THE FARMEKS' ALLIANCE, LINCOLN, NEB., SATURDAY, FED. 7, 1891. i PURE TRUMBULL, STREAM 4 ALLEN seeo co.. ? Sraae. Flslt. (Irtw and Irse Inaa. Oftiert (eta. Els. Bead tor Catalogm. Malted Free, laae-iaae -. Uwt KANSAS CITY. MO. i; HIGHLAND, STOCK , FARM 1 qt, h ' We hare jBorees of thr eaoro breed w aal be axorlled. A oertlfloate of reaistiT waat d qood raaltri. araixioa, weara BAAXULa rmi aad we win surprise je jT.;OUT! if0 "jEnpShlre: .BARJf AT WABASH FASSENGES DPOT.' Wioa wtltltoaUoaaaiaoy WIUIAU , 'ERNST,. GRAF, JOHNSON . COUNTY NEC3A3KA. j. J . .1. .- , . ! iwinamu AJfD BREEDER 6 $''' ' ' ' H-iai ' Percneron and i a . I have the largest Aad heat lot of Poroheroa Stalnone of aerrfbeble AffO woat of the aflaatsstppl. 1 tar over tweaty teekrd and aoolliuateo atalUons. which, together with my this year". Importation, at ska oae of the laeat ooUeoUooe of bursal ever seen at oae man's barns. I bars also a flue let ef you ay Imported aad home-bred mares and a few ohoioo French Coach tallloai. All mr horses are recorded la the Amerleaa and French hare the beat blood In erlstenoe In my stud t you bettor horses for leaa money than any other Importer or breeder, I will pay your expoe , aes of oomtaa to my plaoe, and you ihall be Uie Judjre. My farm, known aa the Woif Ureob Steok FarmVla looaled on the & B. As Q. Ry between Ttieumseh and Nebraska City, wita '.a three-fourtlif of a mile of railroad auuon ealled Oraf Vfrrto for oaaaloguo or oomo aee me. OHIO HRD Jumbo 11809, Tha 1Mt hnrrt anil lOflfll and Jumho Jr.. v 1 6mM ;t 77 - r 7 1 V M S t' t'.t. WITH THE GROWBR AND 1 i.'X'J KSTASLIBBBD III lfftt. , :' Sotted to.Netatada; Undj ta sell, j j i ,1 w Tru3 ; to , N&mo. Satliftotlon Guartntttil vArarvxi m flinsT iim.T tars Stoekof Forest SeetUlaun s Lew Katoi aal la raspoaslhlo parttes oa aBaa. CerreTpead at oaee before rush of very, load for OsUUeoa. At, eVAv&oaAeaSaBsBS a w -ksBsBOaam m aaeaasMB mmmm sat i I , Ateaaoa fabbuum: MAaiw waa wnam Address CRETE 'NTJRS23UE3, r . 1 i a-tf ; MALES a ..; r; if Glothihcr and Fiirriishmsr Goods. , ,. , .7 -.. O . i, : , I . O ...-.'. 13 FEB CT. CfF T8 SBZOi tf EE UUiUICE. Cori F and :10th 1 NON EXCELLED DISC HARROW . iti , JSC SA li a ir I ' . . V4 .... Z SI 11 it . J. .W HARTLEY, , Slate Agent ELITE J- . l A -.1. The finest ground floor Photograph Gallery In the State. All Work in the finest finish. Satisfaction Guaranteed. 2263 t i th street. j - ott. . , . - ' . . . "l . T. W; TOWNSEND, Propnetcr. The Latest Jlmproyed and S7 f7 at SEEDS F.B.RIX&Co.iPropr'a, . haporteis aad Bleeders of ; , ' ? SHIRE, PERCHERON, CLYDESDALE AND COACH HORSES. Superior oraee. leas ttaae, low Interest, saoderete prloco. Mo other Area la Aaaerloa tells to ttoek oonpealea aoder the same aeiiool ayatea that wo so, welch iaturea to eoatpaatas square dealt pa, auoceaaful broaden aad abee lute auociai, vTo have at preeent la oar etableoth wtnaeroof 107 prises la Bo rope and Aaaerloa : Oar record loot roll M Missouri Bute Fair, Kaosat State fair mad Atchlsoe Aarioulturel Fair wat twenty-to orlses, fourteen aeooad prises na six sweepetaaee. taf"Wrlt for Illustrated eatalns-ua. x FAVH Aim BT A VLKs-Two atlaa east of BlcHland p ark TOPSA-A, XAVS. SB & SON,: if'-i r. r French Coach Horee3. Stud Books and oertiaaetaa furnished at sale. I aad sell horses ea easi terrna If I don't offer OF POLAND CHINA SWINE, the Iowa First Prize male 1890. the IsrvMt Individuals owned br OBO man Percheronand Fuencri Jon tar food tadlvtdaala and 'oholoe ereedlajr aos aad a-.eraat aoeoapanlea eaoh horse. II ft m Moaar, eoate to oar oara wita taa oaow e rKaeur coos bobs ai uw ravoaa. envll nast or west. I have plfs- of all ag-es and either ae for aale, from the farmer's hog to the most valuable show animal, and of all the families known to Poland Chins hoes. The folio win males la uat for 1801. Sumbe 11800: Doctor 6811: Orient 12167: Touba Jumbo Vol. 12 A. P. C. H. InapoottoB lurltedr Free llrery to drive to farm on application to a. W. Baldwin. Uvervman. Cataloa-ue and prloea on application. . . . , T. J HA BR1S. Woat