V 3PEII3 4T ....ALLIANCE DIItECTOKT. NATIONAL FARMERS' ALLIANCE. 4 1 J I 0 President. H. r.. rnirVa. TtnVnta. Vlce-Prosidnn .inhn ii PnirnM. Nebraska. Secretary, August Post, Moulton, Iowa. Treasurer, J. J. Furlong, Minnesota. Lecturer, N. B. Ashby, bos Muinos, Iowa. NEDBASKA STATE ALLIANCE. President, John II. Powers, Cornell; Vice PreRtdpnt.. Valentino Horn. Aiimrft. fiecretary-Treasu rer, J. M. Thompson, Lincoln Aecturer, w. r . wriBrnr, jonnson county. Asst. lecturer, Lojran Mclteynolds, Fairfield, i Chaplain, Kev. J. S. Edwards, Wahoo. 1 i Doorkeeper, D. W. Barr, Clay county. Aut. door keeper, G. O. Underhill, Unadilla. 8eargeant-t-ftrn8: ! Blllinyniy, Shelton. ""V iJtfccuiiVE committee. 1. Burrows, chairman; B. F. Alien, Wabash; J. W. Williams, Filley; Albert Dickerson, -Litchfield; Frank H. Young, Custer. . Post OrriCE at Lincoln, Neb., June 18, 1889. I hereby certify thatTHB Ali.ianck, a week iy newspaper puousneu attms place. nas uen i determined by the Third Assistant Post Man- J ter uenerai to be a publication entitled to F admission in the malls at th vnma rate of : i postage, and entry of U as 6Uch is accordingly ? ' mae apon the books of thiB office. Valid', while the character of the publication re- Edoae, June 22(1, 1890. mains unchanged. Aujbkt wat kins, Editor Alliance: As I have Dot - Postmaster. Sfiftn items from tnig vI0Iritv in N THE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE. For The Aixiasce. What's Wrong? , ,, Oh what is the matter? Oh tell me what 'wrong? xum me lanncrs anu worm.iKiucu vu v setiu,y were making from 23 to 40 per cent alnnrr. ' .u. . l .xt . mousrn the harvest is great tnatwe getna mistake. fori have been farming lor the fall, Uhe past live years, and on an average I When the spring rolls around we have noti; ing at all. Perhaps there are so Qy whose ituuics ate re- nowned, liut how many hands arc now big and browned, Yet know not the glory of chisel or pen, Ifut toil for their loved with the might of true men. There are hearts that are nobte aod lires that are great Who know naught of fame or honor of state. For who is more noble than he that will give All the strength of his years that his loved ones may live? When you talk of the noble, the good and the great Itaie not the brave toiler 'neath ruler of state; For what was the power that developed our land?' Was it pallet and chisel, or sturdy brown hand? Who built the prond vessels that 6ail on the seas? Who leveled tke forest? who felled the great trees? Who drove back the savage? what won our fair land? Fave the might that God gave to the 6turdy brown hand? Who digs in the bowels of old mother earth For tit-asure there hidden, for gems of great woith? Too oft for a pittance they risk life and health While they add to the store of the nation's great wealth. Though a man be a sculptor, a painter. or king. To the toiler he freely a tribute should brinjr. For his ruiment, his bread, all the fruit of his land Is won by the toil of the 6turdy brown har.d. If then fair maiden when decked as a bride "Tis the stroDg son of toil who stands by your side. Fear not, for your future is safest with him, When wealth has departed and fame has gro'.vn dim. - - ' If his heart is as true as his strong hand is brown Surely no better refuge could ever be found. In sickness he'll be the best nurse in the land There's the tenderest touch in the sturdy brown hand. If poverty comes he'll meet it half way; If death's angel carries a loved one away He'll be strength in your weakness, a solace in grief; In his strong, manly faith you will find sweet relief. And ixt last when he's called to heaven's fair land 1 You will lean o'er his coffin and kiss his brown hand; And his children who tenderly fit his last glove In hife broad calloused palm will read of his love. 'Tis the same old. old story of toil and true man. So often retold since the world first began, That when God has a work He'd have wrought for the land, He ever has chosen the sturdy brown hand. Meeting of Greely Co. Alliance. Editor Farmers' Alliance: Our county meeting held J une 7th was a success as a demonstration of our num ber and strength. Delegations from nearly all Sub. Alliances in the county, also Knights of Labor, met at Greely Centre. Both associations formed in a grand parade, and marched to a dinner served by Alliance women. After din ner speeches were made Mr. Bigelow of the K. of L., and Mr. Sullivan of the Alliance, and an article written by the "Great Dehorner" was read. Alliance ;ongs were sang by members, while Ave Lad a grand good time all around. Mr. Sullivan said he served this country during the war of the rebellion and was proud of it, and he had now enlisted for another struggle in the de fense of right and justice, and he was also proud of that. The seutimenls ex pressed that day coincide with the gen eral opinion of Antelope county, that we have no more use for G. W. E. D. The several Alliances will take part in the celebratiqn at Greely Centre on the Fourth, when we expect lo have another big time. Our executive com mittee has no doubt asked the State Sec retar3 to send us a speaker. Hope their petition may be granted. Greely coun ty farmers and. laborers are to-day nearer together in their views than ever iefore, and by next November we think that imaginary line will be nearly if not fiuite erased. The