THE FARMERS' 1 LLIANGE. LINCOLN, NEB., SATURDAY, JAN. 17, 1891. -CO-OPERATION. Method of Operation in Co-O?eriir Stores. By request of quite a number of our subscribers we republish the following editoriil from our edition of Hay 10, that hsue being exiauted. Editos AXJJAXCB.l There is much desire through the Al liance for co-opera tiro effort in busi ne lines. Man j enterprises are talked of, such as mills and elevators; more frequently the Utter. There are a few Alliance co-operative stores in the state but as far as wn can learn none of them are operated on the correct co-oporatire principle. It is generally thought that the store is the most difficult of the en terprises named, when in fact it is the easiest, and should be the primary move, leading to the others. We have asked ' some who were talking of building an elevator or a mill why they did not start a co-operative store, and they re plied, "We are not strong enough yet we'll start that by-and-by." Now the fact Is that the capital that would build one mill would start twenty co-opera tlve stores, and the capital that would build one elevator would start half-a doscn; while the benefits of the store would be much more general and equally distributed among the member ship than those of the other enter prises. We will first try to give a clear idea of the true co operative principle of co operative merchandizing The store is started on the joint stock principle. The shares should be put at $5 each. No person not s member of the Alliance should be allowed to own shares, and they not more than ten each. A cer tain rate of interest is agreed upon which tho share capital may receive. This should not be over 7 or 8 per cent. In this particular the shareholders are on an exact equality. They receive the same rate of Interest on their shares. The man who has $50 in shares receives interest on 150. The man who has only t5 receives Interest on only 85. Now we will suppose the store has boon started and done business for one quar ter, or three months. The books must sow he squat ed, an inventory taken, and the profits divided. To ascertain the profits expenses must first be ascer tained and paid. These consist of goods bought, rent, fuel, light, insurance, pay of store keeper and assistants, if any, and interest on share capital.' These all belong to the expense account, and must be paid before there are any profits. After these are paid the profit remaining is divided among the share holders in proportion to their trade git the store. That is to say each shareholder receives the profit on the goods he has bought. To illustrate this point clearly, suppose A has 830 worth of shares, and buys only $10 worth of goods during the quarter, while B has only $3 worth of stock and buys $100 worth of goods. A would receive interest on $50 and the profit on $10, while B would receive in terest on $5 and the profit on $100. It will be seen that A and B are on an exact equality as to their interest, and that their profit depends on their own trade. It will also be seen that this principle tends to induce trade, and not induce any effort to monopolize the shares, as there is no Inducement to in vest money for the interest, as it can 'only draw the agreed upon per cent. It will also be seen that this is pre-eminently the plan to put the poor man on an equality with the rich one. They are in fact on an absolute equality. ' LITTLE CAPITAL NEEDED. It needs but very little capital to start a co-operative store. This fact arises from the ease of the purchasing system of tho present day. All kinds of goods are sold by commercial travelers right in the stores of merchants, by sample. Goods can bo bought in this way nearly every day, so only a small stock is needed to start with. Thirty and sixty days' time is considered the same as cash, though even these bills maybe discounted for actual cash at a small profit. .. Trade is capital. Suppose twenty-five members of an Alliance wish to start a co-operative Btoro. They need a store room, fixtures, and money enough to pay freight and running expenses for two months. If each of these twenty five members will trade at the store, and pay for the goods when they buy them, good business management makes the success of the store certain. With fifty members we would ask no other capital than their assured trade. THERE MUST BE NO TRUST. . This is an essential to success. The business, must be ready pay, either. cash or its equivalent. This makes it necessary for the store to deal in truck, which is a great disadvantage, but unavoidable in the country. With Alliance agencies in Omaha, Lincoln and Denver this dis advantage will be partly neutralized. THESE MUST BE KO CUT IN PRICES. It would bo extremely bad policy to start a store in a country town, and un dertake to undersell or injnre the other merchants. This would tend to excite ; enmity and demoralize trade, and there would be no compensating advantage Tho better the prices at which goods were Bold the more profit for share holders.