THE FARMERS' ALLIANCE, LINCOLN NEB, SATURDAY, MAR. 7, 1801. FAHJI AND HOUSEHOLD. SHEEP BEST ADAPTED AMERICAN FARMS. TO T tmrtru I aria hm I But Ik tttt (astral IlliM-lMlliai Baroa trmm fare Craatvla r uanU-lniwkdi Hlei. Tbe A nxrrimm Mcrlaa. After all. the American merino, iho oft despised native yields probably as much if not more profit than the itu ported. It is this sheep that supplier Use market with mutton und wool, and which has been the reliable one for the sheep-raisers. Crosses with this sheep and food Imported blood have resulted well, and where money has boon made lit sheep raising; outside of the American merino, it has been chiefly yeih half-breeds, reared from native ewes. The American merino is adapted to this conotry, but as a rule the foreign sheep are not, and unless tbey are crossed with the natives, they do not obtain the qualities essential to their success here. If we can furnish them with the same kind of food und wage that thoy received at home, the foresgn breed will do a well here, 1'iit as a rule we do not, and failures have been the result Looking over the past dozen years or sheep raising in thia country, far mors mlpbt well ask themselves which sheep have stood the tost the best, and which lias proved tbo profitable. even through panics and misfortune. fcurely it is the Amorlcan merino that supplies the niarkot with mutton and wool, and produces cood market iambi. Food, climate and other environ meats make mutton and wool more than breed. Amerlc in KuraL Haw to altnacon. A correspondent writes, asking what proportion of salt to use In the proper care or bacon. American Agriculturist ays: l or hogs weighing not over 123 or 130 pounds each, one bushel of fine alt, two pounds of brown sugar nnd one pound of sultpctor will autHue for each 8H) pounds of pork before the mentis cutout; but If tho U (urge end thick, or weighs from 150 to !ii( pounds per carinss, from a gallon to a peck more of a.tlt and a liitlo more of both the other article should bo taken. Neither the sugar nor tho saltpeter is absolutely necessary for Iho preservation of the meat, and they re often omitted. Hut both are pre sorvallvo; the sugur improves the flavor of tbe bacon, and the saltpeter tflves it greater firmness and a liner color If tued sparingly.- Hhcoii should tiot be so sweet as to suggest the sugar-cure;" and saltpeter, usod too :rcely, hardt-os the "tissues of tho uiout, end renders it less palatable. The quantity of salt mentioned is enough for the first salting. A little more View salt is added at the second salt ing, and used together with the old tattthut has not been absorbed. If augar and saltpeter are used first ap ply about a tcaspoonful of pulverized ialtpetor on the Hash sldo of tho bams and shoulders and then taking a little ugar in the hand apply It lightly to the flesh surface of all the pieces. A tablespoon ful Is enough for any one lcoe. . llroum lorn Culture. ' In nearly every part of the United 'States broom corn can be grown suc cessfully, and at a profit, it is, how- ' vor, a business that require moro watching the market than any other connected with farming, for the prices jfucUtate from fifty to several hundred dollars por ton. The grower should ' jbo able to hold his crop over until tiigher prices are ruling. Where it is (grown as a business it Is made to j ield Ciod profits, but only on good soil and with great labor. : ISrooin corn requires more warmth thun Indian corn, and succeed best on sandy soil when it Is warmed by the sun. The kind should be prepared in the full or spring, and only such seed vod as will sink when floated in water. iThe standard variety is tho Evergreen, and when good seeds of this ate ob tained from reliable seedsmen a good crop may be anticipated. The dwarf varieties aw only used for whisks and clothes brushes, nnd the demand is not so great for them. Tho plttutin-r "d cultivation do not have as much effect on this crop as lU harvesting and after-preparation. Tho swds uro planted in two ways: on very light, cloan, rich land. lit drills ihreo feet apart; but on other land In hills