The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, December 27, 1890, Image 4
'7 THE FAKMERB' ALLIANCE, LINCOLN, NEB., SATURDAY, DEC 27, 1SB0. 4V ! 4v5 fTOTTil TTT1 A TimTTnmATTTi Department for Home and Fireside, Edited hf Mrs. S. C. O. Upton. "The corner stone of the republic Is the hearthstone." Liberty Enlightening the World. These are the closing stanzas of a poem by John Boyle O'Reilly, the Irish patriot and poet: . I am Liberty I Fame of nation or praise of statue is naught to me; ;, Freedom is growth and not creation; one man suffers, one man is free. - One brain forges a constitution; but how shall the million souls be won? Freedom is more thaa resolution he is not free who is free alone. Justice 18 mine, and its grows by loving, :. chaining the world like the circling sun ; Evil recedes from the spirit's proving as mist ;' from the hollows when night is done. I am the test, O silent toilers, holding the scales of error and truth; : Proving the heritage held by spoilers from hard hands empty, and wasted youth. Hither, ye blind, from your futile banding; , know the rights aud the rights are won; 'Wrong shall ale with the understanding, one truth clear and the work is done. Nature is higher than Progress or knowledge, whose need is ninety enslaved for ten; My word shall stand againBt mart and college; the planet belongs to the living men, And hither ye weary ones and breathless, searching the seas for a kindly shore, I am Liberty I patient, deathless set by Love at the Nation's door. Riches or Honor? A Story for the Stay-at-Homes. Life don't treat you quite fairly, John, said the rich, successful brother as he looked about the farmhouse. Now, if you had taken that chance offered you some years ago, see where you might have been. , Mr. C. who got the bar gain you might have had is the owner of a coal mine and a railroad just rolls in wealth, while you dig here on this old farm. True, it is a great blessing to mother that you chose to stay. But Farmer Johri gave no answer except a look of tender reverence at the gray-haired mother . whose rocker occupied the cosiest corner of the com fortable room. ' The weight of years had dimmed her eyes and dulled her hearing, but she knew and loved every nook of the old farm that had been turned from a wil derness into a home by the joint labors of her hand, and those of the husband who,glept in the family burial place a little mound insight of the home where she patiently awaited her summons to meet him I Here had the children' grown to manhood six sturdy sons. . From here they had gone forth all . save Fanner John to carve out for tunes for themselves. They had been educated here, and from the farm-home had gone out with .sturdy frames and healthfully developed minds, well fitted ior life's battles. " So it happened that these strong ca pable sons had brought wealth and .honor to the family name all save John the farmer. v What was the matter with John? , .None of the brothers were, brighter or -stronger, but somehow, John had been left at home; none asked the question, Why? but it was really, because he had in him that element of faithfulness so strong that he never could be spared. If a business opening came someone else must take it because John could take care of the home affairs so much better. , The other sons were sons to be . proud of, but Jonn was part of his par ents' life. And when the father died, he said, "John, take care of mother," and with filial love John accepted the sacred trust. As well might one think of uprooting the gnarled old oak that stood guard at the gate, and expect it to live, as to remove the aged mother from the scenes to which she had become attached. "There might be weath for one who was free to make this or .that venture but the leyal son trod his round of f ar mor duties, and kept the old place brigt for the mother's eyes. He knew ; the sacrifice, but silently took, it upon himself. : How can you endure the stupid place, said his brother, the politician. "By reflecting that