The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, June 14, 1890, Image 2

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Lincoln, - - - NeDtaska.
J. BURROWS, : : : Editor.
J. M. THOMPSON, Business Manager.
"In the beauty f the lillies
Christ was born across the sea.
With a glory in his bosom
That transfigures you and me.
As He strove to make men holy
Let us strive to make men free,
Since God is marching on."
Julia Ward Howe.
Laurel crowns cleave to deserts,
And power to him who power exerts."
M A ruddy drop of manly blood
The surging sea outweighs."
' Emerson.
He who cannot reason is a fool.
He who will not reason is a coward,
He who dare not reason is a slave."
1st, 1891, TO CLUBS OF
It is of the utmost importance that
every member oi the Alliance should take
this paper. The most important politi
cal contest ever known in Nebraska is
about to open. The Alliance is one of
the important factors in this contest.
The most mendacious lies about it are
abroad, being printed and sent broad
cast througout the country. The actual
facts, about it can only be known by
reading its organ.
In addition to this it is the medium
through which the State Agent commu
nicates with the members, which makes
it necessary to them in a business point
of view.
To put it easily in the reach of all we
offer it to Alliances in clubs of ten or
more until Jan. 1st, 1891, at SOcts per
Or, five subscriptions in one order, one
year $4.00.
Or, we will send, that remarkable
book, Caesar's Column (paper covers)
and The Alliance one year for $1.25.
We will furnish special edition of The
Alliance to localities having no local
organ, with one-half to one page of local
matter, at extremely low special rates.
These can be sent by express or mailed
from this office to lists furnished, as de
sired. Appeal by the People's Committee.
We publish this week, by request, an
appeal from the People's Committee to
the Clergymen, Professional Men and
Business Men of the State. It is an
able, well-written and convincing pa
per, and should serve to arouse these
classes of men to a sense of their duty
in political matters. These classes of
men have allowed themselves to be so
absorbed in business that they have al
lowed the politics of the state ,to be
come irremediably corrupt. They are
asked now to join in an effort outside
of politics to purify it. s
The Committee propose now to cir
culate the Declaration and Call in the
towns and cities. Judged by the way
it has already been received, it will
soon have forty thousand signatures.
We wish Alliance men to distinctly
understand that they are not appealed
to as Alliance men in this matter.
They are as free to sign the Declaration
as any one, or as free not to. At the
same time we think it is a grand move
ment for a grand object, and wish it
God speed.
; At this time-there are 7,600 signa
v tures filed. , '
The Anti-Monopoly Republican Fiasco.
At the meeting of the republican
state committees last week Mr. Rose
water and Church Howe settled all dif
ferences amicably, and harmony now
reigns in the party. Anti-monopoly re
publicans who hoped to see the party
redeemed by this purifying movement
in its ranks are looking vacantly after
the forms of the immortal fifteen, as
they vanished within the state commit
tee room, and were absorbed by the
railroad gang.
Commenting on this matter in our
issue of May 31, we said:
"Democrats need have no jubilation and
republicans no fears over the prospect of
two republican tickets this year. No such
untoward event will take place. Mr. Rose
water has assumed control and leadership of
the Leese faction. He will flourish it as a
club for awhile, but when the proper time
comes he will compromise It out of sight with
the adroitness of a politician."
Our prediction has been fulfilled
sooner than we ( expected. In a very
short time the Omaha Bee and the B. $
M. Journal will be in each other's arms,
and vigorously 1 doing joint battle for
the g. o. p., and the people may go
Mr. Nettleton spoke at the joint com
niittee meeting, and" he opened the bag
and out jumped the cat. It was pro
claimed to be the object of the bolting
gentlemen to paralyze the corporation
power and wrest the party from rail
road domination. But Mr. Nettleton
frankly undeceived us.? He said "the
object of their meeting was to frustrate
a movement that . is looking toward a
new party. In other words, they cared
nothing for railroad domination, and
nothing for the welfare of the state or
pure government if they could only
Remembering ; Rosewater's fight on
Howe in the campaign of '86, it was
f unnv - as well as instructive to see
Church introduce bis friend Rosewater
to the State Committee, and then sup
port his suggestions in an eloquent
speech. Did Howe capture Ilosey or
Kosey capture Howe? Which? "An
two men ride of a horse, one must ride
behind." Take it altogether it was the
largest smoke for the smallest amount
of fire we have ever seen. A difference
of half a dozen days in the date of a
convention is conceded, and lo! "the
air has cleared. Harmony prevails.
There will be no independent move
ment in Nebraska thi3 year." That is
to say, the gentlemen who were in the
saddle are in the saddle still, and the
goose hangs high.
