The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, March 07, 1891, Image 3

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Resolutions of Gage County Alliance
' Condemning O. F. Collins.
Fhe following resolutions were pa?vd
ly the Gage County Alliance with but
two ui.euiiu2 votes:
Kkatimck. Neb.. Feb. 21. 1S91.
Wheekas, It is a fact patent to all
thatG. F. Collins by bis votes bus
proven himself a traitor to ineumie
pendent party; and j
Whekka.4, The Farmers' Alliance
comprises a largo majority of that par
ty; therefore be it J
Resolved, That G. F. Collins Ife re
quested to resign his position as sena
tor frnm Gncrt c-ouutv iinniMliatelr. and
Mep down from the place he no lunger
deserves to occupy; and be it further
Resolved, That this Alliance does
brand toe said Collins a traitor no longer
entitled to the respect of his country
men, no longer deserving to live in a
country of freemen, a hen by his votes
he lias shown himself a traitor to a
free ballot and a fair count, aud we
further hone he will see fit to leave the
comity and state where he is no longer
entitled u eitutnship; ana it ts iurinrr
Resolved, That a copy of these resolu
tions be forwarded to G. F. Collins and
to The Fauhkiw' Alliance forpubli
catiou with the request that all inde
pendent papers throughout the state
publish the sttne.
W. L. KiKiEKS.
. (1. li. Reynold.
W. J. Ankeny.
J. Lewis.
The above resolutions were parsed
with but two dissenting vetes.
(J. H. Reynolds, Sec. Fro tern.
Why he Withdraws From the Democratic
A correHpondent of the World-Herald
of Omaha, has the following able letter:
Tkcumheii. Neb., Feb. 18. To the
Kditor of the Wrld Herald. J What re
lation do I bear to the whole body poli
tic? Are there any special ' privileges
obtained through class legislation? i'o
what extent is the government respon
sible for existing conditions? Have 'hard
times" been the result of natural or ar
tificial causes? Has tariff anything to
do with hard times? Has the volume
of money anything to do with prosperi
ty, etc? When liie Individual begins
to senomly ask questions like these,
we can give him credit for opinions aud
convictions. Otherwise, he has no
opinion, is neither republican, demo
crat or independent, but accepts his
politics dogmatically. He is nothing
more than a parrot using to many
meauiogless pliraHes: I voted for Cleve
land, not because tariff was my hobby,
but more because I believed Cleveland's
position on the tariff would turu the
whole country into a debating school
instead of au army of bloody shirt
wavers. Every campaign for twenty
live years hail oeeuan appeal totbespir
it ot haired aud actual dissension. The
people were dragged through the tragic
sceues of the rebellion every four years,
and until Cleveland'selectiou were made
to believe that the ascendancy of the
democratic party was the enthronement
of the soulhren confederacy. They were
made iuert to thought on any public
-question. Therefore I am confident
that the greatest blessing that has hap
pened these people since the war, was
the election of Cleveland.
(treat crimes have been perpetrated
upon the people while their attention
was drawn to the bloady shirt. They
passed laws directly in tlio interest of a
tew money sharks, credit strengthening,
national banking, contraction, demone
tization of silver, power to increase or
decrease our volume of curiency given
to the banks: the unnecessary (perpetua
tion of the bonded debt in order to per
petuate the national banks are all in the
interest of one of the vilest conspira
cies the world has everltuown.
I firmly believed all along that when
the democratic party got sufficiently
strong it would assert itself on these
questions and again return to the house
of its fathei s.
Jefferson said: "Bank paper must be
suppressed aud the circulation restored
to the government, to whom it belongs;
if a people have not control of their
money, neither have they control of
their lilierties."
Mr. Cleveland's recent expression on
the silver question, with the backing he
is receiving by the eastern democracy,
the recent action of the republicans and
democrats, backed by the supreme
court, in preventing the constitutional
right of contest in this state, no matter
how unjustifiable; the senseless tirade
on Burrows, Powers and every man oc
cupying prominence by virtue of the
Independent movement, have been a
Htiflicient causo or tuy withdrawal from
the ranks of the democracy to join the
new democratic party with Jelltrsonian
doctrines the Independent party.
"A Jepkeksoman Demockat."
TIid Ilaraialtaii or t lllirrln Wiinl.
