The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, January 17, 1891, Image 2

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Keekon you uoa koowedole man Kane,
Inn var taera, kin tee bin plain,
tlfcedaanbara en wln'mlll high.
With tree hla'n aet p lot ter the shy;
Wilien en ath ea eottoa woods
That rU ea klvered aich eolltude
Tm Mmu kaowi tI he lan'uummorn
'anal mlllun mile from whar be wui born.
tUlla' whar all quar ea itraaire.
Tarsia' 'Is ohlldrun looee on the rang
Wlik aaeep, en cow, eo a myeule er two
In youngster chipper ea tae ole folk blue.
Stndyta' uv borne en all thar kin,
Wea this war adeaert ter be dwellin' In.
at ole man Kane, ex I meant to y
Kli rite airly, afore 'twui day,
Oammenat 'U work a.uakla' Is crap
Tel bewar list plumbliketerdrap;
En xou never seed 'im a hour In town,
Leajtwajrahe never stared like Brow a.
Then he bed trubbul uo wuss nertbe otberr.
Tho he didn't let on for ' heart wus
nuthers. , -u
Twu 'loaco' some bora-tort o' kin,
Xa Kan tbecelever, betuk 'am en.'
Whar taey played a heap, ea rid slob races
With ml la that rouua- ohaps git on thar
Kane toted the tamp fer Bob en Jeems
Mu the seed the shows with liver teama,
Kb 16 the lit, Kan be 'lowed
lie -wunst eud ur breshod tho no 'count
Tit Kane warn Christan, with a creed tbet
odd --
! Xbo' we 'nss reckoned ho war Men s with
- Ooi, ... , . ..;
Sa 'lowed the sngils 'ud hoe en weed
A honest man ft um a plumb dry creed.
Slscipler, Jewer Methodman
Braulm, UoodUtorMabomedan- ,
They'll sua tbeiraelves on Jerdaa's plain
Sf taey've bio es ole man Kane.
Ee wuns-tuk In as be alien tad
A pore, lone wldder en 'er little tad,
helped bcrlnea smilta'tcd,
Tm aatcbaii b'ar sod bjur'i my shea."
Cslwar remsrkln'Kanekep'on
Oowla' them kids 'ud "f aver Jouh."
Ea'twud be a right smart strong-like prison
Ter not a bo resembliu' hls'n.
"Ornery crlttersr No! J lit boys,
12gb ty peart with tber laS and noise.
But the pore eld man war throwed Indobt
Tho' be never was knowed ter cuss ner froU
Duriu' the war, wus long o Bragg,
Then skipped enoum ter the union flsg;
But laws 1 d'ye think the lets o' blmf
When the perty lines bevgrewed tbet dim
That blue on gray ar brothers pit,
Mary copper we keer wlch side they lit.
How lookla' acrost thro' the wilier trees
Whar'tsrookin'oheerwusolostter the bees,
Whar ho utter read wen the sun wus low,
Ka the bees druv in on the home'ard row.
Ea I study a heap uv the meoy meu
Oyla' offUke Kane terbild agen.
Tel rulnt uv brown tod sbanties itan'
Solum en sad on the pralry Ian ;
Ba rite eea hyur they mought uv bin
BdBot'pertMtlon"drawed'emln '
Whar thatarlf tax and "two-percent" y
Ar the niggers In the fence o the govern
menu :
Peart sort o' fellers tea notMn' but lots,
But over the holler wharhe kep' "is boss,
I so tho trees uv ol man Kane's
Like hunuM beta's in the weepla' rains;
H on a sonny meot rls so gran
tSy Utk 'ta nam cleaa outea the aaa.
rears. Uk 1 see Is pore old kaeat
Clvered with patches as be hoed 'Is trees,
Ka 1 Mvar kla pass tbet mortgidgee plala
Thouttwln'the bloom o ;ia baby's face;
What primrose oluin la the hedge ter day '
A polo UkesperrltontheBetb'lamway;
Bn I hyaritoupare that banker's galas
Ba'ivfarmupyanderwlth naybur Kane's, '
Tar If eny man hes hel' a hoe
Iaaikuruv trees er arya row,
With craps o' titers en corn en wheat,
Aliersenuff fer 'is family ter eat: . '
With does ter war whar the blizzards blow.
