The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, January 10, 1891, Image 7

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Iaterta f att Bert Trm-W
Ur Car of gtott Itoll'af Wheat a
f Rear E Tmt Stock Walt
MM Bewa-sfraaehea, V
Bora eat the hm.
"A farm without boy would soon
coma to grief," say h you wi!l
about the general usefulness of boys.
It appears to me that many farmers
do not appreciate the work they do,
nor give them all the credit they de
serve A famous writer says that it is
quite easy to be boy, but that it
takes a great deal of practice to be a
good one; and this seems especially
true of farmer boys. The term "good
boy" is not easily defined, for in one
community it means one thing, in an
otifcr, something quite different In
general, however, this term is applied
to boys who are obedient and sub
missive. But from an agricultural
point of view this forms tout the small
est part of its meaning. Here, besides
willingness V6 obey promptly and a
general good behavior, he must work
do a great deal and do it welL Un
less he combines these qualities, he
can hardly hope to be classed as a
good boy." .
It is largely due, no doubt, to the
ririd rnfluiramenta ranosed on their
early lives, that many truly great
jnen can trace the beginning of their
greatness to the influences and disci
pline of some lonely plantation. As a
' rule, farmer boys do not enjoy the
privileges and advantages that other
bovs eniov: vet despite this fact
many a farmer boy laboring under
advereo circumstances, has ' fought
his way to the front. Look around
you and you will And among the most
successful of your acquaintances, men
who suffered many hardships and
privations during their early lives.
Such men have filled with credit posi
tions of the greatest responsibility. It is
. a noticeable fact that courage, self-reliance
and perseverance are the distin
guishing traits ol character oi sucn men.
. It is said that life is what we make it,
and while this may be true in a great
measure, It is also true that our sur
roundings exercise a wonderful influ-
- ence on our character, on its physical,
moral and intellectual sides.
It is unnecessary to allude to men
" who were born and bred in the "back
woods," received their primary edu
cation in a little log school houso in
some out-of-the-way place and finally
rose to eminence. Any one who has
ever read the li ves of noted men can
name such men. ! At the present day
many of our civil officers and profes
sional men point with pride to the
. rustic scenes scenes of their boyhood
days.' But as a rule, farmer boys feel
little satisfaction and less amusement
in their situation. , And if we consider
the numerous duties that usually de
volve upon them and their condition
gener-ally, we could hadly expect it
to be otherwise.' ' -.
' Winter Care of Stock. .
A great deal of cruelty is thought
lessly inflicted upon the animals in
wintering them. Sheep are the only
domesticated animals that do not re
quire careful wintering in well-protected
bama or sheds. f , Nature has
provided them with a covering in
their pelts aud fleeces which defies
storms and winds. Too closo confine-,
ment of sheep, however,', engenders
the rot, which often reduces the flock
to one-half its original size. The open
range is necessary for the health and
comfort of these animals, but some
sort of protected shed or peri should
also be provided for them so that they
can go under it if they choose. . But
more harm is done among sheep in too
close confinement than In letting them
have the full benefit of an open range.
' The milch cows and horses, however,
are not thus protected by nature, and
they must have good attention iu the
winter. Enough has been' said about
tight, warm and wetl-vetilated barns
and stables, but there is another kind
of protection which the stock need.
On fair, cold days they do not want to
be cooped up in the barns, but should
bo allowed to get some of the sunshine
and fresh air. Exercise is conducive
to their health, and the more they can
get out of this the better will their
health be preserved. Colts especially
should be kept outside until they are
thoroughly broken, and daily exercise
is absolutely necessary for their well
being. . . --i . . '
Out stock should have some' sort of
shelter to go to at any time, and yet
be able to get fresh sir and race about
freely. A rude shelter- of corn stalks
and wheat straw can easily be made
in one corner of the lot Make two
walls of posts and - rails, running east
and west, and about ten feet apart
Cover these with wheat straw, and the
top with oornstalks. This makes an
( effective atelier for the horses on cold
; day?, and they-will . frequently r stand
on the south side of the wall to sun
themselves in the daytime." The double
' walls will protect them from the cold.
northerly winds, and the fresh air and
sun will be greatly enjoyed by them.