The uams of harmattan bus beer
given a p rioiliual wind which blows
fro.n tho Interior of Africa toward the
Atlantic Ocean during tho threo
months of lecembi January ud
February. It seta In with u Cos or dry
hn.e which sometimts ooiicoul the
sun for whole wcoU toothor. F.tery
plant, bltof gr;i and leaf In its eotir
U withered as llt-nigh U had bent
wiivred by heat from a furnace; often
within nn hour nfier It bgln to blow
irreoii er.m U drv (hhlIi to burn Uku
pajMr. Uvot the hatsleiied native'
Ioho all of the skin on imKiMt.l. part'
during the prevalence of tlii wilder
liij; wind. .
t rii ii,
Yti"n tmi m britjftnl thnt nnjy
one p tbl e xvtiUoii bud tikn pi r.i
In Turkey in flvn year, an nt;IUu
man liivetliti I n.d tMtt-otvrV'l tiiat
nil culprit wlio o A I rt.i ! n to
brltxniM'i iuL bwd ..AVrv.l tlrn'lt ilir
Intf tho Ul .1, yv Iiti U
uIwh a jf rfmw fkir auvtbinjf
t'lrtt In !'!'"' t T 'irbtv,
1 C)lUf CUtW.
K'lurtio oftoa runiplltuent ru
ll Mr. Tr '! wa tigr my
view atai.t thing U 1
ottidajf then Urn .iid I pu him In
tub, J of a pottitt h b ii r 4 tin ti .
Hi, It m li't)fio.i tMi,' "
WMi,;ton J'wiV
e3.L'" TWO DREAMS. fed
On aigfat 1 wrat to fairrlaml,
rty favi and rives attended.
With winsome sprites on every hand
Ah Die. the sc?qv was spleuUid.
Aud I was no itt when 1 woke,
And fouud tb dream was ended. ff
Another niflit I drove amain
Through fleUls that were not sunny, '
Willi imp and th-uiouu in tuy traiu
Intent on Mng funny ;
And I wouldn't drf-nin that lreuoj -niu
Fur any amount of money .
Jiwephiue 1'oHard, in Han-rs Young
C'4j1. Bentham had been pernlexcfl.
He had not fell quite sure whetiier he
was in love or not Ha bud had an
idea that be was not in love, but was
only obeying tho motive which had
made hl.n adopt Eva Tibuldi, educate
her in Europe, give her that trainicg
of her voice which had equipped her
(in case opportunity were given) for
success on the itagre) and bring her
finally to live in his homo in New
York. Tills motive had been revenge.
Tho colonel is now in his sanctum,
his library and smoking-room. Im
agine a tall, fashionably dressed man,
not yet 40. His hair Is blonde, but the
pale, mussive foatures of his face are
neither effeminate nor coarse. The
deep-net eyes of very pale blue are
piercing, and the jaw a little srjuare.
There seems a wunt of emotion in tho
tnin lip?. Certainly the colonel wears
tho stamp of a strong, passionate tis
ttt re (for passion and emotion are not
one), with a spirit of rage bordering
on cruelty us its substratum. A name
less refinement, almost fastidiousness,
an ease of maimer, a power of courte
ous words, are among the colonel's
most obvious traits. The men he
meets ut his club think him pleasant,
the women whom he sometimes chats
with und compliments say he is de
lightful. How then can the ruling
epirlt of his life bo revenge?
It is pretty late to-nlcht and yet the
colonel never seemed more wide
awoke, more alert. He is waiting for
a ring at tho door. Eva had gone to
the Metropolitan opera-house under
churgo of his sister his dour, silver
haired Penelope. They are to hear
tho famous singers of the your, some
of whom Eva met ut Florence in her
old musical days.' Tho colonel detests
opea, us he detests tho whole sluglnjr.
profession. Yet It is only carrying
out his plan und purpose that Eva
should delight in music, in order that
she may resemble her sister all the
more and be made passionate and im
pressible as was her sister.
He Is thinkinsr of her sister at this
moment. He rises from the soft,
ioather-covored eaay chair where he
has been sitting, und draws aside a
curtain which looks like a narrow
portiere. It discloses an easol, nnd
set upon it ts a full-reti;lh picture of a
lady in pink a lady whose skin
eclipses in clearness tho tint so often
fatal to beauty, and whose eyes are at
once shadowy, profound, and penetrat
ingeyes too dangerpus to look upon
for long.
