The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, June 14, 1890, Image 3

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' President, H. L. Loucks, Dakota.
Vice-President. John H. Powers. Nebraska.
Secretary, August Post, Moulton, Iowa.
Treasurer, J. Jf. Furlong, Minnesota.
Lecturer, N. B. Ashby, Des Moines, Iowa.
President, John H. Powers, Cornell.
Vice President, Valentine Horn, Aurora.
Secret ary-Treafiurer, J. M. Thompson, Lincoln.
Lecturer, W. F. Wright, Johnson county.
Asst. lecturer, Logan McJieynolds, Fairfield.
Chaplain. Rev. J. S. Edwardg, Wahoo.
Door keeper, D. W. Barr. Clay county.
Asst. door keeper, G. C. Underhili, Unadilla.
Seargeant-at-arms, J. Billingsly, Shelton.
J, Burrows, chairman; B. F. Allen, Wabash ;
jr. W. Williams. Filley; Albert Dickerson,
Litchfield; Frank H. Youngr, Custer.
Post Office at Likcolw, Neb., June 18, 1889.
I hereby certify that The Alliance, a week
ly newspaper published at this place, has been
determined by the Third Assistant Post Mas
ter General to be a publication entitled to
. Admission in the mails at the pound rate of
postage, and entry of it as such is accordingly
' 'made upon the books of this office. Valid
while the character of the publication re
mains unchanged. Albert Watkinb,
Letter to Uncle Sam.
No. 3. ; T
Decatck, Neb., May 30, 1890.
Honored Uncle: This is the day
set apart for your patriotic sons ana
daughters to assemble an strew flowers
over the sleeping dust of your fallen
braves. The associations of the day
arry us back more than a quarter of a
century ago when the air was filled
with the sound of the fife and drum
calling the people to battle. Here I am
reminded of the poet's verse:
4'They who fight for freedom, undertake
The noblest cause mankind can hav at
Freedom, the most thrilling word
that can touch the cords of the human
heart, is our watch word and our
motto. Let it ring out on every hilltop
and in every valley, and along the
shores of every river, until the greatest
freedom compatible with the public
good is enjoyed by all.
The attempt to deprive a portion of
your family of freedom, because God
had made their skin black, was the
prime cause of that fratricidal strife
which caused so much blood to flow.
But men cannot be free in the true
sense of the term, when from lack of
homes of their own they are from ne
cessity forced to tramp the earth and
"beg leave to toil." Hence I call upon
you to take steps to establish each mem
ber of your family in a home of his own.
For years we have been singing, "Un
cle Sam is rich enough to give us all a
farm." The manner in which this may
be done without taxing any one was
clearly set forth in a set of resolutions
in my last letter to you. The peace
of your family and the perpetuity of
our free institutions demand that the
tillers of the soil should be the owners
of it. And when a scheme has at
length been devised by which they can
become the owners without bloodshed,
without confiscation, without injustice
to any living mortal, there is no longer
any excuse for further delay. Many of
those who will this day assemble to de
corate the graves of their fallen com
rades are old and poor; having through
nil their life except the years spent in
the army been tenant farmers, work
ing from one-third to one half the time
for others, for the privilege of working
the remainder . of the time for them
selves and their, families.
fV, Uncle, if you issued ''fiat money
(greenbacks) to pay those brave men to
leave their famines ana expose them
selves to rebel bullets in-order to up
hold your government, could you not
if you choose, issue some more legal
tender to furnish homes for those same
veteran heroes who carried your ban
ner safely through the smoke and fire
of battle?
Perhaps the bankers would object to
having more money put in circulation:
but it was not they who rallied at the
bugle call. Neither would they rally if
again the tocsin ot war was sounded.
Yours as
Jacob Beck.
Boots and Saddles.
The proposed independent move
ment of the people of the state of Ne
braska seems to affect certain political
jumping jacks curiously.
m They perhaps can begin to see the
"hand writing on the wall," and fear
that official "pap sucking" with them is
nearly at an end, and I believe it is.
Now I wish to say a few words to
my brothers of the Alliance. A few of
our brothers seem yet to think that we
ought to try again to reform in the old
party organizations. Now let us reason
a moment.