Stock is never well wintered unless the
i feed and water are given to them
Selling1 Wheat as Floor.
' It is the practice of some farmers to
hare their wheal made into flour, and
have it sold thus, they retaining its
, bran and coarser portions . for stock
feed. When the Hour is sold at who'.
ale rates it brio gs about as much as
the wheat itself would da. But on
flour in ten, twenty-five or fifty-pound
lota a higher price is paid and a larger
profit made. The greatest advantage
is that when the bran and mill feed
are kept on the farm very little that
takes from soil fertility is removed.
If wheat is sold largely bran and mill
feed should at least be bought in equal
Keeping- gtork Well Bedded.
Sheep will work down a big pile of
straw into good manure if a little is
thrown under them every day. Their
droppings mixed with straw get up a
gentle heat after the pile grows to a
foot or more in thickness. In the
very coldest weather a well enclosed
barn basement will not freeze where
sheep are bedded thus. It is not bad
way to keep other stock excepting
milch cows, which can hardly be
trusted to keep themselves in condi
tion for milking without the daily re
moval of all excrement so that the
cow need nover get herself bedaubed
with her own solid or liquid droppings
: Secure Good Oat Seed.
The ftat crop last season was general
ly poor, and the oats were light at
well. It will be hard in many cases
to get plump, full weight seed, but
this is important to prevent the next
crop from further deterioration. It is
better when feeding oats to winnow
out the heaviest and save for seed. If
oats are threshed by hand, the heav
iest and plumpest come out first while
some of the lightest can hardly be
separated from the chaff. This is
really a good way to secure the best
oat seed cut of any given crop.
Breeding Horniest Cow.
In the breeds of cattle which
naturally have horns, the process of
dishorning after one or two gener
ation produces . progeny that are
naturally mooters. The shape of the
head is also changed when dishorn
ing is done at an early age, and with
it the character of the animaL The
more active and nervous the breed
the greater is th need of breeding it
into the mooley, especially as, this is
done without apparent injury to its
other and more valued characteristics.
' . Salt For Fruit Trees.
An occasional heavy dressing ot
saltan the apple orchard greatly in
creases its productiveness, salt is a
solvent and makes all plant food in
the 6oil more available. It also in
creases the moisture of soils and more
often than almost any other crop fruit
trees suffer from drought Phosphate
often goes into insoluble forms in the
Soil. It is nature's way of locking it
up' to prevent waste. There is no
cheaper way to unlock it for any crop
than to use salt freely. , v '
' Hints to Housekeeper.
For an aching tooth, saturate a piece
of cotton with ammonia and lay it on
the tooth. -
A good rule is to use pastry flour
whenever baking-powder is used i and
bread flour with yeast :
' Thick sweet cream sweetened and
flavored, and thickened with a little
flour or corn starch and baked be
tween two crusts, is excellent
Fur stomach worms in a child, mix
one teospoonful of powdered sage in
two tablespoonfuls of molasses, and
give a teaspoonful every morning.
Lamp chimneys may be cleaned by
holding them over the steam from a
teakettle, and then rubbing them with
soft cloth. Polish with newspaper.
Ribbons and other silks should be
put away for preservation in brown
paper, as the chloride of lime used in
manufacturing white paper frequently
produces discoloration. '' - -
, Iron rust may be removed from
marble by taking one part of nitric
acid to twenty-five parts of water and
applying it carefully to the spots
Rinse off with ammonia and water.
To take the rust out of steel, rub the
steel wltli sweet oil; In ' a day or two
rub with finely "powdered unslaked
lime until the rust all disappears, then
oil again, roll in woollen aud put in a
dry place, especially if it be table
cutlery. : . '' ' ". '
Scrubbing brushes should be kept
with bristles down and they Will last
twice as lonj; common sense will tell
you if you stand them the other way
the water will run down and soak Into
the back, loosening the bristles, wheth
er they be glued or wired., , Wj
;A young housekeeper asks for some
thing that will remove' indelible ink
stains. Cyanide of potassium, which
is a deadly poison, and must be care
fully handled, will remove some stains
of so-called "Indelible" ink. Get di
rections for its use from the apothe
cary whore you purchase the prepara
tion. ' " "- ".
