I 1 it Ay Ay Ay dates' LINCOLN, NEB., SATURDAY, J AN. 3, 1891. VOL. II. NO 29. 0 7 A A AAA mC( A A (sb) SlsMsBl-'' '' -s a 0 Notice to Subscribers. EXFIRAT10SS. AJ tb- eajtlMt and ehetitt means of 9 ring subscribers of the date of their wra on we will mark this notice with a blue o red pencli.on the date at which their ubeorte Hob exilrea. We will send the PP tw ween eiier eiuniuvu. i l hv. . I ume H wiu oe oiaoouunum. We Hold the Winning Hand. , Composed and suns' by D. T. Cline, at Bluff Centre Alliance, No. 1633. We have sailed across tbo stormy sea, We have heard the billows roar, The ship was linking under us And we could not reach the shore. We all began to shout and pray, "We cannot reach the land!" They sang, "Farewell, you sons of guns, We hold the winning band." Chorus: We hold the winning hand, boys. The votes we on command, With railways and banks to starve you cranks, We hold the winning band. We went to all the rallies 'round, We heard them preach and say What the O. O. P. would do for us, I f wo would only stay. We heard tbem singing "Hold the fort, And come and Join our band, -Tor we belong to the money ring And hold the winning hand." Chorus: We hold the winning hand, boys, The fates we can command; . Bight or wrong, we are so strong, We hold the winning hand. ' 'Then the farmers began to stir around, To see what they oould de; They formed themselves into a ring, To do some voting too. The alliance came and spread like fire, . Thrjugh all of this great land; We oastour voles election day. And now wjc hold the winning hand. Chorus: i . We hold tuo winning hand, boys. The votes we can command, Through storm and strife, and all through life, We'll hold the wlnniug hand. ATcKinley passed thn tariff bill ' Upon the farmer' coats, And Dorsejr wired to Quay To save Nebraska votes. Quay claimed to this great fraud, , He surely would not stoop, But we cast our votes on election day, And Dorsey's lu the soup. " Chorus; ',.' ' , , .. And Dorsey's in tbo soup, hoys, And there we'll leave him stand; We cast our vvf&i to sve our ooats. And we hold the winning hand. The election's o'er, we won the day. Though fraud may get us down; C We'll contest the whole state through, And bring our man around. We'll make the hottest time for G. O. That evor struck this land, For we believe In equal rights, And we hold the winning hand. Chorus: The G. O. P's are in the soup, boys, .' Their name, 'tis surely pants; -We did It with our little votes And we hold the winning hand. .P's SPIRIT OF THE STATE PRESS. Says the Osceola Record: ( The World-Herald said very earnestly last Tuesday that "the seating of Powers would be a great outrage," and all the small democratic newspaper fry in the state arise simultaneously to second the motion. , . The Leomis Home Guard announces numerous open meetings of the Alli ance, v A good way to spread the light . The Doniphan Alliance, says the Lead er, is soliciting provisions, clothing, etc. for their unfortunate brethren in the frontier counties. . The Loup Valley Alliance is now published at Burwell. Alliance oyster suppers out in Holt county are recorded by the Amelia Journal. The Madison Reporter chronicles the following, and there are many more of the kind to follow: "The reform move ment is having a healthy effect in dif ferent counties over the state. Pierce county has found a thirty -four thousand dollar shortage and the present treasur er has been arrested as a defaulter to that amount, while Dakota county has found a balance of $8,285.92 due that county from Dr. Wilkinson. - This will no doubt be followed by other counties which will find that the people have been paying the fiddler while the office sharks have been parading as old party bosses. - The Monroe Looking Glass reflects good thought for the people of Platte county. .- ' The David City People's Banner gives the following good advice: To keep up interest" in the Alliaace meetings nothing would be more useful than the admission of ladies. The doors of every alliance should be open to them, for who can feel the need of the work involved more than the tired, uncom plaining farmer's wife! The order is an educator aud a benefactor, so why not encourage your wives and daugh ters to join the grand army? The Gandy Pioneer has an Alliance department edited by Alliance men. We extract the following: Honest John Powers, Brilliant J. Burrpws and Solid J. M. Thompson, were all reelected to their respectlve'of fices. Thus, despite all the contempti ble efforts of the politicians and the subsidized press to stampede the rank and file of the alliance, are the gallant ones who fought and won. or who fought and went down, it matters not which, rewarded by continued trust and leadership. Many others