THE FARMERS' ALLIANCELINCOLN, NEB., SATURDAY EC. 20, 1890. 7 4 THE FARMERS' ALLIANCE PUBLISHED EVERY SATUDAY av THE Alliance Publishing Co., COR. 11th AND M STS., LINCOLN, - - NEBRASKA. BURROWS. -M. THOMPSON, - Editor. Business Mj'f. In the besuty of the lillies Christ was born across the sea, With a glory in bis bosom That transfigures you and me. As He strove to make men holy .Let us strive to make men free, Since God is marching on." Julia Ward Howe. Laurel crowns cleave to deserts, An power to him who power exerts. A ruddy drop of manly blood The surging Sea outweighs." Emerson. MH who cannot reason is a fool, He who will not reason is a coward, He who dare not reason is a slave " v'i'i's..":tvjt':! . . editorial: The Farmers' Alliance, tubllshd - Weekly by M Alliance Publishing-Co. J. BURROWS, Editor. ' J. M. THOMPSON, Bns. Mgr. SUBSCRIPTION tl.00 PER TEAR. ' DTVARIABLT IK ADVANCE. OR FIVE UBSCKIPTIONS, XV ONE ORDER OWS TEAR FOB $4.00. Tkb Alliance is the official organ of th State Allii"ce. It is conaucted solely in the int. .est of the farmers and laboring men of the state. It is abso lutely fearless and untramnn-ied in the disctxion oi all questions: IT AC CEPTS NO CORPORATION PAT RONAGE. ITS EDITORS HAVE NO FREE PASSES, AND ITS OPINIONS ARE NOT FOR SALE AT ANY PRICE,, In the above particulars it is ntfr departure in Nebraska journal ism. W confidently appeal for support to all who can appreciate the value of such a paper. The bold and aggressive right made by this paper in the late campaign, re sulting in giving the farmers' movement in this State over 70,000 votes against beth the old parties, has made it the FOREMOST CHAMPION and organ Or THIS MOVEMENT IN THE WEST! Its aggressive warfare against corpo rate and plutocratic rule will be contin ued, 'Truth and Justice" always being its motto. If our ' subscription warrants. The Alliance will be enlarged to a six column 8-page paper Jan. 1st, 1891. With an Alliance membership of 80,000 the subscription list of The Alli ance has never exceed 12.000. It should be 7500. With a list near that num ber v would be able t furnish The Best Paper in the State. Will you aid us to make it 50,000? (ST Alliance officers are requested to act as agents. KgF" All yearly subscriptions sent from this date forward run to Jan. 1st, 1892. PREMIUMS. Til Allia mce one year, and Look ing Backward, postpaid $1.80 Ditto and Labor and Capital by Kellogg Ditto and Caesar's Column 1.25 Ditto id Our Republican Mon- archy by Venier Voldo 1.10 Tho above books for sale at this of fice, or sent postpaid as follows: Looking Backward 50 cts. Caesar's Column 60 cts, Labor and Capital 20 cts. Our Republican Monarchy 25 cts Address, Alliance Pub. Co.. Lincoln. Neb A LYING OUTRAGE. In the World-Herald of December 11 is an editorial under the heading of "The World Herald and the Alliance." In this article appear letters from Mr. Mc Keighan and Mr. Kern, thanking thf editor of the Herald for his support dur ing the campaign. This is all right. If these gentlemen feel under obligation to the World-Herald it may be proper enough for them to so state. The W. H. supported Mr. McK ighan ably. It was its duty to do i . He was endorsed by the regular convention of its party. But it also did its best to defeat Kem, and elect Thompson, and where the for mer's obligation comes in we fail to see. But that is none of our business. The outrage we allude to is in the fol lowing terms: "Mk. John H. Powers, candidate FOR GOVERNOR, CALLED AT THE WORLD HERALD OFFICE IN PERSON TO EXPRESS HIS THANKS." , ' ' ' Now the above is a vile falsehood. We have submitted it to Mr. Powers, and he pronounced it unqualifiedly false and a gross outrage. ' Mr. Powers says he never called at any World-Herald office at any time or under auy cir cumstances, and does not know where its Omaha office is located. The effort of the democrats to cap ture the independent movement and make it an annex of their rotten party is uaturai euough, ridiculous as it ap pears. t :V But what shall be said of an editor who claims to be respectable who, f5r the sake of extolling his own paper, will make such a lying statement as we have quoted? Pass him around. dpSince our reporter secured an in terview with Mr, Rose water the Bee has given this enterprising paper the cold shake. We trust there wasn't any breach of confidence involved in the interview. ; "OUR MILLIONAIRES." Editor Gere, of the B. & M. Railroad company, in an article under the above caption, has several very funny para graphs. He first alludes to the New York World's iist of 122 m lllonaires, and o the statement of the New York Tribune that only twenty of the number made their money by manufacturing. The astute lung-eared editor then says: "There have been more millions accumu lated to rich men richer by theimporta tion of foreign goods than b the maculae, turingof domertie goods. That Is the reason that more millionaires are fifb ting protection than are dtfe&diUg it in this country." Now, this jacknapes ought to know that the importers are the very men who make the most money the easiest by the tariff. 