The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, July 12, 1890, Image 2

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Lincoln, - - - NeDiaska.
J. BURROWS, : : : Editor.
J. M. THOMPSON, Business Manager.
M In the beauty mt the lillies
Christ was born across the sea,
With a lory in his bosom
That transfigures you and me.
As He strove to make men holy
Let us strive to make men free,
Since God is marching on."
Julia Ward Howe.
Laurel crowns cleave to deserts,
And power to him who power exerts."
44 A ruddy drop of manly blood
The surging sea outweighs." ,
"He who cannot reason is a fool,
He who will not reason is a coward,
He who dare not reason is a slave." '
Premiums for New Lists or
For the largest list of new subscribers
or renewals at $1,00 per year, or in
clubs of fire at $4,00, received before
the first day of September next, we will
give One First Class $35 Sewing Machine.
Second largest list one $25 Road Cart.
Third largest list one $15 Road Cart.
Persons competing for above premi
ums must notify us with their first or
der, so that proper credits can be given.
Lincoln, Neb.
The People's Convention.
From all over the State comes ap
proval of the Call for the People's Con-
Ihe counties are falling into
line, several counties having already
appointed their delegations.. Some in
convenience is being felt on account of
the absence of political committees and
there being no ratio suggested for dele-
gates to county conventions. Where
committees on political action have not
been appointed any persons who are
interested, and who have signed the
declaration and call, can and should
take steps to see that delegations are
sent. In electing delegates from pre
cincts to county conventions' the ordi
nary number sent out by the republi
can or democratic parties can be
adopted, taking care to not make the
common mistake of giving the towns a
preponderating vote. In all ratios based
on votes, and generally by design, the
towns have a voice in county conven
tions out of all proportion to their
rights. This should be avoided. There
n5 no doubt that m manv cases where
rtbere is no other organization that
.county Alliances will, after their regu
lar meetings are adjourned, organize
themselves into county conventions and
However it is done, the main thinsr is
to secure representatives from each or
ganized county in the State at the State
-convention. The third district conven
tion which meets at Columbus on the
15th will be a good occasion to concert
.measures for securing county delega
tions to the State convention which
should not be neglected.
The following is the number of dele
gates agreed upon for each county.
The table as first published in The
AjxianCe, owing to the transposition of
a line, was entirely erroneous. The
errors may have been copied into other
.State papers. The corrected table, as
above, should be the only guide:
Adams1.'. ." 15
Arthur...., 2
Antelope 12
Banner....--.. 4
Blaine.......... 3
Boone 10
Box Butte...... 3
Jefferson 10
tt 1 I
ivearney . .... iu
Jtveya Jrana V
V i 1 1 M r I
Kimball 3
Knox 10
Lancaster 24
Brown......... 10
Buffalo.... .... 20
Butler.. 13
Burt 9
Cass........... 12
Cedar. 4
Chase. - -6
Cheyenne...... 4
Cherry. ... .... 5
Clay........... 15
Colfax......... 8
Lincoln 10
Logan 8
Loup 5
Madison 14
McPherson . 4
Meirick 12
Nance 10
Nemaha 14
Nuckolls 16
Otoe... 17
Pawnee 8
Cuming... . 6
Custer 25
Dakota... 4
Dawes. .12
Dawson 13
Deuel... 4
Dixon...... 6
Dodge 9
Douglas 25
Dundy 5
Fillmore. 15
Franklin....... 12
Frontier 21
Furnas......... 15
Perkins 10
Pierce 8
Phelps 12
Platte 13
Polk 16
Red Willow.... 16
Richardson .... 16
Rock 4
Saline 11
Sarpy 6
Saunders 25
Scotts Bluffs... 4
Seward 12
Gage 20
Garfield 5 t
- 1 J M.
Gosper... 10
Grant.... 3
Sioux 4
kjuvuu "
Stanton 5
Thayer 8
Greeley , 13
Hall i&
Hamilton 14
Harlan 12
Hayes ..... .5
Hitchcock...... 12
Holt.v 16
1 lllllll !1.M -
u. .1 :m ;
Vallev 9
Washington 11
r t
Wheeler. : . '.4
Howard........ 11
Hooker......... 3
York 12
Unorg'nized ter... 1
Alliance and Organized Labor Conven
tion at Kearney.
This was a large and enthusiastic con
vention. It nominated candidates for
representatives and county attorney,
and elected delegates to all the People's
J Thirty -eight Alliances were represent
ed in this convention. The people of
Buffalo Co. are alive, and their ticket
will certainly be elected.
Democratic State Convention.
