The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, January 10, 1891, Image 5

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not th dictate of sympathy and love,
Lai selfish policy.
" Rer. J. II. W. Stnckenberg, D. D.,
the able editor of th European depart
ment of ihHemiUtir Renew, who was
' and is today an eTewitnew of this over
turning, declares that the church in the
empire has lost her opportunity for
ever. It does not require the vision of
a seer to see that the church In this
country is rapidly reaching the same
We haven't a state church here, as
they have in Germany, but we have its
exact equivalent, viz: a worldly chnrch,
for and by the rich. The leaders
have courted the favor and solicited the
patronage of men of wealth and influ
ence. Like cowardly dogs they have
fawned at their feet. They have fallen
into the hands of plutocratic Philistines,
who have bound them hand and foot
and put out their eyes. "A gift blind
eth the wise, and perverteth the words
of the righteousness."
John Wesley warned his followers of
the very state of affairs we now behoM.
He said, "Beware bow you invite rich
men into your churches until you are
sure they are Christians. Beware how
you manage your churches in such a
way that rich men will become a ne
sitT to vou. If vour chnrch build
ings are so luxurious that you seed sst
enormous income, wealthy men wut oe a
' mmYv to von. and they will rule vou.
and then yon must soon bid farewell to
; AieiUOUlst UUSCJpuuv uu iuvuwuut
, doctrine. ,
The condition of the churches in this
v country today prove the prophetic
aeauracv of Mr. Wesley's . words, not
only with reference to Methodism, but
it is also true 01 au tne popular uenom-
inations in our cities. The rich men have
become a necessity to keep up the gorgeous
display. They hold tho balance of
rower. Thev padlock the pews, muz
zle the preacher, shape the policy, and
control the administration.
Now does any one ask why, in view
of the fact that God in almost every one
of the sixtT-siz books or tne bible tnun
ders his anathemas against every form
of oppression, extortion, caste robbery,
fraud, and injustice, whether i . be in the
church, nation, or individual, in view of
tne fact that "ne that oppressetn tne
poor, reproacheth his maker." and that
the woes of an angry God will overtake
them that "beat my people to pieces
and srind the faces or the poor;" ana "re
spect persona in admiration because of
advantage :" and who"turn aside the poor
in the gate from tneirrignt, anaamict
the just and take a bribe," who "counsel
together that they may buy the poor for
a pair of shoes;" and who "keep back
by fraud the hire of the laborers who
have reaped down your fields, "(mortgage
ridden farmers) in view of the fact that
God has always taken the side of the OP'
pressed against the oppressor, under all
dispensatious and every form of humun
. AArarnmnn In ftia' fa no t9 all thnaA
tacts, do you ask wny in tne name 01 au
that is consistent, do not the ministers
of the gospel leap into the breach, lift
up their voices like a trumpet andde
fend down trodden, impoverished, starv
-ing humanity against the aggressions of
merciless monopolies, stealing syndi
cates, conscienceless corporatons and
legalized robbery and spoliation? It
mu6t be as .remarkable to expect the
T T ' . 1 O . . .L . 1 ,
u untax oiaiea senate (iu American
house of lords) to legislate in the inter
est of the people when sixteen of its
members represent ninety-two millions
of money, as to expect the salaried ser
vants of churches ruled by the rich to
lift up their voices in behalf of the
Lord's poor. They grow eloquent and
indignant as they describe the bitter
bondage and cruel oppression of three
millions of people under despotic Pha
raoh and his heartless taskmasters three
. thousand years ago. - But on the burn-.
ing question or this hour wmcn is stir
ring the nation from sea to sea and from
' the lakes to the gulf, viz: How shall
these three millions of people be deliv
ered from the Egypt of monopolistic
' oppression and tyranny? they main
tain a stolid indifference and studied si
lence. We have a graphic description
of these hypocritical hirelings in Isa56:
10, 11: " His watchmen are blind; thev
are all ignorant (wilful ignorance), they
are au dumo dogs; they cannot nark;
sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber!