A sickroom screen should be made
very light so it can be moved easily.
A clothes-horse will answer for the
frame. . Buy a couple of tubes of dark
est green, thin with linseed oil and a
little turpentine, and with a flat bristle-
brush . paint the light wood frame,
Dark green silesla, tacked on one side
firmly to the wooden frame, will shut
out light On the other side you can
pin up one picture at a time. If there
is color in that one picture, so much
the better. The nearer you make your
sick room screen like the screen an
artist uses in his studio, the better for
the recovery of the sick child. The
use of this screen is to rest and protect
the eyes. The use' of the picture is to
amuse the sick child.
Tre iMMlsllM e OmIIssm ta4
iimm Ueweea.
Good society is that where toadyism is
'rowned down upon and scandal niongers
re not admitted.
Good society ii that where one earns
we's title to gentlewoman not only by
Hrth but by good manner.
Good society is that where men are re
pectful, where ff-color stories are not
q' J, and where the women do not smoke
Good society is that where to under
laud Greek is of leas importance than to
understand courtesy in ah its law.
Good society is that which is not per-
ods1 in its talk, but which finds suffi
cient topics of interest to discuss without
diluting on the sins of its neighbors.
Good society is that where the art of
welcoming the coming and speeding the
parting guest is graciously practiced.
Good society is that where women are
iot hastily judged, but once they are be
lieved to be untruthful, deceitful and ill
1 red they are ostracised.
Good society is that which can give a
Jinner without sending a notice of it to
the newspapers, can introduce a daugh
ter without having her frocks made the
subject of a paragraph, and which be
lieves that the family and its happiness
is of more importance than the booming
of a beauty or the being counted amosg
the Four Hundred. .' V - '"' ' .
Good society is that which; while it
recognises the value of all the conven
tional rules, is yet sufficiently strong to
be guided occasionally by hearts, and not
of necessity to follow a leader, as sheep
do. - "- ''.''
Good society is that which is formed
when two or three are mot together in
pleasant couverse. You can, if you will,
though yours be only a room in a boarding-house,
make the best society in the
world there. Bab.
A Man Whom VaaderbHt Had.
There arrived st the Palmer house
yesterday a quiet little man that one
wotty! put down for an actor. ; Young
looking, without a silver hair, yet he' is
70 years of age. Many years ago he wa
struggling for a living iu Kow York
Sts.te. Suddenly he was a millionaire ;
then almost as suddenly he had not a
fenny. Again the scenes shifted and he
had more pennies than an English syn
dicate. After four er five years on the
top wave again lie wss down. This is
a brief history of John Harker.
When Commodore Vanderbilt was
searching the United States for a ma to
for his flyer, Mounts in Boy, Mr, Uarker,
then a small horse trader, appeared in
Now York and presented Commodore
Vanderbilt with Lady Planet
"I think I've matched your horse,"
raid Mr. Harker. "If Mountain Boy and
Lady Planet make a swift team you are,
welcome to my horse, , I don't want a
cent for her.M
It was a swift span, as everybody
knows. The commodore beat every
team on the road and held the doublu
team record for years. John .Harker
was not forgotten. He was given stocks,
bonds, &c, which made him worth soma
$800,000 in a little while. Harker was
not satisfied and the many whirls he
took on Wall street soon caused his for
tune to disappear, ? Again Commodore
Vanderbilt placed him on the top1 shelf.
Tlie erst-whfle hone-trader then retired
from active speculation and lived like a
king for a few years, until he found his
way to Wall street once More. - JHis as
sociation with the bulk and the bears
soon caused a separation between him
and hi coin and for the third time he
joined the bread-winners. Now he bar
a fair competency and enjoys life.