tlmv nd two feel apart, with six to eight stalks In the hill, lbs seeds then need a light covering, and cultivation similar to Indian corn. 1Vrit ttead in Mnniir Heap. The slight fcrinontatinn which inott Ullo manure fats Mora drawing to tho fields ditei not destroy weed nsi. fiiM kinds of seeds ara Slow to giiiuinittf, and sprout till ton better for being warmed up U a urn nur ptltv Kvcu where U ferment Ilea is tiioal active It ere are rout plsc on the eU'vol Hi heap, aUf-rtt the tiiaUt of uid Mi It iot burn ed out 'I be' only aft way to kwji weed wdt oa of M munuts jnu w to t!"p Ihciu Out of the ft id. At rem kldr i mor dappixW on far winter fomiinx, tin weed sctd wMJ t?rdvMit.f tlit(t , Iruga.lMf ttuit I Jlrttt. f tn laalu ai tui wher fruit " Uys d(n I ti irtlatiuo, fctt.t fa;. a . imI: v i.a uafit. I'bl aUjj M tutn-r r 'tturily aj ulind .f out U il... it ot ptut-uMt c,t J ment for orchards. A few barrels of water applie d to the soil around each tree, to tbe distance of twe' ve or fi.'leen feet on each side, will be especially val uable at two seasons. One Is now, in Winter, wherever Winter begun with little rainfall. The other is dur ing the bearing season, when it is needed to iuure perfection of fruit and the formation of fruit buds for tho en suing year. llama Kepply of llorae Radlak. Considering how easily and cheaply it is growo, no farmer is excusable if be does not provide a bountiful hoaie grown supply of horse radish. A few roots, the trimmings from that sold In market, planted in any rich, deep toll, to the depth of ten or twelve inches, are enough to start with. Iu a year's time these tiny roots will be swelled Into a large, succulent mot, extending to the surface of the ground, while be neath, and occasionally at lhea sides, will be soma small surauglors thai should be carefully iaved for replant ing. Too luryo a bed to dig entirely over In one season is not ad visible, as after the first year's growth tho roots become woody and stringy. Hut the well-grown horse radish always com mands a paying price In market, either as roota or grated and put up in bot tles, for which n ready sale can gener ally bo depended upon. ; !( Hues aa Ornament. A few tastily painted trellises in the dooryaid. covered in thoirseiison with foliugo and lucious fruit hanging down from their latticed roofs, are no mean ornament, uod vie with plants or vines having no other use than to loolc at. (uowing the vine so as to cover a trellis, or, if the location admit, training two viner, one on each side, takes only a few years. It is truo that as good fruit may be grown on vines trained to stukes or wires, but it Is hardly as satisfactory to a man who wishes to rcallzo the biblical Idea of entire safety, that of sitting under one's own vine, with no ono to molest. In no other wuy, too, can young peo ple be attracted lo farm life, which Is commonly made us repulsive as possi ble by hard work, and little regard for what muke.i life pleasant. Mowing Clover B'd T0' lrly. More clover need is wusted by delay ing sowing too long than by seeding curly. It must sink Into the soil by melting suows or rains wushingover It a little of tho loose dust pulverised on the surface of all tare fields by winter freezing and thawing. Still the soed m.iy sometimes bo sown too early. We have known clover soed sown In February, and come out all Iglil, while In a milder winter it might germinate and bo destroyed by ate frost. When the clover plant has only lis second leaf it has very little root, and this has only, slight foothold in the soil. Destroy this leaf and the life of the plant is quickly ended. Therefore clover seeding should be late enough to insure free dom from frost after tho seed germiu ites. Hural Home. Monk and Dairy Notes. A change of food Is ulways sensible at short intervals. (live the cow bran rnuh or a moss of outmcal slop twice a week. It will help the digestion nd the appetite. No one should cast injurious reflec tions upon the fancy dairymen. We owe much to them, their successes are xamplcs for us, and their mistakes or failures are valuable Iohsoiis