The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, March 07, 1891, Image 5

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in th il life. And vou w'ul not fail to
observe that in some cases, for exam
pie, fourth class freight toJOrd. Neb., is
104 per cent higher than for a like dis
tance on the same class of freight west
from St. Panl; and on fifth class freight
the rate is 103 per cent higher than for
a like distance west of St. Paul on the
same class of freight; and that the rati:
to Ord will averaee. in all classes of
freight, 100 per cent higher than for
like number of miles west from St
Taul. .
There is not a freight rate in the
state of Xebraska in force at this time
that can be justified by comparison with
rates in other western states, upon which
business is done-, aud this is true both
as to-lootd rates and on rates from with
out into the state; and some of the
rates in Nebraska, for example, the
rate to Ord, look like highway
hohberi. For instance, the rato to
Ord is 100 per cent higher than the rate
to Wahpoton, Dakota, the distance be
tween the two places and Chicago being
the same, and Minden, a place equally
distant from Chicago on your road, is
but little better treated than Ord.
You do not confine your defense of
rates in Nebraska to your own road.
but you undertake to defend the rales
charged in Nebraska on other roads as
well as yourewn. Hence I have taken
points on the various lines of roads in
this ' state and compared the rates
charged from Chicago to these points
with the rate charged to points in Da
kota, a like distance from Chicago
Dakota Is a territory, sparsely popu
lated, with an area nearly double that
of Nebraska, and yet its resources are
undeveloped, it is without trade, ini
tio or commerce to compare with that
of Nebraska.
The Xebraska rate cannot be defended.
There is no principle upon which the present
local rates on freights in this state can be
defended. The only defence that can be
successfully. Invoked is that of the high
way man and the robber power on the one
hand and necessity on the other. The
figures in the table herewith submitted,
silont and speechless, look you and me
In the face, and Hie the gaping bleeding
wounds left by the assassin's knife, are un
mistakable evidence of tcho is dealing in
juri-ous bioirs to the commerce and prosperi
ty of this state, and in the end to the
railroads themselves. It is not 1, nor
yet the board of transportation who
have done and are yet doing the deadly
.work; it is those who make these ex
borbitant rates and insist on maintain
ing them. The struggle may be pro
longed, but while justice and right
survive in the world of traffic the tinal
result cannot be doubtful. I would be
rejoiced if a reasonable adjustment of
rates could be made in a spirit of united
concessions and with just regard for
the rights of the people of the state; and
agitation and contention cease. But
there will be no turning back from the
demand for a material and substantial
reduction of rates In this stale. If fur
ther legislation is needed to accomplish
this result, in due time it will come, and
when it comes it may possibly be met with
the remembrance of wrongs not redressed
and appeals for right and justice unan
steered. Better were it for the railroads
that a readjustment of rates were speed
ily made than to further add insult to
injury and further wrongs too grevious
to be born. O. P. Mason,
Sec'y Board of Transportation.
Lincoln, Neb., Feb. 20, 1891.
Editor Farmers' Alliance.
Dkak Sir: In your issue of Feb. 21
I nolwe an article "The truth from Mr.
Gale' county" signed by 'independ
ent." Will you kindly give me the name
of your correspondent.
A. II. Gale.
Wo will say to Mr. Gale that the cor
respondent Is one of the best citizens of
Brown county; but as he did not sign
his name to his communication, we de
eline to divulge it without his consent.
Editor Alliance.
An Inquiry Addressed to Senator Taylor.
Sauciest, Cutter Co., Feb. 27.
