The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, February 21, 1891, Image 1

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Bxraunoir's: As the easiest and cheapest
eui of notifying subscribers of the date
of their expiration wo will mark thto notice
with a blue or red pencil. on the date at which
their subscription expire. We will send the
paper two week! after expiration. If not re
newed by that time it will he discontinued.
Chicago Grain and Produce.
Chicago, Feb. 17.
WHEAT Mar. Wc: July, WWe.
. CRN-May,63&S July, Ma
OATH May. tf&Mityu.
PORK-May, July,
LARD Hay, 5.Kfts; July, SS.0S.
BHOBT-BIBS May, July, 5.ia
CMcago Live Stock.
Ukiom Stock Yards, I
Chicago, Feb. 10. f
CATTLE Estimated receipts, 8,0110 head.
Natives, $3.355.W; cows and bolls, 92.30d3.ti5;
Texans. It.Jfta.UO. Market steady.
HOUS Estimated receipts, 85,000 head.
Heavy, $3.503 .70; mixed, $X15&l.tS5; light,
$3Ja.' - Market weak.
SHEEP Natives, $U.uU5.3; westerns, $3.80
CS.1U; Texans, f&JifeUjU.
Kansas City Lire Stock.
Kansas Citt, Feb. 17. .
CATTLE Estimated receipts, 1,600 head;
shipments, 8.0Uhead. Steers, S3.605.15; cows,
fi&j3.,; Blockers and feeders, fi503.75.
Market steady to lower.
HOG 8 Estimated receipts, 4,800 head; ship
ments. SLIM) heed. AU grades, Mar
ket steady.
Omaha Live Stock.
Union Stock Yamm,
Omaha, Feb. 17. f
('ATTLa -iwttimated receipts, 3,800.fbead.
' Prime heavy, i:M&l.ia; medium heavy, $3.85
4.3y; common, ViMl.'O; choice fancy cows
and heifers, S2.t)uAio; common to nieuiam
cows, aj.X83.15; cauuors, S1.M02.10; bulls, $1.;5
3.tiU; best meated feeUurs, $2.2o3.a); stockers,
f2.UU(&3.0U; steak beeves, J4.85, lUo lower,
best cows steady; cociiuou lower.
HOG8-Eatimated rooeipte, 6.809 head.
Light, S2.iinaJ.35: mixed, $3.15:i.;i5; heavy,
to.ijdj3.45. Market ciicned steady to Cc lower;
cloned strong. . .-
BHEEP-Estimatod receipts, 700 head. Mar
ket steadv.
A Company Formed to Redeem Arid
Lands In the Sunflower State.
Topeka, Kan., Feb. 17. A new irri
gation and water power company has
been formed here for operating in all
parts of Kansas in constructing and
maintaining dams, raceways, aqueducts,
canals, wells and such other works and
appliances as may be required for the
collection, conveyance and use of water
for manufacturing, supplying water and
water power, and for utilizing and sup
plying water for the purpose of -irrigation.
One of the principal purposes of
this company is to put in operation a
system of irrigation that can be used by
individual fanners at a 6mall expense,
and whether situated on streams or not.
Where streams can be utilized that will
be done.but it is believed that nearly every
quarter section in the state can be suc
cessfully irrigated, in whole or in part,
- by an outlay of only .a few hundred
dollars, and this will increase the value
of the land from three to ten times its
present valve. With proper irrigation,
one fourth of a farm will often produce
more than a whole quarter section . in
its natural condition and a sure crop
on part of tub farm is better than the
uncertain chances without irrigation.
Wherever it can be successfully done it
is also proposed to use the water for the
purposes of power. The company is or
ganized with a capital stock of $1,000,000
and will have its headquarters at To-
peKa. ...
Australian Pugs Arrive, Among .Them
Jim Hall, Who Wants Co at Iltz
immons. San Francisco, Feb. 17. Three of
the most prominent pugilists of Aus
tralia arrived on the steamer Alameda.
They are Jim Hall, champion middle
weight of the colonies, who whipped
Fitzsimmons once and is ready to whip
him again; Abo Willis, the champion
bantamweight of Australia, who made
Ike Weir quit in three rounds, and Billy
Maher, a lightweight, who scales 183
pounds and yet stands 5 feet 10 inches.
