The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, February 28, 1891, Image 6

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took Where They Used to Be.
Pap's got Ms pateat right, and rich M all
1 But w here's the peso and comfort that w
all had brtarrT
JM'B go a-vUlUn' bark to Grlggsby Station
. Back wtwr used to be so bppr aud to
pore I
Tbelikeaof usalivle'bere! Il l Just mor
tal pitr
i To u In this grrat, big bouse, with
eyarprta on the stair,
n4UMuinp right la the kitchen, and tbe
i eityl city I city I
AM nothing but the city all around us
everywhere,! , ,
Climb eloan above the roof and look from the
And oevar tee a robin, nor a beech or ellum
Ao right here, in earshot of at least atbouaan'
And bom that neighbor, with ui or we want
1 to go aod tee 1
fs go a-vlsltlo' back to Grlggsby Station
Back where the latch-alrlng's a-hangln' from
the door.
Ami every neighbor 'round the plooe la dear
a a relation
j Back whera we used to be so happy and ao
i , porel
t want to aoe the Wlgglnses the whole kit and
A drlTio' up from Shallow Ford, to iUy the
Sunday through.
And I want to see 'era hltciiln' at their son-in-law'a
and pliin'
Out there at Llzy Ellen's like they used to
I want to see the piece quilts that Jones girl Is
And I want to pester Laury 'bout tholr
freckled hired hand.
And Joke about the widower she come purt'
nigh a-takln'.
Till lie pap got his pension lowed In time
to save his land.
let's go a-Tlltln' bask to. Grlggsby Station
Back wliere's notlila' aggnrvatln any more.
She's i -ay safe In the woud around the old
K. alien
t Back where we used to bd ao happy and so
porel . .f
I want to see Merlndy and belp her with her
And hear ber talk so lovio' of her man that's
dead and gone.
And stand up with Emanuel, to show me bow
he's trrowin'.
And smile as I have saw her 'ore she put
her mournin' on.
And I want to see the Samples, on the old
lower Eighty,
Where John, our oldost boy, he was took
and burled for
His own sake and Katy's and I want to ery
with Katy
As she reads all his letters over, writ from
the war.
What's In all this grand life and high situa
tion. And nary pink nor hollyhawk bloomin' at
the door?
Jfs go a-visltln' back to Griggshy Station
Back where we used to be so happy and so
t pore.
. ' James WhHcomb Riley.
Dinner was announced immediately
after Mrs. Washington Mostyn entered
the drawing-room, and indeed it ap
neared that the nartv wore onlv await.
ing her arrival to nut an end to classic
bad auarter of an hour.
"My dear," whispered Mrs. Kendal,
"I am going to send you down with a
most charming young man, Algie Up
t ham, a cousin of the duchess of Liver
pool. I think he's quite one of the
: j t - . t i . i . . 1 1 .
nicest men m Lionuou anu so arusuc,
don't you know."
Mrs. Mostyn raised her tortoiso-shell
lorgnette in the direction of the gen
tleman indicated, aud was pleased to
make an Inspection and give an opinion
in not more than two seconds.
"Charmed, I am sure. What a good
looking vonng man. Ah, I see race
and intelligence."
"les, ooin. out aiiow me to intro
duce you," said Lady Kendal. In an
other winnte or so the wonion were
trailing their silken and velvet skirts
down-stairs to the dining-room.
Mrs. Washington Mostyn belonged to
the "Four Hundred" of New York, if
not by birth, at any rato by wealth.
Her husband, who was content to pur
cue operations in Wall street most of
the year round, was wont to leave the
cultivation of society to his handsome
wife. , Their brown-stone mansion on
Fifth avenue was as gorgeous as many
of their richer neighbors, and no one
understood better the art of "booming"
an entertainment and getting herself
talked about than Mrs. Washington
Mostyn of New York. And then her
"oottago" at Newport, was it not cele
brated in every paper throughout the
length and breadth of the continent?
