The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, January 10, 1891, Image 4

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TURE. Thursday of last week some of the
first arrivals reached Lineolrv Friday
there were more, and by Saturday
evening a large majority of the mem
ber were on the eround. These of
them who are classed as 'Indepen
dents are an exceptionally fine body of
men. . We are glad to be able to state
our belief that this body which will go
into history a the farmer legislature,
has never been surpassed by any elected
in this state for general Information and
intelligence. Add to this the fact that
a majority of it is fresh from the peo
ple", without any taint of corrupt politf
cal methods, and we maybe sure that
this will be one of the ablest and most
creditable legislatures ever elected in
the state. 1 - ;
There was no difficulty whatever in
making a caucus, and. it was found
when the independents got together
that they had a majority of three in the
honM. and two in the senate. If this
good send-off is maintained we may be
rare of some- legislation such as the peo
ple of JtbTstate have long demanded.
Ia trillion to the caucus, which is in
dpensable to solid organization, there
should be a legislative committee from
both houses, and a chosen parliamen
tary leader for each house.
- While it is no more than we expected,
Xi the independents 'throughout the
:tate expected, we are still proud of the
'iCt that the independents stood to
gether like a band of brothers. In the
jouse fifty-three members voted for S.
11. Eider for speaker and Erie Johnson
far clerk, and in the senate eighteen
memters voted for B. F. Poynter for
president pro tern and for C. H. Firtle
far secretary. Of course there were
disappointments.' That is understood.
' Dat when the majority had agreed upon
men, all differences were laid aside,
;acUrjr man stood up to the rack like
i man. And this on the face of the
'act that every possible effort was made
jrith money and promises and lies, to
distract and divide the independent
( The attempt at a anion of the repub
'3aa and democratic forces was a mis-.-able
failure. There are republican
members who are ' staunch Alliance
sen, and who, while elected as repub
licans, and as men of honor owe a cer
tain degree of party fealty, are with the
dependents on every essential prlnci
le. These men could not be dra
ined into th democratic . camp on
-ny pretext whatever.
The selection of officers are first-class,
ir. Elder has the sand for anyemer
,8ncy, and will no doubt prove staunch
ad true. lir. Eric Johnson has , the
sneStof several sessions experience
i clerk in the Illinois legislature, and
j member for one term in Nebraska,
ad will make an able and efficient
lark. Ur. Poynter is an Alliance man
I long standing, a man of strong con
ditions, who cannot fall to prove fell
.ile in every emergency. f Mr. Pirtle is
,he honest and efficient secretary of the
Independent state committee. He was
:ried with fire in that position, and is
We gold. Mr. W. C. Holden of Kear
ney was chosen first assistant clerk of
.he house. He, too, is a stand-by in the
eople's cause, and a thoroughly good
nan for the place. ''
We congratulate the independents of
.he state upon the auspicious beginning
pi the twenty-second legislature. , :
Mr. F. I. Foss, a banker of Crete, has
published a scheme for the financial re
lief of the farmers of Nebraska, to which
be has done ui the honor to invite our
attention by a private letter. The plan,
l short is to have all the farmers of a
who wish to borrow money as-
Kciate themselves together as a county
operative farm and loan association.
Dhejir farms are then to be appraised by
, staVe commission and the lands mort-
sa8et ttie secretary or larm loans,
Vho, Kir. Foss suggests should be the
screUry of state. This being done,
e meniokers wishing loans take stock
Uhe association te the amount of the
U desireuL bearing six per cent., and
state issVes to the association its
bds bearingl threi per cent, guaran-
teed bv the starte. It is presumed that
; the bonds canYbe negotiated at that
rate, and the difference between the in
V tercet on the stockVattd the bonds is to
form the emergencAand sinking fund,
which Mr. Foss says would wipe out the
principal vi tuc uiuraKagu m twenty
rears, without any payment on said
principal. Mr. Foss alscb suggests that
S I t - IV. KJb 1 . . i
ihese bonds might be nsedVas a basis for
lie issue of bank billo.