And now we will venture another
prediction. The same gang of strikers
who elected the delegates to the con
vention that slaughtered r Reese will
elect the delegates to the next one; a
set of anti-monopoly resolutions to suit
the occasion will be revamped and
burnished up, the usual trades will be
made and enough heelers nominated to
hold the machine level and prevent any
unwise concessions being made to the
radicals. When Mr. Holdredge and
acting Gov. Palmer completed arrange
ments to block the special session, the
former demanded the nomination of
Mr. Benton. The new men that will
be put up by the machine will be men
that Mr. Holdredge can rely upon.
Those are the only terms upon which
the support of the B. & M. railroad can
be had; and that support is indispens
able to the politicians of this state.
Farmers of Nebraska, you can choose
now between a machine patched up by
a bargain between Rosewater and
Church Howe, manned by railroad cap
pers, or a movement of the people, by
the people, for the people. , Which will
you have?
To the Ministers, Professional Men, and
Business Men of the State of Nebraska:
Gentlemen: Accompanying this Cir
cular is a Declaration of Principles
and Call for a People's Independent
State Convention, which is handed to
you for your examination and signature.
We desire to present to you some of
the reasons why this Declaration should
receive your approval.
Parallel with the tendency to concen
trate wealth and commercial power in
the hands of a small class has moved
the tendency to concentrate political
power in the same hands. To acquire
money being the only inspiring motive,
the effort is constantly being made to
shape our laws to favor the classes who
are combined on the money line. Thus
it happens that for many years the cor
porations maintained a ceaseless and
successful struggle for the control of
the law-making power of Nebraska and
the other states. We say successful
struggle; because -for, the past fifteen
years these corporations have held pos
session of the law-making, executive
and judicial power of this state. These
corporations have been so arrogant in
their demands that they have twice
forced the legislature, either by actual
corruption or persuasion almost as vi
cious, to act in direct opposition to the
will of the people as only a short time
before expressed at the polls.
They have through - their control of
party , machinery I taken possession of
State conventions, and forced them to
go counterto their instructions from the
people. ':
They have prostituted the ballot by
aiding the casting of illegal votes, and
of voting gangs , of laborers at different
towns on the same day.
By degrading the standard of politi
cal morality, they have lowered the
character of representatives in Con
gress and their appointees to federal
positions, till many offices are now filled
by men who are conspicuous examples
of dishonesty and effrontery.
They have controlled against the in
terests of the people a public board
which was elected solely to guard the
rights of the people against the corpo
rations themselves.
In a recent demonstration of their
power they have humiliated the Chief
Executive of the State by forcing him
to retract a measure which, judged by
its motives, was . creditable and praise
worthy. . -, ,
Politicians bow to this power. By it
public men are demoralized, public
sentiment misrepresented, public insti
tutions debauched and all is done at
the shrine before which there is more
mock patriotism and less true devotion
than any other shrine on earth the
shrine of party.
Deyotion to party has taken the place
of devotion to country. The machinery
of party is being used to rob and en
slave the people for whose protection
t was insituted."
The people have so lost confidence in
this machinery that they will no longer
respond to appeals for its reform.
They see the men who have been
managing and benefiting by this ma
chinery for years the loudest in the cry
for reform, but only willing to realize
reform through the very machinery the
corporations have heretofore corrupted
and now control.
Respecting neither the public welfare
nor the popular will, the same men who
for years have packed the primaries
and conventions are ready to pack them
again. . ... ?
The very word 4 'politics" has become a
stench and a by -word, and is a synonym
for corrupt bargains, gravel trains and
whiskey-bought votes.
We decline to trust this machinery
and these men any longer.
We appeal from these parties to the
public conscience of Nebraska. We
appeal to "the morality and religion of
our people, not for any new organiza
tion or any doubtful ism, but for an in
dependent uprising of the people which
shall destroy the festering corruption
on the body politic.
We appeal for a political cyclone
which shall dissipate the deadly mias
ma which is suffocating public honor
and political morality.
In conclusion, we appeal to Ministers
of the Gospel to take this subject into
their closets and into their pulpits; we
appeal to the professional men to take
it into their offices; we appeal to the
business men to take it into their count
ing rooms. "
We appeal to all of you to lay this
matter upon your consciences to aban
don the fatal error that this is work out
side of your duty to step forth as pa
triots instead of partisans to look upon
the welfare of the State as something
infinitely above party, and to each do
your honest duty as God enables you
to see and do it.