The republican party has had control
of the state since its organization as a
state, and has never yet done anything
to commend that party to the honest
laboring men of the state. That party
has entirely disregarded the expressed
wish of the mass of the people on at
least two ! occasions. "The people be
damned" has been their policy on the
occasion of the election of U. S. Sena
tor, and also on legislating on railroad
matters. Instead of giving ; us good
and wholesome laws on railroad freight
rates, they, contrary to the expressed
will of the people, gave us an expensive
railroad commission, thus adding to
our burden instead of lightening it, and
doing us as a people not one particle of
good. ,
Instead of giving us an economic
government it has been constantly be
coming more and more extravagant.
Aad now to "cap the climax" the gov
ernor calls an extra session of the legis
lature, when there is no earthly de
mand on the part of the people for such
a move on his part, and when there
can be no earthly hope of good to the
people coming out of such a session.
Will the people of this great com-
monwealth stand much more without
siving the guilty party a severe rebuke?
I think not.
w nat constitutes ' a stater' asfcs a
V, statesman of years aero, and answers.
V "Men. High-minded men who know
their rights, and knowing, dare main
tain." , . , '. . .
Have we a state? Or are we merely
- -dogs that may be led and bled to suit
the masters?
Are we coward slaves, or are we
- men?
If men, let us act as men, and unite
intelligently to secure our rights ana
down corruption. " r
The parties of former years have out
lived their usefulness as parties.
The principles Which called them
into existence they no longer adhere to;
out they deceive the masses of the peo
ple by f aUe ; pretenses and a show of
candor to secure rotes, caring not one
fig for the principles they formulate
into platforms, " their only object being
plunder. This fact their every act
clearly indicates. . :-
Then let every truly honest voter,
' very lover of liberty, every man who
has the interest of the masses at heart,
join in the independent movement to
down the oppression, and elevate the
oppressed. Cast party ties away, and
as lovers or truth, Justice and tight
rally to the standard of the people and
ceip to usvaifc our enams.
Respectfully, ,
-' ' - . f A. C. Fendebsox.
The Party Tie Discussed.
Walton, Neb., May 19th, 1800.
Editok Alliance: -We, already see
that those who in the past have received
the benefits of our toil through our suf
frage are making overtures for our pat
ronage at the polls this fall. Now 1 do
not wish to presume on the credulity of
the farmer and the laborer, neither do
wish to insinuate as to their gullibil
ity. But nevertheless we are compelled
by the lessons drawn from history to
judge the future by the past. And it is
a lamentable tact, that the laborer and
the farmer have been imposed upon,
and their credulity has been used as the
means employed by selfish politicians
to further their own ends and promote
their own interests. It is also a fact
that this class of people have been
duped and gulled into beleiving the fair
promises which have been made from
time to time. And those time are when
there is an office to secure or a fat posi
tion to occupy. .But their is a more
hopeful asnect to the situation now.
The promises coming from greedy and
selfish politicians have lost their power.
The siren song that has been sung so
long to lure the tiller of the soil has lost
its charm, and the people are about to
arise in the strength of their manhood
and throw off the shackles of party and
lay down the gauntlet to those who in
the past have trampled upon our rights,
violated our confidence, and by their
unrighteous laws despoiled us of the
fruits of our labor.
We are on the threshold of an event in
our historty that is fought with momen
tous results to us as a class. If in our
effort to secure to ourselves and our pos
terity, justice and equality.if we fail now,
our defeat is certain to leave us in a
worse condition than ever was down
trodden Ireland. This is why it be
hooves us to be on our guard and not
only watch those outside our ranks but
also those within; because there are so
many men in the world who will sell
themselves for money . and ambition.
There are two things that are of para
mount importance m the struggle be
fore us. The first of these that we must
lay aside old party ties. They have
done nothing that has directly or
indirectly benefited us. Even their
name is a standing reproach; and the
principles contained in their platform
are a standing farce! The principles
enunciated are f orgotton in the greed
for gain. Truth and justice lie buried
beneath the rubbish of political chican
ery. Honor is immulated upon the
shrine where liberty and purity . were
want to kneel together. Conscience ex
ists only in name, or is so deeply scared
that it scarcely ever struggles; and if it
does make an effort to be heard ten
thousand bankers, lawyers and railroad
cappers rise to smother its voice. The
second is that the class that we have
just referred to will do all in their power
to gain our patronage and favor, that
they may gain our influence this fall at
the polls; not for our good but for their
own selfish ends. This is our greatest
danger; for our enemies will stop short
of no means within their power to ac
complish their purposes. Threats, bri
bery and emoluments will be presented
in every shape and form. It is then we
must have men of undoubted integrity
and stability to guide and direct the
wavering and weak. There are plenty
of them among the farmers and laborers
that are capable and honest that we
can trust; and I think it would be a
wise plan to have them sign a solemn
obligation to forfeit all their interests
in citizenship and property if they vio
lato the trust repoietTin them. But we
must spurn with contempt any advances
toward securing our patronage and
support by those who aie not known to
be allied to us in character and life.