They'll fix fer him a tolabul show.
Ba tell 'im to "rack" on the Judgment morn
n follow tbe crowd with the Gaybrul horn.
Mart Baikd Kinch.
Clearwater, Neb., Iocember 80, 18U9.
Statutory Prohibiten.
a . .
. alliance : Fermit a friend of
twemy-ure years standing to review in
no captious spirit, a rectmt editorial, on
the subject above named.
t jf ide tha tho people having de
cided last Navemhnr ncraiimt na,s...
tional prohibition, it would be large
assumption on the part of the incoml i
legislature to enact statutory prohibi
tion. Now the facta are:
- l8-. The public does not know; and
probably will never know, how the
votes actually cast at that election
would have decided tho question.
2nd. No one knows how much even
those rotes, before doctoring, were
changed and Influenced by terrorizing,
threats and actual violence.
a 8rd. (Even counting the returns of
fered, (including those polling places
where no leal election was held.) the
people decided against license. Will it
not be, therefore, an assumption on the
part of the legislature if they shall con
tin no on present law.
There was a questionable defeat for
prohibition, and a positive, sweeping
defeat for license. Shall license be
saved from tho wreck? Why? The
people say, No.
.4ttt t .The Peopk have spoken in favor
of prohibition by electing a legislature
, w h mairity w actually in favor
of it. 1 hey have spoken against license
by inviting men who advocated it to re
main at home the present winter. Let
their voice be heard.
Now a few words to party policy.
There are 82,890 votes (even by the re
turns) that have, in the face of all oppo
sition, being influenced by the highest
considerations of duty to God and hu
manity, recorded their votes for prohi
bition. They are not cowards. Their
blood is up. They believe that they
nave been cruelly wronged. They are
prohibitionists to stay. Party prefer
ences will yield to their supreme con
victions. How many of these votes
does the Independent rmrrv want: ti,
whiskey vote you can never get .Your
self-respect will keep yon from going a
conning to the saloon or brothel. And
it is useless to do so; for you are too
late. Look at Omaha for the answer to
any advances yon may think of making.
These votes will bo cast where their
holders lioaestly believe they will do
the most for prohibition. I am sure,
f from a very extensive acquaintance
with the farmers and laborers of Ne
braska, that they favor prohibition.
Lei them say so now, in a manner satis
factory to honest men, and thus secure
a. vote that will render useless ail com
binations against them. Let me add it
would availe little that yon gain all the
reforms you ask for and leave tbe
stream etill flowing from these fount
ains of pollution, misery and death.
Be it always remembered, and never
forgotten, that promises made in tbe
party platform next summer will count
for something, but positive legislative
action now will count for vastlv more.
Axos Dean."
Eagle, Neb New Tears day, 1891.
Fairview Alliance Resolutions.
Faibvibw, Dec. 20, 1880. At the
regular meeting of the Fairview Alli
ance no. ii "J on mis aaie, tne com
mittee on Resolutions made the follow
tng report: Be it
Resolved. That we recommend tax
ation of mortgages to prevent double
taxation, and -
Remind. That we demand reduction
of freight not less than 83 per cent,
and .
Resoltfd. That revenue direct from
saloon licences be paid into the state
school fund for school purposes and to
be divided amomr the counties in ratio
to the to the number of pupils, and
Rtmetd. That we recommend the
Australian billot system of vo: ing. , .
J. L. HriES,
The Demands of tb State Alliance
CoTESHiLO Fakmers Alliance, 1310.
Llba, Howakd Co, neb.
At the regular meeting of the above
Alliance on December 80, 1890, the) fol
lowing resolution was unanimously
adopted, and committee appointed to
tend a memorial embodying the action
of this meeting to our senator and rep
resentative. '
U'htrtas. This Alliance has been ap
prised of the various resolutions with
regard to legislation passed by tbo State
Alliance convention at Lincoln, and we.
the members of this Alliance, heartily
endorse all of the same. And
Whereat. We consider that their elec-
lion to tnetr oiuces is uue to tne united
effort? of tw Alliance in this county,
t is therefore
Resolved. That we demand of them
their best endeavors to carry into effect
thejrarious resolutions then and there
expressed. Signed,
a. M. Pabker,
8. M. Wellmax,
T. C. Jefferies, Sec'y
From a Lady Member in Clay County.