,To say that 'we are, hostile to the
bhemeis only to say that wee are de-
pted to sound financial principles. Mr.
bss' plan might be properly designated
chemetomake farm mortgagees ini-
sal, as that would be the result W its
toption. That relief from the exoYrbi-
i interest our farmers are now phy
r is very desirable there is no dou
t more debt is not a cure for de
le only practical remedy for the pres-
t state of affairs is an expansion of
L. 1 " . 1
r nauonai currency to a point huh
uld restore a margin of profit on farm
uctions. The increase of popula-
and production out of all propor-
n to any increase of money has de-
iyed this margin of profit has made
ney the controlling factor has en-
its lenders to absorb the lion's
of production has, by increae
ing the purchasing power of money,
doubled and trebled the amount of
farm produce, and consequently the
amount of Ubor, required to pay 'given
amount of interest. This has gone on
to such an extent that there is absolutely
no profit in farming no margin out of
which to pay any interest whatever. If
this be true and Mr. Foss knows it is
three per cent, could not be paid aay
more than six or eight per cent, and a
scheme which would simply induce ev
ery man to mortgage his farm wonld
not be a relief.
In regard to the proposal to bank on
those bonds: It would require about
one hundred million dollars to fairly re
lieve the farmers of Nebraska. Now
suppose Mr. Foss plan became reason
ably populir and twenty states adopted
it and issued to their mortgaged farm
ers, seventy-five million dollars each,
and banking on these bonds was free, as
now on national bonds. This opens up
a boundless vista of expansion, debt,
and the slavery resulting from debt.
Mr. Foss is a banker. He knows
something . about the accumulating
power of interest. He says three per
cent invested at compound interest as
do the building associations would wipe
out the principal of the debt in twenty
years, ur. toss probably see tnat
things cannot go on as they are now go?
ing. He says: V
u The treat d'T that has corae to oar pee
Die by reuoa ot a lun amount or mouer.
ftaKMinUBff to mUUobs, tt we bare to pay
ait aa lota cat upon the dabto wbleo the
farmer! ewe and have-to pay, keeps ne poer.
The extortionate me of iateveat wti the very
lire out or our rsnuera, aaa i relieve ion
there is nothlnc that would be so much to toe
Interest of the farmerja the ability to borrow
what money ne is obtijred to have n h e leant
St a rate of interest not le exoeed say three
or four ver ott."
Now it ! a fact that three per cent
wouid effectually accumulate the wealth
of the country in the hands of the money
lending class, only not so rapidly as six
per cent. Under present conditions we
are drifting straight to bankruptcy or
repudiation. Mr. Foss should use his
influence to induce tha present legisla
ture to memorialize congress for free
coinage of silver and the issue of a rea
sonable amount of money based directly
on land security Instead of an unreason
able amount based indirectly upon it, as
his plan proposes. '
The Cynoturt of Chicago, a religious
Journal, has an article under the above
caption, which for misconception and
misinformation rivals the best efforts of
Editor Gere. Its first sentence is:
"This new secret political party, lately
sprung up and seemingly delirious with
success, hails from the south."
First, there is no secret political party,
and second, the Alliance does not hall
from the south. There is a secret so
ciety known as the Farmers' Alliance.
