The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, January 10, 1891, Image 1

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1 (Sy y V v Cv w
4, f
t!stl;s to Subscribers.
ildMMIlMtUdtkMmilmWM of Mtt
Enc utocHi? of the date of thotr axvif
m we will nark this notio wixh bin or
rot pencil, on toe date at which thatr ubaorip
Uoa expire. We wtU Mod the paper two
week! after expiration. If sot renewed fejr
t ttne It wiu t dUooDUnued.
Says the Glen Bock correspondent to
the Auburn Herald: "The Farmer8,
Alliance had a public installment of
officers here last Saturday evening. H.
C. Webb was installed as president for
the ensuing year, Dr. C. L. Cook, vice,
president; Frank NeibeL' secretary, and
other officers whose names we did not
learn. . L
The Kearney Courier promises to en
large within a very short time to a six
celunfn, eight page sheet, and says it
has closed the contract for new presses
and material. , , " ;
Six notices of final proof side by side
with thirteen notices of sheriff's sales
decorate one page of the Stockville
(Frontier county) Sentinel. " ! - '
. " The Stockville Sentinel chronicles the
following B. & M. Wuff: "J. D. Hor
rell returned from Lincoln last Wednes
day, where he tried to secure free
transportation on a car load of goods
from his old heme in Illinois for the
drouth sufferers. Mr. Hold rege, in
formed him that owing to the probable
legislation this winter detrimental to
railroad interests he could not promise'
any more free transportation at present.'
The Ainsworth Home Rule gives - no
tice of a special meeting of Brown
county Alliance to be held in the cotirt
house at Ainsworth January 15.
Says the St, Paul Preset-"A.N. Bige
low came- up from Lincoln Monday
evening and organized a Knights of
Labor assembly in this city. The as-
: sembly starts well, and judging from
the very excellent material the Press
observed in the lodge room, it bids fair
to prosper and do much good in behalf
of the cause it advocates. There is
, no greater ayenue of mutual assistance
than thai which comes through a well
orisizei MfjnibJy conducted on the
riU flan. THPnu i" t Caitew
fLoWMe UJf . V AAVJ ' has tv.a tlLici
: "Eureka," will prosper.
The Minden Workman chronicles
a meeting of district assembly No.
146 in that city January 5.
..The Blair Republican . publishes a
r Grange department.
cT-fee Greeley Herald contained sixteen
notices of sheriff's sales last week, and
still the farmers ought to be contented
and happy.
Fairfield Herald: Alliances at differ
ent points over the state resolve to sup
port papers only that support them.
The press of itself is helpless unless
supported and read. The safety of our
government rests on the intelligence of
the people. The hard facts are the pop
ular press is so entirely controlled by
monopoly that for political news other
than suits the monied powers, it can in
no wise be depended upon for facts,
and knowing this the Alliance people
propose to build up a press of their own
and discontinue the abominable prac
tice of building up a hiding place in
their midst for the cloven hand of tho
enemy. --.
'.;..' Senate
President pro temK W. A. Poynter of
Secretary, C. H. Pirtle of Saunders.
First Assistant Secretary, H. A, Ed
wards of Hall. , ,
Second Assistant Secretary, E. E.
- Carter of Burt. -
Clerk Committeo of the Whole, D.
McCall. '
Sergeant-at-Arms, Major Derby of
Lincoln. "
Doorkeeper, J. C. Stanley.
Enrolling Clerk, Daniel Althen.
Engrossing Clerk, C. L. Brainard.
Postmaster, Isaac Uenthorn of Buff
alo. Custodian of Cloak Room, H. E.
. Dake. . .. , ' ' .
Speaker, S. M. Elder of Clay.
Chief Clerk, Eric Johnson' of Phelps.
First Assistant Clerk, W. C. Hofden
of Buffalo.
Second Assistant 'Clerk, A. H. Bige
low of Greeley, ' ' -
Sergeant-at-Arms, Noah Michler of
Chaplain, Rev. Diffenbecker of Sheri
dan. Postmistress, Mrs. Gillespie.
Doorkeeper, G, W. Burt of Red Wil
low. . ,
Enrolling Clerk, J. E. Hooper.
Engrossing Cle rk, Fremont Core.