Hairs visit is of great interest to sport
ing men. for Harris, the turfman, has
backed him for a fight with Fitzsim
mons and left cash deposits. Hall
stands 6 feet 1J inches, and in condition
weighs only 150 to 156 pounds. He has
a good honest face, but ho is a wicked
fighter, and hits a more powerful blow
than Fitz. His shoulders are not 60 big
as Fitz's, but he is better proportioned
and more powerful. Hall said: "Fight
ing is what I have traveled several thou
sand miles to do, and I would rather
meet Fitz than any other man, because
I know I can lick him." Hall is only 23
years old, and has been a professional
only eighteen months. In that time he
has whipped Fitzsimmons in three and
one-half rounds; Jack Slavin, Paddy's
brother, in five rounds; Herbert God
dard and a number of other heavy ' and
middle weights. If Hall fails to make
a match here with Fitz he will go east
and hunt him down. 1
Thayer vs. Boyd.
Lincoln, Neb., Feb. 17. John D.
Howe, attorney for Governor Boyd, filed
the following motion to dismiss in the
supreme court in to quo warranto case
of John M. Thayer vs. Governor Boyd,
iu wtfich Boyd's citizenship is ques
tioned: And now comes the said James E. Boyd,
respondent, and moves the court to strike
this cause from the files and calendar of
this court and to dismiss the same, on the
grounds: .
L That said relator, John M. Thayer,
has no right, title or authority iu law to
maintain this action.
2. That the petition and relation herein
does not state tacts sufficient to constitute
a cause of action.
8. That said petition and relation show
on its face that James EL Boyd, respondent,
Is the duly elected, qualified and acting de
jure governor of this state, and entitled in
law to hold said office and bound to dis
charge the duties thereof for and during
the terra of two years from and after the
8th dav of January, A D 1S9L i
An Increase Allowed in the Secret
Fund of the State Department.
The Silver Question Discussed In the Be
pablican Caucus The Pool Investiga
tion Invito to Gen. Sherman's
Funeral Other Capital News.
Washington, Feb. 17. That com
mercial treaties will constitute on im
portant part of the work of the state de
partment during the next few months
there can be no doubt. The senate, in
executive session, adopted without a
quibble an increase of $10,000 for the
secret fund of the state department, and
it is understood this is to be expended in
negotiating commercial treaties. The
secret session of the senate lasted four
hours and a half, and, since it was
noised about the Capitol soon after the
doors were closed, that an increase of
the secret fund for the state department
was the subject under discussion, it was
presumed that there must be a Demo
cratic fight pending against Secretary
Blaine. When the doors were opened a
Democratic senator who was accosted on
the work of the secret session said:
"There was no cabal over the increase
of the secret fund for the state depart
met. It was granted without a word of
Since the president and his secretary
of. Btate have demonstrated the practica
bility of commercialftreaties and shown
that these avenues of trade relations can
be opened, the obstructions which were
supposed to stand in the way of the
work upon a large scale are disappear
ing. The increase of the secret fund for
the state department amounts to some
thing like $200,000, and it is believed
that this will be ample to perfect all the
commercial treaties desired, and that a
half a dozen or more countries will come
into our trade combinations by the pres
idential proclamations within the next
ninety days.
The Drift of Opinion In the Republican
Washington, Feb 17. The caucus of
Republican members qf the bouse was
slimly attended, and perhaps not a sufli
cient number to make any action taken
binding. The silver question occupied the
greater portion of the time of' the ses
sion, and it was soon seen that the drift
of opinion was decidedly against free
coinage legislation or any change in the
silver coinage laws. Mr. Perkins of
Kansas opened the discussion with a
speech in favor of free and unlimited
coinage. He was followed by Mr.
Walker of Massachusetts in a speech
against free coinage. Mr. Walker ar
gued that possible free silver coinage
legislation was unsettling business and
disturbing commercial values, and he
urged that the subject be put to rest.
Messrs. Henderson of Illinois, Kerr of
Iowa and Orson of Kansas were in
clined towards a more liberal sil
ver policy, buj; believed that additional
legislation on the subject at this?late
day unwise for business and political
reasons. Mr. Bartine of Nevada urged
that the senate silver bill be reported
from the committee to the house and be
given a fair hearing by that body. Mr.
