THE FAKMEBS' ALLIANCE, LINCOLN, NEB., SATURDAY, OV. 1, 1890. THE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE. Written trTtl Aluahci bv Mil. M. L. H. We'll Surely Gain the Day. Tvh: "These Temperance Folks do Crowd us Awfully" We Independents how we're looming up. Hew we're looming up, how we're looming up. We Independents how we're looming up, We'll surely gain the day. If you want to help us fight monopoly, Fight monopoly, tight mouopoly, If you want to help us fight monopoly Tou had bette step this way. Chokus for first and second verses. Then forward boys! Hurrahl Independents right this way! We'll hoist our flag and on to victory ! We 11 surely gain the day. The g. o p's. - they call us crazy fools. Call us crazy fools, call us crazy fools. ... The g. o. p's. they call us orazy fools, . And we hnk tbem the same. If thy think we will vote for monopoly, Vote for monopoly, vote for monopoly, If they think we will vote for monopoly And their helpless tools remain. Chobus. They say McKeighan he's a democrat. Re's a democrat, he's a democrat; They say McKeighan he's a democrat Who sometimes turns his coat. But we all know what they are working: at. What they are working at, what they are working at. But we all know what they are working at. They want to take your vote. Chorus to third verse. Independents all hurrah! McKeighan'e right this way. We'll hoist our flag and on to victory 1 We'll surely gain the day. We'll make John Powers our next governor, Onr next governor, our next governor. Jim Boyd we'll leave at home. We'll give our votes to Batie for auditor, Batie for auditor, Batle for7 auditor, We'll give our votes to Batle for auditor, Poor Tommy he'll get none. Chorus to fourth varse. Independents all hurrah ! The people have made the break, We'll hoist our flag and on to victory, We're bcund to win the state. EXPULSION OF MR. WOOSTER. The Journal of the 27th has a screed of abuse of Mr. Burrows for the expul- L sionofMr. Wooster from the Silver Creek Alliance. It is sufficient answer to say that Mr. .B. had nothipg whatever to do with the expulsion, and knew nothing of it until the Secretary of the State Alliance re ceived notice of it in the regular form. We might add that the expulsion seems emiuenlly proper, considering that Mr. Wooster has been assailing the Alliance and his brother members ven omously through the press, without seek ing redress or preferring charges in the regular way. Also, that Mr. Wooster has the right of appeal. THE "CLEAN AND ABLE" JOURNAL. Editor Alliance. The following letter indited by a committee of our Alliance to the B. & M. Journal, in whose pure, reliable columns you know space will hardly be found for our letter, being as we deem well worthy of publication, we submit the same to The Alliance. Committee. Crodnse, Oct. 20, 1890. Editor B. $ M.' Journal, Lincoln, Neb. Dkar Sir. A large number of our ''docile denizens" have received your circular letter offering for the modest consideration of twenty-five cents to furnish us for three months with the 'cleanest, newsiest, most enterprising and reliable paper published in the west." The slotted cards with gummed cap all complete for the reception of our surplus quarters excite our unboun ded admiration. They are models of neatness and ingenuity. Wo have discussed pro and con, mostly con, the aforementioned circular letter at our Alliance meetings, and have concluded that although as you know we have more money than we know what to do with, yet we will fore go the high pleasure and immense profit of your "clean" ana aoie Journal. One reason that we decline to sub scribe is that queer as we hayseeds look we like to be in the fashion as well as finer folk, and it is highly out of the fashion in our parts to subscribe for your clean, O so clean, and able ah, able, and reliable (O my!) paper. It has only one subscriber at Crounse P. O. as you can easily verify from