Published by order of
Note. The omission of the names of the
Peoples Committee has been criticised. This
omission is right. Men, in signing the decla
ration of principles, should do so without the
prejudice that names might excite. Names
would induce some to sign, and would deter
others. The matter should be judged on its
own merits. Each should act for himself.
The duties of the Committee are purely min
is tereal. When thirty thousand names are
signed to the call, a delegate peoples' conven
tion will be called. Jt will then organize it
self and do its own work.
Practical Nationalism.
MONWEALTH. Practical nationalism in this country
looks to an extension of local and na
tional governmental control of certain
industries. It advocates industrial co
operation by the people, with agents or
superintendents responsible to the vo
ters, under laws and regulations made
by the people. There is here no out
side power called government, controll
ing and regulating the lives of its sub
jects: it is the people themselves volun
tarily uniting and by agents of their
choice conducting affairs in which they
have a common interest, and which
can be successfully carried on only by
such general co-operation "and control.
It means not only armies for the com
mon defense, police, courts, prisons, re
formatories and asylums, all that which
is conceded to be within the proper
sphere of government, but also national
money in due supply under control of
the people, roads, bridges, parks, libra
ries, schools, postal service, telegraph,
railroads, municipal water supply, gas
and electric lighting, etc., maintained
by a common fund and conducted at
cost for the benefit of the whole people,
without profit to corporations or indi
vidual monopolies. It means justice
applied in the production and distribu
tion of wealth; not merely protection
of the equal right of all to life, but of
the equal opportunity of all to secure
that on which life itself depends equal
right of access to natural opportunities
which should belong equally to all, an
equal chance to secure the benefits and
enjoyments which alone make life de
sirable. This new democracy carrying
to its logical conclusion the work only
begun by the founders of our republic,
may demand even more than has been
enumerated, but practically only a step
at a time will be taken. Some of these
national and municipal industries have
already been established more or less
completely, and are in successful oper
ation: and the steps thus taken are not
likely to be ever retraced, for the peo
ple are too well satisfied with the bene
fits thus attained not to go on in the
same direction, under the irresistible
tendency of the times. There can be
no mistake as to this tendency, although
this democratic republic has strangely
fallen behind, in this movement, some
older countries with less popular forms
of government. This is due no doubt
to an exaggerated and false notion of
individualism developed by certain con
ditions of American life, the boundless
opportunities that ' have been offered
here for the success of individual greed,
and selfish monopoly of all kinds,
which has led to such intense activity
in . the pursuit of wealth, such a rapid
concentration of it in comparatively
few hands, and the building up within
a brief period of a plutocracy utterly
inconsistent with real government by
the people; for without actual equality
of opportunities, and essentially of con
dition, true democracy cannot exist.
How far the new movement shall go is
not to be determined in advance by any
abstract principles, but is a matter en
tirely of expediency, and dependent on
the success of the people in managing
their business in this way. The natural
monopolies nainjdWwhich are oppres
sive in their very nature to the people,
and are not restrained to any consider
able extent by the law of competition,
will naturally first be taken under col
lective control; and we can wisely de
fer the discussion of what shall be the
limitation of the movement until the
wisdom gained by further, experience
shall enable U3 better to determine
what other measures will best secure
the justice .and equality demanded.
Already many minds are turned to the
problem of how equal access to natural
opportunities with spedial' privilege to
none, unless the people are properly
compensated for such franchises, may
be secured, and what means shall be
used to reduce the cost of living and in
crease the supply and efficient demand
for all' things needful for human wel
fare. There is a profound conviction
of the unworthiness of our present in
dustrial system, for it is seen that along
with overproduction of much wealth
there is constantly increasing want,
and immense energies wasted or unem
ployed. With the aid of labor-saving
inventions there could be an indefintely
increased production of anything for
which there is an efficients-demand,
There are the workers and the forces
ready to supply all wants, the raw ma
terials out of which all the needed
wealth may be produced,: and comple
mental to these are wants equally run
limited and ever increasing, r. and why,
men ask, can not these, so adapted to
each other, not be united in happier
union? It is; but a, narrow isthmus
that divides the Atlantic of our powers
from the Pacific of our needs. A false
system of selfish monopoly and waste
ful competition now separates them,
which must be cut through or torn
down by the united effort of the people.