Kii ro Alliance: While attending
thu state convention at Llnooln last
mooruber Senator Taylor of Loup be
ing there also a a delegate, in conver
sation about matters tobeuccomplUhed
through the legislature, specially the
ontext, he rx pressed doubts that it
would result in the interest of the In
dejK-mlent. Reason fur this doubt,
that it was ruuored that already three
f the ludependent senators had gone
ver to the. republican, then fore could
block everything. lie stated that one
"had got hi money already In hU
pm-ket; sold out and would leave m
anon &Mion wael4ed." I wilhhn d
th nsuiti of the senator and dNtrlct at
a-rvwni, and ak Sumtor T)lr how
h knew the facts thnt then -re
hrt, ud why three Will he p!e
Minor privately r ,hrouB Thk
r siiHi.tiV Anus Your imlv,
S. W V, t'oLR.
f The attack of th He cm the
ll.'ine (or the Friend! U of about the
mute e.itiUrw a It nttat'l ikui the
ui wnUerUy. That the Home I
W,e4 at Lincoln I sufficient r u
f.. Hit )' Ki,ilhy. Thst It U omul
h no4 braeOelenl loflltiiUort U the
, andth luo.t eartfully aiasaged,
fwi f.-r iiothlutf. Th Uea',1 hfullllly
ti.i!d f.imitiwfld it ta tha vppiri (
fcruitapt. mmm-
WT A lvhbjUi Mliil IrW, K. HW
4 tka tijii pall M a U iWd
m h latatMt .U-U ii J.
TTJBNEB, of sAuxE,
Copied From a Scrap Found on the State
Capitol Stairs.
Very fair to look upon.
Is my lady love:
Eyes tbat gleam as bright as steel
Harm less as dove.
Her fonti, ah me, am I possessed
Or, do the angels woo me?
It Is like heaven to uiy soul
When the drawt close unto me.
Since our last issue there has been
very little work completed in the legis
lature, though much has been done in
advancing bills, and committee work
The senate passed bills to locate
normal schools at Aurora and at Chad
ron. The one for Chadron may possibly
be accepted by the house, as that town
proposes to donate grounds and all nec
essary buildings.
The Stevens maximum rate bill was
recommended for passage.
Senate also passed a bill for an Indus
trial school for juvenile delinquints at
It also recommended a usury bill for
lnis bill practically makes 12 per
cent the legal rate of interest by affixing
no penalty for any, rata below it. It
gives plaintiff the right to recover from
the original taker of a usurious contract,
whether he is the holder or not, and
forfeits principal and interest. We have
not seen this bill, but think it is so de
fcctlve In its character tbat it will be of
no value.
The house passed II. 11. 43, being the
municipal suffrage bill, through com
mittee of the whole by the narrow vote
of three majority.
Soderman's bill for local options by
counties was defeated by 60 to 17.
The 8 hour law, making 8 hours
legal day's work on public work, passed
to third reading.
The free pans bill, which originally
prohibited free passes to all public offi
cers, amended to prohibit all free
passes, passed to third reading.
A bill giving officers of the society
to prevent cruelty to animals the
right to arrest persons found in the
act of treating . animals cruelly, and
giving such officers a lien upon said
animals until costs and fines were paid,
passed to third reading. This bill
should bo defeated. There is no enier
gency demanding an extension of po
lice powers to private individuals.
A bill for a new county, to be made
from unorganized territory north of
Holt, and to be called Boyd, was passed.
This Is a contemptible and disgraceful
act we mean the name and the men
voting for it ought to be eompelled to
colonize the county, and live on bread
and water for a year. '
A , conference committee was ap
pointed to amend the bill authorizing
the issue of $100,000 in bonds for pur
chase of seed grain in certain partlcu-
ars where it was thought to bo uncon
The McReynolds' school-book bill and
the GerdLs mutual insurance bill were
Mr. Frank E.llelvy, of Nebraska City
asks us to recall the statement made in
this paper two weeks ago, that he had
been expelled from the K. of L. We
decline to do it. A suspension for five
years from the State Assembly is near
enough to expulsion for all practical
K the present legislature should ad
journ ana go noine to-aay, it would
have justified its existence by the pas
sage of the Australian Ballot Law.
nrThc three F. M. 15. A. Men of Illi
nois will not prove traitors by turning
their votes over either to a democrat or
republican. Hon. A. J. Streeter is
good material for a V. S. Senator.
What is a balance of power good for,
anyhow 1
CITS. S. riymesxer. of Pierce Co.,
called at our office ou Tuesday. He in
forms us that there U an enormous
body ot snow ou thu ground In his
county more than at any time in the
past seven years.
