The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, January 03, 1891, Image 8

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    THE STORE. t
We desire to y to tie alliance
people of this great atate that oar stock
is oue of the largest and most oom
plate ganeral stocks in the "whole
oonntrr, and we are in the market o
ell koodi. We watt jour trade, and
if good goods at right prices and a
square deal every time will get a por
tion we are bonnd to have it Our aim
C J' sell eTery thing; oar motio is
C than anybody." And we
prci i flgbt it oat nnder this - ban
ner!. Jta to sell all the goods in
the fc. sf. Oar mail order depart
ment fyu excellent running order and
all inquiries as well as orders receire
prompt attention. Money eheerfolly
refunded if goods are not satisfactory.
A trial order solicited and satisfaction
guaranteed. Respectfully,
I5S2 Ii-38 38 EmI O 8t, Iiaooia.
' Hail arden promptijr attended to.
Grocery Department
Southern granulated sngar will sell
for 6 14o perpound. Eastern granu
lated sngar, EL & E., 6o per pound.
California extra C. 6e per pound. Cnt
loaf sapar, 8o per pound. Fdwdered
agar, 8 cents per pound. AH package
coffee are still 24To perpound. A gen
uine Mocha and Jara still UOj per
pound. Mew York hand picked nary
beans, per pound 6c. German hand
Sicked Nary beans, per pound 4Jo.
few Carolina rice, per pound 7o.
Mew Japan rice, (to. boiled oats per
pound i cents. Boiled Bye, 4
cents. Snowflake hominy, per
pound 5o. New York state buckwheat
per pound 4o. Jim liiscuit baking
powder, per pound 10c. Bombay bak
ing powder, lOo. Price's aj.d Byal
baking powder, per pound 42a. C hoice
leaf lard, per pound 80. New layer
figs, per pinna 21).). New London lay
er raisins, per pound 19o. New Mus
catel raisins, in boxes, per pound 14c.
New Muscatel raisins, in bags, ; per
pound 9i New Leghorn citron, per
pound UOo. Genuine Ohio maple syr up,
per gallon 80c. Star tobaooo, pur
pound, S9o. Horahoe tobaooo, per
pound Si);. Climax tobacco, per
pound 8'Ja. Spearhead, per pound,
M)o. Quantity and Quality, per pound
29c. Joker, pet pound, 29o. A genu
ine kiln dried smoking tobaooo for 19
cents per pound. French poas, per
oan 15c, worth 20o. French mush
rooms, per can 18a, worth 20o. New
Plattsmouth corn, per can 9ic, worth
Uo. New Baltimore tomatoes, per
can 9 Jo, worth 12o. New early Jane
peas, per can 12io, worth 20o. New
etringless beans, per can 9a, worth 12o.
New it pound Ualfornia peaones, per
oan 22io, worth SOo. New 3 pound
California pears, per oan 22lo, worth
30c. New 3 pound California cherries,
p r oan 22io, worth 30o. ' New 3
pound California apricots, per can 20o,
worth 25c. New 8 pound California
grapes, per can 17io, worth 25c. New
The Farmers' Alliance,
-J. BURROWS, Editor.
J. M. THOMPSON. Business
VAS greet our readnw this wook with Tna
' Alluncb enlarged to nearly double Its
former size. We intend to add to its value
editorially as much as we have to its size.
Wo hope to be able further to enlarge it to a
seven column quarto, and will do so as soon
as our patronage Justifies it. .
We realize fully that Thk Alliance hat
won the plaoe it holds by Us FEARLESS
NESS AND TKTTrfl. It will not be changed
is those particulars.
We have voluntarily rejected a valuable in
come from corporation advertising, for the
reason that that patronage is bestowed to
control the press. We ask our friends to
make this up to us in increased subscriptions.
Our largely Increased expenses have com
pelled us to slightly Increase our price,
Single subscriptions... $t 25
Five subscribers in one order one year., fi 00
Persons sending clubs on add single sub
scriptions at the same rate. These, terms
will be rigidly adhered to.
The Alliance one year and
Looking Backward post paid.... $1 50
Ditto and Labor and Capital by
Kellogg............ 1 40
Ditto and Caesar's Column 1 50
" " Our Republican Mon-
archy by Venier Voldo. . . ..... .."lTO
The above books for sale at this office
or sent post paid as follows;
Looking Backward.............. 50cts.
