iff 'i.yt- 'L1U-J A LINCOLN, NEB , SATURDAY, OCT. 1L, 1890. VOL. II. NO. 17. 1 fill s -a j fi 42" K s i i "I Notice to Subscribers. EXPIRATIONS. As the easiest and cheapest means of noti fying subscribers of tbe date of their expira tions we will mark this notice with a blue or red pencii.on the date at which their subscrip tion expires. We will send the paper two weeks after expiration. If not renewed by that time it will be discontinued- Written for The Alliance by J. Burkows. , THE FARMER'S DEMAND FOR CHEAP MONEY. Interest the Great Accumulator. Money is the controlling factor in production. Being exchangeable for xll other kinds of capital, it necessarily emb'races arid comprehends all other kinds. Rent being simply payment for Money in another form, and wages de pending upon the price of produced products, and this price depending upon the volume of money, it will be seen that money is really not only the ontrolling factor in production, but that the limitations of its volume must enable those who control it to exact for its nse any amount under the starvation line at which production would cease. Let us also observe that the question which is of mo3t importance to us is not as to the absolute accumulative power ef interest, but its relative accumula ting power. If all produced wealth is divided between the three factors, rent, wages and interest; and it is shown that interest reserves an undue proportion, it will necessarily follow that the other factors do not receive their rightful share. Kent being pay for the use of capital in other forms than money, it will only be necessary for us to consider interest j in its relation to labor, elimi nating the factor of rent; or to consider rent and interest interconvertible terms, Meaning the same thing. There are nly two uses to "which the product of labor can be applied the payment of the yearly rent or tnterest on the capi tal employed, and the payment of labor. It is proper Also to consider that this teeing a question of proportions, it can not be affected by any expedients which do not change proportions. If the accu Maulating power of money is such that it takes fer itself all the results of labor except a bare subsistence for the labor r, it is evident that any combination to increase production or to lessen the expense of it can only result in a larger income to money. It is for this reason probably that with all our prodigious strides in production, and with all our ombinations to increase it and lessen its cost, it is only the controllers of aoney capital who (scem to be advanc ing ana accumulating. lhis arises from the fact that interest, under our restrictive financial system, is absolute ly pervasive; that every interest and very kind of labor pays tribute to it. Under our present system immunity from debt gives no immunity from interest. As an element of cost, and consequently of price, interest is com puted in every part of the manufactur ers' plant, on his investments of money in material, on that part of money he expends in wages, on the money held idle in unsold stocks, and the last pur chaser pays it in the price. In the case of the importer interest begins with the first payment for foreign goods. It is computed on the amount expended in ocean freights, on the duties paid, cost of warehousing, etc. When the goods are sold to the jobber the interest continues, expanded by the sum of the importer's profit. The re tailer adds interest on every part of the investment, and the consumer pays all when he buys the goods. We give below an illustration of the accumulation of wealth with rent or in terest at 7 per cent, and labor at one dollar per day, taken from Kellogg on Labor and Capital; page 84. Suppose John and Richard to be poor boys, each ten years old, who expect to be'bound out at the proper age to learn the carpenter's trade. But a rich uncle bequeaths to John . a house worth ten thousand dollars. It is worth so much, because it will rent for seven hundred dollars a year over and above taxes, insurance and repairs. John's guar dian is a lawyer, and will collect the rent and loan it out for him at seven per cent per annum, getting his fees from those who borrow the money. John likes Richard, and learns his trade with him, and earns his living by his la boi as Richard does. John instructs his lawyer to purchase another house, whenever the rent of the one accumu lates enough to buy a second equal to the first. If the interest be regularly collected and loaned at seven per cent, and the interest be collected half yearly, it will equal the principal in ten years and one month; when his lawyer can buv for John a second house.so that when he is twenty years and one month old, he will be the owner of two houses, ihese two houses rented for ten years and one month more, will buy for John two houses more; so that at the age of thirty vearrr-d two months he will own