The democratic state convention will
j held at Omaha, Thursday August
14th. This is the latest convention of
.the season. If it should choose to en
dorse the nominees of the Independent
convention, it would be on the winning
The Railroad
Power and the Omaha
It is important to the voters of this
State, and especially the farmers, to de
termine clearly the character of the
real issues before the people in the ap
proaching election. To determine this
question it will only be necessary to
consider the cause and character of the
present ferment among the people. A
great uprising has taken place, result
ing in the gradual upbuilding of a
farmers' "society having over seventy
thousand members. Has the question
of prohibition, or any other distinctive
ly moral question, had any part or in
fluence in this uprising? Certainly not.
The transportation question, the money
question, the land question, the corrup
tion of our politics question, have all
the time been the prime subjects of dis
cussion; and a desire for reform on
those subjects has mainly instigated
the formation of the Alliance.' These
questions will form the main issues in
our elections this fall. Their positions
in regard to them will be the points up
on which the fitness or unfitness of can
didates will be considered.
As long ago as the last session of the
legislature, when the question of sub
mission was being agitated, it was fore
seen that the railroad power would
strain every nerve to make prohibition
a main issue, so as to attract attention
trom the vital economic issues upon
which they desired to prevent action by
the people. The events of the past few
weeks bring to mind and demonstrate
the correctness of that prophecy. The
formation of the Banker's and Business
Men's Association was undoubtedly in
stigated by the railroad power, very
likely aided by railroad money, the de
sign being to fill the public mind with
this question, and hide the more impor
tant issues. The recent flop of the
leading Omaha daily, the Republican,
which only a few months ago was open
ly hostile to prohibition, was probably
brought about by the same influence.
That paper was said to be on the verge
of bankruptcy. The great railroad po-
nticai organizer, John M. Thurston, is
a resident of Omaha. The paper trots
out prohibition as the leading republi
can issue, playing exactly into the
hands of Mr. Thurston. It is a railroad
organ, having valuable railroad pat
ronage. How, much spot cash it got
from the railroads for the flop, no man
The Bee, the great anti-monopoly or
gan of the state, gradually leaves its
old moorings and takes sides with the
railroad and money power, also bend
ing its every energy to make prohibi
tion the leading issue. It can be as val
uable a servant to the roads opposing
prohibition as supporting it. The other
daily also takes up the same cry. No
man can say that the whole outfit has
been set up with railroad money, and
no man can say that it has not.
Prohibition has been submitted to be
voted upon by the people this fall. It
is likely that the lines on that question
are nearly drawn. All men will vote
upon it as they please, or not vote if
they please, and it will certainly be de
cided either for or against. But it is
not the main issue. Those questions
which are still hanging in the balance-
the question whether the railroad power
shall continue to dominate the state of
Nebraska, control its offices, r
its public men, and plunder its v
and its people, are of far ii
portance to the people of mis ...lute.
Do not let railroad money divlrt your
attention from the main issues.
Nebraska Politics in Pennsylvania.
T ..4. 1,U ! A 41. . ...
lilt l 1 uuuuuau uxiouuucisuiuu iac Bitua
tjon jn Pennsylvania. If Quay and Delamater
republicanism can't succeed, tnere is no pos
okVv Duvwcn iui uut? uiu i . wuav envv. v.
puDiicitniBm in ine msi n&iionai contest soieiy
by the practical politics that ruled at Harris
burg', and had any other than Quays' methods
been adopted in 1888, Harrison and the party
would have-" been overwhelmingly defeated.
Practical politics implies masters and' ser
vants. The masters are few; the servants
many, and the servants can't attempt to rule
the masters without disaster. The masters
make politics a trade, and when the party Is
summoned to win a victory that would de
throne masters, the masters can hinder vic
tory withi wave of the hand. Philadelphia
Ah! That's what we're eomingto, is
it? The "practical politics" of Matt
Quay the organizing in blocks of five
the use of strikers and bummers and
ward heelers must be adopted, or "there
is no possible success for the party
A band of roughs come into a town and
run it at the muzzle of their guns, elect
its mayor and council, and plunder its
citizens under the forms of law. Re
spectable and conservative citizens pro
test, and intimate there are ways that
are better and more honest, and the
1 V,D --."l 1-r inf'm tham V r. f V. -r .,
- 1 I 1 ! .!
misiaKeu; ma. mis .mu ui practical
politics has been successful in ruling
the town, and that if it is not continned
the party i. e.
the thugs will be de-
. - "
Seated. Having gained power, the mask
of morality and decency is thrown off,
-a . - - - a .
ana vlllamy is justinea because it sue-
cf edeL Without Quays "methods' 'Har-
nson ana me paity wuuiu nave oeen
1 1 i U 1 T
overwneimingiy ueieaw.u. xnai is 10
i . i . . -i rrM L
say, if honest methods had been adopted
Harrison would not have been elected.
