THE FARMEBb' ALLIANCE: LINCOLN, NEB., SATURDAY, SEPT. 20, 1890. BRO. C. L. HARPSTER DOES UP CHAS. WOOSTER. Bertrand, Neb., Aug. 25. Editor Progress: -Will yeu kindly allow me space in your paper to reply, to a letter written to the Omaha Bee by one Chas. Wooster of Silver Creek, Neb., and copied into the Nugget of Holdrege? After saying that there has been so much said about the principles of the Alliance, he starts out by saying they have been " ignored, trampled in the dust," and so on. Then he gives the declaration of principles of the Alliance full ' A wl fki T 0iv-hSaA Via a1 t-r himself: "There you have it; now you all kmow as much about it as I do," and to the uninitiated it must seem as though he was right, and we that advise ana support independent political ac tion are in tne wrong. I want to ask every member of the Farmers' Alliance(Charles Wooster with tne others) who have taken the obliga tions of the Alliance, if these declara tions are all there is of the Alliance! And further, do we compel any one ;o take the obligation unless they wish to? And do we not give enough knowledge just prior to the giving of the obligation that all may know what will be the na ture of that pledge or obligation? Also recollect what comes just before and iuujr iue wuiu permuted in mat ODJ 1L - 1 t l 'il ,, . A 1 -a ligation; and then see if their conclu sions will, be so irresistible that the Alliance is fast cutting loose trom its moorings, or that the leaders are "self-deceived-r-blinded by their own selfish ambitions, or are unmitigated frauds, or a little of both?" I think all who are not prejudiced by party ties or seeking party place or power, will be convinced that the Alli ance is right in its conclusion as to inde pendent action in politics. All of your talk about members getting red under the collar, and about leaving it all to the Alliance to settle, is merely buncombe and both written for effect on our new members and voters outside the gates of the order, and very well you know it. I joined the Alliance some nine or ten years ago under the old style of organi zation. I never then or since have seen any Alliance officers use their power or influence to prevent members from dis cussing the old parties, new parties, or any and all means to get the farmers in to a better condition than the one they are now in, which is virtually a condi tion of slavery. You are very particular to state over and over that you stand by the princi ples of the Alliance, meaning of course, the declarations of purposes. ' But, brothers of the Alliance, how about the principles taught in our grand associa tion? Mr. Wooster knows that we ca not control either of the old parties, and don't want us to, either. A stran ger to the politics of this state reading the manifesto promulgated by republi cans last spring at Lincoln would think the democrats had Nebraska as solid as they have Georgia or South Carolina, but is it a fact? But they want us to rally to the republican standard once more that the paaty may put ut the bad men and put good men in good republicans, I suppose. Can or will a banker, a lawyer, a doctor, a merchant, or a politician, represent or make laws for the interest of the farmers or labor iag class of people? Have they been doing it? Are they doing it now? They are not, and will not; and, Mr. Woos ter, you know it. Your plea that the democrats will be elected by our inde pendent action is all bosh, and you know it; and now you only say it to get form er republican voters back into the party again and out of the independent party. What if they do win, how much worse off will we farmers and laborers be un der democratic rule than we are under the present? You. know that we will not lose or gain anything by the demo crats or republicans gaining this or any other election, state or national. You know that the masses are trampled down, and you know that it is in the vile laws made by the viler politicians that has caused all this. And you fur ther know that the Alliance, both north and south, was, is and will be or ganized and run in the interest of its membership, both by education and by voting; and you