i -1 c" Vy :t VOL. II. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 30, 1890. NO. 11. X f. .. 4 Notice to Subscribers. EXPIRATIONS. As the easiest and cheapest means of noti fying subecrtbers of the date of their expira tions we wjll mark this notice with a blue or red pencil.on the date at which their subscrip tion expires. We will send the paper two weeks after expiration. If not renewed by that time it will be discontinued. POETRY. Walt Whitman. An old man once saw I. Bowed low was he with time. Heart-frosted, white with rime, Ready and ripe to die. Upon a cliff he stood Above the sea's unrest: His beard broke on his breast In venerable flood. And suddenly there came From far with airy tread A maiden round whose head There burned a wreath of flame. Ah God! But she was fair! To look were to disdain All other Joy and pain, And love her to despair. 44 1 come." she cried, in tones Like sweetest siren song, 'Though I have tarried long-, I come, my own, my own! See love, 'tis love compels These kisses priceless, rare; Come, let me crown thy hair With wreath-ed immortelles." The old man answered her; His voice was like the sea: "Comest to mock at me? Mine eyes are all ablur. Thou art too late. In sooth Naught earthly makes me glad. Where wert though in my ma4, My eager, fiery, youth?" "Nay, grieve not thou," she said, "For I have loved full oft, And at my lovers scoffed Alive, to woo them dead." "Oh, flend," I cr ed, "For shame!" Yielding to wrath's surprise. She turned. I knew the eyes, The siren face of Fame. George Horton. Written foi-TuE Alliance by Mrs . J. T. Kellie. Good Bye, Oh Tommy, Good Bye! Tom Benton is on the g. o. p., Good-bye, O Tommy Good -by I That is going down like a ship at sea. Good-bye, O Tommy, Good-bye, Neath the waves of justice you will be Good-bye, O Tommy, Cood-bye I No farmer will shed a tear for thee, Good-bye, O Tommy, Good-bye? Chorus. Bye, Tommy, bye lo, bye, Tommy, bye lo r Bye, Tommy, bye lo, Good-bye, O Tommy, Good-bye. The farmers know for 'tis very plain, Good-bye, O Tommy, Good-bye I You robbed them for years of half their Good-bye, O Tommy, Good-bye ! .grain, But we tell you now In words most plain-Good-bye, O Tommy, Good-bye! No railroad shark shall rob us again, Goed-bye, O Tommy, Good-bye! t We owe it to you and the board they say, G ood-by e, O Tommy, Good-bye ! That we are not free of debt to day Good-bye, O Tommy, Good-bye, You wished us in debt to interest pay. Good-bye, O Tommy, Good-bye Xiike all other dogs you've had your day, Good-bye O Tommy, Good-bye. Your deeds now written upon a roll-Good-bye, O Tommy, Good-bye! Condemn you to the bottomless hole-Good-bye, O Tommy, Good-bye ! While Satan safely watches your soul, Good-bye, O Tommy, Good-bye! Farmers will gladly Bhovel his coal, Good-bye, O Tommy, Good-bye! Written Kellie. for The Alliance by Mrs. J. T 'Man the Pumps. Tune Hold The Fort At tbe railroad's late convention -They observed at last The g. o. p. with spoils o'er laien Now was sinking fast. Chorus. ""Man the pumps, our ship Is sinking," Howe in terror cries; "We're exhausted, hands are blistered," Banker crew replies. "Where arenow our sturdy farjners With their horny hand?" "They are marching out of bondage. Powers in the Van." "Call them back, we need their muscle;" "No, it is no use,. For they claim as their Just rfght now. All that they produce.'.- ""Then must Banker Railroad Richards With his precious frieght, Uarrels filled with three ten money Buy for us the state. Perjured Benton, traitor Dorscy, Will give thousands more ; Then will Howe and Majors show them Where to reach the shore. We will paint the old planks over Rose water shall tell How improved we are, 'While Holdrege . Sf Gravel trains work well, So the willful naughty granger Shall his folly rue He shall pay back all your money With big interest too, We must never let the farmers Gain a precedent, ... Or until they run th nation They'll not be content. Pump! Oh do not mind the blisters. Keep stiff upper lip: x We can no more enslave labor If we loose the ship."' Close beside that sinking vessel With its pirate crew, VanWyck and Powers,Kem,McKeighan, Sail with vessel new. Man the pumps, but not much longer Can your vessel float: Ske can't stand the storms of reason Nor the people's vote.. True she was a noble vessel Once upon a time; Railroads, Banks and Sharks have sunk Neath the water line. . " her " Now she's rotten in each timber; Like the "one boss shay;" '' On the Fourth of next November, ' She will pass away ."NORA'S LOVERS. People who talk so much about tneir talents being wasted. very sel dom have any to waste," say Nora, her rosy lip curling