mother could not outlive a change," was the reply. "Why don't you fix up things and modernize them?" asfci the city brother. "Mother is fond of them, she planned them ;. when . she was younger," says John; i . . - "I should think that your wife would not be contented ia this lenesome spot," lisps the sister-in-law . ' , . "My wife and I had similar ideas of duty and that is the roason why we chose each other," was the answer. J' And so our farmer honored the moth er until one day her quiet hands rested, , and her eyes closed to the familiar scenes, and as they placed the sod above the beloved form, Farmer John envied not the distinctions nor the wealth of his successful brothers but thanked God that all his life he had possessed what was better than the world's dol lars or its colder praise the satiif action thet comes from daty done, and the grateful affection of the heari that loved him first and best. - And in the end our farmer did not lose. ; The stream of his Ufe flowed calmly on, usefulness won respect and honors were not lacking. He was in the midst of a useful career when those ,who' had chosen the more excising walks of 1 lifehad run their . , swift course and gone that journey on which no man pays his fare, and over which there run no privileged coaches Duty and honor bring their own re ward, let the world say what it will . and the satisfaction in the breast of one , who like, our farmer, stays in his p jst, the comfort and reliance of those who lean upon him,-is a better reward than the sucpess of the , anxjous throng of money-getters. 1 S. U. S. H. Garrett, Mansfield, CH the man ufacturer of the popular Garrett picket n and wire fence machine, sells pickets, ftoVire and fencing tools at wholesale . -'5os direct to farmers. Write for 'kT jjPve catalogue and , wholesale body pou . ' crobet Th, thing to do it v;. FAEM AND HOME. . 1 ... .. A HALF-HOUR WITH PRACTI CAL AUTHORITIES. Chaaesllor Saow of Kansas Valvsrslty oa the' Hssslaa Fly sad Its HsblU Interesting Stock and Farm If otet Boise hold Hints. F. H. Snow, chancellor of the Uni versity of Kansas, has for many months past ; been pursuing a sys tematic and thorough investigation of the Hessian fly, and what, if any remedy against the pest may be bad. He says: , In 1884 we had the urst Invasion by this fly of any consequence in this state. The species appeared in large numbers, first being heard from in May on the eastern border, white late in the autumn reports showed a very general distribution of the insect throughout the eastern part of the state. The fly is one of the most formidable enemies which the wheat farmer has to contend with, and no pains should be spared to wage a des tructive war against it. : I may briefly summarize the life, history and habits, of the Hessian. fly as follows: There are two broods, the first laying their esrgs on the leaves of the young wheat from early April to the end of May, the second brood ap pearing during August and the early part of September and laying the eggs on the young winter wheat, the eggs hatching about four days after being laid. ' The larvae are minute white mxggots and remain betweep the base of the leaves and the stem near the roots, causing the stalk to. swell and the leaves to turn yellow and die. During the latter 'part Of, November they assume the "flax seed" state and may on removing the lower leaves be found as little brown, oval cylindrical bodied, a little smaller than grains of rice. They remain in the wheat until the warm weather. . In . April the larvae rapidly transforms .into ' the pupa namely: the "flax seed" stage. The fly emerges from its case about the end of April. The eggs laid by thisfirstor spring brood of flies soon hatch. "The second brood of larvae or maggots live but, a few weeks the "flax seed" state is soon assumed and the autumn or second brood , of -flies appears in August. ' The insects now in your wheat are in the maggot and also the 4 'flax seed" st ates, and are, of course, members of the second brood. The remedies