further know that it must le done by independent work and action outside both old parties. As to your plea that all our officers are "candidates or in longing anticipa tion," I would say, they have the same rights that other citizens have to politi cal honors, and they being on the inde pendent ticket is what pinches you and a great many other republicans; .and you will not be satisfied with all your slang and nonsense about the Alli ance, but 'you must give the prohibi tionists a little of your cum and dem ocratic hydrophobia. Of course, ac cording to your mad theories, demo crats and prohibitionists will do any thing'for office, from drinking a glass of beer to buying votes. ; But the vir tuous, high-minded, straight-forward, righteous, republican party will not drink, smoke or lie, or put lies in their 'platforms to catch the green, uneducated farmer or laborer. And then you recur again to the principles of the Alliance for the sixth time in this one paper. You say it is plain that the Alliance should be largely of an educational nature. Can you or any other man deny that it is? As far as the educational part goes, the members have learned far beyond their most sanguine hopes. They have learned that the republican party and the demo cratic party are both one and the same dog with different names. They have learned that the Alliance members want less tariff and more money; less whisky and better prices for w ork and produce. They have learned that alien land own ership is not good for free America; and there are hundreds 'of other things they have learned, among them is this, that the republican party has out lived its usefulness; that it has .got to be a lie, a cheat and a fraud, ruled and ruined by f)oliticians and demagogues. They have earned that the democratic party has been stinking for, lo! these many years, and we are ready and perfectly willing to bury it, and to get the republican arty ready for burial. They have earned to think before voting. They have also learned that independence in politics is the only way back to freedom and peace, sucn as our iatners gave us way back in 1776, and as again affirmed in 1861 and '65, and you and your kind can blow your bugles ana cracK jTour party whips all you please, but the Alliance has learned to vote for the in terest of its membership, you and the Omaha .Bee to the jcontrary notwith standing. . We are for the Alliance, independent political action, here, elsewhere, now and evermore. C. L. Harpster. When Mr. Rose water insisted that Mr. Richards declare himself on the amendment question, Mr. Richards cboly retorted: "We have your own acknowledgment that you wrote the platform of the party. In that plat form you did not express or define the nartv's position on this question. If it was right for my party to keep silent, why should I as their humble represen tative presume to speak? Have you not lieftrd that fools rush . in where aneels fear to tread?" And Mr. Rose water Dicked ut the old saw and did a little work on his own hook. World Herald. PEOPLE'S MEETINGS. APPOINTMENTS OF HON. W. McKEIGHAN AND MR. EDGERTON. A. Hebron, Thayer Co,, 2 p. m., Belvedere, " 8 p.m., Clay Center, 8 p. m., Harvard, 8 p. m., Hastings, Kenesaw, 8 p. m., Minden, 8 p. m., Edgar, Clay Co., Sept. 20. 20. 22. 22. 23. 23. 24. 25. By order of Committee. FRANCIS PHILLIPS, Ch'n. H. B, McGAW, Secretary., Second Congressional District. Appointments for Mr. Powers. John H. Powers, tbe People's inde pendent candidate for governor, will speak at the following places on dates named. Hebron, Sept. 20th Hastings, " 23d. Other appointments will be made next week. APPOINTMENTS OF MR. KEM AND MR. DECH. Mr. Kem will visit the following places : Sept. 30, Ord. " 22, Brewster. " 23, Taylor. " 24, Willow Springs. " 25, Bartlett. " 26, Chambers. " 27, O'Neill. W. H. Dech will go to Shelton Sept. 20th. Sept. 22, Loup City. VENIER VOLDO'S APPOINTMENTS. Cedar Rapids. Boone Greeley Centre, Greeley Sept. 20 22 23 24 25 North Loup, Valley St. Paul, Howard Ashton, Sherman HO! YE WHO TOIL! COME LET US REASON TOGETHER. Political meetings in the interests of the people's independent party will be held