1 hey import goods, place them in bond and seli them by sample before a dollar of duty is paid. The amount of the duty with a profit and interest upon it is added to the price, aDd this is paid by the jobber when he buys , the goods and takes them out of bond. If the duty is 50 per cent the im porter has made a profit and interest for an amount of capital equal to one half his purchase without the invest ment of a dollar. The higher the duly the more eat-y money the importer makes. Will the long-eared ass who edits the B. & M. organ tell his readers, if he has any, about the hordes ot im porters who besieged the ways and means committee at the beginning of the last session to entreat it to lessen import duties? " 1 But it is in the next paragraph where Mr. Conn ell's postmaster comes out strong. Here it is: "Then there are the railroad stock specu lators, who make money out of each other on 'change," etc. . "These people, who are of no earthly good to the community, bt come millionaires six times where tine manufacturer, who is a pub lic benefactor because he organizes prod u. -tion and acds actually to the wealth of the entire community, makes himtelf a million aire. The list is a very good object lesson to the American public." . Only think of it! "Who make money out of each other on 'change!" No one but a railroad editor eouid state that thing in exactly that way. The idea that the money the stock speculators make "out of each other on 'change" was made by somebody else before it got "on 'change" never for an instant penetrated his railroad noddle. It must have been his aunt's uncle who told about Shadrack, Mesach and Abednego making a dollar and a half apiece swap ping jack-knives while 'they were in the fiery furnace. That a man with so little sense can get to be postmaster of a great city, regent of a university, and editor of a great morning paper, proves that a railroad corporation might make a whistle out of a pig's tail. VALUE CREATED BY LAW. Mr. J. Sterling Mortou and his Wall street confederates claim that no value can be created by law. Mr. Geo. W. E Dorsey and other members of congress, wno see the need ot some iinanciat re lief, are advocating a bill to'permit t ;e national banks to issue currency to the full par value of the bonds deposited, instead of 90 per cent of that value, as at present. Now the question presented is this: If that bill should pass would any value be created by law? Let us examine it Mr. Dorsey, let us suppose, has $100,000 in bonds deposited with the reasurer and has received $90,000 in currency. Now the bill passes, and he receives, without depositing any more bonds, $10,000 more currency. He loans this to his neighbors at 10 per cent and it brings him $1,000 per year. This he ex pends for whatever he pleases of this world's goods or pleasures, which as the world goes represent value- Now suppose Mr. Dorsey wants to wind up this bank, what does he do? Obtain gold and silver and exchange it for the bank bills over his counter, and then return the bills to the treasury in exchange for his bonds? Not at all. He takes his own national bank bills direct to the treasury and exchanges them for his bonds. He directs that such of his bills as the treasury may receive shall be held for liquidation until said bills are all received aad his bonds released Gold and eilver coin has played no part in the transaction. Now is the , money which he has re ceived value? Nearly every one will unhesitatingly answer yes. At any rate it represents and procures value. - How was it created? Was it mined out of the earth? No. Was it earned by anybody except the men who borrow it of Mr. Dorsey? No. It was simply printed by the government in accordance with law, stamped and issued to Mr. Dorsey in accordance with law, by him signed as president of the bank in accordance witn law, ana loaned to nis poorer neighbors at 10 per cent, in accordance with law. In other words from its issue till its return to the treasury it was the creation, of law, It is a value created by law. The $15,000,000 which will be is sued te the national banks in addition to their present issue, if that bill passes, will be actually a free gift of that amount, with which they can extort from the people an additional $1,500,000 per annum of their hard earnings. And yet if the government is asked to issue this $15,000,000 to the people on land security at 1 per cent, to remain in circulation as long as the interest is paid, or until the mortgages are can celled, these same national bank Dor seys hold up their hands in holy horror and cry, "paternal government!" A Rosewater will return to Ne braska when the contest inquiry is ended. He don't object to lying through the columns of the Bee; but when it comes to facing the cold truth or per jury on the witness stand, Bardolph or Bob Acres are paragons of bravery to him. This is not the first time he has run away from a subpoena. He was neverknown to face, an inquiry he aian t originate. r .v State Alliance Heetingq A GRAND GATHERING UJf WJiK- RASKA FARMERS. A List of the Newly Elected Officers. The annual meeting of the State Alli ance convened at Lincoln on the 16th. There were nearly 900 delegates present, and they are an exceptionally intelli gent body of men. : President Powers delivered his an nual address Tuesday forenoon, and ap pointed the various committees. We give the address in this issue in full. The following are the names of the newly elected officers of the State Alli ance for the ensuing