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About The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1891)
THE FARMERS' ALLIANCE, LINCOLN,- NEB., SATURDAY JAN. 17, 1891. TZ3 PABLHil? ALUAUCE BT TXS BiiEC3 MlisWng Co., CCXUAAK3UCT3h T7t r!ory antia Tiat tnuMw jro and At H strove to make eten holy Vet n mki ma tm, Cisco Qd to marching on." Jaka Ward How. i cloava to dasorta. r t kin who poww tsarts." A rtiy drop of manly blood Tfca sansing Cm otttwtJfB." . Cmcrson. H wfcecajaart to a tool. Ka wkowClnot Hawk tare svrt to a coward, lsaslav.M EDITORIAL. TWO DOGS AND ONE BONE. There ia ft pro poet which almost mounts to ft certainty that the coalition between the republican and democratic member of the legislature will come to t, sudden and violent termination. The edict just handed down by the supreme court has unfolded the plan of treachery towards the democrats so plainly that it kas created profound sensation. , There can be but one interpretation of this decision and collateral circum stances. The republican lobby, backed by the decision of the supreme court, is making a tremendous effort to win over Independents enough to join with the republicans and, democrats in delating Boyd and tbo republican can didates for the other state offices elected. 7hat thenf What does the supreme court mean by its saying clause notify ing Tom Majors that he may come in as lnterveaor? What do leading republi cans mean by denying that Powers will be governor and at the same time inti mating that Nebraska has no prospect 1 of being under democratic administra tion? V; There can be but one conclusion. Honey is here for the purpose of de bauching members of the legislature, :tzi other powerful Influences are being ' troc;ht to bear. 1 After the republicans . t4 ; democrats have joined In this criminal practice the republicans pro pose to give the lie to the adage that there Is honor among thieves, and stick the knife Into their late allies by having Majors declared governor upon proof cf Boyd's Ineligibility. ' . ' There is more in this than a wild guess. Will the democrats sell their birthright for ft mess of pottage, and al low the purchaser to steal the pottage? ? "The Fiat Delusion." '" We have received from our friend . Rev.A.H. Blackmer, of Peoria, a clipped article under the above title, in which we And the following sentence: "No paper promise to pay, whether . Issued, by a man, a corporation or a government, can be worth any more to the holder than the value of what be is entitled to get in exchange for it." The above is true, and in saying It the writer Rives away his case entirely. If the promise was to pay gold It would be worth the amount of gold promised. The gold would then be worth what the government had enacted it should be legal tender for no more, no less If the "promise to pay" was by law a legal tender for a certain number of dollars, it ; would exchange for that number of dollars, or it would liquidate debt to that amount that is "exchange for" the obligations of its holder to that ; amount. Thus, under the operation of ;. the "fiat delusion" a silver dollar worth j Intrinsically only 65 cents exchanges for . gold dollar worth intrinsically 100 cents. The paper promises to pay now . in circulation get their value from the fact that they will exchange for their face in the obligations of their holders. and not from the fact that there is about one-third of this amount in ex istence in the country which might be used to redeem them. The clipping sent by Rev. Blackmer is from the Chicago Tribune, a rabid gold bug concern, whose editor is in capable of grasping the idea that all money receives its value from the power of the government Issuing it, more than from the intrinsic value of the material on which it is stamped. Three little old men sitting in a row, Said "well well we don't know; ;. But well chance 11-jus ; for fun So Sheriff MoClay get your little gun. THE CONTEST AND LEGISLATURE. The, argument that the contest should be sent to the rear In the interest of needed legislation is rather fallacious ' What legislation will we get with Boyd as governor. Dark'Days'DarkCeeQS FRAUD, VIOLENCE AND REVOLU TION CLOSE THE EXPIR INO HOURS OF THE OLDPARTJT. THE TWO OLD PARTIES IN EACH OTHER'S ARMS. THE SECRETARY OF STATE Via LATE3 HIS OATH OF OF FICE, AND RECEIVES HIS PAY. THE DOOR , OF THB ; HUUStt FORCED BY A BAILIFF OF THE SUPREME COURT. A Partisan Court Issues he Most Im portant Opinion in its History in Thirty Minutes on Ex Parte Testimony. The' King is deadt Hail liberty! Hall the new! the free! the fraternal! The Independent party salutes the flag and all that is honest, true, noble and free in our aroat young, state. Her aulet vet determined entry, her spot less reputation, ber simple platform, her iirnorance in political methods, ana her union in noble purposes, confounds and alarms the professional politicians that hare held the state in tneir pollutes