It was there that she entertained lavish
migratory members of the English
aristocracy in quest of amusement,
wives, or sport thereby forming con
nections which she meant to push
vigorously now that she had actually
arrived in London.
Had not Lord Birkenhead the duch
ess of Liverpool's oldest boy, been one
of these feted and flattered young
sters? And was not tho dear duchess
proportionately grateful and. inclined
to open the ducal arms in a manner
that she was not wont to do with cer
tain dear friends and rivals from New
York and Washington? And as to the
society of which this fastidious lady
was so distinguished an ornament, was
it not the most solect and "high-toned"
as the transatlantic scribe would put
it to be found on the sauio continent?
But Mrs. Washington Mostlyu had still
one unsatislied ambition, and that was
te become as much of a Loudoner as
ber fair frionds and neighbors had con
trived to make t hemselves. To London,
of course, like every other self-respecting
American. she had been, but it was
with the London of hotels, parks, and
theaters only that she was familiar.
Into its society she had never pene
trated. And so it came to pass that Mrs.
Mostyn, leaving her husband to per
form bis vocation' of bear iu Wall
street, caused several enormous trunks
to be packed, and, arming herself with
introductions to some of the best peo-
pie in London, betook herself, her
maid, and her courtier by the next
steamer to Liverpool, landing on these
shores by the beginning of May. Lady
Kendal, who lovetl above all things a
new face, had been one of the "first
hostesses to make much of her.
It was rather an amusing - tabic,
though it somewhat shocked Mrs.
Mostyn's fastidious sense of the social
proprieties. Lookins? round, she was
struck with the familiar look of the
faces, and, as a matter of fact, she
could have seen most of tho persons
present by taking a walk down Bond
street ana glancing in the holograph
, er's windows as she went along.
L&dv Kendal's rjurties were cele.
brated in their way; for she was what
an irreverent modern journalist has
not inaptly called a "mixer." She
would send down a famous toet with
an ambassadress, a cabinet" minister
with pretty actress, or consigu a
great lady to a fashionable , singer. It
was a social' salad, aud people were
C leased, once in a way, to m-et cele
rities of whom they had beard a great
deal. Now Mrs. Mostyn. like others
of lie "Four Hundred." knew little,
and approved less of "mixing. " She
would as toon have asked Li Sing, her
lauodryman, to dinaer as some of the
actors, journalists, and painters whom
Lady Kendal liked to see occasionally
... I ..1.1. I.!. tA ln.t.A.
as tier lauie. v mgui, ivt iu,iu.c,
across the banks of mauve and white
orchids, Mrs. Mostyn could catch the
profile of her grace of Liverpool smiling
on a handsome Polish tenor who had
turned half the .women's heads in
half the opera-houses of Europe; while
opposite her sat the celebrated biolog
ist. Prof. Lyndall. who was apparently
delighted with his neighbor, a little
Virginian beauty who had written some
rather erotie novels.
"Why" couldn't Lady Kendall have
told me what his line is?" thought Mrs.
Mostyn, glancing nt her partner as she
settled herself iu her place. "I hate
talking to a man I know nothing
about! Sport art tho Gaiety? What
shall it be? I know nolo! All En
glishmen play polo, and if they don't
iey like you to think they do."
But it was not, after all, of polo that
Mr. Algernon Upham conversed. He
had a hundred amusing stories to tell
stories of the theatrical world in
London, of great people in Vienna, of
the ateliers iu Purl.
"You naiut. then?" asked Mrs.
Mostvn. wliuu the talk turned on the ';
last subject.
"I used to," said Upham modestly.
"I have utmost giveu it up now; in
fact, I think it gave mo up. I spent
live years .working in the Paris studios,
aud at the end of that time I came to
the conclusion that I knew almost -nothing
about it."