Farmers' Alliance is last getting the inside track oa the "slop slmgers" here, antt all the curt thev throw hereafter will fall upon them selves. We look upon "our paper" as ii morning star!that heralds a day which the poor people of Nebraska call grand -and glorious, when women and children aieed not labor in the fields to help pay thirty per cent interest bearing debts sis is now the case. Yours respectfully, E. A. IlADLEY. Organizer of Greely Co. Elsewhere in this issue may be ifonnd notice of the popular neAV Alii since songster, issued by our Kansas friends. It is having a marvelous sale an Nebraska as Avell as in 'Other states By all means secure a supply for your Sub. Alliance. They are .genuine en tausiasers, and no mistake. The Alliance Songster very appro priately devotes one page to a portrait of the popular state president, ".Kansas lien" Clover. ( . "TIIEJRK GREAT PROSPERITY IN CLAY CO. armers making: "?o to ao Per Cent on Their Investment. your valuable paper latety I will try and gather a few. Being in the village of Edgar not long ago I heard some jentlemen talking about the extrava gance of thefarmer. The crowd of men was composed of lawyers, doctors, wer- chants ana bankers, lhey said the s?arnieI.g lived too well and dressed too well to keep out of debt, and stated that tin Lin-ir iiHuitiy mvesiuu Now this is ,ave Xtot mate 5 per eent on the money. Dii'ing the live years of my farming I have only raised one crop, and two fail ures aud two one-third crops. This year my small grain is hailed out, and my corn badly damaged. From such causes I was compelled to sell ray corn last fall for 12c to pay 2 pr ct pr mo. on my mortgages and notes. And there are 9 in every 10 of the farmers in the same boat as 1 am, drifting: down stream and capital holding the oars. During the two failures 1 paid from 40 to 5octs. per bushel for corn to feed my team on. If those fellows will give me 40 cents on the dollar invested I would be satisfied; and to help the matter I will agree to eat grass and wear coffee sacks a while longer. The farmers in this vicinity are so pressed they have to sell their last hog to pay interest; and not one in ten have meat to eat half of the time. Same way with their cattle everything has to go for interest. With these few remarks I will stop for this time, and hope for better times to arrive soon.. If you consider these items worth th'eir space please let the farmers of Nebraska know how we are prospering in Clay county. Yours truly, A Subscriber. Independent Conference District. in the Second Hastings, Neb., June 22, 1693. Dear Sir and Bro.: Acting under instructions, I am requested to notify you that a conference will be held in Hastings, Nebraska, on Monday, July 7th, at 1 p. m., 1890, for th purpose of deciding what line of political actiou should be adopted by the people's party in this 2d congressional district. County presidents or county secretaries, one or two of the above named officers will be recognized delegates in the conference, but in such counties as have elected po litical committies to represent their counties, sakl committee will be the delegates, and you are hereby requested to immediately notify such committee of time and place of conference. If your county cannot send a representa tive will you please write a line to the secretary and express your views on the situation. One delegate from each la bor organization other than the Alli ance will be allowed each order in your county. By order of committee. II. B.'McGaw, Sec'y, A. C. Tompkins, Co. Organizer, J. W. Isaac, Adams Co. Pres., V. Horn, Vice State Pres. Meet at Germania Hall. "Put None but Patriots on Guard To Night" Grant, June 23, 1890. Editor Alliance: Millionaires are slaveholders. The men who keep books and collect for them are their overseers, and the better tney imitate feambo in Uncle Tom's Cabin the sooner they are promoted. Although it must be an inspiring sight to stand on a tented field at guard mount in time of war and watch each regiment contribute its share of men to guard the camp from the en croachments of the enemy while their comrades slumber, yet how much more grand it is to take a stand to-day, un- obstructed by old party ties, and watch the industrial army, each factor con tributing its portion to guard their brothers from an ever watchful con spiring foe, while they toil in the fields, actories and mines. Brothers, crawl out from under those old piles of rot ten ties and Avatch and help cheer the grandest marshaling of forces the world ever witnessed. J. B. Osler. State Alliance in Missouri to be Or ganized by the National Alliance. Moulton, Iowa, June 21, 1890 To T16 Officers and Members of Subordinate Alliances in Missouri: There Avill be a delegate Com-ention held at Savannah, Missouri, on Wednes day and Thursday, July lGth and 17th, 1890, for the purpose ot organizing a State Alliance under the auspices of the National Farmers' Alliance. Each Subordinate 'Alliance Avill be entitled to three delegates, aud are urged to see that they are fully repre sented. Send your ablest and best men. The place of meeting Avas selected Avith a view ot being the most conven ient to the largest number of Alliances. The first meeting will be held Wednes day at 11:00 o'clock A. M. Mr. N. B. Ash by, Lecturer of the National Farmers' Alliance, will .be present and