disdainfully. It is June; the hedges are gay with pink roses and sweet with the per fume of cream colored honey-suckle. Slowly the eirl walks through the mingling clover, tall buttercups and long grass, dropping sarcasms over her shoulder to her companion, who is compelled , by the narrowness of the path to follow behind. His long pale face is framed in fair hair, which falls over his shoulders from under a large hat that wants only ostrich plumes to be a" veritable Gainsbor ough. He has large dreamy eyes, and his face is as smooth as the white hands which hold an open beautifully-bound volume with aes thetic liberalitr of marsrin. Nora's tart remark is followed by a silence which continues until the poet clears his throat and rustles a leaf; then she halt. - "I uo hope," she says emphatical ly, "that you are not going to read any more of that!" "Any more of that?" he questions, with ominous calm. "That what?" Nora shrugs her shoulders and pulls a buttercup. "We have had our last quarrel," she declares, holding the yellow petals against her hand. "I hope bo, I am sure," sa:d he; "mine is a nature that needs repose and calm." "It is a nature wholly unsuited to mine of that I am sure! We are entirely unsuited for each other. I like a man to be manly, and I could not be content with the prrspect of having to spend my life in watching you write Swinburne-and-water verses and hearing you read them!" "But," says thapoet, raising his brows, "1 cannot live without you!" "Well, I couldn't live with you; so there we are Mr. Scrope." "Your aunt wishes it," he urges, in the same low even tone. "She is not the person most con cerned. No; as I have already told you, if I ever marry at all, "you are not the man, or like the man. Why can't you leave me alone? Why do you go on persecuting me?" The poet folds his arms and looks at the lovely indignant little face. "Do not be rash; you will find few men as generous as I." v Nora, with laughter in her eyes, turns to look at him; : but the pecu liarity of his expression checks her mockery. This time he has not spoken in overweening vanity, but with mysterious meaning. Under her steady gaze of surprise a faint tinge of color spreads over his face. "I should like to know exactly what you mean," she says very quietly, but with a danger signal in each blue eye; will you be good enough to explain yourself. Scrope does not reply; he seems extremely uncomfortable, and forces a feeble smile. Nora uncompromis ing, angry, faces him still. old nor ugly, she A. UU1 UJVUtl says; my parents were poor, out honest and well born; I am not pen niless, thanks to my godmother. Pray where does vour generosity come in?" Mr. Scope gazes blankly into the distance and murmurs that he did not mean any thing. "So like you, savs Mora, with a toss of the head; and, without an other word, she resumes her walk through the field to the low, green gate of a lawn, by the side of a de lightful house with many windows overlooking a sweet confusion of fragrant flowers and shrubs. At a window facing the green gate stands a benign matron, supported on either side by a comely, healthy, vigorous son. 'They come in one alter the other, rr. i 1 -1 -i -r says lorn, xne eiuer ooy, as iora and the poet approach. "Shall I never cease to wish that that man would cut his hair?" "He may do as he pleases," says Fred, "if he will leave off dangling after Nora. "What is your objection to him? the mother asks politely. "Oh, I want M ora to marry a man. not a feeble imitation of one though indeed I don't want her to marry at all!" Nora has only the very faintest recollection of her dead parents. She has lived with her aunt so long that she does not remember any other home; and ever since she came she has been the pet and playmate ot the boys for they have no sisters, and Nora has always been a bewitch insr little maid. "Auntie" has resided it this quiet little village during the last few years she finds it suits both her health and her finances better than town; and a few months ago Mr. Horace Scrope, poet introduced by the rec tor, a warm friend of the family falling in love with Nora, sought and obtained from her only guardian permission to woo and win. Helms quite misinterpreted Nora's natural kindness and the patience with which she has listened to his poetical "uni ties of the utter and the intense," and attributes her refusal of him to maiden shvness, girlish perversitv to anything indeed but the real cause, As they cross the lawnMr. Scrope sees the laces ot his natural enemies the bovs, who have parodied his poems and caricatured his face and ngure in an lnnnixe variety oi ways "I will enter