The question is, how shall ; this be ac
complished? x What is to be the plan
what the first step? On this there is
such a variety of views, so many differ
ent schemes with zealous advocates, of
ten impatient of criticism, and unable
to see any merit in other ways, that it
seems almost hopeless to expect any
union of effort to come from such a
chaos of opinion, but it will come in
time. Slowly, through perpetual strug
gle and conflict, the human race has
emerged from savagery in the past, and
step by step it will move forward to a
jiiguer civilization. j-riowsDivu, agita
tion, earnest attention and thought, the
slow process of education, will clear
men's minds and lead them to see more
and more in the same light, and only as
they thus see and know will they be pre
pared to act together. Let us be pa
tient,1 and above all it seems needless
that any theory or dream of a perfect
order of society should- ever be permit
ted to stand in the way of support of
any practical measure of reform, which,
however small in itself,, will secure
some further measure of justice, and
will be an entering wedge to further
progress. It is well indeed to have
such an ideal, but it should never inter
fere with our doing what only we can
do at the present hour. No one need
fear that such measures will merely
pacify the demands of the people and
hinder true advance. The "noble dis
content" which is necessary to pro
gress has its cause and justification in
every slight amelioration in the condi
tion of the people in every gain they
make, for it only kindles new desires
and awakens sluggish minds to a better
appreciation of what is rightfully theirs,
and the possibilities before them. The
new order will not descend out of
heaven like a prophetic vision, unasked
and unearned. The kingdom of heaven
on earth can only be built up by the
earnest efforts of those who are willing
to do what is next on hand to be done.
No sudden revolution will destroy the
ignorance and blind selfishness which
is the root of all evil crrnwtiia nnr tit
men for the actual management of their
own auairs. anai ntness can come only
with the confidence in each other, the
honesty and ability to think and act to
gether born of actual experience in co
operative effort, nationally and other
wise. The True Commonwealth is on the right
iracK. it push forward the good
work of education on these questions,
and when the times are ripe for politi
cal action we will see order come out
of the chaos, politicians will crowd far
admission into the new democracy, and
old parties will champion the living is
sues we present.
Senator Jones' ot Nevada, Great Silver
Mr. Jones riddled the Windom bill,
he opposed the idea of redeeming treas
ury notes in bullion on the ground that
when they were so redeemed monetary
circulation would be contracted and the
putting of bullion on the market would
not make up to the country for the loss
of money from circulation. He ex
pressed entire confidence in the hon
esty of purpose and conscientiousness
of motive of the present Secretary of
the Treasury, but said that as none of
the Secretaries, for twelve years past,
had coined a dollar of silver more than
compelled by law to do, future Secre
taries might conscientiously deem it
their duty to keep in circulation the
least possible amount of the proposed
treasury notes, and thus the United
States treasury might, in effect, become
a purchasing agent for the East India
company or for syndicates of English
merchants wanting bullion cheap in or
der to make their payments to India.
Gold, by reason of its greater value,
notwithstanding all the legislation in
its favor, could never become the com
mon money.medium of the world. A
gold coin that would represent an aver
age day's labor would-be too small for
convenient handling." Silver was the
money metal best suited to the mass of
the people and the variety and character
of transaction constituting the inter
change of daily life. If there was any
conceivable necessity for the demone
tization of either metal, why, he asked,
demonetize that which promised the
greater and more steady yeild? If for
any reason society should decide that
one of them should be discarded, should
it not rather be that one which promised
the smaller future yield than that which
promised the larger? It was absolutely
vital to the welfare of society that both
siver and geld should be in full and un
limited use as money and equally invest
ed with the power of legal tender.
In conclusion Mr. Jones said:
I predict, Mr. President, that the re
storation of silver to its birthright will
mark an epoch in the history of this re
public. It will place in circulation an
amount of money commensurate with
our increasing population. It will give
assurance to our languishing industries
that the volume of our circulating
medium is not to continue shrinking and
that the tendency of prices shall no long
er be downward. It will increase the
wages of labor and the prices of the pro
ducts of labor; it will reduce the price
of bonds and other forms of money
futures; it will lighten, but not inequit
ably, the burden of mortgages; it will
increase largely, though not unjustly,
the debt-paving and tax-paying power
of the people. It will loosen the grasp
of the creditor from the neck of the
debtor. By the remonetization of silver,
money will cease to be the object of com
merce and will again become its benefi
cent instrument. Activity will replace
stagnation; movement will supplant in
ertia; courage will banish fear; confi
dence will dispel doubt; hope will super
cede despair. The lifting up of silver to
its rightful place by the side of gold, will
set in motion all the latest energies of
the people. It will banish involuntary
idleness by putting every willing man
to work. It will revive business and re
animate the heart and hope of the mass
es. Capital, no longer fearing a fall in
prices, will turn into productive ave
nues. The hoards of money lying idle
in the money vaults will come out to
bless and enrich alike their owners and
the community at large; while the mil
lions of dollars invested at low interest
in gilt edge securities will seek more
profitable investment in the busy field
of industry where they will be utilized
in the payment of wages and the con
sequent dissemination of comfort and
happiness among the people.