address the Convention. V ery truly i ours, August Post, Secretary. Ambition the Ruling Incentive. Mr. Randall in the Nationalist. Of the many criticisms that haAe been made of Mr. Bellamy's popular work, "Looking Backward," the general ten or has been that it does away with free competition and the perfect liberty of action 01 the people, through which it is claimed, has come the development of the 19th century; and that to restrict iu any Avay this liberty of action would be to retrograde and set back the hands upon the dial of progress, and produce a condition of arrested development highly injurious to humanity. Several reA'iewers have hinted that there is . not enough of the good things of life for eAery one to have abundance, and that to make anything like an equal distribution, A ould bring down the Avhole community to a state of penury, Avhich would prohibit culture ana t ne graces anu rennement or our highest social states. Hence for the world's good' some must be eleAated IS NOTHING WHICH LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, SATURDAY, JULY 5, 1890; much above their fellows, as example and teachers, while different grades of poverty must always exist as noAv. We say some ha'e hinted this. Of course they would not directly make it an ar gument for continuing our present sys tem. It is rather advanced for the pur pose of showing that things are about as good as they can be, and that it is best to let Aveli enough arone; or at least only to try to improve as AAre can through general education, in a very gradual sort of a way. How I do not at all pretend that there is nothing in these criticisms. . Where there i3 smoke there must be some fire. But truth I hold is not usually in ex tremes, and I believe it can be made pretty clear that after all it is not the restraints upon liberty of action (which have constantly increased as man emerged from barbarous to more civi lized states) that constitutes a Aveakness in Mr. Bellamy's system, so much as the fact that it does nut take into sufficient account one of the greatest motives of human action, which is ambition. It i3 ambition which leads the young to resolve to gain place and ' power. What youth has not thrilled with the acts of our heroes of the War of the Re bellion, and felt the desire to emulate them? Is it not ambition that has made our millionaires? In every Avalk of life the stimulation of hope to gain so-called prizes of success has nerved the arm and steadied the thought to more con tinued effort. Granted that the prizes when once obtained are but empty bub bles; granted that it is a comparatively Ioav motive of action; yet the world lias not arrived at a point where duty is su preme. It is hard to rise each dayj perchance before daylight, to buckle on again and again our armor and fight life's battles as they must be fought in order to obtain the prize; 'and it needs all of ambition and duty as a spur. We have many times recalled the letter of a suicide, "found near his lifeless body: " Tired of buttoning and unbuttoning." His ambition quenched, what Avas there to live for? He lay down and gave up the struggle. Mr. Bellamy's admirable system is alluring, it is spiritual, but in some re spects beyond the present deA elopment of mankind. However, its main fea tures I conceive are practicable now; it ! only remains for us to believe in them, and make them a part of our daily, life. When Ave have acquired faith, then is the battle Avon. ' Personally I have faith in goA-ernment supervision and control of industries, in co-operation in labor and in the army of labor, but not in the doing, away of money. I do not believe in granting each member of the community an equal amount of supply tickets no mat ter Avhat his ability or position. Money should be disbursed by government ac cording to the nature of the labor or service performed, and great skill and ability should command great Avages. With government ownership of all land, mines, factories, etc., there would be nothing to fear from millionaires. The thing desirable for all is equal opportunity, so that the skilled or un skilled, the educated or uneducated, the wise or the stupid shall haAre a chance to do their best and shall be renumer ated according to their service by pecu niary compensation and advancement in the ranks. of labor and official rank. Probably twenty per cent of the popula tion under this sj'Stem Avould hold some official position as teachers, guides, di rectors, and heads of various depart ments; and official rank should be recognized by increased emoluments, in addition to the increased respect Avhich would belong to the station. The prize of place and poAver Avould be, as noAv, a stimulus to exertion and the dream of ambition. Absolute equali ty, except of opportunity, is chimera, it never did .exist and never will. The ranks of labor should be graded and remunerated according to skill and ability; the loAvest getting a minimum, sufficient for his needs but not enough to take away the incentive for greater skill and exertion. And here let me state that in a peaceful, well regulated Lorniminity there could never be any lack 01 such things as are necessary for the well-being of man. We have to-day sufficient for all; it i only that it is not properly distributed; and an economic condition in Avhich all, or nearly all, Avould