four nouses: at forty years and three months he will own eight houses: at fifty years and four months, sixteen houses: at six ty years and five months, thirty-two houses: at seventy years and six months, sixty-four houses; and at eighty years and 'seven months of age, he will own one hundred and twenty-eight houses, each of which is rented at seven nun dred dollars a year; and all of them to gether are bringing in a clear yearly in come of eighty-nine thousand six hun dred dollars. Now what has John, or his uncle or his guardian done, that the public should be obliged to give to . John one hundred arid twenty-seven houses for seventy years use of one house? These one hundred and twenty seven houses are all legally his; and our laws maintain that John has as equita ble a right to them as if he had bought the lots and built the houses by his own labor. Yet, if we aUow labor to be worth a dollar a day, it would take the entire earnings of sixty men for over seventy years to pay for the one hun dred and twenty seven houses, which the use of one of the houses has in sev enty years legally acquired John, with out the performance of any labor on his Part- , We give some additional illustrations of different rates of rent and interest: Suppose seven per cent to be a fixed rate of interest, and V. to be a farmer who, at the age of twenty-one, inherits five farms, worth ten thousand dollars each. He wishes to cultivate one him' self, and to sell or rent the remaining four. A., B., C. and D. are farmers without property, and are obliged to hire their farms, i hey cannot expect . to rent them his for less than the interest on the money for which they would sell. Suppose tne"se men to rent V.'s four farms at seven hundred dol lars a year each; and V. to collect his rent yearly, and lend the money to oth ers at seven per cent, and yearly to col lect and reloan this interest, lhe rent and accruing interest upon the rent, in ten years and three months, would en able V. to buy four additional farms. worth ten thousand dollars apiece, which he could rent to four more ten ants. Following this up for seven pe riods of ten years and three months we hnd tha"t in seventy-one years and nine months V. would become the possessor of five hundred and twelve farms, worth ten thousand dollars each, and bringing in a yearly income of seven hundred dollars apiece. Five hundred and eight of these farms would be added to V .'s wealth by the labor of his tenants, not to mention the improvement made on their original value by the labor; and V. would have had besides, the entire produce of the one farm reserved for his own cultivation. We will now see what would be the result to V. and his tenants from the simple change of the rate of interest from seven to one per cent, ouppose V. as before, to inherit five farms, each worth ten thousand dollars, one of which he cultivates himself. If he should sell the remaining four for ten thousand dollars each, he could lend the money at one per cent, that is for four hundred dollars; but he rents the farms to A., B., C. and D. at one per cent on their value, and thus receives the same income. If V. should loan this yearly rent of one hundred dollars on each farm, yearly collecting and reloaning the interest, nearly seventy years would elapse before the rent paid him by A., B., C. and D., and its accruing interest, would buy four more farms of equal value with those rented; whereas, in a bout the same period, at seven per cent. the rent and it3 accruing interest would buy -five hundred and eight farms. Whether the interest were at one or seven per cent.V. would equally receive the products of his labor on the farm that he kept for his own use; but at sev en per cent, he would gain by the labor am dv tne laoor of his tenants live mil hons and eighty thousand dollars worth 01 land: wnue at one per cent he would gain by their labor hut four thousand dnllar s worth. The interest on money at seven per cent is as oppressive as the same rate per cent, on land. Suppose V. instead of renting his four farms, should sell them for $10,000 each, and loan the money at the legal rate of seven per cent, collecting and reloaniner the in terest yearly. In ten years and three months, the principal and interest would amount to $80,000: in twenty years and six months, co $160,000: in thirty years and nine months, to $320,000: in fifty- one years and three months, to $1,280, 000: in sixty-one years and six months, to $2,560,000. and in seventv-one vears and nine months,-to $5,120,000. Multi ply $10,000 by five hundred and twelve, the number of farms, and it will give the same sum. If V. should sell the four farms for $40,000, and lend the money on bond and mortgage at seven per cent, orequirwer as usual double the value in land as security, he would have mortgages covering over $10,240,000 worth of landed estate;, and the people occupying this land would be hard at work to pay him the interest: thus rap dly concentrating wealth in his hands, nsieau 01 uin using 11 10 supply ineir A. 1 - C 1 ' i- . 