year: President, Hon. J. H. Powers, of Hitchcock Co. Vice President, Hon. H. G. Stewart, of Sioux Co. Secretary -Treasurer, J. M.Thompson of Lancaster Co. , Lecturer, O. Hull, Lancaster county. Ass't Lecturer, B. F. Pratt, Merrick Co.. . Doorkeeper, D. W. Barr, Clay Co. Ass't Doorkeeper, G. C. Underhill, uioe uo. , Xh Sargeant-at-Arms, J. Billingsley, Bufsv falo Co. Executive Committee: J. Burrows, Lancaster Co., Chairman, Hon. Allen Root, Douglas Co., C. W. Beal, Custer Co., H. B. McGaw, Adams Co., B. F. Allen, Cass Co. We are compelled to go to press be fore the adjournment of the meeting. We will give full proceedings in our next issue. THE 22D LEGISLATURE AND PRO- HIBITION. It is quite likely there are many inde pendents who also voted for prohibi tion, and who are bitterly disappointed by the results, who think the 22d legis lature should enact statutory prohibi tion. The vile course of the Rosewater whisky coaibiue at Omaha in raiding the polls, mobbing prohibitionists, and generally debauching the elective fran chise to win its purpose, undoubtedly intensifies this feeling. But there are two sides to this question. Prohibition was defeated by an unexpectedly large majority. While the vile tactics of Rosewater's bogus business men's asso ciation is responsible for much of this adverse vote it cannot justly be charged with all of it. If that is true prohibition would have been defeated without the opposition of that association. The question then presented is, would it be wise to enact into law a measure which has just been condemned by the popular voice? We do not think it would; and we believe we" share this opinion with the leading prohibitionists of the state. We believe their aim will be to so amend the present law as to make, it ef fective for the end it was designed to serve, and to pretect our youth as much as possible from the contaminating ef fect of the saleon, and re-submit the question of prohibition as soon as public sentiment promises to support it. A law passed on the heels of an over whelming vote against it would be pro nounced a usurpation, and would not be enforced. It would lack the moral support which any law should have, that of a healthy and intelligent public sentiment demanding its enactment. It would be much better to have no prohi bition law than to have one that was a dead letter. For these reasons we should be op posed to statutory prohibition at this time; and we believe this view is held by leading prohibitionists. Supposed Profit of Beet Sugar Industry. A report, which seems reliable, comes to us to the effect that a man lives in Salt Lake who offers to pays the costs of a beet sugar plant to any city or other owners who will let him have the use of it for one season. I other wrords if Kearney should build a plant worth $500, 000, this man would pay that amount, $500,000 for the use of it for one year or season. This appears to be an enor mous profit and sounds like a fish story, and yet those who profess to know something about the beet sugar industry figure the profit about this way: A ton of Nebraska beets will make about three hundred pounds of granulated sugar, which if sold at six cents per pound realizes eighteen dollars. The royalty on the same is three cents per pound, making nine dollars more, or twenty seven dollars total gross receipts. In addition to this is the value of the dis tilled product, and of the refuse for feeding purposes, which are very con siderable iteoas. The total cost of man ufacturing a ton of beets into sugar, in cluding cost of beets, manufacturing, etc., is ten dollars and fifty cents, leav ing a net profit of sixteen dollars and fifty cents pr tou of beets. The Grand Island factory is supposed to manufac ture three hundred tons of beets per day. Taking the net profit on one ton, $16.50, by 300 tons and we have a profit of $4,- 950.00 for one day. Again it is said a factory of this kind will run about 100 days during the summer and fall sea sons. The value of one days profits of $4,- 950 by the season of one hundred days, and we have the neat little sum of $495, 000 as the fat profits of one season with the beet sugar industry. The Chicago Tribune, which is a re publican advocate from away back, has been making a careful estimate of the increased cost of clothing for one year through the McKinley bul to the peo ple of the United States. "It will be from $100,000,000 to $120,000,000, or nearly $2 per head, or $10 per family, in the whole IJnion; although in the northern states, with their cold weather and long winters, the extra cost will average fully $15 Der family, The ad vance must come as soon as the surplus stocks of wool now on hand are clear ed off." Then the Tribune asks; "Does any one think that the people who have just shown by their votes bow they like the prospect of higher prices, will be any better tempered when the biff her prices have been actually fastened up on them?" , President's Address. ANNUAL ADDRESS OP PRESIDENT POWERS TO THE STATE ALLIANCE. Brothers and Sisters of the State Alliance, I rejo ce to greet tou to-day in our Annual Meeting: When we last met, the city of Grand Island was astonished to see GOO deter mined men appear in their midst as del egates from the Alliance in Nebraska. Since that time politicians throughout the state have