The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, February 28, 1891, Image 1

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,s ., vi ill
Kxnbatiovs: Aa the aaaiest and ohea
mo at or noarrinr suMcriberi or the date
of tbeir expirations we will mark thl not toe
wlih a blue or red pencil, on the date at which
their ubeoriptton expiree. We will aerra the
iper two weeka after expiration. If not re-
uewea py aat wme it wm he discontinued. 1
A Union Pact no Wreck.
San Fbancisco Fob. 23 New of
a wreck on the Union Pacific, nearl
Cascade Rocks, has been received
here. The report says that one man
was killed and several persons berious-
ly injured. A wrecking train has gone
to the scene of the wreck. The acci
dent was caused by a trestle giving
way and throwing several passenger
coaches and the mail car off the track.
J. ne railroad onjciais deny tuat any
one was killed,
A Colorado blockade.
Denver, Feb. 23. The San Juan
division of the "Denver & Rio Grande
road has been blockadod for a week
and no trains have run between Ala
mosa and Durango since Sunday, Feb
ruary 15. The Conejos range is a
noted place for storms, and last winter
the road was blockaded at this point
for six weeks. It has been snowing
thoro nearly every day the past week,
and the best efforts of the company to
get the line opened have been baffled
An Alabaster Quarry.
. Denver, Col., Feb. 23. News just
reached this city of one of the most re-
markble d-scoveries In America of
the present year. The find Is an ala
baster quarry, the ledge being of great
thickness and extending for miles Into
the foothills, near Canon City.
Carried Down the Mountains.
Asi-en. Col., Feb. 22.---The heavy
fall of snow In the mountains has made
travel extremely dangerous in this sec
tion. Yesterday about 12 o clock a
enowslide overtook a freight train of
jacks within a few yards of the Little
Rulo mine, carrying nine of them down
the mountain and killing six of them.
The jacks were loaded with valuable
ore from the Little Rulo, which cannot
be recovered.
, . In Favor of Federation.
,.' Kansas Crrr, Mo., Feb. 23. Three
hundred and fifty delegates, employes
of all the railroads centering In Kan
sas City and representing conductors,
locomotive engineers, firemen, switch'
men, trainmen, and railway telegraph'
era association held a meeting today
and expressed themselves in favor of
federation.. This is the first of a series
t meetings to be held throughout the
country for the puvpose. President
Gompers says it is the beginning of the
greatest labor movement ever inaugu
rated.. "
Invaded the Cherokee Strip.
Arkansas Crrr, Kan., Fob. 23. As
the result of an editorial In the Travel
er, a dally paper of this city, which
said a letter had been received from
Congressman Perkins and others Bay
ing the settlors on the Cherokee outlet
could logally hold their , homesteads,
thousands of people have gono on, and
every quarter section for fifteen miles
south of the Kansas border is occupied.
At the lowest estimate 10,000 settlers
have cone Into the strip.
Retribution in Karuiaa,
Wichita, Kan., Feb. 21 James
Dunham witnessed the slaughter of
some hogs yesterday by a farmer
named Martin, near Greenwich, and
last night carried off one of the car
casses. This morning the owner found
the thief dead with a broken nock, on
which hdng the 6tolen hog. Dunham
had tried to 'climb a fonco. hla head
had got under tho gamble and the
weight of the hog hud jerked hla head
down on top of the fence and broke his
neck. .' ',"".' '' v-'..
Assistance Came too Late,
Kansas Crrr, Fob. 22. The heavy
snow, which was followed by rain, has
caused an overflowing of tho Missouri
river and resulted In a casualty In
which five livos were lost. Frederick
Wa nor, a German fisherman, lived on
the bank of the river, with his wifo
and throe children, in a small hut
Last night tho combined rain and high
water caused the hut to be undermined
and It wad thrown into the river, along
with the whole family. Their cries
roused t jo neighbors and they rushed
out to help, but wore too late to be of
assistance. The bodies of Mrs. Warner
and two i the children were recovered
about a mile below the placo where the
accident occurred, but those of Warner
and th-j youngest child were not found
and It Is supposed that they woreswopt
farther down the stream.
An Argentine RcbeiHon.
Paris, Feb. 22 Advices received
by the Gaulols from Huonos Ayros are
that the government troops revolted la
the province of Cordoba and secured
the governor's palace. In consoquonoo
of this uprising a state of siege has
boon declared throughout tho province.
' The emperor of Germany has been reok.
tees, but he has turned around and from
being a spendthrift be has become a man
of rigid economy.