"Ah, that is your modesty. I am
sure you do know all about It" replied
mo tavij nccvij, ruu mcij mcic nag a
little pause, duriug which the young
man smiled aud hesitated, as if he were
about to say more. Mrs. Mostyn, feel-
Ins that she had unwittingly touched
on personal matters, adroitly turned
the talk into another channel, mo
American was charmed with her neigh
bor. Ho was uot only younz, hand
some, and amusing but he seemed (no
slight virtue in the eyes of Mrs. Mostyn)
to bo connected with various smart
and imposing English families. Willi
the enterprise of bur sex and nation
sho determined to annex Algie. "What
a charming young man," she thought,
"to take to tho play, to square ouo In
the park, and to had cups of tea on
one s 'a homo' tlay! Ho had such
perfect taste and suob an eyo for color,
lor when the talk, as it sometimes will,
turned on chiffons, Mrs. Mostyn was
astonished to hear her ncighbbor give
an almost subtly feminiue opinion on
some point in dispute.
"Whv, 1 bolievo you know more
about it than I do," declared the lady,
"Well. I ought to, I suppose."
Mrs. Mostyu was so mystified that,
for a perceptible iustant, she found ab
solutely nothing to say. Ho evidently
imagined that she knew all about him.
With the tact of her sex, Mrs. Mostyn
promptly turned tho talk into gener
alities again, determining to ask her
hostess all about her fascinating neigh
bor as soon as the ladies reached the
out ine lates were against her. ljaay
Kendal was monopolized by an elderly
matron, who never let go her hostess
till the men appeared from the dining
room, and wbeu they did so it was
Algie Upham who slipped into the
vacant chair by Mrs. Mostyn's side.
This was a maneuver that is uot in tho
nature of woman to withstand.
"Come and dine with mo on Friday
night," sho said, as she at last rose to
So; "100 Lowndes square 8 o'clock,
on't say you can't; ouo or two nice
people are coming."
"l shall be more than charmed, re
plied the vouug man, bending, in his
pretty, half-foreign way, over tho
lady's hand; "but you'll come to my
place oue day, won't you? Lady Ken
dal is coining to-morrow."
"Why, yes. I think I could go to
morrow," said Mrs. Mostyn; aud bo the
thing was settled.
On tho following day Mrs. Washing
ton Mostyn, who had put on her most
gorgeous attire not having been loug
enough in London to know that here
women do not bedeck themselves in
tho afternoon tripped down to her
little coupe, and directed the man to
drive to Lady Kendal's, thoroughly
pleased with herself and tho world iu
general. She was going to see the
charming young man of the night bo
fore, and tho charming youug man was
going to diuo with her ou Friday.
Moreover, she had on her most becom
ing bonuet.
The two ladies chatted cosily as the
carriage bowled along.
"I'm so glad you could come," said
Lady Kendal; "I'm sure you'll think his
taste perfect. lie has such lovely
"Lovely things?" inquired Mrs.
Mostyn. with rising enthusiasm. She
was one of those women who liko the
heroes of the moment to bo set, as it
were, in a framework of luxury.
"Yes; brocailes, such as you can't
get for love or money. He has" them
specially manufactured from his own
"He must be very rich," said the
American. "That's the sort of thing
our millionaires do at home."
"Well. Algio must make $3,000 or
$4,000 a year. I should think." rejoined
Lady Keudal, thoughtfully. "You
see, ho's so well connected. All the
smartest women in London go to
If Mrs. Mostyn wondered for an In
stant bow the society of smart women
justified such reckless extravagauce
she said nothing, having a horror of ap
pearing iguoraut of London or the ways
of Iiondon.
"You get on capitally." continued
Lady Keudal; "Algie is so fond of
Americans. You seo they don't mind
what they spend."
"No?"' said Mrs. Mostyn, who was
now thoroughly mystitied; and just
then the carriage drew up at a smart
looking bouse in a Mavfair street the
house all painted wlnte, with yellow
silk curtains and blinds, and daisies
and mine in the window -boxes.