But the complete endorsement of Ne
braska railroad principles follows
"Practical politics implies masters and
servants." That is the very principle
the railroad gang here have been en
torcing in this state ior many years
cut iook at tne inreat in tne last sen
tence, and see how the railroad power
are preparing to carry it out in this
State. . There is an uprising of the peo
ple that threatens to depose these mas
1 It t 1 -!.
ters wnose -practical pontics ' em
braces such vile principles, and the
railroads immediately say, "All ritrh t
if we can't run that machine we'll
smash it," and begin to import their
democratic strikers to aid them to
make a new machine. "Stick to your
p-a-r-t-y," is the cry. of the masters;
I but if they can't run the party to suit
themselves they'll smash its machinery
too quick.
Was there ever a viler declaration
than the one we have quoted at the head
of this article. Read ft again. "The
servants . e. the people) cannot at
tempt to rule the master without disas
ter." This is a bare and bald statement
of the relations which such low-down
organs as 'the B- $ -V- Journal and its
strikers actually think exists between
the people and the party bosses.
People, how long do you propose to
stand it?
The Railroad Power.
Few men realize the extent or nature
of the railroad power in the capital of
Nebraska. Many persons
no doubt
imagine that what is known as "the
railroad power" is a vague creature of
the fancy of professional agitators, and
that it has no real existence in fact.
Let such men come to the city of Lin
coln and engage in any business, or as
pire to any official position, and they
will soon find their mistake. This rail
road power has its attorneys whose
regular duty is to look after its inter
ests in every possible manner. It has
its commercial agents, sometimes
known, often not known to other men,
whose duty is to look after all kinds of
business, to know the commercial
standing of men, to understand all
openings for business enterprises, and
to see to it that the friends of their road
get into the good openings. This power
has its regular detectives, not only
watching its own employes, but watch
ing citizens as well, and reporting con
stantly all matters of interest to the
But it is in political work that the
fine Italian hand of the railroad power
is most apparent. There is no political
machinery in this country that is too
minute for its attention; there is no
candidate so insignificant as to be be
neath its notice. This is ome of the
chief sources of the demoralization of
our politics. This power works by ma
terial agencies, the same as any other.
The political work of the corporations
is all dirty work. If dirty work is to
be done, dirty agents have to be found
to do it. And this is the reason why so
many dirty scamps are occupying sub
ordinate political positions. And this
is also the reason why self-respecting
men men of character and standing in
society, are refusing to become aspi
rants for political positions. It has
long been understood here, and is so
understood to-day, that if a man wants
to go to the legislature or congress he
must first conciliate the railroad power.
If he does not do this he is sure to have
turned upon him the billingsgate of
their organs and the opposition of their
low tools. To conciliate this power
means, for a sensitive and proud man,
a humiliation and degradation that he
will not submit to-. So sensitive and
proud men, who- would do honor to
public life, are not in politics. Even
men who have been the willing tools of
this power for years-, occasionally turn
and denounce it, witness Church
A sound moral tone- will never be re
stored to our politics the word " poli
tics " will never cease to be synonymous
with meanness and low-down trickery,
until " the railroad power" is elimina
ted from our political life-
Taxation and Work.
! Edward Atkinson, discussing the sin
jgle tax in the Century for July, says:
Those who expect so much benent
from a mere chancre in the method of
collecting taxes overlook the fact that
i. j
taxation and work are synonymous
terms." Henry George, in his reply to
Mr. Atkinson, denies that this is a fact,
but at the same time admits that " it is
true that taxation can be paid only in
products of wort." For our purpose the
statements are equivalents and com
prise a very important fact yery tersely
stated. This fact is a speeial refuta
tion of the specious arguments used to
induce the laboring men of our cities to
vote bonds for corporations. The usual
method in such cases is to employ a few
sharp men at a good round price to se
cure the necessary votes. These men ap
ply to the poor mechanics and laborers,
and assure them that they have no real
financial interest in the matter that
the tax is levied against property, and
as they have no assessable property
they will pay no share- of the tax. Now
as a matter of fact " taxation and work
are svnonvmous . terms." In other
v v
words taxes are paid out of current in
come, and not out of accumulated capi
tal. Current income is all produced by
labor. Consequently the capitalist
the banker, landlord, bond-holder, etc.