And this it will accomplish, not for
the United States alone, but for civil
ization, for it is too much to say, Mr.
President, that upon the decision of this
question depend consequences more
momentous than upon that of any other
question of public policy within the
memory of this generation. In a broad
er sense than any other question at
tracting the general attention of man
kind, it is a question of civilization. It
embodies the hopes and aspirations of
our race. The act of Congress which
shall happily solve it, will constitute, a
decree of emancipation as veritable as
any that ever freed serf from thraldom,
but more universal in its application.
It will ; proclaim the J freedom , of the
white race the world over; it will , lift
the bowed head of labor; it will hush
the threnody of toil; it will inagurate
the true renaissance a renaissance - of
jrosperity without which industry,
earning, science, literature and art are
but apples of sodom.
In answer to questions Mr. Jones said
that if there was a free coinage of silver
h& believed that in three days the silver
not used, for coinage would be .worth
$1.29 , an ounce and that there it would
remain. ' . , " '
V; Alliance Sewing Machines.
State Agent Hartley is now prepared
to furnish a first class Sewing Machines,
nicely finished, five drawers, with all
the latest improvements. Price $20,
f . o. b. at Lincoln. - 51 tf.
A Soul For Sale.
I have a letter from Boston, writes
Howard in the Sunday Globe, which I
confess touched me very nearly.
It is signed a "Business Womai,"
giving every evidence of culture, oi re
finement and honesty, with dignity of
character, swamped by trouble, con
fronted by embarassments, and made
well-nigh desperate by need. The
writer says she was a retired teacher in
the west. Coming East with her
husband they settled in Boston, where
his health failed and she was forced to
return to work. She naturally sought
teaching; either in public or private
schools, but failed to get it. Then,
having obtained a situation as book
keeper, she worked from 6:30 in the
morning until 10 at night, sometimes
after, receiving therefor$5 a week. La
ter on,her employer, finding he could do
the work himself, dispensed with her
services, and absolutely needing bread
and butter, she scrubbed floors for 12$
cents an hour! She nursed, seeking the
wh.Ue more suitable employment. Of a
delicate constitution, this bitter exper
ience naturally depressed, annoyed and
caused her to suffer, bhe walked the
streets oi isoston a iortnignt, living on
10 cents a day, looking for work and
got none.
The suggestion a "soul for sale" stares
that woman today in the face. What do
you think of a Federal street merchant
offering a woman.well born, well bred,
obviously a lady in the best sense of that
much abused term, $3 a week, with a
suggestion, when told that wasn't enough
to keep skin and bone together, that per
haps some "friend" could provide the
Now, what shall she do?
Humanitarians, pniiantnropists, pro-
fessional women-helpers, what shall
this individual woman do? Assuming
that she is all I infer her to be, will
some one of these advocates of woman's
clubs, these wealthy posers, these pro
fessinnnl amtattwa tViaaa colf.orlnla t-T-a
these ridiculous members of a mutual
admiration society, make a suggestion
as to this woman's stomach, as to the
clothes for her back the medicine for
her husband.
She doesn't ask charity, she doesn't
ask you to open anything but your
moutns and give ner a little helpful ad
vice, one knows more oi literature in
its extreme sense, I doubt not, than all
these fashionable fitters combined.
She has traveled much abroad, she
would be a competent governess to teach
children, she has been a. teacher in the
schools of the west, and to-dav she and
her husband, through no fault of either
of them, are absolutely this side only of
Discomfort is their daily portion,
worry and botner and tribulation sur
round them like a cloud, vet in a hall,
the rent of which costs money, with sur
roundings that cost money, under the
guise of lielpers to working women, we
find posers soaring into the realms of the
infinite as speculators, smiling in each
other's eves, but soilincr no hand of theirs
by literal contact withliteral wage-earn
A Letter From the First President of the
Nebraska State Alliance.
The folowing letter from an old
friend, Hon. E. B. Ingersoll, was not
written tor publication; but it is too
good to lose, and we imagine our friend
will pardon us for printing it. Mr. In-f
gersoll' was . the first President of the
Nebraska State Alliance, and no better
one or truer one has been elected since.
We print it just as written. , Its frank
ness would be marred by any altera
tions: Tecumseh, Neb., June 6, 1890.
Jay Burrows, Esq., Lincoln, Neb.
Old Fell: Verily "the world do
move," and we move with it. I am in
a chatty mood and propose to anger
you a little.