Yea, they are greedy dogs which can
never have enough and they are shep
herds that cannot understand; they all
look to their own way, every one for his
gam from his quarter. . xhese facts are
patent to all unprejudiced people.- The
unchurched millions look with con
tempt on this hypocritical mockery
. masquerading in the name of Chris-
tinnirv Th rr nlnin npnnlo am Tint.
so easily duped as their designing
leaders . think they are. They read,
think, and observe for themselves.
There is a wide diffusion of information
among all classes to-day. The people
have awakened to the fact that, the
Christianity as taught and lived by its
founder, and preached and practiced by
his 'apostles, is not the Christianity of
' the churches of this day. That was an
incident of far reaching significance,
which occurred in a large meeting of
laboring men in a public, hall in New
York a few months ago. The mention
of the church by the speakers was
greeted with hisses, while the name of
Jesus Christ was applauded to the echo.
Why this discrimination? It is an index
finger pointing with an infallible cer
tainty to the fact that the people are
awake. They are slipping off the hand
cuffs of superstitious reverence for dry
dogmas, musty creeds, and - hoary
headed traditions. They have awak
ened to find that they have been seeking
the, living Christ through the lifeless
,. forms and. empty ceremonials of whitod
sepulchers. They have discovered that
while Jesus Christ was the friend of the
poor," The common people heard him
-gladly." the church is the friend of the
rich. Jesus Christ was opposed to caste,
the church favors and fosters it. Jesus
Christ taught the brotherhood of man,
the church has established an aristoc
racy of the " bon tons." Jesus Christ
spread a feast and invited the poor, the
blind, the halt, the maimed, the friend
less to partake of the provisions "with
out money and without price;" the
church prepares a great banquet and
. n- - r . r r i . -
invites the bishop, the governor, the
lawyers, the bankers, the respectable
and influential to partake of the rich
viands at a dollar a head, and then blow
through the papers next day. Jesus
Christ and his apostles taught us to
glory only in the cross; tho church
glories in her great men, her history,
er achievements, her fine ecclesiastical
system, her statistical tables, fine build
ings, educational institutions, members,
wealth, benevolences, and almost every
thing under the sun but "Christ and
Uim crucified." Jesus Christ tanght
that it was hard for the rich and easy
for the poor to enter the kingdom of
heaven; the chnrch has made it easy for
the rich and well nigh Impossible for the
poor to get in. Jesus Christ put the
tape measure around the heart and de
termined a mac's worth by what he h;
the church puts the measure around the
purse and determines a man's worth by
what he has.
Is it surprising then that they hiss the
church and applaud Christ?
Hon. James Redpath, editor .VorM
American Review, in an interview pub
lished in the Ilomiletic Review, March,
1877, among other startling statements,
says: "My profound belief founded
on thirty-fire years of almost daily inter-
course among workingmen in every part of
this country -is that the church to-day
has hardly any influence among the
workingmen at all, certainly hot in the
cities. I confine myself to the Protest
ant churches.
never yet met a workingman who re
garded the church as the churchof Christ
nerer one. (Italics are mine.)
Again, Hon. John Swinton, a promi
nent journalist in New York, in an in
terview published in the Jfomiletic Review,
August, 1884, among other things, says:
"New York is in a chronic state, of
plague as is shown by the death rate of
the city in its densely crowded districts.
Iii the third ward, for example, the
death rate last year (1888) reached fifty
seven in the thousand more than three
times the death rate of London or of
Paris! constituting the most appalling
indictment of modern Christianity and
civilization that could possibly be made.
Reeking and rotten, squalid and death
stricken, this heterogeneous city of the
plague has stood here before the clergy.
Have they, unaer the circumstances,
lived up to the gospel of the Galilean?