The door was opened by a mao-eer-vant
in livery, and the ladies were
shown up-stairs into a large room lik
studio. The walls were of golden
leather, with draperies and euruius of
dull gold silk, and here and there a
touch of torquoise bine or faint pink,
inwrought with gold, added another
note to tbe harmonious picture in
which tbe wood niautlepiece. tho
soft Persian carpet and the exnuiset
old mezzotints on the walls each played
their part. One or two Chippendale
cabinets displayed specimens of rare
Nankin, the easy-chairs and lounge
invited you to chat and on ever;
tablo ana in every uook stood flowers
and palms.
His master was engaged for the
moment, the man announced, but
would be with tbe ladies in a few
"What a perfectly charming stud lof
cried Mrs. Mostyn, peering round in
her pretty, short-sighted way, "only
don't see any canvasses or the usual
artistic mess."
"Canvasses? Why should there bo,
niv dear?"
""Well, but isn't Mr. Upham ao
"Artist!" cried Lady Kendal; "whal
an idea! Why, don't yon know I
thought everybody know Mr. Upham
is the fashionable dressmaker. His
professional name is 'Eugene,1 but we
call bim Algie. Why, I'm going to
try on my new court bodice directly,
and the dear boy will tell me exactly
what's the matter with it."
For a moment Mrs. Mostyn's head
almost reeled. She hardly knew if jthe
gave a scream, or if she moved in
stinctively to the bell. -
Whether her murmured excuses con
veyed any notion to Lady Kendal it U
difficult to say, for iu another moment
she had slipped down-stairs.
Adrcssmakor! Her charming young
man a man with whom she bad al
ready had almost a flirtation was a
dressmaker! It was preposterous it
was impossible. Why, there were a
dozon odious journalists who were
capable of telling the whole story in
the American papers; nud as Mrs.
Mostyn threw herself into her coupe
she fairly groaned as she remembered
that she bad herself insisted on the
prosenco of this importer at her first
smart dinner iu London. London
Girls and the Stage.
I have had a good many letters from
among my girls, asking me my opinion
of their going on the stage. It be
comes oue of the most difficult to an
swer. . There are good, honest, noble.
God-fearing people on the stage; the
theatre may bo to the mass of people a
great school for morals; but to the one
girl standing in tho ranks waiting to
work har way forward, it is a working
ground where temptation is on every
side. If sho is strong enough to re
sist this, then let her go ahead. If she
be one of the weaker isters, then let
her think many times before she puts
herself in a position that will certainly
entail a great deal of watchfulness aud
hard work.
The life of tho actress is as full of
hard work as is that of tho girl who
stands behind the counter or the one
who is mistress of the telegraph key.
Do uot imagine that the gold glitter
ing on tho gown of tho beautiful ad
venturess is a symbol of the golden life
she leads, and do not believe that the
simpering ingenue who wonders with a
smile "how nuybody ever does any
work, is not just as full of study and
absolute physical work as is that of
most other women. Sho works till late
at night, consequently she must sleep a
little in the morning." She gets up nod
then goes to a long aud tiresome
rehearsal, then only has time to get a
bite, and half-an-hour'a sleep or read
ing beforo sho starts again for the
theatre. But you think there are
others who do not work in this way.
Yes, yes! But they are tho ones that
you do not want to imitate. Mrs.
Kendal has said that for tho woman
who has some talent, and who is will
ins: to work and wait, there is success
ou"the stage, and it pays better, than
almost any other profession; but dur
ing tho waiting years there must be a
constant watch kept, so that scandal
does not touch with its burning tongue
the woman who is working for success.
So think it out well for yourself;
conclude whether you not only have a
heart to resolve, a head to contrive
and a hand to execute, but whether
vou really havo the talentthat must
belong to the actress. The world is all
a stage and the tnon and women mere
ly players, but you may bo cast for the
happy wife and mother. So don't
make the mistake, if you are a round
peg. of getting into a square hole.
Ruti Asiimore. in Ladies' Home Journal
A Diver's Experience.