- If members of the Alliance . .wanted the beuefits ht them become shareholders, one share entitling them to all benefits. If non-members of the Alliance want the benefits let them join. In a store of this kind there would be some trade from outsiders. The profit on this trade goes to the stockholders; so there would be no gain by destroy ing this profit by selling goods at cost. Neither would there be any gala in selling goods to '"'mbera at less cost than to others, as the total profits are divided ameng the members, and each gets all the profit on his own trade. If there was no cut In prices the other merchants would be apt to say, "Well, there must be room here for another store, or these men would not start one; and if there it room, some one else will start one if they dont, so I guess it is all right" But if prices were eut enmity would be engendered, profits wiped out and nothing gained. OTHEB ENTERPRISES WILL FOLLOW. If a store is started in a small way. with a stock of staple dry goods, gro ceries, boots and shoes, hats and caps and clothing proportioned to its mem bership, and is made successful, other branches of trade will soon be added. For coal only a shed and scales would be necessary. The implement agency would soon be attached. Then would come the lumber department and tho grain shipping department, until the establishment embraced every branch of the farmer's trade, and in every branch the members would hate the profit on their own trade, and thus come as near eating their cake and keeping it as pos sible. This hasty sketch Is already too long, though much remains to be said. We will recur to the subject or explain any part of it when requested. Warms fob tub Vabkbbs' A&uaxcs. THE CODDLING MOTH. (Carpocapsa pomonella). Every fruit grower is familiar with the coddling moth, or at least with its work. In Nebraska it is double- brooded, that is, produces two broods each year. Tberound of life is as fol lows: in the latter part of May er in the month of June, the moths appear. They pair and by tho time tho frsst appears thev are ready to bejriu era-laying. This is done soon after the blossoms have fallen and the fruit has set; before the twig which bears it begins to droop. Only one egg is layed on an apple and this is Him ply dropped into the calyx end. The young hatch and immedi ately bore into the apple. These larvae attain their growth in about four weeks. They then gnaw their way out of the apple, ana, crawling to tne trunk, oi the tree or some other suitable place, spin a slight cocoon. From this cocoon a moth appears in about two weeks. These moths lay eggs on the apple (now halt grown,) irom wnicn new jarvre are prod need. These- last larvna usually live j over winter in the apples, in orchard, cellar, or whatever place the fruit is kept. For this reason all wormeaten apples snouia do aistroyea, zea to tne hogs or other stock. Much can be done by way of prevention if one is careful to keep tne trunks of tho trees smooth and clean and all the old fruit and windfalls destroyed. A good plan is to allow sheep or hogs to run in the orchard af ter the apples have been picked. As some birds, as woodpeckers and creep ers prey upon these insects, they should be encouraged to come lo the orchard. Concerning the use of Paris green and London purple as remedies against the coddling moth, an extract from Prof. , Lawrence Bruner'a report to the Neb. State Horticultural Society for 1889 is very concise and to the point "On ; account of the miscellaneous food habit of the Coddling Moth, there is no single remedy that will sumce to keep in check and prevent its injuries to our apple crop. We must therefore adapt our remedies to the habits of the insects by meeting it on all Bides, and at different seasons. The best remedy now known, and the only one by which the first brood is killed and a large per cent of the fruit saved from their rav ages, is the use of one or theother of the atsenical sprays, composed of London purple or Paris green with water. These are to be applied just after the fruit has "set," and betore It has become heavy enough to droop or the calyx end to turn downward. One or two thor ough sprayings at this time, it has been proved, will save at least seventy per cent of the loss otherwise experienced. Tho ratio of these poisons best adapted for the purpose lias not yet been den nitely ascertained, since this varies with conditions of climate, latitude, etc. About four ounces of the Paris green and three of the London purple to the 4550 gallons of water will probably t- 1' ' . 