Have they who possess the voice of au
thority, who hold the springs of power
and speak with the voice of divinity in
the cloth of clericalism, done as Jere
miah or as Zachariah did under similar
circumstances? It is the very abomi
nation of desolation, in the presence of
which the thousand clergymen of this
city have stood ; but they have preferred
to sniff the odors of fortune, and cross
their clerical limbs under the banquets
of nabobism, rather than to do as He
whom they pretend to serve did. ; Let
the clergy show themselves possessed of
the blood and brawn of the masses,
tingling to their sorrows, thrilling under
their cries, struggling against their
wrongs, standing oy their side, battling
against .their foes, being one with the
masses not in any patronizing, super
cillious, toploftioal manner, but as a
man meets man, as pulse-beat to heart
beat. Let them not like the cowardly
Eress always take the side of wealth,
ut inquire whether these groans do
uvv isaviw iiviu uuiuau aua vasugp sm
discover by whom that suffering is in
flicted. While retaining the testament
of its founder; while nominally adher
ing to words, Christianity has changed,
just as all- human formulae are apt to
change in spirit while leaving form. I
remember reading in my school book
that during the worst periods of the
Roman Empire the crowned ruffians of
Rome still put their edicts out under the
majestic name of the "Republic." Hew
had the old muscular Roman Republic
changed in the lime of Caligula? Was
it not still in the imperial title Rei
Republican And yet and yet and yet!
Again: look at the freshness of the
Protestant Reformation in its early up
springing; and look at the stiltedness of
the great state establishment now called
Lutneranism in Germany. Look at tho
high, lofty laws of Moses, and mark how
they had got distorted when our Savior
came. He, himself, told the great rulers
of the church how the law had been
twisted and turned upside down. 'The
priests the ministers of that day still
swore by Moses: still carried out, with
great vigor, the ceremonies of original
Judaism; still "made broad the phylac
teries;" and yet, could there be a greater
contrast than that between the power
ful regeneration of Moses, and the stilted
ecclesiasticism of Jerusalem at the time
of our Lord? It had not changed in
verbal' embodiment, yet the gospels
show the radical change that had taken
place. This same thing has occurred in
modern ecclesiasticism, still nominally ad
hering to the words of Christ, but alas!
where is Christ?
These are severe words, but who
dare say they are not true. Mr. Swin
ton, like Mr. Redpath speaks from per
sonal contact and conversation with the
laboring chtssee. The editor of the
Homileiic Review, in a prefatory note,
sayst "Mr. Swinton is connected with
the daily press of New York City, and
beyond all question voices the feelings
and sentiments of a large class with
whom he has identified his efforts, and
by whom be is recognized as a leader,
and it is desirable that our ministers
and church workers should clearly un
derstand the actual condition of things
in the midst of us at the present time.'.'
Has there been any change for the bet
ter since 1884? It would seem not, for
the ministers still meet and discuss the,
hackneyed question, "How shall we
reach the masses?" They have just
been discussing this question in Cleve
land, Cincinnati, Brooklyn, New York,
and other cities. "
It is inspiring to know that here and
there throughout the country a clergy
man is found with clear cut convictions
on this subject, and the courage to as
sert them. -
Bishop Huntington of the Episcopal
church is a notable instance. In the.
"Forum" of last October in a timely and
able paper he discusses the relation of the
social problems to the church. He
handles the subject without gloves as
the following paragraph from his article
"More than one half of the religious
organizations large or small are at pre
sent practical contradictions of the ser
mon on the Mount. It does not need
an ostentatious hierarchy to open the
door for the "prince of this world,"
letting him in where he does tenfold
the mischief ho could do by persecu
tions, seductions or infidel . argument
outside. He buys up the property,
holds the keys to pew doors, puts rich
families in the foremost scats, hires and
pays the choir, raises the funds by lot
teries and theatricals, tells the lower
classes to stay out on the street, or pat
ronizes them with a mission chapel in
the outskirts, makes a fashion plate of
the female worshippers, sees to it that
parish officers and all other marks of
distinction are assigned to prosperous
merchunts, politicians and leaders of
society never to mechanics and day
laborers who have no other qualifica
tions except piety and good sensesuits
the preacher to the tastes f the rulina set
and "runs the concern." What is all this
mamonism and snobbery but a surren
der of the kingdom of tne crucified to
his adversary? Where V, the divine
brotherhood? Meantime prudent care
is taken to keep the holy language and
handsome ceremonial sale. Is it said
this will footer violence and provoke in
surrectionary clamor? Telling the
truth has generally been safe in the long
run, and it "was .never ester man it is
now, when the truth is likely to be told at
ana rate.