Fairfield Alliance, No. 782.
J. Burrows. Editor Alliance:
n reading your valuable paper we find
nothing from this poor dry part of the
country, so would write you that our
Alliance is still alive, but not in a very
prosperous condition. Money is very
scarce. It is almost an impossibility to
keep our dues paid in, but the few left
are for staying with the cause till we
see if it will better our conditiou. It
certainly an make it no worse. Our
opinion is the Independents have done
nooiy ior tne time they have been in the
field. I am in hopes the members sent
to the legislature and to congress will
fulfill the trust the working men of the
country have reposed in them. If lion
Brother Powers takes his seat we would
be sure of an honest man and a true
helper of the poor and oppressed farm
er. It was the writer's pleasure to listen
to an able address of Bro. Powers and
Congressman UcKeighan at Alma,
aeu.. this fall. Their audience was
composed of all . classes from tho rich
banker with his fine soft hands down to
tne poor nav seed with a mortmra on
his land.
We. of course were anions the 'latter
class. : .
It is a rood thins for stock, nerhaos.
they can live on fine weather, as we
have not a kernel of anything to feed,
as we raised nothing but a little wheat.
We have no seed of any kind, not even
garden seeds. Other places I see are
getting help. It seems Impossible for
any of the farmers if they have any
thing to be in worse circumstances than
tne larmers here. .Nearly all are
heavily mortgaged, also chattel mort
gaged, so we are not in a very flourish
ing condition. With many irood wishes
fAM . u .. .... A .. a ai.. i.i y i
iui ius Buuucsa ui iue iHourioi; classes.
remain yours truly,
Mrs. J. A. Anderson.
The above is from Clay county, the
garden of Nebraska. Mere words of
comfort seem mockery in such cases as
the above. But we say to our sister, be
of good cheer. Relief will be fur
nished. Hut at the same time
should organize to help
bhnson County Farmers' Allinace
Speaks Out.
Resolutions adonted by theJohnHou
County Farmers' Alliance in regular
session at lecum?eh, Neb.
whereas. The Nebraska. Slate Journal.
Omaha Bee and other papers of the
state have ben unceasing and unscru
pulous in their efforts to injure the
cause ol the iudependent. belittliuir
their effort? to better their condition.
subjecting them to all, mauner of ridi
cule, and rating them with the lower
animals and dirty birds. And
hereas, inese paDcrs havinc sincled
out Mr. Jay Barrows as an especial
target upou whom to vent their spite
and venom, thinking to crush out Mr.
ourrows ana nis paper, thereby crip
pling the Independent onranization.
and believing as we do that theso pa
pers are published in the interest of
corporations who hope to profit by the
oppression and degradation of the farm
er and laboring classes; therefore be it
AesolDea, l$y - the Johnson Countv
aimers' Alliance, now in session, that
we resent the insult and abuse hcaoed
upon us by these papers by withholding
our pairouage inereirom. Ana
liesolved. X hat wo hereby exoress our
admiration for tho bold, vigorous aud
fearless manner in which Mr. Burrows
as met the assaults of these Dauura and
for his noble defence of tho Indepen
dent cause.
Resolved. That wo irive our sunnort to
the Farmers' Alliance, and that we
furnish the same a copy of these resolu
tions for publication.
H. M. Heilig, President.
Secretary. .
V - .
Jaysraith "1 ought not to have bet
that $13. I might have known I would
los it. : It s an unlucky nam her."
Cumeo "Nonsense! The man who
won it bet $13, too. didn't he?" Jay-
No; he gave odds. He bet
From Dakota County.
Dakota Co., Neb. Dec. 85, 1890.
Ed. Fabmebs' Alliance: Permit
me as a new member that has just come
into the organization to say a few words
throng h the columns of your Alliance
Dakota county has now just begun to
waken np. Our farmers are commenc
ingto shake off the sleepy lethargy
whereby they were entwined by the in
fluence of those sharp, shrewd political
leaders in both of the old parties.
The political sensation caused by the
democratic candidate for governor in
connection with the exceeding amount
of the grossest election frauds that have
been indulged in here in our own coun
ty for some years back, is bringing
many of our conservative citizens to
this conclusion: that there ia something
rotten in uenmarK.
