The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, January 17, 1891, Image 3

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Balllar Usd Has Haay Aaaiita Iiajiartaat
PoUri ibeat laiaerlti la materia-
reeitry Btoek eed airy
XclM ImsHmM Blati.
Effects of BoUInc land.
During the spring of 1839, a series
of observations wu made by the Wis
consin Experimental Station, which
indicated that the rolling of land has
a very perceptible effect upon its
temperature. The results obtained
are summarized as follows:
(1) Rolling land makes the tem
perature of the soil at L5 inches below
the surface from 1 to 98 F. warmer
than similar unrolled ground, and at
three inches from 1 to 6 warmer.
(2) Rolling laad, by firming the soil
increases its power of drawing water
to the surface from below, and this
influence has been observed to extend
to a depth of three or four feet (8)
The evaporation of moisture is more
rapid than frftm unrolled ground, un
less the surface soil is very wet. and
then the reverse is the case; the drying
effect of rolling has been found to
extend to a depth of four feet . (4) In
cases of broadcast seeding, germina
tion is more rapid and more complete,
(fi) In their experiment on oats, the
yield stood 61.12 bushels on rolled
ground, and 68-89 bushels on the un
rolled ground. (6) The oats from the
rolled ground weighed 2.03 pounds per
bushel more than that from the un
rolled ground; the kernel also averag
ed larger.
But it must be remembered that this
is an isolated case, and the observa
tions should be repeated, to more ful
ly establish the conclusion which we
have drawn. Thd observations were
all taken between 1 and 4 P. 11; the
temperature of the soil was taken by
means of cylindrical bulb thermome
ters, which were pushed down into tbe
soil at different depths, and allowed to
remain some time before registering.
The air temperature was taken by
whirling the thermometer four . feet
above the ground. It is plainly evi
dent that rolling tends to raise the
temperature of the soil, and there is
no question but what this tends to in
sure a healthy germination of the seed.
Imparities In Milk.
There is no subject of more im
portance to the health and life of
human beings, and one so little under
stood, as the manner in which impur
ities get into milk, and the effect such
have upon the after products of It and
the health of tbe persons who consume
them. The theory that most diseases
may be traced to germs in the atmos
phere that all animal kind breatne.
the water they drink, or the food they
eat is now generally adopted, and
UDon this theorv must be based the
precautions to be observed in properly
.. caring for the health of man.
To nave pure milk, the first requi
site is a healthy cow. It is now be
yond doubt that an occasional cow is
afflicted with tuberculosis, or cancer-
Ana uffiiiiAna u nrl lhatp mill." irijinil,
factured into butter Rod cheese, and
then sold on the general market In
deed, this has recently been observed
by the writer; and is it not fair to pre
sume that tbese diseases in this man
ner may be transmitted to tbe persons
who consume the products of this
milk? The only auflreestive remedy
for this state of affairs is that it be
made obligatory upon dairymen to get
a clean bill 1 of health ol their cows
from a competent veterinarian ut
stated periods. The cow can also
contaminate her milk by drinking
-ffilthv water from stagnant pools,
Surface water is generally unfit to be
taken into the stomachs of any am
mals. The earth beneath its surface
is penetrated with streams ol pure
water, as the animal system is with
blood coursing through veins and
arteries, and common sense would
dictate that there is tbe place to look
for drinking water for cows. Cows
can transmit bacteria to their milk by
being compelled to smell putrid car
casses of animals lying in the pasture
field or other places, and by inhnling
the bacteria-laden atmosphere of un
savory stables, pip-pens and cesspools,
Winter-In Poultry.