BHvo hundred applications have been
made to the department of the Interior ot
Toronto for the privilege of boring for oil
" in toe Kootonay country.
Two Trains Collide in a Tunnel
New York City-Fire is Added to the
Horror Wreck on tho Union Pa
Rtw York, Feb. 20. A shop train
consisting of empty cars was moving
througn the Fourth avenue railroad
tunnel this morning, when it stopped.
nenina it came the New Haven local,
and before the engineer of the local
could see the standing train he ran into
it. rear cars of the shop . train
were wrecked, as were those of the lo
cal. In a few minutes flames broke
out, and to add to the terror and con
fusion a third engine, which was run
nlng without cars, ran Into the wreck;
The fire was soon extinguished and the
wortc of rescue began;
vrj' ..... -
is me men were Killed and seven
wounded. None of the passencrers are
Known to have been killed or injured,
the casualties being confined to . em'
ployes of the road.
A misunderstanding of .dismals bv
the engineer of tho New Haven truin is
said to have been the cause of the ac
The bodies have been removed from
the wreck. These are thought to be
all of the dead. All were burned be
yond recognition. One of tho Injured
died this afternoon and several others
cannot recover.
The police announced this afternooD
the total number of dead to be six.
A Union Pacific Wreck ,
Cheyenne, Wyo.. Feb. 21 Two
Union Pacific freight trains collided In
liock cut near Green river, this morn
I T . a . . - -
ing. io ne was nurt, out now en
gines were completely wrecked.
Storm; Earthquake and Fire.
Vienna, Feb. 21. A terrible storm
at Presburg. Hungary, today did greal
damage. Houses were unroofed , and
trees torn up by the roote. The storm
was followed by an earthquake, which
caused two large fires. One of the
buildings burned was a girls' cottage.
and several of the Inmates wore badly
injured jumping from tho windows.
The Commercial Situation.
New York, Feb. 21. There is still
much uncertainty about tho future of
trade. The volume of business is larg
er in values than a year ago, but the
advance in prices has been still greater,
showing a decrease in : quantities
moved. This is mainly due to a short
ness of crops, but the output and move
ment of iron are also muoh smaller
than a year ago, and the foreign, trade
bore is falling below last year's, both
In Imports and exporto. On the other
hand, wool manufactures are flourish
ing and the cotton manufacture is in
pond Rhfina.
The tone of reports from other cities
1 -
is generally favorable.
bt. Paul and Mtnnoapolls have a
lively trade. At Omaha trade Is fair
and at Milwaukee it is improving.
Chicago notes a large Increaso in the
wheat movement, but a heavy decrease
In dressed beef, lard, hides and wool.
The tributary region is considered
healthy, confidence is strong and
money Is plenty among dealers.
The coal market is depressed "7 the
enormous output Sales of wool con
tinue large at Philadelphia, exceeding
last year's by about 60 per cont and at
New York a Uttlo. whilo at Boston the
increase la still heavy.
The business failures occurring
throughout the country during the past
seven days number: - For the United
Stales, 249; for Canada, 46, or a total
of 295: compared with 297 last week
and S06 the week previous to the : last.
For the corresponding week of latt
year the figures were 271, representing
230 failures In the United States and
forty-one In the Dominion of Canada.
Snow in the Mountains,
Antonito, Col., Feb. 21. A terrific
enow and wind storm has been raging
for three days over the mountain range
west of Antonito. Railroad traffic Is
entirely suspended toward Durango.
The Durango train , which . passed'
through on Wednesday morning is now
cooped up in the mountains.
A Hippodrome,
Ban Francisco, Fob. 21 3eofe
LaBlancho, tho Marino," and Johnny
Herget, better known aa Young Mitch
ell, fought tonight- at the California
athletic club for f 2,500. Five and one
half ounce t gloves were used. , ' La
Blanche was knocked out In the twelfth
round. " t
In the twelfth few blows were struck.
Mftcbell hit LaBlance lightly with his
left on the jaw. LaBlanoo dropped and
rolled over on his face remained on tho
floor till counted out Ho was roundly
jeered upon leaving the ring.
Gigantic Land Deal.
Parkersbukg, W. Va., Feb. 21.
The Standard Oil company has just
purchased 20,000 acres of land in Green
county, Pennsylvania, and Mononga
"hola and Marlon counties, this state.
Also the entire county of Gilmer, out
side of the county seat, and nearly all
of Labrldge county and part of Masoa,
and Is negotiating for other tract.
Of Incalcuablrt Benefit.