1 . 1 own wants. But with interest at one percent, $40, 000 leaned for seventy years would ac cumulate but $40,000 more; whereae. at seven per cent it would accumulate $5, 080,000. This difference in interest of $5,040,000 would be added to V.'s wealth rom the earnings of others, while V.'s accumulation of money-or increase of ands would not add either a dollar to the quantity of money, or an acre to the quantity of land. It would only have monopolized it for V.'s beneht t would have caused the people to owe $5,080,000, and make them $5,040,000 poorer than if interest had been at one per cent. The contracts between V and his tenants being made in conform ity with the standard at seven per cent, they must pay him the $5,040,000, or de- raud him of what is legally his due; and if he voluntarily takes less than this for them, it is an act of charity. Seven per cent is not the standard for V. only; it is a public standard that favors other capitalists equally in the various branches or business, and imposes upon the producing classes generally obliga tions similar to those imposed upon V.'s tenants To give some idea to what extent the power, of interest operates, it can only be necessary to say, that all the money ent on bonds and mortgages by indivi duals, by insurance and trust companies; all the money lent for United btates. state, county, city, railroad, canal and other bonds, made to raise vmoney for public improvements, whether these 1m provements be made by corporations, by states or by individuals; also the money lent by banks, brokers and indi viduals on promissory notes all these loans are operating with a like central izing . power against the producers and in favor of the money-lenders. This power also establishes a like rate per cent rent to be paid for the use of all property, real and personal. The rent of houses and lots in cities, and of farms in the country, must conform to this t? 'S! J0U7KmUL0ilflrt0 merchandise tnat are on hand in the nation, and that are in process of being produced ana manuractured, are gov erned in their value by money, and are under tribute to its centralizincr power. It is an unavoidable power, because it is instituted, upheld and enforced by the national laws, and is the basis upon which all market values are founded. T 1 j&ememoer, mac money nas no ac cummulating power apart from labor, that interest is paid from annual pro ducuon. Hut there is no conceivable production by labor that would not be exceeded and dwarfed by interest at 6 or 7 per cent. Interest at even two per cent per annum would inevitably op press the producers. It is stated, and generally accepted as ma fl,at tho total ntfTPt. heanncr " " " I j.i ., tt.a.j " aeot in me uuu ouue ;muuu itau,uw,uuu,uuu. J.ne annual interest ou this sum" at 6 per cent amounts to $1,800,000,000. This is undeniably a , . rr . . t t. iact. J.ne immensity oi it can omy ue , , . , . . shown by comparison. We have taken from the official reports of the treasury department the following figures as to the production rT r np nrnp pk iimiiihii i i. j i for the year 1887, and have carried out this value in dollars at prices named. It will be seen that the total value of these products are more than $087,000,-1 000 short of paying the : interest on the acknowledged dent oi ourpeopie. w e say total value. T)W.t.frnm this valiiP. the cost of production and the subsist ence of producers, and how much would be left to lighten the burden of interest. Wool. 269,000,000 lbs, & 15c 40,350,000.00. Cotton, 3,43(,173 391 " Pig Iron. 6.417,148 ton " 7c 24r), 742.067 37." " 16 38,502,888 00. 50 106.982,000.00. " 60c 273,797.400.00. " 20c 291,232.200.00 K u. bars sutfSJu Wheat, 456.329.000 bu. Corn. 1,456.161.000 bu. Petrol'm 1,166,483,074 gals " 10c 118,648307.40. ' ' f 1,112,206,862.77. No man can intelligently investigate this subject without becoming convinc- ed that the total net production ot tne - . . - . . m .1 I cuuuuv tu-uay uui ucuaj 11,0 est debt. Can anyone doubt that it is interest, under our unjust monetary system, which is the cause of the increase of poverty amidst increasing wealth? "I Feel like Licking Every Old and Mid dle aged Man I Meet. This speech was uttered by a young man who has always oeen consiaereu a "model" voune man ia the commu nity where he lives. He is sober and innnstrinns also economical: and such an expression, falling from his lips with such earnestness, naturaliy led us to in- quire why? "W hy," said he, "see what they have done tor us, tneir cnnaren. Thev have voted us into slavery, and not only us, but our children also, -tne old "pewter Heads" have been voting and voting, lo these many years, and what is the resnlt? Any one can see the result in the present state of