been astonished still more to see the determination manifested by our members in sustaining our. prin ciples by political action. To-day, with about one-third the rep resentation we were entitled to then, in spite of the famine which prevails over nearly one-half of our state, which renders many of our brother delegates unable to attend our meeting; we ar here to show to the world that the far mers os the state of Nebraska are awake to their interests, their rights, and their duties. During the past year there have been added to our number of Alliances 136, while in most cases the membership of those then existing has largely increas ed: n that in the h airreiJ'ate. w rmmhr J probably six times as many as we did akf Notwithstanding the fact that we are so greats multitude, that we are scat tered over so large a state, that there were local prejudices to overcome, that there is to some extent, a diversity of business interests, that we are composed of persons of all shades of religious be lief, and all kinds of political affiliations, and in spite of the opposition arising from the jealousies of other industries and occupations, we have proved ihat industrial co-operation in this state is a success. " And although the tremendous influ ence of the money power., has been brought to bear to crush our financial ability, and to make us entirely depen dent on it for our very existence, the hitherto irresistible power of the cor porations, trusts and monopolies, has been exerted in a combined effort to overwhelm us; and the experienced shrewdness and cunning of politicians have been exerted to their utmost to di vide us aud array us agaiuot each other; we have demonstrated that the farmers of this state can "hang together." That they can fcuccessfuliy co-operate 1 iu busiuess. That they can unite, success fully, with all those who believe in equal rights for all before the law, in indepen dent political action, and possible that the people shall rule. Many Aliiauce busines-s associations have .been established, and have in most cases proved a success. At , the same time merchants and manufacturers have been disabused of the idea that the'Aiii ance was established to iujute their t:ue interests, or to break up their busiuess if honestly couducted. The educational feature of the Alli ance in the iue of political information has rought forth fruit in one of the hardest contested campaigns that was ever witnessed in the state, and in achieving a victory decided and gratify ing in its results, and with good pros peet of being complete aud permanent. In the preceding year several of the counties which were best organized nominated, and in most instances elect ed independent or peoples' tickets. These countl -s early in the spring of this year, began to express their deter mination to repeat the action on a lar ger scale. s,T'hey united with some others in urging a combiued effort throughout the state, to exert their po litical power aud influence in some man ner outside of all existiug political par ties. But here a difficulty rose, which for a time created grave apprehension in the minds of many, and put the loy alty and sine rity our members to a se vere test. Grave differences of opinion arose as to how political action could most safely and successfully be taken. Some were in favor of forming a new political party, having the same charac teristics of the oid parties, as to perpet uating itself and controlling the politi cal action of its members, and iu which the Alliances should elect the delegates to the first conventions. Others were iu favor of selecting from among those that shou d be nominated by the existing po litical parties, but of no longer affiliat ing with then), while others advocated capturing the primaries wherever pos sible, aud thus gradually changing them in principle and reforming them in practice. These differences of opinion were manifested and compared at a conference of the presidents of county alliances and the county organizers, to gether with the officers ot the State Al liance, held at Lincoln on the 22d of April. The result was that a circular was sent to the Alliances in the state advising them to make preparation for political action, but that action should be determined by the strength of the Alliances in the different counties. Using the old party primaries, the bal ance of power, or separate nominations as might seem best. But during all this time the organiza tion of Alliances was going forward so rapidly that county after county felt that they had arrived to a strength of membership that would warrant inde pendent political action. In repouse to earnest requests from different parts of the state blank petitions headed by the St. Louis Declaration of Principles and a request for a call for a state conven tion; were sent out to every Alliance and Assembly of the Knights of Labor iu the state. These petitions were signed by many thousands of members and were sent back to Alliance headquarters and in compliance with them a convention was called to meet in Lincoln, July 29th. The apportionment of the delegates to the different counties being based on the best judgment of the secretaries of the State Alliance and the State Assem bly of the Knights of Labor, or such persons as they chose. The primaries were to