Washington, Feb. 20. The action
of the house In adding an amendment
to the Indian appropriation bill, which
provides an appropriation of $2,225.
000 to ratify and carry into effect the
agreement with the Sisseton and Waph
ton Irdians, means the opening up o?
700.000 or 800,000 or more acres of
land in South Dakota. Said Congress
man Gifford to a correspondent this af
ternoon: "I consider .his amendment is
a big victory for the South Dakota
people, as well as Jor people generally
who desire the settlement of the west"
He says that during his term in con
gress as a delegate and a member ha
has aided In securing $20,000,000 for
aev.rl Miii!nn.mAMi.-.MAf -
the Indians of South Dakota, and that
several minions more in acres of ag
ricultural lands added to its territory.
Indian Murderer fa Custody.
RcsiiviiAE, Neb., Feb. 20. Lieu
tenant Byron, with a detachment of
scouts, arrived here from the agency
tonight, having In charge the two In
dian prisoners, believed to be the mur.
derers of Lieutenant Casey and Team
ster Miller. .They will be taken to
Fort Meade, S. D., and held for trial.
One of tho prisoners Is emulating the
custom of some white men, by pretend
ing to be crazy. Ihe arrest was made
by Lieutenant Clomer and his com
pany of Indian scouts. Everything is
quiet at the agency, the annuity issue
being over, and tho Indians gradually
returning to their homes. Sixty mora
of the ltobebud Indians left for that
agency today.
The Pine Ridge Indians are taking
an active interest in the new plan of
organizing companies of Indian scouts.
rour of these companies have already
been organized and equipped and It Is
said others will follow. Among tho I
Indians still at tho agency some un
easiness is manifested on account of
continued absence of tho first delega
tion to Washington. They propose to
wait here, they say, until they ascer
tain whether their friends are. going to
be permitted to return, or what dispo
sition is to be made of them. In event
the delegation Is detained at Fort Sheri
dan, it is not known just what effect it
will have upon these Indians waiting
at Pine Ridge.
' A Widespread. Storm.
Chicago, Feb. 20. A phonomenal
sleet storm plastered the great area of
country with ice last night from the
Alleghanles to the Missouri river north?
of Mason and Dixon's line. It. btga'
aoouc op. m. ana in nan an nour tne
telegraph wires began to show signs of
great demoralization. By 9:30 the life
had been temporarily choked out of
the larger portion of the wires through
a wide section of the middle states by
the constantly thickening coat of Ice.
Thousands of words of belated newspa
per dispatches are piled up, unsent, in
the offices on the edge of the affected
district " Inquiry elicited the fact that
in the various railroad telegraph offices
m uncago uie tram dispateners were
completely In the dark as to the run
nlng of trains.
Desperate Prisoners.
Bradford, Pa., Feb. 20. Seven of
the worst prisoners in the county jail
at Smithport escaped at 7 o'clock to
night When Jailor Dan Dwyer en
tered the hall to lock the prisoners in
their cells for the night he was pounced
upon by two of them, choked and
pounded into insensibility, while other
prisoners put an iron bar in the grat
ing and prevented Mrs. Grubb, the
sheriff's wife, from locking tho door.
Roddy" Mack, in for highway rob.
bery, seized tho sheriffs wife and held
her until the six criminals got away.
Ho then threw her aside and made a
flying leap through the window.
Blown Vp by Natural Gas.
Pittsburg, Feb. 20. An explos'on of
natural gas in Mary Hubbard's board
ing house, Allegheny, last night,
wrecked the building and caused the In
jury of Mrs. Hubbard. Florence and
Mary Martin, R. MoElheren, Nelllo !
Plentz and Mrs. C. N. Young. An ex- j
plosion in Andrew Anderson's house I
caused the injury of two persons. A
similar accident set fire to the power
house of the Duquesne Traction com
pany, causing a lot of $100,000.
The Barbed Wire Patent.
Chicago, Fob. 20. Attorneys M
resentlng Wa&hourn, Moon & Co., the
ownors of the barbed wire patents and
syndicate or barbed wire manufactur
ers, who proposed to buy patents, are
in consultation here straightening out
hitch wcloh has occurred f since tho
last meeting. It is expected the matter
will bo ' adjusted ' satisfactorily. A
charter has been granted the manufac
turers' combination, which will be
known as the Columbia patent com
pany, under the laws of Kentucky.
Captured Iqulque, -New
York, , Feb. 20 W. R. Grace
(Jo. received a cablegram from their
corrtspondonte at Lima today stating
that the revolutionists had cantured
iqulque on February 17.