affairs, when we work sixteen hours a day for merely enough to keep soul and body x. 4 I- 1 1 n-r.rA I logeiner, auu wucu we aic yioyu ujuu 1 by all the frauds the ingenuity 01 the devil and his aids can originate. And it is all men's fault that have been doing ua nf,n fn tho noct tVii-rf-c- vpra otiii , think thev deserve their children's L.0c - : fnrthvhave Wasted their twos erity and made their lives wretched, all 1 1 .uj 7 .;v1tt .nmlno wav of voting. What answer could 1 maKe to this? It is all true, too true. Some of these old men see, now that it is too late, their fatal mistake, and try to excuse themselves by saying they were deceiv ed. or that they didn't know, &c. &c What right had they to cast a ballot if they didn't knowwnattney were voting for? What right have they to plead ig norance as the cause of this folly? I tell you, old Captain Trevellick hits them exactly when he says they never read anything but their party newpa per and played high nve. 1 he ola men that have had the management of this nation in their power,, and relegated it to Lawyers, Bankers and Wall Street, have a terrible charge to answer to. You have voted your children and your children.s children into slavery worse than black slavery ever was. You have been too idle and too careless to look after your own or your children's inter ests, much less the nation's, i; or what ever is good for the nation is good for the citizen. Well, you have made the citizens of this nation bankrupt slaves to monopolistic greed, slaves to taxa tion, slaves to the money power. You have shaken thair faith in their govern- ment, in their fellow men, and in many cases in their God, for they think if there was a just God, He never would have permited you to live to accomplish so much meanness by your imbecility. Not understanding the scriptures they reason that way. Why don't they un derstand the scriptures? they must utmost lucj uiuau work, work, work. They have no time 4- J.Iw, 1 ,4 y-f w sv snot to pav a minister: and thev as a rule LLJ A Call . UlI 1.1 1 1 UL, LlinLUIl V. OiUU UU 111UUUV don't preach without pay; and the most of them are so poor, (having had voting fathers also.) they cannot give their time without pay. The "way up minis ter" who preaches to suit the monopo list, and does not therefore need to preach the gospel can "draw" a big salary, but as a rule, the "Preacher" who preaches the gospel of Christ is ib the same to it with the rest of us, and has had a voting father, and grandfather too, perhaps, jnow this is a terrible state of affairs, but there might be some amends made, even at this late day. Old men, rouse! shake off your imbe cility, your party predjudice, your old isms, whatever they are, and cast one vote for your children this fall, make one effort to save them from lasting ruin. You have made them .victims, now come and help rescue them from the terrible fate awaiting them and turn your children's curses into blessings. feeward, .Neb. 15. J. FROM BURT COUNTY. TEKAMAH. "Ner.. &firt,. 22 1890 Editor Alliance: The Silver Creek Center Farmers' Alliance was organized may oru, iouu, witn is cnarter mem bers, and by earnest work it has steadily gained ever since. At one meeting twelve new luemueis we its lmuaieu, ana now as this is the elosina of the quarter we are proud Jo say that there are still more applying fbr membership. The Alliance wort h met with great success in Burt r;" ir:Wi ,J ciiw;uuvu. xiiu xLiiiaiiuo uii9 lurty members, and all are laboring with en- ergy for the good of the order. lhe independent ticket will certainly carry in this Silver Creek precinct. The primary neid by the independent people some time ago had a 'hundred present, which is the largest gathering of the kind in this precinct for years. The re- pumwaus nau inree ac tneir primaries, wno ior years nave had hftv to sixtv. Tl J . , ... . " J - xue uemocracs nave iaued to cet an v. vuc uui iu uieir primaries. 4. A A. I - C J VVM. TACHLOCK, Sec. Alliance No. 1704. ARE YOU A MAJORITY OR NOT? , y Do You Want to Be'Counted? Editouof Alliance.- The campaign has Deffun. l he PO ltlCiaos are auuai- . . . l ,J : inf? to acar memories auu um, msww (.nnnftf.teH w5th the old parties.