The Garrett fence machine, manufac
tured by S. H. Garrett,- Mansfield, O.,
is now an established success and is in
successful operation in every stale and
territory in tho United States. Every
farmer should write to the above ad
dress for catalogue and wholesale prices
of wire and fencing material. 80 tf
Lawyer William D. Hughe, who was
arrested in New York Wednesday night
on the complaint of ex-Mayor Pendleton
of Fort Worth, Tex., for forgery, was
released on 13,000 bail.
The piano store of Peck & Curtis at
Red Bank, N. J., was badly damaged
by fire.
The Verwig factory at Cincinnati was
burned on Thursday. j :
A. J. Conistock. a prominent citizen
of Powhattan, Kas., accidentally shot
himself through the ankle, and his leg
was amputated.
A foreign syndicate has been organ
ized to colonize portions of Brazil with
farmers and artisans from Europe. ,
A Christmas fire in Union Club room
in New York did $10,000 damage in the
dining room.
Frank . E. Dickinson and Minnie
Brunsage were drowned while skating
at Ann Arbor, Mich.
The czar's friends announce he is not
soliciting advice from other countries
regarding Russia's : treatment of the
O'Brien and Gill, the Irish envoys,
have arrived at Bologne, France. They
were received by a delegation of
friends. '
'Samuel Malone and John Hicks were
burned to death in the former's dwell
ing at Holden, Mo.,Christmas morning,
the fire, perhaps, being incendiary for
purposes of robbery.
Thegovarnor of Missouri, as is the
custom, pardoned two life prisoners on
Christmas day. ; v-
Forepaugh's theater at Baltimore was
burned on Christmas day, and the loss
was $300,000. ;
An old lady in Indiana was made to
walk by faith and prayer in one of Mrs.
Woodford's meetings.
An extensive fire occurred at Augus
ta, Ga., Wednesday morning.
A horse trade in Arkansas led to a
hanging and some shooting.
The fighting with the bad Indians is
still progressing.
The murderer of young Matthews,
postmaster at Cagrollton, Miss., was
acquitted on a plea of self defense.
Cane or sorghum seed for syrup' and
fodder purposes for Bile by the Fair
field Steam Syrup Works, Fairfield,
Neb. 30 2m
1 'Judge Llndley filed his report at Kan
sas City in the diagonal right of-way
suit on Wednesday.
The Union Pacific Reck Islind war
is liable to extend to St. Joseph and
Kansas City. . . f
Lwcom, Nb., Jz.u. 2.T.I.V. -Editors
The alliance:
Dear Sir: Will you kindly publish the
following resolution that has bees
adopted by the Knights of Labor assem
blies with request that they be publlsed
in our city papers.
Yours truly,
. Committee.
Resolved, That the Knights of Labor of
the city of Lincoln heartily endorse the
course taken by the State candidates on
the Independent ticket in the last cam
paign; that we commend their action,
in contesting the election, and fully be
lieve that an impartial hearing by our
State legislature of the evidence as
brought out in the contest case, will not
only place them in their seats as State
officers but will be a well merited rebuke
to those who have resorted to fraudu
lent and disreputable means to elect
their candidates. Signed by
L. A. 673, P. J. Kent, M. W.; E. A.
Kent, R. S.
L. A. 1808, J. W. Emberson, M. W.;
C. E. Woodard, R. S., pro tem.
L. A. 2059, A. W. Irvine, M. W. H.
Heltzman, R.S.
L. A. 10069, L. S. Gelleck, M. W.; H.
Scott, R. S. .
There can be but little doubt now that
the voluminous evidence in the contest
case is in, tnat there was ample ground
for contesting the unnatuial figures pre
sented as the basis of election of James
E. Boyd for governor. . The contest has
amply, thoroughly and convincingly
demonstrated the fact that the outra
geous vote Returned for Boyd in Omaha
was full of fraud and secured by tactics
that would disgrace an election in the
black belt of Mississippi. Behind
the vote for Boyd was the mo
tive that to secure his election, drove
citizens from the polls, destroyed tick
ets in the hands of the voters and in the
direct hope that Boyd would nullify the
will of the people if they declared for
prohibition, created for him a vote that
in a free and untrammeled election
would have left him far in the rear. The
evidence fully substantiates the fact that
when election day dawned upon Omaha
the deliberate intent was in waiting to
be carried out, to elect Boyd by means
fair or foul.