It originated in New York, made its
first national organization in Chicago,
extended thence "to the west, and
thence to the south. It is sot a politi
cal party, either secret or open, in any
part of the country. . When it takes a
Jiand in politics it issues a declaration
of principles, as this fall in Nebraska,
and appeals openly to all citizens, and
its political actions and methods are as
open as any political organization. The
article of the Cynosure makes the mis
take of treating the Alliance as a politi
cal organization, when it is strictly non
partisan, and so fails to criticize it in
telligently. '
The late elections certainly showed
that a new element had. been infused
into our political atmosphere. There
was something abroad that the politi
cians, did not understand and had not
counted upon. This new force came
from- the fact that a great many men
had voted in accordance with their pri
vate convictions without regard to
party ties. This does not amounfto
the formation of a new party. All in
telligent men know that such a party
has not been formed. But they also
know that this new development gives
promise of such a formation. In fact,
the question now uppermost in the
minds of many reformers is how to
utilize and mobilize the new force so
that it may have its due weight in the
campaign of 1892. There are at this
time about a dozen quasi political or
ganizations, eaca anxious to be the nu
cleus around which a great national
party may be formed. The leaders of
all these organizations are .very tena
cious of their special tenets, and when
they meet in national conclave, as they
have several . times and ' propose to
again, they all stick so firmly to them
that the platform they make is an irre
concilable mass of inconsistencies.
We believe the only practicable plan
Is the Nebraska plan. , That is to ignore
the organizations and unite the units.
Issue a declaration containing a few
fundamental principles upon which the
largest number of units can agree, and
append to it a pledge to support candi
dates in 1892 on that platform, and ap
point certain persons to issue the call
and attend to the details of the conven
tion. " Invite all men who agree upon
those principles to sign and circulate
for signatures. If this plan is adopted
he new force which the Cynosure seems
dread, but does not understand, will
t the president in 1892.
The edict has gone forth. Corn
will pay one cent and a half more per
bushel ftrom Chicaro to the seaboard.
That ranroad from tho north to the
deep watett harbor of Texas cannot be
built any too soon
As soon as Jay Gould let himself loose
and gobbled a railroad or two, says the
Stockman, he began to scheme to get
his hand into the public pocket and his
plan has been formulated. He suggests
that the presidents of our western roads
get together ia New York and agree
upon a harmonious method of fleecing
the people; and they have met and
agreed. There Is to be no more compe
tition unless the roads become involved
in a quarrel. Whether they quarrel or
not however, the intentions of Mr.
Gould are plain enough and mean
enough. The agreement made by these
people under the direction of Jay Gould
is that there shall be uniform rates main
tained on western roads and, of course,
that the rates shall be raised. Gould, in
an indirect way has frequently gone into
the farmer's fields and taken, the grain
that belonged to him and into the cattle
yards and driven off the stock' that the
farmer owned, figuratively speaking.
But be has never before perched him
self so conspicuously on the fence about
the' farmer's door yard and told him that
he proposed to sit there until he had got
all that the farmer produced. In the
midst of the hard luck which the pro
ducer has so long been compelled to en
dure, this great financial sponge of the
world and incubus upon honest industry
has devised a means by which he can
apply the screws still more tightly than
ever upon the farmer. "" '
Will the people permit this" black
haired and black hearted schemer to
carry out his designs; or will they so far
as they can, through the honest men
whom they have elected to congress and
the legislatures, put the screws to the
railroads that have gone into this
scheme at the solicitation of Mr. Jay
Gouldf The men who are to represent
the farming community in our halls of
legislation have a clear duty to perform
In the premises. It Is their duty to
break the power of this conspiracy, and
they can do it if. they are true to their
constituency. The thought of so doing
should enter into everything they do.
If a United States senator is to be elected
and the farmer legislators have the bal
ance of power, he should be a man
whom Jay Gould and the railroad inter
est can neither buy nor influence other
wise. Elect mon who -will pay theif
fare; elect men who know a conspiracy
against the people when it is as big a a
continent and elect men who have both
the honesty and the backbone to sit
down on railroad assumption.
V One of the liveliest scrimmages in the
late Southern Alliance convention in
Florida arose when it was charged that
the National Economist, published in the
interest of that Alliance, and another
paper of the same kind in the suoth
were under control of monopolists and
politicians. In the discussion which fol
lowed it was shown that one of these
papers, the Economist, we' believe, had
obtained two thousand dollars from a
prominent politician, and must be nec
essarily to some extent under - his control.'-1'
. There is a lesson in this which we
hope Alliance men will heed. It is em
braced in this formula: Support your
papers. A paper Is made up of two things
which are as staple as cash, viz: white
paper and labor. The price of these
have to go out every week, whether any
money comes in or not. Now, the in
stinct of self . preservation is strong.