1 . . I'll iL- oo sumcieuuy Bironu 10 &m iuo wurms. and at the samo time not injure or kill the foliago during ordinary weather at A3 win be seen mucti depends upon the thoroughness of the first applica tions, lhe spraying can be done wita any of the machines obtainable at al most any of the larger implement houses. The kind depending on the amount of spraying to be done. The cost of two thorough sprayings is but a few cents- a tree and much more and better fruit will be tho result As 'it is impossible to spray so as to successfully combat the second brood, and because of the fact that the moth flies only at night and is not easily attracted by lights or otner traps, the only way to keep this pest within bounds is by a continuous war fare through the united efforts ot all the fruit growers in the state. TOM A. W ILLIAMS, State University, ALWAYS SIGN YOUR NAME. State Agent Hartley has an order for goods from Seward amounting to $3.85 which ho would be glad to fill Dut t.ere is no name given to whom they can bo shipped, lie waits for instructions, and again we repeat always sign your name.. A Chicago boy was arrested at Wash ington, la., for kidnapping his two young brothers from their dissolute parents and finding them good homes. Justice Lamar, who never accents a nasa or presdnt of any kind, tells of himself this one I " Pewa in the locality I call my home lives old John Diluard. . Some years in John presented me with a very fine Auerney cow. , I said : 'John, I never, receive presents.' 'WelL' ho re plied, 'Lamar, just give me your note, and, as you will never pay it anyway, you will be nothing out and a cow ahead,' "fOhicago Herald, WHAT WE WAT. AH ln ths 4w of d brssktBC, Wfcoa a itrocf aracd aaUra hxli tea wr Ths weary bard at from bck.s that ar ach laf With maximum labor an4 minimum pay; Whm soma Is honored who hoards his mil lions; TChsn bum fasstt on Mother" too, A4 dixtt poor raff eric, striving Wiltons Kfc&ll itutr hi richM of an U tail. There to cold' for ell In the earth's broad bosom. There to food for ail la tbe lead's treat store, Sah to provided If rigUUr dirtied; Let each ism take what he Beads-no war. ShasM ob ths miser with nnused riches. Who rota tho toiler to swsU his hoard. Who beat down tho wage of tho digsor of ditches And steals tho broad from Uw poor man's board. Shanse on ths owner of mines whose eroel And selfish measures havo brought him wealth. While the ragged wretches who dig his fuel Xre robbed of ooanf ort and bopo and hooltb. Shame on tho ruler who rides in hi carriage Bought with the labor, of half -paid men Ilea who are shut oat of homo and marriage ad are horded like sheep las a hovel pea. Let the elarlon rotoe of the aattaa wake blm To broader vision and fairer play. Or let the baad of a just law shake him Till his lU-gaiaod dollars shall roll a war. Lot bo man dwell under a mountain, of plun der. Lot bo man suffer with waat and cold ; Wo want right living, not mere alms-giving. Wo want just dividing of labor and gnld. -lEila Wheeler Wlloox. MISTAKEN ECONOMY. "We really must economize somehow or other, Josie," said my husband, tug ging wildly at bis whiskers. ''Yes, indeed, we must, " I said, wring ing my hands. "But I am sure, my dear, we are neither of us extravagant. We must eat, we must drink, and we must live." Then we sat and looked at each other in a sort of mild despair. We had only been married six months. Obadiah and L We were Very young, and perhaps we had began the world too early. Our relations told us we had no business to marry; but as their gratuitous opinions were all that they had ever given us, or ever intended to give us. wo had not paid much attention to these utterances. We had taken a little one story cottage, just on the high road, which was to let cheap, because there were only two rooms and a kitchen to it But what did Obadiah and I want with more than two rooms and a kitchen? I had the furniture which Grandmother Newcomb had given me, and a rag carpet which my poor mother had woven the .winter before she died. To be sure, our accommodations were not extensive, but we did not expect to hold fashionable receptions or to give large dinner parties. Obadiah had plenty ox work in the woolen factory, down by the depot, and hung out my little sign, "Dressmaking and Millinery, " and hoped that some one would see it, and come in and give me an order. But no one came. I had plenty of time after my housekeeping duties ; were over in the morning, and I couldn't be always beeswaxing the furniture, arranging the china cupboard, or polish ing the windows, v -.v. ' "I wish I could get some dressmaking to dot" 1 said wistfully, and I did so long for a dollar or two of my own. , " " Why don t you advertise in the Tillage paper?" said old II r. Meggs. Obadiah burst out laughing. "Advertise!" said he. "Why, what on earth do you take us for, Mr. Meggs?, It costs a deal of money to advertise. " It costs something certainly, "said Mr. Meggs, thoughtfully stroking his chin, but then it calls public attention to the particular sort of iron you have in the fire."..'