Liberty. Iowa. I v. r $ rf . I B. T. StE?H2N3, CRETE, NS3 Sts., Lincoln, Neb. LAWRENCE fflPLEHEHT CO., ... . , . . .... ? ! Wholesale and Retail Dealers la ut- V FAB2I HACHINERT. ! market. No ; Far me r should' be without one rFor Sale by Best Endate SeederJ We can make you special prices on a umuea numoer 01 these. :.. , Send in your order at once. " -r-"'1 J. W. HARTLEY, ss-tf : AjaaaUUaUi llvU, SOTO LEGISLATIVE SUMUARY. WKDMXaDAT. The Houss. ' House called to order as per adjourn ment and after the opening exercises and adopting the Journal as read, a petition was presented from Dixon county, asking that all money in the county sinking fund be loaned on iroo I security. Referred to the committee on expenditures and accounts '' Reports of standing oommitN'es were then made. H. R. 85 indefinitely postponed as was also H. R. 73. Concurrent resolu tion No, 8 was recommended to be adopted and was so ordered. H. R. 81 indefinitely postponed. Mr. W hi to then movd that a com mittee of two be appointed to act with the committee appointed by the senate to wait on Governor James E. Boyd in regard to the delivery of his message to this legislature.- , . : ' After snme lively discussion the mo tion WAS lOSt . - ' Mr. Stevens of Filmore then offered the following resolution v which was tabled: Beit ' Resolved, By the house of representa tives of the state of Nebraska, that on behalf of the toiling millions of earth, we most heartily congratulate Kansas on the defeat of the "irridescent Ingalls", of that state, nameless there forever more, Mr. Shappel ' offered the following resolution and moved its adoption. Resolced, That it is the sense of this house that the United States Senators should bt elected by a direct Tote of the people, and our representatives In congress are hereby reanested to take such steps as may be to bring this mat ter te the attention of eongress, and use their best efforts 'to . secure the submis sion of aa amendment to the national constitution, providing for the election of senators by the popular vote. ' 1 i The resolution was adopted. A resolution was offered to the effect that S, M. Elder be appointed on the relief commission instead of J. M. Thayer, resigned. ' Also a similar one that the chaplain of , the house be appointed.-::-'.;:.", If -.v ' ' 1 They were deferred until the bills earae up f r discussion and amendment. The written opinion of the supreme court was secured and a copy ordered for each member. . A motion made and carried that all bills in reference to the Australian ballot system be referred to the com mittee of privileges and elections. The following bills were then intro duced, after which the house ad journed till 4 p. m. ; . i i , By Mr. Waldron: A hill to authorize school boards to ' furnish , text books free to' pupils, and to provide for the proper care of said books. ; By Mr. Matheson: A bill that the eounty surveyor of the county in which land is situated survey the same where the corner land mark of the section or sections have been defaced so that a survey is reauired to ascertain the boundaries of individual owners. . v - By Mr. Storms: A joint resolution to amend section one of chapter seven of the constitution of the state of Ne braska. .( t By Mr. Medle: A bill to fix the maxi lmum rate of charges for the use, occu pancy and fare for upper and lower berths in palace sleeping cars in their transportation in or through the state. '- By Mr. Vandeventer: A bill for the relief of J. E. Anderson, , sheriff of Rich ardson county, Nebraska. , i . , 1 By Mr. Herman: A bill to amend section 60 of title 4 of the code of - civil procedure, aad to .repeal . said original seotlons. ? r ' " ' By Mr. Modie: A bill to amend sec tions 84T and 851 of the code of civil procedure, oompiled . statutes of Ne braska of 1887, and to repeal said origi nal sections. Jf,-,, i-f. -'j:;. !,.: '! -. ABTERJfOOM SB5SIOH. ,'i .; After roll call oame bills for .second reading.-1 ? , . ' - ' "' . v'!'.';4;"' " ; H. R. 79, the relief bill, was read for the third time. .'