your books or mailing lists, and he will not renew; so you can see that we could not comply with your request and be in the fashion. Dealers in agricultural implements and hardware who note these facts will doubtless speedily throng your sanctum eagerly inquiring for space in your columns to enlarge their advertisements. Another reason for our declining to subscribe is that we all take The Farmer's Alliance, and through its columns get from week to week the best of the many good things published in the clean ana able Journal. Thus have we learned that we are a set of hogs creating vast masses of litter for the tidy and patriotic republicans to clean up. We learn also that we are a cross, noisy rabble led by wild-eyed demagogues far into the fatal fields of anarchy. Getting as we do in this way the best things from the Journal, let us not be held blameworthy for declining to sub scribe for the sheet witn all its "clean liness and ability." So sufficient and conclusive do these reasons for our action seem mat we deem it unnecessary to append the fact that the marvellously clean and amaz ingly able Journal was long since con demned at the bar of public opinion and "guillotined" by the hayseed execu tioners that abound in these parts. We , further consider it perfectly useless to mention that while the charge of the fat monopolist that we will not avarage an ounce of brains may be true, a half ounce is amply sufficient to compel us to see that we are under no obligation to support or encourage our deadliest enemies, albeit in their way "clean and able." We would suggest the futility of kicking thus against your coffin lid and hint that while such action might awa ken pitv in the breast of man, hosts should be reckoned alien to that Mnotioa. Bv Committee Of Half a Hundred Resolutions Artnnted bv the Nora Farmers' Alii nce No. 717. We hereby agree not to tinni7.A anv dealer in harness that 5-ota in any wav with Mark Bros, sad company of Omaha until they make some satisfactory arrangements with their workmen who were locked out on Labor Day.and requested to sign away their rights as American citizens bafore they would be permitted to en ter their employment. cH A. H. Komv, Seo'y. - BUFFALO COUNTY. Mb. Editor: "The stars in their courses tight for us." The recoil of the enemy's guns proves more effective than the charge, roiled at one point they turn excitedly toward another, growing more desperate all ' the time, and by their desperation betraying their weakness. Dorsey's supporters advertised a grand barbeque for him near the centre of this county last week, but they got out less than twenty farmers. Richards, Dor ney, Majors and and Thayer came to Kearney and"tit the war over again" for three long hours, to the weariness of all sensible men. The meeting broke up with a fight between two of the candi dates. Just following this came the grandest independent rally yet held in this part of the state. How the hay seeds did pour into town. Hundreds of flags flying, dozens of beautiful ban ners and hundreds of cheaper ones that displayed to old partyringsters"legends" and truths that filled them with rage atid sadness. It would be impossible to describe that vast procession. Bands playing patriotic aires, choirs singing patriotic and humorous songs, striking scenic representatious. all crave it au impressiveness that could not fail to leave a marked effect upon the throngs of citizens which lined the side-walks. The teams numbered about 800, and the number of people in attendance was estimated at 10,000. The speaking at the Lake grounds began at 1:30 p. m. and lasted till nearly 5 o'closk. Presi dent Powers was the first speaker. The impression he made here was excellent, aud he was vigorously applauded. Kem followed in the best speech we have yet heard him make.. W. L. Green then paid his respects to Dorsey, Quav & Co. and the meeting closed with a riuging speech from Judge Gillespie. The farmers scattered to their homes feeling that they had shown Kearney the "Buf falo County Gait." I must beg permission to amend my es timate last week on the vote of the Big fhird. I have received reliable infor mation from a large number of coun ties in which our friends feel certain that Kem will get a majority over both the other candidates. 