do their share of the world's work, Avould soon make the world teem with abundance and blossom with beauty. Our present system takes no thought of human needs, beyond the advantage flowing to the individual. In practice it is the old adage of "each for himself, and the devil take the hindmost." The new system would not permit extreme wealth to the detriment of any; and, Avhen once started it could be worked out in a practical way for all the affairs of life.",Some one may ask, for example, how about authors and poets; to-day they are enabled to sell their Avorks and make the most they can from them; How Avould these fare under the neAV system? We answer, the officers or in spectors Avould determine such as had merit enough for goA'ernment to huy and publish, but if one's work Avas re iected it might still be possible to haA e the authorities publish it at cost, and have it sold at government repositories, the author being credited Avith the pro ceeds. If an author should not be suc cessful enough to lind readers then he Avould need to turn his attention to such work as would bring remuneration We think that compulsory education for the young should contemplate not only effective drill in the branch of la bor or pursuit to be followed in after life, but also in all analagous branches. so that one would be equipped for more than one occupation or position per ruitting if one department was crowded transfer to another' so that at all times there might be Avork and remuneration lor all. Of course this system implies the right to hold personal property, but not of trading in it as a business for money making; as goernme t Avould sell at or near cost of production there would not be much opportunity for that. It Avould also recognize the right to live without working in the army of labor if one had means to do so. lhe time is fast ap proaclnng when it seems as if there must be some economic change. The wise will forestall action, perchance revolution or even anarchy, by helping to evoive a new ana more suitable sys tern lor me people s needs. O Neill will soon be reached by the oaort Liine tracklayers. IS HUMAN- THAT NEBKASKA iVEWS. In General." Crete has a population of 2,314. The census returns give Hastings a population of 13,630. Edgar's mayor cast the deciding vote last week in favor of granting saloon license. v-. '-"''-. The Gazette says that Plainview is getting rf ady to awake from her Van Winkle sleep. V The republican county convention of Custer county will be held at Broken Bow, July 19. . ' . ... Documents relative to the proposed mail pervice between Chadron and Pine Ridge agency have been for warded. ' - V:. r ' '- ' -i' - A. M. Franklin, a brakeman, had his foot so badly crushed by the cars at Broken Bow that amputation Was necessary. I Lightning struck the electric plant in Nebraska City Saturday night and wrecked the machinery to the extent of $3,000. . ::.-;v . Sterling boasts of a building boom. At present a brick bank, a $2,500 church and a $10,000 school house are in course of construction ..." .. i' '''- A Knox county Presbyterian has come to th conclusion that a man who uses tobacco is not fit to Jick a postage stamp, let alone preaeh the gospel. Reports received here indicate that Saturday's storm wasyery severe west of Ulysses, destroying wind mills, sheds, corn cribs, mro sting houses and blowing them off their foundations. No lives lost. i The storm last Saturday niglit did considerable damage to crops and buildings a few miles southeast of Dverton. Mr. Schrake's house was unroofed and the porch torn away. Mr. Warner's barn. was blown down. The roof of Mr. GreenamyerV. hense was taken off and carried some distance and the windows badly shattered by hail. Mr, Trimble's granary was blown away. Peter Johnson los three horses b5f lightning. The Crops in the storm belt were considerably 'damaged by hail. . . r,:v,-."jv: ,; . Omaha special: Omaha is indus trious clamoring for a new census and wi!r insist that it take place at least thirty - days Xrom "Monday. The reason whereof is- in this: Monday morning Mrs. S. W. Wads worth, wife of a stone mason living on Ninth street near Hugo street, away in the north part of the city, presented her hus band, as a slight token of her esteem for him, three pretty little baby daughters, averaging seven pounds atnecj. The tno bid fair to enioy a continued existence, and the announce ment of their, coming had a distressing effect on the north Omaha real estate maiket. The mother had already had three children, all boys, and the three little crirls came in answer to her prayer for one. The official census returns give Iioup City a population of 677. The census of school children, com pleted bv Assessor Fellis of Hastings shows the official figures to be 2,276 children of school age, an increase of 20 per cent over 1889. Albert Burton, a farm hand working near uretna, m earpy cunty, was overcome by the heat "Wednesday and died. He was an Englishman, and having no relatives iD the vicinity was juried by the county. Mrs. Jacob Gabriel of Kearney caught a sixteen year old burglar in he house, and after a hard struggle shook her husband's gold watch, a gold ring and $21 out of his pockets and turned him over to the police. While attending the circus at PI atts- mouth a farmer named Ba&terholtz purchased of a fakir for $30 