grasp for quarter' of a century. The past week has been lull of start ling events. At no time since the Kan sas and Nebraska anti-slavery war have they been equalled. Nor is it at all strange if we consider what elements have met for the first time in ft political struggle. On the one side there is the vigorous and the new, the strong, but the unor ganized. On the other a united. schooled, disciplined, desperate politi cal cabal in possession of a once great party, now explrlug in its grasp, that with the hope of continuing its un worthy existence for a few brief hours, is locked in the corrupt' embraces of its hated and hereditary enemy. Republicanism in Nebraska could not close its unsavory career without a po litical tracedyt Loss of political prin ciples, loss of the confidence of the masses, broken political pledges, cor rupt corporate control, corrupt politi cal conventions, corrupt manipulations of elections, corrupt political cabals, an organized business association, whose sole capital and business is corruption. Then Kosewater. a venal press, lower yet, in the city where vice when planted soonest ripens then spring up that reign of terror of Nebraska politics, "The League." It has all the vices that have preceded it. Fed by its corrupt progenitor, directed by unscrupulous leaders, Ignorant, yet schooled that there are no laws but must yield to their brutal desires and ignorant preju dices, It carries the election and now it Is full Brown, in full bloom. Fruit of anarchv takes possession of the capital and denes and threatens any who would question it. , j. Republican history in Nebraska was complete; its career was ready to be closed. How should we expect It would end? As it did, in a tragedy. Note the acts and the actors who perform their parts. . The great legislature of the whole state in joint convention are perform ing their high and responsible duties under the constitution of canvassing the votes for the executive offices of the state, a duty imposed upon them also by sections 51 and 52 of the election statutes passed by republicans more than a decade ago. They are proceed ing deliberately, honestly and ' unsus pectingly under a section of the consti tution that is their charter and author ity solely, and with" which when acting under it no power on earth has any right to interfere, when the tragedy of the last days of the republican party is committed. A republican secretary of state at the instance of one of the cabal, violates his oath of office and his duty to the state and withholds the evidence of re publican election crimes from the weaker of the house until his employers can obtain their seats by force, and at once openly and brazenly takes his re ward for his 'betrayal of his official trust without aDDarentlv anv sense of ---. w w shame for the unworthy act. Tho notorious Tom Benton, whose case is pending for hearing before the joint convention on charges of gross fraud in the election, employs a noted corporation lawyer to bring a suit to obtain, before a hearing can be had upon these frauds or upon the citizen ship oi the Hon. janie&n,. coya, me seats which they know they are not en titled to. : Why was this suit brought by him? Why could not tho Hon. James E. Boyd have brought it? They, were willing to disgrace tho state and violate and defeat the plain provisions of tho constitution. The writ is obtained with unnecessary Baste. " . , .. ;.. ' The court erant the writ almost with out a hearing fifteen minutes seven and a half minutes for each of two counsel to present , objections, argu meats and authorities why the joint convention of this great state should not be forcibly invaded and coerced in behalf of this tool of the corporations, who was at the bar of that court on trial at that time. Force was ready at hand, and the joint convention of the legislature of the state of Nebraska hlle in delibera tive resson, hare their doors broken down, their officers maltreated, the dig nity of the state Insulted, and their speaker, who is subject to no other au thority or court than their own, coerced and commanded to perform an act he has been forbidden to do by the bodies that created him, and to which be is alone amenable. He is compelled to violate the constitution and declare a citizen of Great Britain governor of the state, to canvass voles that the statutes of Nebraska for over ten years have said the legislature shall canvass, and declare results that the joint convention have suspended the declaration of. Sic Transit Republicanism. The spureme court of Nebraska is under a cloud. We do not say the judges are conspirators. We do not say they are in collusion with the cor porate power of this state and the worst political element that ever raped the ballot-box or disgraced a law-abiding community. But other .men not so careful as we have said It. The simple fact is that the supreme cdftirt of this state banded down the most important opin ion