As to the kind of a poultry-house
needed, much will depend upon the
number of fowls you propose- to keep,
and also upon the amount you desire
to spend for utility or ornament
Twelve fowls require a room twelve
, feet square. The cheapest and most
convenient poultry-house is built of
8x4 joists for a frame, and covered
with matched boards. The roof and
walls should be covered with tar
paper, and when dressed with a coat
ing of coal tar will be entirely im
pervious to the atmosphore or storm,
and will last for many years. I build
my houses about ten feet wide, with a
shed roof, says n writer in American
Agriculturist the front posts about
seven feet high, the back posts about
five feet The front faces south und
is lighted with one good-sized window
every twelve feet. Most poultry
houses have too much class, giviug
too much heat at mid-day and too
much cold at midnight Even with
- the above described windows, tightly '
- fitting shutters are needed for protec
tion on cold Winter nights, lhe most
important matter in connection with
poultry-houses is ventilation. No ani-
mal on the farm needs so frequent
change of air as the poultry.
i. Some poultrymen prefer a ground
floor, others a board floor, and sua
others a cemented floor. I prefer a
tight board floor, with a chance for the
chicks to get at tho ground through a
, run into tho yard when they desire to.
The Horse Doaler.
Oae of the best authority on the
horse is the Live Stock Journal. It
says: Money has been close and too
many farmers have sacrificed their
young horses to get the cash. These
eastern horse dealers, while they have
brought many thousands of dollars of
Eastern gold to the west for our
horses, they have' combined to beat
down prices. We advise western
horto breeders to keep their horses
until matured to four nd five year,
old and tnen combine ia sMprnenU
direct to tbe city auctions. Tbe de-i
m&nd is greater tha: ever before fr
the best class of heavy draft horses ia
all the large cities, and tbe prices are
astonibingly bijh. coin da rod with
what the horse buyers pay throughout
the west
Dairy Doth
The finer tbe feed ia ground the bet
ter it is digested. One should keep a
close watch on the manure to look out
for wastes in feeding.
Contrary to common belief a Jersey
will make excellent light beeves, lhe
meat is tender, juicy and well. flavored,
and the Jersey steers make good light
working oxen.
When feeding for a test the food
should be increased very gradually.
A month is not too long to wait for re
sults. If too rapid increase is made it
is almost certain to cause indigestion,
of which tbo least bad effect is waste
of food.
Why cannot one man do as much as
another in feeding and managing live
stock? Simply because of tbe differ
ence in men's heads. Tba brain is the
spring which provides the force which
nerves men and the fountain oi an in
telligence. But brain can be cultivated
as easily as cabbages ean by the rlffht
Stock Notes.
Ice cold water drank by animals is
raised to blood heat with grain and
hay for fuel just as truly as if you
burnt that fuel under a Kettle contain
ing the water.
Experience is constantly proving
the wisdom, safety, convenience, and
mercy of the practice of dehorning
cattle that must necessarily run to
gether. It is a kludness to the ani
mals, a measure of safety, and a very
trreat economy. Even the stubborn
English philanthropists are giving
way in their opposition oy reason oi
tha ravoyabla results exoeriencea in
the management of horned stock.
- Formerly horses had a 5 cloven foot
Now the foot has become solid through
the slow progress of adaptation to
natural necessities. The horns or do
mestic cattle have long been growing
smaller, weaker, and lesser adapted
for offense; why should wo not assist
nature, as it is the duty and Business
of mankind to do, and take measures
to breed these useless and dangerous
appendages off the skulls of your
cattle. ' ' -'
Farcy and glanders which are both
incurable diseases and tbe latter pos
itively contagious, are always most
prevalent In unvcntllated and crowded
stables. Foul air acts- as a virus to
poison the blood and contaminate the
system. When the French amy
stables were well ventilated and the
horses were given 1,200 cubio feet of space instead of 900 cubio feet the
cases of glanders were reduced from
nine per cent to one per cent
Hlnta to Housekeeper.
Use amonia in the water you wash
glass in.
In baking cake butter neither tin
nor paper, and do not remove the pa
per till the cake is quite told.
In servinff chocolate shake a very
little cinnamon over the filled cup 1o
make tho beverage like the chocolate
of Mexico and Havana. . i
For a cold on the lungs, lay a cloth
on the chest which hits first been
wrun? out in boilnar water and
sprinkled with turpentine.