A Brewery Combination.
Chicago. Feb. 20 Five of the
argoet local breweries have Joined
with the Val Blatz company of Milwau-
e and formed the Milwaukee & Chi
cago brewing company, with a capita)
of about $12,000,000. ,
nrr . -
Washington, teo. i in tne sen
ate this morning a number of pension
bills were passed including the bills'
increasing the pensions of the widows
of General Custer, Admiral Wilkes and
General Daniel Ullman to $!t)0
month. .' . .
Tho copyright bill was then taken
up and Sherman's amendment to admit
copyrighted books, etc., printed in for
eign countries on payment of tariff du
ties was agreed to, as was also the
amendment by Frye requiring maps,
dramatic or musical compositions, en
cuts, prints, photoffrapas.
plates executed in the United
States, and the amendment by Ingalls
exempting newspapers and periodicals
from the prohibition af importation.
The bill was then passed yeas 38,
nays, 14. : ..'. ' ,,
as uia mgnc session nothing was
done In the shape of legislation and at
9:30 the senate adjourned on motion of
Julmunds, who said it had been dom
onstrated, after waiting an hour and a
half, that a majority of the senate did
not wish to transact business.
Washington, Feb. 19. The senate
bill to increase the pension of Brigadier
General Powell to $72 per . month
Mr, fngalls, who was occupying the
vice president s chair as presiding ef
ficor pro torn, resigned the office in
neat speech, in which he spoke of the
honor the senate bad conferred upon
' him la electing him to that ' position
The resignation will take effect on the
election of his successor.
ine maian depredations bill was
taken up and Mr. ICdmunds' motion ' to
stlko out section 3, which provides that
! no claim by the Indians shall be al
lowed by the court on the unsupported
testimony of an Indian, was agreed to.
The motion by Mr. Hoar to strike out,
the cbvte providing for tho adjudica
tion and payment of claims by Indians
who have suffered loss of property
through other tribes or white men was
agreed to. Mr. Davis offered an amend
ment to add to section 4, a proviso that
the limitation of time shall not i'pply
to or oar claims for compensation for
Indian depredations In Minnesota, Iowa,
Nebraska, Kansas or Dakota in 1802,
of tfe-sreafter. On motion of Mr.
ChanCr the amendment was laid on
the tat a.
On motion of Mr. Chandler
the da'
changed to July. 1865.
: Yjurtow c-i--MUnRto-r;
to, and the bill passed and goes to the
conference. ,
The Nicaragua bill was taken up and
tne senate adjourned.
Washington, Feb. 20. The senate
today passed 145 pension bills and
(hen proceeded to the consideration ef
tho Nicaragua canal bill.
Senators vest and Morgan opposed
the bill, as also did., Mr. Davis, who
said the ponding , proposition was in
plain terms, the subsidy to the extent
of 100.000.000 to build a work lying
entirely outside of the national domain
and traversing a foreign country. It
was Ills opinion that if the canal was
to be constructed at all It should be
done by the government directly, like
any otner work of public Improve
Mr. Edmunds spoke in defense and
advocacy of tho bill and without action
the senate adjourned.
Washington, 'Feb. 21. In the sen
ate this morning the sundry civil ap
propriation bill was reported.
The Nicaragua canal bill was taken
up and Mr. Morgan addressed the sen
ate In defense of tho bill.
Edmunds, referring to a misunder
standing as to the amount ef capital
-stock subscribed for by the construc
tion company, it appearing in the com
mittee as $100,000,000. said he had a
telegram from the president of the
company saying that it was a misprint
for $1,000,000.
After some debate the bill won't over
without action.
Washington, Feb. 23. In the sen
ate, among the papers -presented and
referred were resolutions from the
state senate of Texas favoring an
amendment to the constitution limit
ing tho tenure of all federal offices to
a reasonable term of years.
Tho nomination of Charles Foster to'
be secretary of the treasury was laid
before tho senate and referred tb the
committee on finance.
Tho resolution was agreed to In
structing the committee on public
lands to examine tho questions in
volved in the recent decision of the su
preme court In the case of St. Paul,
Minneapolis & Manitoba railway c.m
p.iny, against R nsom Phelps; and to.
inquire what legislation is necessary to
protect settlers on the lands of the,
company or to remunerate them for the
loss of their homes.