in its history within thirty minutes of the application for It, allowing only fifteen minutes for argument and cita tions, OB purely x pare testimony ; and the retiring secretary of state illegally withheld the notice of contest from the speaker of the house until the writ had been served and its mandate complied with. , ; Tho supreme court is composed of honorable men. That they are partisans there is not a shadow of doubt. Whether supreme power is safer in the hands of three old men subject to partisan Influ ences and partisan feelings than' in the bands of one hundred and thirty-three chosen representatives . of the people, where it is placed by the constitution, Is now for the people themselves to de termine. TUB USURPATION OF MKIKELJOHN. The acts Of Meikeljohn in aspiring to be the presiding officer of the senate against the will of that body and In re fusing to put the question of appeal from his decision, was a gross usurpa tion. Why it was first submitted to in the senate Is a mystery. This usurpa tion was continued in the joint conven tion, and proved successful. The joint convention was without rules except those of general' parliamentary law. The proposal to adopt rules In the sen ate, with rule 15 amended so as to make the speaker the presiding officer had been ruled out of order and an appeal denied, and no rules bad been adopted either In the houses separately or in the joint convention. There was therefore a conflict as to who was the presiding officer. In the face of such a conflict who was to decide? There was and is no power under the constitution to de cide such a conflict except the joint con vention Itself. But the usurping presi dent declared tile question out of order, and refused to entertain an appeal from his decision. No more tyrannical piece of bulldozing was ever known In the United States, not even In the palmiest days of the kukluxklan. Tho plain course oi tne convention anu oi us speaker or Us members was to Insist on the appeal being considered, to have de cided the question of precedence as pre siding officer by a vote, and then have enforced its decision, peaceably if It could, forcibly If It must. As the mat ter resulted usurpation triumphed, the majority was overridden and insulted, the liberties of the people outraged, and the constitution trampled in the dust. The legislative power is tho supreme power of this land. The theory of the government is that the people through the majority must rule, peaceably if it can, forcibly it it must. By the event of the contest last week a minority ruled, and the majority quietly submitted to outrage under protest rather than incur the danger of being considered the ag gressor in the violation of order. ; The protest came when the joint con vention adopted a resolution reciting that notwithstanding the declaration of the Vote on the face of the returns it considered that no election had been had, and it would not recognize Mr, Boyd as governor. FORCING THE DOORS OF THE HOUSE. Shortly after the opening of the after noon session on weunesuay, snerin McClay appeared at the door of the house armed with a writ of mandamus from the supreme court addressed to the speaker, directing him to proceed with tho opening and canvassing of the returns. There was no reason in the world why the sheriff should not have been admitted. Any man at all' fa miliar with constitutional law knows that the supreme court had no power to enforce such a writ. Bu1, owing to some misunderstanding of the situation the deputies of the sergeant at arms re sisted his entrance. Mr. McClay, as sisted by deputy U. S. Marshal Hast ings, ConstableCarder and Bud Lind- sey, forced an entrance into tho house, amid great excitement, breaking the glass doors in so doing, and McClay served his writ. In the face of a divided chairmanship the opposition had every advantage in the matter, Th! course of the speaker should have been to ac knowledge service of tho writ, and put it in his vest pocket for cigar paper. But president Meiklejohn brought the lz.z of the writ to the attention of the house, which was an honor that should not have been accorded it. The at tempt to mandamus a co-ordinate branch of the government by a wht which it could not enforce under the constitution places the supreme court of this state in a ridiculous and con temptible position. But the Independ ent majority, willing that acts of ag gression should come from the other side, and anxious to be at one with law and order, contented itself with a pro test. But the end of this it not yet. A gross outrage may be perpetrated with dignity and manliness, and under the form of the law. Sheriff McClay had not been officially denied entrance to the house. He could have sent a communication to the desk, stating his business and asking admission. If It had then been denied him any other course would have been open. What did he do? Proceeded at once to force the door. To deepen the in