the' house only for n brief far-well." he says. "It may be some tune neiore I see you again; 'I am going to London to-morrow. The boys nr delighted at the news of Scrope's intended departure, but pleasure gives place to regret a few moments later when they learn that he means to return. . Nora sajs jrood-by coolly enough; certain words of Scorpe's are rankling m her bosom, lorn is quick to no tice her unusual quietness, y "What is if. innkes you sad? How many ;ipple have yon had? Sh answered: 'Only seven 'And are you sur you've had no mors. My little muid?' quoth I; Oh, sir,, my mother nver gave me four, -Jiut lhy wer u pie!" he says, with ludicrous imitation of Horace Scrope. "Tom!" cries his mother, in a tone of rebuke; and he retreated with his brother. Then N'ov'ah and her aunt look rather shyly at each other. "Auntie dear, w hy did you want me to marry that man?" "My dear, I thought he was fond of you; I think so still." Nora meditates, then, repeating the poet's "generous" speech, asks her aunt for an interpretation. "My dear Nora, what generosity could there be in marrying you?' asks Mrs. Stamer. "Don't think about the ungallent speech. By the way, you know Tower Court?" Tower Court is the great house of the neigh borhood, which has been closed since the death of the old baronet a few years ago, when it passed into the hands of a distant relative. "The owner is coming home," Mrs. Stamer continues; "at last he means to take possession. It was early to-day that 1 learned that the new baronet was John Carteris." "Yes?" says Nora, seeming very little interested. "Why, Nora, surelv you remember Jack?" Nora's eyes suddenly light up; she does, indeed, remember the big, strong, merry boy, whose romping used to disturb the quiet of Aunty's town house, who brought foreign stamps for Tom and Fred, mended her dolls and aunty's work box, and taught them all how to make coffee. Could she ever forsret the boy for whom she cried so bitterly when he had to go away from England in search of a livelihood, his parents be ing very poor in those days? "That is a turn of fortune's wheel," says Nora. A week later a tennis net is stretched across the lawn, and Tom is dis porting himself in a comical fashion in opposion to Fred and Nora, when suddenly the - rackets are thrown aside and the boys rush down the path to the creen eate. ' on which is leaning a young man who they had been expecting ever since they heard of his arrival at Tower Court. It is Jack Charteris, looking bigger than ever, with the honest gray eyes and square brow and merry expression so well remembered by the Stamers. "The rector told me where I should find my old friends," he says. As he glances at Nora, surprise, wonder and admiration are visible m his eves, and he utters her name in a tone expressive of all three emotions. Mrs. Stamer rises from her garden chair and ioins thegroup. Jack has not changed with the change of torr tune, she observes; he is the same blithe, happy hearted fellow she used to like so well. " VV e expected vou to come in a carriage and six," says Tom. Time flies too quickly for all of them as Jack relates some of his ex periences abroad, recalls many inci dents which happened in his boy hood, and conclude by planning pleasant days in the future at lower Court. "He is a brick," the boys decide- "just what he used to be!" The sun has sunk behind the pur pie hills, a saffron glow is in the west, the fair moon looks down serenely on the shorn meadows. It is a beauti ful tranauil September night. Along the narrow neldpath Mora and Jack stroll slowly housewards arm-in-arm "My darling, said Jack and at the words a crimson rose color over spreads the girl's cheeks "I have loved you all my life, even when we were little ones together! All the time I was away working and slav ing, the one hope I ' had was to win you, to make a home for you." ".But you never wrote to me, soa observes. "Was it not better to come my self, Nora. And until lately I could not have written as I wished. .'