by which we may guide our practices. Stables should be put in order for winter use early. A good coat of hot whitewash or fresh lime, with a few ounces of hard soap dissolved in u pail full of it, will cleanse and sweeten the stable and render it healthful for the cows. Hint to It oiie Keeper. I'se a clam shell to scrape pots and frying-pans with. To restoi-e ham to its original fresh ness, slice und soak over uight in milk, either sweot or sour. When wiping up the floor before putting the carpet down, sprinkle it all over with salt while dump; this w ill greatly prevent moth. In putrbaxiug canned goods it is u safe rule lo observe whether the head of the can U concave, a bulging up penrauce being indicative of dwom-jio-iition. If the throat Is very sore, wring a cloth out of cold salt and wuter, and bind it on the throat tightly, when going to bed: cover It with a dry tow el. ThU i excellent l.ard U sometimes adulterated with alum, starch and lime water. When pure, it is completely solublo in ben sLiiOj has no burnt tte or odor, and molt wltho'ii sputtering to a cler lui-l. The lcu way t preserve old boots la never to use biatkiu? of any sort, u have the bwts brushed. if very muddy ijHid with t damp cloth r pani then carefully gone over with Ulll d ttild,.g. To. ni-cU, ., pain U ti ll bet, a ifil rx-medy Is to rut f 0't oil ur scltne Int.i Mi skin. Iinn ! i-wiaf wl'h a pleui( iKl'un waddi-,1, fie shUiy sidtf outward, and t.ll tbe Jinvmfo-l U gnna. I vr a fc-lwa. km iiiu;ion r'.; t iuU iu is d fm" ?tln tloaa oi 4, 4r It In ovou. ti.aa poand It tt.: and iclt .ti sTf.l of turH)ti:ni Iu eual p 1 1, It on live, ri an I mp s..t4 th f!o,k ,s It id ! ; i.t no UHra. R4 U f.jl'owjd ttj I ho will b U lWiu'.foUt'boa HUGGED THE DENTIST. SOME ODD EXPERIENCE BY ONE WHO PUttS TEETH. Cat Which Artrd aa aa frith .tnjrathrtlr Thought lie Had Mtrtw-k lHi e; brook Fair Tooth full ing on the iNviiue. "Tbo tooth pulling business ison the wane, remarkeu a aeniist to a re porter of the Detroit Journal. "A few years ao we could extrjct quite revenue out 01 worn, out now a roan who relied on pulling teeth for a sub sistence would starve in short Order unless be traveled with a circus tent and a brass band. "Then there's tbe false tooth Indus try. Some people imagine that it's on the increase and that nearly every woman over 30 goes to bed at night with her molars on tho dressing table. Now, us a matter of fact, false teeth are worn very little more than they used to be. You don't see as many people with bad teeth, but that Is bo- cause they tako care of them. They begin to sco that bad teeth means bud health, and they are correspondingly anxious to keep theirs In good shape. Women pay much more attention to their teeth than men. "But men. too, aro beginning to give tbe dentists more work, und in our o.11ce4 the lord of creation often makes a very humili ating display of his weakness. Till is painfully accentuated when contrasted with tbo bchaviorof women In similar circumstances. "Tie dentist's chair is a good place for studying the characters of men ann ineir oetiavior 01 ten arrords us considerable amusement Some men come In with a swagger and an air of braggadocio. Tbey are not afraid. This matter of filling teeth has bon greauy exaggcraieu. tuey say. jt's a more nothing to 11 man of nerve. Well, that kind of a man usually goes all to pieces the moment the forespj touch him. His loudly boasted courage dios out lit the first scrape und lie squirms and groans like a boy. ., "Tho quietest men are generally the bravest They understand that a cer tain amount of pain mint bo endured, and when it comes they take It without any udo. Most men, in their coucait, make a worn n's fainting procJiviiios a subject for their jotre.4. Hut in tho dentist's chair the joke is on the other sox. 