The eatinsr table should be set in a
liarht airy room, moderately heated,
while the mental atmosphere should
be one of quiet and happy relaxation.
If the sirloin weighs twelve or fifteen
pounds, 2J hours will be sufficient to
roast it in. Beef must bang at least
two days, its flavor is so much im
proved thereby.
To fasten a steel blade which has
come out of the handle, till tho cavity
with rosin, then warm the part to ba
adjusted, and insert slowly, pressing
it in firmly. Hold till it gets cold.
For rheumatism, take half a glass
ful of lemon juice for ten nights. Al
ways take it when getting into bed at
night Wear flannel next to the skin,
and in cold weather sleep in w..rm
blankets. '
A little powdered borax thrown into
the bath makos the water very sort,
und greatly invigorates and rests the
bather. This is particularly beneficial
to those who are troubled with ner
vousness or sleeplessness. , .
For friezes, nets have often been
used with good effect draped in grace
ful folds along the top of a room or
stretched directly upon the wall. They
lire used very largely for transom
decorations or us valances over win
dows or in alcoves.
In using paregoric one drop for
every month of i ge for a child under
one year should be tho rule. As, for
instance, a child five mouths old may
take five drops. It is scarcely neces
sary to say that paregoric should
never bo given a child unless it is ab
solutely needed, as In severe colic
A Blight burn should be tied up
immediately in baking powder laid up
on a wet cloth. This will usually pre
vent inflammation. But if the wound
does inflame and become sore, bathe
it with equal parts of raw linseed oil
and Kme water. After the inflamma
tion i out heal with zino salve, which
can be procured from the drujrgist
A very pale color in meal is a sign
that the animal was poor in blood, and
that the meat is wanting in nutritive
qualities; the cause of the bloodless
ness may even have been some serious
dise ise. A deep reddish purple color
ahows that the aoimal has not been
killed, but that it died a natural death.
A marble-like appearance, produced
by layers of fat Interposed between
the fleshy fibres, is possessed by none
but good meat
A tasteful drapery for a square
water-paper basket consists of two fes
toons of plush or satin; peacock blue
is a good choice, alternating with two
deep crocheted points of beige color or
pale-blue macrame cord in wheels, or
any other pretty designs, and finished
with heavy tassels ot the cord.
Rosettes and ' cords both crocheted.
finish the top and sides, and pompons
of gathered plush may also be intro
duoed if desired.
Lighting I ho Ttre U TTUUh
Jlh ta the mora reta loud an' warn; ma
a" tnoUirr r iera " la Matrs an slaa's J
a ymi a aim.
acd erst "Kf.w, ' a"3 55 roe
avepV Hoyso" jrour. ' -
For It 'I tun in', ik! tlKya loU to do besides
in' Own brediee tip the hearth w'th that
ol.l turkey wl""-. . ....
Aa Stoop an pu i-er atockln s op an' tic
em wim a nu.
An Towwr yawn and stretches out an acts
a little aiiyer
When I ait up o' mcroln's for to Kg lit the
kitchen tire,
4a' when tho bora eome tromplu la, aa
a rouse around eu'apat
An' kick Um mv tut' poke U Ore an' act now a
IToo coffee-pot' bfled over an' tbo biscuit's
etreniiuff hot, , .
The saeaidges Jest brown enough, tho break
fast table tot, ,
An' sotiier m;i "Fetch op tho cheers." an
peurs tho toffee out ,
Ifyeupruoe over wiUi a joy tho rest don t
know about:
Fer the blwwln of llie lord to me s a dally
drawla' nia-iier
Wben 1 frit up o mornln's fcr to Kent tbo
kitchen fire, , m
Edwin S. rtosklns.