. The house then went into committee of the whole te consider bills 79 and 81. Taylor acted as ohaiiman by request. After discussing the matter at length bill 79 was amended so as to read $200,. 000 Instead of 8100.000, and S. M. Elder electi 1 on relief commission Instead of J. M- Thayer, who sent in his resigna tion yesterday. la order to get time for consultation as to the constitution ality of the bill, a motion was carried that the committee report progress and rise for the present. ' ' ' " ' The house .then adjourned till 10 o'clock to-day : after receiving and adopting the report of the committee to the . effect that the relief bill be en grossed, and that it be 1 recommended for passage as amended. ' - The SenAte. ''' Yesterday morning after the usual opening exerotses Mr. Majors presented the following memorial from the state board of agriculture: ' . ' Resolved, That we, the members of the state board of agriculture, in regu lar annual meeting assembled, would most respectfully but earnestly petition your honorable-body to appropriate a sufficient sum from the funds of tho state university, now in the state treas ury and not otherwise appropriated, for the erection 1 and equiping of a building in connection with tho univer sity of Nebraska, to be , located upon tho grounds belonging to and constitu ting the experimental farm of tho Agri cultural and Industrial college of said university, the said building to be des ignated and known as the Patho-Bio-logical Laboratory, of the University of Nebraska. With this end iu vie w we most heartily endorse house roll No. and would earnestly ask its passage. - Mr. t Majors also presented a resolu tion regarding the Louisiana state lot tery which wasplaced on file. The judiciary committee reported a number of bills. . . ' S. F. 2 To amend the ' attachment laws was indefinitely postponed. S F. 4 On same subject was served in the same way. . S. F. 24 Senator Moore's bill to pro vide for three commissioners iu counties under 125,000 inhabitants was recom mended to pass, and was placed on the general file. wHl ' ,;..:' i : S. F. 10 Relating to executions was indefinitely postponed S. F. 28 and 29 were referred to the committee on appointment. S. F. 88 was referred to the commit, tee on banking and currency,,.'? 8. F. 18 was referred to the commit, tee on county and county boundaries. The committee on miscellaneous cor. poration rocommended S. F. 20 for pas sage. It relates to the power of corpo rations to hold real estate and issue bonds. Senator Stevens offered the following resolution which was adopted: Resoleed, That a committee of five be appointed by the president to Investi gate and report to the senate at the earliest convenience as to the advisabil ity of a reduction of the fees and sal aries of public officers. ' 1 Senator Kilters resolution in opposi tion to the force bill was then called up. Senator Moore moved to. lay on the table. This motion was defeated by a vote of 23 to 7. - Senator Keifer spoke In support of bis resolution which was finally adopted A motion was then made and carried to take a recess till 250. THCRSDATV . The House. Yesterday morning after openirg ex erclses the clerk read a small portion of the journal when McKeynolds moved that further reading be dispensed with, which was carried.' f - ' : A resolution was offered limiting the number of employees to 75 which was declared out of order. '- Committee 00 privileges and elections reported on H. K. 27 that it he indefi nitely postponed and on H. R. 61 that it be recommended for passage. ' - The following communication was received from the senate and a similar resolution introduced in the bouse, but was notadoptedrt f-o - ; Wherkas, The people of western central Nebraska have called a delegate irrigation meeting to be held at the city ef Ogalalla, Nebraska, on February 10, 1891, and have asked that a committee of one from the senate, and a like com mittee from the house be delegated to attend said meeting, therefore be it Resolved,' That the president appoint committee of one to attend said meet ing. :.;! 