- Th trvini? to arouse the old preiu- dices, decrying our new movement and promising most liberally the deliverance that we need. : Now comes xne test oi j v;n OUT WI3UOU1 ailU OUl 1UI LJtlun3. the maS3 Gf farmers and laborers hold to this new way or will many turn back at the call of the politicians and editors i wnu n iH.Li.Hr are uuiv yuiiuuiauo u embryo ) ? We industrialists must stand bv thi3 new movement. ,- lhe politicians tell -us in their platforms and in their addresses and ' articles that now they believe that the mass of the farmers want legislative assistance, and that now they .believe that they need it. It was a minority wmen uauiuieu ucimc, they say, out now it is me majority; and their partv loves the farmer and means to do him lusticc. just eiect. them, say they, and the aid shall come. StoD and thinf:, you who purpose votinff with the old parties. Our votes have not neen counted. jno one Knows just how many we are. Are we a ma ioritv of the Republican party in this State? or of the uemocratic party 7 or of the Prohibition party! We believe so, but nobody has counted us. Sup pose we should divide; and vote with the old parties. When the count shall be made who can ten wnicn is a reiorm ballot and which is an old party ballot? WW III! I'M II I f. I I W I in.iit I 1UUI ULlO H-lV candidate or the old line votes elected mm? jan vou aisprove rs u it is claimed that you are not a majority of the old party? The majority rules the party. The candidate is in honor bound to serve the wisnes 01 tne major ity of those who elect him. Suppose he claims to owe his election to the bank ! ers, railroads, business" men and those who sympathize with them, tie win look out for their interests, of course, rather than for you, when aay conflict of interests arises. Your candidate will generally be a lawyer, editor or business man, you usually disdain a farmer, one of your own number. Your law- av' svmpathize more with capital than ver. editor or ousiness man win gener- with labor. If he can without taking a downrieht bribe receive favors and aid from the capitalists he will be strongly tern Dted' to. do so. He will only want an. excuse to favor the banfcs, railroads, etc.: and that excuse will be ready to hand that vou are not a majoity of his constituents. You will have elected a new man but he will be of the old starem. You can pocket your wrath andsav to yourselves MS-o-l-d a-g-a-i n. . . . , . 1 H 1 a.nu tne same ining wm uaptsu yci after vear so lone as your votes cannot be distincniiahed from the rest. Has it not been so for ten years or more?- 11 t. n. .nn,,ontot;iraiiTniii nsH aWav the old platforms so that we have Ui nnthtnrr9 ahott.h.t- fi Transportation Board? Will notour I u ent platform? Can any platform be so constructed as that those office hold ers who study the art of "how not to do it" cannot explain it away, to their own satisfaction at least We need a separate platform and staadard-bearer from among ourselves. We want candidates of the people and for the people. We want a separate count. We want men who know who elected them. . They may be a little slow at first, but they will learn; and they wlU dare and they will DO. , pi . a., dlackheb, Sec'y Peoria Alliance. ONE OF MR. BOYD'S LETTERS AND THE REPLY. James E. Boyd, Omaha. 30th Sept., 1890. Mr. Benkleman, Neb. Dear Sir: We are anxious to hare a thorough organization in every State and believe that if the demociats do their duty to the party this year their I efforts will be crowned wim success. Anything you can do for us or any in formation vou flrive us of the political situation in your neighborhood will be dulv amreciated bv Very truly yours, James E. Boyd. Benkleman, Neb., Sept, 29, 1890. My Dear Sir: Replying to the within beg to inform 1 c, uui.year iu f-' mv precinct and that this b ln i noi !be Tdemocratic .. There is a Power(s) in this I tit i V ULCO X LL All V uu. uuutw I v ' - year there vote there county, but not for the democrats. xours, etc An Object Lesson. A number of ladies in a town whose name is not given, although the story is vouched for, were engaged in assisting the managers of a county fair. They decorated the Floral Hall tastefully, and had a miniature log cabin erecetd where a pioneer husband and wife should dispense hospitality in old time pioneer style. They had been assured that no liquor saloon would be permit ted on the grounds, but when the fair opened a saloon opened, too. The ladies took counsel privately and, be hold, the log cabin changed appearance the husband posed as a drunken sot, and dilapidation and all the requsite accompaniments of a drunkard's home appeared! on the scene. Over the door was hung a notice, "This was caused by licensing a saloon on the fair grounds." Protest was made against this repre sentation of the saloon business, but, like the saloon, , it seemed to have come without any one being responsible, and 80 ther stood side by side. And why Pxyv,u ui uui izlului ies, lai uia auu mills are exhibited with pride at our fairs, and why should we not, also, exhibit the results of the distiller's business? This inspiration ought not to be lost. A business worth perpetuating ought to be exhibited in all its stages, for the study of the intelligent visitors of our fairs, v , .- -. We invite all our readers to carefnlly study Labor and Capital, by Edward Kellogg. Price 20cts. For sale at this office. . MISCONCEPTION. This la a spray the bid clans to. Making it blossom with pfanrt Er the high tre-top she Bprnngto -Fit for her nest and ber treasure. Oh, what a hop beyond measure Was the poor spray ,8 which the flying feet hung tos 80 to be singled out, built in and sung to I II. '.