And again, the late investigation re
port of tbe financial matters of Dakota
county has surprised many of our citi
zens. This is one of the grandest
schemes of official robberv. when the
full truth of the matter comes out. that
we have ever heard of in the United
btates. 1 nave resided In the county
now ior ten years, ana i nave been a
4. . 9 V m "
member of the United States Secret
Service force for fourteen years. Soon
after I came Into this county my atten
tion was called and my suspicions were
aroused in resrard to the loose wav in
which the financial matters of this
county were conducted. Five years
ago 1 entered upon the case as an ob
server. In following np the election
frauds from year to year. 1 found lanro
amounts of money were used to secure
the elftctioa of certain officers, more
than dbu Vie what tho honest salary of
the office was worth, and every pointer
I could get led me to belie v this money
was all coming from tho county treas
ury. Now for five vears more tha nen.
pie of Dakota county have been insist
ing on having an investigation of the
records.' This last year. some live hun
dred of our taxpaying citizens signed
petitions, ana inus me count? conimis
isioaers were compellel to have aa ia
restia-auoii." Tiay were now full bent
in frustrating the people in some other
way. The people were not to hare any
say in selecting a competent expert; the
commissioners took this responsibility
solely upon themselves. The investi
gation is now reported and the default
shown $8,261.48, which sum cx -Treasurer
Wilkinson is very willing to settle
at once. Well he may; if the true na
ture of the case with the existing facts
come to light, the shortage not ac
counted for in my opinion will amount
to $150,000, that the 6. W. Wilkinson
Hart combine have robbed the taxpay
ing citizens of Dakota county out of.
This I am ready to explain and show
up at any time, as I feel safe in saying
the true figures will exceed this amount.
The farmers here in . the county feel :
very indignant, and have to a great ex
tent lost all confidence in both of the
old parties, and have come to this con
clusion: that there is no balm in Gilead
and no physician thero. Hence the Al
liance movement is progressing briskly.
Already some five lodges have been or
ganized, and some three or four more
are ready to organize. Many of the
very best men In our farming commu
nity are coming into the Alliance, and
many that are uot eligible say they will
vote me finance ticket tne next gener
al election.
I feel safe in saying in my opinion
this county goverumeut will be under
Alliance control after the next general
election. . xnose corrupt rules of prac
tice by our courts, the excessive eleo
tion frauds from year to year, and the
gross violations of law and inbred er
rors that are bringing ,pppressien and
extorting irom tne larmers ana the la
boring classes nearly everything they
possess, barciy leaving them, a scanty
uveiinooa, nave become too plain to
escape detection by the observing mind.
The good work has, just lately com'
menced in this county. I feel safe in
saying this county will be thoroughly
organized in the near f uture. My term
as organizer expires with the old year,
yet I will continue my active duties
until my successor is appointed and
takes my place, when I wilt only retire
from tho active duties as organizer, and
noia myseu in readiness to assist at any
time my services are called upon. This
organizing work has been a new thing
to me, and with my closest study and
care, I find I made some mistakes which
I shall always rectify the earliest possi
ble opportunity. I find all newly 6r-
ganized lodges need close supervision
for some little time to tret them ac
quainted with their duties, and iret
them along in a harmonious spirit that
Jit l a -i a l
win carry wun it inn iiinaamentai
principles of the Farnxqr's Alliance.
WM. Keninger, Sr.
Some Conundrums.
Has Van Wyck got the management
at Lincoln unloaded yet?
Is Chas. Wooster still cam Diner on
Jay Burrows' trail?
How many city people were ereen
enough to swallow the daily papers' re
port ot the state Alliance meeting?
Would it have been possible for the
Alliance to multiply six fold without
the aid it received from the Omaha Bee,
Lincoln Journal and World-Herald, and
should we uot hope far a continuation
of tho same kind of aid and support.
From Oak Valley Alliance,
At a meeting of Oak Valley Alliance
No. 1354, held January 3d, 1891, a com
mittee on resolutions was appointed.