. They are near the green gate now. where a tall thin man is waiting. Nora drops Jack's arm, and the col or in her cheek deepens. , "Mr. Scrope! How you startled me!" "I have returned," the poet says. Nora confusedly performs the cere mony of introduction. Then all three go into the house; and Mr. Scrope passes the evening in a de jected attitude, his pale cheek rest ing on his hand in a manner meant to suggest heartbreak. The next morning Jack is smoking in a quaint brown room at Tower Court, a bachelor-like den with one great window looking out on to the woods, which just now are lovely with autumn foliage. He is dream ing of Nora, as he has done for many a day; when a visitor in a Tennyson ian cloak and hat and with waving flaxen locks is shown in. "Oh, 'Mr. Scrope, how are you?" says Sir John, after a, rather, be wildered glance at the a?sthetic young man. , . . . t . "Yon are suprised to see me," ob serves the poet, whose face is paler than ever, nis lips looking like a thin faint line. . V "Well, a little. Won't you sit down? What a jolly evening wehadl" "Sir John, a most painful duty has brought me here, and, ' before I sit down, I must tell you what I have to tell," Mr. Scrope says mysterious- "Duty first by all mean, w na is the matter?" "I understand that you are en gaged to Miss Nora Prescott?" "That is so, admits Jack, look ing more interested. "W hat about it?" ;'-.,''- ' )' . "Are vou fully aware of her ante cedents. Jack lays down his cigar and looks steadily at his visitor. His eyes sparkle, and he frowns, but he says nothing, and the poet resumes "Do you know that her father was charged with forgery, and, though he was acquitted on account ot in sufficient evidence, most people be lieved him guilty?" "I know that he died protesting his innocence,", replies Jack, "and I have always given him the benefit of the doubt. May I ask how you be came acquainted withthat wretched old storyl Miss rrescott herself naa never heard it, and , please heaven, never will!" . "I am only an. obscure individual of lowly birth and limited means," says Scrope, "but I loved and still love Nora. When I obtained Mrs. Stamer's permission to seek her niece for my wife, she as in duty bound told me the story." "V hy do you think she would treat me less honorably? Why should she 5 lace less confidence in me than you?" ack asks coolly and calmly. . "I could not believe," Scrope de clares "that a man of your wealth and position, bearer of an old name anb the last of an old race, would choose for his wife one on whom the slightest shadow of disgrace rested."' There is silence for a few moments, during which the poet, with arms folded, views his rival, who turns to him at last, and, without the slight est appearence of anger, says: : "l have heard you; now hear me. If you speak of this to any living soul again, I will make you wish you had been born dumb! No one can breath a word against Nora, my be loved aud honored wife that is to be, and that's all I care for; but I will not have her pained and wounded and grieved to gratify your spite. You poor, pitiful creature, I have known about her .father since I was' a boy! The door and window are both open, and you can choose by which to go OUt!" - - I ,V The poet vanishes; and the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness sees J ack's fidelity rewarded, and Nora entering ' on aHaewand happy life with the best of her lovers. , : ; , i Secrets of Africa. Illustrated American. A feature ot the British enterprise in East Africa is the secrecy with which the operations of the British Imperial East African Company are conducted. In "Whitaker, which is supposed to give all official informa tion on all public matters, tne words "No information accessible" appear opposite the entry referring to this corporation. As the company con ducts its operations under a char acter granted by the Queen, this secrecy excites criticism, but little can be done. If Parliament should make a fuss about it the only result would be that the ministry would have to resign because the sovereign can do no wrong, and it any wrong is done it is tlvnaultof the ministers. In view of the perils, to which mil lions of the natives of Africa are sub jected bv theadvance of civilization, in the shape cl the Uritish trader, it is thought that, sufficient publicity ought! to be given to the affairs of the company to insure the protec tion of the natives against outrages oi' the grossest kind. It is recalled in connection with this matter that in no case, except, perhaps, one, have the doings of any British col onial company been sufficiently known to permit adequate public discussion of them. Official secrecy has stifled the moans of the native possessors of the soil. Very little is known of what is going on in the Congo State, except to the officers of the.company.' the employes of the company being bound over to si lence in penalties. The Milkman at the Pump. Milkmen are much the same all over the world in their attempts to palm on upon the public as much water as they can disguise. On the Boulevard de Magenta recently, at an early hour in the molning, two policemen came upon one of these surveyors or nuici ousny niung up the cans on his cart from, the pump, and with such stuff, too! Owing 1 the drought most of the