Caesar's Column. ....... ... . . .... .50cts.
Labor and Capital............... 20cts.
Our Republican Monarchy .25cts.
,. Address. - ' ,
Alliance Pcb. Co., Lincoln Neb.
pott't fail to read notice of Berridge
Uro'8 sale of Englishire Horses adver
tised in this paper. People in want of
a really good, young, sound horse with
plenty of bone, and the best of legs and
feet should not fail to attend their sale
on Feb. 10th, when they can get some
thing .good for their money. These
.horses are wonderfully well bred and
are fully acclimated, and will remain
at Fair drounds from now on until
time of sale. Anyone wishing to inspect
these horses will be gladly shown them
l)y Berridge Bros. Don't forget to send
for catalogue, and remember date of
sale: . , . IwSS.
3 pound California plums, per can 10c,
worth 256. New 3 peund Standard
California peaones, per can 20a, worth
2jc. New $ pound Standard Califor
nia peaones, per can 15c. worth 29c
New 3 pound California Pie peaches,
per can 120, worth 15. New 2 pound
Standard Baltimore gooseberries, per
can lOfl, worth 158. New 2 pound
Standard Baltimore blackberries, per
can 10c, worth 15o. New 3 . pound
Standard Baltimore raspberries, per
can 12u,' worth 20c New 2 pound
Standard Baltimore Strawberries, per
can 12Ji. worth 20a. New 2 pound
Alaska Salmon, per can 12 Jo, worth
20a. New Pack imp. sardine, per can
5c, worth 15c New packed mustard
sardines, per ran 80, worth 10c Span
ish Qwen olives, per bottle 24c, worth
40c. Halford's sauce, large, per bot
tle, 83c, worth 40c. Halfor J's sauce,
small, per bottle. 19c, worth 25c.
Crosse St Blaokwell pickles, per bottle
33c, worth 40c. Crosse Si Blackwell
jams, per bottle 24 cents. English
style pickles, per bottle 24a, worth 30
cents. Schimmel's catsup, pints, per
bottle 15c, worth 25c. 8 oz. bottle
lemon extract, per bottle 25o, worth
50c 8 oz. bottle Vanilla extract, per
bottle 25c, worth 50 & Imported mac
aroni, per package 14o, worth 20c
Imported Vermicelli, per package 14c,
worth 25c A good broom for 15o,
worth 20c A good washboard for 15c,
worth 25c A good water pail for 15c,
worth 20c A eood blacking brush
for 10c, worth 25o. We are still sell
ins: our 8O0 teas for EOo a pound and a
eood Japan tea sittings for 17c Choice
country batter, 20o per pound. Re
member we sell groceries cheaper than
'.5Sa-34-i 33 Eat O Ht . Lincoln.
HU order, promptly attended to.
; Furniture Department.
A few chilly facts. Notwithstanding
the fact that our holiday trade was un
usually large, we have a full and com
plete assortment of Furniture bought
at remarkably low figures, and will be
disposed of at prices that cannot be
beaten by anybody. We will qnote you
prices on a few staple articles, ana
guarantee anything in this department
can be bought at correspondingly low
prices. Wood seat chairs, 3 f pindles,
at 45c Wood seat chairs, 4 spindles,
at 50c, Perforated seat chairs at 75c
Perforated seat and back chairs at 8 Jo.
A nice cane seat cbair at si. A nice
wood-seat rocker at 75o, A nice per
forattd seat rocker at $1. A large
Boston rocker at $2. A cane seat and
back nurse rocker at $1.75. A scroll
arm cane seat and back rocker at $2.25.
Utah chairs, with and without table,
from85oip. Children's rockers from
75o up. Children's cradles from $1.50
up. Iiedsttads from $2,50 up. Stand
ard woren wire wrings at $1.24. Cot
ton top mattresses at $2.75. Wool
mattresses at $4.25. Part wool mat
tresses, extra carded, $5.92. Hair mat
tresses as low as $9.85. We still have
a few of those solid oak chamber suites
The Cass county Farmers' Alliance
held its regular quarterly session in city
hall, Weeping Water, December 27, 1890.
The Subordinate Alliance were well
represented and the work done was in
accordance with the noble principle
which caused the formation of the Alli
ance. :"
i The following resolutions were
Resolved, That we heartily endorse the
resolutions adopted by the State Alli
ance at the annual meeting held in Lin
coln, December 16, 1800.