Through this committee we desire to
instruct the Lancaster county delegate
to the National Alliance as follows:
Owine to the great and overwhelming
numbers of our people joining tbe sev
eral Industrial Reform organizations of
the country, therefore we are opposed
to the consolidation of these sov
eral , Industrial Reform organizations
under one onrinization, as it would
constitute under any system of repre
sentation satisfactory to the people, a
body so largo and unwieldy that it
would be practicaliy beyond toe power
of man to control It. But we do favor,
and instruct said delegate to use his
best efforts to form a league organiza
tion, dual in form, upon which all the
industrial Reform organizations of tbe
United States may be united for politi
cal acton upon liues common and satis
factory to all. Let our watchword pass
down the lines, concentrate for 1892;
"a better day is coming."
j. l.eonad,
Mrs. J. W. Aukervan,
Qreeley County.
Scotia. Neb.. Jan. 2d, 1891.
Editor Alliance: Having heard
nothing from this part of the state for
some time, 1 will Bay that the Alliance
in this county is well organized and do
stick. From tbe vote cast Nov. 4th last,
Greeley county can be counted as an
Independent county hereafter. The old
party riogsters have given up aad say
they have no chance in these parts, aud
some of them have concluded to vote
with us next fall. We keep the stone
rolling, gathering strength as time goes
on and by 1893 we expect to leave but
very few'to hang to the old love.
Yours for past damages,
, Al. It. KRESS.
Fob the Fabmebs' Alliance.
Mr. Editor:
Having learned that the Independents
were going w contest uie eiecuuu, .
want to say a word.
It may bo all ritrht and It may net be
I am not sufficiently posted to decide.
But I do feel a deep interest in this
movement because I think it is a move
ment in tbo interest of good govern
If it is the wiil of the people for Mr,
Powers to be governor, he should be.
If Boyd, he should be governor by all
means, and as I learn the Independents
will be in (rood shano to take care of
themselves in the legislature, I want to
say power is a dangerous thing in the
hands of men. as wo have learned to
our soi row for the past twenty-live
years; and as we, too, ere human let us
be careful not to be guilty of the same
thmcs we have started out to correct.
If we do, w are dead born. This is
what has killed the republican party
with all iU prestige, and the same medi
cine will kill us quicker because we have
lesslifein us. - :
If there is trood srround for thinkinz
that the majority of the legal votes of
tms great youug, growing sta e were
cast for Powers I waut the contest to
go on and be conducted in a spirit of
Fairness that will convince the whole ,
people that we are what we profess to i
be aaa tew tap contest 19 not ft mere
scramble for power, much as I want to
Eea the movement succeed. We had
better be right than havo all the offioes
ties it go ou, out let a majority oe as
careful to do right as though it had no
This legislature must work for the
people, not for party. .
B. J. Johnston.
The following amounts have been con
tributed for the relief of the drouth-
stricken region of the state:
Amount previously reported. . . .$553 00
Jacob Lewis, Blue Springs,
Prairie Cottage Alliance No.
O. R. Maxwell, Steele City,
25 25
Steele City Alliance.. 10 00
R. H. Lowdon, Dwight Alliance
No. 740......... ........ 15 00
Mrs. Laura Wagers, Shickley. . . 2 00
J. B. TempUn, Central City,
Archer Alliance, No. 882. .... 29 50
Written fortbe P Anions Allia wca by Prof.
L. K Hicks, of the Nebraska University.
Now that the people of Nebraska are
turning tneir attention to irrigation
many practical questions arise, some of
wnicn it may be useful to discuss for the
benefit of all concerned. In the letters
of inquiry sent to me from various parts
'of the state one of the most frequent
questions is " What is the meaning of
' incites ot water ' in the law of Ne
braska?" Notice musjt be posted at the
point oi diverting me water irom a
stream "claiming the water there flowing
to the extent of inches, measured under
a four inch pressure.
1 he "miner's inch" is the amount of
water escaping through an aperture an
inch square under six inches of pressure,
and it is adopted as the unit of measure
in Nebraska law, except that the pres
sure is put at four inches instead of six.
It is a crude and inaccurate method.
A better unit is the second-foot, that is,
the volume is stated in cubic feet per
second, as ascertained, by a weir, or by
multiplying tho cross section of the
channel by the velocity of . the current.