are mostly preventive. After the wheat, is once - up and the flies are in, not much can be done. There are several destructure insect parasites of the Hessian fly whose combined attacks are supposed at times to destroy about nine-tenths of all the flies hatched. Among the preventive measures which may be taken are the following: Sowing a part of the wheat early and if affected by the fly plowing this in and sowing the rest after Septem ber 20. This destroys the. first brood and prevents the second brood from appearing. , Sowing hardy varieties of wheat The use of lime, soot or salt, also raking off the stubble." , If the wheat be only partly affected. it may be saved by fertilizers jud careful cultivation; or a " badly dam aged field of winter wheat may thus be recuperated in the spring. Pasturing sheep and. consequent close cropping of the wheat iiif November and early December may cause many of the eg"ga larvae, and "flax- seed" to be destroyed; also rolling the ground may have the same effect .... . All these remedies were recom mended by the National Entomological Commission which devoted much time and work investigating the Hessian fly. To these recommendations of the commission I would add this, namely: to reduce to a minimum the amount of volunteer wheat This serves as a convenient place for the deposit of the eggs of the summer brood of the flies, and thereby through a possible third brood may communicate the pest ,to the latter sown wheat of the regular crop. This reduction can be made by changing the wheat lands at least as often as once in two years. " Cattle Hopes LI in Good Cattle. More plainly and still more plainly from week to week is demonstrated the fact that the great runs of cattle in the west and elsewhere are pressing more hardly upon evey branch of the cattle business than the ripening of choice beeves. I he men who are put ting first class cattle on the'- markets, while not recei ving the prices "of a few months v ago, are getting so near them that they feel to only a limited extent the pressure of the heavy runs. It has always been a point urged by the stockman, that beef .production if it paid at all must pay best almost only where conducted with an eye to supplying the demand for the highest quality of meats. We hope that pro gressive beef makers when they read those columns will take this repeated lesson to heart, and decide either to be in competition with the best or to do something else. . We see no special hope in the future for the pro ducer of inferior beef, while the man who puts his brain into studying the matter . of ' furnishing prime beef to first class markets is as much as - al most, any other agricultural producer likely to be paid for what he does. - National Stockman. - v Young; Fruit Trees. . We have never found a better way to judge ' of the bearing of young fruit trees, and to decide whether they are bearing too little or too much, says the Albany Cultivator, than to observe the length of the annual shoots. , The treatment is then to be given in ac cordance with the result of this exam ination. ' If the growth - is slow, mel low culture or fertilizers will be neces sary. If, as generally happens, slow growers bear too much, thin out most or ail the fruit when small, whioh .will aid in giving the trees more vigor, and what little fruit there, is will be worth more than the numerous small and scrubby specimens. Small growth and too much small fruit go together; and thrifty growth furnishes a few large and fine ones. If the annual shoots are not over a foot long in the early years of the fruit trees, more vigor must be given them. . ' Nothing is better than top dressing with barn manure late in autumn or early - in winter. s" .." - ' Supplies of Horse-Radish. Consider how easily and .cheaply horseradish can be grownit is inex cusable, -for any , family that has a square rod of ground to be without it The plant thrives best in rich soil, and onee rooted is seldom entirely got rid of.' 