Resolved, That we recommend each
member of the Alliance to support such
papers, and such only, as support our
interests, and we condemn the effort of
the Omaha Bee, State Journal, and
World Herald to prejudice the members
of the Alliance against J. Burrows, chair
man of the executive committee, and
heartily endorse the action of the State
Alliance in giving him their almost
unanimous support.
Resolved, That all county monies held
for the payment of bonds or other lia
bilities should be loaned to the people
of the county and the interest turned
into the county treasury.
Resolved, That we recognize the Inde
pendent Eagle, published in Weeping
Water, as the. official organ of the Alli
ance of Cass county.
Resolved, That we recommend Rev.
N. M. Allen as chaplain of the legisla
ture the coming session and request his
appointment to that position.
Resolved, That the late decision of the
supreme court in the bond election case
of L. G. Todd et. al. vs. Cass county is
such as would open the elections to
fraud without leaving any legitimate
power in the hands of the people to
remedy the wroug.
R. E. Farmer.
J. Clarke, ;
D. D. Andbcs,
A. T. Henshaw,
James Rouse,
. Committee.
The following officers were elected for
the ensuing term:
C. L. Masters, president.
James Rouse, vice president.
B. F. Allen, secretary-treasurer.
J. R.Marshall, Samuel Richardson,
James Clarke, executive committee..
Rev. N. M. Allen, lecturer.
Joshua Murray, chaplain.
John Clarke, door keeper. -.
John Holenbcck, sergeant-at-arms. ' .
Voted, That tho next regular session
bo held at Weeping Water.
B. F. Allen,
' t Secretary.
at $18.75. A silk tapestry parlor suite
for $38.50. High back cane seat chairs
each $1.25. Hiph bick cane seat rock
era each $2.15. We have a few articles
that were bought especially for the
holiday trade that can be bought at ex
ceedingly low figures. Parties con
templating tne zimisning 01 rooms tor
the legislature will do us a favor by
calling and looking over our stock and
getting oar prices before purchasing
elsewhere. We will save you from 15
to 25 per cent on what you purchase.
Bemember that we sell Furniture
cheaper than anybody.
l.V.-S4-36-SS East O St, L'noola.
Mail order, proptlj ui ended to.
Dry Goodi Department.
40 inch black Mohair, great bargain,
fiOc worth 75c 42 inch black Mohair
at 00c, worth 90c 44 inch black Mo
hair at 85c worth $1.25. 46 inch black
Mohair at $1, worth $1.50. 40 inch
black all wool Henrietta at 50c, worth
68s, 40 inch black all wool Henrietta
at GOo, worth 78c 40 inch black Surah
twill at 70 worth $1. 40 inch black
silk warp Henrietta at $1, worth $1.50,
40 inch black silk warp Henrietta 'at
$1.25, worth $1.75. 46 inch black silk
warp Henrietta, special. t $1.30,
wortn f l.Vo. 4J wen riaric suit warp
Henrietta at $1.50, worth $2.25. 40 inch
black Taffeta at $1 40, worth $2. 44
inch black twill with Mohair stripe at
$1.35, worth $1.90. 40 inch all wool
Henrietta, all shades, at 48. worth C80.
49 inch all wool Henrietta, all colors
and black, at 73c, worth $1. 43 inch
all wool Henrietta, all colors and
block, at 983, worth $1.50. We have a
nice line of evening shades at C8j, 73o
and 98o. A choice line of Plsiis will
be sold at 25o. 39c, 42c COe, 59s, 69o
and 90o, one-third less than their value,
3G inoh English Henriettas, all shades
and biaok, 25c, worth 35c 33 inch
English Henriettas, all shades and
black, 35o, worth 48 i. All our best
10 j Ginghams will be sold at Ge. A
lot of Ginghams, fast colors, will go at
41c kvery piece of our beBt Prints
we will sell for 4i3, worth 7o. Our
own LL 4-4 Muelm at Cc worth 8
Lonsdale 4-4 bleached at 7.i, worth
10c Linens, Flannelx, blankets,
Yarns, Hosiery, Underwear, Notions,
etc., at proportionate low prices. Be-
member we sell Dry Goods cheaper
than anybody. West entrance, first
1M3 34-3S 88 E .t O St., Lu:oln.
Ucil order, promptly attended to.
Shoe Department.