Mr. Boss Dcane was a thriving young
surveyor ami auctioneer in a large
country town. ,
One day. Mrs. Boss Deane was mend
ing her husband's office coat and sing
ing cheerily over her task. Showas a
pretty Httlo woman, with pink cheeks
and wavy fair hair and great blue eyes,
sunny and innocent In expression as a
little chilifs. If her mouth was a trifle
large, nobody ever noticed it for ad
miring the scarlet lips and white teeth
that gleamed ont when . she smiled,
which was not seldom, for she was a
merry little body, as sparkling and
sunshiny as if she'd never a care la the
world. , , .
And really, when yon come to think
about it her cares were very fewand
her pleasures many. Hadn't she tbe
handsomest and dearest husband in the
world, who petted and humored her to
her heart's ontent? It is very queer
the fonduess some women have for bo
iog petted. It's rather a cat-like trait.
this using to do purreu anu cuuumu
much. Then she had tbe sweetest love
nf n hftbvi but that was rather a part
nership concern inero were grauu-j
parents anu nunia iuiiuuiiwiv,
put in a claim to baby, to say nothing
OI lilO wim one a umi:,
handsome Uoss was all her own indi
vidual property. ;
At least she tbonzht he was, till she
yeryunw se y nudertooK io nontt tnajj
nffico coat of his. She had pounced
upon it that morning, when previous
to a shopping expedition, she had
penetrated to his office at the back of
the bouse being in want of more
money and had confiscated it directly,
declaring that it was a shame for any
body to wear such a dilapidated ar
rangement and her bnsband shouldn't
do it another day, so there! .
There was only one more pocket to
look after now, and then the tiresome
job would bo done. Caroling a merrj
little roundelay, she turned it insido
out The song died on her lips as a
tiny scented envelope dropped out and
fluttered to the floor. She stooped to
Eick it up, and, noticing the feminine
andwriting on the outside, opeued it
of course, but with an odd misgiving
at her heart regarding the act never
theless. Perhaps she had better not have
opened it. I won't undertake to say
whether it was best or not; but I al
ways believed that -where ignorance
was bliss" it was exceedingly foolish to
becomeenlightened of your own free
will, as this child was doing, for this
was what she read:
Dead Mb. Dears: Of course you will be
at the masquerade to-morrow evening-, i
won't tell you what character I shall assume,
but if you were to wear a pink domino with a
white rose lo your button-iiolo, and you were
to meet another pina aumino wim a reu ium
In it band how can I tell who it would ber
. , . Belul
Bad enough or not just ns one
chose to take ii Mrs. Deane knew
well enough who wrote it knew that
the letter wasn't really half so bad as
It sounded. Still It was proof that the
flirtation which Mrs., Deane had here
tofore believed to be carried on chiefly
hvMiss Belle was eoing altogether
too far to be pleasant to the looker-on
wben tho looker-on happened to be
the wife of one of the parties. ;
As long as Miss Belle Preston . made
eyes at handsome Ross Deane, only to
bo carelessly nattered in return oy mm,
and afterwards laughed at nliko by both
Mr. and Mrs. Deane. it was very little
the latter cared about It. She called
the girl a goose to herself, was politely
cordial to her before folks, and never
gave the matter another thought v,
Miss rreston was a goose, oi course,
but; quito a pretty, winning little goose
after all. She was rather dashing in
her ways smoked cigarettes, talked
slang both of which Mrs. Preston par
ticularly detested and tried to ape the
manners generally oi me masculine
half of creation. Of course she made a
failure of it but men are remarkably
tolerant of bright saucy, black-eyed
failures of the Belle Preston kind; and
so they laughed at her a little, but
flatter" her a great deal more, and not
a few fell in love with her continually.
But Mrs. Deane did not choose that
her husband should be caught in tho
toils of a siren like this; and she was
properly indignant at finding that the
two were on familiar terms enough for
notes to pass between theui aun such
notes, too.
) "The bold thing to ask another
woman's husband to come to the mas
querade to meet her she onght to be
ashamed of herself!" muttered Mrs.