Iff Some resolutions from Sargeaut,
Iu (.'lister county, recommend for Col
lin, Turner and Taylor, "o overcoat
that will not blow on" a new uawe
for a coat of tar and feather, and a
very good ugreilon.
tr-The World Heralds ' ludepend
eui In politics" don't present It from
abusing A, J. Streeter. lying uloit Me
Keshan, or lxHiuiug the foll J, M
Calmer lor th I'nilml State scmita.
" 1 m
lirl'hurvh llowa tearing up a p
Ui thu pn-Mtu of the hoiiw a ub
Un )H-Uft. Till fellow i geUirig
Ui be a uiouati-litnk of th tlrt atr,
Mhf II MkMl Mr
Ns "ImV b Mi'iiHt mvoa
t rurha l'S .u t ati it to tatik Tuey
y lh girt I a regular t.mU
eUtutM tr, s4 ait thai vl ui
thtnff.n :ir ll)nM that' ay
L ar. ills r.iomt ar tin,
Sfth door -a tlavalu. lUrysr't
frrlmin Kigiu Hy WSU-h Voit 3Iay Know
If he en 5 ages in controversy of any
Kina, uis uiscipuueu inieiieet pre
serves hita from the blundering dis
courtesy of better, perhaps, but les
educated minds, who, like blunt weap
ons, tear and hack instead of cutting
clean, who mistake the point In argu
ment, waste their strength on trifles,
misconceive their adversary and leavo
the question more involved than they
End It. He may bs risfht or wro;ig as
to his opinion, but he is too clear-
beaded to be unjust; he is as simple as
he is forcible, nnd as brief as he is
decisive. Nowhere shall we find
jreater candor, eomdJerntlon. indul
pence; he throws himself into tho
minds of his opponents; he uecouuts
for their mistakes. He knows tho
weakness of human reason as well ns
Its strength, its province and its limits.
If he be an unbeliever he will be
loo profound and larjje minded to ridi
CJle religion or to act ngainst it; he Is
too wise to be a dogmulht or fanatic
in his infidelity. He respects piety
and devotion; ho even support Insti
tutions as venerable, beautiful or use
ful to which he does not assent; he
honors the ministers of religion, and
it son tent him to decline its mysteries
without assailing or denouncing them
lif is a friend of religious tolerat
tion, and that not snly becauso
bis philosophy ha tiught him to loolt
on all forms of faith with an impartial
eye, but also from the gentleness and
efficiency of feeling which is attendant
on civilization. Not that he may not
hold a religion, too, in his own way,
even when ha Is not a christian. In that
case bit religion Is one of imagination
nnd sentiment; it is tho embodiment
of those ideas of the sublime, majoslie
and beautiful without which their can
be no large philoiophy.
Sometimes he acknowledges the be
ing of God; sometimes he invests an
unknown principle or qualities with
tho attribute of perfection. : Aud this
deduction of his ronton or creation of
his fancy he makes the occasion of
such excellent tnoughts and tho Start
ing point of so varied and systematic a
teaching that hs eren seems like a
disciple of Christianity itself. From
the very accuracy and steadiness of
his logical powers he is able to see
what sentiments are consutent in
those who ho'.d any religious doctrine
at nil, and he appears to others to feel
and to hold a whole circle of theolog
ical truths, which exist in his mind
not otherwise than as a number of de
ductions. A SWEET TOOTH.
felpU Iattractloa tr Biking Ik flaeit
Table talk gives this recipe for mak
ing some very palatable candy; Four
or five pounds aXXX powdered
sugar, one pound of English walnuts,
half a pound of paper-sholled almonds,
half a cake of Baker's chocolate, one
orange, with a dark, rough, thick
skin; one lemon, one pound of dates,
one small bottle extract of vaniha
(from a druggist). Blanch the al
monds (this is done by pouring boil
ing water over them after they are
shelled and then slipping off the
brown skins); stone the dates; and in
cracking the walnuts be careful to
keep the halves unbroken. Buy also
a quarter of a pound of freshly grated
cocoanut Put the whites of two eggs
in a tumbler and measure an equal
quantity of cold water, turn them to
gether into a bowl, adding a teaspoon-
full of vanilla. Mix well, and stir in
sufficient sugar to make a dough.
which you can work with your hands.