But beyond all the fraud and crime!
of the Omaha election, the contest and
its attendant investigation , has demon
strated the fact that James E. Boyd is
not a citizen of tho United States and
not being a citizen every vote cast for
him was void. The law upon citizen
ship is so simple, plain and concise, that
it needs no lawyer to interpret who are
citizens under it. The law is so clear
that there is not one lawyer in ten
whose convictions do not tell him that
Boyd is not in it. The fact is that the
contest so far as Boyd is concerned is
When the contest was first taken up
The Call said it did not believe that
there was any motive behind the vote
cast for the republican state officers that
could cloud the honesty of their election.
The contest has not revealed any such
motive. The fraud and bulldozing was
confined to the contest for governor.
Daily Call.
Settler and Ranchmen Deoert Their
Property and Book Refnce In. the
CtUee Bato Bill to the Front.
' Puns Ridge Aginct, S. D.. (via
Rushvilie, Neb.,) Jan. 6. General
Forsyth kas been suspended from com
mand, pending the decision of a court
of inquiry regarding the battle of
Wounded Knee. The suspension came
like a flash and created amazement in
some minds. Official mouths are
closed to all inquiries on the . subject
It will probably become known to the
general public, however, later on. The
general has made a warm friend of per
haps every person whom he has met
here and few will withhold their tin
cerest sympathy from him.
Tho seriousness of the situation here
is increasing. . Short Bull, the leading
hostile chief , who" has ' distinguished
himself all along, during this trouble,'
by never for a moment considering any
of the overtures looking on an ami
cable settlement, but who has steadily
stuck to his lair in the bad lands, and assumed command of the great
body of hostiies, last .anight told our
spies that he would take this agency if
it cost every warrior he had. '
Half breeds here have been informed
by friends and relatives whom some of
them have among the O hostiies-, that
they had better move their families im
mediately a long distance from thi
ageney, as a great raid and massacre b
certain. The half breeds are showing
up what they think of this information
by getting their families out of here
with a rush, -'i'
The government herder, John Dwyer,
and Issue Clerk Pugh have . both dis
covered through their Indian friends of
years standing, that a raid and mas
sacre has been fully decided upon oni
maturely planned. - J :
General Miles is thoroughly convers
ant with all these facts, and he himself
says that our situation is exceedingly
critical. ' - - ' l'
There are less than 600 soldiers here
now, all told. :
The party sent to Wounded ; Knoe to
bury the dead Indians returned late
last night. They found and buried
ei;fcty-four bucks and sixty-three
mws ii e'm. Itw e!o
In addition to this total of 152 we have
heard now and then of others who have
been oarr'ed away by hostile scouts,
etc., sufficient to swell the number ei
dead Indiana, as a result of the battle
of Wounded Knee, to fully 200, with
several others yet to die in the impro
vised hospital here.'
Buffalo Bill is on his way here and
there is every prospect that his expert
nhooting will bo pressed into war ser
vice the moment he arrives.
, , -.
Crave Times at Gordon.
Gordon, Neb., Jan. 6. The situa
tion is serious in the extreme. Settlers
on the north are bringing their fami
lies to town, leaving their homes and
stock to be destroyed or to starve. J.
B. O'Neil, living near the line, told me
this morning that he could see a large
body of Indians on the hills, north of
his place, apparently watching. He
has a line ranch, over 100 head of
horses, and word was sent to him by
half-breeds that the Indians would ride
some of bis horses before this war was
over. One of the painted devils rodo
down within forty rods of his houso
and corrall, evidently looking over the
situation, preparing to make a raid. ;
Oklahoma Indians Excited.
, Kansas Crrr, Jan. 6. The Associ
ated press correspondent at Guthrie,
O. T., telegraphs about the situation
among the Indians, that tho news of
Sitting Bull's death and the fight at
Wounded Knee, together with the ex
aggerated reports of what the Indians
believe to be the massacre of Sioux
squaws and children, caused a commo
tion among the Indians. A ghost
dance is to be , held at Red Rock,
point sixty miles north.
Ordered to Disarm Them.
Wichita, Kan., Jan. 6. The order
telegraphed from military headquarters
to Captain Woodson of the Fifth cav
alry to disarm the Indians in the Chey
enne and Arapahoe country has created
the greatest anxiety among settlers in
Oklahoma and on the borders of Texas.
The Indians on the southwest reserva
tions are peaceable enough, and the
taking away of their arms . will, it is
feared, have the effect of rousing a
spirit of resistance now dormant.