Cannon spoke against free coinage and
for further legislation. He favored giv
ing the subsidy shipping bill and other
important measures now pending a
chance. The following resolution, of
fered by Mr. McComas, was adopted:
Resolved, That it is the sense of this cau
cus that the chairman and secretary be in
structed to request the immediate pres
ence and continued attendance of absent
Republican members during the remainder
of the session. The object of the resolu
tion is to have a quorum of Republicans
in the house daring the remainder of the
session in order to dispose of the appropri
ation, subsidy and other important meas
ures. . " -
Washington, Feb. 17. In the senate
the credentials of Senators Jones of
Nevada and Mitchell of Oregon for
terms beginning March 4 next, were
The conference report on the fortifica
tion bill was agreed to, and Senator Mc
Conncll addressed the senate in advo
cacy of his bill directing the proceedings
of the condemnation against the Union
and Central Pacific roads bill, which
was referred. The diplomatic and con
sular bill was then taken up, and sev
eral committee amendments agreed to.
In executive session an amendment to
the diplomatic bill was agreed to for the
establishment of telegraphic communi
cation with the Hawaiian islands, and
afterwards passed in open senate. Yeas,
25; nays, 22.
After the secret session Senator Quay,
being recognized, proceeded to make a
personal statement in ref atation of cer
tain public stories in regard to. his char
acter.. . In the house'ftlr. E. B. Taylor of Ohio
aiologized to Mr. Fithian of Illinois for
having usod unparliamentary language
toward him on Saturday last. The con
ference report on the army appropria
tion bill was adopted. The house then
went into committee of the whole on
the Indian appropriation bill, but with
out disposing of it the committee rose,
and after adopting resolutions of sor
row at the death of Gen. Sherman, the
nouse adjourned.
The Plot Thickens.
Niack, N. Y., Feb. 17. The grand
jury presented three more indictments
against Assemblyman Demarest for
forgery, making seven in all. His bonds
were increased iv jn.wv, wnicn ne rur
I nished.
An Important Discovery That Will De
moralise the Twine Trust and,
Enrich the Farmer.
Champaign, Bis., Feb. 17. The Em
pire Cordage company of this city claim
to have substantially solved the binder
twine question. One of the members oi
the cordage company said: "We are
prepared now to manufacture all the
twine for which we can obtain material.
We use nothing but American hemp. I
think we have now proved that there ia
not the slightest excuse for importing
either the twine or the material to make
it. We shall raise 3,000 acres of hemp
this year ourselves, and the farmers in
this county will raise about three thou
sand acres more, so that we shall need
to bring from a distance the product of
only about four thousand acres. That
is, we can manufacture the raw hemp
from about ten thousand acres. The
next harvest will require about one hun
dred million pounds of twine, and it
would require about two hundred thou
sand acres of ground to produce the
amount of hemp necessary to make it
We have demonstrated that the farm
ers can grow this hemp more prof
itably than1 they can raise corn,
and its cultivation would withdraw jnst
that much land from corn culture, aid
ing in the reduciion of the corn surplus,
and thus helping the farmers in a double
senso. Farmers all over this state, Iowa,
Nebraska, Minnesota .and Wisconsin
gave us the most unqualified assurance
that hemp twine is superior to sisal or
standard twine and fully equal to the
best manilla. Six thousand pounds of
hemp twine were used last harvest on
the great Snake River farm in Minne
sota in a good average wheat crop, and
the average amount required was one
and a half pounds to the acre. These
twines can be made and sold more
cheaply than the twine trust has ever
sold twines of different fiber. Ameri
can farmers can now grow, the hemp
themselves, encourage the establishment
of twine factories in the wheat-growing
states, and save millions of dollars sent
abroad for sisal, manilla, and other for
eign fibers."
McCarthy Secures Control of United Ire
land. ,
London, Feb. 17. Mr. McCarthy an
nounces that he has received from Egan
a deed of transfer for the shares in
United Ireland owned by Egan, and
that by the teams of the deed, McCarthy
is empowered with legal control of the
paper. 1
Burning Tanks Explode.