be composed of those legal vo ters who pledged themselves to sustain by their influence -nd votes the princi ples contained in the petition in response to which the convention was called A Eart of the counties, impatient of delay ad called their county and district con ventions through the actiou of the Alli ances and Knights of Labor, and dele gates were sent from them, but on the issue of the call it was received with general approbation and promising the most permanent success. The conven tions were held, the nominations made, and the result so far has astonished the politicians, and electrified the workers of the country with the hope that in connection with the victories obtained for the same principles in other states, it presages a peaceful but complete rev olution, to be accomplished in the j'ear 1892 by which the government shall pro tect the laborer as well as the capitalist, an ; the poor as well as the rich. That true nobility, measured by intelligent and honest industry, rather than arrx gant wealth, shall be honored withXe confidence, and trusted with the affairs of the nation; and that truth and moral ity shall supplant error and corruption throughout our whole land. I , trust that you will during your present session, formulate and adopt some definite plan by which indepen dent political action may be taken each year, on living principles ana not in obedience to the dictation ol & permanent political party. Experience has taught , us that our state constitution needs amending in several particulars. I think that the article defining qualifications for mem bership should be so 'amended as to in clude county hchool teachers, and that some definite rule ought to be laid down by which the eligibility of those persons engaged in several kinds of business might be determined.. 1 think that some definite statement ought to be made of what offences should justify expulsion from the Alli ance. - Under the present indefinite wording of the constitution, while en gaging iu some laudable brauch of busiVJ ness which renders the eligibility of theNI member doubtful is promptly followed by dismissal, the most flagrant violation of the obligations of the order are some times passed unnoticed. A clear de claration on the subject would secure uniformity of action in such cases, and conduce to the permanence and strength of our organization. A discrepancy in the length of terra of the delegates to the county aliiauce aud the officers of the same shonld be corrected, as it has led to no little per plexity aud inconvenience. The duties of the lecturers of the County Alliances and the State Aliiauce ouaht o be extended. aud clearlvdefiued. ttiiuk the county lecturers ought to be directed to visit and instruct all the Al liances in their respective counties at least once in each year; and that the lecturer of the state Allimce should visit each county Alliance in the state "at least once each year, delivering lectures to' the same, and assisting and instruct ing them in their duties, and should re port to the state Aliiauce at each regu lar meeting. Permit me to call your attention again to the fact that adifferent basis of representation to the state .. Aliiauce must of necessity be adopted. No body of men consisting of more than 500 can properly deliberate upon and discuss such questions as must be considered by our state Alliance, and had it not been for the famine and hard times which exist at the present at least 1,700 dele gates would have been present at this meeting. 1 trust that such change will be made that, while all parts of the state shall be represented, the Alliance will not be so unwieldy as to cripple its efficiency or embarrass its deliberations. Aud now let me remind you of the uc cessity of continuing the'work of organ izatiou. No county is as completely or gauized as it should be, aud iu some the work is just begun. There are few neighborhoods but what contain some persons who ought to be brought iuto the Aliiauce. Tho youug are coming of age. Ladies perhaps are not encour aged to join or do not attend your meet ings. Perhaps your meetings are losing their interest in some places, or are be ing turned into places of trifling diver sion or amusement. Let there be a waking up all along the line Do not be deceived. . We have proba bly passed through the last triangular political light which this state will ever witness. Already the corrupt leaders of the two old political parties are com bined against us. while the rank aud file of those parties, those who are in favor of morality and justice, are only wait ing to be invited to join us. . " We must hold out to them the hand of welcome. We will need them all. Money is an engine of tremendous power iu our state, and every misfor tune or calamity which visits our peo ple but increases its strength. While the benevoleut and charitable iu the eastern part of the state aud iu adjoining states are cou.tribut.iug to re lieve the necessities of the famine stricken inhabitants of the west, the railroad corporations are offering lim ited concessions iu freight charges for delivering those contributions,. on the condition that the new legislature shall promise them immunity, by law, from future interference with their extortion ate charges, and the bankers are warn ing them that if