It is not, however, a long time since
the colonel has looked upon them.
Yet he has never fceu them for the
last fifteen ycaty without feeling a
tightness at the heart, as if ho had
received a blow which not only pained
him, but which some 6trunge bar
rier prevented him from returning.
And mingled with this bitterest of
bitter mental pangs there has boon a
kind of regret, or sorrow, bordering
on tenderness, which might 6ome day,
Ions, long ago, have been love.
The colonel had loved the woman of
that portrait. And she well, she had
gone the WHy of many women. A
singer, gifted as herself, had enticed
her from her intended husband and
had married her. Two years later
the woman had died of a broken heart,
leaving her little sister without a
Then tho colonel did two things.
First of all he went to the painter to
whom tho dead diva in her palmy days
of luxury hud given many sittings,
tnd ordered a full-length portrait of
Marietta Tibuldi. This picture bo
had set up, on tho very caxel on which
it hud been painted, in his own privalo
room. Then a curtain was hung over
It, as he had seen d.iuo with some
European nllar-pioces, I.Ike a prion
bjfoio a shrino would he stand and
ga.o upon this rudiaut, laughlug, and
triumphant linage of virginal loveli
ness and pourer. Tho second thing ho
did was to obtain from the drunken
tenor the legal tight ot au adoptive
father over the child Eva.
The Indulgence of any great passion,
veil envy hatred, or rogrel, uecomoa i
eventually a source of inumsu delight, j
and the more so the more this ludulg-
suiti Is Imaginative and Intellectual, j
('ok BeitthiuH. up U the present time,
after gassing upon this portraii, would :
lir mt and grow pain, Mshmw would j
gathwr I aemO, hi" hand would be
come clliu'hwd. But thU e M'itmmt
had timing m.t from love but from
hati'etl; tils had Ihwu n worship t-oin
posed of riijjwtwd Ion voitsv'ioi
of their impoUtiiiHs )vt feeding o.i a
t Intuit f a future -utiio.
Thai" mii) knock at ilm dime of
th t obsiieCti rooiii. Hit limur ouV'il.
II if f urturlmd ut .-iaer tti'ilrUt'tl with
tli l iiUit, Mis!titf air of hrothur,
IV.Kdvl seviued to Imv 'u ciy
Vmu nsi!"l mbi.l t,hj pu'ttir
ttni.'tit, Kioto!-,'' I lU'iilliam miitS
laly. '(J ft' l-j it hi r vjo M wf
turned to the portrait 'I an new
man, and can look upon it with
indifference now."
"What do you mean, brother?"
nsked Penelope, disengaging from her
shoulder the black lace shawl, and
nervously drawing off her glove.-, a
if to delav the uisihargo of some
unpleasant duty.
I mean thut I have exchunged
hatred for forgiveness. These many
years I have planned n deliberate re
venge for a cruel" wrou? that had been
done me. For this purpose 1 kept Eva
ignorant of her own history. It was
my wish to make tho sister of Marietta
love me, and feel that only in me could
she live and be happy. I educated her in
reflnement.and luxury, and in the most
emotional form of art; I met her every
wish, gratified her Idlest whim. Then,
when her love for me should be rije,
when she should have consented to bo
my wife, and looked forward to being
cherished, honored, and protected by
me, 1 intended bringing her face to
fuce with this picture, enchantress with
enchantress, the Innocent with tho
guilty, and telling that I hated her be
cause of the treachery of her sister
whom she so marvelously resembled.
I purposed after this turning her out
of my house with a bare pittance to
live upon."
Penelope shuddered, but not at the
words of the colonel. 8ho looked curi
ously at his face, which was radiant
with fresh and tender light
"I have relented," said tho colonel.
"Eust night her beauty broke down
my resolve and she triumphed over
mo by admitting with happy tears that
sho loved me. And now, Penelope, 1
wish to see her before she retires to
night so that in your presence "
Penelope grew white whiter and
more haggard than she was when she
entered the room. Sho rose and laid
her hand upon his arm. 'Brother,''
sho said in a sort of a whisper, "Eva
is not at home."
The colonel turned quickly and his
eyes widened with surprise, "Knrdy
she is not out alone?" ho gasped almost
"She bus left us! This note was
givcu to me nt tho cut Hugo door; she
must have slipped off as we parsed
tli rough the foyer."