We have about $6,000 worth of bank'
rupt stock left, which we are selling at
less than cost of leather. The goods
are of the very best make and every
pair guaranteed or money refunded.
Below we give yon a few of our . prices
and invite you to inspect our stock,
Ladies' best Dongola H. T., $2.75, for
FROM $10.00 TO $75.00 JUX BEAR THIS TM0fcKH.
BUDGE & MORRIS, 1122 N St., Lincoln, Neb.
We have just completed arrangements by which we can offer Ladies', Men's
and Children's underwear at exactly case prices, and sell you any quantity you
wish. The goods offered are all strictly first-class.
Men's red mixed i wool shirts and
drawers, each ; $ 87$
Men's brown mixed J woool shirts
and drawers, each 37
Men's red and white striped shirts
and drawers, each. 87J
Men's brown and white striped
shirts and drawers, each 37 J
Men's heavy scotch mixed shirts
and drawers, each 87J
Men's heavy gray all wool shirts
and drawers, eacn su
Men's heavy gray all wool double
breasted snirts l.uu
Children's underwear at proportionate prices. In ordering please make
second choice as what you want may be
27tf J. W.
Carter &Bailey,
Commission llerchants,
825 and 829 North 16th St., Lincoln. Neb.
Dealers In Bntter, Bns, and Poultry.
Produce a Specialty.
cash advtnces made en consignments. Write
us for shipping directions. H it
Reference: First Nat'l Bank, Lincoln, Neb.
China, Glass, Queeaaware, Chandeliers,
Lamps, Oas Fixtures, Table
tf Cutlery. Eto
1212 0 Street, Lincoln, Nob.
mer price $4. Ladies' Cur. Kid, opera
and common sense, $2.50, former price
$3.75. Ladies Bright Dongola at $2,
former price $3.25. Ladies Dongola,
opera and common sense, at $1.50. for
mer price $2.50. Ladies' Urain untton
at $1.05, former price Si.ou. Laies
Dongola Button at 78c, former price
$1.50. Ladies' fine Calf Button at
$1.75, former price $3. Ladies' Calf
Battan at $1.50, former price $2.50.
Misses' Dongola, high eat heel and
spring heel, at $1.35, former price
$2.25. Misses' Oil Goat, heel and
spring heel, $1.20, former pnee $2.
Misses' School Shoes at $1, former
price $1.65. Misses' Goat Tip at $1,
former price Sl.ou. unuas acnooi
Shoes, button, at 98c, former prie
$1.35. Child's solar tip Oil Grain at
77c, former price $1.25. Infants shoes
at 10c, 25c. 40o and 50c Men's French
Calf H. & S. at $5, former price $7.50.
Men's French Calf H. W. at $3.50, for
mer price $5. Men's Calf H.W. nt $3,
former price $4.50. Men's Wankenphas
H. W. at $2.20, former price $3.75.
Men's Genuine Calf, all solid, $2, for
mer price $3 25. Men's Button, Lace
and Congress, $1.29, former price $2.25.
Boy's high cut Calf Button $1.75, for
mer price $2.75. Boys' Calf, all solid,
at $1.25, former price $2.25. Boys'
Button and Congress at $1, former
price $1.85. Men's Kip boots at $1.95,
lormer price $3.50. Men's Oil Grain
boots at $1.75, former price $3. Boys'
Kip boots at $1.19, former price $2.25.
Boys' Oil Grain boots at $1.35, former
price $2.50. Boys' Flesh Split, solid
as a rock, at 99 o, former price $1.75.
Ladies' first quality Arctics at 78c for
mer price $1. Ladies' warm lined
Alaskis at 75c, former price 90c.
Misses' Arctics at G8e, former price
90o. Children's Arctics at 58c, former
price 75c Children's Bubbers at 15c,
former price 35c. Men's Pure Gam
Boots . at $2.25, former price (3.50.
Men's felt boot? at 39c, former price
$1. Men's Arctics at t8o, former price
$1 35. Men's robbers at 50c, former
pric 80c Boys' rubber boots at $1.78,
former price $2.50 Bembember that
we sell Boots and Shoes cheaper than
1S8WU Vt 33 E t O St., Lincoln.
Hail order, promptly ittended to.
Crockery Depattmeat.