Ross Deane angrily. "And he. too,
after pretending to me that ho thought
she was horrid I hate him!" and she
stamped her little foot and subsided
into a lit of the sulks. . .
But her nature was 'too healthy to
permit a long indnlgenco in feelings
of that kind: so. before lonsr, she fiound
herself wonderinz what sho would do
about it. Was she robing to sit still
and let this woman win away her hus
band without an effort on her part to
prevent HP Not she. Sho would go
te this tnasouerado herself. What she
would do there she hadn't fully deter
mined upon. She would wear a pink
domino and carry a red rose in. her
hand: and if Ross Deane should happen
to mistake her for the fascinating Miss
Preston whv. how could she help it?
Aby way, she knew she wouldn't try
tohftpft Lrttiim blunder ftbsIikeJ;
she didn't rare. ....
Her wi;u' onee road up, she looked
to see where the note was dated. l
was written the day before she found
it so that the masqui-rnde was to be
that verv evenin. No timo was to bs
lost cviilcntlv. if sho wanted to attend.
They had received cards several days
before, but Rom bad declared himself
averse to going, and so Mrs. Deans
bad thought no more about It Now
she saw his dediioa in a different Hht
-He didn't want me to go," she mur
mured to herself, "and he thought he
could make soma excuse to lw away
this eveuiug. so that I necdu't know
he went But we'll sue how his plans
turn out I'm verv much afraid he'll
be disappointed. We'll soe." aud the
red liiJS wcie compressed firmly, and
the little hands were tightly clenched.
, When even-thing was finished she
sat down on the sofa in the pretty par
lor. There Ros fouud bore, sitting
soberly, beuding forward a little, with
ber white huads clasped in Iter lap. She
did not look up to greet him When he
nntered. She was too anSTT. and she
waved him back haughtily when, bo
stnniMKl to kiss her.
Whv. net. what's the mntterf" he
said, amazedly, as be stepped back,
hia hand on the table beside him.
She sat still, with drooping eyes and
averted face, "I do not wish to talk to
you. was all she said.
He stared, bewildered.
-But, Lottie, darling. I don't under
stand what has come over you so
suddenly? What have I done?"
And he could stand there and ask
her that so coolly! Lottie was almost
frantic. And then tbe dinner-bell rune
ana saved I kern front t scene for that
time.. r : ;:,
Rota Deans followed his wife to the
dining-room, feeling very much as if
he was dreaming. When tba meal was
over ho retired to the ofllco to take a
smoke and to think it over. Lottie
went oostairs to wait for him to leave
the houtt before she began lb dress'.
She sat where she could watch the
irarden cate, and there she waited with
nervous iroontiencu for him to g3 out
that she miirht follow and tho first act
of the tragi-comedy be ready for per
formance. Eis-ht o'clock struck, and la a few
minutes after she heard him moving
about down stairs. Then lis canio to
the foot of the stairs and called:
"Lottie, dear, won't you come down
taira?" '
But Lottio would not answer. She
had n0 de8ire to mciVe his good-bye
kiss when she knew he was hurrying
awav from her impatient to meet that
bold girl" who was trvlng to win him
away from his wife. He called onee
more and then she heard him pass into
the parlor. After that there was along
alienee, and still she sat there aud
wondered what delaved'hlss SO.
Nine o'clock struck; then 10, and no
body had passed out at the front gate
she watched so jealously. What could
it mean? Had he been so cowardly as
to slip out by the back way for fear she
might see htm? She couldn't believe
that of him: but she didn't understand
why he waited till so late before goio
awav. : "
Half nast ton: a auartor of eleven.
She couldn't bear this any longer: but
would just And out what it meant
Just as the clock struck 11, she came
down into the narlor. There lay Ross,
sound asleep on tbo sofa, the evening
paper tossed carelessly ou the floor be
side him,
, -Boss! ' Ross! ; Wake up! JPon't you
know that It's U o'clock and you are
not dressed for the musouernde."