a small paper box containing $60 in glittering gold. He retired to. a secluded spot and upon opening the box found it contained only a long felt want. Four young men were convicted and fined $1 each for distributing stale eggs upon the person of Ray Schofield, edi tor of the Strong reporter, while he was making a friendly call upon a young married lady, btow if he can find the man who pied the type m his office the blind eyed goddess will be avenged. A. H. Smith, editor of the Lyons Mirror and a pioneer Iowau, goes back on the prohibition state and falls dowx before Nebraska grass in this way : A farmer in thi vicinity who perhaps raises more tame grass than any other in the country, told us yesterday that the heads of tmuthy in his meadow would average as much as eight inches in length, and many were as much as twelve inches long. Where is the Iowa man who can beat it ?" A meeting was held at Kearney Fri day night to arrange for the relief of the cyclone sufferers at Pleasanton and Sweetwater. Committees were appointea 10 solicit aia ana a mass meeting was called for next Sunday night. Mayor Baker telegraphed to Ravena to draw on him for $200. Eear ney will do her share. The girls of western Nebraska are re joicing over a ruling of the general land office which sets forth that after making a homestead entry, a single woman may merry without losing her claim, pro vided she complies with the law in the matter of residence, cultivation and im provements. IS ALIEN TO ME." Death on the Bail. Helena, Mont Jaly 1. Sk. serious wrec k occurred on the Northern Paciflo road 3 es terday afternoon when the sleepers ot the fast train were derailed and thrown down an embankment near Drummond. The passengers were thrown violently from their seats and huddled In a maw. Miss May a Carson of Fort Sherman, Idaho, was Injured so bid that she died within an hour. A dozen others wers injured and several . f, tneiu dangerously but ihjidctans say no more oeath wil' result. The wennded were taken to the Northern Paolao hospital at Missanla where very thing lsblcg done tor ihfrm. The sleepers were quite Daoiy smashed. Compulsory . Edncation of Indian Children. Washington, June 80. -The ecnaie has passed a bill providing for the compulsory education of Indian children. The secre tary of the interior is directed to have a oecfud taken of the Indian children be tween the ages of eight and eighteen y ears and require tue attendance of each child at school for a j least five years. Industrial boarding scaooli are to ba established on every Indian reservation where tlaero are more than five hundred Indiana and the children from the smaller reservations are to be sen t to t he eo tools on the nearest larger ones. The children are to be taught me tal labor in addition to reading, writing, arithmetic and other rudimentary branches. The boys are to be instructed in agricultural pursuits and some mechan ical trade for wnica they shall show the greatest aptitude, and the girls are to be instructed in b owe work, the care of poul try and other employments suitable to their sex. Such a bllll has been reported favorably from the Indian committee of the house and is on the calendar, so that it is likely to become a law if it is reached before the end of the session. Some Interesting Facts. Washington, June 29. The secretary of the interior today sent to the senate a re sponse to the resolution of that body di recting him to report the cause of with holding patents for lands within the limits of the grant to the Union Pacific Ball ay company, which are free from' all claims and which was not reserved at the date of the definite location of the company's road. The secretary says the conclusion has been reached that the indebtedness ot the rail road company to the United States does not authorize his department to withhold the lands granted to the company and for which lists have been filed. It in a subject for legislative control if it can be con trolled at all. A large portion of the lands now nnpatented lie In the states of Kansas and Nebraska and have already passed into the hands of innocent purchasers from the rauroad. company. They are being cultivated by citizens of those states for 1 arms and on them homes of people have been established. Delay in Bling these settlers - full title to the lands they have fully paid for and im proved cannot be Justified. This railroad was built in time aud iias complied, eo far as known, with all conditions of the land grant. No reasons remain, therefore, why I the secretary should not proceed to de liver to the Union Pacific company lands which have been earned end it is his inten tion to certify these liet3, commencing at the eastern portion ot the unpatented lands; in Kansas and Nabraslrs, where the lands are agricultural, have been sold and are in the use of actual settlers. If there is any objection existing on the part of congress this action may be prevented by any resolution or act tht may be control ling in its enect. Patents that have been executed already by previous executive will bo recorded. Patents will bo iesuod on lists approved by the previous pecre tary, and lists not yet approved will be ex amined la due ordtr. This conclusion, the secretary adds, is in accordance with recommendation of the commissioner of the sreneral land office and also with the opinion of the assistant of the general land department. Lists of lands selected by the company now on file in the iaterior depart ment, patents which have been until now held in suspension, are said to aggregate z,uuu,uuu acres. Some Questions for Farmers. Bromfield, Neb., June 20, 1890. Editor Alliance: The farmers of this country are on the alert for the purpose of giving the readers of the Alliance something worth their Avhile ot consiaering. 