Pinch oil small pieces und roll iuto
balls for cream chocolates. Take part
of the dough and roll it on a piebourd
half an inch thick; cut it into small
squares. Presn half a walnut on
acu side of some of them, iu others
roil an almond; form it iuto a good
oval and then roll it in coarse granu
lated sugar. Fill the dates, w tie re the
stone came out, with some of the dough.
Knead tho grtttod cocoanut iu purt of
the dough, roll some iuto bull for
cream chocolates and cut the rest into
squares. (Jrato the yellow rind (not u
bit of the white) from the orauge, add
a drop of the juice t moisten It, mix
it with some ef the dough, roll out and
out In any fancy shape you choose. J to
the same with tho leuion, forming somu
of them into balls for chocolates. 'The
dough an be colored pink with u' few
drops of cochineal, or green with the
julie of spinach. Mslt the t hoeohite
In a traall saucepan on the back ot the
slov9 (do not put any water In it) dip
In the ball one at a time, take them
out with a fark. laying thant ou pupnr
to harden. Any aumbvr of variants
can bo made by combining difTerotil
flavor aud utalorlaU.
"Saw Unit mna In V'm fur ep?" a
Viend aH4 ma at together in
m alevaud rur. lit oaco did ma
ih graUw fitvor I iM'ur atirin'd,
tnd vol from thitl l.iM- la thi w h ive
sever poken " "What w il." I
SiJ, 'Wen ot w.lh the girl I ..
ui r'st lo many," wu U anwr;
"im4 : .ue h ha h id ii .f o t
he ma her, hr bro'W mil hr
Hrtioki.i Lagla.
llo woii,ltif ilti i,r laatio(it
of man aiiijKiv4 In th aiiuial
Hitjil'mi. T ..ttio-f!h Lm tht
(Hwr of roirtrlng lwil tta uU
iea s.Taii f iukf fiutlj t4 what
a raa do wUii tk U
h'talttbt fv .uu
l&U to 1JS O 8t
This young man like a great many
other people wanted all he could get
for hit money and aa a matter of course
ha rams right to onr store and saver
got any farther than the
Shoe Department.
When wa say we ar selling boots
and shoes cheaper than anybody, ex
presses it very mild. Onr prices can
not bo eqnaled, a look through oar de
partment will convince yon that what
wa aay ia true for good Straight, Hon
ast Goods, we lead tha procession.
Ladles' Department.
A fine French hid II. T., for $3.00
worth $5.00.
A fine Oongola E. T., for $2.50 worth
A fine Dongola flexible sole for $2.00
worth $3.60.
Ladies' fine kid flexible sols for $1.98
worth $3.00.
Ladies' fine kid button for $1.75
worth $2.50.
Ladies' flaeBrazillian kid for $1.23
worth $2.00.
Ladies' best Pebble Goat for $1.60
worth $2.50.
Ladies' best Calf button for $1.75
worth $2.60.
Ladies' beat Oil Grain for $1.05 worth
Ladies' beet Kid button for 78e werth
Hisses' Department.
Misses' nae Pongol heel and spring
heel for $1.75 worth $2.25.
Misses' fine Kid heel and spring heel
(or $1.50 worth $2.00.
Misses' fine Donsrola heel and spring
heel for $1.25 worth $1.75.
Misses fine Pebble Goat calf tip
spring heel for $1.55 worth $2.25,
Misses' fine Hcbool shoe all solid
spring heel for $1.20 worth $1.76.
Misses fine Oil Oram all solid spring
heel for 98a worth $1.85.
Child's French Kid sizes 8 to 10
spring heel $1.55 to $2.25.
Child's H. C. Dongola, 8 to 10
spring heel, $1.85 to $2.00.
Child's H. O. Pebble goat, 8 to 10 J
spring heej, $1.25 to $1.75.
utuw'e car kid. o to 8, spring beei.
85o to $1.25.
Child's Pebble gr 5 to 8, 98eto$1.35.
Child's Pebble solar tip 6 to 8. 75o to
A job lot of children'e shoes, sizes
from 1 to 8, for 10, 25, 35 and 60o.
Men'e Department.
Men's oil grain working shoe for $1,
worth $1.50.