is the man who has no interest in the
amount of bonds so voted, and the la
borer is the man who has all the inter
est in it. Ihe landlord's taxes are paid
bv his tenants the banker's taxes are
paid by tie men who use his money
the bond-holder's taxes are paid in tax
ation by the people the merchant's
taxes are paid by his customers. ' If
taxeg are unduly advanced, interest,
if ontl nr1(,M 'rA pnrrPsr.nnfHn.rlv ad-
l -.. r r a-j
xwrv dnllar of tax for the
current year is paid 0ut of the product
of that year. The larger the propor-
tion of production which is taken for
taxation, the smaller will be the
proportion left for wages. If laboring
men understood this subject, they
could not be walked up so easily by
strikers to vote railroad bonds.
Some Gall.
The Nebraska Alliance is the name
which a new paper somewhere in Ham
ilton county, we think, has taken. . It
bears the old party ear marks very
olain. and we advise Alliance men to
look out for it. A would-be' p
!., nr. mnra sAnodfhun .n.torfa
paper with a name so plainly identical
with another paper in the same state is
UJF X& JI V ww -.. . I L W O III A. W
an unmitigated ass, and an object
suspicion on general principles.
Stop My Paper.
We do not adopt the abtfve as a cap
tion because we have received any such
an order. We have not received one.
But we . have received some friendly
criticisms and advice as to our course as
editor of this paper.
We beg of our readers to consider
how impossible the task would be ta
please all of ten thousand patrons. We
also beg our readers to consider what
kind of a paper would result, suppose
the editor began to trim hi3 own con
victions and adjust the expression of
them to all his different readers. We
have heard of the Mormon who had one
young wife and one old one, and was
very fond of both. The young wife
couldn't abide gray hairs, and would
pull them all out when she combed his
hair; the old one couldn't abide dark
hairs, and would do the same with
them. Result, the old fellow's head was
soon bald as a pumpkin. The editor
who trims to every man's whim, trying
to please all, will fail to please any, and
his mentality will soon be as bald as the
Mormon's head.
The value of a paper depends upon
two things, and they are about equally
essential to it. Fir.t, it should express
the honest and truthful convictions of
its editor. Second, its success will de
pend upon the amount of brain power,
the extent of the mental vigor he puts
into it. The successful paper will ex
press the best heart and brain of its edi
tor. To impress other men a man must
himself believe. Insincerity cannot wear
a mask. The instincts of human nature
penetrate and see through it. "We
carry the character of our souls mysti
cally in our faces." The trimmer has
always been a faiinre. The man who
pares a little off of his covictions here,
sacrifices a little principle there, tells
half the trutb in this place, and sup
presses all of the troth in the other, to
please this maa and not to offend that
one, has no right to be an editor. He
relinquishes hist manhood, and every
thing about him. that is God-like drops
on like a mantle. Joe will soon nave a
sneaking and hang-dog air, his eyes will
waver and not loofe squarely, into the
eyes or other men, and bis soul will
cease to shine through them. Or rather
his soul will shrivel ao.! wither, and his
heart will die, and his- paper will show
only a dwarfed mentality, and will not
appeal to men's hearte- ov iimpress their
On the contrary, show lie the editor
who is manly and independent who
advocates the the truth because it is the
truth who fears no man who- hews to
the line no matter where the chips fall,
always in the line of public duty, never
in private malice, and we will show you
a successful editor, who will impress
other men, and command their respect
and admiration whose memory will be
cherished and works not f orgotteia..
The most successful editor ever in this
country was Horace Greely, all the ele
ments of success considered; and Hor
ace Greely was exactly such a man as
we have described. .
Readers, which kind of a paper, and;
which kind of an editor do you wish to
In asking this we do not deny the
right of every man to have a paper that
advocates his views, if he can get it.
All trades an guilds and parties have
their special organs. But in all of these-
organs the editor may, in fact he must,
have the latitude that belongs to honest
convictions, or he will be a failure as- an
The Weather and the Crops.
We fear that a very extensive calam
ity is befalling Nebraska at this-time.
Unusual dry weather has prevailed in.
many localities. Very many twine or
ders have been recalled, the
c tc-x,
ianure oi me sman grain. such uruer
have been promptly cancelled, by
.v.iir. ur
State Agent Hartley, ana tne money
the monev
promptly refunded without cost to-our
members. Gage county is seriously
afflicted. On the farm of the editor, in.
eastern Gage, the tame grass was not
over one-third a crop ;of 90 acres of fla on
the farm, 50 acres will not be cut at all.
and the balance will not makeover kail
a crop. The oats are very short, but
will thresh about half a crop. The blue
grass is brown and sere, and the- elover
wilted and dried. Timothy if nil. On
the farm of one of our neighbors, new
hay is being fed to tne stocK. w e are
informed that farther, west in. Gage the
drouth has been still more severe.