of the state officers were re-elected. This disposi tion of the Alliance to stay by its leaders and its leaders to stay by it, is what is fast demoralizing the enemies of organ ized labor. We stood side by side at the ballot box and the victory was ours. In the flush of success stay together. We have just begun to believe that we can stay there, so let not the wedge of disruption find place to enter, for di vision aniong ourselves is the only hope that organized capital has to compass our destruction. ; ' , The West Union Gazette speaks wise ly when it says: "If the Farmers' Alli ance is to maintain the influence it has obtained in the political world it must beware of entanglements with either of the old parties; it must also steer clear of men ideatified with monopolistic cor porations." . The Greeley Center Independent is lire weeks old and is doing good service in humanity's cause. The Weeping Water Eagle does God's work by poking thorns into the sides of the old-time bosses and manipulators. The Shelby Sun records an alliance dinner at the Christian church on the David City road by 250 people. An in teresting literary program entertained those present, The Grand Island Journal is a new advocate of the alliance cause. One of the old boss-serving papers refers to it as having been "hatched out." All right, it came out crowing, thank you. The Beatrice Beacon, prohibition, has suspended publication, having com pleted the term for which it was estab lished. ' 8 Christmas at the Lindell. The editor was left alone and forlorn Christmas day, all the ladies of the family having flitted down to the Gage county farm to woo the blithesome fairies that people the mistletoe and holly on their own loved hearthstone in their own loved home. Business and care would not give us a Christmas holiday, at least outside the city, so we were compelled to look hotelward for the Christmas dinner we should have had at home. Naturally we drifted to the Lindell, alliance headquarters, and where for many years the pleasant greeting of its kind host and hostess have always been ready for us. To us for a long time the Lindell has been the next place to home. Well, to say we were surprised is to put it mild. Out side of Delmonieo's no such spread was to be found in the United States on Christmas day. We believe Steve Hoover presides over the Lindell com missary, and the exhibition of one Or two more such cheftTauvres of the gas tromonic art, aDd he will be whisked away to superintend the cuisine of some of our millionaire princes at ten thou sand a year. Our descriptive powers are entirely inadequate to portray that superb, that magnificent Christmas din ner. But if it is possible to worship a sentiment or idealize a tradition through the art epicurean, Steve is one of the most devout of devotees. We give the menu in full below: MENU. New York Counts Queen Olives Celery ; Watercresses 80UP. Chicken Gumbo Hunters PISH Bailed Trout Fillet Turbot Portugaise Potatoes California BOILED. : Westphalia Ham, a la Gelee Capon de Collies Buffalo Tongue, Creole Sauce BEL1VB Prime Bibs of Beef, au Jus Loins of Venison, Currant Jelly Christmas Turkey, Cranberry Sauee Leg of Mountain Sheep Breast of Veal, Stuffed with Chestnuts GAME Sand Hill Craion, Giblet Sauce Pigeon at Best, a la Cobert . Bed Beaded Duck, Strawberry Jelly. COLD GA51S. Boned Turkey Cbloken Pressed, au Border ENTREES. Golden Ball Fritters, Fruit Sauce Pine Apple Comfort, au Cream t Trultes Saumone Beurre, de Montpelier Fillet of Boeuf, a la Pochansuce SALADS Lobster Salad French Salad VEGETABLES Mashed Potatoes Plain Boiled Potatoes French Peas Spinach Escolloped Tomatoes PA8TRT Christmas Plum Pudding, Portage Sauce Mince Pie Boston Cream Pie . DE8EST Lindell Ice Cream , Angel Food Cocoanut Cake Mixed Nuts Grapes ' ' Apples Edam Cheese Oranges , Tea Java Coffee Milk , PARNELL'S VINDICATION. A Possibility That He May Yet be Prov en Innocent, as in the Pigott Forgery Case. The Alliance two weeks ago sug gested that after all possibly Parnell was suffering his present disgrace in si lence for a purpose a noble one and that his awallauts would be somewhat abashed if the Irish leader should come out unscathed. The following from the lips of Archbishop Welsh to the Irish Catholics of America was cabled from Dublin Sunday morning: ' "I should be glad to do so," said the arch bishop, "but there are vital reasons why I should remain silent until all possibility of any sett'e nent between Parnell and O'Brien Is ended. I am lei to believe that some set tlementis possible. You cannot Judge of ParneU's actions In this matter as you would Judge of other men placed In similar circum stances. Mr. Parnell does not do things as 0 her men do. Take, for Instance, the