There are a majority of men of the class
to which we belong who will not vote
for men who do not come from their
own ranks. These men are set and de
termined to break the rings and powers
that have weilded their influence in a
way and f oi purposes that have well
nigh beggared the most industirous
class of people in the world.
These men will countenance no com
promise with combinations of any kind
and they will light to the bitter end any
move for the nomination and election
of any person by any means that is
not open, fair and honest; and those
who have made a call for a people's
convention should have a care that
nothing but what is upright and just
should enter their council and work.
W. J. McAllister.
ndependent Convention of the Third
Congressional District.
At a conference of the Farmers' Alli
ance, Knights of Labor, Trade Unions,
abor Clubs and other .Labor organiza
tions ot the the Third congressional
Distnct, held at Grand Island, JNeb.,
May 29, 1890, in which 24 counties were
represented, it was decided to issue a
call for an independent Congressional
convention to be held at Columbus,
Neb., July 15th, 1890, at 2 o'clock p. m.
or the purpose of placing in nomina
tion an independent candidate for con
gress in the -Third Congressional Dis
trict ot JNeorasKa.
The basis of representation shall be
as follows: The representation to the
county conventions shall be one dele
gate to every twenty members or major
fraction tnereor and an ub-Alliance,
Knisrhts of Labor Assemblies, Trades
Unions, Labor Clubs, with less than 20
members shall be entitled to one dele
gate. The representation to the Con
gressionai convention snail do one cieie
gate to every 10 delegtaes or major frac
tion thereof to the county convention
A full delegation is desired.
James Bes wick, Ch'm .,
J. G. Painter, Sec. Kearney.Neb.
Broken Bow, Neb.
The political flood in JNebraska is as
daneerous as the high waters on the low
er Mississippi. It has broken through
the levees, earned away the fences, sub
merged all the low lands and destroyed
evervthinsr the rinesters have planted.
They are out of seed, are breaking for
the hills and calling tor help. The cre
vices are said to be several miles wide
in many places. Governor Thayer has
called the Legislature together in extra
ordinary session to consider what i shall
be done to stop the freshet. The Gov
ernor can't stop it. ; If he will take
safe position where he can watch the
swelling tide, he will see it rise above
the high water mark, of 1860. If the
Governor and his political household
would be safe, they must either build an
ark or climb. If ne does the former,
when he reaches Mt. Ararat he will find
the Alliance there ahead of him. If he
climbs, the boys have him treed. It's a
bad year.- r "- "
Later The Governor, has concluded
that the dam can't be repaired, and has
revoked the call.
Successful Meeting in Nance County
Bed Wing, Neb., June 2, 1890.
through your valuable columns that the
picnic or rally held here May aist was
a grand success, and has made many
mends ior the Alliance. - And I wish to
recommend Prof . B. F.Pratt and wife
Clarks to the Alliance as speakers, as
tU .1. J iL.i nif r. .
Micjr uu cuuuiso iuB irue finance pnnci
pies and they have the good wishes
our people.
, KeP the bH rolling lyR.Jl.
Special prices to the Alliance. All orders
sent us by mail will have careful and prompt
Edited by Mrs. S. C O. Upton, of 2136 R
Street, Lincoln, Neb., of the Nebraska Wom
an's Christian Temperance Union.
The editor of The Alliance places the re
sponsibility of this column in the care of the
aoove editor. '
For The Alliance.
Wants of the Hour.
Men are wanted brave, honest, devoted and
. pure, '
Whom temptation can never from honor
. allure.'.
Men of progress, zeal, lovingr Christ and their
Whom no chains of wrong custom or statute
can bind.
To themselves and their principles loyal al-
" way,
Who, while praying: for temperance will vote
. as they pray.