In this department the same low prices
prevail and we are sure a visit will re
salt in one or more purchases. Tha
department embraces a complete line
of china, glassware, crockery and stone
ware, lamps and lamp goods, eto. Bead
these prices : Teacups, 5o ; with han
d'.e, 64c; coffee cups. 6 l-4o; with ban
die, 7io; tea saucers, 5c, coffee saucers,
6 1-43 ; 5-inch plates, tic 6-inch plates,
64c; 7-inch plates. 7o; 8 inch plates,
8jc; 7-inch soup plates, 8c; 8 inch roup
plates, 9e; 8-inch platters, 19c; 9-inch
platters, 24o; 10-inch platters, 29c; 11-
inoh platters, 33c; 12-inch platters,39c ;
14-inch platters, 44c; small howls (do),
11c; medium bowls (30), 14c; large
bowls (24), 17c ; 0-inoh round scolloped
Table and Pocket Cutlrey,
Shears and Scissors.
Decorated Tea and Coffee Pots
The largest stock of
hardware Holiday
goods in the city.
Mens' extra heavy all wool shirts
and drawers, each,
Ladies' jersey vests medium weight
Ladies' line merino vest and draw
ers, each.......... ,
Ladies' fine all wool scarlet vests
and drawers, each 70
Ladies' extra fine all wool scarlet
vests and drawers, each 80
Ladies' XXX scarlet all wool vests
and drawers, each. 1 00
Ladies' XXX scarlet all wool jer
sey vests and drawers, each. ... 80
closed out before your order is received.
HARTLEY, State Agent, Lincoln, Neb.
The Victory Peed Mill
The Best Mill In the World
For anindinsr Corn with or without the shuck,
ana an Kinas or Bmau grain, capacity
15 to 60 bushels per hour,
Made in three sizes, four, eight and
twelve horse power. 25-i
Address, THOS. ROBERTS, Springfield, 0.
JAN. 3, 1891.
vegetable dishes, 14c; 6-inch round
scolloped vegetable dishes, 19.'; 7-inch
round scolloped vegetable dislet, 21c:
8-inch round scolloped vegetable dishe,
29c; 9-inch round scolloped vegetable
dishes, 33c; 10-inch round scolloped
vegetable dishes, SSo; fine oval piokle
dishes, 16o; 7-ioch covered rnreen. 54e;
8-inch covered tureen, 63c; No. 36 f in
cv shape pitcher, holds 1 pint,14c; No.
30 fancy shspe pitcher, holds one
quart, 19c; No. 24 fancy sbaped pitch
er, holds 3 pints, 24c; No. 12 fancy
shaped pitcher, holds 2 quarts, 33c;
No. 6 fancy shaped pitcher, holds 1
gallon, 48c ; plain dessert dishes, 4s;
sugar bowls, 35c; gravy boat, 24c; soup
trays. 12c; covered bntter dishes, 45c;
large wash bowls. 39c; large wash
pitchers, 39c This is the celebrated
J. and G. Meakins' ware, and is the
best white ironstone china made on
this earth. We have in stock some
rare patterns of Havelin's decorated
dinner and tea sets at right prices. We
show a few very handsome designs in
decoiated porcelain ware that we can
sell as complete dinner or tea sets or
by the single piece. This is a very de
sirable thing to buy, as you can have
as large or small a set as you please to
begin with and add to it as your purse
allows or your circumstances demand.
Be sure you see this when you come in.
Our stock is complete in all depart
ments and prices are guaranteed. We
sell dishes cheaper than anybody.
Third floor, east side.
l.323-3;-S$ East O8t.l1 noolb.
C Vail or Jen promptly attended to.
Hardware Department.
The most crnel cat of all, but fortu
nately at a time when it will do every
body some good and help to round out
the corners of the old year. The first
thing that came in our way in this de
partment was Heating Stoves, and we
have trimmed them 01 every vestige 01
profit and now offer any Heating Stove
on our floors at absolute cost. We
mean this and don't propose to tie up
money in Heating Stoves by holding
them for a profit until next winter.
Cut No. 2 is an even 25 per cent on" on
all Silverware in plush cases and chil
dren's sets (knife, folk and spoon).
Cut No. 3 i 40 per cent off on a fine
lino of Pocke Knives, the laigest. lne
in the city. Cut No. 4 is on Skttes
sod this will catch a great many. Cut
No. 5, which is a very important one.
as it embraces our entire Tinware de
partment, which we have on an aver
age cnt square in half. This ought to
catch the housekeepers. Cut No. 6
takes in our gun department. Now,
here is the finest layout of guns in the
state outside of Omaha. We have quite
a number of line double guns, such as
Pieper, Richards, Bedman. Columbia
and a unmber of other makes, worth
from $55 to $65. These guns have
been used a few times only. You can
have your choice of the lot for 32.50.