in Hall county at the following times and places : Jackson District No. 3o, iriday even ing, oept. 52bth. ; Wood River, Saturday evening, Sept. 27th. Cameron (G. A. R. Hall), Friday even ing, uct. 3rd. Martin (Dist. No. 49), Thursday even ing, uct. ytn. South Platte (Dist No. 75), Friday, Oct. 10th. Doniphan, Saturday evening, Oct. 11th. Washington (District No. 1), Wednes day evening, Oct: 15th. ano, rriuay evening, xna. Abbott, Saturday evening, Oct. 18th. Alda, Saturday evening, Oct. 22d. Wood River, Saturday evening, Oct. 25th. Riverside, (District No. 19) Friday evening, Oct. 31st. Ihe candidates on the people's inde pendent county ticket, and other good speakers will be present at each meet ing. All voters, irrespective of past party affiliations, are cordially invited to come out and hear the truth from a non-partisan and independent stand point. By order of the Central Committee of the People's Independent Party. ilAYDEN Strong, M. S. Drennen, Chairman. Secretary. MEETING OF ADAMS COUNTY ALLIANCE. An interesting and largely attended meeting of Adams countv Alliance was held a Hastings, on Saturday, Septem ber 13. The following resolutions were adopted: Whereas, lhe republican organs and the republican speakers in the state of Nebraska have urged the impover ished condition of thefarmers and laboring men as a reason why they should be elected, and whereas these same uaners and speakers have De claimed that the farmer with a mort gage upon his farm is a pauper, and therefore unsafe to trust with state and national offices; therefore be it Resolved, That we, the farmers' Al iance of Adams county, resent all such mputations as malicious, false and un just. Resolved, That by these utterances and continued attacks upon, the people's candidate, the republicans and their speakers have declaimed themselves the enemies of the people's movement and have denied the right of the people to act independently. Resolved, lhat the attacks made upon Hon. J. Powers and Hon. W. A. Mc- Keighan because these gentlemen are not in affluent crcumstances is a slur upon every farmer and laboring man in Nebraska, and is an evidence of the desire to forever hold labor subservient to monopolistic capital. PEOPLE'S RALLY AT STROMSBURG A good meeting was held at Stroms- burg, Saturday 13th. Addresses were delivered by President Powers, R. Wheeler, and. H. M. Marquis and others. The meeting was a large one and much good was done. Polk county will main tain its reputation for a good majority for the people. I here was also a grand meeting at Springfield, Sarpy county, on the 15th. Hon. Allen Root, C. N. May berry, Wm. Saunders, Rev. Kirkwood, of Harlan Co., addressed the meeting. As usual at all these meetings there was great enthusiasm and good feeling. Little Sarpy is waking up to the work, and will give a good vote in November. A GRAND RALLY AT BEATRICE. A grand meeting of the independents was neld at Beatrice Monday the 15th. Five thousand people were present. Addresses were delivered . by President Powers, Hon. MT L. Wheat and Hon. J. V. Wolfe. Hon. G. F. Collins spoke in the forenoon. The-meeting was held at Chautauqua park, there being no hall in the city large enough to hold the tt . ail audience, liage county will give a good majority for the people's ticket. A procession of twenty-rive teams, headed by the Lanham brass band, came to this meeting from Odell, twen- ty-nve miles distant. An evening meeting was held in a tent Monday evening, at which fifteen hundred voters were present. PRESIDENT POWFRS AT OMAHA. Saturday evening Sept. I3th, there was a grand meeting of the- independ ents in the exposition building, Omaha, at which addresses were delivered by rres. rowers and Hon. u. JN . Mayberry, independent candidate for secretary of state. Great enthusiasm prevailed, and the addresses were pronounced excel lent. The independent ticket will re ceive a large -vote in Omaha and Doug las county. - A BOHEMIAN ORATOR. The state committee have secured the services of F. J. Jones, of Polk countv. a Bohemian speaker, who will take the stump about the 27th and continue through the campaign. , Those wishing auaresses in Bohemian