'It is good any time after, the old leaves stop growing, and until na-tr leaves start in the spring. As it can cel easily be dug when the ground is frozen, enough for winter use nay be gathered now, and kept covered with soil where it will not freeze. The more freshly it is grated the better,or at least stronger, it is, but any one who has grated it can well believe it may be too strong. ; Horse-radish is an excellent appetizer, and it is claim ed by some that it has curative pro perties for diseases of throat and lungs. - , Farm Note. The poor farmer cannot afford to keep poor hogs. Clover straw can always be used to a good advantage for bedding. Keep the horses under good shelter when the weather is cold and stormy. Cracked oats make one of the best rations that can be supplied to young pigs. ' . 1 -. ' Cleanliness in the yards "and stable will add much to the health of the stock. . ' . ' The most profitable beef is ,that which can be put upon the market young. . . - Give the hogs that are .confined closely during the winter, a, daily feed of clover hay. " ; ... .,.' After it gets well seeded, blue grass makes one of the best, if not the .best, pasture grass. . " . , On the average farm at least, there is but little danger.-of the hog .house being too warm. . ' When it can be readily' secured sweet skim milk is preferable' to sour for feeding to pigs. The cleaner the land ' can be left in the fall the more thoroughly the insect pests will be destroyed. : The amount of dead capital invested in idle horses. is an immense sum. How much are you adding to it? It is rarely the case to find a farmer, that has. dehorned his cattle, that- is willing to allow the horns to grow any more. ' ' :-; A horse that seems to work hard, in moving is really working hard, and is not as . desirable as one. that moves easily. . ,' ; '. ';.. '; ' t It is a good plan to learn the dis position Qf your colts while training them, as under different dispositions they require different treatment If an animal gets out of condition a little flax seed, boiled in oats and fed two quarts at a feed, will aid material ly to get them into a good condition. Unless fed under proper conditions a considerable amount of feed can easily be wasted in feeding cattle during the winter. It is very necessary to secure a good growth.. ' It should be understood that' late grass does not contaiu the. nourish ment that-is in the more mature grass of summer, and for this reason the ra tious should be increased. . . ' It is not a good plan to mix the milk from a fresh cow with the balance too soon.-' It often is the cause of butter not coming, and for this reason alone will be bebt kept separate. ' A yard or lawn' alwaj's looks barren Without, some flowering shrubs and ornamental shade trees, and especial ly so in winter. A few shrubs and evergreens will relieve this appear ance. After the orchard gets well estab lished it rarely, pays to continue to crop it . The trees need ail of the available plant food, in order to make a good growth and yield a crop of fruit. Hint to Housekeepers. A thin slice of raw, fat pork dusted with cayenne pepper is our best -remedy for a sore throat Select a knittinsr basket as a gift-for the friend who enjoys knitting. She will appreciate your though fulness. Don't ask a convalescent if he would like this or that to eat or drink, but prepare the delicacies and present them in a. tempting way. No article whatever in the grocery line should be put away in the paper bags in which they came. Macaroni should be placed in a tin box covered. Put .French chalk or magnesia on silk Or ribbon that has become greasy, and hold it near the fire. This will absorb the grease so it maybe brushed off.. , For the instant destruction, of roaches, stir into a half-pint of hot paste a dime's worth of phosphorus, adding:, when cool, a quarter the bulk of grease.' This should be placed where they fre quent and they will die while eating it , - . Be careful not to monopolize the table talk. JDo not interrupt others. If you are a dyspeptic do not