The lirst plunge leaves no agree
able memories. They dress you aa if
you had to endure tho cold of Siberia.a
precaution which I havo found useless
in the Mediterranean. Witn knit wool
en hose, cap, and shirt, I have never
felt the cold. Then conies the ample
coat, which we get into through the
neck-hole, and the casque, which re
souuds as if one had his head in a ket
tle. Then they put on you a belt with
a dagger, shoos with loaded soles, and
lead at your breast and back. Now
you are so loaded that you could hard
ly stand straight if the boat should lip
then you go down iuto the water
where all tho weight is no longer felt
Now a different feeling begins. At
the command, "Pump!" some one rap
idly screws down the glass in front of
your casque, and vou hear a noise to
which you have to accustom yourself
uahl pah! nahl accompanied bv a
hissing of tho air. LiUio whiffs of air
come to you, scented with nmchiue od
and caoutchoue. Tho beginner fails
to manage the escape, and his coat and
sleeves become inilatud. so that when
ho wants to go down, he floats like
those frogs we used to blow up when
IV 1 fsx KaI'S .i. n.l Wnta wit ...
mo w;uer 10 amuso ourselves wuu
their vain strugleft to got uudor k.
Most people seem w mm mu
is like a subscription '- Every timo
it comes to them they add something
to it udiI pass it along to tho next
Boston Taau-dkr.
V . t. iLtHl, A VI, VM A
A collector of idols who died lately fa
San Francisco bad a collection of 500 little
Ao expert aajrs that tbe eswiMt way to
clean rubber aboes of any kind is to nib
them with vaseline.
' No Heligolandcr under sixteen years of
age ia allowed, to go to a public bouse,
dancing saloon or theater.
This is an age when the luxuries can be
had cheaply. Typewriters are bow sold
for SI and fountain pens for ten cents.
Here is a consistency for you. Tbe pro
prietor of a Philadelphia cigar store baa
posted a sign in his place forbidding smok
ing. " .
The chief of police in Chicago is a re
former. He wants more light in the city,
and says that light is a great preventive of
People are never satisfied with their
position. Tbe fool in King Lear says: "I
had rather be any kind of a thing than a
Helena, Mont., boasts that it is the
wealthiest city in the union of its popula
tion. It contains 25,001) people and bas 31
Philadelphia bas a blue book, but many
of tbe most fashionable peopte do not
appear in it, having made a point not to
be included.
Fiji is beginning to cultivate tobacco,
the enterprise being assisted by the con
cession of government land to the planters
on easy terms.
Air ships move, but they seldom reach
the point where "distance lends euchant
mout to the view." They are short dis
tance "birds."
The emperor of Germany has been reck
less, but he bos turned around and from
being a spendthrift bo bos become a man
of rigid economy.
Five hundred applications have been
made to the department of the interior of
Toronto for tbe privilege of boring for oil
hi tbe Eootenay country.
The German cavalry will try tho horse
shoo made of compressed paper. It is
thought they will be better than the old
iron ones so long in vogue.
Time makes many queer changes. The
printing pross which Voltaire set up in
Fernay to demolish Christianity is now
used to print Bibles in Geneva.
The Chinese have no straight streets or
walls. They have a theory that the devil
travels in straight lines and they want to
give him as little encouragement as possi
ble. A number of wealthy New York ladies
propose to establish a uort of club house
which will receive yomon at all hours of
the night and keop them as long as they
behave with propriety.
The Augusta (Ga.) Chronicle says Gen
eral Lee never executed a tpy. He used
to say: "Poor fellows, wo havo got them,
and they can't do ns any barm. What is
the use of killing them!"
One who has looked ovor the statistics of
accidents say they show that about 1 3 per
cent of all railway accidents in tbe United
States arising from derailments are cautied
by defective frogs and switches,
Canister shot will not be unei in tbe
French army in future. Tho shells aro
filled with an explosive made of chrysolite
and a substance kept secret, and every
battery has seventy-five rounds of these
projoctiles. .
"Gos8," the Chinese dog that has for
many years been the traveling companion
of tbe Prince of Wales is okl and infirm.
The prince has retired him. ,lGoss" has
been a good dog. Has the prince been a
good man!
They tell you of geraniums in California
that grow bo tall that you have to go up
into the window. of the socond story to
gather the flowers. And, a woman in
Michigan bos a geranium four feet and
five inches high.