should com municate with the committee. A GOOD MEETING IN LINCOLN COUNTY. Galin, Sept. 8, 1890. Mr Editor: At a picnic held at this place on September 6, under the aus pices of Garlin Alliance No. 853, the fol lowing speakers addressed the audience: M. J.K. Stevens of this county, candi date for state senator, and Mr. Charles Purnell of Perkins county, candidate for representative, and Messrs. Gantt and Snelling of North Platte. Mr. Purnell being the first called upon, made a very intelligent discourse upon the grievances of the farmers and the remedies to be ap plied for their relief . The next speaker to address the as semblage was Mr. J. K. Stevens who handled his subject in a masterly man ner, leaving all present under the im pression that he was a close student and well informed gentleman. The next gentleman to approach the ..Tu dorp. Snelling. who came amonar us as a Knight of Labor. The judge's remarks were well received, and elicited great applause. Following the judge came T. Fulton Gantt, a prominent Knight of Labor who held the audience deeply interested for over an hour upon the labor question in general. Mr. Gantt has made the labor problem a life-long study, and conse quently handled the subject intelligently ana wiin gooa enect. The picnic was a grand success, there being in the neighborhood of 600 people present. 1 . L. O. MEETING OF OTOE COUNTY AL- LIANCE, The next meeting of the Otoe county Alliance will be held at Unadilla, Neb., on the third Wednesday of September. It is desired that each Subordinate Al liance in the county 'will send a full del egation as business of importance will come before the meeting. J. M. Hull, Sec'y County Alliance. PICNIC. The Willow Creek Farmers' Alliance will hold a picnic in "W. W. Hall's grove near the Willow Creek school house, on September 20, 1890. B. F. Hines, P. B. Olson, J. N. Gaffin and Wm. Sanders will be the speakers. A good time is expected. All are invited. JAMES HAVLIK, J. D. Raitt, J. J. Lewis, Committee. A CROWDED HOUSE AT NORFOLK. Hon. W. H. Dech and Hon. O. M. Kem spoke to a crowded house at Norfolk Tuesday evening Sep. 9. It is a notable act that all the meetings of the indepeneents are fully attended. Never before in Nebraska were meet ings common at which there were gath ered from 1,500 to 2,000 of the yeomen of the state. The people are interested as never before, and interest and ex amination in this case means convictioa and support of the people's ticket. INDEPENDENT RALLY AT WAHOO . True to its reputation as the banner county for meetings, the independent rally at Wahoo, in Kudda s grove, was probably the largest meeting ever held in old Saunders county. All the farms of the county were deserted, while their mortgagors, gathered to hear eloquent addresses from Allen Root, J. V. Wolfe and R. H. Trevellick and several of their excellent local orators. Some of the Saunders county men claim three votes out of every four for the peoples' ticket. The good majority is certain it is only a question of the size of it. GRAND RALLY AT ORLEANS. Morris L Wheat, one of the best speakers of the independent party now in the state, will deliver an address to the people in Orleans, Neb., Friday, Sept. 26, 1890, at 2 o'clock p. m, lhe several subordinate Alliances and all Labor organizations are request ed to be present and bring their flags and banners, and assist in making this the grandest rally Harlan county has ever known. By order of Committee. NDEPENDENT RALLY AT HAST INGS. Great preparations are making for an independent rally at Hastings on Tuesday, September 23. The Alliances of Adams county will have an imposing street parade. President Powers, Hon. W. A. McKeighan and Hon. J. M. Ed gerton ' will be the speakers, with as sistance trom local orators. A good time is anticipated, and everybody is invited. EDGERTON AT RED CLOUD. On Saturday the 13th Hon. J. W. Edgerton addressed a monster meeting of citizens ot Webster county at Red Cloud. The utmost good feeling and enthusiasm prevailed. Mr. Edgerton's address is reported as being one of his best and ablest efforts. Mr. Edgerton is making votes wherever he goes, not only for