.. . tiU
Artist Remington Captured.
Omaha, Jan. 6. A special from
White River, S. D., says Frederick
Remington, Harper's war artist, was
captured by a small party of hostiies
yesterday. Remington was unarmed
and the Indians turned him loose and
told him to go home, taking his to
laox and sketch book from him.
At the independent caucus held in
Lincoln Monday night the following
gentlemen were nominated: For
fcpsaker, 8. M. Elder, of Clay; chief
clerk, Eric Johnson, of Phelps; presi
dent of the senate, B. F. Boynton, of
Boone; secretary of the senate, C. U.
Pirtle, of Saunders.. -
Starving to Death.
Washington. Jan. 6. Dr. Sheldon
Jackson of Illinois. United States sren
cnl agent of education In Alaska, has
submitted a preliminary report to the
commissioner of education on his ob
servations in that territory last sum
ner. He says .that the Esqu..naux
from time immemorial have lived upon
the whale and seal of their coasts, the
gah and aquatic, birds of their rivers
and the caribou, or wild reindeer, of
t&elr vast inland plains. The supply
cf these for years was abundant and
furnished ample food for all the peo
ple. But fifty years ago American
whalers, having exhausted the supply
ia other waters, found their way into
the Northern Pacific ocean Then com
r enced in that section the slaughter
tzi destruction of whales that went
' leadily forward at the rate of hiin-Ji-eds
of thousands annually until they
ere destroyed and driven out of the
.. aciflc. They were then followed into
Jehring sea and the slaughter went on,
the whales taking refuge among the
loe fields of the Arctjo ocean, and
thither the whalers followed. In this
relentless hunt the whales have been
Iriven still farther into the inaccessible
regions of the North Pole, until they
are no longer within the reach of the
natives. ; .
- Dr. Jackson says that the groat
Lards of buffalo that once roamed the"
western prairies have been extermin
ted for their pelts, as the whales have
teen sacrificed for the fat that incased
their bodies. - With the destruction of
the whale one large source of food
supply for the natives has been cut off.
A large supply was derived from the
walrus, which once swarmed in great
numbers in the northern seas. : The
whales then turned tbelr attention to
the walrus, destroying thousands an
nually for the sake of the ivory in
their tusks. Dr. Jackson says that
where a few years ago the walrus was
so numerous that their bellowings
were heard above the roar of the
waves, this year he cruised for weeks
without seeing or hearing one. The
walrus as a source of . food, supply is
already practically extinct and the
seal and sea lion, he says, once so
common in Behring sea, are now be
coming so scarce that it is with diffi
culty that the natives procure suffici
ent number skins to cover their boats,
and their flesh,, because of its rarity,
has become a luxury.
Five tr";ion cans of salmon, am ma-
from Alaska, and the business, wL.a
is still in its Infancy, the report says,
means starvation to the native races In
the near future.
Dr. Jackson says that in this crisis
it is important that steps should be
taken at once by the present congress
to afford relief by appropriating
money to feed them, as is now done in
the case of mauy North American In
dians. In conclusion, Dr. Jackson says
that congress should appropriate money,
which, in effect, "reclaim and make
valuable a vast area of land otherwise
worthless, would introduce large, per
manent and wealth producing indus
tries where none previously existed,
and would take a barbarian people, on
the verge of starvation, and lift thorn
up to comfortable self-support and civ
illzatlon." J.
Venzuelan Prosperity.
Washikgton, Jan. 5. The bureau
of American republics is in receipt of
recent official information from Yen.
zuela which shows that country to be
enjoying almost unprecedented pros
perity. During the last fiscal year the
national revenue derived from customs
reached nearly $6,000,000. The na
tional debt has been reduced to $22
617,000 and the population in 1890 is
given as 2,239,000. The total exports
were valued at- $18,000,000. the larg
est ever known, and the imports
amounted to $15,900,000, of which $4
600,000 came from England and $8?
900,000 from the United States. The
crops of coffee and cocoa during the
past year were unprecedented and the
prices of both articles were higher
than for many years previous, which
was added largely the wealth of the
Will Try a Change.
Washington, Jan, 5. The present
Indian troubles are likely to result in
several important changes in the juris
diction of two cabinet officers. ; During
the past week there has been a grow,
ing impression that the transfer of the
Indian service to the war department
has been delayed altogether too long,
and that with army officers responsible
for the care of-the Indians the scandals
growing out of the alleged shortcom
ings of the Indian agents would cease.