Philadelphia, Feb. 17. Eight oil
tank cars were destroyed by fire in the
lower part of this city. While a crowd
congregated one of them exploded,
throwing burning oil in all directions,
and in the wild rush of people to escape
several were badly hurt.
Young Spelman's Escape
Peoria, Bis., Feb. 17. John Spel
man, who escaped from a deputy United
States marshal near Chicago on Friday
night, reached home. His father or
dered his arrest, but while an officer
was being searched for Spelman once
more escaped.
Two B indred Chinese Burned.
San Frai Cisco, Feb. 17. Australian
papers received state that by the burn
ing of the eamer Rale at Wuhu 200
Chinese nerif hod.
Bev. James H. , Kyle, the Independent
Candidate, Elected to Succeed
Mr. Moody.
Pierre, S. D., Feb. 17. There were
fears among the Republicans that Kyle's
election would be consumated at the'
joint ballot. McCormack early informed
the reporters to this effect. . As the roll
was called and names of Democrats
were reached, they each sounded "Kyle,"
and it became evident that the long
deadlock was broken and that Kyle
(Ind.) was to be elected. The excite
ment became intense. As soon as the
call ended the following Republicans lTipn: Belknap, JDonohoe,
Douglass, Hall, McCormack, Teets and
Wilson. During these changes the ex
citement became most intense and all
sorts of cries were heard, especially on
the part of the Democrats. Too late
they were and no more changes' were
made. The ballot then announced was
as follows: Kyle, 75; Sterling. 55; Tripp,
8; Campbell. 1: James Henderson. 1.
Kyle was declared elected United States
senator for the term beginning March 4
next. It was the thirty-ninth ballot.
The Illinois Senatorshlp.
Springfield, Feb. 17. In the joint
assembly the ninety-eighth ballot re
sulted: Palmer, 101;Oglesby, 30; Street
er, 69; Stelle, 10: Lindley, 3; total, 204.
Ninety-ninth: Palmer, 101; Streeter,
70; Oglesby, 27; Stelle, 1; David Hunter,
2; Lindley, 3; total, 204. One hundredth:
Palmer, 101; Oglesby, 28;JStelle, 1; Lind
ley, 3; Hunter, 2; Streeter, 71. Moore
continues to vote for Stelle.
Nebraska Legrslature. '
Lincoln, Neb., Feb. 17. The fate of
the bounty on beet sugar was sealed
when the subject came up under con
sideration of the report of the committee
on miscellaneous corporations. The ma
jority of that body reported in favor of
the passage of the bill. House Roll No.
65, which removes that bounty. The
minority report favored the amendment
of the bill so as to continue the bounty
for one year. The minority report was
rejected and the bill now goes to the
general file.
The bill providing for issue of bonds
for relief of drouth sufferers was con
sidered under suspension of rules and
recommended for Rassage.
The Business Portion of Johnstown,
I Pa Again Inundated.
CltUen of Bradford Being Taken from
Their H oases In Boats No Fatalities
' Ye Be ported Iron Works Forced
. " i . ' to Baspend Operations.
PrrrMrito, Pa., Feb. 17. A steady!
downpour of rain has had the effect of
more or less seriously impeding travel
on alman every railroad entering the
city. The largest landslide on the Bal
timore and Ohio for several yrars now
covers , the "track "near West Newton.
The Toughiogheny river banks are full
and rising. A big flood is feared.
Greensburg .reports the streams in
that vicinity over the banks, and the
people on low lands driven from their
homes., Johnstown reports the highest
water in Stoney creek and the Cone
maugh river since the flood. Several
bridges have been destroyed. The cel
lars in the lower portion of the town
are filled with water, and work at the
Cambria Iron company's plant is sus
pended. Reports from Ohio and West Virginia
indicate a sudden rise in the branches,
with many bridges destroyed and houses
flooded, though no lives have been lost
thus far.
Johnstown reports the water two feet
higher than at any timer 'rince the great
flood and still rising. ; The water from
Stone creek has commenced to flood the
business part of the city.
Later advices from Johnstown say the
situation is becoming serious. Nearly
all the bridges are gone, low lands are
completely flooded and the flood is run
ning through the business portion of the
town. Many people have left their
homes and thousands are gathered
around the Pennsylvania depot.