Bcnthum with a hasty movement
took tho fragment of paper.
"Soldlgno, the tenor I know liiui,"
he said calmly, dropping tho note to
the ground, "and every capital in
Europo knows him. Well, Fortune is
a woman and a perverse one. I asked
for revenge and she sent me a dream
of love and peace; and now that 1 uc
cept it as my destiny, she snatches it
away and gives me my revenge instead.
I will not ftiarret with her; for if
there Is a hell on earth," und here his
facd changed with a gleam of almost
exultation, "Soldlgno will provide it
for the woman that loves him." . -Epi-pbanius
Wilson In the Epoch.
Thime with Large Con err gal Ion Kin ml
Mill liitellt-efually.
'Farmton" snys In tho Advance:
I like to study tho development of
ministers, or the failure of ministers
to develop. A good many ministers I
meet not, oftencr than once u yeur.
Such Infrequoncy of meeting gives
better ground for teslirg the progress
of ministers thuti a frequent meeting.
I have been ruck by wht seems to
me to be the failure of ministers to
develop in mind and heart. I find
that several of them do not now speak
as well as they spoke five or eight
years ago. This decline, I think, is
more common among ministers of
largo churches than of small; more
common among ministers thut have
large relations with tho public than
among those who live more private
lives. I infer, therefore, thut the
minister whoso services are dUcrso
and frequent has a much harder task
to develop himself than tho minister
whose labor Is more secluded. If
were to utter n word of warning to
liny of tho popular preachers of tho
time, it would be, 'Your intellect will
go to pieces upon the rock of
popularity. At fifty-five, when you
ought to be in your prime tmd still
growing, you will be in your decline,
if you donot give heed to yourself. ' "
Learning the Hiinlneu,
Dealer Vat hupjmu to die bat?
Small soii--I vus snpjlu' it vlf my
vlngcrs, like you do, to xtiow a gu
tomer vat good stun it vns, and It
'Mine Cootness! You l.avn't got
praius enough to elt beniiuK Yen
jousnsp a bat to rhow It can't '
prvke, you uiut keep vun hand lnldr,
so it not break." New York Weekly,
The Arklm AtHtrtutw
alien," said Mi. Tenderfoot, thrill,
ingly, d'!i'lbiiig hi wetr ml
vritUitvs, "Hie Indian stole i'ih.u
-And whut did do?" .r,Uli.
ly aaiivnl a friend.
"Then tlmy ki hily stole mery,
thing el a!'' - Ntiw ork ll'nii.l,
' - - .-
Wade t !.(!. t.
""I'liftl ak lU ! tni had U m V'
ipir was the fiti alti t U ii 1 nt
tviid," c(4 al;tr tdtm otitur
I ni glad to bear )ou i.y so.
Oli, nut at nil. It Mud id uikU
tU'j Id 114 U. I UivurfM tiutuid
mil, Id spit bU sUloc"--Aeksit
Tr a 1 ;U,,
kbe Baked Bread for the Soldier While
the Battle Was '
In his rerainiscense of Gettysburg,
fien. Henry W. Slocum narrates this
interesting Incident:
"Wo called at tho bouse which has
always bevn an object of interest to
all who visit this Held. Near the line
occupied by tho brigade under com
mand ottien. J.B. Carr. of Troy, X.
Y., stands a little one-story house,
which at the time of the buttle was
occupied by a Mrs. Uogcrs nnd her
daughter. On the morning of July 2,
(ten. Carr stopped at tho houso und
found the daughter, a girl about lH
years of age, alone busily engaged In
baking bread. He informed her that
a great, battle wus inevitable, and ad
vised 1ier to seek a place of safety at
once. Sho said she hud a batch of
bread beking In the oven, and sho
would remain until It wus' baked and
then lo tvo. When her bread wus
baked, it was given to our soldier,
and devoured so eagerly that sho con
cluded to remain aud bake another
batch. And so she co-itinuod until
the end of the buttle, baking and giv
ing her bread to all who came. The
great artillery duel which shook tho
earth for miles around did not drive
her from her oven. Pickett's men
who charged past her houso found her
quietly bukliig her bread and dis
tributing it to the hungry. When tho
battle was over her house found
to be riddled with shot and shell, and
seventeen deud bod Ins were taken
from the house nnd cellar; the bodies
of wounded men who had crawled to
tho littlo dwelling for sludter. Twenty
years after tho close of the war (leu.