they interfere by law with the present ruinous rate of inter est that they will leave them entirely without money for the transaction of business. . Trusts, corporations and syndicates are growing more and more "grasping, aud showing les and less consideration for the rights of labor. They obtain control of every enter prise" that is calculated to benefit. our people and change them into a boon for t Hem selves and a burden for us, and turn a deaf ear to every demand for jus tice and every cry for mercy until the laborer is reduced to a pauper or driven to crime, and then that money is doled out in grudging charitv or unwilling taxation which should nave been paid as tair wages lor honest industry. Our enemies say that the Alliances will now go to sleep and will soon melt away. Let us show them that we are just awaking as a strong man out of sleep. aud that we feel that our day's work is just begun. Let us use every honest means aud every lair appliance and plan lor building up our organization and increasing its influence for good and us strength tor actiou Let me earnestly call ; our attention to the necessity of putting the newspa per organ ot the state Alliance iuto every family of the members of the Alli ance throughout the state; and also of establishing aud supporting, too, in every county at least one good newspaper which can be relied on to espouse our , interests and plead our cause; and then banish from our homes and firesides the venal partisau papers which have done so much during the past year to mislead our people, anil to strengthen the hatids of our oppressors. I take pleasure in commending to you The Alliance newspaper, pub lished in this city by Brothers Burrows and Thompson, for the able and fear less mauner in which it has battled for the right during the year, and especi ally in the late political conflict. I be speak for them your hearty support and earnest efforts to extend the circulation of their paper, so that its efficiency and size miy be increased, and that they may be saved from the pecuniary ein barassment which so large an outlat' must entail, and from the failure which so often overtakes such enterprises. I would like, if time would permit, to speak in detail of the editors in differ ent parts of the state, who, in their dif ferent localities have abl3' battled for the right .1 trust that you will reward them by your earn st support. It seems to me that a systematic line of subjects for discussion, carefully con sidered aud arrange by some com petent committee or designated officers, and distributed by circular each quar ter of the 3"ear, as a hnp and guide 10 the All'u nces in making lhe programs. for their meetings would be product tv of much good. V Our rulatinna tn th Wjilinnsil Alii ance are not satisfactory to me, and I think many others will agree with me in that respect. While i would not recommend or favor such arbitrary power as is assumed by the National Alliance aud Industrial Union of the south, I think a closer relation between the State Alliance and the National Al liance should be provided for. I would suggest that our delegates to the Naj tional Alliance be instructed to recora mPiiH and urffe the adoption of a uni form secret work and ritual for the Na tional Alliance, aud also the adoption of a system of reports by State seere taries to the National secretaries," am' also a report to Iks made by him at the annual meeting giving concise aud deti nite information of the condition and progress of the Alliance throughout the country. . I am also in fayor of urging the hold intr a conference of all the Industrial organizations in theUuited States some time next year for the purpose of form ulating a platform of principles tor t lie basis of National Independent political action throughout the country ounug the year 1891 and 1892. ith lhe question ot organic union wit the other Industrial organizations in the couutrv is agitating the minds of some of our members. But I think a careful examination of the difficulties in the way will convince every one that .1 -I . 1 S .i 11.. me scneme is not, oniy uiipracucaiue, but that if cousumated it would bo pro ductive of actual injury to our cause. The terrible disaster which has vis ited the western counties in our state calls for our deepest sympathy and most strenuous efforts to relieve the destitution of our brothers aud sisters in the famine stricken districts. Earnest efforts have been made by the governor of the state through a committee to afford temporary relief, which is well timed aud commendable. A small sum was appropriated by our executive committee early in the fall for the immediate relief of the most des titute, aud if more can be spared for the purpose I think it should be promptly given. But there is one feature of the case which should not be lost sight of. For every dollar that is being contributed by the beuevoleut and charitable in the east for the relief of the west, the peo pie there are robbed of live dollars by the foreclosure of chattel mortgages, by which the property of the sufferers is sacrificed aud their . permanent fiuan cial aud business ruin is rendered Juuvi tab e. On the account of the accumulation of funds in the State Aliiauce treasury an order was made by the executive committee in the spring that the 