The essential point in measuring wa
ter by the miner's inch is that the whole
stream measured shall pass through an
orifice the size of which is so regulated
by a sliding valve that the water above
shall rise and remain exactly four inches
above the top of the oritice. When the
water flows freely and steadily with
this four inch head, tbe size of the aper
ture is noted, and its area in square
inches gives the indies of water there flow
ing." Observe that this result is quite dif
ferent from taking the square inches in
the cross-section of the ditch. The lat
ter method would always give too many
inches, even if that part only of - the
cross-section which is underwater were
counted, because the water iu the ditch
is not under pressure. Tho slope or fall
of the ditch also enters into the es ima
tion of its capacity. The same is indeed
true of the box used in , measuring by
the miner's inch. It may. bo. so tipped
or manipulated as to deliver more or
less water, the head or pressure re
maining at four inches all the
time. This constitutes the gravest ob
jection to its use as a unit of measure
for the water of irrigation. .
Two other practical questions are
these: " How much land will an inch of
water Irrigate? How many inches
should I claim in my notice of intended
X lie books on irrigation generally
state the duty of water at so many acres
per second-foot. In Colorado, for in
stance, the duty of water is about 125
acres for a flow of ono cubic foot per
second. In Nebraska the duty of wa
ter will be higher because our greater
rainfall will obviate the necessity of fre
quent irrigation daring the growing
season. It may be found that one
second-foot will irrigate as much as 200
acres. Now it takes 43 inches of water
to make -one second-foot; hence one
inch of water will, in Nebraska, irri-
Sate about 4 acres. This is to be ur
?rstood as the average general rule.
Some crops and some soils will run far
above, others far below the general
average. Putting the general average
at four acres, instead of four and a half,
to the inch, will make it easier to re
member, and may at the same time be
n arer tbe truth; Ior, in giving zuu
acres to the second-foot, I placed the
duty of water in Nebraska at a high fig
ure. Then if a farmer wishes to irn-
gate a quarter-section he should in his
uotice " claim the water there flowing
to the extent of forty inches.'' If a com
pany wishes to irrigate 100,000 acres
they should claim 25.000 inches.
ho matter how much is claimed, how
ever, the prior right as against later ap
propriators only holds for the amount
actually taken out and applied to bene
ficial uses. On the other hand taking
out more than is claimed docs not es
tablish a vested right to the excess.
In order to comply with the condi
tions of a legal notice of appropriation
it is onlyneces ary to understand the
method of measurement; no actual
measurement need be made. If actual
measurements are desired, eiiherfor the
approprtitor's own satisfaction or for
the purpose of selling the water, any
nnit may be employed which is satisfac
tory to the parties concerned. The law
only requites the miner's inch in the
notice oi diversion; and the same unit
would have to be employed also by the
courts in adjudicating disputed water
rizhta.unle&s the law should be amended.
It really ought to be amended at this
session of the legislature, because it has
other weak points besides adopting a
oaa unit oi measure, an irrigation
survey of Nebraska should also be pro
vided for. in order that the people may
know just what may be accomplished
and where to look for information on
this most vital of all the questions af
feeling the developement of a large
part of this commonwealth.
We desire to call tho atten'ion ot the
farmers of this county to tab Nebraska
winter corn exhibit to be neia in urana
Memorial Hall, at Lincoln, commencing
on the third Tuesday of this month,
( Jin. 20) and lasting, through the an
nual meeting of the State Board of Agri
culture. .The Quantities required for this show
are small while the premiums are large.
A very little effort ou tbe part oi the
farmers of this county will secure an
exhibit of this great staple product of
Nebraska that will be of incalculable
benefit la adyertisisi the eQUBfc:, be
sides helping to eahtrgs the work of the
State hoard.
Then let every farmer In Lancaster
county mafce this an individual matter,
in order that every variety or corn in
the county will be shown, making her
exhibit commensurate with the position
she holds as a county in one of the
greatest corn producing States in the
Union. ' '
Tbe following are the preminms of
'.. lit
588 Best 90 ears large yellow Dent
corn . CIO 00
$5 00
20 ear small yellow Dent
corn 10 00
20 ears large white Dent
corn 10 00.
20 ears small white Dent
corn 10 00
- 20 ears mixed Dent corn 10 00
kO ears bloody butcher
Dentoorn. 10 09
10 ear calico Dent corn 10 00
20 ears backberrr Dent
corn ( kernels not less
tban H inch long) 10 00
20 ears named Strain's
yellow Dent corn.. .. 10 00
20 ears named Btralns
white Dent corn 10 00
20 ears vellow Flint corn 10 00
6 01)
6 00
5 (10
20 eari white corn
2t)eara sugar cora. ......