Carr's men and other held u grand
reunion nt Gettysburg; and learning
thut Josephine Hogors was still living,
but hud married and taken up her
residence in Ohio, they sent for her,
paid her passage from hor home to
Gettysburg and buck, and hod her go
to her old homo nnd tell thorn the
story which they all knew so well.
They decorated her with u score of
army badges, and sont her buck a
happy woman. Why should not tho
poet lmiiiorlalizo Josephine Bogors 1:1
lie did Barbara FrlotchloP"
The Hon-f That Iteai hed Their Hearts,
A gentleman who was recently ut 11
small-hour banquet relates: "It is
astonishing how inuny business men
are good singers. You will find more
men who can ting than you will find
women. At tho affair of which I spouk
thore were representative from nearly
every foreign country, our own couu
trymen, of course, predominating.
And most of those present wero sing
ers, A young student from Heidel
berg gave us In its native tonguo, Olie
Watch on tho Hhlne,' for which, of
course, he received the customary
recognition. An Englishman tang
'Annie Laurie,' an Irishman 'The Harp
ihnt Once Jhro luru 9 Hull,,' und a
Frenchman the 'Marseillaise.' Euch
oneof these songs was a well rendered
as 1 ever heard it, and I know they
wero till appreciated. Then some one
gave us 'America.' It didn't quite hit,
in some way. A young man with one
of those ringing tenor voices started
the 'Stur-Spunglod Banner.' Before
he reached tho chorus every man was
on his feet, and each one was waving
ids napkin, and each 0110 was tinging
with ail bis might. They went over
it again and again, and I never heard
such singing In my life. That was the
song that reached their hearts."
Philadelphia Press.
Jay Gould's Pointer on Nlo km.
I A. Towne, a wealthy man of
Austin, Tex., tells this littlo Niory:
"I got my start in life through Jay
Gould. I was a porter in a hotel at
Greenood lake where Jay Gould
used to stop, and the financier took 11
fancy to mo somehow. One day just
us ho was starting to New York I said
to him: 'Mr. Gould, I have saved up
$.'00 and I would like to increase it In
the next few mouths and go West and
invest It' Gould lookod at mo sharp
ly u moment and then whispered in
my ear, 'Buy Erie.' I bought Erie
and cleared over f 1,000 on the, invest
ment The next timo Gould came V
the lake be asked me If 1 hud followed
hi instruction. I told hi in that I
hud. 'Soli It at once und keep your
promise about going West, ld Mr,
Gould. That night I telegraphed an
order for the sale of my slock and
thu next time Jay Gould visited Green
wood lake his favorite porter was
miming. He had gone Went, bought
a ranch and ho has grown up lth
the country."--X. Y. Tribune,
Whf "he Keep Mill,
That woman at the corner of the
table I trry silent, in I she?"
She h a good n to be. Any
m 010411 under her rlrcuintniv would
au the Mine." v
"Oh, what 1 It. Jitu; fthst' the
r-Mou?'' pUitdd Mx Bottieu. who
dually loved a andaL
"Why, V deaf and dumb,''- Phil
adtpUU '1 lute.
IMilM't IM MiM M t,wd,
A.--VH sSiOt'Ui iM.ttM), Vii!itn
irt a lvtmlnif in '' tut maii,
t. n tia- l U
II ,rw iir",'l-
M, j.-, IHo H IturrUut I want)
"H'lijr lid i a' I jf l )wur w,f.
U "en U,'f ifcvUff a!l t'iw jv4
"I'M At VUiHjJ, j
..I Crete, Saline Co., Nebraska.
I hare at One a roiled Ion of Ihia nol4 breed as there la In the west, both italllon and mare,
all tot Ibem Imported by invmlf In person. Am from two jrears upward. The f are dnenod
antt front the beet lrln of blond ibat Eng-land ha produced. All snarantend breeders. rot'ti. rt anv: . Will a half an inter t to r-HHiHile nan If. Have taken more
nx at lite Ntthraaaa Mate r air. and Omaha than an other Khirw exhibit fur (be amouut ut
stuck bown. Cuiiie and aeeibcm. , t7-&
"English Shire, Percheronand Frencli
Maryvlllo Nodaway Oo. Mo.