1 ass the use 01 your vaiuaDie paper to asK a iew questions. If the farmers are working for the pleasure there is in the business they ought to be absolutely nappy, (at this time of year they put in about 14 hours a day,) but if they are working for the money there is in it they are making a complete failure. Now there is a class of men in this country that don't like to have the true condition of western farmers discussed, they say for the reason that the capi talists Avill not inA est their money out here, (just as though the capitalists did not know Avhat this country was mort aged for betler than the farmers do.) .'hat class of men are ashamed of the amount of mortgaged homes, and well they may be. They are a disgrace to a civilized nation. But let the truth be known at anv cost. Noav as the greatest complaint from the laborers of this country is of the financial condition, I would like to ask: rirst, if we had $.)0 per capita in circulation (instead of $0 or $8 as at present) Avould not land, its products and labor enhance in value in proportion to the increase of the volume of money? becond, 11 the aA-erage larmer pays an indirect tax to the eastern manuiac turers as a protection of from $40 to $75 per annum, why not protect the armers from the money power by the government loaning money on real es tate lor a per cent per annum? Now to bring about, the state of af fairs needed, can Ave afford to sacrifice one of the true principles advocated by the Alliance for the name of any party or creed, or can we atlord to compro mise with the devil, (as it Avere) aud act as his imps any longer? would it not be better for the farmers anil other la borers to resolve to agree and com pro mise with one another.and vote together for their own interest, than to coinpro raise with the old party leaders, and vote against one another? 1 Avould like to know the uiflerence between a traitor like Benedict Arnold and a representative of the Americans Avho have by the influence of British and other capitalists sold us out to become their slaAres, and worked to death? Or what kind of death is most' preferred, shot to death or worked to deaih? Hoping the laboring class will stand firm and never surrender, long live the people's defender The Alliance. B.F. McD. 1 ii y w Terence CONGRESSIONAL. The Senate. WASHnraxoN, Jane 25. C1I arose to ad- dress the senate on the subject of the reso lutions heretofore cfTired by him (and re ported back adversely from the committee on foreign relatione) authorizing the presi dent to open negotiations with the Spanish government tor tae purpose of Inducing that goverenment to consent to the estab lishment of a free and independent 'gov ernment of the Island of Cuba and the otntt in lel&tlou to the German ownership of the bonded debt of Cuba. When the clerk was reading the second reouttoi Sherman arose and moved that the doors bs cloned. The vice nresiclent directed the galleries cleared and the doors closed. Qui) being thus unexpectedly cut eff fn his defcire to make a speech before the pub lic, said that he would wtidraw the reso lution, bat the order to close the doors wui instated on br fifetsrs. Khermnn Rd Ed munds and was carried into execution. Tae doors wero re-opened at 1.3 J, and the senate took up the hoane bill for the admission of Wyoming into the union as a state. The bill was temporarily laid aside and In gall s offered a resolution Instructing the committee on privileges and elections to Inquire into the publication in the record today of the personal explanation by Call and report whether it is in accordance with the rules, etc This led to a sharp spat, in the course ot which Ingalls charged Call with having "deliberately falsified tke record." He was called to order and modified this, making it "changed the record." The resolution went over without action azid the senate proceeded with the Wyom ing admission bill, the report ot the com mittee on territories being read. Senators Vest and Piatt indulged 'n a short debate, but the senate adjourned without definite action. Wasbdtoton, June 2d In the senate. among the bills reported from committees and placed on the calendar was the house bill to authorize the secretary ot the Inte rior to procure and submit to oongreBS pro posals for the sale of the western part of the Crow Indian reservation in Montana, The resolution offered yesterday by Mr. Call directing the secretary of the senate to prepare a table showing the number of bills Introduced by each senator and the number of tnem passed, was taken up, and Mr. Edmunds moved to lay the resolution on the table, which was none. The house bill tor the admission of Wy oming as a state was then taken up and after some discussion it was agreed that the vote on the bill and amendments would be proceeded with at 4 o'clock tomorrow. The following bills were takon from the calendar and passed: House bill to aid the state