We would be glad to. have short
weather and crop reports.frona all parts
of the state. It is about tbe time when
the Omaha papers,, especially the Bee,
are irivincr crlowintfc accounts of the
and doing all they can to bear
the markets in the-interests of the spec-
ulators. We want the facts about the
crops, and not ower-drawn accounts in
the interests ofi real-estate men, and
which depress the-price of products.
A Five Tkousand Crowd.
Gen. Jas. B. Weaver delivered the
oration at the Saunders County Alliance
celebratioa at Wahoo. The Gen. pro
posed to deliver an orthodox oration of
the old sort; but the crowd objected
and demanded a speech upon the poll
tical issues of the day. Gen. Weaver
was nothing loth, and turned loose in
his best style upon the current topics
Though just off from a sick Jbed, he out
did himself and delivered one of the
grandest speeches ever heard in the
state that day. The enthusiasm was
unbounded. Five thousand people were
Sunday afternoon, the 6th, Gen. Wea
ver spoke to a large assembly at a point
about ten miles north of Falls City, in
Richardson county. He is doing good
work wherever he goes.
VVE harn ronaiimri Iwft rt. f es Irom
We have received two articles from
M I ' - W V VVV www -4
Mr. A, J. Gustin, of Kearney, for which
we had no room this week. One in re-
of lation to the Supreme Court we may
publish next week.
The Omaba Bee and the
The Bee ol the 5th, under the title of
"An appeal to Common Sense," makes
its "last appeal to the republican farm
ers to attend the caucuses and conven
tions and take control of the party and
its machinery." The indications are that
the appeal of the Bee will be fruitless.
The week point in the Bee's armor is
that the appeal is made in behalf of at
machine which is in the hands of a cer-
tain pnrnint element arid which is itself road8 have conspired together to exact extor-
tain corrupt element, ana wnitius xtocu. tionate profltgt and that every man's hand is
rotten to the core. The republican against the farmer. This charge of over
, . . . . , lo greediness is undoubtedly true as to the rail
farmers of this State want pure officials road8 ftnd banks; but the agitator, not con-
and good government, and they can SSevas?
cret these much more surely through have become the fierce persecutors of the
7u :,. a Tiflc-.!
tion than in any other way.
When the Bee says that "the leaders
of the independent peoples' movement
are making a frantic effort to keep re
publican farmers out of the republican
primaries," it makes a glaring mis-statement.
Not a particle of such an effort
has been made. Nor is there any effort
to form a new party beine made. The
peoples' movement is simply for an in-
, , . . .
dependent convention to nominate men
for office in whom the people have con
fidence, and all men who accept the
principles of the declaration are invited
to participate in that convention
Gov. Thaver. fallintr in with the Bee.
. . . ... . , , . , '
ana mixing pontics witn nis lourcn oi
July patriotism at Plainview, says:
is the duty of republican "Alliance men
to attend the republican primaries and
see that good men are selected for posi
tions of responsibility and trust. It is
the duty of democratic Alliance mem
bers also to attend the primaries of
their party and help select good and
true men." And the governor says this
course will result in good government
and the selection of good men for office.
Well, the farmers of this state have been
doing that very thing for the past fif
teen years, with results which are well
known. Laws, Connell, Dorsey, Steen,
Cowdery and Benton are among those
results. His excellency himself is
among them. Go right ahead, farmers,
in the same groove, and Richards, Jack
McColl, Doc. Mercer or Church Howe,
every one of them acceptable and relia
ble railroad tools and cappers, will be
the future results. The plaintive cry of
Rosewater and Thayer is veiy well para
phrased in the Farmers' Voice: "Now,
dearly beloved Hayseeds, whatever you
do don't think of starting an Indepen
dent movement, when we, your long
lost brothers, with strawberry marks
. j i i
on our leit arms, are just iainy uying
to serve you within the ranks of the two
old parties without your putting up a
cent for election expenses.
"JJon't be bashful in making your
wants known: the Earth is yours al
ready, ana all you have to ao is to say
so and we will step right up and get the
moon for you.