W. kv M hone ot the bov breed whlah for fee la l14ol and tohole hroMtlf
hot bo Okoelled. A eertlflnat of roflstry aa auaraatr aoooaipanlo oaoh tor. If t4
waat a oooo u.irei. stalliom, woava Moaar, ooao to our bare with wo r
aaaABb raraa aad w will surprise yow wltS oat eeoo auasa m wf paiea, tm-U
Fercneron and French Coach Horcc3.
Vrard.v,HWM American and Prouoh Htud Hook an oertlNvale f urnlabod at aio. I
fev the beat blond In aslstonoo la mf lud ami sail horse oa a terras. If I don't off
fou better horses for less mono than aor other Importer or brooder, I will par rour oapo
ea of 00 ml lie to air place, aud fou (hall b tbs Judy. Mr farm, known a lb Wolf re I
pieoa rsrm, i inuaiea on me u. n. 01 v T- oeiween Teeum.o ana noorasa t;njr. wiism
khroo-fourtb of a mil of railroad .Uiloii oalled Oraf. WnuforoataJoiuooroout see we.
laiun ....I lr
Seivo Middle E?rofLta!
Suited to Ncbruki, Rcadf te mU.
stock Trui to Name.
t Beodlian at
rush of dourer,
Larf Btooh of Fnrert
MsatToa raaMia' Auuioi when wrMaf
i . fnw 1 1
J. .W HARTLEY, State Affcnt.
The fmrst ground floor rhc!ogrh CHry in the State, AH Work in tht
finest finWh. Sjtufattion (tiurantccd. i6j nth itrrt.
T. W, TOWNilESI), frrietof,
The Latest Improved and Best End-gato Seeder.
lS4l - ii
Blue Vallev Stock Farm.
Importer of Englishshires.
P. B. BIX & Co. Propr'o,
I sorter aad Breeder et
upertAr bnrse, lea tfae. lew lam
derate prtoea. No other trm la Asrl4
ell to stoAk oonpsnlet under tho mm sir a
rateia that w id, whlah insura to nnwnaoto
Sqiiar aeaunf , suooostrui oreeaers aao
lute suooaes. wo kav at present
ataoiea ta winaero 01 iv7 ynaoo
ropo and Aaeriea
Our ird Uat fall at Mtsonurl Btato Fk
Kansas Bute Pair aad Atehlsoa AvHoelterel
fair was tant-to prUos, fouruoa 4
prise and all (woopstake.
JTWrlte Inr lllnatratad eatalnouo.
fAWM A NT) KTABLSS TwossUotoae et
illsblaod Park TOtUKX, MJkM. l
ntPOkTiu or
DXrOT. Wh writlat Boatloa thl
1 hav tho largeat and boat Int of Prohron Ctalllon of serrloahea
M waat of the Mississippi. I hav over tweotjr ietd ana aolla44
lalllon, whloh, tf other with if this faar laiporUrton. aiakooo
of tbs nsttoolloatloo ef hor evrn atone man' barn, I naof
alto a tlna lot of fount l ported and home bred mare, and a few
oholoe Kranuk Ooaob stallions. All mr horses are reoorded la Ike
niADsn r
Jumbo 11809, the Iowa First Prize mal 1S00.
Tb larf est herd and tho larest Individual owned br ooo aa
Asstorweet. j bav tilire of aliases and either ms for sale, f rota
i.b farmer liuir to the moat valuahl (bow animal, and of all the
raialllr known to Poland Ohlna horn. The following male la aoo
forimil. Humb llsus; Doctor Will Orient 12167 Youaf Jaasb
Vol IS A P. (1. II'.
In.pectlon Invited. Kree llrerr to drive to farm en appltoattoa te
O. W. Baldwin, Uvorynian, CatuWue and nrloe on applWaUoav
tmU T.MAMIUb, Wast Liberty. Iowa.
Sttlsftetlsn Guartnttsa
Low Rata aad la rMso!! part M MrMh
load for Cataif' i
Wholctalo and Retail Dealer la Mil
Best in tho
market. No
should be
without ono
For Sale by
Wo can make you
special prices on a
uiucu uurauor ox
'"'v"-5 thcao.
P flend in your order
y- at owco.
i " ,
' ; J. W. HAKTIeEY.
it Lincoln, Nob,