Who what?'? muttered Ross,
stretchlnff lazily. Eleven o'clock!
Well, what of it dearie?"
The masquerade, Ross; don't you
remember it is this evening and you
are not dressed P" ,
"The masquerade, Lottie? v hy,
ht we had decided not to g."
i we did." she answered, bitterly
'but I supposed Miss Preston had per-
nAtxA win te flhanmi rnrir mirrd..1
"Miss Preston? What has she to do
with our eroinsr. one way or tho other?
Oh. I befln to smell a rat," he cried
exultantly, now fully wide awake,
9 ... . .
"Sao here, puss; what did you mean
bv havlnsr the sulks to-night nnd re
fusing to kiss your liege lord, or even
be civil to him, enr
"Oh. Ross. I thought"
'Yes I know what you thought"
He had her in his arms now. -You
saw that nolo Miss Belle saw fit to send
me the other day. and you thought
your husband could care enough for a
girl, who threw herself at bis head in
that bold way, to deceive bis wife his
own wife, whom he loves better than
all the world beside," he ridded lower
and more earnestly. "I don't think
iou have a very high opinion of your
usband, pot." '
"I did lind the note. Ross," she sob
bed, "in the pocket of your oflice'eoat
and 1 I Please forgive me. dear;"
aud she clung to him closer while be
soothed and petted her.
"Never mind, little girlie; I don't
wonder you doubted me for a minute.
I.ought to have burned that note, 'and
then you'd not have been so troubled.
But perhaps it's just as well. You
know for certain, true.' now, how
much influence Miss Belle has over me,
don't you?" And he patted hor cheek
and laughed a little.
I think Mrs. Deane managed women
know how to do these things in some
perfectly polite and pleasant way to let
Miss Preston know why Mr. Peane did
not attend the masquerade, and also
the fate that notes addressed to him
were likely to meet ; At any rate, the
young lady wastes no more of her time
on othor women's husbands but is de
voting all her energies to procuring
one of her own. evening warm. ,
A Narrow Escape.
For eizht hours an infant of Stephen
Burleen of Bridogport Coun.. lay iu a
trance, and an undertaker came aud
put the babo iu a casket Everything
was ready for the burial when tho
child suddenly woke up and sang out
lnstily "Ma!" It is all right now.
"You sre not like my good friend
Shaksoearo. said Raleigh to bis execu
tioner of ter be had inspected the In
atrument of death. "Why r asked the
headsman srufflr. "You provide for
no Intermissions between the ax." N.
ri rrpe Way to Behave af (laeal
Many cf nc who pride ourselves on
nurt'ood breeding sre singularly blind
to what is due to friends who are
risking people unknown to us, or who
sre entertaining guests whom wo have
never met Nor are we more assured
as to some of the points of etiquette to
ward cur own gueats. aud to our own
hosts when we make an occasional flit
ting from home.
It is useless lo decry etiquette oy
saying that the best manners in all
eases are those which hurt no one.
This ft true as a general law. bnt there
alwsys are seme points which leare no
room for experiments as to what will
hurt another, and which yet maybe
settled once for all by a few rules.
If yon have an acquaintance wno is
entertaining friends whom she wishes
you to meet it is your doty to call
promptly, and U poasioio oner some
hospitality to both guests and hosts,
if the position is reversed, ana your
friend is visiting people unknown to
yon. never g to see your friend with
out leaving a card for the hostess. If
yon give any entertainment for the
friend, be very sure to invite ber hosts
also. Jt does not leuow mat yonr in
vitation will be 'accepted, but If His
the hostess must ba treated as the guest
of honor and shown every deference.