'it is natural that a woman .should bo a moro courageous subject than a man. She bears all sorts of pain with more fortitude than a man. She mere ly 1 ppears less courageous because she shrinks from any sort of encounter, but when it comes to quiet suffering mcu can only stand und wonder at her. "A man is naturally combative, and when lie lias lo sit down and take pun ishment without striking back he is apt to lay himself open to some very truthful criticism from bis sisters. This fighting propensity is more highly developed lis some men than In others. It very often crops out when a subject is under the Influence of tin ana'sthetic. I remember one case which was ex tremely interesting for 1110. A little red whiskered Irishman came in ono afternoon and wanted his tooth pulled. "D'yese pull tote wld or wldout gas?" he asked. "I told him if lie thought he could not bear tho shiu-k I should give him an anasthctlc. " 'Will, thin, do yeso bo goln' ahead an' givin me gas. Uut no monkey business wid rae, d'ye understand, be- caso if you fool wid me, Oi'll wake up. sure, and Oi'll cntch yese at It' "I put him to rest but h id just got my arm around his neck, when to woke up In earnest, and the way he flew about that room was enough lo muke you think there wcro six or beven Irishmen lit the neighborhood. Ho imagined himself in ttio midst of u Cork-town scrimmage. " 'Come an. mo bucko,' he yelled. ni show yez If ye d ire take hault of an Eighth ward b'hye wid yez dhirty arm round mo nee.t. Come an' ye divil.' ih;l I didn't voroe an. 1 found I had business elsewhere und left tho Irishman to come to bis senses as best ho might. "I will tell you another case which may perhaps be taken as Illustrating how a subject's proclivities will crop out while unconscious. An elderly female, who evidently hud never ben married, walked li on u one day. She was tall and ungular, and her face was ono that might on a pinch bavo been used to raise tho city hall, tba was drcsstHl In a costume of many and incongruous colors and her gener al in a!, e no made her a lit subject for a fivak In a dime uiusoum. She inUt'd on taking ether tit bavo a tooth pulled. When the ether bogan to take effect she iHHimiemvd to trmj;!. Kno kicked slid screamed and It kept two t! u employed lo bold hr In thw chair. Then she bcg.m tu cry lor oinelxhly by thu nam of ltbsrt. t, Hubert, dear, couw and h!p me?' h. rrtad. Jit hoi tru;cb tt of h r arms foil a my sho iUU r ur. I In a tiMiaeut t'ie druw it abiH.t :ny in U Mil p i' my bead huta ftr, Tb"i t tin nr i i aiw it urn 4'T n"l joy'v'fy ' .Uvrt, a" Ut I l4Vi yua. Tby can't hurl m now "Ytus taiifUt bavo tt wry r,V far Kolwrt, it h the ttvrt a ) rather i'.d,-' piiH fur lh kl4 nf a J iktsii'BM-.i' liK,, W, s.tjatiun was rti.b I "i- ? t""ih Hi ?:, luati) ii,ivl wf trying to help me out of my predlca roent be stood and laughed at me. J stood the hugging for a few moments and then tbe effect of the ether began to leave her. With returning con fcciousne&s bcr maiden modesty came back, and when she found me iu her arms, she gave a scream, broke from the chair aud ran out of the office. "I have never seen her since, but that woman probably thinks that her youth was taken advantage of. She will probably never tell 'Kobe rt' how bold she was." POOR JOAN DONE FOR. The Heroins of Franr Joins tha Other I ll of Konunre. And now they say that, Instead of being a heroine, Joan of Arc balonga to that peculiar class known at tbe present time as craiks; that the voices she heird Iu the wools of Domremy were the hallucinations of a disordered intellect Her visit to Governor 1'oudrieourt 60 annoyed him that ho passed her on to the court of the dauphin for tbo mere purpose of getting rid of her, whero in turn the dauphin dressed her ut In armor for the amusement of the court The iconoclasts even go so far us to assert that the consecrated sword which was found, per Joan's direction, b iried in tpe Church of bt Catharine at I'lerbols, and which was presented to her by the dauphin, h id been planted there by h nds of ordinary flesh und blood. Tbey further assert that she did not laid tho army to the relief of Orleans, but merely wont along like a vlvandicro. They scoff at the story thut the soldiers who tied this abused lady to a slake in the market place at lumen were struck dead. So (be indications arc that the great French heroine will have