water used in Paris is taken from the Seine, and its quality may be gathered from the fact that in the public schools orders have been issued that none is to be employed for drinking purposes with out being filtered. The constable challenged the milky Apuarius, who replied court eously: "Ah! well, you have fairly caught me this time. Jump up on my cart and I will drive you to the police office to save you trouble This 'amiable invitation was refused by the sergents de ville, who ordered the delinquent to come out of his cart and walk with them. Instead of complying he whipped up his horse and attempted to escape. At con siderable risk one of the constables seized the animal's head, brought it to a standstill, and arrested the delinquent, who along with his "mix ture" was marched off to the station The unusual incident collected a large number of spectators, chiefly work people, wnose remarks to the erring milkman were lar irom complimen tary. Paris Cor. London Telegraph Republican Promises and Performances. A republican exchange speaking of the republican platform, says: : , it favors service pensions. Yes, , and it passed a pauper pension bill. "Ic favors free coinage of silver." Yzs, ami has twice demonetized the silver dollar of our fathers. - It favow suppression of trusts." Yes, but has enacted tariff tax robbing iws without which no trust can exist. , It favors reduction of railroad rates." Yes, and created a railroad commis sion of rail way tools to carry out the re- uction. " It f avorB taxing railroad property the same as other property is taxed." Yes, it would seem that way when they have made laws that exempt rail- m 1 A a . . . .1 ways iroin municipal taxation ana as sessment. . , " It favors cancellation of all. unearned land grants." Oh! Yes, but the republican party gave away 195,000,000 acres of the pub ic domain to railways, before they got in favor of cancelling Unearned grants. "It favors the Australian ballot system." But the party defeated it when up be- bre the last legislature. It favors a free ballot and an honest count." But would prefer to have Dudley vote them in blocks-of-five, or more. " "It favors organization of labor for its own protection." But paid the state militia for over awing the organized laborers at Camp Dump, and paid the railroads $20,000.00 more for transporting the militia there to kill one poor old innocent, inoffensive citizen in the streets of Omaha. "It favors control of corporations by legis lative enactment. But the enactment has been to appoint commission of railway cappers and tools to do the enacting business. In this way the railroads control the party and not the party the railroads.. 'It favors the abolition of free passes on railroads." . Well, hardly, when the cappers to the ate state convention only furnished del egates passes to the convention one way until their vote had been recorded for the railroad tools selected by the4corpo- ration attorneys, intending that they should pay their fare or walk home if they failed to vote as instructed. A number of its candidates came in on special trains with paid henchmen and claquers all on free passes. , It favors reduction of passenger and freight rates to correspond witn tnose m Missouri river states." The party has had exclusive con- trol of this state since they stole it twenty . . . . years ago, ana tne rates are tnree times as high as in Iowa and Missouri, and twice as high as in the Dakotas and Min nesota. It favors the establishment of postal tele graph." Yes, and then give them to Jay Gould and Holy John Wanamaker. "It favors reduction of the tariff in the-4rt terest of the producer and laborer. We point to the McKinley bill as a sample of the reduction wrhere the tariff is increased on all the necessaries of life and luxuries of .the rich placed on the free list. Arbor State. For Equal Rights and Equal Opportuni ties, a Lady Speaks. Cambripge, Neb.; Aug. 20. 1890. Epitor Allianca: VV e have not seen anything written from tnis quar ter, and wishing to see one word spoken in behalf of this order, and in behalf of the woman readers I ask you to publish the same. Although I have not had a j privilege td become a member of the ! Alliance, still I am filled with enthusi asm at the bright out-look tor your prosperity. Notwithstanding the , for mer opposition, ana tne iiuie present opposition, be it ever remembered to their honor, tlie J; our romts oi indus try No. 615, at its last meeting as an ' 1 ''It. A - order, extended a coroiai invitation to all women to become members of the same. In behalf of the farmer's wives of this order I thank you for this glori ous privilege of