We have also a number of guns that
would be cheap at $35 and on account
of having hired them out a few times
8S4P 8tt) North of P. O.
Centrally located and newly furnished throughout. Table first-clan.
Terms $V25 to S1.50 Per day.
Down ffo
All kinds of Dry Goods being slaughtered.
We have now commenced to unload our
and ask you to call and get some of
6c muslin ior . ....... 4c Scarlet underwear
8c muslin for. ...... 6c reduced from $1 to 75c
6c calico for. . . . ... . .4c Blankets worth $1.60
8c cotton flannel for 5c for $1.00.
121-2c " " 10c Stockings of all kind la
All wool re d 4 "121-2c reduced one-fourth.
The bottom has tumbled out and
now is the time to come and see
us. Will be glad to see you.
Yours truly,
1109 O Street- Lincoln, Neb.
a. J9
Everything You Eat, Wear and Use
You cannot afford to be without it; even if you don't send orders to
us, it will save you money as a guide to prices you should pay at home.
w e lurnisa me doojk iree. Bona o cents to pay the postage
Wholesale Farmers'
68 Wabash Avy CHICACO.
we will m)U them t tor jour
choice. We are exolusive agents in
this city for Stevena' Rifles, the very
best known target rifles. On any kind
of a gun we will duplicate eastern
prices and save you the freight. Bring
in your list and discounts. Cut No.
7 is where our cutting quali
ties sho7 up. It comprises oar line
of shears and scissors. The st ck is
large and complete and includes a
number of the beet makes. On these
we rounded eft" 25 per cent. Cut No.
8 interests the men only. No beard
less youths nor young ladies need ap
ply, as this is on razors only, and most
every one has some favorite makr.
bee 11 this Jist includes yours : xhere
is Wade & Butcher's, Bengali, Elec
tric, Twin Brothets, Queen, North
field and the new Hornet. This last
razor yuu want to see, as it is ground
on a new principle and is a hnmmer.
The disf-ount on these goods is 12 J per
cent. Cat No. nine is in scales. We
have just put in a new stock, but we
must sell, and offer the marble slab
butcher's scale at $11.75, worth $15.00;
Butcher's pan scales at $3,75, worth
$5.50; Spring balances, 15o to $1.50
each; Tta scales, very tine, $2.98 ach,
north $4.50. Anything in the Scale
line, from a postal scale to a railroad
track scale, to order. Cut No. ten
will be felt more by the horses, hogs
aad cattle, as it is on barbed wire. We
have three carloads in our wareroom.
bought at the very moment that the
prices reached the bottom. Oar cat
price is so low that it is simply "out of
sight." If you want wire vwll or write
for prices. After cat No. 10 we had
kind o' got our hand in and declared a
generul cut on the entire hardware de
partment, which mkH our store the
tpot lor hardvt arc. We sell it cheaper
tnan any bodv. First floor, east side.
Kail crlcr promptly tlerdfd to'
Cloak Department.
Slaughter 1 D'aughter!! "Our big
kuiie has done its work." Thousands
of dollars will absolutely be given
away in the next two weeks. The
greatest ot all bargain sales. Once in
a life time is such an opportunity of
fered. You can buy of us at rein 1
prices for less than regular factory
prioes. All our cloaks must go is the
command. Carry nothing over is our
motto. One thousand cloaks, cloth
jackets, walking coats, Newmar
kets, plueli sacques and jackets
reduced 40 per cent. You sure
ly can be suited. A $6 jacket
for $3.60, an $8 Jacket for $4.80, the
$10 Jpekftts and Newmarkets for $6.
All $15 Jackets and Newmarkets for
$9, The $27.50 Plush Sacques for
$16.50., Our $40 Plush Sidques for
$24. All $60 PluBh Sacques for $36.
This discount of 40 per cent applie to
everything in ihis department. Re
member we sell Cloaks cheaper than
anybody. Second floor, west side, take
elevator. -
152 M-hri 88 E s O 8-., Iinowln.
Mail orders prom tly attended to.
luf JAMES McHAFFlE, Propr
the Prices.
oa it. A
Supply House,