Independent Convention of the Third
Congressional District
At a conference of the Farmers' Alli
ance, Knights of Labor, Trade Unions,
Labor Ulubs and other labor organiza
tions of the Third Congressional Dis
trict, held at Grand Island, Neb., May
29, 1800, in which 24 counties were rep
resented, it was decided to issue a call
for an Independent1 Congressional
convention to be held at Colum
bus, Neb., July 15, 1890, at 2 o'clock
p. m., for the purpose of placing in
nomination an independed candidate
for congress in the Third Congressiona
District of Nebraska.
The basis of representation shall be
as follows: The representation to the
county conventions shall be one dele
gate to every twenty members or major
fraction thereof, and all Sub. Alliances,
. AaMUa twi
v o .
tiHiOQS, -iiuuruuuii, wiin iw man .v
naenabers shall be entitled to one dele
gate. Tbe representation in tne Con-
gressional convention shall be one dele
gate to every 10 delegates or major frac
tion thereof to the county convention.
A full delegation is desired.
James Beswick, Ch'm.
J. G.Painteb, Sec. Kearney, Neb.
Broken Bow, Neb.
We present herewith an
illustration of the badge
which is being made in
Chicago for the Nebraska
a -mm -r
Alliance. it is a very
pretty thing, in the form of
a scarf or bosom pin. Its color is gold,
and red, white and blue. It is about
half an inch wide and six-eighths of an
inch long, and is a very neat and orna-
mental pin.
Secretary Thompson will furnish this
badge to Alliances at the rate of $17.50
per 100. Single samples, sent by mail.
20 cents each. . .
We are now hoping to make a still
better contract in Chicago, in which
case the price will be lowered. Our
first contract was for $15.00 per hun
dred. It was then raised to $17.50.
But we are now expecting to make- &
contract at $14.00.
Silver Stabbed Again.
The conference committee o the
, silver bill has come to an agreement
which leaves silver as a commodity, the
same as wheat and corn. The amount
of bullion the government is to pur-
chase is increased to 4,50O,0W ounces
- per month, and the certificates issued
for the bullion are redeemable in
coin and be full legal tender. Wall
street is the winner thus, far in this
fight, as the principle of free and un-
limi.ed coinage is defeated. The Gov
I ... a jl i A
emmeni HUeBl 1SW wimuwwb wu u
ernment might issue certificates on any
I - ' m ,
other commodity ana redeem tiem m
coin. We hope the conference report
will not be adopted. Uivftuairee coia
age or nothing;.
The Nebraska Development Association.
From the Saline County Uemocrat:
We hare received the following circularr
Q. W. Lininrer, Pres.. W. N. Nason, Sec,
Omaha. Omaha..
J. R. Clark. Tr- T-lnnoln.
E. K. Valentine, Vice-Pres.. West Point.
J. P. Ballinger, Ass't Sec., Hastings.
office or
Nebraska Development Association,
Omaha. Neb.. June 25. 18U0.
Dear Sir: x
It is doubtless annarent to vou that one of
the strongest drawbacks to immigration into
Nebraska at this time, lathe fact that the state
is sutxering rrom an Injured reputation
abroad. The idea has gone out that Nebraska
farmers are not prosperous any more; that
the business men, the bankers and the rail-
business Interests of the state. This agita
tion. If persisted in, will soon acquire such
momentum that even afUr these grievances
have been adjusted, it will be years before
the state can shake off the depressing Influ
ence of an injured reputation. The press has
undoubtedly been a potent factor in arousing
the people and securing tbese reforms that
are sore to come, wow is it not tne amy or
the press to check this already overwrought
agitation among the people, od while bold
lag fast for reduction In railroad rates and
bank rates, resent tbe infamous slander that
Nebraska Is financially embarrassed? It is
generally believed by the thinking' business
man ana tne rair rninaea mm imeingent
prosperous tKdyiproportto to the capital
Invested than the farmers of any other state
farmer, that Nebraska farmers are more
in the union. Then let the press begin to
preach this doctrine. If it's true; why not say
so, and Bay it in such) a positive manner as to
silence the slanders that have gone abroad.
Having called your attention' to these
pointsby way of trentlr lotrannoF your mem
ory, we ask you. If you see this as weao, to
publish in your next issue an editorial on this
Hne of thought and' send u marke eopy.
xrusang tnat your sense of Justice- ana your
aesire to stana on tne ngbt side- or truth
amklna. alatilA.afiilninM.iu.nakUi .4nJ..
will Inspire you. we will wait anxiously for
your positive and potent action. We shall
neea a number of extra oopies-of your naoer
to use In working up our harvest) excursions
this summer.
w. N. N-ason, Sec'y.