"When we were first acquaint" Jay,
there were some points of difference
between us, and some wherein we
agreed. We were both of the old whig
and knew nothing antecedents. You
were still a protectionist but I was an
anti-protect. You were farther ad
vanced on the R. R. question than I,
and we both looked on greenback as
one of the most foolish of follies. We
are now both free traders, and are
abreast with each other on the railroad
and many other questions. In short,
we are both Nationalists.
Of course Nationalism is not going to
prevail at once "in the twinkling of
an eye" but either Nationalism or
Pessimism will prevail, and that speed
ily. Either the millinium or catastro
phe Oblivion. There is no half way
What steps will have to be taken be
fore Bellamy's dream will be realized?
and in what order will said steps be
taken? Can't tell exactly; but two
steps are necessary, to-wit: There
must be an entire change of base in re
gard to money, and the nation must
own and operate at least operate the
railroads and telegraph. -
.Well, the legislature is not in extra
session. Surely "Burrows may be par
doned if he smiles." Is it not strange
that Thayer thinks he has stolen your
thunder? But this reminds me of
You remember at that meeting of
farmers in Jan. '81, which residted in
the formulation of the Nebraska State
Farmers' Alliance, a resolution was
passed asking the legislature then in
session to pass a law enforcing, with
adequate penalties, that portion of
Sec. 1, Art. XI of the State Constitu
tion, which says that all 'railroads do
ing business in this state, shall keep a
public office in the state, in which ofhce
shall be kept books showing the names
of the share holders, the number of
shares held by each, the amount paid
up on each share, &c, &c.
That legislature passed such, a law,
and it can be found among the laws of
81. I think that law has not been re
pealed. I also think it has neither been
complied with nor enforced, and the
question arises are the railroads amen
able to law or not? Can they disre
gard law with impunity? The legisla
ture needs to have access to such books.
Such books would reveal the actual
amount of capital invested by the stock
holders, and so - would enable those en
trusted with the, work to adjust rates
equitably, without consulting Iowa or
"any other man."
But it is not likely that ' full justice
will be secured until the nation owns
and operates the roads.
If the people would agree, the nation
could buy with borrowed money all
the railroads at their present valuation,
and by maintaining the present rates
for twenty years the debt could be paid.
Remember that the nation can borrow
at three per cent and less. Now figure
on any road whose capital stock, in
debtedness and earnings are known,
and you will find that after paying in
terest on the debt incurred and apply
ing the balance of the net earnings in
payment of the principal, either annu
ally or semi-annually, the debt will be .
paid in less - than twenty years. Of
course it would be better to squeeze the
water out of both stock and bonds be
fore buying. But it would be better 16
buy and pay for water and all than to
go on as we are now going. "
Of course, too, it would be better to
reduce the rates an?l take more time in
paying the debt. No doubt, too, the
"operating expenses" would bo greatly
reduced if the roads were operated oy
the national government, and the net
earnings could thereby be increased by
so much; and this, too, without reduc
ing the wages of labor. Indeed, the
wages of many of the laborers ought to
be and could be increased.
But it may not be necessary for the
nation to buy the, roads in order to
operate them.
Some of the roads that have been in
sanely or fraudulently wrecked by their
managers, are already in the hands of
receivers appointed by the courts in ac
cordance with the common and statute
law. These receivers have been ap
pointed generally in answer to the
prayer of the bond holders. Some
times the minority stock holders who
felt that they were being frozen out by
the majority have joined in said prayer.
My recollection is that it was the legal
steps taken by Jay Gould to secure his
rigntsf?) as a minority stock holder that
brought about the the exposure and
collapse of the "credit mobilier."
Many roads are now fast traveling
into the receiver's hands. Perhaps all
of them are. One railroad president
has already recommended the opera
tion of the railroads by the nation. It
will not be surprising if all other rail
road presidents soon tall into line, or
"call upon the rocks and hills to sate
them.n Notwithstanding the unreason
ably high rates of which the people
so justly complain, there seems to be
so many ways by which managers of a
certain ilk can deplete the revenues of
the road and turn them into the pock
ets of those who have no right to them,
through subsidizing organizations and
otherwise. There seems to be so many
ways for the fictiti6us, wasteful and
fraudulent increase in operating ex
penses, that it will not be strange that
if in the near future, the nominal capi
tal as represented by the bonds and
certificates of stock should, in sheer
desperation, and from the very selfish
ness of its nature call upon the nation
to save its holders from total loss, by
taking upon itself the management and
operation of the roads.