; w.;fv ' - " f f- . '
, " Tweaty Tear of Selene. .;
: The editors of Nature (London), on the
occasion of the twentieth anniversary of
the establishment of the magazine take
occasion to review the progress of science
during that period of years. In the physi
cal sciencei, the development of the
atomic theory and the establishment of
electricity aud light, have been the main
achievements ; in chemistry, the procla
mation of the periodic law of the ele
ments and the development of organic
chemistry ; in astronomy, the develop
ment of the spectroscope, the use of pho
tography, and the extension of the
nebular hypothesis; in biology, the
firm establishment of the Darwinian
doctrine, the development of the study ef
bacteria, and, later, the effort to. deter
mine the ' position of the Lamarck tan
principle, have been the main features.
In botany, the .key-note has been the
study of protoplasm and cell-life ; in
geolojy, the greatest advance has been
in the application of the microscope and
the study of rock structure. k
V ' A bhucUc;! Clorgjr man. ; r
A subject for the Pastor's Union to
Inck'e (maybe they hate) is tha Sunday
"church notices" from the pulpit One
of ur popular clercy men read on Sun
day morning a certain noticu of a-com-iv.g
entertainment of a gastronomic sort
at the church vestry, and then added :
"It always makes me shudder, to read
such a notice ns tluvt from a pulpit but
I suppose it is a necessary oviL. and wo
h-'pe yoti will all come, f J There are
some things that certainly seem too ma
terial for a church pulpit, and pork and
beans and fish chowder, or New England
.1 inner, are not without power lo dis
turb the" equanimity. Lewiaton (Me.)
Journal. :t ' ' ' i ij
v ' More Seeded.
"Before we take up the collection this
morning, remarked the good pastor as
he looked mimly over the congregation,
"I wish to say that we have already in
the church treasury two quarts of
nickels that appear to have been punched
through and afterwarki plugged with
lend. These coins, I am informed, will
not buy stamps, groceries, or fuel, and
conductors on street cars refuse to tako
them, I The choir will sing 'Oil land of
test, for thee I sigh.'"
Meclir.nics Earn Mure tliau Novelist.
It ii said that if ten American novel
ist whose books sell readily are selected,
cud ten mechanics who earn $2.50 per
day, At tia end of tw years the mechan
ics will have earned the most money.
ft Was Battle te the Death, aa4 There
TV a He sarvlver.
The Allowing story was told us by a
staiwtn Indian, who, having been
among the Frinch balf -breeds a geod
ceal, bad received from them the Frsnck
name of Baptist. He said:
"One summer, long ago, I was with a
large party of Indians. W were mak
ing a Ion journey over the rolling
prairies, from one piece to another.
That we might have plenty of meat to
eat two of us were appointed to keep
about two days' journey ahead of the
company to hunt and to kill all the
game we could.
The reason why we kept so far apart
was because we hd dogs and babies and
women in our party, and you know they
will all make much noise, so they would
scare the animals far away.
" Well, we two hunters kept well ahead.
Some davi we had good luck and killed a
great deul, and then other days we did
not kill much What w got we cached,
so that the party could easily find it by
the sign we gave them when they cams
along. We always put it near lite trail
for them. ; Then we would, push on.
looking for more.
"la the rolling prairies the hiu are
like the great waves of the sea, only
some of the bills ana about a anile apart,
with the vallevs between. , When we
were coming to the top of one of these,
.'swells, or hilts, we would creep np very
carefully in the long grass and look r
down in the valley on the other side,
Sometimes we would see game to shoot
and often there was nothing at all.
When there was no sign of anything
worth stopping to shoot, ' as we were
f tor big game, having many mouths to
feed, we would hurry across to the next
hilltop and carefully look over into the
next valley.
One day as we bad parsed several val
leys and had seen nothing that was worth
our stopping to shoot we came to the
top of a pretty large hill, and cautiously
looked over. There was , a sight that
we "hall never forget
, "Right down before us, - within gun.
shot, was a very large grizsly bear and
two big buffalo bulls. Well for us tho
wind was blowing from them to us.