From the tenor of the above- extraordinary-
document we are inclined 'to- think- that the
high sounding Nebraska Development Asso
ciation must be a twin brother to little Ikey
Jensen's Nebraska Republican1 Office-holders
Association at Washington. G eorge W. " Li n
lnger is the name of a capitalist' at Omaha
late republican candidate for mayor. B. K.
Valentine is the president of tbe-First Na
tional Bank at Westy Point, an i exveongress
man who has just been appointed sergeant-at-arms
of the U. S. Senate, and who through
his whole political career has been the firm
friend ef the railroads. There is a banker In
Lincoln named John Rl Clark, who Is also
interested in numerous other banks In differ
ent parts of the state. If be Is not Clarke,
the treasurer. It Is evidently the intent of the
"association" to create that impression.
That these worthies should foul their own
nests by admitting the charge against the
banks of "over-greediness" and "conspiring
to exact from the farmer extortionate pro
fits," is a little singular, and that the whole of
the farmers' woes should be attributed to the
banks and railroads and not a 6ingle word
said against the oppressive tariff and the cat
tle and other combines and trusts, is extreme
ly significant.
It has never been observed that any
of the gentlemen named above have
ever protested against the "over-greediness"
which they acknowledge is true
of the banks and railroads of this state.
In fact, from their known tendencies
in the other direction, it is rather re
markable that they would let such an
admission go out under their names.
If they had used their influence to secure
just laws for this state they might not
now find it necessary to protest against
'the depressing influence of the injured
reputation of the state."
As a matter of fact the state has not
been slandered. The people of the
state a re financially embarrassed, and
the farmers are fearfully overburdened
with what Senator Paddock terms "evi
dences of prosperity," viz: Mortgages.
But these things are no more true of
Nebraska than of other neicrhboring
states; and the mortgages are not
the cause of the depression,
but the result as - well as the
evidence of it. These narrow-minded
bankers, who are no doubt able finan
ciers, but know very little about the
principles of money, see the depression
and feel it in their business; and they
rush to the silly conclusion that it is due
to stagnated immigration caused by the
infamous slander that Nebraska is
financially embarrassed" instead of
Ionian r fm
looking for the real cause in the demon
etization of silver, the establishment of
the single gold standard, and the con
traction of the national bank circula
tion, all of which they have aided and
abetted with the intention of lowering
prices so that interest would command
more wealth.
All of these gentlemen, . who admit
the "greediness and extortion of tho
banks and railroads" have been iinpor'
tant members and auxiliaries of the po
litical machine through which the rail
roads and banks have been able to per
petrate their extortions.
Their appeal to the "potent press.' to
deny the slanders is refreshing, The
day has gone by when newspapers can
make cool weather, or good crops, or
flush times bv merely asserting that
those things exist. Eaoh farmer knows
how it is with himself, and their close
sociations with all parts of the state
through their Alliances enables them to
know the truth quite as well if not bet
ter than the bankers.
We will add rieht. here that The Alii
aace is waiting with, some interest for
the official figures ofi Mr. Test and the
other gentlemen about mortgages; and
we warn the gentlemen that they can
not put on any iau9w iigures in uus uiuv
X - tfC 1 B 1. . A-
A Worthy Example.
' The following letter and resolutions
explain themselves. They were ac
companied by a list of names and re
Beavek City, Neb. July 3, 1890.
.editor amjance: i inclose a reso
lution passed by Pleasaut View Alli
ance No. 607:
Resolved, - That we take $2.00 of the
unremitted. State Dues for the quarter
ending September, and subscribe for
ten Alliance papers for three months.
and send the paper to non-members o
the Alliance."
We accept the list and money in this
case as a starter, as they are to go. to
non-members free. See our Club
Terms for balance of this year.
The Venango Argus for Johrf H. Powers.
The Venango Argus comes to. us with
"The People's Ticket, i For Governor
John H. Powers." at the lhead of ita edi
I - 1 1 1
torli COdUUUl. XJTU, xvmuuuua iiuitu.!
M -m m
is level. We wish hel would indicate
preference for thf State ticket in
other directions, aa wcl oeiave.His.J-dg-.
ment is good
The Indepen3Wnt Movement in Douglas
Representatives of all the industrial
organizations in the city held a meet
ing at Fuller's hall. Fourteenth and
Douglas street, Saturday night, to take
steps to organize for the independent
political movement.
It was decided to hold the county
convention on July 20 at 2 p. m., to
elect twenty-five delegates to attend
the state convention at Lincoln, July
29. The primaries will be held in the
various wards at 5 p. m'., Thursday,
July 14, the basis of representation to
be one delegate for each industrial or
ganization and one for every ten mem
bers thereof, and one delegate for every
ten outside of industrial organizations
who have signed the call for the inde
pendent convention-.