sult he associated with himself in this lawless act the colored keeper of the lowest saloon and brothel in the city of Lincoln. Is there any danger in this? Yes, great danger. Don't for a moment fail to read the signs aright. This says plainly to the people of this state, any usurping partisan tyranny can at any time find fitting instruments to carry out Its edicts. King James found Jeff ries and a bloody circuit. The railroad power and the Boy'd-republican com bine found a partisan court, Bud Lind sey, Marshall Hastings, Constable Car der and Sheriff McClay. TROOPS CLEAR THE CORRIDORS. During the height of tho excitement Wednesday the corridors of the capitol became filled with an excited and tu multuous crowd. This mob became noisy and demonstrative, though there was nothing ugly in the demonstrations. They were simply noisy and disorderly, though perfectly good natured. All were pushi-ig to gain access to the representatives' hall, though it would have held but a small portion of them. At this juncture Governor Thayer very L properly sent a detachment of troops to relieve the pressure on the doors fit the hall and preserve order. Governor Thayer has been cool and level-headed throughtout the whole of this affair, and a feeling of safety has pervaded the capitol on account of . his position, which would not otherwise have been felt. 'v;.: .y ;::V .:". - V'.-' THE INDEPENDENTS THE LAW AND ORDER MEN. Thus far the independents have shown themselves the law and order party. The outrages and usurpations have come from the other side. The Boyd outfit has no argument whatever in favor of the usurpation of Meikle john or the interference of the supreme court with a co-ordinate branch of gov ernment, nor with the outrageous method of gaining entrance into the chamber to serve the writ. The Inde pendents and people ' of this state through a majority of their chosen rep resentatives, are simyly demanding that the question of the validity of the late election shall be determined fairly by a legal investigation, and that demand shall be acceded to, and they will sub mit to that arbitration whatever it shall be. The railroad power has long ruled this state uuder the forms of law. No longer able to do It by those forms, It now resorts to lawlessness and vio lence t o maintain its power. THE CONTEST CASES. The Daily Call of Sunday has the fol lowing which is fair and to the point: The contestants are just as confident of ultimate success as they have been at any time since the notices of contest were filed, and the work of briefing the evidence is going on continuously. The mere fact that the supreme court or dered the canvass of -the returns does not dampen their ardor, as the court promised that every right should be saved to them. This-evidence will be furnished to the members so that they can read it and satisfy themselves of its relevancy and its value, and when they come to vote, they can vote intelli gently. ; , ; The work of the past few days, while it develops the fact that the indepen dent members lack experience In legis lative work, also developed the lact that they are honest and honorable, and that all the scare about the Alliance people ruining the business interests of the state was the veriest bosh. They have as much at stake as most of other people . They are Nebraskans, and as such take a pride in the good name and welfare of their adopted state. No rash work may be expected They will doubtless pass some Jaw that to some people will look radical, but to the masses they will look just, and they will afford relief to the people who have been poorly considered in the legislation of the past. Memorial to Congtess for Relief. A memorial to congress by the two houses cf the legislature for aid for our western counties, proposed by Senator Stevens, is a move in the right direction The amount asked for should not be less than $500,000. The surplus ia the U. S. treasury has increased 18,O0O.OCO in the last three months. There is no reason whatever why some of this money should not go back to the people for a beneficent purpose in such an emergency as this. ROSEWATER VS. RICHARDS. Let the galled jade wince. Mr. Rosewater seems to be the "galled jade," for he comes back at Mr. Rich ards in the Bee of the 5th to the extent of two columns and a half. Mr. R. has a pretty tough case when he has to de vote two columns and a half to its elim ination. Mr. Richards made him re gret his first, article. This he admits. He says, "I confess I made a grave mis take In failing to carry out the good old maxim that bids us never to speak ill of the dead." Like the keeper of that Massachusetts alms house, he was try ing to skin a dead man, was he? Mr. Rosewatcr's last article is a little remarkable in admitting the truth of some of the claims the independents have made to justify the new move ment. t He says: "In politics confidence is another name for popular support, and popular support can only be assured by an adherence to princi ples and an honest discharge of the obliga tions which the body politic .assumes toward the people." This is quite true, which proves that Mr. R. bits it once in a while. He now goes on to sshow that the republican party is not entitled to the confidence of the people, which is just the claim the independents made. Read this: '-In state politics the party has degenerated and loet popular confidence. The -cyclone that baa swept the state was nothing more aor leu than a popular revolt against the disre gard of the demanda of the producing and in d ustrial classes. 