1 iit'. Stevens appointed. ' . ' The following resolution was then adopted:"-" "'; . ft -ti . Resolved, That the use of the repre sentative ha'l be greeted to the state relief commission to-morrow evening. January 80, for the purpose of holding a session of said commission, and that we accept their invitation to be present at that time, vi - . ,(- ' ' ! The following bills were then Intro duced: - ' ' '' ' i - By Mr. Carpenter: A bill to amend section 77, chapter 77, revised statutes of 1889, entitled "revenues." By Mr. Carpenter: A bill to amend section 18, article 18, of the constitution of Nebraska, entitled "elections when herd.'' i--v.! -i v! ' By Mr. Carpenter: A bill to amend section 84, article 4, compiled statutes of Nebraska, relative to taxation for town purposes in counties tinder town ship organization. " . By Mr, Carpenter: ; A hill to amend section 7, chapter 10,' revised statutes, entitled "bonds and oaths official" By Mr. Schappel: A bill to govern county treasurers in the deposit of county and other publio monies. By Mr. Gardner: ' A bill to provide for the appointment of Veterinarian: and assistants, to regulate their powers and duties, and to provide for their conipensation." ,..V.;, v" ;-' -) By Mr, Schappel: A bill to regulate the practice of veterinary medicine and surgery in the state of Nebraska. - ; By Mr. Waldron: ' A bill to recount the ballots cast for and against, the: amendment prohibiting the manufacw ture. sale and keeping for sale of Intox icating liquors as bevenge, for and against the amendment,; "that the man uxacture, sale and keeping for sale of intoxicating liquors as a beverage in this state snail be licensed and regulated by law," for and against ' the amend ment, ."relating, to ' the number of supreme judges and for and against the amendment, 'relating to the salary of judges of the supreme and district court," on the 4th day of Novomber, 1890, and to declare the result. ; ; , , A motion was carried that the' house resolve itself into a committee of the whole to consider H. B. 79. ; J. B. Wat son moved that where the figures $200,. 000 occur, they be changed to $100,000. Carried. -: , ,. ' . , , : ' f , A motion was made that the ' com mittee of the whole rise and report bill back recommended for passage. ' . Adjourned till 10 o'clock to-day. ' " . , .. 1 ',!,'!,: ' . The Senate. After roll call, the journal was read and approved, after which the follow ing resolution was offered : by Mr. Brown, and adopted: , Resolved, That the secretary of state be requested to furnish, as early as pos sible, each member of the senate with one copy of . the compiled statutes of Nebraska for 1889. , . House resolution in reference-, to Force bill was called up., Mr. Stevens then offered a resolution in reference to the irrigation . board, which was adopted. . i The following bills were then intro duced: , , , By Mr. . Christofferson, S. F. 87: A bill to regulate the . liability of em ployees in certain cases, and to provide for the recovery of damages for persons in hired or killed. By Mr. Randall, S. F. 88: A bill to submit to tho electors of the state of Nebraska, for approval or rejection, an amendment to tho constitution, of the state, providing for the enactment or repeal of laws by petition of 49,000 electors j 1( ; , By. Mxl Collins, S. F 89: A bill to amend section seven of chapter twenty-six of the compiled statutes of 1889, entitled "e fictions," and to repeal said section seven. By Mr. Moore, S.F. 90: A bill to amend sections 165 and 1C6 of chapter 16 of the compiled statutes of Nebraska, entitled "Corporations," and to repeal said original sections. By Mr. Stevens, S. F. 91: A bill to amend section one, subdivision nine, chapter seventy-nine, of the compiled Btatutes of Nebraska, 1887, relating to the qualifications of teachers, ana . to provide for granting teaching privileges to certain graduates of the university of Nebraska. By Mr. Horn, S. F. 92: A bill to pro vide for the depositing of state and county funds in bauks. . The president