Robert Louis Stevenson announces that
he will end his days in Samoa. He has
closed out all his affairs in Entland and
Scotland, and his mother will join himself
and family in the new South sea island
homo very shortly.
The people of Mexico have taken to
drinking beer. Breweries aro springing up
in every "ity of importance. This may
prevent American Htoti-Mmn from falling
a victim to pulque when they visit the
capital of the Montezumaa.
"Take any twenty-five tall, lean men,"
said an old court o Ulcer to a reporter, "and
you can socure a jury in a murder case.
Theyhave no conscientious scruples o gainst
the death penalty. As a rule, short, thick,
men have do-ibts on this point."
' Colonel John C. Taylor, of Dayton, Ky.,
has fallen boir to estates in Ireland that
make bim tho earl of Tyrone, and, better
still, give him property valued at $7,000,
000. It is needless to say that Kentucky
will soon lose one of its prominent colonels.
Drs. Berlin and Picq, of the Nantes fac
ulty, who recently injected fifteen grains
of goats's blood into the muscular tissue of
the thighs of two patients suffering from
tuberculosis, assort that cures can be
effected by renewing such injections every
ten days.
At Columbus, Ohio, the other night a
lady caught a rat making off with her gold
watch and chain, which sho had loft upon
a dresser on retiring. Tho rodent had
dragged his prize noarly twenty feet, and
in a minute more would have disappeared
in his hole with .it.
Lady Marjorie Gordon, tho ten-year-old
daughter of the countess of Aberdeen,
edits the children's page of a paper styled
Onward and Upward, published in London
Little Lady Marjorie writes a lively letter
to her young constituents, and tells them
interesting stories about her pot animals,
being probably the youngest editor in the
Formerly tbe great arctic or snowy owl
was rarely found in central or northern
New York, but during the present winter
the Bpecies has been numerously represent
ed and numbers have been killed. This is
thought to be due to the fact that rabbits,
on which the birds feed, havo been uncom
monly plenty this season and have attract
ed them.
A curious phenomenon was recently ob
served on the sea at Folkestone, England.
A ship laden with oil sunk in collision and
the water u covered with oil. This pro
duced a Btrauge effect on the wild fowl
which are plentiful there. Wild ducks,
teal and other birds were easily caught, as
they seemed unable to fly on account of
thoir feathers being saturated with oil.
Despite tbe constant assurance of suc
cess from the uso of tho lymph which are
received from all quortors of Europe the
leading physicians In Now York hospttiUa
whete the precious fluid has beeu in use
still continue very non-eommlttid. None
are willing to admit that a cure bas boon
effected by iuoculaUon. nor. on the other
hand, will any oue htfirra tbnt duath can
be traced to the lymph's use. But they
are evidently determined to lamn, with
f ulnt praise, for sauio time to coma.
Blaine has bought a $65,000 boose in
Telephones are now being introduced
on board men-of war.
The Michigan university has twenty
five Japanese students this year.
The directors of the world's fair have
put aside $200,000 for tbe purpose of
erecting a womans building.
Pennsylvania, mine horrors continue
to sicken the country. One of recent
date left 40 widows and some 100 or
phans. An exchange says Chicago is filled
with Idle men, brought there by the
hope of employment on the world's fair
Nine thousand tons of silver stored in
the U. S. treasury 45 car loads. Dug
out of a hole and dumped into a hole.
What for?
The scenery for the new opera house
at Kearney has arrived, together with
an elegant drop curtain which will be
hung last.
The goods sent to Hay Springs, Neb.,
for the benefit of drought and Indian
raid sufferers were duly received and
distributed. Ex.
Encouraging reports are received
from Kansas in regard to winter wheat.
From present indications tbe crop for
1891 will be an unusually large one. ;
A man must be pretty far along when
he is unable to tell within $10,000,000 or
$12,000,000 of what he is worth. John
D. Rockefeller so testified in court the
other day.