of South Dakota to support a school ot mineB, donating 50 per cent of the money received from the sale of mineral land net to exceed $12,' 00 a year nor to exceed the amount contributed by the state. After executive sebsion the senate ad journed. Washington, June 27. In the senate to day consideration of the bill for tbe admis sion of Wyoming as a state was resumed and after rome debate the bill was passed by a strict party vote yeas 29, nays J 9. The bill declares Wyoming a etate and the oonstitutioa which tbe people of Wyoming formed formed for themselves be and is accepted, ratified and confirmed. The stete is entitled to one representative in the Fifty-first congress. The other sections refer to pub'io lands, provision for schools, agricultural college, eta The bill for the admission or Idaho went over as unfinished business till Monday next. , After an exeoutive session the senate ad journed. - Washxnoton, June 28 In the senate to day a message was received from the house asking a conference oa the silver bill It was immediately laid before the senate and the conference agreed to and Messrs. Sher man, Jones of Nevada and Harris were ap pointed as conferees on the part of the senate. Th calendar was taken np and a number of bills raesed, including the senate bill for a public building at Jacksonville, 111., appropriating sva.um.'. The following bills were passed: Senate bill to reclassify and fix the salaries of rail WiiT Dostal clerkf : referrincr to court of claims the claim on account ot use by the government of te Tioe sp'rlt meter; sen ate bill to amend the census set, providing a penalty for giving a fee or bonus to cen sus enumerators or supervisors or for.-re ceiving the same. A message was reoeived rrom tne presi dent announcing his approval ot and slg- natore to the dependent pension bills. Adjourned. Washington, June 30. The house bill In relation to oatha In pension and other cases was passed. The house bill for the admission of Idaho as a state was then taken up for condslder tlon. The bill having been read Mr. . Mor rill gave nstioe that he would at the earli est practical moment move to take np the tariff bill. Mr. Teller remaiked that the tariff bill could not possibly be taken np this week, as ttte senate would probably adjourn from Thursday till Monday and probably the Idaho bill would not be dis pose a ox this weeK. lhe report naving Deeu reaa, in? 12a.no bill was temporarily laid aside and the ag ricultural appropriation bill taken up. Triere are a re v amendment'. Mr. Coke moved to aad to the paragraph fcr inveH'iirattng the history and habits of inpects 035,000 for investigating tbe history of and remedies for the cotton bail worm. Agreed to aud the bill parsed. The Icaha bill was asraln taken up and after pome discussion it was laid artde aud the bou joint resolution continuing the annual appropriations thirty days atter the clo-e of the fiscal year HI the sopropriatlon hitia do n)t then become alaw) was passed. Adjourned. The House. Washington, June 25. In the house to day the conference report on the naval appropriation bill was presented. Tho previous question was then ordered and the oonferense report adopted. Conger then moved that the debite on the silver bill be extended to 3 o'clock, at which time voting shall begin. His motion was agreed to and a lengthy debate ensued. Springer moved that separate votes be had on eaoh section, which was agreed to. but after voting on the first section of the bill as amended by the senate, it being non- concurred in, the remaining sections were r elected by a standing vote. The house then voted that a conference be asked with the senate on the bill. Hltt of Illinois presented the conference report on the diplomatic appropriation bill and It was agreed to. Cannon, from the committee on rn'es, re ported back a substitute for the resolution introduced by Lodge of Massachusetts set ting apart five days of the present week for the consideration of the national e.ec tlon bill. The substitute- provides that immedi ately after the patsage of the silver bill tbe houe proceed to consider the election bill till July Sat 2 o'clock, when the prevt NO. 3. oisqusrtion shall be coiaidirel at or uereu. Thi " no foterlere wfil ta general appropriation bills. Sprint er moved to adjourn, and Villa shouted, "Tola Is a bill to revolattoaUe th government" , . . Fnally it was agreed to allow forty tmm utes debate on tbe resolution, with tfre w demanding that the preyta question tMid be considered ord- red. and dprinjeer with drew his motion to wdjonrn. MoMillin and Bluot vigorously attacke the hill, and from thlf trae on there wu great oonfnsion on the floor. Cannon and O'Neall of Indiana tn-rtct In a oolkqny somewhat eronaI, acid UiU added so much to the already exlat tin dis order that the sergeant a arm, oanw for ward with his mace f offioe and rrUre order. Srrinrer moved to tnbls the reovution. Oa a vea and ry vote this was Iot yean 11G, nays 113. 