gave notice that he was served i with notice of three con tests. - . . - . . .Mr. Mattes then moved that the pack ages relating to contest be referred to the committee on privileges and elec tions. ..; v.,..;, , , . The senate then adjourned ' till 10 o'clock to-morrow. FklDAT. The House. Yesterday morning after opening prayer and roll call, motion made to disperse with reading of journal. Mr. McKeynolds then moved that the house go into committee of the whole for the consideration of resolution No. 6 and other bit's on general file. Concurrent resolution No, 6 was recorn uehded for passage. II. R. 81 was also recommend ed for passage. H R. 3 in reference to usury loans was finally recommended for passage. The committee then rose and the house adopted the report and passed H. R. 7V unanimously. The following resolution was then adopted: - Resolved, That a committee of two be appointed by the speaker to make arrangements for - carrying into effect the resolution whereby the members of this house are to be supplied with ten two cent stamps and five one cent wrap pers per dav until an aDnroDriation for said purpose can be made. ' A motion was made and carried that the speaker request all employees to remain in the building until the house adjourns, each session. House adjourned till 4 p. m. , AfTiHMOOM sasaioir. 7'. 't; House ealled to order promptly on time and roll call showed 89 members present. , ,. - Bills on second reading Was the first order of business. . - - A motion made and carried . that H, R. 254 in refereuoe to the recounting of ballots on the prohibitory amendment be indefinitely postponed. 2 A petition was read asking taat a lati be passed ordering a recount ef 'the ballot, which was ruled out of order. H. R. 11 was reported on by commit tee by request. - This is a bill in refer ence to seed wheat, etc., being furnished to western sunerers. mu , recommend ed for passage. - Bill put on general file on motion. , ' , -.;,,.(' I Bills on third reading were then taken Up, :. -.. . f f -.. Joint resolution No. 6 was read for the third time and put upon its passage. The resolution was adopted. ' Reports of standing committees was then called.., ..... :, .., A petition . was then presented by Mr. Gale in relation to the unorgan ized territory north of Holt eounty being organized into a county and named Boyd county. Referred to com mittee on county boundaries. . H. R. 81 was read for the third time and put upon its passage, t Bill passed. A motion made that - we go into com mittee of the whole for the considera tion ol H. R. 80 in reference to the $75,000 appropriation for the purpose of paying the expenses of the present session of the legislature. ; t The committee of the whole recom mended that the bill pass. 1 ; Adjourned till 10 o'clock tomorrow. : The Senate. : : ! Yesterday morning the senate called to order, and after roll call the presi dent announced that an invitation had been secured from the speaker of the house inviting the senate to be present at a meeting 01 toe reuei commission to be held m the evening in Represen tative halL , ,;: -V-.r-:. . . h . The following resolution was offered by Senator Dysart: ,: Resolced, That the chairman of com mittee on employees ' be instructed to dismiss (rem , service the nnmber. bf pageboys down to the number of our pegce iu tun nums, , . , , 'The president announced the follow ing committee, on fees: Stevens, Hill, Eggleston. Woods and Mattes. The committee on judiciary recom mended that 3. F. 69, to fix the salaries of county offices, bo placed on the sen ate file. . f V",vv- S. F. 62 Relating to securing the signatures of responsible parties to documents in writing and converting them into negotiable Instruments, be lnaenntteiy postponed. . . S. F. 40 To amend the criminal code, be indefinitely postponed. . S. F. 65 Authorizing county boards to divide precincts into two or more voting precincts, to be passed as amended. ' ' . " "" .'; S. F. 61 Referred to the committee on banks and currency. ' S.Y. 46 Relating to the undervalue tion of property by assessors, was in definitely postponed. S. F. 30 Referred to the Committee on banks and currency. " ' " S. F. 48 Relating to relocation of county seats, was lnuenniteiy post poned. ;' - ',.. : S. F. 86 Providing for the examina tion of accounts of county treasurers, was placed on general file. ' -. ' . S. F. 67 To require railway' com panies to construct crossings, was fav orably reported ana piacea on tne gen eral hie. !' r'': .