X0 ears popcorn
201aiYeat ears of corn.
10 00
10 00
10 00
any variety in erraia.. ju uu ow
813 Largest number varieties, bent
and beat displayed eol- 10 00 5 00
leotive exhibitor corn
by any one county In
Nebraska. West of tbo
100th meridian. 4 25 00 15 00
U4 largest number varieties, beet
aixi best displayed col
lective exblblt of corn
; by any ono Individual
from any aeotloa of
25 00 15 00
In each exhibit made under the above
list, each 20 ears must be accompanied
witn one-halt peck shelled, of same corn
as ears exhibited. This rule, while it
would be advantageous and desirable to
oorn tne exhibitor ana the general pub
lic, does not, of obligation, apply to the
uuuecLive exmoiis as to sneuea corn.
Collective exhibits must be separate and
distiuct from individual exhibits. Far
ties making collective exhibits can enter
aaa compete lor minor individual pre
miums with same varieties of corn, but
not the same specimens.
in county collective exhibits ; the
greatest number of varieties shown will
not be the only test. Quality and dis
play will both be taken into account in
addition, quality more particularly. All
vaneties must be named.
Length of ear 100
Circumference of ear .100
Kven nens of ear . . lfti
Per oent of net grain to cob 800
Color and uniformity of grain 300
Quality and rlpeoeita of grain 200
Weight. H bushel, as a per cent of whole
bushel 20(1
tttior SU)
Market condition .aw
Length ot grain. 200
Hipenees .-. ..sou
J. H. Westcott.
Pres. Lancaster Co. Agricultural Society
Resolutions of Condolence.
Beaver ridge Alliance No. 710.
January 3, 1891.
Whereas, God, in his all wise provi
dence, has called to his eternal home
our esteemed sister, Mrs. Annie Harlan,
and '
Whereas; During her membership in
the Alliance she has ever manifested a
willingness to aid and advance the
cause and interest of the order and ele
vate the farmer and his calling; there
fore be it
Resolted, That in the death of Sister
Harlan, the Alliance has lost a true pa
tron, and her husband a faithful wife.
Resolved, l hat we tender our heart
felt sympathy to the bereaved family,
and ever cherish the memory of our
esteemed sister.
Resolved, That as a token of respect
for the deceased, these resolutions be
placed on our records, and a copy be
tendered friends, and copies bo fur
nished to the Beaver City papers and to
the State Alliance. .
C. E. Cronk, .
W. H. Hewett.
H. Neer.
Whereas, It has pleased Divine Provi
dence to remove from our midst the
mother of our beloved brother.
Resolved, That this Alliance deeply
sympathize with their brother and rela
tives In this their sad bereavement.
Resolved, That these resolutions of
condolence be published in the Farm
ers' Alliance and Alliance Knight.
A. D. Baker, Sec.
LufCOLN, Dec. 23, 1890.
Editor Alxxakce : -Fiat money! It
seems to me that I have heard that cry
before, aad it is the same old cry. This
started by the gold bugs, the Wall street
clique, whenever relief is needed by the
people at tbe bands of the government.
If the gold bugs were enabled to make
a fair percentage on such relief, rest as
sured that the cry "fiat money" would
not be heard. , And what is all this cry
about just at present? Because an in
crease of currency per capita is de
manded. Now please note Senator
John Sherman; he proposes to have the
government to issue two hundred mil
lions of bonds at 2 per cent; said bonds
will be purchased by a syndicate of
Wall street sharps for its equivalent in
currency. I can see no relief to the
people in this; the government wiU be
in debt two hundred millions more, and
the people will have to pay four mil
lions more of interest annually to the
syndicate, whether it be a Wall street
or British syndicate, and the currency
of the country will be, iu fact, con
tracted to the extent of two hundred
millions, unless Uncle Sam makes a
Christmas present of tffo two hundred
millions to the people, a thing which
John Sherman's bill does not provide
for. , ' " ; ' "
John Sherman from time immemor
ial has been known to b i the guardian
of the Wall street clique.and he will die
that way; but he dies hard, and the
g ower is a pity.