The conference report on the bill
providing for an allotment of lands In',
severalty to Indiana was .then agreed''
to. ,
An amendment permitting the sec
retary of the treasury to make tempor
ary appointment of archltocte, skilled1
draftamen and civil engineers , in thtv
Office of .the supervising, architect was
(he text of a discussion oa civil service
; Opposition to the amendment by,
Bovoral senators was made, but the
amendment wa agreed to at the even
ing session.
Washington. Feb,' 18. In the house
this morning, in the absence of the
speaker, Payson of Illinois was elected
speaker pro torn.
A conference was ordered on the
District of Columbia appropriation bill
ant on the military academy approprl
ation Din.
The house then proceed od to the
further consideration of the Indian ap
propriation dul '
The amendment to. carry into effect
the allottment agreement with the
Cour d'Alene and other tribes of In
dlans was lgreed to.
The bill then passed.
The house then went into committee
of the whole on tho post office appro
priation bill.
Without disposing of the bill the
committee rose and tho house ad
journed. ,
Washington, . Feb. 19 Speaker
Beed having recovered from his tern
porary indisposition, called the house
to order this morning.
The senate bill passed for the rellof
of settlers on cerU'n lands In the south'
em part of Iowa.
The bill for the relief of the Stock
bridge tribe of Indians In Wisconsin
was agreed to.
. The action of, the democrats .in de
manding the yeas and nays on' every
motion was considered on both sides of
the'house as an obstacle to the passing
or tno snipping bill.
The house went Into committee of
the whole on the postofflce appropria
tion bill, but without dispostng of it.
the committee rose and the house took
a recess. -,s. .
The night session was for the con
sideration of the immigration biH,
but nothing definite was dono.
Washington. Feb. 20. Mr. Cannon
reported from tie committee on rules a
resolution for the Immediate consider
ation of business reported by the com
mittee on judiciary, tho first bill to be
one for the relief of the supreme court
with the senate amendments.
The resolution was then agreed to,
155 to 4, and tho court bill was imme
diately taken up.' The senate amend
ments were non-concurred in and a
conference ordered.
The house substitute for tho bill fix
ing the salaries of United States dis
trict judges was withdrawn, leaving
the senate bill in its original form, pro
viding that salaries shall be $5,000 per
offered an amendment
reducing the salary to $4,000. To this
ti. u, layior ottered a resolution pro
viding that tho salaries shall be in
creased to $5,000. No quorum voted
and the house took a recess.
Washington, Feb. 21. In the house
this morning there was a stormy time
over the approval of the journal
r Uhlan and Springer insisted on hav
ing it read in full.
McKinley got the floor and would not
yield to any of the democrats and a tre
mendous uproar ensued, In the midst
of which Spinola, placing a strip of pa
per on his shoulder, threateningly
surged that shoulder to the republican
side, until Speaker Pro Tem Payson
called him to order.
Finally the journal was approved and
the senate bill fixing the salaries of
United States district judges at $5,000
was taken up.
McMillan's amendment to reduce tho
salaries to $4,000 and J. D. Taylor's
amendment that the present salaries be
Increased $500 were both defeated and
the bill passed. , ,
The deficiency appropriation . was
discussed for a while and tho house ad
Washington. Feb. 23. The house
adopted the conference report on the
bill amending the act providing for tho
allotment of land In severalty to In
dians. . ---:(:.'
The house committee on census thi9
morning adopted a report adverse to
the claims of New 1 ork city to a re
count of the population of that ' city.
The committee finds that New York
has not made out ite casts.
In committee of the whole on the de
ficiency appropriation bill tho clause
appropriating $50,000 for the relief of
the citizens of Oklahoma was stricken
out and an amendment adopted direct
ing the accounting officers of the treas
ury not to withhold pay for any retired
officer of the army, retired prior to the
act of March 30, 1860. notwithstand
ing his acceptance of diplomatic or con-
ulary position. This amendment has
direct reference to General Sickles.
Without disposing of tho bill tho
committee rose.
11e poet office appropriation bill
passed and tho house took a rocess.
At the evening session in committee
of the whole the houae considered , the
pmmlgration bill. Amendments were
adopted directing the secretary of the
treasury to provide such rules for In
pection along the Canadian frontier,
as will not delay or Impede travel be
tween the two countries, providing
nothing in tho act shall bo doomed ' to
exclude perpens convicted of political
offenses, nMwlthtftanding that 6uoh of
fenees lijfft 'be dominated as felonies
in famous crimes or turbitudes by law
of the land from which they come, or
by court convicting them. The bill
was then reported to tho house.
Mr. Oatcs effered a substitute.