to get down off of hor pedestal and follow William Tell. Kulntiu Curtim. et al. Blodiuevul hbtory is rapidlyTflrrfng its brightest stars through the Irreverent investigations of the modern quidnunc. It now looks like it was a mere matter of time until American history Is at tacked In the same way, and thess Individuals will bo prepared to prove that I'alrick Henry never made a speech, lb it no cherries graw at the Washington homestead, mil that the John Smith-Pocahontas story was due to the fertile imagination of some s(Mjciul correspondent Indianapolis Sentinel. The 1'aee or a Cripple, As I was coming down town tlo other evening In a car a hunchbiclt en tered. A friend who sat with me asked mo if Iliad observe! that thj faca's of nil hunchbacks and cripple were deformed as well as their bodies. I mean." bo said, "that their faces aro pinched and drawn, and that if you saw the faoeonly.ns though an opening in the wall, you would know tit once, if you had been an observant man. that it was tho face of a cripple. A physician would know it, at any rate." I told him that I had observed tha fact and asked him why it was. He re plied: -Many, think that it Is simply because cripples do not take enough exercise, being unable to do so. I do not think that is tho reason. Other persons who do not t:ske exercise have white faces, but tho lips aro not so thlu and close, and there is not that drawn look In all the features. Don't you see that it la a look of suffering? It may not be of bodilv suffering, but 1 believo that their countenances are that way because of the mental an guish they endure all through life. You know the effect of an extreme sorrow 011 tho face of a healthy man in one week or a month. How much difference it must make when that sorrow is never absent from him. There aro rare instances where the pinched look is overcome by cheerfulness," my friend went on. "It can never get entirely away. One of tho most cheerful cripples I ever knew was tho mayor of aTennsylvanla city for ihreo year.- He mixed with mou and look an interest in affairs, und although he is a hunchback, he seems ro iliy lo enjoy life. Ho goes shooting with the boys, and there are few better men In that vicinity with a gun. Ho has color iu his face and brightness In his eyes; yet I am satis fied that If, for tho first tlmo. you saw his fuco only you would say it was tho face of a cripplo." New York Star. (oulda Hon leorgr. Mr. Jay Could thinks that sons of wealthy men would feel moro secure if tbey learned soma tnule while in college. He says: ."I have learned that In Iho case of my own family; my con Ceorce Is an expert telegrapher, and when ho bus traveled with me to the wot wo generally live iu our car and sltlt It til at a siding. My son will then pint on hi OooU, his steel clamp r prongs, and go up thn tele graph polo, attach the wire to his In slruuK'ul In tho car, nnd tin n ho sends fur uut all my telegraphic- iucssajs. It ib li'itn tut UUfMragenmnt and makes him bnl that ho could get lit living at all tin. . ' The nlM Hank. The Hank nf f'ugUuil wuestiblttlil In I u' I. 1. 11. 1 i o!dr li. 41 any of tho institution of ll tli.M in any of tbu I'llmr con nt nt'tli'ii It i tu t U lir.t uf iho t! i iih Ui boil, ttowrver, T b (Ui k of YenU was mamd" In llol, !':..' if llniKi n ll'i;, if lUufbur-g In Hl m. I tlMt of it"ttr di t h I'iU In l t ll.o II ink of I o;,r nt lib'.Mi.-d, A WHITE Mtl H CURIOSITY. faterpltl Rxplnree Hlnrr tit first 'Joe lo Eater tha CHy of Kong. Hong, a Mohammedan city, far op the Aklm iiivcr. which (lows into tin; (ulf of Guinea, had never licen seen iy wlnto man Uforo Caot. Bin; the intrepid French explorer, enlere it iu February, 1883. On the ccast there hnve been for rears vajuc stories of Kong and its people. Mohammedan negroes, and Capt. Dinger found that these accounts more oasis than most of the reorls f cities in in terior Africa, in bis narrative he says; ... Several hours before we reached Kong there were evidences that we were approaching a great center. Every whero all the timlier had been cut down, and the soil, imttovct islied by