himself but for the whole peo ples' ticket. K. OF L. Morris B. Wheat, ffenp.ral wnrthv forpman of thfi Knicrhts' nf T.ahnr nf America, will deliver an address at the court house, tseaver city, on Saturday, September 27th, at 1 o'clock. Mr., is -the errant lahrvr nrntnr nf America, and everybody is invited to turn out and near a rousing speech upon the labor questions of the day. By order or Committee. INDEPENDENT MEETING AT WESTON. Hon. C. A. Mayberry will speak at' Weston, in Saunders county, on Satur day, September 27.. All who wish to hear a grand address will attend this meeting. As a forcible and sound reasoner, and a fine orator, Mr. May berry is unsurpassed. W. F. Wrights Appointments. Randolph, Cedar County Sep. 22. Meadow arove Madison " "23. Oakdale, Antelope " "24. Deloit, Holt " "25. Page, , " " " 26. O'JSieil, " " " 27. Notice. Regular quarterly meeting of Saun ders county Alliance will convene at court house Ihursday, September 25th, iu a. in. us nave a iuii attendance. S. H. Moss, President. W. O. Rand, Sec'y. Picnic at Cedar Bluffs. .T W. "Rdjrertnn will addrpsa the An. pie of Saunders county at Cedar Bluffs, Ci A 1 C3 nnr 1 1 . un oatuiuav, ocuicuiuci at. js. ua.SK.t3L picnic will be held and a large meeting is expected. "N". WVCOFF is acrpnt, fnr Hi a Ikxr - o npw fnwn nf TTflVRlOCk. twn milfa frrtm Lincoln, where eight great car shops 1 1 II. ConJ li I are ueiiig uuin. iui piac ana prices. Buy now while lots are cheap and terms easy: 1104 O street. Iml3 H. R. lis DEPARTMENT HOUSE. We carry one of the largest stocks west of the Missouri River, in Dry Goods, Carpets, Boots, Shoes and Groceries. We are prepared to figure on lags' ontracts of anything; in our line and ALLIANCE PEO ' PLE will do wel. to get our prices on Staple and Fancy goods. " Farm Products exchanged for Grooeriea and Dry Goods, Shoes and Carpets. We have three store rooms and "our Carpet Department extends over all. You will save money by writing us for prices and samples etc. (jotf) ' DO M MT TO Has Your County Do You want to publish a paper for the purpose of advancing' the interests of the Alll-uni-p. vour tows, or to advertise some SDecial interests? Do you want to publish a paper for the purpose of Making Money? If so, We can "V"eilxaTDle We can show it is possible to iret out a 4 page folded and ready to mail at . . S.OO PER SOO COPIES. We are Headauarters for Newspaper Material, and If you are thinking of going into tha business, write us. LINCOLN NEWSPAPER UNION, Lincoln, . - u C. W. KNIOELY'S 24i South nth St. First Door . Just Removed from Ashland, Neb. to 241 South nth St., Lincoln, where they have better facilities for doing a Strictly Cash Business, and as we have always had a large Farmers' trade, we still court more of it, and will make Farmers at a distance extra inducements if they will trust us with their orders. All mail orders will be filled promptly and with just as much care as though you were present. We carry a FULL AND COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES, Hardware, Stoves, Tinware and Queensware. I will always endeavor to meet any and all honorable competition. I can sell you for this week, 14 lbs Granulated Sugar $1.00, 15, 16, and 171DS C Sugar, 1.00. Teas from 20c to 75c per lb; Coffee from 25 to 35c. Good Laundry Soaps 6 and 7 Bars for 25c. HARDWARE, STOVES AND TINWARE AT WAY DOWN CASH PRICES. Call and see us or send in your mail orders. Remember we are next door north of Farmers' Alliance. Headquarters 241 South nth St., Lincoln, Neb. (iotf) C. W. KNICELY. E till Li The finest ground floor Photograph Gallery in the State. All Work in the finest finish. Satisfaction Guaranteed. 