Men'e oil grain Cudmore shoe for
$1.35, worth $1.75.
Men's buff cong all aeud ehoe for
$1.15, worth $1.75.
Men's buff calf lace and cong, $1.30,
worth $2.
Men's buff calf lace and cong shoe
for $1.76, werth $2,60.
Men's fine buff calf lace and eong
ehoe for $2, worth $3.
Men's fine calf hand welt lace and
cong shoe for $2.20, worth $3.25.
Men's Kane hand sewed lace and
oeng shoe for $3, worth $5.
Men's French calf hand sewed ehoe
for $4, worth 0.
Boys' calf button H. O. for $1.75,
worth $2.50.
Boys' calf button for $1.50, worth
Boys' ea grain shoes for $1.25, worth
Boys heavy calf for 95c, worth $1.50.
China and Crockery Ware.
In this department the same low
pricee prevail and we are sure a visit
will result in one or more purchases.
The department embraces glassware,
crockery and stoneware, lamps and
amp goods, etc. Head these prices :
Teacups, 5c; with handle, 6 re; coffee
cups, 6 l-ao, with handle. 7c; tea
sauoers, 5c; cue saucers, 6 l-4e;
6- inch plates, 6c; 0 inch plates, Cic;
7- inch plates, 7fo; 8 -inch plates, 8jc;
7-inch soup plates, 83; 8 inch soup
plates, 9c; 8-inch platters, 19o: 0 inch
platters, 24c; 10-iucn platters, 29c; 11
inch platters, 33c; 12-inch platters, ;:9e;
11-inch putters, sic; small bowls ('M)
11c; medium bowls (30), Ho; large
bowls (24), 17c; 0-inch round scalloped
vegetable dishes, He; C inch round
scalloped vegetable dishes, 19j; 7-lnch
round scalloped vegetable dishes, 21c;
inch round scalloped vegetable dishes,
29o; 9 innh round scalloped vegetable
dishes, 33o; 10-inoU round scalloped
vegetable dishes, S3e; flna oval pickle
dishes, lCc; 7-inch covered tureen, 64c;
inch covered tareea, C3c; No.Sfl fancy
shapo pitchr, hold one )iut, 11?; No,
80 fancy shape pitcher, hold one
quart, 10o; No. 24 fancy abspa pitcher,
olds 3 pints, 21c; N. l'i fancy ha
fdtchar, holds 'i qurts, S3j; No'. 6 fan
cy shape pitcher, holds one gllon,4Ho;
plain dssMTf dishes, to J sugar bowls,
Bvo; Itrga wash pttcuar. ii'Jo.
This u
the celebrated J, and U. M.skio'
ware and ia the best hU Ironstone
ehiae made on this earth. We have In
stork soma rare patterns of Uvelin'
dffwrated dinner and tea sets at fight
rrteee. V she w a fw vary Land ine
decorated paresdsU sre tbat can
etll as compute dinnr or Isa sets or
y the elngU ple. This ie a rv d
lusblethlui to buy, yon can tiate
ae large or small a set as yon tasa to
bagtn with and add lo II ae year yur
sl!. i-r yrur cireuaittaafwa deused.
!' adre jm ae this yua a me
in, iiuri ik cxttii: ia au it
I lar'tasats and rWa sr RUsiaiiWHi
111 trio a a au ?
Maxwell, Sharp & Ross Co.
ll3-M3 Fad O M,, LI seal a.
IUH mm rrrV HM44 Mi
Seed Corn.
Frank B. llibbard. Secy, of Irving
ton Alliance. Doucrlss count v has rome
prime corn which he offers for sed at a
very reasonable figure. A sample of
the corn can be seen at the i akiikrs
Alliance ofilce and speaks for itself as
the entire crop last year averaged over
80 bushels to the acre of sound well ma
tured corn Anv farmer need 1 11 e a su
perior article of yellow dent seed corn
btionm write to iBASK hibbakd,
87-6t Irvington, Neb.
RkfekeSTES: Allen Hoot. Omaha.
State Sec'y Thompson
Of all the farmers in Neb. have
heard of L. 11. Andrus the land
man. lie is the man who ran for
State Land Commissioner on the Dciuo
cratic ticket In old times when there
were only eighteen democrats in Neb.