..' - A little local paper like that, " said Obadiah, rather contemptuously. " It's local custom that your wife wants, isn't it?" said Mr. Meggs. , And I never did think much of news papers," added Obadiah. So that settled iho question; and after ward, when the foreman of the woolen factory cut down the wages of the work men 20 per cent., and coal went up, and the winter set in hard and cold, and we begun to consider the question of how and where we could economize, the local paper was almost the very first thing upon which my husband settled. "That, at least, is an unnecessary ex travagance, "he said. ' I winced a , little. The BogRsville Herald had been my companion for more lonely evenings than I cared to remember. "It's only $1.50 a year, Obadiah, and really it's a very interesting little paper, " I said. "Just $1.50 too much," said my hus band curtly. "The subscription is just out. I'll tell them we won't" renew it. If you care so much about it Josie, you can easily borrow Mrs. Meggs s paper. I was silent. I never could make Oba diah understand the deep rooted aversion to borrowing from any one, which I had inherited from my mother. So we cave up the weekly paper, and left off using butter, and burned candles a penny a pound cheaper, and I sponged and cleaned and rebound and new but toned Obadiah's great coat, instead of buying a new one, and left oil going to church because my . old cloak was so shabby and I couldn't afford anything better. . And oh, how I did miss the Her ald! ' : , V. If I could only get a little dressmak ing to do," I said to myself, "I would subscribe again. But.1 can not bear to ask Obadiah for a cent of his hardearned money." I was sitting by the window, sad and lonely, one freezing February day, try ing to mend an old waistcoat of Oba diah's, so that it would Jast a few days longer, when a traveling peddler with a huge basket of china ornaments on one arm and a bundle on his shoulder knocked at the door. He nodded at me in an in sinuating manner as I answered tbe summons. "Couldn't I sell you , anything this morning, ma'am?" he said, with a liberal display of very white and even teeth. "Anything in the way of elegant mantel vases, statuettes, decorated china, match boxes . "I have no mcnoy , and I i t want any tt your wares, " I esid spiriilJy. "Ah, but you do not know what a splendid article I havo here," he persist ed, loosening the strap which passed across his shoulder, and lowering tho precious, package to the floor. A pair of real Wedgeweod faiences. Oh, don't shake your head ma'asn; I shan't charge you anything for looking at them, you know. T-m certain-you are an artist all the ladies are born artists and this is something quite out of the ordinary run." And with a succession of nods and grins he unstrapped a pair of really very pretty blue rases, nearly S feet high, and ornamented with raised garlands in white. "Only $0 a pair, ma'am," said he, "Dirt cheap. . It's positively giving them away at that price." "I have not 10 to spare," I replied in differently. "It is a great bargain, ma'am," be in sisted. . "I do not want them," I said. He was silent a few seconds. "I'm sorry, ma'am, " he said. "They'd ba a great decoration for a house like this. But if you really won't buy, it would be doing me a great favor to al low thom to remain here until to-morrow. I've a long tramp before me, and I'm not going to any place where I think they'd be likely to buy anything of this sort 111 set them back by the chimaey piece, ma'am, where they won't be in any body's way. I'm very tired with carry ins them." . I felt sorry for the poor jaded wretch oo I made no objection. And when he was gone the vases did make the room look wonderfully pretty. I could not but wish they were mine. Obadiah perceived them at once when be came home to tea. "Hello, what does this mean?" he asked. So I told him, adding "I only wish that I could afford them they are so handsome. " Obadiah walked around and around them, with his brows knit thoughtfully and his hands in his pockets. "Yes, they're pretty," said be, "But they are not perfect " "Not perfect! " I echoed. "Not by any moans. Don't you see that lengthwiie crack down one ? And the end of the little raked rosebud is chipped off on the other. I hope you didn't do it, Josie?" with a sudden glance of apprehension. 4 "I? Certainly not!" I cried. "Why, I haven't so much as touched the things!" "Then I dare say it's all "right," said Obadiah. And we sat down to supper. The next day, however, my friend, the china vender, came along, smiling and obsequious ai ever. , "There are your, vase3, I said, "just where you left thom." But all at once he broke out into a storm of reproach and obloquy. They had been cracked and damaged in my care.. They were perfect absolutely per fect; when he left them there the day before. I had worked the mischief, and I was of c(.urso rcsponsibla for the value of the articles. Of course I knew that the rascal was telling a falsehood; but what could Ido? I was alone in the house and fairly terri fied by the ferocity of the man. "You must pay me for them," he reit erated again and again, "or I will have you arrested at once. " 1 burst into tears. "How can I pay you?" I said, "The vases were damaged when you left them here. And, beside, I have uot $5 no, nor $1 in the house, " Which was true enough."'' While I spoke he had been glancing furtively around. "I don't want to be hard with you, ma'am," lie said. "Of course a poor man like