- ' This is a heart the Queen leant oa. Thrilled in a minute erratic, -Ere the true bosom she bent on. Meet for love's regal dalmatic. Oh, what a fancy ecstatic Was the poor heart's, ere the wanderer went on Love to bo saved for it, proffered to, spent on! ' ' Browning.. A TERRIBLE RIDE. BEGAN life one of the railways of states as "cleaner" in on big the a an engine-shed. I had been em ployed in the shed at Louis ville lor about fifteen or sixteen months when I went on my first trip us a fireman. It was very near being by last. 1 firmly believe all the years ol Hying about in an express since 1 was made an engineer have not tak tn as much out of me as that single turn of an hour and a half. It oc curred in this way: One evening the superintendent at Louisville received a wire from Wes- on a station about seventy miles down the line to send an engine to replace one which had broken down. 1 le came to the shed and selected the Jen. Grant, one of the finest locomo uves on the road. Then he sent word to the engineer and fireman to ome on duty and start on their journey at 7 o'clock. The driver, lien JN orris, was tnere in good time, and busied himself with his oil-can. But Jim West, the Ureraan, did not turn up punctually, At ast when it as near the hour or starting, he came into the shed. . 1 nna ir anm of. hia h nnHfihnt, PVPB - 1 v'" f.w-v ' . !itim nnar.pji ii v w.'i.l t shnwpii rtifl Showed me he xvas the worse for drink. 1 Poor fel- Kriwt"T kne w" t he cause of this: a nd irom the bottom of my heart I pitied him. The week before he had lost his ' little daughter Kate, and to irown his grief he had taken to liquor. "1 I knew he was utterly incapable of jvoing on duty, and I also knew that it he was discovered in this state it would mean instant dismissal. There was only one thing for it H not her fireman must be found im mediately. If the matter was refer red to the superintendent it would be all up with mv mend Jim. from that moment I made up my mind to take his place myself. I gave him in charge of one of my mates, who promised to take him home quietly. I thought that in a hours he would have slept off th effects of the liquor, and I left word to have him come on by the night train to Weston. I had to explain matt rs to the engineer, but he made r.o objections to nfy plan. It struck me at the time that lie took the mat ter very coolly; in fact, he seemed perfectly indifferent as to who went with him. Time was up. I took my place in 1 he cab. Norris set to work at once nnd we moved slowly out of the shed. We were off! While in the station I took care to keep bending down, as if examining the hre, so that 1 should not be rec ognized. But once clear of the town 1 stood upright and looked around. It was a glorious summer evening, We skimmed rapidly past meadows 1 stood upright and looked around. ana cornneias ana tnenaasneaaiong the bridge over the river. I began t 1 j 1 t 1 .1 1 to think I would enjoy the run im mensely. I next turned my attention to the engine. As 1 ran my eve oVer the Khining machinery , I felt gratified lo think that its neat order was lneflv owing to my care. I was proud of the Grant and wondered if the time would ever come when I should have charge of it myself. I was so elated that I thought my, companion ought to be more lively. Ben seemed to think of nothing but his work. He stood with his hand on the throttle, and his eyes steadily fixed upon the track ahead. I made one orkwo remarks, but he scarce ly answered me. While I was won dering at his silence he suddenly ap peared to arouse himself. He glan ced at the steam-gauge, muttered something which I did not under stand, then bent down and examin ed the fire-box. "More coal! he cried in a voice which almost startled me. I complied without a word. In- ftead of throwing in the coal reck lessly,- which I knew would only leaden the fire, I piled it up careful ly around the sides. Very soon the speed of the engine increased.- "We wereraCtling along at a grand ra te. I examined the gauge and saw that the hand pointed to 195. I could not see the necessity for this rapid traveling. t My companion s attention was aarain fixed upon the road before him. Presently he turned toward me and exclaimad excitedly: "Who savs that the Grant is not the fastest engine on the road?' 'Moxlv declared that the President was faster." I replied "Then helipd! 1 1 ied Norris. "The shall see. we ?-ii.