talk of what does' or does not agree with you,, but quietly eat what you can and say nothing about it , A cough remedy:. Take one ounce each of thorough wort stick licorice, slippery elm and flaxseed, add three pints of water, put all into a bright, tin pail, place this in a kettle of boil ing water and let the contents simmer for three .hours, stirring every few minutes. Strain the liquid, put back into the pail, add one pint of .molasses, one pound of sugar, and, for flavoring, one ounce of checkerberry.' Take one teaspoonful three times a day, or oftener if the cough is hard and troublesome. " A very good way of giving a bath to a delicate infant is to lay a small blanket in the bottom of the bath, and wrap it around the child before lifting him out of the warm water. In this way he can feel no chill whatever from the . outside air. The nurse should have on a large toweling apron in which to. wrap the baby, wet blanket and all. The head can then be dried and the upper extremities, keeping him.well wrapped all the time. Put on a warm snirt slip off the wet apron, and wrap .the little one 'in a warm, big Turkish towel, and dry and rub thoroughly. . . , . Great Natural Qualification. Some years ago a young man ap 5 lied to the District court, of Dallas, "ex.", for admission to the bar. It look ed Very much as. though he lacked the requisite preparation, ' and the exam ining lawyer badgered him until his brow was beaded with' perspiration. "Do you know what fraud is in the judicial sense of the word?" he in quired. "I don't I hardly think I do." "Weil, fraud exists when a man takes advantage of his superior knowledge to injure an ignorant person." "So, that's it is itP Then if you take ad vantage of your superior knowledge to ask me questions I can't answer, and in consequence thereby I am refused a i. -r ;n i - J J ill license, x win oe mjureu, sou juu wm i be guilty of fraud. won you, judge?' The lawyer was very thoughtful for a few moments, and then added reflect ively. "My young friend,, I perceive' you have great natural qualifications for the bax.vTexa$ Siflings. The Independence' was ' the first steamboat to navigate . the Missouri rivar. She left St Louis May 16, 1S19. and stopped near Booi.ville, where a The local branch of the Irish National league at Nashville, Tenn., declared confidence in Parnell. ; . The steamer Majestic, which arrived from Liverpool, Thursday, brought $2, 220,500 in gold from London for New York bankers. Mrs. Lilly W. Churchill, Duchess of Marlebrought, has been granted ' a fur ther allowance of $60,000 from the in come of her late husband, Louis C. Hammersely. The troops are evicting cattle men from leased pastures in the Comanche and Kiowa nations, and the cattle are being driven into Texas, The Pope's illness was not severe, as reported, as he only suffered from a slight cold. - ' ' ; General Alfred H. Terry died at his home in New Haven, Conn., Tuesday morning. A powder mill near Youngstown, Ohio, exploded Tuesday afternoon kill ing two employes and injuring several others. , . . , Charles Templeton, an Illinois - Cen tral ' brakeman, being blinded by the smoke from his engine, fell between the cars at Aurelia, Iowa, and was instant ly killed. His body was horribly mangl ed..;, : - -" ' v " Twelve hundred miners and laborers at the Rock Springs mines of the Union Pacific, are on a strike, and the mines are idle, The men object to being paid by the hour. , v . Stringent orders have been issued for the expulsion of all Jews from the Cau casus who are not authorized to . live there Facta Worth Knowing. Egg stains can "be removed by rub bing them with common table salt. . To keep flies off gilt frames boil three or four onions in a pint of water, then apply with, a soft brush to the frames. ' . , 4 When whalebones have become bent they may be used again .by first soak ing, them in tepid water for a few hoars, and then drying them. . . Lam p-wicks must be changed often to insure good light as they will soon become clogged, and the oil does not pass through them freely. A. clear flame will be certain if the wicks are soaked in vinegar 24 hours before using. . . ' ' -...''