It may be that the efiorts which are
contemplated in this direction will be
too late for a successful outcome this
year, but ii is almost certain the trans
fer will ,b made in the near future.
At the same time it is quite likely that
a great deal of the existing red tape
and duplication of work in the pension
office may be eliminated . by transfer
ring that bureau to the war depart
ment. At the same time there is no
good reason why the Indian service, as
well as the pension bureau, should not
be under tho control of secretary of
war, and' on the other hand there are
innumerable excellent reasons why
they should be under his control.
Senate. -
Washington, Jan. 5. The' senate
mot at noon with the vice president In
the chair. Scores "f petitions for and
against the Conger lard bill and the
Torrey - bankruptcy bill were pre
sented. : :
The committee on privileges and
elections reported back the credentials
of Frederick T. Dubois as senator-elect
from Idaho for the term of six years
oe ginning March t next wita we state
ment that it is the usage of the senate
to consider any question that may arise
on the credentials of senator at a ses
sion held during the term for. which
the senator claims to be elected and
not before. The committee therefore
recommended that Dubois' credentials
be placed on file, and it was so ordered.
The credentials of Ehoup and UeCon-
nell, senators-elect from Idaho, were
reported back with the recommenda
tion that McConnell he sworn in.Ehoup
having already taken his seat. . The
oath of office was thereupon adminis
tered to McConnell.
The senate then went into executive
session; and soon afterwards resumed
consideration of the election bill. Af
ter some discussion it was laid aside,
by vote of 34 to 29, for consideration of
the financial bill;' but no definite ac
tion was takon. Adjourned.
Washington, Jan. 6. In tho houso
tooy Mr. Henderson of Iowa pre
sented the conference report on the ur
gent deficiency bill, and in doing so
stated that the senato hod receded
from its amendments, but that the
house might expect to meet the same
question on the legislative or on tho
general deficiency bill.
Mr. Cannon of Illinois moved to sus
pend the rules and pass the senate bill
for a public building at Danville, 111.
Agreed to yeas 14'J, nays 15 tho
clerk noting a quorum. : Adjourned.
The Irrigation Problem.
Washington, Jan. 6. Messrs. . O.
Shellenberger and J. H. Uannna of
Chase county, Nebraska, are. in Wash-
incrton on business connected with the
artesian well problem. They have hai
an interview with Senator Mandersca
and will call on Secretary'x ail
the scpervislig engineer of fco tU
cultural erV CSr t r-tle"n
...... -r
those who are i. J 1 ta L ,.-
tion problem that there Was an arpro-
prlatlon of $20,000 in the deficiency
appropriation bill. A proviso in the
bill prevented the secretary of agricul
ture from using it for the purpose of
boring wells, and for this reason it is
hardly likely that the gentlemen from
Chase county will be successful in their
mission, which is-to induce the secre
tary of agficnltdre to make some tests
there of the artesian plan for bringing
the underflow to the surface for irriga
tion purposes. '
Secretary Rush has had geologists
and agents in the field from the 26th
of April to the winter season of 1890,
and during that time expended $17,199
and has just sent in a voluminous re
port showing what has been done in
the way of observations and so forth.
In September 1890, there was a further
appropriation of $40,000 for the same
purpose, and nearly all of this Is still
available to carry on the work'. Sena
tor Casey of North Dakota wanted
time for further exploration beyond
the 1st of July next, which was the
limit fixed by the act to close the mat
ter up. The secretary of agriculture
has not yet replied to the Casey resolu
tion asking what more time if , needed
Preparing for an Emergency.
New York, Jan. 7. An Annapolis
special to the Times says: Comment
has been aroused among naval officers
over a series of orders emanating from
the navy department within the past
few weeks directing the commissioning
of warships at San Francisco and order
ing various other cruisers to Pacific
waters. - Under the present orders no
less than eleven warships and five reve
nue cutters will soon be in commission
in the Pacific and ready for duty. If,
in addition, the rumored chartering
and arming of seven steamers for reve
nue cutter duty in Behring sea proves
correct the United States naval force
will number twenty-three ships, pgalnst
five British gunboats and one armored
vessel at present protecting the inter
ests of Great Britain in the north Pa
cific. In view of the present Behring
sea controversy and the rumored char
tering of steamers for' revenue cutter
duty, this position is deemed ominous.