-! S i thoiihthis manner very strange, to say the least of it. But I knew h ways and naid nothing. He was. flways .considered rather eccentric.! Jle-sMr'8, he was easily excited and --iild not bear to be contradicted, till there was not a driver on the liiie better acquainted with his bus iuf'ss. And, by the way, I have forpjotten t o say a word as to his appearance. Well, then, he was a big, powerful leliow, with a broad, red face, and a bushy beard. It was hard "to deal with such a man. If he once put his loot down there was no getting him to budge until his humor changed. We were now coming close upon Waterford station, and had already done about five-and-twenty miles of the journey. Ben'seyes were still up on the track. It was all clear ahead, yet I expected to see him close the throttle am slow down while passing through the station. Bat I was mistaken. With a roar and a rush we dashed right through, nnd the next minute we were tearing along a level stretch on the other side. "More coal!" Not only the words themselves, but the manner in which j hey were uttered caused me serious alarm. I bej?an to suspect, that something was wrong. Still, if I hes itated it might only aggravate him, so I flung in a small quantity. "(10 on go onr 5 What was 1 to do? I didn t dare to refuse. The wild look in Norris' eyes frightened me, and I went on shoveling in the fuel. 1 glanced at the gauge. Great heavens! it mark ed 230! This pressure of steam, where no cars were attached to the engine, meant a fearful rate of speed. The engineer s mnnner was strange ly altered. Instead of being silent and morose be was now excited and talkative. "That's it!" he cried, and I could barely catcb the words from the roaring of the engine. "Now we're traveling! Ha!T-ha! The Pessident faster than the Grant? Not likely! I'll catch up to Wr yet, see if I don't!" Shall I ever forget thiuse terrible words! They actually sb.;med to paralyze me. As I stood "there, clinging for support to tne side. or the cab, an awful truth Hashed through my mind, lhe engineer was maaj auu, worse bum, uh wub 1 a i 1 xi iii r j a unaertneaeiusion umi tue rresiaem. Mr m. ' . h : WH8 OH 1U Irani. llll IUIB IU8U.IIO .j . 1 1 u .1- : j iu uib ukuu lie uein nuueu lu n-jr the peed of the two engines. My first impulse, when. I had part ly recovered from the shock, was to spring forward and grasp the re versing rod. But a moment s re flection showed me that this might instantly seal my doom. Norris would have grappled with me, and if it came to a .struggle 1 was lost. He would fling me headlong Irom the engine. Then another thought occurred to me. ilea ven lorgive me: out 1 must strike him from behind in order to save my life. I 'ooked around for a weapon. As I did so be seemed to guess what l was at, and turning round thrust his hand into his breast. The next moment he held a revolver toward me, while his blazing eyes threatened instant death ifldidnot desist. Alter that I gave myself up for lost. Unless providence interposed on my behalf a horrible end awaited me. Up tct this I had felt the heat oppres sive, but now l shivered. My hands were cold and clammv. A band of iron seemed to encircle my head. On we tore, the engine swaying tear fully. Every moment I expected to to be blown to atoms by the burst ing of the boiler. Norris never ceased about the race with the President. And yet. though he was bo absorbed in his work, he kept his eye on me the whole time. Then it was that an idea Hashed nci OSS me. A lamt hope sprang up in my mind. I must overcome him by uJU ,u. tuu.-u.u. cunning; it was the only chance. 4 I advanced to examine the md lca- tor; and, though my heart sank when I saw the hand quivering at 250, I made it appear as if I were delighted. "Good," I cried, "we ll - beat her yetl But we want more coal. I made toward the tender, placed ray left hand upon a lump of coal and struck it across the back with the sharp edge of the shovel. The blow left a gash from which the blood flowed freely. I ga ve a cry and Nor ris instantly turned round I held up my right hand that he might see the blood dripping from it. Then I stood with my back to ward him a.nd pretended to bind up the wound. But I only wrapped a handkerchief round it, and quick as lightning drew out my pocket-book. 1 tore awav the leaves which were written on, and placing the book up on mv knee scrawled these words across the first page: "Driver mad. wire, grease rails." v Then.holdingit in my injured hand, I thrust it under my jacket and re turned to the engineer's side. Wre were now rapidly approaching Weston, but I knew that Norris did not intend to stop. ,And I was right. He blew a long whistle, as if to start I'? the officials, and the engine shot t brcugh the station like a rocket. , But I had managed to drop my f-ocketbook at the side of he track. T did not dare to look back or make the slightest sign to the Weston of f cials. If Iliad don so I certainly rould have got a bullet through me. S till I fancied I had caught a glimpse f f a man hurrying forward to where t'jr book had fallen. The suspense was terrible. Even if ihev noticed the pocket-book, they I. light -not be able to understand' r liat was written inside; for it may !e imagined that under the circum Int faster we -'-tauctv the scrawl was barely legible 1 had