The previous ouoetlon was ordered
and tb i house adjourned. ,
Another Mine Horror A Dlaaiitroa
Fire la New York-Drowned at Sea
Many Other Fatal Accident.
SntiNo Hill. N. S.. Feb. 81 A tr
rtbl6 explosion occurred at the east
slope of the coal mines this afternoon.
Already five dead bodies have bam
taken out A rescuing party is now
putting up brattice for the res to ration
of ventilation in the mines. It 'la
feared that many more were killed,
but the rescuers will not be able to get
near the imprisoned men until some of
the pile of debris caused bv tha tall at
the roof is cleared away. Seventr
men and boys are still . in the mlu.
Some of the men have been taken out
badly Injured and it is reported that
many horses were killed. To add -to
the horror the deadly black damp hat
made its appearance in the mine.
Later It is feared that the seventy
men and boys are dead. Twenty-nine
bodies have been recovered. Tha wnrtr
of recovering the bodies is beinj
pushed forward as rapidly as possible.
Many of the bodies taken out are al
most unrecognizable. The dead ar
being Identified by sorrowing friend
and relatives , amonc? heart-rendlrir
One Hundredand Seventeen Death.
Spring Hill Mines. N. 8.. Fab. 82.
Tho work of recovering the dead
bodies from tho debris caused by hvit
nicht's mine exnlONion is hnina nuahna
rapidly forward. The total number of
deaths Is now placed at 117. ' The
searchers sav that bv midniirM all th
bodies except those buried under the
fallen roofs and slate will have been'
discovered. Two of the injured died
this morning.
Captain and Seventeen Others Tjosc,
8an Francisco. Feb. 22 While en
tering the harbor last night durinir a
furious gale, the American sbln. Eliza
beth, from New York, with a cargo of
assorted merchandise, went on th
beach at North Head. Tho vesral via
commanded Captain Colcord and car
tied a crew of twenty-six men. The
cnDtahVB wifo and two . nhHrinmi mm
nlso oa board. Of the crew it is known
tk.l . k. . 1 . . .
buu wjo wptaia aau ovemieen aauora
were drowned. ' . '
" Detail of tha wmnlr tra hint f fih.
tain, as the point where the ship struck
on the rocks is almost inaccessible. '
The storv of tha wkh.1t km told bv on
of the survivors, is that the wind wa
blowlnff a heavv l-ala. but tha rantain
decided to sail in. The tug Alert made
last 10 tne Elizabeth, but the hawser
broke and the shin drifted towards the
shore. Just as the second hawser was -made
fast the vessel struck the rooks.
The captain lowered a small boat aad
put his wife and children Into it. and
they were taken to the tug by the mate
and two seamen. The boat then re
turned to the ship and its occupant
perished with the rest of the crew.
The tug. belntr unable to cret near the
ship, could resoue only three men.
This morning nothing remained of
the Elizabeth. She had gone to pieces
during the night. When the wreck
was reported to the Fort Point life sav
ing crew they started for the wreck.
They were belnsr- towed bv a tutr. whan
captain Henry, of the life saving crew,
was wasneu overboard and drowned.
The life boat could not get near the
wreck and returned to the station.
Many Rescued With Great Risk.
Brooklyn, Feb. 21 Another tene
ment, house fire, similar to that of
last Thursday, la which five lives were
lost, occurred 'tonight, this time six
Uvob wore lost
The fire was' In the double five story
tenement house Nos. 129 and 131 Sands
street and was discovered about 8:40
p. m. Flames were first discovered in
the lower part of the building and
proad so rapidly that the many per
sons in the uppor stories wore entirely
cut off from tho . street People
crowded out on the ' fire escapes and
pltoously appealed for assistance.
I iremen soon arrived and with much
difficulty and great risk rescued them.
It was thought everybody had been
taken out and the firemen then turned
their attention to fighting the flames.
which had r gained great : headway.
Margaret Griffin was found' on the
roof and her body presented a fearful
sight being burned almost to a crisp.
On the third floor iho two Dorney
children were found clasped in each
other's arms; they were untouched by
the flames, but were suffocated by the
smoke. On the same floor the mother
of tho little ones was found burned to
a crisp. She lay near a partially open
door, and had evldontly tried to reach
her child-en when the flames overtook
her. On the fourth floor the bodies of
the Benedicts, grandfather and grand
son, were found; their bodies werebed-
burncd. The tenement' was occu
pied by thirty-two families, and" bat
for the prompt and hcrolo effort of
the firemen, greater loss of life would
hove occurred.