Wanted womaDly hearts, consecrated and
To help on the gTand work, to rescue and
' ' save, ' ' -
In the faith of a mother who seeks for her
With the hope ever strong-, that he yet shall
' be won;
They, the tempted must rescue, must snatch
from the snare,
And keep them safe anchored through love,
. faith and prayer.
Wanted for the church, a baptism of zeal,
That its strength may go farther for humani
ty's weal. -
Earth and Heaven shall sound with glad an
thems of joy,
When the Savior's own church, in its rightful
Goes about like the Master, to seek ana to
Bearing hope to the victim, redeeming the
Wanted prayer, not a formal unsanctifled
But real, earnest and true, all prevailing to
Unto Him who looks down from His radiant
Holding blessings in waiting, and crowns ior
His own.
Before prayer, such as this, Heaven's forces
shall move,
To eoeed on the long promised dominion or
We want work, faithful handed, willing feet,
eager brain,
The great wheel of : reform wants your im
pulse again. - ;
Keep the white heat of zeal aglow in the soul,
Let its fervor your speech and your service
So shall ye, like soldiers, stand firm at your
- pOSt8, '..
And threugh God we will triumph over sin
and his hosts. 1 :
Wanted more than all efforts of woman or
: : man, 4 .
More than labor or prayer, or astute human
Befoie us the pillar of fire and of cloud
The abundant and rich benediction of God.
Given. these we'll go forth in invincible
Shouting victory forever, for God and the
Mas. Upton.
How I Became a Prohibitionist.
In August, 1887, 1 went to New York
City and wandered up and down the
streets ot the great metropolis, with its
ten thousand saloons, a man alone with
out God, . trying to get sober and keep
sober. I went to bed hungry many a
night. I knew a great many people in
the city but never went near them.
I was winning the light very well; but
one morning l got up with tnat awnu
feeling of restlessness that is called
appetite for drink." 1 knew that l
was to drink that day, yet l made a
struggle. I remember I would look at
my watch and think, "Now it is seven
o'clock, I'll not drink till half -past sev
en." Then at half -past seven I said,
Not 'till eight," and so on through the
weary hours; l spent the forenoon
walking up and down from Harlem to
ward the .Battery and back again, hesi
tating at every saloon door, but passing
every one, living . desperately half an
hour at a time. &ucn an expenditure
of nervous energy could have but one
ending; I knew it. but would not yield.
It was nearly noon; l was walking up
Broadway and heard a band of music
coming down. As it came near I stood
on the edge of the sidewalk to look and
listen. Back of the band there was a
long line of splendid carriages with flags
and banners, and in the carriages were
well-dressed, well-kept, comfortable
looking men. It seemed some delega
tion oi distinguished visitors. What
was it? The saloon-keepers oi in ew
York and Brooklyn out for a holiday!
If you had been there you would have
seen nothing but the band and ! the car
riages and the men; but I could see
svfch sights as language fails to picture.
You know the ' way of industrial pro
cessions is to carry a sample of their
handiwork in their parades, and the sa
loon business is an "industry," men say.
In this line there were no samples car
ried openly, but I could see chained to
the carriage wheels, a countless multi
tude of men shrieking ? and struggling,
reeling, staggering, stumbling clown
Broadway, to celebrate the triumph of
the drink.
Back of these another multitude, more
pitiful of women, sad-faced and heavy
ljearted, : dragging on behind, with little
wailing children clinging to their skirts
or tugging at their barren breasts, and
starving, though 'twas a holiday; and
from their back, the misery of the pa
geant shaded off the light laughter of the
tippling boys and thoughtless girls who
laughed at drunkenness and wondered
at despair. Farther than the eye could
reach the ' long procession stretched
away, through the great city, - over $he
Harlem river, and was lost to sight in
the pitying woods of Winchester county.
I could see at every revolution of a
wheel the idol of some woman's heart
and Retail
way seemed paved with the bodies of
the hundred thousand men who had
died drunk in America in the year.
And the wheels went crushing over the
upturned faces in the summer noon. I
could see in the smoke that curled up
from the cigars of the merry-makers,
shreds of burnt food, and books and
clothes from the homes of the poor.