1 think it will be safe to estimate that Kem will get ma jorities over the held in at least half of the hfty-f our counties, and pluralities iu half the remainder. This will give him a good majority over the whole vote. lours for victory. S. Edwin Thornton. Boycotting the Journal and Bee. Editor Alliance: The e. o. d. teor- maudized old plutocracy) haviuer loner ago wandered far away from the honest masses luto the dark regions of oppres sion, beholding rather suddenly its vast distauce from its whilom supporters. raise the cry of desertion aud trv to frighten them into the ranks by flaunt ing the old stub or a party whip-stock whose lash and cracker have already been frayed away. The aon seems uu- ableto see that it has left the people and not vice versa, JNone are so blind as those who won't see." ' In like manner Mie petty organs of gormandized plutocracy, which have worse than boycotted the honest people of the land in the most shameless wav. whine about the boycott when decency refuses loneer to support them. Not only have these sheets left the people, but have joined their viles foes in hercu lean efforts for their destruction. Mean while they smile on us and prate of their self sacrificing endeavors in our interest. Daily they illustrate the truth of Shakes- pear s remark: A man may smile and smile, and be a villain." A false friend is worse than an open enemy, but he who attempts to act both rolls at once obviously imagines that he is playing to an audience ot tools. We are not strangers to the fact that that title is pretty generally bestowed en the farmer, nor nave we seen the apologist who will essay to dispute his right to it; but we may now easily nnd any number of farmers and their friends who most earnestly deny that they are such ultra utter tools as longer to support organs that the least wise among them can see are at deadly enmity with them. keif preservation is the hrst law of nature. These hypocritical organs at tempt to demonstrate the law by actual, genuine and hard service to monopoly on the one hand and disgusting pretense on the other. If it is boycotting an enemy to refuse him shelter in time of war, let the good work go on. Jramperea monopoly, in whose inter est the gop has long bent all its energies is well able to support these vile organs and it owes then su,port;but no honest, self respecting toiler can in any way. en courage them. sec'y Alliance JN o. 1010, Crounse, Neb. GREETING TO JOHNNY. The following letter was sent to J. C. Watson in reply to ome ol his circulars to an old soldier: Kearney, Neb., Oct. 18, 1890. John C. Watson, Chairman Republi can State Central Committee: Mr Dear Sir I would suetrest that your committee prepare another circu lar letter and mail a copy of the same to every old comrade in the state, stating the fact that the independent ticket is largely if not altogether, com posed of comrades who were unfortu nate in having been privates during the war of the rebellion (instead of officers), but that they were good, true soldiers; and as they have not had a fair sho w to receive their due proportion of the pub lic salaried omces, it having been the policy of the commissioned officers of the army to arrogate to themselves the honors and compensations, of office; therefore be it Resolved, That the old comrades of the state of Nebraska now have a splen did opportunity to elevate to the re spective offices of the state men belong ing to the rank and file of honorably m 1 1 m a J I a discnargea soiaiers oi tne war, ana it is the duty oi every