0 tcman et Lonttes being tae only repubucaa who voted, wttik tb democrats. Tbe resolution was then adopted. After arranging to meet at 11 o'olock for the fix days during wMoa tbe dubate will continue the house adjourned. Washington, June 16 In the hcuw upon motion of Mr. Dunneli of Mnowoit, the house bill with the senate amendment authorizing the construction of a bridge across the Mississippi river at WLoxmmv Minn., paesed. The house bill wa patted" granting AC teen dayt- leave to clerks In first and second-class postoffloes. The regular order being demanded He Lodge ot Massachusetts began- the bebaae upon the national eleotlon bill. He was followed ,by Mr. Hemphill ot South Carolina, he being eongratciktedl upon its ineilte by his friends. A nomkr of other representatives spoke oa the uit Ject, but after non-concurring In the orn ate amendments to the postoffloe appro priation bill, the house adjourned. Washington, June 27. In the house to day Mr. Dockery entered a motion to i oonsider th vote by which the pMa clerks bill, passed, leaving it pending for tke present Consideration of the election 11 vrac then resumed and after considerable ce. bate the house took up .the ooafereaoe re port on the legislative 'appropriation ntl! and further conference, on some anteor point, was ordered. The speaker announced the appotntnaea& ot Messrs. Conger, Walker and Bland con ferees on the silver bill. Orders wre tat tered setting apart Saturday and kC oaday nights for debate on the election MIL At the evening session the house pMmt 105 pension bills and adjourned at 1(1:3 p. m. Washington, June 23. When the houm met this mording Ealoe of Tenaeacn moved to correct the Journal so as fo strike therefrom the titles of a number of private pension bills passed by the houaa leas night. He claimed that the bills were passed be fore the house went into committee of that whole and were not properly before the house. The house, however, refused to agreo to his motion, so the bills stand a pa Bed. The house then went into committee oc the whole cn the federal eleotlon bliL The debate lasted till reoeae, and after convening again the discussion we eontf ued until 11:80, when the house adjsurrjod. Washington, June 80. In the house to day Mr. Breokenrldge ot Eentnck present ed the credentials of W. W. Dickenaoa en representative-eleot to fill the vacancy oa catioaed by the resignation cf Me. Cr liaie.. Mr. Dickenson then took the oath o t effioe. The debate on the federal election, bill was then resumed until recess. After re convening the debate was continued anUL 11:35, when the house adjourned. National Capital Notea. Washington, Jane 3d Represextxtlr Laws today Introduced ablll providlaar Cue the appointment by the president of a. o 3m mission consisting of five persona ha make an Impartial and thorough tnveatf. gation ot social vice In all ita phaeea hm. relation to 'abor and wages, marriage aed divorce and the general welfare of the people. f Captain Etbeu, president of the booxA appointed to try the cruiser Philadelphia reports that the vessel male an average spesd of nineteen and one half kaota per hour over a forty mile course, and eowae quently had mors than mat her contract requirements. He said he would snbeatt a written report on the sub ject tomorrow. His report insures tne acceptance of tfc Philadelphia and guarantees her construct ors the premium of i 100,000. They made an informal application tor another trial, bnt the department practically deotdeal that they must stand by the record of the first trial. It if estimated at the treasury depart ment that there has been a deoreeot" fl. CUH) 000 In the pnbllo debt since Jaeel. Thi4 makes the total decrease for the fLseel year 987,800,000. as against 114,000,000 tor the previous fisoal year. Senator Paddock tody succeeded in se curing the endorsement of the senate txxaw mlttee on public lands of a propnUtfena made by him to submit as an aaandoa;nt to the sundry civil appropriation Mil him bi'l decreasing the appropriation fw th geological snrvey from 70i,,)to fSOiM and making ic applicable forsurveyn,mtcr--voirs, channels, ditches and not for a mat- vey all over to arid plains ot tbe eenabry,. and annulling tho act which withdrew from public entry all arid lands. The latter act has had or will have tbe effect ot keep ing lm migration out of a vast portion f the public domain. During tbe course of a brilliant pg in the senate this afternoon In favor ctrs Idaho statehood bill Mr. CuHom of Iltfnefe paid a handsome tribute to Nebrk aad rer great mart. Omaha. He said: ro!k at Nehrack", admitted lo the union March 1 1837, with an estimated population ot -COO, with Its eastern border upon the Si hu so urt river. The state has grown rapidly in population and wealth until lta forma are sufficient to fill the granrte ot the world and its greatest city, Omaha, cow pares in magnificence with the rnoatet and oldest cities of te union." A Panic. London, June 80. A Buenos Ayresf ear respondent of the Tlc?es telegrapha that the National bank of Buenos Ayrea anaw pended payment Saturday, and that the shares of tne bank fell from 168 to lvr cases at 118 A panto was created bourse at Buenos Ayrea, and a arari. feeling of distrait prevald. Oold ir commands a premium of 141 Chinese to be Importet. San FaANCisco, June 29. A local prac says a large number of Chinamen are t be imported to work in the proj&otrd fiu- ies west of the coast of Mexico. Ik la al proposed to construct a railroad from tbe west coast to theOlty of M x'co.and tbJa lean consul understands that a move 1 is on foot to build a road through tn vca ; Crc a competing with vlowtagua oaaev. FaXf i eight thousand chinamen will br tmjiwkjc: to do work on mis road. ) r r I