long cultivation, was iiarreii. I saw not even a bill a 11 v where. The Kong mountain chain, ivlucli apc:irf on all the mnis. exisis only in the imagination of somu iucorrcctly iu formed travelers. Soon I saw t'siug among the bmnbax ami palm trees far ahead tho minarets on the moques and the Hal roofs of Kong. As 1 en tered the city, modestly mounted on a Mecr, I saw largo crowds of jwople, who appeared neither friendly nor hos tile, but only eager to see a European. The roofs, the trees, the streets, the cross-n ads were full of cople, and I would not have been able to force my wy through if the slaves of the Chief of Koiijj had not cleared it way for me. They were armed with whfpi and vig orously lashed all who lagged iu their path. In chairs under two grem trees in the market-place were sealed, oil the right King Onto ami his friend, nnd 011 tho left the Diara wary. Chief of Kong, and bis officials. There was perfect silence In the two groups, which I estimated to number about a thousand persons. Jt win no assombl go of the patriarchs, for in;ar Jv nil were white-bearded, elderly men. They were fully aud neatly dressed ii Arab costume though they are full blooded negroes. After I had suc cessively presented myself to the chief of tbo I wo groups tbo King conducted mo to bis palace and placed at my dis position some of bis attendants, wlto endeavored with oiily partial success to shield me from public cunosiiv. I conies that when 1 s:w Kong, which I was first to visit. I did not feel any of the emotions which stnne other trav elers on the Niger and at Tiuibuctoc have th'seribed. Ami ct Kong anil its sripponiiuiiKs moni.t.iiiis have greatly perplexed gcograpiiers.aiHl hav given to many liyotheew. Kong is a large, unwalled Imva. whose biiinliiigs are of clay, with tint roofs. It is built ii a most irregular . manner, and its narrow lortuoiis M reels radiate from a ! large place about 70!) feet square, which I serves us a market, the town h;.s a population ft about 1,(XH), all MoViin meduus. and there are live large mos ques, surmounted by minarets and Hcveral others f sumUcr (liiiiensions. Kducatiou is well advanced in Ibis re gion. J11 Kong there are few who cannot read. Tbey all write Arabic, are well versed in tho Koran, ami 10 my sur- u ise 1 fouiiit that they are not fanatical ike the I'culs ami Arabs, Tnev recog nize three great religions, which uiey call roads tlte road of Moses, lhat of Jesus, and (hat of Mohammed. In conversation on religious topics no one attempted to- demonstrate 'that Islam was superior to the other religious. Many of lliem lold me they considered tho three religious to bo practically Identical, because tbev all led to thu same God. Tbev said there were great and holy prophets among the cham pions of nil these religions, aud there was no reason to proclaim one better than another. The commerce of Kong is vcrv nourishing. The market is a veritable fair. Besides all sorts of provisions, ono may procure there Eu ropean articles coming from the coast such as cloths, guns, powder, and hard ware, there are also mauv do mestic products in the market. The mouev cuusi-iis of cowrv shells and gold-dust. Oast and thi Comp'.exioo. Dust is the great enemy of health and of women's good looks. It settles in tho skin, especially where there is a little steam to help it; the wax und oily matter of iho skin fix it tilt no ordinary washing will remove it. Wrinkles are accentuated by it, aa they have a deeper bod to draw in the dust with the stylus of time. That is tho reason so many women look about ten years younger when Ihey find time to tako their hot bath, and the vapor has fifteen minutes or mora to soften the tissues. There ia nothing like steam for plumping up tho skin nnd washing out tho grime which clouds every com plexion not dally treated to soap and hot water. How rnnny havo the heat ing pipes of the furnace clcurcd ol the year's accumulation of dusi? From the pipe coil it Is ready to enter ungs and skin, and, being deadest of all dead matter, It Is itsctf death to hair, to freshness of complexion ami general