mo has gottoave himself from. loss, and if you'll let me have that &et of blue and white India china in the dresser, I'll leave the vases, and we'll say no more about it." It went to my heart to part with the India Ware, which had been a relic of my mother's housekeeping days, but I wa3 so terrified by the man's bullying man ner that I believe I would have given him the house over my head if he had asked for it, and he went away, leaving the beautiful vases on ths floon, ; How glad I was to see Mrs. Meggs coine cheerfully in a half hour afterward! a good motherly old soul, with silver spec tacles, and an elderly dimple still linger ing on her cheek. " Why, my d ar, what is the matter ? she asked. I told her all. "But,. my dear," she said, "how came you. to be so taken in? There was an ar ticle in- the paper lat week warning everybody against this very impostor. Didn't you see it?. It was called ' The Vase Swindler.'" I colored deeply and hung my head,. "We have stopped taking the paper, I said. "Obadiah thought we couldn't afford- " , "And your beautiful china, too!" said Mrs. Meggs. "Why, there was half a column in the paper, week before last, about the value of old china just now. And by what it stated your set of India ware must have been worth $20 at least. " Twenty dollars! And I had frittered them away for a pair of wretched, cracked, tawdry vases, of the very sight of which I was already sick. . "My dear," said Mrs. Meggs, "your ideas of economy are altogether mis placed. You should read the papers. " Obadiah went and subscribed for the Boggsville Herald that Tery evening. And in the first number he saw an adver tisement for hands at a new steam fac tory in the neighborhood, which offered steady work and wages a third higher than he was now receiving. And I in serted a modest little "Dressmaking Wanted," and it was answerei within a week, and X am now making my own snug little income, thank Heavent And if anybody tells us now that we can't afford to take a paper, we tell them, Obadiah and I, that we can't afford to do without one. IMPORTANT TO YOU. Public Sale of Shire Horses STATE FAIR GROUPS, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, FEBRUARY IOth, 1891. Twenty Head of English Shire Stallions and Hares, the Property of J. P. and S. Berridge. These horses were imported from England last September, and were all selected by us from the most noted breeders of Shires. They are sound, flrst-class specimens of this most famous breed, ran-ing in ages from eight montlu to four years, all with the very best pedigree. Anyone in want of a No. i, typical -young Shire should not fail to attend this sale. The Shire horse sale ot the season. Time given, terms easy. For catalogue and further information, address. COL. WOODS, J. P. & S. BERRIDGE, Auctioneer. - (629) - State Fair Grounds Lincoln, Neb. THE AT BOSTON CLOTHING STORE For the past ten days is caused by the unprecedented low prices on Clothing. There is still undoubtedly some of the greatest bargains in MEN AND BOY'S CLOTHING Ever offered to the public in this city and it will pay you to step in and see what Miltonberger is doing. He does not want to carry goods over another seasen, consequently he offers Bargains in Every Department, i 1039 O STREET 1039 DEPARTMENT HOUSE. We carry one of the largest stocks west of the Missouri Elver, in Dry Goods, Garptes, Boots. Shoes and Groceries. Ws ars prspsxsd to flrars on Urga oontrseti of anrthlnf la oar 11ns and ALLIANCI PBO-' K.B will do well to jrt our prices on BUpls and Fanoy c oods. Farm Product sxi hanged for Grossrles snd Dry Goods, Bane, snd Csrpstt. We have three store rooms and our Carpet Department extends over all. Yon will save money by writing us for prices and samples etc (rotf) IF YOU WANT TO BUY DRY MS ID AT LOW PSICES EOR CASH, WE INVITE TO U TO CALL. If at any time you are dissatisfied with a pur. chase made from us, the goods can be returned and money will be refunded. Very Respectiully, 133 to 139 South LIMDELL HOTEL. 0 Ell y. ALLIANCE HEADQUARTERS. CORNER 13TH AND M STS., LINCOLN, NEB, Three blocks from Capitol building. Lincoln's newest, neatest and beBf, uptown hotel. 80 new rooms just completed, including large committee rooms, making'125 rooms in all. A. L. HOOVER & SON, Prop'rs. STATE AGENTS LIST, Anyone having Clover, Timothy or Flax seed for sale please notify the State Agent. f THIS WEEK. White Grained sugar per 100 $6 00 " , " in barrel lots 5 California Strained Honey per lb 10 Mpale Syrup in gallon cans Corn Syrup in 2 pails Fine Sugar Syrup ia kegs Sorgham in kegs " J barrels per gallon 75 75 1 40 1 80 40 S3 J. W. HARTLEY, State AT KUSH THE Sfct, C9 Comer IOth nd P Streets. MILLER & PAINE, 11th St, Lincoln, Neb. wmmmi it JANUARY. 1st, 1891, Very fine California peaches per fi 20 " " apricots " 20 s V J " prunes " io California dried grapes also raisins. Tomatoes best per can . 9 Coffee etc. at bottom prices. Flour per 100 Buckwheat flour per sack 12i& Corn and oats chop feed per 100 1 50 43 1 25 Agent, Lincoln, Neb. GABPETS