. . When washing, windows, looking glasses, etc., be sure' to put a little am monia in the water. . This will save labor, and clean them much s niore effectively, giving as well a much fiuer polish. For general cleaning, am monia in the water will remove dirt smoke, grease, etc., much better than anything else. . ' Do not wash combs unless absolutely, necessary.' Water will make the teeth split and the comb rough.. Small brushes, which are made fqr the pur pose of cleaning, couibs.' are easily obtained-at little expense, and with one of these the comb may be thr-' oughly cleansed, wiping well and fol lowing with a soft cloth afterwards. Good Housekeeping. .- ' Sagacious Horse. It is related of a horse at Janesville, Wis., noted for his intelligence, that during a recent storm; finding that his shoes were too smooth for comfort dur ing a slippery trip, lie pushed the bara door open and started on a steady trot for the blacksmith's. Once in the shop be stood back ami Waited his turn as decorously as thoujrh 4 "go in g-a-s hop ping" on his own hook was an everv .day occurreuce.' Fiually one of the men brought out Ins tools aud began tapping on the fourfooted customer's shoes as though putting on a new set The 'animal showed unmistakable signs ef approval, and when the hammering Was nmsheu trotted out and made his way home, perfectly contented. Oood Wearinr AppareL - Bachelor Friend "And did yot really make this bread yourself, Mrs. Newly wedPM ' ' . Mrs. Newly wed "Every bit f it myself. .What do'you think of it?" ; Bachelor Friend "Why, . I think it is simply wonderful. I should have said that bread like that could hot have been made outside a foundry. Visitor "Isn't your mo the afraid 0t catching cold in those slippers fv Willie "Huh, I guess you don't know them slip persl Ma uses them to warm, the wholi family 'with." "Death is Only a Dream," sheet music. Send 25 cents in stamps. Very popular. W: E. Penn, St. Louis, Mo. Notice. . A good trade is offered the right man who will put in a stock of goods at Na ponee Neb.,' by the farmers' alliance. Address , Issac Crolt, r Secretary. FOR; One Short Horn Bull and one Holeteln Bull, both reffisteredj A few choice V " s POLAND CHINA SOW PIGS.r Will sell cheap. Call on or address, . S. W. PERRIN, College' Farm, - - Lincoln Neb. BerkshibeS. I J. B. ST7I, of Council Bluffs.Ia. ysen xor saie uin enure nro ox Barktkires, laoludlag SS head, a number of recorded. tows and two aaad boars, also a So lot of Ply- voutb koqk ana wranaotte rowu at low nt re. Wnta for pricas and terms. Addr aa above. . , Headquarters for AND SHOES WEBSTER & ROGERS', 1043 O STREET. ., . Who carry the Largest Stock and GIVE THE LOWEST PRICES ON RELIABLE BOOTS AND SHOES. Don't fail to try them at 1043 O St. 2ml9 Carter &Bailey, Commission Ilerchants, 1S2S U St , Linooln, Nebraska Dealers la Butter, Bggs, aad Poultry. . Produce a Specialty. cash adranoM aad on oonslgnments. Write us lor shir Jn directions. , st-t BOOTS farmon' aad Merchants Insurance Co ; Lincoln, Nebraska. - omenta. N. D. B. Thompson. President. eJ.i s. J. AxaxATOia, Secretary. H. J. Walsh, Tloe President. C. W. Mosawt, Treaauror. Araetta December. 81st. 1885 2 Assetta December 31st, 1886.. J Assetts December 31st, lfOT. . I'SS 1 Assetta December 31st, 1888 M assetta December 81st, 1889 1 Surplus as regards policy holders $240,738 IS FIFTH ANNUAL SETTLEMENT. January 1st, 1880. - '. . ; ASSETS. ' . ' Unit gages (first Uen) and uocruad interest.. f R3 m 24 27.4 08 State warrants market value... Bills receivable ant accrued interest Uills receivable and accrued Interest secured by chattels Psh In bunks and company's office, t'ash premiums in course collection All other property beloujiriujr to Co . Stockholders secured notes -i.iei 70 34 21.tVr 73 l!.f.u8 11 .;V4 60 5tJ IKJ0 00 $23.843 79 LIABILITY. Eapltal Stock. .. eserve fund required by law. All other liability.. Surplus ,..