I could see in the clothing that these
men wore, silver threads, torn from
the heads of suffering mothers, along
with many colored threads drawn from
the dresses of dispirited and broken
hearted wives. I could see my own
wife among the followers of the line, I
could see my own children trampled
beneath the wheels. I thought things
unutterable! When the music came I
was about giving up the struggle when
I turned from the spectacle, I felt I had
grown. My body was erect, my lips
compressed, my heart firm, and I knew
that I would not drink that day; and
then and there alone, though jostled by
a thousand men, I made a new resolve.
My own children s might live to ; be a
spectacle in such a procession to the
eyes of other men. What should I do?
wait till the juggernaut had passed over
them, then gather up their mangled
forms and carry them to their mother
and say, "Here are the boys?"
The thought drove me mad and I said,
"Never another instant of waiting, but
here and now I join the men, be they
called fanatics or philosophers, who
have the bravery to cry aloud and spare
not, and to lay their hands upon the
horse's bits and stop the procession,
though they be sneered at and though
they die for it."
That's the way I became a prohibitionist.'--
Resolution of Respect.
In behalf of the Newman Farmers'
Alliance No . 1246, and in memoir of our
deceased brother, Ed. M. Edwards.
Whereas, It has pleased the great
Killer of the Universe to suddenly and
sadly remove from our midst our late
brother, Ed. M. Edwards, on the 29th
day of May, 1890, and that it is but just
that his many virtues should receive
fitting recognition, we the Newnan Alli
ance No. 1246, of which Ed.M. Edwards
was a member, would submit the follow
ing resolutions:
Resolved, That while we bow in hum
ble submission to the will of our alhvise
Father, we do not the less mourn the
departure of our beloved brother.
Resolved, That in the death of our
brother this Alliance laments the loss of
a brother who was always ready to lend
a helping hand to his neighbors and
friends. He was a young and active
member of our Alliance, and a friend
and companion to us all. . ; i ;
Resolved, That the heartfelt sympathy
of this Alliance be extended to our be
reaved sister, the widow of the deceased
and his many relatives. i
Resolved, That a copy of these resolu
tions be sent to his widow and one to
his father, to the Valparaiso. Tribune, to
The Farmers' Alliance !at Lincoln,
and a copy be spread on the records of
this Alliance. W. J. Potter,
J. T. Brown,
D. H. Hedge.
Interesting Letter from S. H. Mc3, in
Great Falls, Mont,, June 3, 1870,
J. Burrows, Lincoln, Neb: Being
called away to this city on receipt of a
telegram that my daughter Anna was
sick, I hastened away without making
the necessary arrangements for my
correspondence connected with the
Farmers'; Alliance. I can happily say
I find her much better, and on a speedy
road to recovery. For the next thirty
days what mail has formerly been di
rected to me, give notice ,to the effect
that the said mail should be directed to
W. O. Rpnd, Wahoo, secretary of Saun
ders County Alliance.
The Alliance is a new thing for this
country, although many are favorably
impressed. I find this a thriving city
composed of energetic peopl e, with
plenty of capital to back them. Most
all kinds of industry is carried on, and
there is a smelter which cost over one
million dollars, which gives employ
ment to about 500 laborers, while the
second is under headway, which plant
will cost over two million dollars. The
water power is what they can boast of,
being situated on the Missouri river,
and near the mouth of Sun river. Edu
cation is fully represented.; Prof. W. E.
Leach, formerly of Lincoln, has estab
lished a Business college here, and has
the largest school in the northwest.
Capitola will remain and; teach in the
above school. I! am sorry to say we
lose a strong advocate of the Farmers'
Alliance, but only hope she will con
tinue to be interested in the work and I
have all reason to. believe she will, in
hei new home. 1 trust you are meet
ing with your usual good success.
Yours respectfully,
t : S. H. Moss.
If the farmers and laborers of Ameri
ca fail to control the organizations o
the next Congress it will be for the rea
son tnat tney do not wish to do so. I
they can be fooled now with all their
organization, and all their exDerlnnce.
there is no telling to what extent reb-
uery anu oppression may, saiely eo in.
the United States without creating re
Tolt. If the1 American people wilfsub
mit to present evils and insist on hiring
xne same 01a sec ' or scomui roi a nwr
j again, they should not squeal when their
leei are in me trap. -lowa Tribune.
In answering advertisements please
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Meeting of Adams County Alliance".