A flood, uncqualed since 1884, is
looked for by experienced river men
here. A fall of rain of over thirty hours
along both the Allegheny and Mononge
hala rivers from their mountain sources
has been heavy and regular and it is
still raining: At many places great
damage has been done already.
. Bradford reports the lower streets jn
un dated juid the people on Ann street
are being taken from their houses in
boats. The water has put out the fires
in the Seyfangs Iron works. ;
Fire at New Westminister Destroys 9300,-
OOO Worth of Property. ,
' New Westminister B, C, Feb. 17.
This city was visited by a disastrous
conflagration, which destroyed in the
neighborhood of $500,000 worth of prop
erty, and caused tho death of John Mc
Cannon, a member of the volunteer fire
brigade. The fire was discovered in
the rear of, the, premises of a jeweler on
Columbia street. ,
An alarm was turned in, but it was
twenty minutes before a stream of water
was turned on the fire. By that time
the whole block of buildings was in
flames and the fire spread to the dwell-
Xand stables on the street back of it.
r a two hours' fight, when the fire
men had just about got the flames under
control, an explosion occurred in the
rear of oue of the stores. The office,
lodge rooms and provincial registry
office next caught on fire. Nothing was
saved from this building but the papers
from the registry office. While fight
ing the flames the western wall fell in,
killing tho fireman mentioned, and an
other man is reported buried under the
ruins. The firemen worked to conquer
the flames, but the water turned to
steam and the fire continued to spread.
' . -4 Is He the Kipper T
, London, Fob. 17. The police have in
custody a man named Sadler who was a
fireman on the steamer which arrived
from Turkey and who they have no
doubt killed "Caraoty Nell." An ugly
looking knife, stained with blood, has
been traced to Sadler. The station where
Sadler is confined is surrounded by an
immense crowd of people, mostly wom
en. Wild threats of lynching and tear
ing the prisoner to pieces, uttered by the
most excited of those present are made.
When the prisoner was removed to the
court an immense force of police was
employed and every precaution was nec
essary to prevent lynching. Opinions
differ as to whether the man ia the mur
derer known as "Jack the Ripper." 1
The Chilian Revolution.
Paris, Feb. 17. The Gaulois pub
lishes a Buenos Ares dispatch, which
states that the revolutionists have de
feated the government forces nt Quilto.
The same dispatch reports the insurgents
83 rapidly increasing in numbers and
advancins nnon Santiaeo. the canitaL
thily a few towns remain ' loyal to the
Chilian government. During the course
f the light at Tarrapaca the mines at
.hat place were set on fire and after
ward flooded in an attempt to subdue
ime3. Ths Germans emnloved
a the mines fled into the interior. The
vork of destruction is supposed to have
een done by a party from an insurgent
Invited to the Funeral.
Washington, Feb. 17. The president
and cabinet were formally invited to
participate in the ceremonies in New
York on Thursday incident to the trans
fer of the remains of Gen. Sherman to
St Louis, and the invitation will un
doubtedly be accepted, unless the state
of public business renders it impossible
for the president and members of the
cabinet to leave the capital on that day.
The Burial Will Take Place at St. Lea Is
Saturday Con. Xerritt Ban
mons a Military Escort.
St. Louis, Feb. 17, Gen. Merritt has
received orders from Maj. Gen. Scho
field stating that Gen. ' Sherman's fu
neral will start from New York on
Thursday afternoon, and the burial take
place at St. Louis on Saturday.' Ran
som post, Grand Army of the Republic,
will escort the remains from the depot
to the cemetery, and Gen. Merritt was
ordered to provide a suitable escort of
regular soldiers. Gen. Merritt has or
dered several companies of infantry,
cavalry and artillery here from Forts
Leavenwortn, Logan and luiey,
A large meeting of representative
citizens. Grand Army of the Republic
men and others was held here, and com
mittees were appointed to arrange for
the funeral. Military organizations and
Grand Army posts in that and adjoin
ing states will be invited to participate.
Admiral Porter's Funeral.
Washington, Feb. 17. The funeral
ceremonies over the remains of Admiral
Porter took place from his residence in
this city. The event was very imposing,
the greatest honor known to naval regu
lations being paid to the dead hero. The
president, members of the cabinet,
senators and representatives, justices of
tne supreme court and army and navy
officers of every rank were present.