$!00,i00 00 ... 11-UC7 60 ... 3.110 1 243,H42 7 Number of losses from May 15th, ls0, to August 10th, 1890. Windstorm losses M Lightning- losses & of whioh 139 was live stock. Farm and resident property a specialty. . The Farmers and Merchants have es tablished an enviable reputation at home and abroad for immediate adjust ment of claims aud prompt relief af forded in full satisfaction of loss, The people have explicit coutiilence not only in the company's ability, but ready dis: position to deal justly in all thingi uuto. all patrons. The restored value of de stroyed property is expected, and is the only very simple reason why . owners seek insurance. The Farmers and Mer chants of Lincoln, Nebraska, has a reli able board of undertakers whose special obligation in the event of destruction, is sound as national currency. The sin gle item, of value returned, as shown in the above statement for one hundred and thirty-two animals, lost in an un equal conflict with lightening and fury of the wind is sufficiently convincing proof that every policy, is gold lined, and all sufficient reason for the reumrk it ble prosperity the Farmers and Mer chants eojoj'. 20tf. J. 0. HcBRIDE, REAL ESTATE DEALER Loans, Insurance and Abstrcats. . Cifice. 107 South lltt St., Basenent. Lincoln, Nebraska. (W Farm Loans attended to, and Insin ix-e written on farm building at a low rate. Anything to trade? Uftf. S. C. ELLIOTT, PROPRIETOR OF CHINA HALL. DEALER IN V ' - - China, Qlasa, Qneensware, Chandeliers, Lamps, Gai Fixtures, Table tf , Cutlery, Etc 1212 O Street; Lincoln, Neb. Exposmon Dinins ball, xiai N Street. LINCOLN, " - NEBRASKA. S. J. ODELLf Proprietor. Mr. Odell has newly repaired, refitted and steam-heated his Pining Hall, and is able to give' better accommodations than any dining hal in Linooln. Visitors to the city will find tals a rery oonvenlent place to stop. MEALS 26 CENTS. 0 Large English . Berkshire saiiS nets r Deconaaats from the 3 9 9 t mm S4 tf Best herds la the world I Registered aad orated V at depot $15 DAOH. 0. WILSON, Burwell, Neb. Carenoe: First Nav'l Baaki Burwell, Neb. T. "JSL. ROBINSON, Kjckbsaw, .Adams Couktt, Nuk Brooder and Shipper of Reoerded Polaa Chlaa Hogs. Choice Breeding Stock f sale. Write for wants. IMention Tha alliaao GREENWGOfc fiERD EROUSH KEBKSBIRES. oBd for isso cata logue. r S.T.JAUES. Prop, firemwood. Neb. CmlZ Ref.r Tlrst Nafl fiaak Oroonwood. Neb. The Iowa Steam feed Cooker. The most practical, most convenient, most economi cal, and In every way the BEST STEAM FEED COOK ER MADE. A glance at the construction of it is enough to convince any man that it is far superior 1 to any other. For desert p and nrices amlv to Martin tlve circulars Steam Fksd Cooker Co., Omaha, Neb. 26tf LIGHTNING WELL-SMKIR6 MACHINERY MANUFACTURCRS. Hyrdaulic, Jetting, Revolving. Artesian, rxi A hiui.iiM Tm!i ITnfHnMI. Boilers. OS MllWf u ill ) Eervi'iwiiiiiat engravinirs. Earth1 Strata, Detennt- nation quality waier;aiiieu,w TL. A U'.ll M'Mrka. Aurora, iik. !j r 11 A IS 8. Canal 'g I 8U, rhleaga, 11L 1113 F.lia 81., Dallas Trxaa. Spring Em Stock Farm. P. R.KETCHUM,Propr. , : TTlndoov, jTayetto, County, lowa. ; .y Brooder of, PclnJ Stlu t:J CctsniJ Si:rj. Jt. taw ltat by EzprMS, tas-O, A- s 1 1 i m'i A aW MM m m Tl IT al - m ' mm m ' na. am 904 P Oti Nortla otlP O. Centrtlly located and newly fornlthed throujhout. Table flrst-clate. LABGB AID ELEGANT ROOMS Torna 31-25 to 81.50 Per day. 