forged letters published in the Times. I bad ample knowledgo of ParneU's Innocence lu that case because of communications made to me by Pigott. Yet Parnell allowed himself to he thought guilty rather, than prosecute the Times for libel In the end he came out clean, t nd provt d tbe wisdom of his long si lenoa. So it may bo In this case. I cannot believe Parnell would have said what ho did In his Dublin speech If there was not another side to that wretched divorce story. Parnell has almost challenged tbe queen's proctor to take notice of the case, which I believe he wi 1 do. Perhaps Parnell may confide to O'Brien cm. Uy what be has In reserve. He Is a curious man with curious methods. I can lay positively that our church wlllsupport no settlement with Parnell which does not fully maintain our moral position. Under no other circumstances will our bishop's ad dress even come up for consideration again." This expression from a man so prom nent in the nationalist cause as Arch bishop Welsh is important. " It is well to remember that almost universal con demnation by the public press is by no means conclusive even as to facts, say ing nothing as to the character of the man assailed. THE PRESENTATION TO BRO. POWERS. The emblem which we noticed last week as having been left for Gov. Powers was presented by Riverside Al liance No. 705, ef Howard counjy, Neb. and was brought by Bro. Wni. Alexan der of that Alliance. The slip contain ing this information was not at hand when we made the notice last week. W. R. BEN NET ft CO., OMAHA, Dealers in nearly everything whole sale and retail desire to call the atten tion of the farmers and members of Al liances to their business. . They are an old reliable firm and do the largest trade in the west. Any order you may send them will have their utmost care and attention, aud you may depend on having bottom prices aud being treated in a square and honorable manner. Their terms are strictly cash, because only the merchant that buys and sells for cash can give you lowest prices. , They also desire it known that they are always ready to receiye good butter and eggs direct from the tanner, and will give the highest market price, thus saviug you the commission you would have to pay to commission houses. These hard times you want to deal in the best markets, so give a trial to W. R. Bennet & Co., 29-2 w Omaha, Neb. Samoa Women. After seven days we reached Samoa, says a New Orleans Times correspondent, and here we saw a nice of people it was a delight to look upon. The men are grand a bright copper color, with superb physical build. ! i" The women are lovely bright eyes, lovely forms, beautiful teeth and a very merry lot, singing gaily as their boats came up to our ship. They looked very picturesque, festooned with gay-colored wreaths of flowers and branches of the lime tree. They wear barely any clothes, and the men are beautifully tattooed. They were selling limes, green cocoanuts, cat'f eyes a shell found there also lovely fans and wood carving. The children are very pretty. The pas sengers would throw a coin into the sea and they would dive down and fetch it up between their teeth. The men would drop from the highest part of the ship into the sea. After the ship had started I saw over thirty drop like this, one after the other. The sharks never trouble a native. The island, as viewed from the ship, is indeed lovely. Capital FnnUhment. The modes of execution in different countries is thus summarized : Austria, gallows, public ; Bavaria, guillotine, pri vate; Belgium, guillotine, public; Bruns wick, axe, private; China, sword or cord, public ; Denmark, guillotine, public; Ecuador, musket, public ; France, guil lotine, public; Great Britain, gallows, private ; Hanover, guillotine, private ; Italy, capital punishment abolished ; Netherlands, gallows, public ; Oldenberg, musket, public; Portugal, gallows, public ; Prussia, sword, private ; Russia, musket, gallows, or sword, public ; Sasony, guillotine, private; Spain, garrote, public ; Switzerland, fifteen cantons, sword, public ; two cantons, guillotine, public ; and two cantons, guillotine, private ; United States, other than New York, gallows, mostly private, THE BED DEVILS. THEY TREACHEROUSLY ATTACK THEIR CAPTORS. Five Soldier Killed and Seventeen Wounded, Some of Whom Will Dlo Tbe Indiana Annihilated. Camp on Wocnded Knek Creek, 8. D., Doc. SO. (via Rushvillo.Neb.,) Th remaining four troops of the Sev enth cavalry arrived from Pine Ridge agency at 9 o'clock last night. At 8 this morning General Forsytho issued orders to have the 150 male In dlans who had been taken prisoners called from their tepees, saying ho wanted to talk to them. They oboyod slowly and sullenly and ranged in a semi-circle