1 1 wu a rebuke to the party for pledges unredeemed and public senti ment defied." And this: . "To review tbo history of the republican party from tho impeachment of Butler down to the present day would take more apace than la at my disposal at this time. Suffice it to say that a deep-seated conviction has pre vailed aiaoug the masses and been growing from year to year that the macninery of the partr baa been under the control of eorpor. ate monopolies, who hare foisted upon the people men distrusted and disreputable, and repressed every effort at redress from the exaction of publio carrion that has been made." : And this: "Nebraska's delegation at the last republl can national convention was made up of seven railroad lawyers and three railroad politicians. And this in the face of the fact that two-third a of the reoublican voters are farmers. The laat republican legislature capped the climax of extravagance and job. bery by appropriations that piled tho taxea mountain high upon the people." Speaking of the last republican state convention, he bays the platform was all that could be desired of course, for he helped make it "but the con vention was hoodood at the outset when Church Howe was made chairman." He calls the Richards men "the fool friends of the late candidate." But he wasn't a traitor to Richards oh no! ' But here are two paragraphs that are a dead give-away on Rosey, and show conclusively that he supported Boyd, and went traitorously into the Boyd-re-pub-railroad combine because Boyd was an Omaha man and because he wanted hm per se quite as much as be cause he was right on the whiskey question. Read this: 'It is a good deal of gall for the plaoo-hun. ten who wrote his Richards' squatter gov ernor inaugural to lay the blame for his blunder on me and say that he preferred go. Ing down In defeat rather than take my ad vice. It Is equally absurd to assert that I seoretly stabbed the defunct because he did notbp pose prohibition. Everybody knows that I gave cordial and hearty support to N. V. Har lan on the stump and through the Bee, not withstanding the fact that he was a pro nounced prohibitionist in the legislature and firm supporter of the amendment." "When I'm in i republican district I'm a republican when in a democratic district, I'm a democrat but I'm for Omaha, Rosewater and the devil all the time." A LITTLE LESS MONKEYING, PLEASE. This paper proposes to deal justly with all men. But it does not propose to truckle to the enemy, neither does It propose to hide the treachery or undue ambition of any man who professes loyalty to the Alliance cause while truckling with the enemy. Tho World-Herald came out again yesterday urging Mr. Shrader's fltne&s for the speakership. The World-Herald is democratic. Mow, if Mr. Bbrader is an Alliance man, what In thunder is he monkey ingaroundthe World Herald and tho demo crats for? Has he foresworn himself to help seat Boyd? If hois still a democrat, because he was elected upon a combination ticket, hav lugseoured tho Alliance nomination la an unsatisfactory manner, what claim can he ex pect to have upon tho true blue meniben of the house? We have no quarrel with Mr. Shrader, even if he is so ambitious as to sacri fice principle for personal emolument; but wo shall not hesitate right here to add that we are not pleased with tho kind of company he keeps. ' -i.- The above is from a paper' in Mr. Shrader's district. It does Mr. Shra der great injustice. The W. H. is play ing its old game, which is to capture as many independents as. possible. It seems to have had some success in this line, but Mr. Shrader is not among its victims. He has won a high place among the independents. If they are all as staunch and true as he seems to be, they will win their fight in good shape. L Tho Crawford Clipper has changed hands. Mr. A. J. Enbody, iu taking editorial control remarks: "Politically the Clipper does not change with the new management. It will- still be re publican, but we shall not so'far forget our duty to our fellow man as to object to his right to free speech and ballot." It is refreshing to see a republican pa per acknowledge that its party is op posed to frco speech and an honest bal lot. s With this mnch admitted it can not be long until the Clipper will be read out of the republican fold. A BAD BREAK. The passage of