'state dues for the third quarter of the y ear be remitted, or should not be required of the Alliances, which was afterwards for the same reason made to apply to the fourth quarter. The btale Alliance Busiuess Agency which was established early in the year has beeu a success iu furuishing in creased facilities lor purchases oy our members at reasonable prices, aud by acting as a checic on the unwarranted extortions which the law ami a seared coneieuce sometimes tolerated ou the part of the merchants and dealers. Bro. Hartley aud his assistants deserve our warm praise for the efficient manner in which the business has been conducted. I would recommend that Bro Hartley he continued in the position, and that he receive the confidence aud remunera tiou that his faithfulness aud .efficiency deserves. 1 cannot forbear to express to you nry appreciation of the ability aud fideli ty with which our worthy Secretary and Treasurer, Bro. Thompson, has dis charged his arduous aud responsible duties, aud als of the Executive com mittee, and especially Bro Burrow's its worthy chairman, for the patience with which he has eudure'd the v ials of wrath which have oeen so liberally broken over his devoted head. The subject of tire insurance has " en gaged the attention of the Aliiauce heretofore, but the obstacles thrown iu the way by our statutes have prevented auy feasible plan tor mutual insurance in connection with the A liauce from being adopted. I. think a memorial should be adopted and aid befoie the legislature by a competent committee, urging the amendment of the insurance law, aud also the passage of a more ef fective aud stringent usury Jaw, aud some effective enactment by which the railroads will be compelled to reduce their freight rates iu a reasonable de gree, so that those whose industry fur nishes their busiuess may realize some return for their labor. And now brothers, let us not weary in our work or remit our efforts. Our success has just begun. Every victory on our part will arouse our wily and determined foes to some new aud un expected attack. Let us be watchful. Let us work always.- The night is fad ing away, the dav fs breaking. Let our watch-words be, "Liberty,. tor the op pressed," "In Union there is Strength," " Justice to the Toilers," " Equality of all before the Law." - et me tender to you all, aud through you to the Alliances you represent, my grateful thauks for the uuifortu cour tesy aud kind cousideratiou with which you have treated me as your president during tho past two years. Although my lite has been one of toil aud almost unceasing lator, my work in this cause, during this period has beeu as ardent as any iu my life But the conciousuess of the necessity for continuous aud en ergetic actiou, if we would achieve suc cess, the rapid encroachment of our op pressors on our liberties, the claims of the rising generation for some better lot than that which our carelessness and neglect had permitted to be laid up iu store for them, and the couciousness that an ever increasing host of friends aud brothers were rallying to the sup port of the cause, and ever ready to fol low the standard wherever duty called me to bear it has borne me up and has led me to rejoice when weary, aud when discouraged to look up. May tho blessings of Almighty God rest upon you. May His spirit guide you eer to the light, to truth aud to liberty. May the Lord of Hosts, the Captain of our salvation lead you ou to victory over every foe in this world, aud to joy and happiness in the world to come. THE GREAT WEST. The west is marching on. It will not scop. Ordinary obstacles are brushed out of the way without, ceremony, be cause destiny points out its track and is forever crying, onward! The day is passed, but the goal is not reached. A reat country, with a wide surface, rich in nones auu minerals, ueveisiueo witn soils that produce immense yields of corn ami wheat, it is bound to prosper ami grow ncn. Measured oil iuto mu uicipauues aim siaies it oeeomes a great, power in trie ooiy pontic, and herein is louud to exert au influence that will be no mean factor in the ma terializing and dominating the politics or tr.e country. Call the roll, if you please, but the number of states have become so nu merous aud multiplied so fast that we cannot uo it now. uut tney are all there, fully organized and fully armed. Look out for them. They demand vcoguition aud will be heard from mien occasion occurs. ease is oia, assuming ana saucy, out lueeuierunse, stir, bustle aud push is in the west, and so it don't care what the east may as sume; it feels sure and safe tn stand on ilspwn IkUoiu, and thus to make. its way to the source of influence and the seats of power. It will make its mark wherever it plants a foot, and reach re sults that will surprise the most far seeiug National View. CREAM OF THE LATEST NEWS. Chauncey M. Depew said lhat th commercial depression was caused by distrust, and that tho condition of the country was never better than today. The funeral of Washington McLean took place, in Washington Thursday morning. The Chicago business men who were in contempt of court must pay the pen alty by a j All scuteuco, in the opitiiou of Judge Gre.hai. J. L. Irby, the farmers' (Tillman's) candidate, has been elected United States senator from South Uarouna, to