What is a bond? It is an interest
bearing debt that has the credit of the
government to give it value. What is
a greenback? ft is a non bearing inter
est debt, having the credit of the gov
ernment to give it value, lo all in
tents and purposes, both rest on the
good faith of this nation, ou its sol
vency; but the one bears interest and
the other none. I am for the latter.
Who are the people that say that
freonbacks is fiat meney, and United
tatei bocds not fiat money? Really as
between the greenbacks and the bonds,
the man who says it. is either a knave
01 A foo- yet rather much more knave
than foot. "
You remember IColl Much money
received and cone at hand. What did
the government do? Ih'y issued bonds,
and the very same clique that today
crys "fiat money," . purchased those
bonds at 40 cents on the dollar. For
tho same bonds or refundings, that
sime clique today gets one hundred
and twenty instead of the dollar con
tracted for, and they have received
goed interest ever since. That clique
speculated on the wants of the nation;
it was anything but patriotic.
The men who fought the battles of
the country that the union might be
preserved, that the nation 'might be
saved, and that the bonds might be
paid, were paid in greenbacks, rating
on an average during the war only 60
cents on the dollar. The government
does every soldier 40 per cent on the
amount of pay he has received, and yet
we hear nothing from John Sherman
toward paying the old soldiers their
just dues; he, who in common with his
party, poses as the "soldiers' friend!"
but on the contrary he is always heard
to advocate tbe interests of the bond
holders and of the national banks. His
vocais never heard in behalf of the
people.-' '."' "
Is it not about time that some one in
the congress of the United States stood
np to advocate the payment of the 40'
per cent which is due to the old sol
diers? It will take from four hundred
to five hundred millions to liquidate
that debt, as sacred a debt as the gov
ernment ever contracted. The old sol
diers will receive greenbacks dollar for
dollar without murmur, as in time of
war they receivtd their 00 cents on the
dollar without complaint.
A good two-thirds of the old soldfers
are either farmers or laborers, and a
measure of justice the liquidation of a-
debt of honor as . tho ouo suggested,
will enable the governmout to increase
its per capita of currency, while the
measure adopted by Johu Sherman wills
do just the contrary. ;
The great difficulty in emissions of
money by the government is for the-.
peoplo to get it; this measure gives the
emission to the people in payment of a
debt long since contracted for and to
all appearances almost forgotten by the-
"dear' patriots who only care for Wall
street. For the last thirty years we
have had greenbacks in circulation;,
during eighteen of those years nothing
was behind those greenbacks to give'
them value except the good faith of the
government. Since 1879 we have had
in round numbers about three hundred
millions of greenbacks, with one hun
dred millions in the treasury for their
redemption; aud it is only a little while
since that we have heard John Sher
man proposo that this one hundred
millions of gold should be used for
some other purpose. Those green
backs will be as good without a cent in
he treasury for their redemption, as
with dollar for dollar in gold held as re
serve for that purpose.
inetreucn Assignat of the Fronnh
revolution was reaily "fiat" moneys
that very name in Freuch as well as in
English implies "aSKign" or liat;" it
was fiat, because the credit -of the
French government was lost, because
the nation was bankrupt. Who is the
traitor that dare say that the United
States is bankrupt? Today tho French
nation is the most prosperous on the
face of the earth, and that, too, in the
face of reverses, the like of whii'h n
other nation ever had to endure. Fi.
nancially. France is more solid thnn
Great Britain; it is only a few weeks
since the Bank of England knocked at"
the door of the Bank of France for as
sistance, and it was given. Yet, with
al, the per capita of curreucy in France
is the largest of any in the univcrso and
five times larger than ours; and France,
like the United States, is made nn nf a
citizenship the large majority of which
aro land owners; but in France the land
owners dictate to the bond holders ho.
cause in the former is the patriotism of
the land. Here the bond holders dic
tate to the land owners: is it because
the patriotism is in the former? Not a
bit of it; it is because the legislation of
this land has been, and will remain so
long as the rebnlilir.a.n rmrrv hu. i Anr
i r J
now in any of the co ordiimtn lmnnimo
of this government, to make the rich.
licner, ana tne poorpoorer.
Advocate the payment of the debt of
honor to the volunteer soldier of 1801
1865. Victor
. .
An Irishman declares that it.wrts not
until he first pnrtook of the diah called
nasn that he realized the force of the
expression, "Everything oomes to him.
w hp ates."-r- WqsVmatOA Post. , ';