Rev. Dr. Douglass, of the Episcopal
church, officiated. It was nearly 8
o'clock when the funeral cortege moved
to Arlington, where tho remains were
interred with the highest naval honors.
More than five thousand troops were in
the procession. "
Over Five Bullions Involved.
Des Moines, Ia., Feb. 17. A case is
pending in the district court of Polk
county involving between $5,000,000 and
$0,000,000. It is the action brought by
Dr. M. G. Englisluof this city against
the Connecticut Mtftual Life Insurance
company, of Hartford, Conn. The pe
tition alleges that the charter of the
company requires that whenever its sur
plus funds shall exceed $300,000 the ex
cess shall be distributed among the
policy holders, who, as members of a
mutual corncern, constitute the com
pany. It is claimed that the undivided
profits in the company's treasury now
amount to over $5,000,000," and the
plaintiff,' who has held a policy in the
company since 1866, asks for a division
and allotment to himself of his propor
tion of this enormous sum. Decision
was reserved.
: The Trap Worked.
Atchison, Kan., Feb. 17. Frank
Wood yard, a farmer, was fatally shot
on a farm south of town. He was out
with a companion hunting and coming
upon a vacant house in a field, pushed
the door open and received 1ie contents
of an old army musket in his breast.
Farmer CuUiman. the owner of the
house, had it stored with corn. He had
been bothered by thieves and had set
the trap, of which Woodyard was the
first victim. .
Dempsey Looking for a Fight.
Portland, Ore., Feb. 17. Jack
Dempsey has arrived here from Galves
ton. He will probably . agree to fight
he winner of the Young Mitchell-La
Jlanche fight in New Orleans. Demp
sey's friends have asked him to chal
lenge Ted Pritchard to fight for $2,600
and a purse. They claim that he would
gain more money and fame by defeating
Pritchard than either Young Mitchell
or La Blanche.
Eighty Thousand Women Want to Tote.
New York, Feb. 17. The Central
Labor union, which is said to represent
80,000 women, passed resolutions declar
ing that the disfranchisement of women
caused their starvation pay and de
manding a vote for every sqlf -supporting
Milwaukee Will Not Get a Franchise. '
Louisville, Ky., Feb. 17. The Louis
ville Base Ball club will be sold within
ten days to satisfy a ' jadgment for
$o,000. At an informal meeting of the
stockholders it was decided bv the men
who were in control last year to buy the
team at any cost and to strengthen it,
This will prevent the franchise going to
Michigan Lumber Proa action. .
Saginaw, Mich., Feb. J7. The total
production of pine lumber for 1890 was
4,085,767,849 feet and of shingles 2.469.-
878,750. Each figure is more than half
the total production of the entire north
west, although each shows a decrease
compared with the . preceding two
Troops Under irus. ,
Buenou Atres Feb. 17. Owing to
rumors of a fresh revolutionary plot,
the'government has placed all the troops
under arms. The streets are patrolled
by. cavalry. - . 1
Another Scare.
London, Feb. 17. London is suffer
ing from another "Jack the Ripper"
fright. A woman was found in a dying
condition with her throat cut and suffer
ing from a stab wound in tl chest. The
police, however, think the woman com
mitted suicide.
Death of Ucn Alt Haggln.
New York, Feb. 17. Ben Ali Hag
gin, the well-known horseman and son
of Horsebreeder J. B. Haggin, the
breeder of Firenzi, Salvator and other
well-known flyers, died at his residence
on Fifty-fourth street.
. Murderer Dwyer Arrested.
Omaha. Feb.' 17. Joe Dwyer, the
Missouri miner who murdered John
Connere and dangerously stabbed Dick
Cushing, both railroad laborers, Sunday
morning, was arrested at Springfield.
Ckairman Finlcj Defers Action ea
Disciplining tbe Southwestern.
President BUekstoae'e Ophvlsn off tfco In
terstate Commerce Art gnpetlntssi .
nt Calvin Ceos to PeeaielW-
Union PawMU Wreefc.