Half support your paper let Its pub
lishers be shinning around from week to
week to obtain means to carry on their
work, or let them become embarrassed,
and their virtue must be very strong in
deed if they do not yield to the tempta
tion to accept an advance from some
capitalist who is watching for just such
an opportunity. "All that a man hath
will he give for his life," says ' Job.
Support your paper liberally, and don't
let it fall into this temptation.
The talk of a Union depot is pre
mature. When Lincoln will have real
need of It, there will not be so much
trouble , to agree upon a plan. - The
farmers of Lancaster and surrounding
counties are not as yet prepared to pay
eight hundred, thousand dollars for a
useless luxury. The Lincoln merchants
should remember that the higher their
taxes the more they will have to charge
for their goods, and their prices are
high enough already,! 'The, Alliance is
not desirous to cripple the middle' men
so long as their prices are reasonable;
but when they cease to be so,' the Alli
ance will put up their own . stores in
every county in the state. ,, The ques
tion for the merchant to consider is:
J'Do we . want the Jarmers' trade?" If
they do, they must stand ' with ' the
farmers against the railroads; This
much to the Lancaster delegation in
the legislature.
trJ.A. Speer, member of Alliance
No. 1721, Sheridan county, called at our
office last week. He is on his way to
northwest Missouri to solicit aid for
Sheridan and adjoining counties, and
will spend the winter there. Mr. Speer
is one of our active members, has great
faith in the future prosperity of Ne
braska, and will return to Sheridan
connty next spring. '
Mrs. Kinsley of the Western Normal
1Im at Khananrinah. IA- died on
Thursday, as the result of injuries re
ceived w a runaway mere on xuesuay.
She was widely known in educational
circles throughout the country.
We publish this week rather a long
article under the above heading, which
is worthy of careful attention . It treats
of a subject upon which we have
thought much. The church Is not ful
filling its mission, if Indeed the modern
church has a mission. It has long since
ceased to be the church of the Nazarine
It has become an institution for the os
tentatious display of wealth. It still
has great power, if it would use it in
the right direction. It could destroy
almost any dominant evil that it would
concentrate Its forces upon. It is a
strange thing to say, but it is not in
sympahy with reform. .It tolerates
almost every sin, if only the sinner be
sanctimonious and rich. The great
plain people are ceasing to have much
use for such an institution, and are
learning to do without a church.
The article we have referred to Is
written by an eminent divine whose
name we withhold for the present It
is a good sign that such an article ia
possible. If a minister of the gospel
has any duty, it is to study the live Is
sues of the day as they affect the inter
ests of fhe people, and take a position
upon them which those interests de
mand. ' -
The man who Is writing for the
World-Herald is the most kudacious liar
we have ever heard of. His communi
cations written from Lincoln in relation
to the -editor of this paper are ma
licious fabrications, without a scin
tilla of truth. It is hardly possible
that he Is simple enough to be imposed
upon by some third party. . He concocts
them himself for vile and malicious pur
poses. There is no excuse for such
newspaper work.
As one instance, this W-H fool said
that Burrows got a black eye in the
election of Elder as speaker. Now
every man who cared to know, knows
that Burrows' choice for speaker, first
last and all the time was Elder.