They were very angry-looking and tvere
preparing for a big tight The buffaloes
seemed to know that the b?ar was an
ugly customer, and ho looked as if he
did not know how to manage the two of
them at once.
"For quite a while they kept up what
you might call a pretense of battle. The
bulls would paw the ground, and keep
up a constant roaring.:, This only made
the bear the more augry, and if there
hud only been one he would soon hare
got his big claws upon him, but there
being two made him cautiouv
"After a while both ef the bulls sud
denly lowered their heads and charged
the bear. As they rushed at him
he quickly arose upon his haunches,',
and. us they closed in upon him, he
seized one of them by the head and
neck, and, with asudden jerk, so quick!
broke his neck that he fell down as dead
as a stone.
y " The older buffalo, which had charged
at the same time, gave the bear a fear
ful thrust with hk sharp horns, one of
which pierced him between the ribs,
causing an ugly wound from which the
blood soon began to flow. The bear,
having killed the other buffalo, tried to
sieze hold of this one also, but he, list
ing given the bear the ; ugly wound,
quickly sprang bock out of his reach.
He ran off for a little distance, but as
the bear did not follow him, he cams
back again. There they stood looking at
each other, loth verj angry, but both
very cautious. As they kept moving
around it seemed to us as though the buf
falo had so come round to the windward
bide of the bear that he caught the scent of
the blood from the wound. The smell of
blood ahvays excites to fury these
animals, and so, lowering his head, he
furiously charged at his wounded yet
still savage enemy. The bear rose upon
his hind quarters to receive him, and,:
seizing him as he did the other, killed
him on the spot
"We saw him go from one buffalo to
another and smell them both, but be did
not offer to tear or eat either. We could
see that he was very badly wounded from
the way he kept twitching his side, from
which the blood kept running. It was
an ugly wound and he was a very sick
bear, and so as he looked so cross we
were not in a hurry to let him know any
thing about us. , . , ' , '
"Imagine, if you can, " said ,Baptiste,
while his eyes flashed at the recollection
of this royal battle, "how excited we
were as we lay there in the long grass'
and watched this great fight
"Then we thought: Now if wo can
only kill that wounded bear we will have
plenty of meat for the whole camp for a
good while.- But', although we had oui
guns, we' were none too anxious to begin
the battle with such a bear as that one ;
so we crouched low and watched hint.
It was very -fortunate that the wind,
which was quite a breeze, blew as it did
He never seemed to suspect that other
foes were near. :
"After a whila he went oil a little
distance and lay down in the long grass,
which rose up so high around him that
we could not sue him. We waited loug
for him to get up, but as he did not, and
we could not stay there all day, we pre
pared for a big tight with him. We put
our knives whore we could ' instantly
draw them, and carefully examiued our
guns to see that they were all right
Then we began to crawl down carefully
through the grast toward h-.m.
"My ! how our hearts did beat I and
how every second we expected he would
hear us, and the tight would begin for
lite ot death.
. "We got very close to him. although
not near enough to see nim. , men, as
we heard no sound we made a little noise
to attract his attention. And then we
wantf d him to get up, so we could have
a better chance to shoot him. But he
did not stir, So, with our lingers on the
tnirgers of our guns, we-called outj
'Mr. Bear, here are enemies ready for
another bnttlo V Still there was no stir,
and so we got up and went to him and
found him us dead us the buffaloes. So
without tiring a shot we hud a great
quantity of meat f,New York Leager.
Percneron and French Coach Horc:i
a -
I bar the larg-cit and best lot of Parobsros fitallloo f aervtoaMe
see west of tb bllMHtsippL I have ever tvecty ttwUd an Soollaat4
stallion, which, to-tbr with tar tats fear's laiportadoa. sake
of the finest oollecUoos of horse ever sees at saaa's bsras. 1 save
also a Una lot of young Imported and items-bred iaares4 a few
holoa feVenob. flnaeli StMillMne. all m v mrm nmuilai;.