vigor, Shirley Hare. NenilxT of liajr In a Month. A correspondent uslbi q of a curio.. way to tell tho numlor of days iu 11 month. Shut your left hand; hold the knuckle upward; then with tho right forefinger, begin naming tho 'knoeklo aid hollow betwoeii them with tho month of tbo year, January U'iu on tho tint kmukUi, February lumbui Into the timl hoi Ion1, nnd m 1111 until July imrche on lb little Lnucklo. rinn be; In on the tlrtt kuiu kt aaln fur August Md lciviitlwr wilt bo found Umio the tUlcJ kam-k!f. Now t'.i fHilnt It, that M Iho months wltU thlrty.tme tin tiT4c th ltni. U lc thwsrt vriui faster tun tiiiny- ouo liny, fll In the tiuUuw. 1. 1. .1.11 1 . 1 Clumsy Uk.'i ti n 'i.d jin l t!il nil 1 h'!i J-. it i, Aprit J'iaanl e.. JU A. N, Wycui Ut It tva'.cck it b-trt, McMurtry Block. BAND ALL'S REAL-ESTATE and Collection Agency, Lincoln, Xcb. I !inl. Ks. r.U f mwtA .nl I D.mah.1 twwm " ft " . aiiu r.'u. , l ' .iini (uniRv t oh made or ail land put chased foe raniea. - . .in fimiu una roneiHua uiaue i or p on-real auta. My; thorough M-qualnUoce of be- hruuku mnA it... ahj 1 . i . . . . I . . . iuc iauu 111 lilt suillf, Kiir nic advantage in l.iiylngr lam for persons who wlsn to invest in faruiiuv lauds o city proo erty. Ksrsnexcvs: O. W. Roldreye. Omaha, Neb.. Gen I Mkt H. & M. railmud; J, i McKarland. .,..v.,...., .....m, iuiu nifu. 11. O. 31.; LIDOOin aUonalbi:k:L.H. Kn u l ai.kir. Cries n AKERICAR UYE STCSK tMMZia, BOOM as KXOHXMOK BCILMHO, IS CO-OPERATIVE AND SELL! ALLIANCE STOCK. OaatlffB ALLEN ROOT, Ctre of A. L. 3. Co., South Omaha, Nek Utf Table Rock Nurseries. Ofaaral Nursery Bteek. Frail aa4 Oraaiatatal trees aa4 shrwk, 0 TBATXUVO AOKNT. WE SELL IIRECT T6 TEE GOXSUKERS. Wrlta tar nrta Umtm AAArmm ass U. B. Iamsm. Taala Mook. KK Hastings Importing Co. IERB ft STOREY liutlnr, Kek., ITt ea ksad a fhcluaeelleoUenef port4 feroher- a ana rrsnoa Co ttal lions, that far Styla, Aoh Haw and Wuaitty aataSluad.Saf'ooBil 'OOBDI j df atitian. All korsas ara Keols- aaa uu ara need to ha aura braadaea. frlooa tow and Tanas aaar. Addraaa aa aov. - SaalT JLzU JlU Wa will fiirnltth rriAtf!j,lrw tr hi., linn Uah4 of rllck Hoks In escb Towmhtp l-i the II. H. i re. Bin- fi( -tine am nrn erui now THI HALLM.nrcrwn no lwl. 100 North l'th Set. 8. LOUIS. XD mis wmw)i miK StJSMl9il:i:i-SIIS The Garrett Picket & I ence Machine WreJ to t tin ;Mt(. A I ni prdui mi i, rue. 'iloata4a ! in Uke.OBr,S h rfiRl.t IllK IMS Hitlfs. Mm lane. ir , el ttv w nuirwiR (lin-t Irom factory lo Karnier whir" I Imve no nwnl. Ctlo(5n 1 r-e. An ilrti tbe manufacturer. CBETT. MMSFtrt.r OHIO. J. M. ROBINSON KENESAW, ADAMS CO., NEB.' K Breeder and ship- f I per of recorded I'o- land Cliiott hi)K. i 1 Cboiisi b rets ding jtf V Vftc for sle. 'Jb Write for wants. tmrNrmrvrt Mention Ai.i.iancx. FOR S-AXjE. One Short Horn t;ul! and ono Holstcln Bull, both registered. A few choioe POLAND CHINA SOW PIGS. Will sell cheap. Call on or address, 28,f S. W. PERRIN, College Farm, - Lincoln, Neb. Wm. Daily & Co. LIVE STOCK Cattle. Hogs, Sheep ana Horses. CASH ADVANCES ON CONSIGN MENTS. BOOM 84, Exchange Bcildino, iow Stock Yards, Soctb Ouaba. Ksraao:-Atk your Baakers. U The Iowa Steam Feed Cooker. Tbo most practical, most convenient, moot aconnntt eal, and Iu ever way the HKST 8TRAM FKEDCOOK KK MADK. A vlance at the oonHruotl iu or It ia eiiouirh to omiriiioo any man that If la fa itinuHn. tl anw llthn. Vt. m .4 .. a . . 1 tlva eiroular nd price apply to Mamtin 8m am r f Itu Cwokku Co., Omaha, Nub, IMtf TAT 'tV3TS aetesMUi SJiad-sUi Tiraet alii t f tm M tuk m fill) tt ta ws w is laat. Ruf, iwta tail fmt Im4 In imna- rojitar Oreye. ".- E. H. BsodaU, Sr. I 1 HOGUHD H HUH i ii mtim m MHHUH U wmm u iiiHlilft i B. M Commisslonllercliaiits $500 REWARD III im wkl In I' on, lit uf auv ai'ali'ruUitHiny Ui will wl (! I .iiib l,.,i,,l,(), iiJ,,,, G TON WAGON SCALE, $60 h ..t eiMi In any imiiJb, t.l mnd,ul nUahi fcMJ. I i-r Mitk', a !IVaa tui'y Jones of Bi3Suin?!oa, EiEgharutoa, H.T. Spring HJU stock Farm. P, R.mCKUH.rrcf'r, Wl, ft rM, Cnty, tew. rtaJaf f Hui hht Si r! ui Citstsl lUth Istsial ll t iviM. i a.