Soma kada m to offer a P. a. Oaows ' alaa, lk4 ' rtUtm OU iiinMfl. ToiDtroduooHaDit ahmr lUrapaMUUea 1 will par 1M for the bent yinM oMaia .Hrma 1 mnei of awd whlrfi 1 will mall Cur eta. Cata l.waa free. Imum r. TIMInghaat, La Plume, Pa, to name. 140 So. 11 st Lincoln, Neb- WE WILL SELL Lincoln. Neb. Mraa" t'it ha7 alt wool shirts and drawer, each. t W LaUe' jerry vents medium weight CWll IttMIMOIMH IS Ladies' Hue ninriuo watand draw era, ech 37) tAdia' hne all wuol scarlet l aad drawer, raoji 7 ltdie' extra rtua ail wwot M-arU't Vt and drawers, twh, M Ladw' XXX scarlet all wool and drtwera, each.,.. I 0 I .ad W XXX si'attH all wool Jt s7 vest aud drawora, each., , , ) nat irlc la tnt rtn pl nks r oi'd out tieforu your order Is rco!vtsl. lUTTTtf V. SuiaAgeot. I.lnoola. Xr SEEDS i