At the primaries only those who sign
the declaration of irinciples and call
will be allowed to participate, and - the
roll so kept shall on the day following
the primaries be sent to- the chairman
of the county central committee, and
the committee will report the same to
the county convention or the commit
tee on credentials.
The following were selected as tem
porary central committeemen1: C. ,W.
Miller, South Omaha, cliairmtvn; J. C.
Tierney, Omaha; J. W. Mbore, Water
loo; J. H. Blake, Omaha; Jl W. Edger
ton, South Omaha. The call for the
county convention M'ill be issued in a
few days.
Venier Voldo at Work;
Venier Voldo addressed large crowds
in Butler county, syeaklng successively
at David City, Brainerd, Surprise, Hell
wood and Garrison. In Otoe county
the week following he met enthusiastic
anuiliences at Unadilla, Palmyra, Berlin,
Dunbar and Syracuse. At Be he
christened the new Alliance Hall on
June 30, though the building was inad
equate to hold the crowd, and after
ward held good meetings at Utica and
M&lfordin Seward county. He ad
dressed 6,000 at Nelson on July 4. This
week he fills five engagements in Fill
more county beginning at Geneva, July
8th. He is advertised to speak at Da
vid' City on July 14, and Ulysses n
July 15, and will then devote one week
to lLancaster county. Mr. Voldo-i
giving his whole time to the cause, and
is well spoken of everywhere.
Lancaster County Alliance Declares for
Independent Action.
Lancaster County Alliance met at
Lincoln on Tuesday, July 7. Thirty
Alliances were represented by ninety
six delegates.
The-subject of independent political
action had been referred to the Subor
dinate Alliances. On the reports from
these Alliances all were in favor of put
ting an independent county ticket in
the field except one Alliance; and as to
this one it was said that a majority of
its members" were now in favor of such
A committee was appointed to confer
with other industrial organization
with a view to the calling of an Inde
pendent People's Convention.
Our Twine Deal.
Tho-satisfactory manner in which our
Stato Agent transacts business, is shown
by the following letter. This was a
case- in wnicn alter tne twino wa
bought aud paid for Mr. Hartley re
turned the money because the Alliance
did' not need the twine. neople
have been furnished tv, i rer than
any Cher, and all por . ccn con
strued in their favo. .
J. W. Hartley, Lincoln, Neb.: In
behalf of the people of our Alliance I
will hereby extend to you a vote of
thanks for your kind and honorable
treatment to us in refunding our mom-y
sent for twine. We farmers arc $xt
used to being dealt with in that way.
Accept our thanks.
lours iraternauv,
Ciias. K. SrABF.iK.
Westmart, Neb., July 1st., 18U0.
A Good Man for State Treasurer.
Hon. M. K. Lewis, of Hastings, has
been mentioned by his friends as a good
maan for State Treasurer on the Inde
pendent Ticket. Mr. Lewis is an ar
dent anti-monopolist, a successful busi
ness man, and his personal character is
entirely above reproach. If he would
consent to be a candidate ho would cer
tainly be a strong one.
The Mortgage Foreclosed; A Story of
Farm Life, by C. 1L Thayer.
The above is the title of a very reada
ble book which, intutfttttou to an inter
esting story, partly of farm life, dis
cusses the tariff que&tkvn in nearly all its
phases, but mote particularly as It
affects the faruunsr class. Belford.
Clark & Co., CWeago.
A Few Plain Questions.
Editor Alliance: It is-estimated
that nearly ono billion dollars is sjent
annually for liquor in the United
States. Now the question is who gets
this money and how is it invested?
There is no question but what it soon
finds its way into the hands of capital
ists and is invested in bank, railway and
protected manufactory stock, and thu
robs the temperate producer with the
Now I would like to ask my financo
and transportation reform brothers a
few candid questions.
1st. Have you any confidence in any
man voting any kind of reform who
cheerfully hands his wages over the Ivar
for something that is worse than noth
ing while his family suffers for the ne
cessaries of life?
2d. Have you any confidence in the
man behind the bar who all the
man's earnings in return for this slow
poison voting for any reform?
8d. Have you any confidence in the
man who manufactures this drug,
whose mission is. to make paupers and
criminals, voting for reform of any
I have just confidence enough in thU
class to believe they are at the head of
all trust? and combinations to. enslave
the temperate with the intemperate.
And as abolition was found to be a mil
itary necessity. If this is to. be a war of
ballots between labor and capital pro
hibition, will be a political necessity.