These lies are not mistakes. They
are intentional, and are intended to sow
dissentlon and create division. :
t7 The decadence of the agricultural
classes commenced on the day, when
immense fortunes began to accumulate
in the hands of the few; the regener
ation of the farmer will inaugurate the
conservatism of the past. The farmers
ask for no favors; they only demand
justice, and they are going to have it,
even though they have to dispense it
themselves. They refuse to have for
master the Prince of Wall street who
commenced the foundation of his ill
gotten wealth some twenty-five years
ago, by robbery of the Erie Railroad
stock-holders; and ever since he has, as
an evil genius,, continued his practices
He has done more harm to the country
than Jefferson Davis has; and is allowed
to continue in his schemes he will cer
tainly accomplish what Davis failed to
do-the overthrow of our republican in
The time of going to press arrived be
fore the joint convention to canvass the
State vote assembled, so we are unable
to make any report on that matter. At
this date (Wednesday noon) nothing
except preliminary work has been done
in either house.
The B. & M. Journal has been taken
in with a story from Nemaha county
about one Mr. Williams, whom it says
was '. "Dictator Burrows." The give
away comes in when the landlady ac
cuses Mr. Willaims of smoking and
spitting tobacco juice on her best car
pet . Mr. Burrows neither smokes nor
chews, so .hat settles it.
0uauia uAuiiun. :
We wish to state to our advertising
patrons and all others that this paper!
Is In no way connected with the paper
called the Independent. This caution is.
necessary on account of the agents o
that paper claiming to represent the Al
liance people, and being misunderstood
in business matters.
fJT Mr. Funke, Jim Marsh and Law
yer Bibb of Gage Co., are up here to
unseat Senator Collins.- They are a
precious trio. Funke is a poor tool of
the banks and railroads. Jim Marsh is
a poor tool of the devil. Lawyer Bibb
must be proud of his clients; but his
ease is hopeless. '
The Fabmeiu' Alliance, published
In this city, that .was the great factor inU
. I 1 i ; M . I , . . . I
me lace campaign ior me independents,
has been enlarged and ' greatly im
proved. Mr. Burrows has ability,
enenrv. and honest convictions, and he
has earned from the Alliance all and
more than the support his paper is ge
' Now that Mr. Richards
Bosewater and set him moving
among tne people, along
Burrows of the Alliaxcf,
column article rubs salt upon the naked
flesh ol the editor oi the Bw. J; or a
truth the way of the political traitor j
ana montebanK is nara. tail.
At a meeting of the board of directors
Mr. Paul Conrad was elected president
of the Lousiana Lottery Company, vice
M. A. Dauphin, deceased.
Ex-United States Treasurer Spinner
died at Jacksonville, Fla., Wednesday
evening. .
... ... j I a million in
hlJ?? C8S Wnt. In 18
Mmwrtfber. Whea
, buu ia m two i
Views From the Watcb Tower.
"I saw under the sun the place of
judgment that wickedness was there;
and the place of righteousness, that - in
iquity was there. I said la my heart,
'God shall judge tho righteous and the
wicked.'" Ecc.3: 18.17.
We are on the eve of a new era in the
history of humanity. We are now in
the throes of a mighty Jre volution, po
litical, industrial, social, and religious.
Not a reformation in the sense of an im-'
provement of the existing order of
things, but a revolution, the result of
which wiil be a new regime. This age
has been prolific in reformatory means
and movements. Societies, organiza
tions and clubs of a religious, political,
philanthropie and humanitarian charac
ter have sprung into existence by the
score. But they have been "weighed in
the balance and found wanting." Hu
manity, like the woman afflicted with
hemorrhage, after bankrupting itself
on these reformatory "quacks,", has
been getting worse all the time. We
have only been doctoring symptoms. The
disease in both church and state is or
ganic, and demands a thorough ' diag
nosis and radical treatment. Thank
God the diagnosis has commenced. The
writhing and contortions of the politi
cal patient indicate that the knife is
reaching the roots.
Poor, burdened, bleeding humanity,
after having been stripped and robbed
by political pirates and plutocratic shy
locks, has been left on the roadside to
perish The ritualistic . Levite and
hypocritical priest the exponents Of the
gospel of gold by the grace of the rich,
gather their sacerdotal robes , about
them and pass by on the other side.