2263 nth street. iotf. T. W. TOWNSEND, Proprietor. -A.. HITRLiBUT & OO IF YOU WANT TO BUY DRY GOODS AID CARPETS AT LOW PSICES EOR CASH, WE INVITE YOU TO CALL. If at any time you are dissatisfied with a pur chase made from us, the goods can be returned and money will be refunded. Very Respectiully, MILLER & PAINE, tf" 133 to 139 South 11th St., Lincoln, Neb. ALLIANCE GROCERY HOUSE. Largest and most complete stock of Teas, Cof fees and Spices in the west. GROCERIES at prices quoted by State Agent's price list on all mail orders sent by secretaries or busi ness agents of Alliances. Save 25 per cent on Groceries, and 60 per oent on Teas, Coffees and Spices by ordering goods of us. Samples of Teas mailed on application. Reference: Lincoln S. P. STEVENS & TAKE CARE HOW YOB SPEND YOUR HONEY. There are other matters as important to you as railroad rates. If you pay 25 Per Cent, too much for your Fall Supplies you will not act wisely. This you are liable to do unless you investigate. A special' 10 per cent, discount cuts no fig ure when deducted from a full price. What you want is full value for what you pay Correct Prices and No Humbugging! Look the market Over, and as you pass along O Street, drop into our establishment. Fully equipped, we defy all competion. Entire Satisfaction guaranteed. Will be pleased to have you call at BAKER'S CLOTHING HOUSE. MOTTO: Quick Sales and Siaai roflta. 1125 sley Corner I Oth and P Streets. BE AN EDM? Alliance An Organ ? Give You Some Pointers. paper, printed on paper like The Alliance ' - Nebraska. North of Farmers1 Alliance. STUDIO National Bank. CO., 1207 O Street, Lincoln. O Street. One Price to AIL iotf Wm. Daily & Co. LIVE STOCK Co: Cattle, Hogs, Sheep and Horses. CASH ADVANCES ON CONSIGN MENTS. . ROOM 34, Exchange Building, Un ion Stock Yabds, Soutii Omaha. References: Ask your Bankers. .18tf J. C. McBRIDE, BE AL ESTATE DEALER Loans, Insurance and Abstrcats. Office, 107 South llth St., Basement, Lincoln, Nebraska. tW Farni Loans attended to, and Insur ance written on farm building's at a low rate. Anything to trade? 13f . EXPOSITION DiniHG HALL, xiai N Street. LINCOLN," - - - NEBRASKA. S. I. ODELL, JTi'oirrietor. o Mr. Odell has newly repaired, refitted and steam-heated his Dining: Hall, and is able to give better accommodations than any-dining- hall in Lincoln. Visitors to the city will find this a very convenient place to stop. MEALS 25 CENTS. "Dehorn Tour Calves." HaAFF'S HORN KILLER. The only SURE LIQIUD DEHORNER. Makes no IT . 1 J lars for any bottle that fails if used as directed on the bottle. Price by mail postpaid 60 Cts. Send stamp for H Raff's New Free Book "Horns and Spavins," Address, HAAFF, Chicago, Illinois. 44tf ELKHORN VALLEY HERD OP FANCY PO- Vf LAND CHINA and Small Yorkshire Swine. Ajso Ply mouth Rock Poultry My stock is of the best that money WuiHamwrw could buy. Many fine premium show animals in my herd. Write for catalogue. L. H. SUTER, Prop. 6m51 Neligh, Nebraska CIGARS FOR ALLIANCES. The product of organized, working Cijfr. makers. Buy from us and you will get rout bottom factory prices. 300 cigars consisting of 12 district brands, ranging in price from $12 to $.")0 per thoiiBund, forwarded upon re ceipt of $5.00. Remit by P. O. or Express Money Order, Registered Letter. Bank Check or Draft. For agencies, terms. c, address W. E. KRUM OO. Cor. MJj and Douglasu sU, m39 . Heading, Pa. LIGHTNING WELL-SINKING MACHINERY MANUFACTURERS. Hynliuilic, Jvitinir. Revolving, Artesian, Diamond PruKim tinir Tools, Knirines. Boilers, Wind Mills, l'uina. Kn') clopctlla, l,t00 nation quality watr; mailed, voc. Amrriraa "ell Work. Aurora, III. 11 IX 8. ( anal 81., Chlraco, 111. 1113 Kim 81., Italian, lx. 3 1 "WE W.AJSTT Two Crop Reporters in Each County in Nebraska Who are Secretaries of Alliances, to whom we will send the Journal of Agriculture free while they act in this capacity. The Journal is the Official Organ of the F. & L. U., contains 56 columns and is rery popular Address at once JouBNAL or Agriculture, No. . N. 9th St., St. Louis, Mo. Ilt4 Alliance Campaign Songs f 1 PER FIFTY SETS. A collection of six songs by Venier Veldo, written to popular airs, with the view to con cert singing at Alliance meetings throughout the campaign. Printed on stout paper and sent, post paid, at 75 cts per 35 sets; $1 per 50 sets; f 1.50 per 100 sets. Address Samier son & Co., Box 708, St. Leuis, Mo. The Iowa Steam Feed, Cooker. Tbe most practical, most con venient, most economical, and in every way the BEST STEAM FEED COOKER MADE. A glance fct the construction of it enough to convince any man that it is far superior to any other. For descriptive circu lars and prices apply to U. S. Wind Engine and Pump Co., 26tf Omaha, Neb Established 1875. Incorporated 1880. U.S. SCALE CO., Manufacturers of 8tock, Wagon, Hopper, Miners Dormant, oDepot and R. R. Track Scales, all sizes Greatest improiements-Lowest Prices! w liavrA Vt art 1 K vaav oTnorionnA fn t Villi business and will guarantee satisfactory work or no Day. Send for circulars and prices De- fore buying. 