. ks American and Franca
see the beet blood in existence to say stud and sell bones oa easy term. If I doa't o.
you better horses for less Money than any other I id porter or breeder, I will par your -
M si NMiu n atf auua. rou irwi m us juag. my rarm, ajsawn a tee oa t I
Steak f araTu K'Umt en the C. H. Q. By., bet Trustee bnka at. i
three-fourth ot a raiie ef railroad stauun called Or?. V nte far e-dotue or tomt see pa
Llaryvillo ITodnvrcy Co.,
We her horses of tb a bore breeeTwhk
t M excelled. A oerusoaie ei r
want a oood trstruL stalmos,
aaaai.a Pars and we will
BARN AT WABASH FASSSNGZ2 D2T0T. wsea writing steatioa It fesm
Jumbo 11CC3,
The larveex herd and
Seivo Middlo ProfLto!
''y . . KSTaBUiaio in irm
Suited to Nebruia, Heady to tc'J.
Stock Trua to m. Satlsf tst!:n Ci";nr.t::-1 ;
Lam itock of Forest Seedlls at Lev Rstos te rejpeacrtls yarttef Cr
Oerrespoad at onoe before roth of de Jvery, seed for Caiaustss. ; I
Msnuoa laaasas' AiUasos waea wiiilnf. , . I
VC2 c:.tc2:3tg:
Patent Claims Allowod
II ' 1 1
Cl. 5 u IV
J. .W HARTLEY, State Agent.
The finest ground floor Photograph Gallery in the State. All Work in the
finest finish. Satisfaction Guaranteed. aa6t nth street,
iotf. . T. W.vTOWNSEND, Proprietor.
The Latest ImproYed and Best End-gate Seeder.
VP.B. EIX Co. Prcpr'D,
Importer ssfl Breeeers of
shire. clyc
her, tear tSm lew 1U"
nederate pries. Ko other fm tail
sells to steak ooe-rS"1- .- t-e
srstem that we So, whx-fc insures to e
ouar deaHas. snnniial breeder as-it l
lute socesss. v bar tpr r
tables) the wlnaers mt lv7 prWe La
rope em4 Vaerl.
Our reoosa l t Imil st Kveowi wax
fair wss twenty-" prises, feartesa
t "Wtti r l?1- ! estehHroel
TAXXt i.J f i i.-10 allS
8tnd Hooka and cert furniifce as aie. I
ore brceerwsle fev reed ladlvMaels and ;oWmr.7f t"v
i of registry as frae7 aOMaane oa bor-a. U f s
,uar, wonra vl MOxr, to our barn wlu t T
I surprise yea wk our oood hommS asp um ratew, --wJ
fev reed ladlvMaals and Tobo vsXrT
the Iowa First Priza ral tCCD.
the lara-ASt Individual owned by OIM i
eaatorwuat. 1 have u'ss of all wires anil either sax for sate, fr
the farmer's hog to the mot valuable show animal, sad of a 1 t-e
farnlll'- known to Poland Uhtna hnu. Tho following tneies la !--
tnr 1HU1. anmba USDS: Uootor SSlTl Orient 12157s Younx Jumv
18607 aud Jumbo Jr.. Vol. W A. P. C. R;. . '
Inapeotlon invited. Free livery to drive to farm on application to
O. W. Baldwin, liveryman, catalogue and price ou sjjuileaeon.
tmSH T.J HAMKla, Vf eat Lioorty. leva.
Ooo. 13 end Cot. 14, 11. J.
The test larcrtlcn la Us vzzll
for cxtzlizs trl Lc!"i 3 til'Z t3
dehorn cr Irzzl, T7rlts to E. V.
gas, for Us nicslj ill::tnt:l
Cataloged on dehcrnirs cycles-
ing stump. Agents waste! erery
where not occupied.
Mention this paper when writing.
,: .t i ,t .. , . .... .it . .v -
1 Wholesale sod Betail Sealers in Mtf
market. Ho
Fa r me r
should he
without ono
We can make you
special prices on a
limited number of
Send in your order
at once. '
att Lincoln, ITob.