in front of the tent where Big Foot, their chief, lay sick with puoumonia. By twenty they wore or dered to give up their arms. Tho first twenty went to their t ents and oauo back with only two guns. This irritated Major Wbitcsldo who was superintending this part of the work. After a hasty consultation with General Forsythe ho cave the or der for the cavalrymen who were all dismounted and formed in almost a square about twenty-flvo paces back, to close in. They did so and took a stand within twenty feet of tho Indians now in their center. When this was done detachment of cavalrymen afoot was sent to search the topees. About sixty guns were found, but while this work was going on the war riors held an incanfation pow-wow. The tepees having been gone through an order was given to search tho war riors. All thought of any trouble was evidently wholly out of mind with the soldiers. About a dozen of the warriors had been searched when, like a flash, all the rest of them jerkod guns from un der their blankets and began pouring bullets into the ranks of tho soldiers who, a few minutes before, had moved up within almost gun 'length. - Those Indians who had no guns rushed on the soldiers wish tomahawk in ono hand and scalping knife in the other. It was a frightful rush. With General Forsythe and Major Whiteside, I stood, whon the firing started, within touching distance of treacherous devils. The only thing that saved all three of us from death was that the Indians had their backs turned toward us when they began fir ing. ' Their flrBt volley was almost as ono man, so that they must have fired a hundred shots before the soldiers fired one.' . ' But how they slaughtered after their first volley! Some, however, succeeded in getting through the lines . and away to the small hills to the southwest. The fir ing lasted half an hour and even as 1 write these words I hear that Hotch kiss pouring shots into the gulleys to the north, where a few of the reds have taken refuge. , Five soldiers are reported killed and seventeen wounded. Many of the wounded will die. Captain Wallace was tomahawkod squarely in the forehead. Lieutenant Kinzie received but a slight wound in the cord of his ankle. Army surgeons, Captain Hoff, Lieu tenant Eenna and Captain Ewing are caring for the wounded. At Pine Ridge. Pine Ridge, S. D. (via Rushville, Neb.), Dec. 80. When the news of the fight and its result reached the agency, pandemonium broke looso amongst the 5,000 Indians gathered there and a large number of theso broke away. Loyal friendly Indians, including Red Cloud, joined the army forces under General Brooke and took their stations behind our ramparts. At sundown fighting had commenced within three miles of the agency build ings and a determined effort was being made by the rebels to reach and burn the agency. An Indian village of friendlies, in plain slgnt of the agency, was Been to go up in flames just before dark- Special dispatches have been sent to warn the settlers everywhere to be on guard. The Captain of the Rushville borne guards was given official notice from the agency this afternoon to make ev ery possible preparation for defending tho town, and to see that adjacent set tlers are notified, Already terrified people are arriving, and before mid night Rushville will be crowded. , It is thought by all cooler heads that no danger, however, or at least no im mediate danger, threatens the railroad towns. A Skirmish at the Agency. Pine Ridge Agency, 8. D. (via Rushville, Neb.), Dec. 80. One of Colonel Forsythe's troops of the Sev enth cavalry was fired on today by some Indians who went out from the Rosebud camp near Pine Ridge agency, and on their return fired into tho agency. This caused a skirmish in which two soldiers were wonnded. The Indians who were camped near where this skirmish took place moved west to a creek near the agency. Some an noyance may occur from this till the cavalry returns. , . Broken Faith. Omatia, Dec. 29 Last July the Milwaukee egan to run its freight trains into Omaha over the Union Pa cific bridge. "Early in the year the Union Pacific had made a contract with the Rock Island and Milwaukee, giv ing these roads equal privileges over Union Pacific tracks between the Coun cil Bluffs transfer and South Omaha. Last week the Milwaukee made ar rangements ' with the Union Depot company to run its passenger trains into the Omaha union depot. This sor vice was to begin today. Late last night, however, tbe Union Paclflo sent word to the Milwaukee that it could no longer use the bridge. When a Mil waukee freight undertook to cross about midnight the crew found the switches double locked. Formal do mands and refusals were made. This morning the Milwaukee undertook to get a passonger