2-25 S. J. AUSTIN, Pres., Tcrre name, xna. We Will All Sing. If you send and get the New Alliance Songster. It is a little beauty containingSO pages of mostly new songs written this year es pecially for this book by Alliance people. Most of them are set to old and familiar tunes, so all may join In tbe music and enjoy it heartily. The price is placed at the exceedingly low rate of single oopies 10 cents or 13 for $1.00. Postage 10 cents extra per dozen. Address, 3-tf Alliance Pub. Co., Lincoln, Neb. "THE BEST HOG ON EARTH." THE hiprovsd Chester White sfw ine . I have a large number of animals not'akln ready for shipment. CHARGES REASONABLE. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. M M HALLE CK, Breeder and Shipper. CENTRAL CITY, NEB. 49tf ' WANTED. A responsible agent in every precinct, alive Alliance men preferred, to handle "Our Re publican Monarchy" by Venier Voldo, dur ing the campaign. The fastest selling book of the day, treating all public issues in plain language. 40 per cent commission to agents. Address at once A. E. Sanderson, publishers, box 706 St. Louis Mo. RED-POLLED CATTLE. Imported and bred by L. F. ROSS, Iowa City, la. The oldest herd In Iowa. The beat herds In England represented. Come and see stock er send for circu lar. Farm one mil SooUmmC or oltr niQercnts f I ill n ir. n m til a a Ml H I l - , . ii i . . m Mi W W. D. NICHOLS GENERAL DEALER IN BEATRICE, NEB. Have ons Fine Bargains In Improved Farms. Lots For Sale in Every Addition in tke City. OFFICE, 605 COURT ST. TKLB. 88. itt GEO. A. BELL. C. W. MCCOY. T. & SnELLT. S. F. McCOT. (Successors to Bell ft Co.) Live Stock Commission Merchants. Boom 39 Exchange Building. Cask Advaanssl on Consignment. references ask tour bank.. Union Stock Yards, South Omaha NE&RA8E.A. BEATRICE CHA'S HEIDMRT, Proprietor. 618 BAST COURT STTtKET, N. S. OT POST OFFIOK. EstsiTolisliecl 1S3S. MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENT, HEAD-STONES, TABLETS, VAULTR. 8ARCOrH AGI, & CEMETERY WORK OF ALL KINDS. 30tf Branch Yards, Brownvllleand Rock Port,M. THE Eleventh Stimiisls Dealers in Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Arti cles and Druggists' Sundries. All kinds of Paints, Oils and Colors. PURE DRUGS. LOW PRICES. 237 SOUTH llth STREET, LINCOLN, NE3. Two doors north of The Farmers' Alliance. lf LULL HOTEL, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. o Refurnished & Refitted. ELEGANT BOOMS, FIRST CLASS TABLE. Popular Rates. $1.50 and $2. 00 per day. NO BAR. itr ARTISTIC J PORTRAITS. 'A J. THORP & Co., Manufacturers of Rubber Stamps, Seals, Stencils, Badges and BaggageChecks " .vi-ry inscription. KstabMsbed 1S80. nth i LINCOLN, NEU WC0Y PAY RETAIL, PRICES WIDEN YOU CAN BUY AT WHOLESALE c WHATEVER YOU EAT, WEAR OR USE. TJS HAVE INTO AGENTS. Write tor fail Catalogue 8entraxg. H. R. EAGLE & CO., Pamirs' Wholesale Supply Houst, 68 WABASH AVE., CHICACO. REAL ESTATE LOANS Oa farms In eastern Nebraska and improved property in Lincoln for a term of years. Lowest Current Rates. R. E. & T. W. MOORE, RICIIARDS BLOCK, Corner llth & O Streets. Ltncolm. H. C. STOLL, BRKKDKK OT The Most Irapnm ed Ureedsof Poland ..V.China, Chaste i Vrt. White, Small Yorfc. enire an1 km Hogs. Satisfaction guaranteed in ail . P. O. Address, BEATRICE, NEB. J. M. ROBINSON, Kjknksaw, Adams County, Njcfk. Breeder and Shipper ef Reoerded .Poland China Hoffi. Choice Breeding Stock for sale. Write for want. LMention The Alliance. TJ T iT iTTE?,T7)A.23 Automatic Wind-Mai Regulator Thnvi mill ent gwr vtai tank U fall ; into par va watw toworo m uillJt. gBap, limpl. IdnrahU and noutiT ftnl tar rfrin. tmttmlar idiras, p, (j. TALLERDAY, Poplar Grove, Hi McCoy MRGLELi, iff-"! "W O RKS. SHILLIKtr BROTHERS neu dtudioo, Wm JrrTfill i i iilUliiii' 1