In fact he nearly beat Kendall He did
not stop doing business but kept right
on selling land, lie soul over a million
acres for the B. and if there are
any knock-down bargains in Neb. you
can get full descriptions and a nice
new map free by writing to
86 K. 11. Akikis & Son.
800 P StJ Lincoln. Neb.
Lincoln city property a sneeinltv.
I-Ho wold's warden seeds ara puaran
teed to be fresh. 140 M. 11th St.. Lin
coin. 33
Chattel Mortgage Sale.
Where!, default hai been nisde In 'the con
dition! of a chattel mortirHfo, dated January
X4, iwi, and niHi in m omen or in county
nvraoi i,anenaier lounijr, ntnnuii. Janu
ary 27, Iff), and executed by An h Muilinlx to
Guiuoe j. iiarnum to sooura tn payment or
two promlMory mile of even date therewith,
one of two hundred dollars, payable January
U, mi, and one of Two hundred and fifty
aoiiart. paynine January m, imi. ana 1
wbleU tin ro la now duuat the date of the
nubllcnUon, the sum of Kissm
Mo suit or other urooi iHlliiirf at law havlnir
noon immune 10 coiuxi ine aaiu aeni,
therefore by virtue of the power of sal in
aid mortsaire eontalnod, the aald Eunice J.
HHrnum will, for the purpoe of latlnryinr
said aum with Interent and ooat, sell the tol-lowing-
property, to-wit;
one aitau of brawn mules, 6 ynnra old; one
brown bonip. aiMiut 11 yenra old: onu roan
borne, about 11 ynara old; one roan cow, 6
year old ; one brlndle cow, about S year old ;
one red eow. & years old ; una ipotted eow ft
y cars old ; 3 red eal vi i, 1 year old : two farm
waiions; two sets of barnnaa, and all other
farm Implements, alao ail Inert-ane on above
deicrilMHl stock. Halo at Mvory Itarn tn Wa
verly. Lamraaier (Vtumy, Ntruska. an Satur
day, March zl, A. 1), 1WU. at I o'clock p. m. of
aid day. EcMcr. J. IUkmcm,
Oi-dl Murtascee.
For dry weather and early fodder try
Kaflir corn at Griswoli's htio Htoiik,
140 Kouth 11 Mi Sr.. Llneoln.
Can now be fnrniHhetl on Short
Notice From
Illinois, Jowa,
Missouri and
Inforaiation freely and promptly
Famished any Alliance
People Interested.
Seed Corn For Sale.
Any one wanting good seed corn can
do well by addressing,
84-8m Colon, Neb.
It Will Prevent Hog Cholera.
Western Stock Food
Is lbs greatest discovery of the sge for
Horses, Cattle, Sheep. Hogs and Poultry.
It Is a natural remedy and nreventatlve ot
all dlicatea of the blood and diRcntive oniana,
ltaotafreely on the liver and kidney; tenda
to tone up the whole aolrarl trttem and is a
sure preventative of Hoif l hnier. 1 lb., 2'4lb
and 61b. Ikixoh at 2Ao, 6H0. and SI.00 retpoo
tlvely. Manufaetured only by
Bloom&eld, Iowa.
Carter & Bailey,
Commission Merchants,
125 and 829 North 16th St., Lincoln. Neb.
Butter, eggs, cheese, potatoes, poultry
hay, grain nnd live stock.
Farm Produce a Specialty.
80 Referent: First National Bank
Political Cormptloi Eipesedl
Railroad Monopoly Exposed !
Tau'loa ml Tariff Eiposidl
Klnf Capital Eipiseil
Tii Traitorous Press loosed!
Danger te Cur Pcpubilc t-IPOSEPt
WT"TMHs Us mmt Manilas ittitl
SS.t mt k . ! IPS . v.l.Mtt imu.4
a 'wh. j a. Min.
W -t ail of mat uloi'K l ttt
"Mf M'arSy Ti Imh. is
a il iv uru..i af ii,a ' witttit u.
Nllll Hlu Wdll(iU tttvliu la
Ik t tt4 Ut, tllml M U a4l l
SIS ''r4 Ul tk aw Mli Hft.r.