I freely confess that I infinitely pre
fer the gospel of the carpenter to the
gospel of the counting room, the epistles
oi the tent maker to tne epistles or tne
mill owner. Christianity to Churchi-
anity. Churchianity may be defined as
Christianity formalized, it is like coun
terfeit coin-current but false. Churchi
anity isthe "devil's chapel." Whereever
form is put for substance, whereever
the medium is regarded as tne essence,
Christianity crystalizes into Churchi
anity. We look for Christ and find-a
church; we ask for bread and are given-
a stone, f banseeism is resurrected and
baptized with a Christian name. Pray
what is this but' Churchianity? The
precepts and practice of Jesus Christ
were so revolutionary that they brought
him into immediate collusion with the
law and order of Tiberius Ceaser
and Caiaphas, the high priest The
apostles took up and carried on his work
in his spirit. They turned the world up
side down. Churchianity on the con
trary is at peace with the world. Run
over the category of reforms, take the
anti-slavery cause. The essential blas
phemy of slavery lay in this, that it
broke into and desecrated the temple oi
the Holy Ghost. The church of course
denounced it, did it not? Nay, it was
the foremost appologist for, and often
the thick and thin defender of man steal
ing. The Churchianity of the N. S. was
3,000 years behind the Judaism of Mo
sea. ' Churchianity has been the resolute
opposer of every single forward step.
It has flung Paul in the face of woman
precisely as it threw Onesimui in the
face of the slave, and the example of
Jesus in the face of Temperance. Take
the labor movement, the movement of
the masses against the classes, in Glad
stone's phrase. The movement the
world over is the latest and largest of
miracles. Churchianity takes no interest
in it, never discusses it. The preachers
are too busy bombarding the Pharisees
of old, to train their guns on the Phari
sees of the 19th century. Labor cries
"give me a chance. I want shorter
hours, better wages, more bread on my
table and part ownership in what I
make." Churchianity. whispers, "Oh!
capital, rents the pews, pays for the
music and patronizes the parson; we'll
build a mission chapel on a side street
and name it St. Lazarus." It builds ca
thedrals, not men; the church is pre
empted (and emptied) by wealth and
fashion. Lawyers who are counsel for
trusts and corporations; capitalists
whose names are Identified with trickey
monetary transactions, leaders of the
ton whose real god is society, occupy the
highest seats in the Synagogue, and love
to come because they feel sure they will
not be reminded of time in the contem
plation of eternity. The industrial
classes do not, can not recognize Chris
tianity' in Churchianity. They need
religion as much as ever, but the church
of snow, the church of the Holy Cash,
the congregation of St. Sinner, a la mode,
are an abomination to their souls. The
American pulpit is dependent on the
pews. Therefore its inevitable temp
tation is to preach within the limits of
parochial desire prejudical.
Yes, thank God, the truth will be told,
as Bishop Huntington says: "It may
be crushed to earth, but it will rise
again.". Judaism could not .hold the
truth down. Though it took divine
dynamite to break the old hard crust of
caste, that the imprisoned truth might
go free on her mission of mercy to
earth's enslaved millions. On the day
of Pentacost the bombshell explodod.
It made sad havoc - of . the "dear old
church," but it was an everlasting boon
to the world. . t -
The church of Rome could not get a
corner on the truth and monopolize the
grace of God. She had kings, govern
ments and vast treasures at ber com
mand. But under the sturdy blows of
Huss, Wyckliff, Savonoralo, Luther and
Melancthen. the greatest rocks that
have ever blocked the path of human
progress ignorance, prejudice and su
perstition were rolled away from the
sepulchre, and again . the truth went
forth to bless mankind. The church of
England could not hold down the truth.
Through the "irregular preaching and
practice of John Wesley and George
Whitetield, the truth was again liber
ated from the narrow limits into which
it had been crowded by the favored few.
And as sure as Jesus Christ died for
all men, and is no respecter of persons,
so certain is it that the truth will be
liberated from Protestants prisons and
published to the unchurched millions,
who cannot be crowded into the little
conscience chapels on the outskirts.
Henry Ward Beecher in his life of
Christ says, "If the church has" been
the nurse, it has also been often the de
stroyer of religion, and for a thousand
yeors believers have been in captivity
to spiritual Babylon."