'OHIO HERD Jumbo 11809, m. i..Mif ViAT-ri esst or west. I have th armar'. hnr to f.nic. imnvn tr for 1891 Sumbe 118OT; 19667 and Jumbo Jr.. Insneotion invited How to Save Your Teeth ; - BY ' DR. A. P. BURRUS 1208 O ST. Beneath the star, No. 1, Is seen a Assure j bei..w t wnlte pJt ol" Boftened dentine, in u dyspeptic looth, going to tue nerve or pulp. . No. S shows erosion of the teeth, with dark streaks next to the eUo of the gums. No. 8 shows a rhemnatlo tooth from Miller where the microbes have penetrated the pulp. We can fill the teeth, kill the microbe, cure dyspepsia ami rheumatism, and save your teeth from aches and pains. We have all the aniestbeilcs for extracting teeth without pain. , .No.1. ; mm No. 2. AvtifinioT TAPth. Perfect fit. No cracked plates. Never look like Adhere with a tenacity of 15 to 20 THE AT BOSTON CLOTHING STORE For the past ten days is caused by the unprecedented low prices on Clothing. There is still undoubtedly some of the greatest bargains in MEN AND BOY'S CLOTHING Ever offered to the public in this city and it will pay you to step in and see what Miltonberger is doing. He does not want to cam goods over another season, consequentl y he offers Bargains in Every Department. i 1039 O STREET 1039 'Of ff f .dMIJji The finest ground floor Photograph Gallery in the State. All Work in th finest finish'. Satisfaction Guaranteed. 2263 tith street. iotf. . T. W. TOWSEND, Pro-rietcr. N0N EXCELLED - ' ft..- a. t J. .W HARTLEY, State Agent. For Rent. A very desirahle furnished front room with bay window, also our "spare room." Members of legislature write me at 824 L street, Lincoln. 4t25 LeviSnell. TL J. THORP A Co. Manufacturers of Rubber Stamps, Seat: Stencils, Badges and Baggage Checks Kverr Description. s Established im tith 81. LINCOLN. NKB TO MEMBERS OF THE LEGISLATURE. If yeu want furnished rooms, with board or without, call at my office aad look over what I have on my books. 4t25 J. C.McBRIDE, 107. South 11th St., Lincoln, Nebraska Table Rocfc Nurseries. General Nursery Stock. Fruit and Ornamental trees aad shrubs. NO TBAVBLINO AGENTS. WE SELL DIRECT TO THE C0N5UUERS. Writ for prtoa lists Address. imM O. H. Barvabd, Table Hock, Neb. Established 1876. Incorporated 1880. U.S. SCALE CO., Manufacturers of 8tock, Wagon, Hopper, Miners Dormant, 1. Depot and It. R. Track Scales, all sizes Greatest In proienents-o est Prices! We have had 15 yerrs experience in this business and will gruarantee satisfactory work or no pay. Esena xor circulars ana prices De fore buying. 3-26 S. J. J AUSTIN. Pree.. Terre Haute. Tnd Tbt FIsfiMugh Stock TanK Heater, Waranted 4o giro better eatiefation with half the f ael than ony of Ita competitors. Sold Directly to Fsrmsrs at Wholesale Prtoea. No amenta or middle men's profits. Send for descriptive olroular and terms to to the patentee aud manufacturer.- - ... CHAS. FIstHH wan. tw-S3 Y'rk. Nebraska. i utt JAMES MoHAFFIE, Propr OF POLAND CHINA SWINE, HBADKn BT the Iowa First Prize male 1890. .nil the la rarest Individuals owned br one man pigs of all ages and either sex for sale, from the most valuable show animal, and of nil the Poland China hoars. The following- tnsles In ue Doctor 6811: Orient 12157; Voung Jurobu vol. vs a. r. v;. a: Free livery to drive to farm on application to O. W. Baldwin, liveryman. Catalogue ana prices on application, gjngfl T.J HA HltlS, West Liberty. Iowa. mm "Warranted. No canker soro months tombstones, but perfectly natural pounds. RUSH THE DISC HARROW ST DO LAWRENCE IMPLEMENT CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Utj FARM MACHINERY. market. should be without one .-iv-woivtina. JFor Sale by SB5" Hastings Importing Co. BERG b STOREY Hastlnft, Kebf Hare oa hand a faoloeoolleotlonof ported Peroher an and Frenoh Ooaah StalllODS. that far Style, A0-1 tlM aad Qualitjl eotahlaed.dafrooiol petit! en. All our' keraa ara Keir la te red. aad Ouaranaed to be sure breeders. Piioes law aad Terms easy. Addra ia abort. mlT 51 nit "It Tirovi mill ant of 7 ak.M im Aj.1I. 1... . . - "Tp Farmer it (H w U6H wua ta luii ; Uiw r wmmm wirff lors ia lank, tt-ap. nmaaa, rrSdanbU u d soctiva Sesa far daaaroa. live Circular, iddress, jr. c. TALLERDAY, Poplar Grove. ZUL AUERICAN LIVE STOCK COUUISSIOX CO. BOOM M EXCHANGE BUILDINO. 18 CO-OPERATIVE AND SELLS ALLIANCE STOCK. v OonslfB to ALLEN ROOT, Care of A. L. S. Co., utf South Omaha, Neb. Wm. Daily & Co, LIVE STOCK v nmmii UUIUUIIDOIUUIUU Cattle, Hogs, Sheop and Horses. CASH ADVANCES OK dslG MENTS. BOOM 84, Exchange ucn1' iow Stock Tajik, Soutb Om Aak your Bker" TUST' ft A i 1 1 nu Dinouet was icuuqiou. w, I T