made up mr mind what to xpeet. The next station was lied i''ork, but fiiteen miles farther on I vas sure the track wouM be clear as tar as this place, but on. e past it w uiight encounter an up train at any moment. If the Weston people discovered my message they would wire at ono to Bed Fork, ami there would b time enough for the officials at that . station to grease a portion of the rails before we came on the scene. Should this bo done on any partof an incline the wheels would slip on the track and the engine soon come to a standstill. It was with a thrill of joy I remembered that there was such a piece of road just outside Bed Fork ttation. But if it turned out otherwise, and we passed the place without leing t topped, I resolved to lose no time in grappling with the engineer. Coma what might, I would spring upon ,him and try to wrench the revolver from his hand. The case would thea be desperate; and it was as well to die in a fight for life as to wait pa tiently and be mangled in a collision. When I arranged all this in my mind I endeavored to resign myself to late. I could do 110 more at pres ent. But the agonies 1 suffered dur ing that short run from Weston to lied Fork I can never describe. The terrible strain of suspense, the wild rush, the swaying irom side to side, made me feel sick and faint. 1 clung on without daring to look on either hand; if I had done so I think I could not have withstood the temptation to fling myself from the engine. It was getting dusk. I was dimly conscious of hedges, telegra ph poles, and bridges skimming past me like ho many flashes'. The hoarse shouts of the madman made my blood run cold. He seemed to be working himself into a regular frenzy. Bed Fork one mile ahead! One minute more would decide th question o" life or death. 1 drew my breath hard; I trembled like a child. We had reached tha in cline. The ngine went at it with a 'dash. I glanced out to see if any Iriendly figures were on the track. Not a soul was in sight! I groaned nnd almost fell on the floor of the t ab. The surrounding objects seem ed to fade from my view, and in their Dlace rose up a picture of the old lioiM. away in England. I saw th little cottpge; I looked into mr mother's face- "Oh, thank God!" , Never before nor loirce did such a cry of joy escape me, for at that mo ment 1 felt the wheels of the engine slip. Gradually the furious npeed declin ed. Norris dashed about the cab Ktorniing and swearing. Very soon we were almost at a standstill. The next second I had jumped to th lround. Onlvjustin time. The madman had turned savagely upon me, I sup- o-e suspecting that I had some thing to do with the stoppage. I r- aw his purpose and ducked my head as a bullet from a revolver whizzed over it. Then I ran for dear Hie down the track. When I was out of range I sat upon the bank, completely over fome. The reaction was too much for me, and I believe for a minute or two I was quite unconscious. But before I became insensible I heard mother report from the pistol. I knew what had happened. I was aroused by a confused hum of voices. Upon opening my eyes I f-aw lour men standing around me.' 1 got up at once and hurried back to the engine. There stood the Grant upon th t rack with full speed up, the wheels revolving with frightful rapidity; but without making the least head way. One of my companions sprang on board and shut off steam. Then ho t ame to the Bide, looked down, and exclaimed: "I say, boys, Norris has put a bul let through his brainl" I knew it. Chatter. Fatal Struggle with a Tlgar. Details are given in the Indian pa pers of the painful death of Mr. How ard, of the Norfolk regiment, from injuries received in a struggle with a t iger. Mr. Howard was out shoot ing near Malapuram, on the west coast, when he suddenly came upon u tiger. He fired and wounded th animal, which fled into the jun gle. Mr. Howard an hour later cam uross the tiger in the open. Th anirral charged at him, and Mr. Howard in firing missed. Two na- 1 fives ran away. Though a third re mained and was successful in shoot ing the tiger, he did not succeed in time to prevent it from seizing and inflicting serious injuries on Mr. Howard. From these he was ijt first expected to recover, but he died sud denly, to the great regret of his regi ment, one morning shortly after his exciting struggle.London News. Killed and Ato Her Now Hue . band. From the London Hawk. An extraordinary story of canni balism comes from Zanzibar. A lov match had been made between a couple of young Swahilis, and on th day following that of the marriage t he bridegroom's friends called to of f ;v the customary congratulations. Viiey experienced some difficulty in fretting into the hut and at last i'rced an entrance, when they found (hat the bride of a day had killed ht r beloved lord, had already had feast off his body, and was pre paring the remainder for future use. I t few 1 . t )