comrade to see that they are elected. Now, if you should issue such a let ter, I think I am safe in saying the old comrades would swear by you, and no doubt would " boost" you for the next United States senator, or a foreign mis sion, whichever might be preferred. Brother Dorsey seems to have of fended a large class of his former friends and supporters by his selections for postmasters, etc., and I am reliably informed that nine out of ten of the old soldiers in the big Third district are for O. M. Kem and the independent ticket. Any further suggestions I can make to further the cause and assist our old comrades to the state house, I will gladly make at your suggestion and re quest. Believing that the country will be safe in their hands, I remain, truly your, Alex. rjt tibt ' A Township, Seward Co V Neb. Whereas- I tne judgment of this Alli ance this State bas been ruled by the railroads and other money corporations until it has become unbearable by the farmers of this State, therefore, be it Rewlrtd That we, the members of this Alliance at Oak Grove, Neb., will support the People's Ticket this fall, believing as we do that if farmers are elected we will get justice through their efforts. Whereas: We the members of this Al liance, having seen the effects of liquor being used as a means of electioneering, do believe it to be a disgrace to the country and a violation of the statutes of the State, Therefore, be it Resolred, That we will enforce the law to the full extent if we find any liquor around the polls at our next election. A. Hawkins, J.H Dye. J. B. Scott, . Committee. J. Wgodgate, , Secretxry. BEATRICE 7sjT jz JSZ S CHA'S HEIDHART, Proprietor. 01 BAST OOTJKT STBSST, K. X. OJ POST OFFICE. . iisr.afcliolici 1888 marble and granite monument HEAD-STONES. TABLETS, VAULT. 8AROOPHAOI. CBMBTKBT WORK OP ALL KINDS. Branoh Tarda. Brewavllle an4 Rook LI1ELL HOTEL, LLSGOLN; NEBRASKA. Refurnished & Refitted. ELEGANT ROOMS. FIRST CLASS TABLE. Popular Rates. $1.50 ana $2.00 per day. NO BAR. 41tf J. O. McBMDE, REiL ESTATE DEALEK Loans, Insurance and Mistreats. Y :;ns8. 107 South Hth St., Basement. Lincoln, Nebraska, VT" Farm Loan attended to. and Inst mee written on farm buildings at a lew rat. ''thing-to trade? 13rf V7n. Daily & Co. LIVE STOCK Cattle, Hogs, Sheep and Horses. CASH ADVANCES ON CONSIGN MENTS. ROOM 84, Exchange Building, Un ion Stock Tards, South Omaha. Barnaul cbs: Aak your Banker. llstf Exposition DinuiG hall, xi2X N Street. LINCOLN, - - - NEBRASKA. 8. J. ODELL, Proprietor. , o Mr. Odeli ha newly repaired, refitted and steam-heated his Dining Hall, and i able to give better accommodations than any dining hall in Lincoln. Visitor to the eity will find this a very convenient place to stop. MEALS 25 CENTS. REAL ESTATE LOANS O farms in eastern Nebraska and Improved property la Lincoln for a term of year. Lowest Current Rates. B. B. & T. W. MOORE, RICHARDS BLOCK, Corner 11th & O Streets. Llncolm. J. M. ROBINSON, Kenxsaw, Adams County, Nut Breeder ana Skipper ef Records Polaaa China Hogs. Choice . Breeding- Stock for ale. Write for want. I Mention Tee 4ll1aaoe B. J. THORP & Co., Manufacturer of Rubber Stamps,- Seals Stencils, Badges and Baggage Checks Established lm ELKHfVRN VALfjWY HERD OF FANCY PO- VT e CHINA ana (Small YorKBbire Swine. A-SO Ply mouth Rock Poultry So (1 VMy stock is of tne Bbest that money could t)uy. Many show animals in my herd. Write for catalogue. L. H. SUTEK, Prep. 6m51 Neligh. Nebraska Alliance Campaign Songs 1 PER FIFTY SETS. A collection of six sonsrs by Venier Veldo, written to popular airs, with the riew to con cert singing at Alliance meeting throughout the campahrn. Printed on stout paper and sent, post paid, at 75 cts per 35 sets; fl per 50 sets; per 100 sets. Address 8 aader-. son & Co., Box 706, St. Leuis, Mo. $500 REWARD will be paid to the agent or any scale company will say oyer his own name as agent,that the J who OHM 5 TON WAGON SCALE, $60 j hi not equal to any made, and a standard reliable scale, iror particulars, aaura umf . , m of Blnghanton, Binghamon, XT. mwm oiinifflercfcits - ' i. ' . AT HONEST VALUE. We propose to do Business upon this principle and it will always be our platform of trade. We show a line of Jackets, Newmarkets and Wraps. The Lite has Never Been Seen in tie Ml Our prices start at $2 and range up to $75. MS mum Complete Line of Ladies, Misses' and Chil dren's Dresses, Choicest display in Dress Goods. Trimming, Hosiery and Underwear. Infants Complete Outfits. Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded. THE BAZAR, 1023 O Street, : : Lincoln, Neb. 1 NEWMAN'S OLD STAND. WHEN YOU NEED Dry Goods, Cloaks, Millinery, Holi day goods, Boots and Shoes, HERPOLSHEIMER & Co.'s K if S -US GREAT EXPOSITION. Have the largest stock in the west AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Iml8 Corner 12th Lincoln, - - ITE The finest ground floor Photograph Gallery in the State. AU Work in the inest finish. Satisfaction Guaranteed. 3263 Tith street. iotf. T. 1V. TO".'::SESD, Proprietor. C. W KNICELY'S OlxestTp 4 1 South nth St. First Door North of Farmers Alliance. Just Removed from Ashland, Neb. to 241 South nth St., Lincoln, where they have better facilities for doing a Strictly Cash Business, and as we have always had a large FBrmers trade, we still court more of it, and will make Farmers at a distance extra inducements if they will trust us with their orders. All mail orders will be filled promptly and wiih just as much care as though you were present. We carry a FULL AND COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES, Hardware, Stoves. Tinware and Queensware. I will always endeavor to meet any and all honorable competition. I can sell you for this week, 14 lbs Granulated Sugar $ 1 00. 15, 16, and iytbs C Sugar, $1.00. Teas from 20c to 75c per lb; Coffee from 25 to 35c. Good Laundry Soaps 6 and 7 Bars for 25c. HARDWARE, STAVES AND TINWARE AT WAY DOWN CASH PRICES. Call and see us or send in your mail orders. Remember we are next door north of Farmers' Alliance. Headquarters 241 South nth St., Lincoln, Neb. (iotf) C. W. KNICELY. TAKE CABE HOI? YOU SPE1 Y01 HONEY, There are other matters as important to you as railroad rates. If you pay 25 Per Cent, too much for your Fall Supplies you will not act wisely. This you are liable to do unless you investigate. A special 10 per cent, discount cuts bo fig ure when deducted from a full price. What you want is full value for what you pay Correct Prl es and No Humbuggiriy! Look the market Over, and as you pass along O Street, drop into our establishment. Fully equipped, we defy all competion. Entire Satisfaction guaranteed. Will be pleased to have you call at BAKER'S CLOTHING HOUSE. If OTTO: Quick Bales ana roflts. 1125 o n tl rut i ii DEPARTMENT STORES and N Streets, - - Nebraska. STUDIO O Street. On Piio to AIL mr inn nnniiN FALLArJP WirJTGn EDITION, CENGRAL CATALOGUE. Everything You Yon cannot avbrd to be without it: even if you don't tend a ua, it will eare you money guide to prices you should pay at hom. Utolosalo Formers' CO Wabash Ave., H1RDWARE Wholesale and Retail. BARB WIRE IN CAR LOTS. MILLET IN TINWARE, JOBBER'S PRICES, GASOLINE STOVES, " " REFRIGERATORS, " " ICECREAM FREEZERS, " " BOLTS AND SCREWS, 11 " Special prices to the Alliance. All ordom sent us by mail will have careful and prompt attention. MAXWELI SITARPK ROSS CO. " 104 NORTH Wtk 8TRBRT. LINCOIJT. E R lissley & Co, DEPARTMENT HOUSE. We carry one of the largest stocks west of the Missouri River, in Dry Goods, Carptes, Boots, Shoes and Groceries. We are prepared to figure on la ontracta of anything in our line and ALLIANCE PM PLK will do wel. to get our prices on Staple and Fancy goods. Farm Products ex hanged for Groceries and Dry Goods, Shoes and Carpets. We have three store rooms and our Carpet Department extends over all. You