If, for instance, tbe entertainment is a
luncheon for young ladles, ahe may be
asked to take tho seat at tno eaa oi tuo
table opposite to your own. ,
if the mutual irienu ia yonr guess
von mav be sure that if she is a wo-
- - . - . t i . . in
man oi gooa oreoaing, sue in turn wiu
accept no invitation which does not In
clude you, although yon may think
best to decline it and insist upon nor
a o. - . til l 1 f -
going alone, nor win aue wceivo Tie-i
Rorsithout asklngyou to join them
in tha narlor Should
her friends m
rude enouzh to have sent you ad cards.
Here, too, you may excuse yourseu. or
at most join them wim sucn oeisy as
to fflva them a short interview alone.
Tbese same rules should hold good for
you when yon are tbe guest Before
vou go to make the visit send word to
your friends where and with whom you
are to stay, so tuat tnero way uo u
idea that vou are iu a boarding-house,
and therefore mistress of your tldie and
surrounding. This constant deference
to your hostess should lead you to or
der all letters and packages to bu ad-
dressouto her care.
Aa tn the dlsnoaal of vour time when
you are visiting no etiquette requires
you to accept all tho plans of your
hostess if you feel unable to do so; but
care is needed to show that refusal
means lack of strength, not lack of in
terest "aud inclination, wita a Utile
tact on both sides you will have many
hours for your own. Indeed, a skillful
hostess will manaaro to secure you this
privilege, and not make the mistake of
working too hard to amnso yon and so
absorb every moment of yonr visit
into ber idea of what is pleasure for
you. ""
No greater compliment is possible
than the quiet acceptance of your
preference in the intimacy of family
life. Youth ' Compatmn.
Itobln RoooU.
As I stood nizbt after eight watch
ing the robins stream into this little
wood, no better, surely, thnn many
thav had nassod on their way. I asked
mvself strain and again what could be
the motive that drew them together.
The flockiaff of birds for a long Jour-
nev. or in the winter season, is iois
w : "1 - a .
mvatarioua. In times of danger aud
distress there is at least a feeling of
sofotv In a crowd. r . t robins cannot
be afraid of the lark. Why, then,
should not each sleep upon its own
feedinff ETounds. alone, or with a few
. . . f i J 4f
tnlca a dav. sininlv for tbe sake of
nassinsr tho nisrht in a general roost?
Such questions we must perhaps bo
content to ask without expecting an
answer. By nature the robiu is strong-
ly gregnriuua, uuu iiiuujjii uia
mode of existence does not permit him
. itr.. A ....In. ,1ia aiimmnr In olnftA
communities. as marsh wrens do, for
example, and some of onr swallows.
His ancestral passion r sucietr euu
asserts itself at nightfall. Teni or
twelve years ago, when I was bird-
gazing in Boston, there were sometimes
a hundred robins at ; once upon the
Common, In the time of the vernal
migration. By day they were scattered
over the lawns; but at sunset they
gathered habitually iu a certain two or
three contiguous trees, not far from
the Frog Pond aud the Beacon Street
Mall (1 wonder wnetner me same trees
are still jn use for the same purpose j,
where, after much noise nnd some
singing, they retired to rest if going
to sleen in a leafless tree-top can be
called retirlnsr.
Whatever the orisin and reason of
this roostins habit. I have no doubt
that it is uuiversal. Middlesex Coun
ty birds cannot be, in any respect
peculiar. Whoever will keep a close
eye upon the robins in his neighbor
hood, in July and August will And
them at stioset flocking to some general
sleeDine-olace. Bradford lorrty, ut
Money Goes."
The old saving that "money goes'
was illustrated last week, says a St.
Louis paper. A customer tendered a
$20 bill. The tradesman bad it changed
bv a neighbor, who. being in a hurry.
gave a pocket-piece of $10 in gold of
tbe issue of 1861, which be p!ize4;
highly and did not want to part witn.