ucceed Wade Hampton. Senator Franc is (Edmund du Motier je La Fayette), grandson of Gen. Lafay ette, died iu Pans Thursday, at the age of 72 years. Robert Mills, ex-police commissioner and head of the exleustve ship building firm of Mills & Co., died Thursday morning at Buffalo. A young lady at Independence, la., who was employed in the insane asy lum, has gone crazy from association with her unfortunate wards. The bureau of animal industry has discovered a drug which will prevent hog cholera. Statistics show the Salvation Army has 329 organizations iu this country, 40 church edifices, 237 halls, with a total seating capacity of 102.V61, ami that the church property is valued at if S,d u. The Chicago police have received in formation that B. 11. Camp h'11. the missing millionaire, has been in Detroit, aud has left there for Niagara Fails. The Illinois State Grange 'adopted resolutions demanding that biudeis and mowers be placed ou the free list, aud that liquors be excluded from the VV orld's fair grounds. Pringle & Son's grain elevator at Grant, Neb., was burned Thursday morning. A youug lady was compelled to marry a negro from necessity. The manufacturers of wrapping paper have formed a trust. A man near Fort Smith, Ark., shot and killed five people aud then ended his own life with his deadly weapon. Henry Villard does not think the Wall street pauic is over. The Melviu- ey bill and the silver bill were its causes, he says. An Afflicted Family. St. Paul, Neb, Dec. 16. Howard couuty has a worthy, though sorely afflicted family. August 26, 18id. T. C. Porter, a well-to-do farmer of Howard couuty aud a prominent Alli ance man aud couuty organizer, at tempted to descend iu his well for the" purpose of cleaning it, the well being Ida feet deep. V hen about half wav down he lost his hold aud fell to the lnt- toin, breaking his right thigh bone iu two places aud one of his rios aud wiw badly bruised all over lie was rescued from his perilous situation and his bones were set and his wounds dressed, and has since suffered from a severe attack of typhoid lever from which ho is not likely to lecover. His whole family of eight persons have suffered from the dreadful disease, one little child having died of tho fever after four weeks of de lirium, aud also William Walters, a brother of Mrs. Porter, who came from Virginia to care for Mr. Porter when he was hrst hurt, aud after watching over him faithfully lor six or seven weeks took the fever aud died. .The good ik- ple of the whole county sympathize with them , in , their deep sorrow, and are doing all they can to lift the cloud of suffering and sorrow from them. At this time Mr. Porter's chances to lire are very unfavorable, he being so weak that his thread of life seems very slea- ler, aud it seems as though nothing but l miracle can save the poor emaciated mau from the grave. The remaiuder of tho family are now well at this time L J. HAM. THE ALLIANCE RELIEF FUNU. The.following amounts have been con tributed for tho relief of the drouth stricken region of the state: Amount previously reported. .. .$370 05 E. S. Davison, Emerald, from farmers of Emerald 1 1 25 J. D. Reising, Ponca, Neb.. . . . 10 00 Gideon Purbaugh, Lancaster county, Nolan alliance 10 00 II. G. Weigel, Ditler, Neb., Ceu- terville alliance, No. 977 Geo. Timblin, Wisuer, Neb., al liance No. 814 Ed. Arnold, Odell, Neb., Glen wood alliance No. 939 8 75 12 75 10 4.) tSfDon't go in to Maxwell, Ross & Sharpe's unless you have got some mouey to spend. You are sure to see something you will want, and their prices are so low you are sure to buy. Everything wanted can be found in their maguificeut store. Their splendid stck of cutlery toOK our eye -result a fiue new oaoer knife for our thl. 1532 to 1538 O street. Ahead of Sailor Yarn. Sailors it re proverbial for thtir bl iff yarns, but they c't get much ahd ul i iver men, says the Cincinnati IiiHrnr. The alher day Captain J. D. Paxkr rcA hold of Captain Gtbn, aud he eiij; "Dave, you recollect when I wti mmis on the Yhzou a;i . that streak of lijhtautg struck me as 1 sto d near the ck-tff, in that terrible storm, and you all thought I was dead for sura?" ttOh, yes, very well; but whire did th Uglitning go to, anyhow?" "Why, it went light down into bit loot." 7 "And j ou never were hurt?" "No, sir, not a bit. I juat took my boot of! and poured the lightning out on tha deck. " And the two worthies went to look at the weather mnp. Ltttt Thlna; LtttU wor.Uar th weetest to heart little charities fly farthest, and stay r longest on the wing; little ltika are Btiherft, and little hearts tiie fullest, and lifcle farms the bet tdld Little t.ks are the most read, and little ons lhe most loved. And when nature would make auy thing especially rare aud beautiful, she makes it little liiUe pearls, little diatuends, and little dew. At Eichweller, iu Germany, a lady left instruction io ber will that when she died she was to be buried in a splendid ball costume. Her wUh has has jut been carried out Her father in bis last will aad tetament gr in struotions tltat when lie Mshufild off tliis mortal coil " he was to be buried in his wedding gsrinent. His , wlh likewise religiouJy beyl. was ror Sale- Two good ti 3 miles north-west of West Lincoln and it mi. south of Woolawn. Fred Scakck. 5 A t h r J J .