-. ':' ' '-"'o i S. F. 80 In reference to homestead associations, was placed on the general file. " -V''-'' ' - '..'-.'.. i . The following bills were read a third time and passed: - ; S. F. 2 To amend the law relating to opinions of the supreme court. S. F. 7 Joint resolution asking con gress for an appropriation for relief of western sufferers.- - v i S. F. 13 To amend the law in refer ence to fee of county officers.. It pro vides that all fees shall be entered upon the books and accounted for. . S. F. 83 Was introduced by Senator roynter, and read a nrst time.' it amends the law In relation to a reloca tion of county seats. ' , The senate took a recess until 2 p. m AFTERNOON SESSION. ' . . " After the senate was called to order a motion was made to go into commit tee of the whole for the consideration ofS.F. 20 introduced, by Mr. Dysart, who was called on for an explanation of the bill. Also . other bills on general file. ; ..... S. F. 20 Recommended for passage. S. F. 80 Deferred for the present, as the amendments were not on, the desks. '.-' ' ,; 1 v;- ; Concurrent resolution No. 2 post poned until to-day. ,; , S. F. 67 Recommended for passage. S. F. 65 Recommended for passage. S. F. 69 Postponed on account of amendments not being printed: . ; S. F, 30 A motion made that we re port progress on the . bill and ask per mission to sit again. - , : Moved that the committee of ' the whole do arise. Carried. The report was then made and adopt ed as signiged above. ; ' A communication was then read from the secretary of state to the effect that there are not copies of the compiled statntes on hand but will be furnuhed in ahott two weeks.- t Mov jd hj Mr. Swifsler that the secre tary inquire of the secretary of state as tO What WL'I bo the tirnha.h1o twmt nt the compiled statutes aa nrrfrwl hv thm - senate, and if the order is already out ir m Bsuno. A motion was then mejfa that tha senate adjourn tilt 10 o'clock to-day. ,,' " j. SATURDAT t j,',, . ,'f . Honse called to order veaterdaw morn ing as per adjournment and after open ing exercises and roll call a resolution was introduced by Mr. Heath and tabled. Committee on revenue reported on H. R. 19, which was indefinitely postponed. ur. sreoDins introduced tne following resolution: Wherkas. Doubts have arisen as to the validity, expediency and policy of the contract entered into bv the state of Nebraska and one C. W. Mosher. of the city of Lincoln, relative to the main tainance of ' convicts confined Jn the state penitentiary, aud the labor of said convicts, and . Whereas, Dottbts htve arisen as to the power of the state to farm out con vict labor and- convict maintaluance, . and aa to the means by which said con tract was procured, therefore be it Resolved, That tho speaker of the house of reureoe'utatlves shall aeooint a special committee of live members of tne bouse to enquire, and report to-the honsA win all convenient sound on the followingsubjects: 't ' , -' ' , lrst-piuij and complete information as to the term! of such contract, when it began, aad when it expires. Second Whether the convicts now confined In the stdte penitentiary are oeing suosiBiea aaa maintained under sail contract, and whether they are performing labor under said contract. Third What profit per annum, if any, is being made or realised by said C. W, Moaner under said contract. ' Fourth Whether there is any other feasible way of maintaining said con viuts cheaper than under said contract, taking into account their ' labor to be performed for the state direct. ' . ' Fifth Whether any improper means were used by Mr. C. W. Mosher, or any one