He went to the tradesman as soon as
he had given the valued coin, and the
latter went out and hunted up the cus
tomer to whom he had given it lie
had bought some cigars at a nolghbor-
insr store and had given the gold piece
in pavment Upon going to tho cigar
store it was found that the proprietor
had transferred the coin to a saloon
keeper near by, and at the place it was
fouud that the saloon keeper had used
it in 1 ouldating his brewery oil I. ine
next dav a neighbor weut to the brew
ery and found that the cashier of that
institution had just parted with the
onvntAtt niece of mouev to a dissatis
fied em afore. The individual was at I
last located in a neighboring saloon
V-srrwc manners.
and the coin rccorereL .
Easting Imprtiij Co.
3 aUTOT v
kotos oo i leotton or
Imported Ytrtkur-
a aad
w reach
that for Siyto, -'
Ooa aad OaH
outtoo. Ail umt
kotoM art Ken-
larad. aad aMed te
rrteos tew aad lorau easy,
r in tnii
Minn loot,
Cira cf L U Z. C3.f
Wil Daily & Co.
Oattlo, IIocp, Cbcrp
end IIcrcc3. ;
;. ' U2NT3. v .
LOCH tl, ExcaAKsa Emmj, C
tear Erocx Taxds, Eocra Cxuuu
si--AskroarEas3Batff. fTJ
to tv l TT
YflHv Um? tl 1
iukM uvva muiu.i
General Natterr f ek.
rrvH aad OrsaxnaauJ boot aad an&
ro T3Avsur3 Acrrra.
Writ tt wifeo lists. A'
U. U. IabJaoo, Tte 4
ft I iMMIIV-g
Wantnted to trlre batter aatlafarMloit WK
half tbe fuel than ony of Its oowsotitora.
rnoea. Roaifenta or mldJle men's pwata.
Bern! rot ucautljiliTO etreuiaraua nimw
to the patbuiau aud rmtretiiir. '
w!n Ywk. Kelraae
One Short norn Ball and one Holstetn-Buli,
both registered. A few choice .
Will sell cheap. Call on or address,
tv if r v
Oollafo Tarm, - Iiet!i, Vi".
T. L2.
fraad-v ski f rt f
Cklaa ' jo L.;..
.. r
sale. Wtttefarwaxu. DT
-2 k-
v -J. :"r- ;iC;5.
m oi ait; ins rat txa c?swooi.
I "Z: ' ..a a. . aa
P.R.KETGW2, Prcp'r.
Windsor, rayette. County, lava.
Breeder of
tea vi
by Express, ta-0
. Special Kates
The Iowa Btoaaa Veed
p-T '
The moat uractical.
eoavenlent, moat oeonoiaV
eel, and tn every way tho
EB MADS. A glaooo a
the eoostructien of it la
enough to cotTineo any
man that it is far superior
a an other. Fer descrip
tive circulars and pi-iocs apply to Marti
Bteam Vaau Cookbb Co.. Omaha, Neb. Hr
Ullltst arn-in.
PhmHul fraijfiUi Took, ElMJ i
Waul Will rWffc EfTrledle, M
. o .ofmrtis Erth1! Slrali, IJW"'
f ItlMlCl
i-S-ISt, ll ufc
r,: iNNUf.uiii: vivr
a nutwu- nimriBiiv
. all -UlU
ptr what tuk u Ml; uri
Idu)ltwi4 mhUt. 8n4forl
Sw, Onalsri. tMimt, f. G. TALLE RDAY,
Poplar Orove. H
The Garrett Picket & Wiro Fence Kachln
Wmtm to top posts. v nui
vereallavorlte. tkal
in use. ratM4 Freight
" paid. AgenW ara ropott
fiK Ws aalaa. MacMnw.
f wTro, etc.. at wltoleaalo
rfin.i-t frnm factory f
Karmere b 1 baveao
dreu the manufacturer.
man r-wo.
, Aw- a
a., I
ii A
3x i urn
tiA a
ll J i
vrlll be paid tn the airrat of any .
wiU ay over hi own name aaarent,that the Jonas
is not eqiiM to any made, and a standard reUabl
scale. For particulars, address only
Jones of Bi&guaztcs, Eiztcs, tt