will save money by writing us for prices and samples etc. , (iotf) IF YOU WANT TO BUY DRY GOODS II CARS AT LOW PSICES EOR CASH, WE INVITE YOU TO CALK If at any time you are dissatisfied wfth a pur chase made from us, the goods can be returned and money will be refunded. Very Respectiully, MILLER & PAINE, 133 to 139 South 11th St., Lincoln, Neb. MONET LOANED TO WORTH T STUDFNTS. THERE are In the west to-day thoia4 of people who are anxious to attend college and get a start in life, but they are held hack far want Af funds. This college has provided a tnea by which erery farmer's son and daughter who desires, can secure an education whether they have money or not. A tartce sum of m ey has been set aside by this institution to be used in assisting worthy young men and wntaea who could not otherwise attend our college. This money will be loaned in such amounts a the individual ease seems to require and all the time necessary will be (riven In which to fay it back, thus enabling the student to graduate froiii ny of the cuures aivl then go out an) earn money to pay the loan. Ten states represented In the attendance. Good board in pri vate family f 1.5M per week This school has the endorsement of Gov. Thaver, The llor4 ef Trade. The Hankers. Business Men and Educators of the entire west. After you have rea all other circulars, send for our elegant catalogue. If you desire the college to aanlst you m above stated, you should lose no time in miking application. Address lml7 A. N. BABQIS, Pres., Grand Island, Neb. JPOJ? COXit. HDis count. UZRXjBTTT &c CO-, 1140 O Street. We Will All Sing.- If you send and get the New Alliance Songster. It is a little beauty containing) pages of mostly new songs written this year es- Kecially for this book by Alliance people, lost ef them are set to old and familiar tunes, so all may join in the music and enjoy it heartily. The price is placed at the exceedingly low rate or single copies 10 cents or 12 for $1.00. Postage 10 cents extra per dozen. Address, 3-tf Alliance Pub. Co., Lincoln, Neb.' The Iowa Steam Feed Cooker. The most practical, most convenient, most economi cal, and in every way the BEST STEAM FGEDOOOK ER MADE. A glance t the construction of it is enough to convince any man that it is far superior to anv other. For descrip tive circulars and prices apply to U. 8. wind Engine and Pump Oo.,Omaha, Neb stf LIGHTMhG WELL-SOIKb MCIIIIII WMTmil. 225 Di.rn.nd Pwnwctin Toota, tn(rl", Wio4 MI1U, Pump EclPli 7 imn. UlSR.Cunl C? Is iiia " l ' MUM, T nlAV ;s mrrv 3 cj r Eot, Wear and Uoe A EAGLE & CO., Supply tlouco, CHICACO. NAILS IN CAR LOTS. CAR LOTS. IN SUITABLE LOTSL i ii 14 if II Corner I Oth anc, P Streets. 18GJ. 1890. K. W. HOHMANi Obltst ami Hvmt inn)ltle Ju4c llo'ie In the ..', dbftlay inj Iciblinij awl firntrclas PIANOS and OfiGANS. A full Una of VlllDft, Aooordeoot, aa4 Ma aioal Merchandtii. Sheet Mimic and Mast Books AgmnX for oelrtd makas ml Brass Instruments. Tn Alliance eaa savs from 16 to 30 pmr oaat. 8potal Terats to Clubs. Onrrespondeaoe or a oal aoltoit. F. W. HOiniAN. WANTED. A responsible agent in every precinct, altv Alliance men preferred, to handle "Our Ko- Ftublloan Monarchy" by Venier V'oldo. duf ng the campaiirn. The fastest selling boat of the day, treating all public inucs in plain laniruatre. 40 percent commission to avenM. Address atonco A. K. Sanderson, publisher, box 706 8t. Louis Mo. Established 1875. Incorporated IN. U.S. SCALE CO., Manufacturers of Stock, Wagon, Honpsr. Miners Dormant, i-Depot and K. It. Traak Scales, all sizes Greatest Improvements-Lowest Prices! We have had 15 yerrs' experience in this business and will guarantee satisfactory work or no pay. Send for circulars and prices be fore buying. 2-25 S. J. AUSTIN, Pres., Terre Haute, In. Autemati. tfin-MIU Horrulator fkrtvt Bill Mt f gmr Ua taak is JkB ; bw ftm vkat , whv mwn u wu. Mi WnSV Poplar OroTw, XHi 1 E3 l-i ?l 1 & a " TBI 4 i