for him In the procurement of said contract. . " , ; Sixth Whether said convict labor as now performed in any manner conflicts with or cheapeus private labor. ; Seventh Whether said contract is valid and binding on the - state or not, and if not, whether , it Is advisable to annul the same.' Said committee shall have power to send for persons and papers, hear wit nesses, take and report evidence, and employ counsel, if deemed necessary. It snail hold its sessions at such times and places as may be deemed necessary and its report shall be accompanied with recommendations. The resolution was agreed to. Mr. White moved to amend by re ferring to committee e on penitentiary, after lengthy die which was adopted cussion. , The house then went into committee , of the whole for the, consideration of the following; - ' ' H. ft. 28 by Mr. Krose. providing for the destruction of the Russian thistle, was recommended to pass. . H. R. 4x by Ur. Smith, to compel railroad companies to build passage ways under their; , railroad tracks was recorn mended for passaso as amended. H, u. 43 ty lit. yande venter, to com pel Wlroad 'companies to maintain causeways and cattle-guards. 4 H. R. 8 by- Mr. ' Howe, to suppress bucket .shops 'and gambling 1a stocks, . bonds, petroleum, ' cotton, grain, provi sions or other produce was next consid ered. " Modie wanted further time to con sider the bill, a Ad moved to indefinitely postpone the bill; " Lost. ' ' Howe nJoved to recommend the pass ago of the bill. Adopted. " , By Mr. Modie: A bill to amend sec tion 28, of chapter 80 of the compiled statutes of 1889, entitled "Liquors," and to repeal said original section. - By Mr. Cramb: A bill to amend chap ter 63 of the criminal code of Nobraeka, entitled "Pardons, reprieves and . miti gation of penalties:" ' 1 , : By Mr. Felker: A bill to amend sec tion 2, of chapter 8 of the compiled statutes of Nebraska, entitled "Amend moots or Amendments."' ' - f By Mr. Henry Stevens: A bill to pro vide for the payment bf the Nebraska National Guard, incurred in the late Indian insurrection. By Mr1. Hiokle: An act to provide fer the payment of bounties tor the destruc tion of wild animals in the state of Ne braska. .' ' I, ,;, ;".' -i! t By Mr. Fee: A bill to form a new county. " ' ' ; ' i "' '"; r - ' By Mr.McReynolds: A bill to provide cheaper text books, and for district ownership of the same. 1 ' By Mr. Gillilan: A bill to amend sec tion -2, chapr 2, of the compiled statutes of Nebraska, entitled "Estrays." ' By Mr. Gillilan: An act to provide for the reimbursement of W. II. B. Stout for discounts upon state warrants issued to him in connection with contract for the erection of the main capital build ing, and to make an appropriation for the same. By Mr. McKesson: A bill to regulate and determine the rate that railroad aud transportation companies shall be en titled to charge for the transportation of freight in the state of Nebraska. , By P. B. Oleson: A bill for apportion ment and designation' of congressional districts; .." , ' ', By H. Mi Hinkle: Joint resolution to amend section 5, article 8, of the consti tution of Nebraska V By J. B. Huse: A. bill entitled "An act to create a board of commissioners, for the purpose of securing, for use in the common schools of the state of Nebraska, a series of text books.. . By J. B. Huse, by request: A bill to regulate ..interest received by state, county and city treasurers, etc. By , R. Scott: A bill to district the state of Nebraska into senatorial, repre sentatives and congressional districts, and for the apportionment of senators, representatives and congressmen. . By Mr. Fulton: A bill authorizing the state treasurer to transfer f ll.C84.41 from the insane hospital, fund to the state general fund. ; By G. A. Felton: A bill to establish, locate and maintain a state "normal school at, or near, Nelson,, Nuckolls county, Nebraska. ? , v By K. Soderman: A bill to submit to the electors of the state of Nebraska, for approval or rejection, an amendment to the constitution of the state of Nebraska, v