assisting you in this noble cause. If for tnese reasons, mat believe oand advocate woman's suf frage, and do what I can to establish woman's equality before the law, and that I have dared to say a word in de fence of mv sisters that they might en joy the privileges as neighboring Alli ances, if tnese aeoar me tne ngnt to become a member, I am satisfied they now have that privilege. And this is not the only reform in our nation that needs assistance. But to the Alliance people I. will say your success is certain, having the co-operation of both sexes, which is absolutely essential for any great undertaking. In any-prosperous and well orgamzeu uume ineie is me co-operation of both sexes. And as our nation is only a collection of homes, its success and welfare depends alike upon this co-operation. To the women, I speak to vou.it is vour duty to do all in your power to assist in this reform the Alliance, We are all interested in good government. And what right have you wome: to leave all the work of caring for this nation to the men. Is it not vour countrv as well as theirs? And are not vour children to live in it after you aregone? And are you not bound to contribute whatever faculty trod has sriven vou to make and keep it a pure safe and happy land? We congratulate our country and the world that there now is one self governing community that stands firmly upon the foundation of the Declaration of Independence, and affirms that governments are just only when they rest upon the consent of tbe governed. In Wyoming, Ameri ca's best and brightest star in the con stellation of states, contains amity. Our surrounding towns have had Al liance ticnics in turn. Arapahoe, Cam hridcre. Willson ville and Beaver City. W were at Willsonviile the 16th. Mr. V. Voldo was the orator of the day, and it seems in his excellent and telling speech he left nothing unsaid. He has the thanks of the wearer of the equality star for the words of enlightenment and encouragement from him in the cause of woman's equality which is a very much needed movement. Yours for equality, Mrs. Ella F. Whiteman. AMERICAN LIBERTY SUPPLEME- MENT NO. 5. THE LINE OF ACTION. TO EMANCIPATE LABOR PROM THE TYRANNY OF CAPITAL. Y IRST-ABOLISH LANU, M0N0P0- X-i I Bv means of a graduated tax on ex cessive holdings, sufficently high in the city or country to prevent land being uoiiKiii. mr speculation, or permanently held for rent. This would give all the competent an opportunity to labor, se cure homes and become better citizens. S E C O N D SUPPLY MONEY AT COST: By amending the law which now re quires our government to loan money to bankers on bonds at one per cent., so that loans on small landed estates say to the extent of half their cash val ue can be obtained at the same rate. THIR D-SUPPLY TRANSPORTA TION AT COST: Bv authorizing our government to gradually purchase the railroads and manage them in the interest of the peo ple, as the postoffice is now conducted. Government should be authorized to construct competing lines when exist ing roaas reiuse to sell at what it would cost to build and equip equally good roads, , 3PNominate and vote for conirress- men who are pledged to make these united measures the first and dominant legislation in congress. In Hungary the railroads are under ijrovernment control. Since the adop tion of cheap fares and a simple system of tickets on sale like postage stamps. passenger travel has increased more than 100 per cent. If the same rates prevailed in the United States, a ticket from New York to Chicago would only cost $x.y, or irom jNew lork to I'hiia- delphia 29 cents, and proportionate rates for any distance, freight would oe preuaiu uy stamps acconiinir to cias- sincation and distance. If receipts from consignees were desired, thev could be had at small additional cost by registering goods sent. OTbupport the press that supports tne above just and essential measures, and refuse to support the press that tries to perpetuate monopoly and legal robbery at the expense of the produc ing classes. We will send twenty-five copies of this supplement on receipt of ten cents, and more at the same rate. Address, : - "American- Liberty," Hampton, Virginia. Spread the Light. Greeley Center, Aug. 16, 1890. Editor Alliance: Enclosed find three dollars for ten subscriptions to vour valuable naDer to .Tanuarv. '91 yVe would respectfully ask the secretary oi eacn and every bubordinate Alliance in .Nebraska to canvass his Alliance and surrounding territory in behalf of the Alliance paper now published, in Lincoln, Nebraska" " Brothers.'