"Adams County Farmers' Alliance will
meet in regular Quarterly session in
Hastings on Saturday, June 14, 1890, at
1U a. m. tor the purpose of electing of
ficers, and. for the transaction of any
other business that may properly come
before the meeting. It will be a dele
gate meeting on the basis of one dele
gate for every ten members or major
fraction thereof. Let there be . a full
delegation from each .Subordinate Alli
ance. By order
A. G. Tompkins, President.
H. B. McGaw, Secretary.;
Meeting of Saunders County Alliance.
Saunders Co. Alliance will meet at
Valparaiso Saturday, June31st,at 9 a.m.
At this meeting officers will be elected
and other important business transacted.
is hoped that every Alliance in the 1
Co. will be represented. "A basket I
dinner." Alliance speakers are expected.
S. H. Moss, Pres., W. O. Rand,
To the Farmers Alliance of Butler Co.:
The regular quarterly meeting of the
Farmers' Alliance will be held at David
City, June 15th, 1890 at 10 o'clock a. m.
We hope every Alliance will be repre
sented by its full quota of delegates, as
there will be considerable business of
importance come before the meeting.
Brothers, let every member form him
self into a committee of one to work for
the good of bur order, and the better
ment of his own condition from now
until November, and there can be but
one result, a complete victory for those
who earn their bread by the sweat of
their brow. H.R.Craig,
Co. Secretary.
- - - r
The regular meeting of Otoe County
Alliance will be held at Syracuse on Sat
urday, June 21st, at Unadilla, Neb.
.Every Alliance in the county should
be present with a full delegation.
w . iii. mciM eil, uo. organizer.
The Farmers' Alliance and Knights of
Labor of Otoe county hold a basket
picnic at Syracuse on the 4th of July.
A good time is anticipated and every
body is invited to attend.
; ? By order 01 com.
nTur urcT unc mi tiptu "
Chester Me
I have a large number of animals not akin
ready for shipment.
. Breeder and Shipper.
s. w. sixclair & CO.,
Chicago, - - Illinois.
We do no business except purely commis
sion in fresh country consignments. No
scalpers work done. Every customer s stocK
sold on its merits. All stock watered, fed
and sold by a member of the firm. No cheap
labor employed. Consign your stock to us
and tret Its value. Your money remitted as
you desire, and trip made as ajrreeable and
pleasant as it can be.
keference: Any national uauit. oiu
Consign to .
Caro of A, L. S. C. Co.,
South Omaha, neb.
2s g
Import and SSte
City, la. Tbm oUftfjg tJZZJf
tr ssf tf'1
h -2 I to C J
30' o G 0 & 'ix J
O Q t!" I mm a ' Vt
1140 O Street.
C 13 II. - 1 T2(?i rii SI M
If at any time you are dissatisfied with, a pur
chase made from us, the goods canbe returned
and money will be refunded.
Very Respectiully, C
tM 133 to 139 South 11th St., LincolnrNeb.
Male Holstein
Strictly Advanced Registry Stock. At Clover
dale Stock Farm,
JUNE 20th, 1890.
Catalogues free, and information about these
great cattle to every Alliance man, sent on ap
plication. Address
Largest and most complete stock of Teas, Cof
fees and Spices
at prices quoted by State Agent's price list on
all mail orders sent by oocrotarieo or busi
ness agents of Alliances.;
Save 25 per cent on Groceries, and 50 per
cent on Teas, Coffees and Spices by ordorincr
goods of us. Samples of Teas mailed on appli
Keference : ' Liacoln
1869. 1890.
Oldest and most complete Music
House in ilie state, display
ing leading andjirst-clasf
A full line of Violins, Acoordeons, ahl Mu
eical Merchandise. Sheet Muslo and'Muslo
Books. Agent for celebrated makes of
Brass Instrument. The Alliance n eavo
from 15 to A per cent. Special Twins to
Cluba. Correspondence or a call solicited.
Lek Lovk.
Sam Cojtman,
J. M. Bexkkit.
McCloud-Love Live
Stock Com. Co.
SALESMEN : -D. C. (Shan) Paxsos, Cat
cle. O. W. Jackson, Hogs.
: i ' f .
Reference: Any bank in Nebraska.
Write us for any information to Room.
9, Exchange Building, So. Omaha, , 40tf
T. ekvc u u jm ,
Stella. Nebraska.
in the west.:
National Bank.
COjra70 f J-v7