Dr. Joseph Parker, minister of the
City Temple, London, in his reply to
Ingersol, says: "That Christianity has
been shut up in sectarian prisons and
made the drudge of narrow minded
bigots is the darkest and saddest fact in
history. Christianity has suffered
grieviously from over organization. She
has been made to sign too many . docu
ments and to keep too many detectives,
and to trust too much to the peculiar
utterance of sanctified syllables. The
reformer called for today is not the man
who seeks to destroy Christianity, but
to liberate the holy genius from the
cruel bondage into which it has been
driven. Such a reformer is needed.
He will suffer much, but after three
days he will rise again and share the
very throne of Christ,", :
Yesi the truth will be told. The michty
upheaval in the industrial world today
presages the liberation of Christianity
from her "cruel bondage" and the
emancipation of a race of slaves.
Monarchs, kingdoms and despotisms
are crumbling under the triumphant
tread of .truth. It is impossible to bind
the Sampson very long. Popes, bish
ops, cardinals, aud the whole hypocriti
cal hierarchy tried to bind him with
bulls of excommunication and threats
of eternal torture, but he rose up in the
might of God and burst the bands as
though they had been flax touched with
fire. Musty creeds, time honored tra
ditions, hoary-headed institutions, "the
regular order and form of chnrch ser
vice," the tortures of the Inquisition,
and the fires of Smithfield, have been
the "green wlthen," "new cords," and
"weavers' webs," with which narrow
minded bigots and ecclesiastical des
pots have tried to bind the Sampson of
truth. There have been times when it
seemed that he wa shorn of his
strength, his eyes were put out, and
there w&s a total eclipse. The long
period of the dark ages threw its man
tle of midnight over his majestic mien.
He was compelled to grind ia the prison
house of this world's ambition, greed,
hate and lust. Humanity groped about
in the darkness. At last a ray of light
penetrated the heart of an obscure
monk, a miner's son. He speaks. The
giant seizes the pillars of papal power.
That mighty superstructure of ignor
ance, ambition and superstition totters
to its fall Truth is again triumphant
The dark ages are ended. Protestant
ism is born. The ism is still with us,
but what has become of the protest?
On tho tombstone of all who have
ever fought against the truth, we can
inscribe this brief epitaph: "They are
dead who sought the young child's life,
but truth is marching on." ,
"For humanity iirMpi ouwaid';
Where today the martyr stands,
On the morrow crouches Judas , -with
the ill vr in bis bands:
While the hooung mob ot yesterday
In slleut awe return
To father oi the acute red ashes
In history golden urn."
: Lnrcour, - 'Nibkasx.
The best houses la the tat at til
,"V . OF
. Clegantly famished. AH modem
eoaventonces, steam heat, etc, etc
jms6 El CRILET, Proprietor.
Cor. 8th A P Sts. Lincoln, Nebraska.
One block from B. a M. depot. Heated
tarovfaout by steam and lighted by ale
trial ty. Slsetrle eaU bells, ana all modem
oenrenieneea. SS-lm
P.W. CQPSLANU, Proprietor
The Hants' Hotel.
Rates 12.00 per Day.
faiamraJ. Sia3 Lat lj til rCCITSi
Slevtrta Urhts and every convenience tot
the comfort of (Beats. Independent com
mitftee ooouy room 17 and HI. Sceda! rates
Siren to convention! and lcfltlators. ImM
N. W. Cor. 11th & P SU., Linooln, Neb.
1121 N Street.
MEALS 25crs.
Can serve 600 at a tingle meal.
eedsfah:. and garden.
Special arranrraentft for buying seeds
xor larm ana garaen at
Ran be made by .Alliances by addretilnf
DELANO BUO'S. Seedsmen, Le Park. Neb.
Catalogue free and trial package with It If
tbls paper Is mentioned, 8m29 '
. Manufacturer! of
Rubber Stamps Seals,
Stencils, Badges and
Baggage Checks
ass- varj- iJj-uiiywuit jwwuuvnvu uov
1 Kl. . l-alu . Vat.kllakaJ -lOaMa ,i
1 UtU OU
We Will All Sing.
If you tend and get the New Alliance Songster.