AW ashingtori special to . the same
paper says: Persons interested ifc. the
Behring sea controversy have read
with some concern dispatches from
Europe which intimate that the British
fleet is to be complemented in the north
Pacific by the fleet of the German em
pire. Intimations are heard that the
navy department is proceeding in a
way to indicate a . determination to
meet this display of English, and Ger
man force by an increase of the United
States fleet on the west coast and by
the immediate concentration of avail
able vessels at San Francisco. The
naval officers asked about it appear to
be in absolute ignorance concerning
the whole business.
ft L73 ITi::J C..:.
o. d. iszixELjsim cm U? A3
On Wednesday afternoon wLra &
joint convention tczss.V.sit til cf
the conspiracy between tls Csji crsxl
and the 'railroad bctkm cf tsa rrp:L!l
can party was devli. It wo fir
Uenu Got. lcin to cn t
riht to pndi over & j;ls.t c:ivca
tlon; and when the speaker prt!l:L:l
tho returns to declare Ccyd duly elect J.
Boyd would then txls tt cilh ttrt
ome itinerant notary and d&sa&i t
office, there to remain until, a tzszt
process of law would oust feim. Til
program the Lieut. Gov. aiisrtii t
carry out, but he met stacl;":; tl;;!:s
in the fact that the jciit ccaver'ax
without rules, that the p'ia izti c! .
the constitution is tU s 7r:x -
should presids, that ipe-icr I! !;r iii
the custody of the retrrri z re
fused in the attsncs cf cy rx!) f ;t tli
convention to acknowirOtr. t ".r.J
john as presiding ocsr or all ia azy
way to carry out this monstrous asl
illegal program. ;v
The adoption of the rales of the' lart
legislature by the two houati sepuxU-j
does not adopt them for i ist era
vetttion; and until th.t csrrttilan i
c'.lzi cCherwiss thoss rules r :t Li
TLs proposes cf tla ! " 1
was fcir and rcialr. It wts Cix::r
mlt29 cf t-e convention thox'.J Is t
polntcl to whoai all pr peri rtl:!:j ti
the coctc3 thonldbe rt:;rrei, tzl tlzt
it was not e btczt of tts ccrr "
lVc-::jcf ctrtcrt fctt Cit
J t' I el-
a&i Li ts cf ;;-. 1 tJ. 3C,
the convent!;. .
Ia run::-::: s cf I" " j. i"3 cr !.rr
arbitrary rirj. Zi r J C xz.'JLz
to adjourn oct cf crr. U nlJl t
entertain any motion ktoklRj towci
reference of the contest to a ccn:-lls.
Never in the history of any state Lss a
more , high-handed outrage been at
tempted upon the sicred ri;ht of suff
rage. A little rallrsadattorney a
third-rate shyfticf fco3i. country vil-
lage sets himself up as the autocrat and
dictator to one hundred and thirty-three
of the chosen men of this state.
We cannot believe that any number
of republicans are in this vile plot. We
have too much respect for honorable
men who are proud of the same of re
publican to believe It
Some republicans think that the inde
pendents intend, when they get the
opportunity, to unseat the whole repub
lican state ticket by an arbitrary vote.
This Is not true. - Should this matter b '
referred to a fair committee such as
was appointed today, no man would be
unseated unless it was conclusively
shown that he was elected by fraud.
The independents are fair men, and do
not propose to make any precedent that
they will not be willing to face here
after. The joint convention should adopt
rules at once, among them one to de
clare who should be its presiding offi
cers, and then adopt a reasonable and
fair mode of procedure which would
allow an equitable decision of the con
test . ' '
i Mr. Meikeljohn refused to-day in the
senate to entertain amotion to adopt
rules, and then refused to entertain aa
appeal from his decision; This ia a
gross nsurption, no chairman on earth
can legally deny the right of appeaL
By doing so he puts himself in the po
sition of a dictator over the body of
which he is simply the servant.
. His only right to preside over the
joint convention is derived from a rule
which that body has not adopted.
' The Independents stand in this con
test for law and order against conspire-'
cy and usurpationfor the purity of the
ballot against ruffianism and mob rule.
They are making history. Let them
stand firm as the eternal hills for the
right, and their enemies will respect
them and every honest citizen applaud
and sustain them. : ic:;,'
Lit the CoxviiowrrsDrlATOHCB