There are certain social and econom
ic laws and tendencies, that seem to be
as constant, perhaps as uniform in their
operation as any of the physical laws
that govern in the realm of matter. Of
such are the laws of supply and demand,
the tendencies of competition, the just
demands of a righteously indignant
because outraged public; and the eyer
increasing needs and demands of an
ever advancing civilization. When by
the operation of these and other laws
and tendencies, rates shall be brought
down to a point that will yield fair re
turn upon what will then be honest and
economical construction, equipment and
management this call of, the aforesaid
capital upon the nation may be expect
ed. It may come sooner than that.
The fact that much of this stock is now
in the hands of innocent (?) purchasers,
will tend to hasten the call, probably
precipitate it. Such a call ought not to
be a surprise. Indeed it would be sur
prising if it did not come. I look for it
inside of 15 years, unless the nation
anticipates by either buying or operat
ing on some other basis. Such a call
will be the legitimate outcome of a
great shrinkage in the nominal value of
all R. 11. stocks and bonds, and raav re
sult in still further shrinkage perhaps
total loss. This has often happened to
other forms of capital. Riches are fam
ous for taking to themselves wings, and
though individuals suffer greatly, piti
ably, unjustly perhaps in many cases,
still there is no loss of actual wealth to
the nation or the world. It has simply
changed hands, and may be God's way
of redistributing the wealth of the
The abolition of slavery destroyed no
wealth, no property, but great "riches
flew from the hands of certain bond and
stock holders. True Christian National
ism would prevent all such changes in
ownership of wealth with its accom
panying individual suffering.
My, what an old chatterbox I am!
I hear from you weekly through the
Alliance, and I think I can sometimes
read between the lines certain thoughts
that you do not care to print for the
profane eyes of Gere or Rosewater, and
some others. I know you have no
lime for idle gossip, but if at any time
it would relieve you any to unburden
yourselt to your old confrerer you know
I would be glad to have you do so, and
that I would not give you away. You
know that you have my hearty sympa
thy and support in your work.
I have signed the Declaration of
Principles and hope the call of the Peo
ple's convention will soon be issued.
and am confident it will result in good.
as ever yours,
E. P. Ingersoll.
A Grand Bill by Senator Blair.
Senator Blair has introduced into the
the Senate a bill which is described be
low. It will be seen at once that it is a
very valuable and important measure
The associate press, to poison the
minds of the people, announces it as
-jBlair's latest," and says "Senator
Blair's philanthropy has taken a new
shoot." If more Senators will let their
philanthropy take a mew shoot it would
be better for the country:
"Senator Blair has to-day reported
from the committee on education and
labor a bill providing for the establish
ment under federal authority and at
the expense of the public treasury of
an employment bureau for the poor,
and a bureau of information relating to
occupation, means of livelihood and
homes. Such bureaus are to be estab
lished in geographical centers, where
there are 2,000.000 inhabitants, and the
duties of the officers in charge are by
correspondence tnrougn the mails and
telecraph, the press, personal inter
course and local investigation to collect
information relating to employment,
occupation, means of livelihood, etc.,
the condition of industries, the rates of
wages, tne cost or, living, facilities and
expense of transportation, our material
resources, climatic and other condi
tions, opportunities for education, etc.,
for the benefit of all persons who are in
need of employment or desire to chancre
their homes, and it is also , made their
duty to diffuse this intelligence among
the people in answer to inquiries ana
by the issue of bulletins from time to
Another branch of the proposed ser
vice is the ascertainment and publica
tion cf cases of extreme prverty, hard
ship and distress for the information of
the charitable, and an additional sec
tion of Mr. Blair's bill requires that all
persons employed upon public works
shall be American citizens.
From Dawes County.
Bro. H. G. Stewart, reportincr the
meetincr of Dawes county Alliance held
June 7th, says: The grandest meeting
ever held in the . county, vu aeiegaies
present, each one determined that
come what will, the principles and re
forms advocated by the Alliance will
have their undivided support: Thus
does Dawes county join hands with
eastern counties in the struggle ior
equal rights to all.
The Minnesota Decision.
We fear our friend Clark, of tl.e Chi
cago Express, and our friend Strceter.
of Illinois, do not appreciate- tin? full
significance of the Minnesota decision.
The practical effect of this decision U
to nullify any state law that may !.
made for the regulatiou'of freight rates.
It has heretofore been considered thai
it was the province of the courts to in
terpret law, or determine what it U.
The late decisions seem to assume that
it is their province to determine what
it shall be. The Miuuesota decision
takes from the legislature and confer
upon the court the right to determine
what shall bo a reasonable rare. The
railroads now have the right to remove
their cases from the State to the Fed
eral courts. In view of this fact what
will state regulation amount to to the
gentlemen who buy their law by the
That there is a deep-laid conspiracy to
reverse all the great decisions in favor
of the people's rights there seems to be
no doubt. The next one to be attacked
will be the legal-tender decision. The
Supreme Court, a body from which there
is no appeal in this country, has been
packed for this very purpose by a tyran
nical power which pursues its end.-
steadily and persistently through years
and over all obstacles.