the senate resolution ordering papers for the use of the mem bers was not justifiable. This has been the method of a contemptible steal for many years. It Is just as proper to buy shoes or cigars for the use of mem bers as newspapers. If the independ ent members want to disseminate the abuse and misrepresentation of them selves by such papers as thejfee, Journal and World-Eerald over this state at public expense, let them adhere to this resolution and adopt one in the house. Not one of these papers intends to give a fair and impartial report of the pro ceedings. Their reports are simply statements of partisan and irresponsible correspondents, and are colored to suit the purposes of the publishers, and larded with vile lies about Individuals. Any paper that would publish the low canard about Senator Stevens should be excluded from any respectable as sembly. . In the house the same resolution was adopted later. There is only one thing to say: This an abandonment of prin ciple, and repudiation ef pledges made in tho campaign. The men who abandon principle in small things may do so in large ones. We will just add that when the house starts in to pass such resol utions as these, and avoids the record by not calling the ayes and noes, it is adopting the bad methods of its predecessors which have been con demned by the people. If men are to adopt the principle that they, might as well take it, because some else would if they did not, they had better not have come here. The other fellows were sufficiently expert. That excuse is the bulwark of all vile ness. . - We are placed in an embarrassing po sition. We do not like to refuse orders from members for papers. We like still less to take a pull at the nasty teat Editor Gere has been sucking so long, and will not. THB DEMO - REPUBLICAN COM BINE. :. If any evidence had been needed to show the essential unity of the republi can and democratic parties, the events of the past week have furnished it. In the face of the danger of a triumph of the people over the corporations in the face of the danger that the democrats might lose the fruits of their rape of the suffrage in Omaha, they have worked Into each others arms with the affection of twins. In sustaining the usurpation of Meikeljohn, in insisting that Boyd should be declared elected, In fighting to secure a journal record which was a -perversion of the truth, in insisting upon a recognition of Boyd in short, in every effort to sustain the Boyd crowd in consummating the usurpation of power in the state, the republican party is making a record which its worst en emy could not wish altered. The fact that there is no essential difference be tween these parties is being demon strated every day. This fact was charged in the campaign, and vigor ously denied. That denial would have but little force now. It is certainly a funny sight to see old republican sol diers who fought through the war fights, ing now to seat Boyd, and thus approve the vilest fraud ever perpetrated in this or any Other state. ORGANIZATION. We regret to say that the independ ents are neglecting the first principles of organization, and the bad effects of it are seen every day. There should be a legislative committee composed of mem bers of both' hoxses. This committee should determine what bills should be considered party measures, subject to the approval of tho party caucus, and should call the Independent members together whenever necessary.. Every member has a right to present bills. Numerous bills will be presented on the same subject, and each member will think his associates should support his bill. By sifting and selecting, and by concentrating all effort upon only one bill or one subject, the work of such a committee would be invaluable. - There is no need whatever for print ing a multiplicity of bills on the same subject. A well organized legislative committee backfed by a ma jority could save the state thousands of dollars in this matter. Its necessity i3 imperative, and if it has not been formed we trust it will be at once. " "THE MIRE OF POLITICS." The World-Herald says "the Alliance party is being dragged by its leaders into the mire of politics." Perhaps the sonny who runs the W. H. will inform us how a political party will keep out of politics. As for the miro it will be there as long as dishon est straddlers like tho W. H. are in it. The great friend of the Alliance turns out to be a first lieutenant of the cor rupt conspiracy known as tho "corpora-tion-Boyd-Rosewater combine." 1 An editor convicted of outrageous lying, and lying down quietly under it, and whose correspondents are simply disseminators of malicious slanders, has much gall when ho talks about "the mire of politics," - tA-certaln gentleman who has been highly honored by his party is mak ing enemies just now faster than ho ever made friends. Putting on Boyd's liv ery is not a very auspicious beginning for a successful political career.. 3