It It a little beauty containing) pages of
mostly new songs written this year es-
Cttlafiy for this book by Alliance people,
oat ef tbem are set to old and familiar
tunes, so all may Join In the music
and enjoy It heartily. The price 1s placed at
the exceedingly low rate of single copies 10
cents or 13 for $1.00. l'ottage 10 cents extra
perdoten. Address, - - -
S-tf Axliancx Pub. Co., Lincoln, Neb.
Loans. Insurance and
Office, 137 Stall lit- St., IvxzrX
Uscs!i, K:.rK.v
; Farm Leans attended to, and Intur.
anoe written on farm buildings at a tow rate.
Anything to trade? ' UK.
It better than the lying toale agent who telJa you
aa gospel truth that the
Jones' $60. 5 Ton Wagon Scale
la not a standard scale, and equal to any made.
For free book and price list, address
Jones of BisgnamtoB, Binghamton, IT.
Carter &Baiiy9
Coz2lS8loii fierctents,
625 i:.829VirtH6tti$t.,Lis:9!i. Kel.
Daeta la Batter, Kg gs, and Poultry.
Produce a Specialty.
ash advance made ea aeatlgnmeats. Write
afaraklpplagalreoUens. SMI
toIWPCftlLa fe&laBfiSlli Kit
Public Sale of
FEBRUARY IOth, 1891.
Twenty Dead of English Bbiro ntalUons cad
- AJ V A V mama
u.arc3, me rropony oi j. r. ana U.
These horses were imDOrted'from England last Sentemtor. anrl wow aM I
selected by us from the most noted
nrsi-ciass specimens oi wis most umous Dreed, ranging in ages from eight
months to four years, all with the very best pedigree. Anyone in want of a
No. i, typical young Shire should not fail to attend this sale. The Shire
1- rwm
nurse saie oi me season, i ime given, terms easy.
For catalogue and further information, address. (
Auctioneer. , (6rao) State Fair Grounds Lincoln, Neb.
For the past ten days is caused by the unprecedented low prices on :
Clothing. There is still undoubtedly some of the greatest bargains in
Ever offered to the public in this city and it will pay you to step in .
and see what Miltonberger is doing. He- does not want to carry
goods over another season, consequently he offers
Bargains in Every Department.
i 1039 O STPoSILT 1039
Y7o carry ono cf tho larpcrt etccln 7cr. cltio
Ilirzouri Hirer, ia
Dry Gcoj, (hrptca, Ecot3, tzi Crc:;::::,
Wearesreparea toexureoa large. oontraett of aayC: la our ltat) aaa AMJllTCJ JT
HUP will 4a well te get oof prloM ea aac raaeyfewU.
Itaa ProdaoM tmaaai
We hare three store rooms and oof
Carpet Department extends over all
t You xZl save
(stfdssi tad sea;
If at any tizno you aro dlcccitirllcd vrith a pur.
chaso made from usf tho goods can bo returned
and money will bo refunded.
Very Rcspcctiully,
. TTTT.Tryp. cs PAUTE,
" 183 to 139 South Uth 0t, Lincoln, ITQb.
w"sln MIM,in"sstMJtaBMBaaBaB-ai ;
11 jyKl-"
Three blocks from Capitol building. Lincoln's newest neatest and
best uptown hotel. 8o new rooms just completed, including large committee
rooms, making 125 rooms in all. . ? A. L. HOOVER & SON, Prop'rt.
Anyone having Clover, Timothy or Flax ceod
for sale please notify the State Agent, mr
White Grained sugar per 100' $6 00
" " in barrel lots 5
California Strained Honey per n 10
Mpale Syrup in gallon cans . 75.
Corn Syrup in 2 ' pails , 75
Fine Sugar Syrup ia kegs ; 1 40
Sorgham in kegs - v 1 80
. " i barrels per gallon 40
.1 .4 '
J. W. HARTLEY, State
Shire Horoeb
breeders of Shires. They are sound.
1:1. I J '
Very fine California peaches per & 20
" " apricots 20
prunes " 10 J
California dried grapes also raisins.
Tomatoes best per can ' 9
Coffee etc. at bottooc prices.
Flour per 100 1 ' r i (K
Buckwheat flour per sack 12 J ft 45
Corn and oats chop feed per 100 1 25
Agent, Lincoln, ITcb.