Chicago. Feb. 17.CharaMn Tlnley
has postponed until Monday the accept
ance of the boycott on the Jackaosivilie
and Southeastern, which was thtrre
begun to-day. This action ie the result
of a conference, and at which all the in
terested lines were present. ' The trouble
has arisen over the 8 cents a mile rate
at which the Southeastern sells its mile
age hooks. It is shown, however,
that both the Toledo, Peoria aad
Western and the Lake Shot
sold mileage, good over the Wabash,
at the same rate and had been
doing so for six years. General Passen
ger Agentt,A.ent, or the Douhteastem,
was urged strongly to join the Western
Passenger association, and pending a
consultation with his president the boy
cott order was postponed.
The Alton has not changed its belief,
however, that it can make more money
at a flat through rate of 2 cents a mils
than at the present rates. The other
lines agree with the Alton as far as Illi
nois is concerned, but declare it would
bo impossible to make such rates pay
west of the Missouri.
Fatal Union Pacta Wreck.
Denver, Colo., Feb 17. A fatal
wreck occurred on the Union Pacific
at Brighton, seventeen miles east of
Denver. An extra freight, in charge
of Conductor Douglas was taking
water at the tank. Fast freight No.
828, in charge of Conductor Scoville,
came thundering into the caboose of the
extra, tore through it and five cars :
loaded with stone, also badly damaging
a car of wheat and just missing rousing
into a car of powder. John Spragne.
fireman, was caught between the engine
and tender, and death resulted almost
instantly. Conductor Douglas was in
his caboose and was thrown out of the
wreck. Hist injuries are thought to be
fataL . :
President I!lackstoBes Keport.
Chicago, Feb. 17. President Btack
stone read to the directors his annual
report It will not be ready for publi
cation before Thursday. As usual with
President Blackstone, he went at the
core of things; his argument being that
the inter-state commerce act had failed
as a regulator of rates and that the var
ious states had broken faith with rail
roads by ordering reductions in rates.
Superintendent Calvin Beslgaa.
. Atchison, Kan., Feb. 17. E. E. Cal
vin, division superintendent of the Mis
souri Pacific lines between Kansas City
'and Omaha, has resigned and Feb. 21
will become superintendent of the Union
Pacific, with headquarters at Pocatello,
Idaho. j '
The Grand Master Workman Fall Pre
trate While Making nn Address.
Topeka, Kan., Feb. 17. Just as he
was concluding his speech at Represen
tative hall, T. V. Powderly, grand mas
ter workman of the Knights of Labor,
fell from his chair, prostrated by heart
disease. Mr. Powderly spoke in Topeka
by invitation of the Knights of Labor,
and Representative hall was crowded.
He was introduced by Senator-elect
Peffer.-who occupied a seat on the ros
trum with him. Congressman John
Davis and several other prominent Peo
ple's party politicians were also seated
on the rostrum.
Mr. Powderly had been speaking for
two hours and a half and was about to
conclude his speech with the Scriptural
quotation: "Do unto others," when he
fell. . '
There was grave danger of a panic in
the over-crowded hall, but the crowd
was quieted by Senator Peffer's assur
ance that Mr. Powderly would quickly
recover and did not even stand in seed
of a physician. Mr. Powderly. was
aroused in about five minutes sufficiently
to refuse an offer of a carriage, and
walked to his hotel.
A Chicago Man's Cotton-Plcker.
Memphis, Tenn.,Feb. 17. The second
trial this season of the Todd cotton
picker was made near this city in the
presence of a number of prominent cot
ton factors of Memphis, and the in
ventor, Mr. C. N. Todd of Chicago. The
machine picker picked the staple right
along despite unfavorable conditions.
The trial demonstrates the machine does
not injure growing bolls, as some antici
pated at tho former trial. 'It is the gen
eral opinion that Mr. Todd's invention
will revolutionize the cotton-growing
Jem Smith on HlsMnscle.
' New Yojx, Feb. 17. A dispatch to
The Police Gazette from London says
that Jem Smith posted 50 at The Sport
ing Life office and issued a challenge to
fight Charlie Mitchell for 500 a side.
The challenge has created a groat sen
sation among sporting men.
! Natural Gas Explosion.
; PrrrsBTjRa, Pa.; Feb. 17. An explos
ion of natural gas occurred in a house
occupied by Owen McLaughlin, on River
avenue. The interior of the dwelling
was entirely demolished. The inmates
were badly, but probably not fatally