Yes, as we look about us, wo see "wick
edness seated on the throne of judg
ment and iniquity in the place of
righteousness.. God shall judge,
the righteous and .the wicked." For
"the time has come that judgment mu.t '
begin at the house of God."
In the November elections we only
heard the first blast of the trumpet of
the Divine wrath against political rob
bery and rottenness. It was but the
faintest zenher before the coming tem
pest A wnirlwind of righteous wrath
and popular Indignation will sweep
over the country in '92 that will not
leave root nor branch of the party that
once championed the cause of the peo
ple so fearlessly In the forum, and
fought for human freedom so magnifi
cently on the field, bnt which under a
corrupt leadership has forsaken God
and the people, and become the will
ing tool of ring rule, the crawling,
cringing servitor of Wall street wolves,
Fifth avenue nabobs, railway kings and
whisky devils. The rank and file of the
old parties are ready to Wheel into line
and march to the music of an emanci
pated manhood under an honest and
competent leadership. The shackles of
blind and senseless devotion to party
and dead issues are being shattered.
The walls of sectionalism are crumb
ling. The boys in blue have clasped
hands - with the boys in gray over the -bloody
chasm. The forces are being
marshaled. Men are springing to the '
front out of obscurity who are display
ing a surprising knowledge of affairs,'
that startles and shames the wiseacres
at Washington.
t Great movements notj only, demand'
but also develop great men. God lis
prolific in resources of men and means.
When his providential clock strikes the A
hour for a new epoch, the men are al-
ways on hand to take the helm. Wit
ness Moses leading three millions out
of Egyptian slavery, Cyrus, the Persian
kinsr, restoring the Jews to their native
land and liberty after seventy years
captivity in Babylon, Jesus Christ re
deeming a race, Paul giving the gospel
to tho Gentile nations, Luther libera
ting the gospel from papal and priestly
usurpation and restoring to men their
God given right to think, Wesley taking
the gospel out of the harrow limits of
the established church and sivinir it to
the common people, George Washing
ton delivering our nation from British
shackles ironi lour millions ot negroes.
God is never taken by surprise. He
knows no emergencies. He is always r
beforehand in hv preparation.
Do you think God will desert us. in
this, the crisis of air the centuries, the
greatest battle of the ages? No, never!
As the storm of battle begins to shake
the heavens and the earth, we hear the '
voice of victory In the cheering words, ,
"If God be for us, who can be against
us?" "I'll stand by you till the morn
ing; I've come to save you, do not fear."
l'he people have been deceived in our
day as in all the past by selfish and de
signing leaders. God puts the responsi
bility where it belongs when he says. .
"O my people, they that lead thee cause
thee to err." This is no less true of
preachers than of politicians. The for
mer are the subjects of some of the most
scathing denunciations to be found
within the lids of the Bible. - .
Their sneaking subserviency to the
rich has perverted their consciences,' -biased
their judgment, and corrupted
their hearts. It has created a Christ- ,
less caste; resulting in an alienation of
the masses from the church.
' In Germany the people have left the -church
almost en masse. Uhe clergy
are filled with alarm. They are calling
conferences and conventions all over
the empire to devise means by which to
win them back. In their manly strug-
flefor industrial freedom, the chorea
oldly championed the cause of capital
and frowned upon the laboring classes.
The tables were turned in their election
last February when the socialists polled
1 ail KSUt vnli an lnro..o Af ntra l,.lr
awiivuv v wv ea iuvi vieuv vi Vf Dt unit
three years. Thev also
;y-flve members of parlia
71 they only had one mem
this surprising vote was
announced the church Immediately of
fered her assistance to the people. The
latter indignantly replied that they could
get along without their help now, that
they were on their feet. They informed '
the church that she had acted the part
of the Levite and Priest while the so
cirlistic party had been the good Samar
itan, reachiug out a hand of help and
healing in the time of their distress. '
That now they were under sacred ob
ligations to stand by their benefactors.
They also added that it was arpirent
now that the church's offer of heiy was