There is a bill before tbe North Caro
lina general assembly, providing that
intoxicants shall not be sold within two
miles of any church or school house iu
that state.
It seems that Dr. Koch's lymph does
not work in this country, as every pa
tient bas died. Isn't it about time to
quit fooling with this until it's nature Is
Business failures are reported as be
ing plentiful both east ana west. Tbe
large houses and big banks have to take
it now, for the little folks have all been
squeezed dry.
Kearney county kicks against receiv
ing state aid for its destitute people.
Claiming that no more destitution pre
vails than usually comes to tho surface
during the winter season.
Within the last few months unpre
cedented interest in the question of irri
gation has been manifested all over the
western part of the state. A half
large irrigation conventions have been
held and a state convention to cosider
the same subject will be held in Lincoln
in February.
Experience seems to teach that the
best way to avoid hard times is to plant
a diversity of crops. Profiting by this
farmers of York county have sown quite
an amount of fall wheat this year, and
in case of a failure of the corn crop will
still not be left without some income to
fall back on York Times. ,
It is estimated that the mortgages on
farms in only six states aggregates $3.
431,000,000, the interest on which at 6
per cent amounts to over $200,000,000.
The whole production of gold and sil
ver in the United States for one year is
not half enough to pay the interest on
farm mortgages of six states. .
A recent canvass of twenty cities
yields some interesting data respecting
female labor. According to the report
made, the average age at which a girl
begins work is fifteen years and four
months. Charleston, S. C, gives 18
years and 7 months, the highest average,
and Newark N. J., fourteen vears and
seven mouths, as the lowest. In Atlanta
the wages are the lowest in the twenty
cities, the average being only $4,05 per
week. In San Francisco they are the
highest, reaching $6,06 per week.
A novel double wedding occurcd at
Silver Lake, Mo., last week. John A.
Cecil was married to Miss Theresa C.
Whistler. The groom is past middle
age, and the bride is not "sweet sixteen"
by a twelvemonth. At the same time
Miles S. Cecil, aged 18, a son of John A.,
tho elderly groom, was married to Miss
Alizabeth C. Whistler, also aged 18, a
sister to the youthful bride already
mentioned. Miles' father and Theresa's
father both applied at the clerks office
for the licenses and gave their consent
to tho marriages. By this union the
son's father becomes his brother-in-law,
stepson to his mother-in-law and step
brother to his own wife.
John F. Hewitt, of Los Angeles. Cal.,
has returned his pension certificate to
the government. He says that though
he was an old soldier and received in
juries, those injuries have now nearly
disappeared and he Is able at present to
take care of himself. His act will bo re
garded as insane by those men who are
of the opinion that to take any amount
of money from tho government is right
and desirable, no matter upon what
The two and a half year old son of
Dick Moon and wife poisoned itself
with strychnine on Saturday last. It
seems that the mother was rearranging
some bottles containing various drugs
and placed them temporarily within
reach of the child who partook of the
poison, and beforo medical aid could
reach them tho child was dead. The
funeral services were conducted by Rev.
Churchill in the Presbyterian church on
Monday afternoon. The sad affair en
lists for the stricken parents tho pro
foundest sympathy from the entire com
munity, and serves as a solemn warning
to all who have any occasion to uso. for
any purposo, poisons of any kind, to be
thoroughly careful in handling them.
Atkinson Enterprise.
Reorganising the JJurth.
A certain M. Tchernooshenko of
Kharkoy, Russia, has devised a new
universal language, a universal relig
ion, aud a universal form of govern
ment. His rcllgiou consists of the
simplest, natural conceptions, tho em
blems of which every ordinary child
should be able to understand; in his
government he desires to have one
czar rulo nil mankind, who should be
elected from among nil the ruling dy
nasties of the present. Ills language
is to be written inn suit of hieroglyphio
alphabet, each letter to be represented
by an object which suggests the cound.
A man, for Instance, represents tho
sound a because every new-born child
cries u-a-a; b is to bu represented by
tho figure of a Meeting sheep; v by a
bowling wolf; g by a bulking dug,
and so on. ...