train across, but the Union Paclflo blocked the track with an engine. General Manager S. II. II. Clark, of the Union Pacific, was closeted all day with subordinates and denied to ' all newspaper men. About 10:30 tonight a vigilant reporter caught Mr. Clark and plied him with questions concern ing tho lockout 'of tho Milwaukee. Clark disclaimed all knowledgo of tho terms of tho contract nnd said he could not state why tho" Milwaukee was stopped, except it was to prevent other engines from running on tho Union Pa clflo tracks. He would handle Mil waukee trains with Union Paclflo en gines. He did not know how the mat tor would bo settled. ' ' The Mllwaukco claims it has paid largo sums to tho Union Pacific ns rental for tracks, bridge tolls and. for depot privileges, as well ns for keep ing the tracks in repair, and thinks the mattor will got into court. This is Gould's plan, tho Milwaukee claims, to kot'p tho contract in abeyance till tho matter has dragged through the oourts a couple of years or longor. The Rock Island Is in worse shape than tho Mllwnukoo. It has a line to Lincoln of which flvo miles are Union Paclflo track. Shut out from using this,, the Rock Island has fifty mllos of track it cannot use. , . Pension Problem Doclded. . Washington, Deo. 29 A pension problem has arisen under the now pen sion law of last June. The act grants pensions to soldiers who served ninety days and are now disabled from earn ing a support, provided they wore hon orably discharged. The officials of the pension office were of tho opinion thut tho act of June 27, 180, did not in clude soldiers who had been in the con federate service, as the act is silent in regard to this class of pensioners. Neither docs it repeal soction 4716, or wind up with the usual saving clause: All acts and parts of acts incon sistent with this act , aro hereby re pealed." The question was roferrod to Assistant Secrotary Russy, who de cides that claimants who served in tho confederate army prior to enlistment in the United States service are en titled to pensions under the net of June 27, 1890, and aro placed on the sumo footing as all other union soldiers. Some of the official minds of tho pen sion bureau are bothered to know what to do with those that were wounded while In the confederate service., The only restriction that the act of June 27, 1890, makes is that disabilities must not be tho result of the soldier's own vicious habits. " . The Canada Consular Steal. Washington, Doc. 29, The great est excitement, prevails here, amoung people who have friends in the consu lar service in Canada, ovor tho reports of alleged extensive frauds against the revenues of the United States by the consular agents in the Dominion. The ofnolals of the state department, how ever, positively decline to give out any information concerning tho names of the suspected persons until the reports of Dr. St. Clair shall be submitted to the secretary. There is undoubtedly a good deal of padding in the rumor which credited tho consular agents with enormous frauds, but that some irregularities have been dls discovered is not denied. Dr. St. Clair, who has been charged with the duty of making an investigation, has been chief of tho consular bureau of the state department for many years, and has on one other occasion been called upon to perform a duty similar to that which has just occupied his at tention, and in the last instance It was found necessary to haul up some of tho consular agents with a quick. turn, al though all the time . no scandal was published in connection, with the of fair. . Western News. . Will Hayes was fatally scalded in a salt works at Hutchinson, Kan., Sun day. John C. Shaffer, one of the oldest Masons of Randolph county, Mo., died Sunday morning very suddenly,' Will Vanco, once a druggist of Wheatland, O., committed suicide at Deepwator, Mo., Sunduy by taking twenty-five grains of morphine. , Cyrus Cox, a respected' citizen 'of Nevada, Mo., cut his throat with a ra zor night before last. Critical illness of his wife and his father had cade him despondent , . ALUMINUM. The Vsw Mtal and It PMalbUHIaa Its Adaptatlnn t Important (Ja Aluminum, aside from its lightness And streugth, U iii:i!le:tble,ductile, doe not rust, is as beautiful as silver, and is much more nbtindunt in its state than any metal la use. Corolite, or IceUnd spnr. is the mineral from which it has Iwnn mostly obtaiued, hut it is a con stituent of clay and of other earths, and prevails almost everywhere. The statement has been made that it com pones more tlinn a twentieth part of the crust of the globe. The difficulty is to secure it in a pure state at a moderate cost. Much has yet to b learned also as to the method of using it. and there remains