-friends and neighbors, in no way can we bet ter promote and fuither the principles for which the toilers are battling to-day. than to educate ourselves and our pos terity upon the great questions viz capital and labor. The great gulf be tween them is education. ' We hope to know eacn otner better in the near future. The party lash is being plied by both old parties, and will be through out the present campaign. You need a paper which advocates the principles for which we are contending before you. . Let us place the alliance be fore every toiler in Nebraska, and vie tory will be ours. Greeley county is organized for victory. Let us have massmeeting in every county and gather the people together that they be awak ened to a sense of their duty. Remem ber that Editor , Rosewater has admit ted that the independent candidates are . 1 Arm nonesc and aoove reproach. jan w truly say as much of our opponents. i ours for victory, H. J. Hall, Sec, 01759. A Grand Meeting in Saline Co. Wilber, Neb... August 22, '90. Editor Alliance: One of the best meetings we have held in the state was held here yesterday. Lowest estimates Elaced the number present at "2,000. Excellent music was furnished by the cornet band of Pleasant Hill, and songs hy ladies and members of the Alliance. Ldgerton of Omaha was in his glory, and made an excellent speech. Manv farmers not identified with the Alliance said you fellows are right, and we shall stand by the people's ticket. We are going to make Rome howl loud and long before the election, lhe crowds of peo ple that turn out to our meetings is a new feature in political campaign work. and shows that they are aroused to their condition as never before. Let the good work go on. YV . r. VV right. A Traveling Mountain. New York Press. , A traveling mountain is found at the Cascades of the Columbia. It is a triple peaked nuns of dark brown basalt, six. or eight miles in length, where it fronts the river, and raises to a height of almost 2,000 leet above the water. That it is in motion is the last thought which wonl I Ikj likely to su-rirest itself to thi mind ot anyone passing it. vet it is a well established tact that this entire mountain is mov ing slowly but steadily down the riv er, as if it had a deli borate purpose sometime in the future to dam the Columbia and form a great lake from the Cascades to the Dalles. The In dian traditions indicate immense movements ot .the mountains here abouts, long before white men came to Oregon, and the pari v settlers, hn migrants, many of them from New England, gave the above named mountain ridge the name of "travel iner mountain," or tain." "sliding moun- In its forward and d o wnward move ment the forests along the, base ot the river have become submerged in the river. Large tree stubs can be seen standing deep in the water ou the shore. The railway engines and the trackmen find that the line of the railway which skirts the foot of the mountains is beimr continually forced out of place. At certain points the roadbed and rails have been pushed eiirht or ten feet out of line in the course oi a few year. Abandoned Farms. Good Dr. Edward Everett Hale of Boston town is much exercised over the overerowciinirof our cities, and he is ad vising families with small fixed incomes to leave the citv and co out into the country upon farms and raise their fami lies there. Dr. Hale is a very prudent man. tie only advises those to go who have small fixed incomes, understanding the situation well enough to know that unless they had an income outside of the products of the farm they would likely starve. In prosecuting his good work Dr. Hale sent out to find what good homes in the eastern states coald be bought for. The inquiry developed an awful state of affairs among the farmers. Mr. A. B. Valentine, commissioner of Bennington. Vt., sent out a circular, and this is tne state of facts revealed. (In reading these reports our western farm ers must remember that these down-east Yankees are a little off in their English, and when they say "town" they mean "township.") Mr. i. a. ruller, clerk of Vershire, writes: I will say that the south part of our town. and in the towns of Stratford and Cbeli. there are from thirty-five to forty farms con tiguous, or nearly so. abandoned and unoecu- Eled. Many of these farms have a fair set of uildtnffs on them, and others could be made comfortable with small outlay. As to the price of these farms, I think without doubt, they could be bought of the different owners for a sum not to exceed t& per acre in any case, and at considerable less for most of th land, we nave many oilier abandoned farms In different parts of our town, with Rood building on them, that could be bought for 5 or less per acre. All