McMurtry Bleok.
and Collection Agency,
Lincoln, Neb.
Lands bought and aoM. Personal Inapeo
t'oatnadeof all lands puicbaaed for partiee.
Taxes paid and collections made for non-real-aenta.
My. thorough acquaintance of Ne
braska, and the lands In tbe stale, aivea me
advantage in buying landa for persons who
wish to invest in farming Iaous ot city prop
erty. KsnsRisoaa: G. W.Holdrero, Omaha, Neb.,
Cen'i Mg'r O. U. railroad; . D McKarlarU.
Lincoln, former land com. II. AM.; Lincoln
Mationa 1 bank: L. U. KoU banker. Orleans
Care of A. L. 3. Co.,
utf Scuth Ora&ht, Nek.
Table Rock nurseries.
Oeneral Nurserr Iteek.
fruit an Oraaag.atal trees as4 ihrmbe,
Write for prlee lists. AMnm,
tmH 0. B. BAMAa, Table Hook, Be.
Hastings Importing Go.
Hastings, Jieb.,
Rave ea hand a
f heioa eelleotion of
I as ported Peroher
an and Franah
Ooaah BUIUona,- .-.
that fer Sty la, Avf ' CI
Uom and QualltrJ NV-
mMns4,defyoom L ,
petition. Ail ourV , - fly
hersea ara Hea-la-
tarad, and Ouaraneed to be sura breeders.
Prices lew and Tarns easy. Address aa
above. SmlT
We will furnish medicine to cure Ono Herd
of Hick Hogs in each Township i tbe U. .
free. Give cjpren cfllee and numberof hogs
4w21 . 10 North 12th et. 8. LOUIS, MO
The tiarreu ncet u. c ,,. iuwie
WMVMtotlif-poKH. A uni
versal lnvoriie. lfcouMai!.
ill km). euM.ntMd freight
puid. Agent aro report
lim big ktklen. Mni'lil lien.
Wire, etc.. at wlioU-nale
direct (rtn lar-tory f
Fnrmers where I lime l
UiiiillBj fl fent. Ad-
Kxxbsaw, Adams County, Umbm.
Breeder and Shipper ef Beeerdad Pelaad
Cklaa Uoga. Choice breading Bteok fee
sale. Write for wants. IMeatkm The alliance.
FOR. S-A-X-iE.
One Short norn Bull and one Holstein Bull,
both registered. A few choioe
Will sell cheap, 'Call on or address,
gs-tf S. W. PERRIN,
College Farm, - Linooln, Keb.
Wm. Daily & Co.
Cattle, Hogs, Sheep
and Horses.
MENTS. BOOM 84, Exchange BrrtDiNO, Uar
ion Stock Tabds, South Omaha.
BaraaaeoBt: Ask your Bankers. Hf
Tbe Iowa Steam Feed
The most practical, most
-onvenlent, most eoonoml
sal, and In every way the
KK MADE. A glance at
the construotlen of it is
enough to convince any
man that It is far superior
to unv other. Fer desoriD-
Steam Feed CeoKSK Co.. Omaha, Nob. 6tf
utiuuiars ana prices nppiy to martin
Automata Wlnd-BIU
Throwt mill at of
raw wins ttak Is full : into rur '
iVtitr Hwn II tux. UMf, tatf,
Idwbltui tatitivt. tmi (or
vwffimlm 4UTM.F.G.TALLERDAY,
Poplar Oreve, L
will be paid tothnacentof any sealeeompHay who
will say over his own name as agent, that tho Joa Ea
Is not eouiil to any made, and a standard reliable
ssaie. Fur partkulurs, a4Uns only
Jones of Binghamton, Binghamton, 11
8prlng IFU Stock Farm.
WUoleev, Faystta, County, Iowa.
Breedar ef
Potted cmtoa Swfns and Cotswold Sbtn,
. . liMial Bates by Bjums. to 19,
B. SL BaadaU. Br.
I 1