some doubt as to its adaptation tocertaiu important usee. But within the last half-century iU cost has been reduced from over thirty dollars a pound to loss than three dol lars, and It is now being put to prac tical uso as au alloy. Recently a sorles of tests to determine the virtues of alumluuiu bronze was made by gov ernment naval officers nt the Water town (Massachusetts) Arsenal. A ten sile strength of 90,000 pounds tn tbe square Inch was shown, which is large ly in excess of anything before devel oped. Tho trauverse strength of the composite metal was found to bo 6,600 pouuds to the square inch a result Unit bus been ouly equalled by tbe finest quality of crucible steol. There are busy brains and hand constantly at' work to reduce the ex pense of mnnufucluiinj tho pure metal; and as the incentive to success is, very powerful, their labors aro not likely to bo discontinued. lis capabilities, soon er or later. aii vcrv sure to be ex-, hiiustiroly tested. If they prove as' satisfactory ns thcro is reason to hope tlioy will, ntnl tho laboratory processus give way to mill production at low cost, a wonderful revolution in works of construction will have been ontered npoiu IIow far in tho future the de sired end may be there is no telling. ltomove,two-thirds of its own weight, without diminution of strength, from the vast structure that connects New York and Brooklyn, and its effective-. ncss for service, provided room were supplied, would bu correspondingly in orenfiod. Bridges of aluminum sup posing always Its qualities are troty represented could be thrown across streams and ravines to span which is now impossible. The capacity -of steamships would be similarly enlarged. Not ouly would cargoes take tho place of tbo lesser weight of tho body ' Of the vessels, but also of that of their machinery. Enough coal could be stored to indefinitely lengthen voyages without fresh supplies. Tbe cost of transportation would bo lowered , in many ways, foreseen and unforeseen, and speed and safety increased as well. The calculations of competent ea-. gineers as to the advantages to be gained would produce a showing diffi-, coft of belief at first. The Eiffel Tow-' er ns a consructive feat would sink in-; to insignificance. The field for archi- ' tectural advance would be all but un limited. Air navigation would leap forward with a bound if feasible at. all when.its great desideratum, a ma terial combining strength and light ness in a degree nover known before, or even approximated, had . been so cured. Street-cars, wagons, carriages, etc., would be improved, and save im mensely iu draught power and wear and tear. Machines and instruments would partake in the benefits of tho change, and new ones invented that are now unthought of. These are but , suggestions which experts In each particular branch of mechanics can seizo the meaning of and amplify. Should the reasonable hopes of the aluminum-workers be realized, man kind would seem to have been emanct- pated from a burden of heavy material which it had been wrestling with for ages, and posterity would talk of the unspeakable waste of human energy that had been involved in the use of ' iron.. - There is an aesthetic side to the pros pect as well as a material one. Alumi num not only does not rust, either la air or water, but is easily polished. Transform in imagination the elevated roadways of New York, the railings and balconies before the houses or' even the bouses themselves, the lamp posts, the roofs, spires, and domes, the Brooklyn and .other bridges, to bur-. nished "silver, and a glimpse maybe had of the coming effect of aluminum in our cities indicated by the qualities , now claimed for it. The like has not been pictured since Saint John spoke of the golden streets and pearly gates of the New Jerusalem. Amos W, WriglU, in Harper's Weekly. A Clerk's Vacation, v ; s - A story is told In the Boston Journal a1out a young man employed in a biz retail dry goods store who was granted a vacation. It was expected that be would hie to the mountains or go to the shore. The first morning he was free he walked through the store leisurely, nodding to his comrades be hind the counters, but speaking to no one. He then made his exit. Tho second day he was an hour later, but lie passed in review his toiling associates, and then went out. This he repeated for six days, when he returned on ' Monday he was asked why this strange behavior. Ho replied that he had felt for a long time a desire to be able to do as he pleased in the store, and he, now had been able to do so; and he added: "I'm satisfied and ready to go to work again better satisfied than if I had climbed mountains or bathed in the surf." It was a positive gratifies iion to be a yisitor. .