'o4 i vasea. at fi fiaiwaal
uia.ts a4'M. - Akkuava il
rRHtCwf S.VTI.
('' uni mii
Us iw ftt it , tut
QUALITY First-Class
Cor. 8th 4 P Sts. Lincoln, Nebruka.
On aleek from B. a M. tfvt. RmU4
throufhout by rhb and llf hud by
trial ty. tJaotrts aU baUa, as' all modara
eaaysnlaaosa. M-las
P. W, COPELANU, Prepnator
lies a
Itatet tt ,r day. Special rate by tba wh.
Corner 15tb isd Jackson Streets,
3i' On block from motor Una. Mts
OMAHA, - - 1TEB.
Transit Hotel, N& 12th Stmts.
Peorli House, Q & 9th Sts.
Mull 25 Ctf. Loiglng, 25 and 50 Cts.
R. A. HAWLBY, Prop'r. tfltl
iiai N Street.
MEALS 25cre.
Can serve 600 at a single meal.
Stock the Very Best.
Prices reasonable. Address,
.Mhh. W. A. I'uixtkk,.
37 7t Albion. Nebraska. ,
Dos il, Lincoln, Neb.
Breeder of best strains Llsht Rrahma. Use.
red Plymouth Hock and Black lanrhn
fowln. F.fgt from pur brnetl a specially
at f I for li. Addie as above and uenttoa
Red Cedars, Fruit trees sad flanta.
Largest Stock, Lowest Prioei.
Mammoth dewbsrry lusetans to tb oor, bt
bsrry for th prairies. Black IOOiut, Husataa
Mulberry, Tulip trees, Box Elder. Asa, Rim,
Walnut. CettoDwood. ato. Hatall at whol.
ial price. Bar SO par cent and writ to
mrpneeiiH, Asirni uio. Li. mapfokjj.
814m Makana, JacksooCo,, 11L
Mention tbb Au.usca whn tou wrlto.
MUlT.TPi'T roir and dsn amen.
nUiUrVy X taTtraM. amall fruit ajid
ornamental shrubs and roses la larta assert,
merit. Larf atock ml and purple HrT)rry for
.;:?awreaNUR8BRYi Si
aortment Is carried. Colorado blu apruea, a
polaltr. Fonest seedllnirs lor timber claims.
An, doi eioer, tsapie. catai-urii f i
oa blaek and bonv loouit.O X JJXVa
iaaa oraoir and Hiisslan mulberry. Prioa
vary low. Instruction book. Wo. CaUlofua
free. Addrcis, Miu-COHTiSBMTAi. Nuasaar
Co.,Falrbury, Neb.
Mention tnis paper.
Special arraotments for buying sands
i loriarmana citraeo mt
Can b mad by Alliance by addretslna
DELANO BfiO'8. Reediimen, L park, Nb.
Catalogue free and trial packfwlth it li
i an papsr ia meniionaa. snuw
A full Msartmeot of
Forest and Fruit Trees,
nanis, vines, Eto., sr
Hardiest sorts far Nebraska. Soecfal arte
to Alllanoe societie. Bend for price llatta
North Bond Nuraery, North Bend, DodtaCo
Nb. Kstabllshed lstrt, J . W. Stktrnsuii,
Dm an Proprietor.
1891 1 OFFER FOB SPRING 1891
A larK lot or fruit and ornamental trees,
grapevine, small fruits, touring shrubs,
Forest Tree Seedlings
for timber claim. Being a mcniber of lbs
Farmers' Alliance st tfala plac I would refer
any on lotbn seeretary of our lodg here,
writ In Stif llh or German. Address
36-im JeHerson Co. Bower, Neb.
Forest Tree Seedlings.
Nursery Stock
at u, Bisaa.
No geats4 Ileal d I reel with eiistom
er. Kara roiuuiUalon lulddlemaa.
bead (or piU-a lUt.
433 ItrvWDTlila, Nab.
A4 ati srs of fruti, kata an at uMi
uh m4 a.aau st
Asa, tat d a4 Vtaca V4 4 tw
. Wrir tt rN t. Aadea
Hard lies
I tat Aft