this land was once oc cupied by thrifty and prosperous farmers. The Essex County Heaald says: Th( re are tn this county three unorganized townships and three large gores ot land in which there are probably, ail told, not mora than fifteen or twenty families. We feel safe in making the assertion that there are In Essex oounty more than lOO.ouo acres of unoc cupied contiguous lands. Good lands; lands that will make good productive faruis. A very strange state of affairs is this: , Here is the home of Senator Edmunds. When he went into the senate these now abandoned farms were all occupied by prosperous farmers. From them came the intellectual vigor that made New England great. When Mr. Edmunds was young the farmers of his state were prosperous. They lived iu comfort. They sent their sons and daughters to college. Now they crowd the cities. A very few succeed and many go down to poverty. The New England home of song and story is a thing of the past. Desolation reigus where once were pros perous farmers and thriving villages. Even Yankee shrewdness, brains and skill could not succeed where the farm er was forced by a system of law to pay twice as much for any tool he used and everythiughe consumed as his competi- tors in me . same nusinesSi in loretgn lands.- : " 3 ' " ? i i M:: 1 ! t i ; - , X Do Mr. Edmunds and Mr. Hoar wish to reduce the whole country to this same condition? If so, let them persist in the policy in force for the last twenty-five years and it will do it. But after the farmers are ruined and the farms abandoned, what then? IToiid Herald. ALLIANCE BATQ&IiS. . . . We present herewith an illustration of the badge which is being made in Chicago for the Nebraska Alliance. It is a very pretty thing, in the form of a scarf or bosom pin. Its color is gold, and red, white and blue. It is about half an inch wide and six-eighths of an Inch long, and is a very neat and orna mental pin. Secretary Thompson will furnish this badge to Alliances at the rate of $17.50 per 100. Single samples, sent by mail. 20 cents each. erosion op the teeth, qs external CARIES. There are three forms of this disease. Tin. first symptoms are : a dark-gray transverse line across tbe "Sjf yJ"'4V edge of the gums. . W These lines grow broader and darker AS the disease ad ranees. At length there is a deep black decay, and Anally the teeth ache and break on neat the gums, leaving unsightly old black roota. The gums are of a dark, cherry-red color. and congested. The patient is predisponed to rheumatism and consumption or has the diathesis .tending towards those diseases. The immediate cause of decay is the ul- ph uric acid that exudes from the congested gums. Hkcoxd variety. In this form or the discae,the necks of the teeth have a yellow ish hue; the soft portions of the teeth is of a i. orange color, and the teeth decay more rapidly than in the former variety. The cause is nn excess of lactic acid io the system, which finds its way out through the gums on to the necks of the teeth. The patient is predisposed to one form of rheumatism. In the third form the softened portion ol the tooth is of a chalky white, and decays rapidly. The teeth have only a low grade of vitality. The gums uie ot a pale white. with a red ginjival lorder ut the edges. Such patients generally have nervous dys pepsia, are anaemic, with soft muscles and leeble heart. Malaria is often one of the most promi nent, causes of haling health, dyspepsia. and loss of teeth. THE UEMEWES. In such cases the teeth are to be well filled, and in the two former varieties con stitutional remedies wiveii to carry off the acids, with local medication applied to tha gums; while sweet vie uals and the stroug meats must be ued xp iringly, otherwise the teeth will certainly h.i lost, and the pa tient's life shortened ten years or more. ,in the third iorm ot the disease, the pa tients are for the most part scrofulous children, and women who ur-i worn out with the constant care of children and sleepless nightx. They have had too much mental care from loss of friends or property, or mental troubles that we know not ofl The hypophosphites of soda, of lime, and the bitter tonics with iron, are the most efficient remedies Plenty of sleep and pleasant surround ings are also potent remedies. Pure water and mouutain air are not to be forgotten. All diseases associated with diseases of the teeth receive the best treatment by Dr. A. P. Burruss, 1208 O St. Lincoln. Alliance Sewing Machines. State Agent Hartlev is now prepared to furn?8h a first class Sewing Machines, nicely nnisheu, nve drawers, with all the latest improvements. Price $20, f . o. b. at Lincoln. 51 tf.