We shall refer to this subject again
when we can give it more attention.
Principle Betore Party.
Editor . Alliance.: When in the
course of human events partizan poli
tics have failed to succor the masses,
when parties weighed in the balance of
experience are found wanting in the dis
charge of sacred duty, and aro become
the medium of Injusticeand oppression,
then should the people arise and in de
fense of their common welfare, seek
new and better forms of government.
Whatever of fealty good citizens once
owed to the dominant parties, that debt
is long since fully paid. Newr exigen
cies have arisen, and in this day aud
hour loyalty to existing polities is trea
son to ourselves and to our country.
The time has passed for half reme
dies and cowardly compromises, the
time has come for plain speech and
serious action. A new oppression is in
the land and the clinking of a new chain
is heard where it was said chains should
never be.
Here is a sufficient argument. The
people are suffering, and from the Egypt
of dire distress appeal imploringly for
lelief a The people are oppressed, and
before their eyes is the terrible pros
pective that the heavy burthens of to
day will be yet heavier to-morrow.
Here are four billions iu farm mort
gages and debts. What is to be don
with them? Honest yeomanry evicted
from, homes after long oars of la
borious struggle. What is to become
of them, their wives and tiieir children,
and who possesses the wealth which
they produce?
t v"hat time is this for legislative eva
sion, for shadow and for mockery when
the masses are forced to beg for the
bread of their own earnhW What
time is this for tariff tinkeriugs. aud
emasculating palavers to find out which
set of thieves shall carry off the most
If those vho suffer, if the great mass
es, the millions of toiling Victims of this
monstrous system of political spoliation,
if those who produce all and possess
nothing, who create riches for their
masters and poverty for themselves, if
these do not now unite and right their
wrongs by speaking in thundrous soli
darity at the ballot, then do they de
serve their sufferings and merit their
Their way of deliverance and the line
of duty are alike plain. Doubly blind
is he who cannot, who will not see the
sources of the present industrial de
pression. The producer is simply rob
bed of his proper share of his own labor
by the distributor. The distributor is
the buyer for monopoly, aud privileged
gentlemen who commauds products at
a lower price than the producer can
afford to sell them. But why does the
producer sell at a price so ruinous? For
the same reason that Socrates drank
the hemlock, the reason of every tyrany,
the reason of force. And whence came
this condition? It is the direct product
of bad and unequal government, of
vicious and unjust legislation. The
vast wealth of the nation, controlled by
an unscrupulous class, has seduced aud
debauched the nation's public servants.
Congressmen enstructed by. the people
to make laws for the public good have
betrayed the trust. Legislation and
legislators have been bought for money,
party politics has been degraded to the
service of corporate, wealth, and the
people's interests ruthlessly betrayed
into the hands of an imperious pluto
cracy. For twenty years the two great par
ties have been appealed to to do the
people Justice. They have answered
the people with broken promises and
pledges unfulfilled and duty unper
formed. They obeyed party rather
than principle, and the party obeyed
power rather than patriotism.
I repeat, our way is clear and our
duty is plain. Let us trust those par
ties no longer. Have we not had ex
perience enouirh? Have we not waited
quite long enough for even a sign of
justice to illuminate tho black sky of
our political horizon? With contracted
money, the tools of production, the land
and the transportation controlled and
monopolized by our master's are we not
debt ridden enough, poor and hopelses
enough? Then let us make a new po
litical departure, take a new tact and
adopt measures and methods uncontami
nated by prevailing corruptions. Let
us take independent political action
wherein principle shall precede party.
Ignoring political adventurers ana their
machines let us seek candidates who are
not for sale and who cannot he bouerht
Candidates to whom self-seeking is not
paramount to the publio welfare, and
who will go forth not as politicians, but
as patriots pledged only to conscience
and duty and their country's good.
Hon. J. B. Weaver in Nebraska.'
nanorol Wavai frfi -.. 11
bor advocate of Iowa, who so ably rep-
three terms, and who is always found
on the side of the f people in their de
mands for justice and freedom from
oppression has made a line of appoint
merits far WoVimci-o an.t
following places on the dates named.
w uuo jui, Haaiiuirs, dune SO.
Bow, July 2, Grand Island, July 3, and
Wahoo, J uly 4. Our readers in the dif
ferent InpalfHoa ehnnl. baa it
each of these meetings are well attend
ed as the General will have very inte
resting facts and figures to present at
r.hAflA rim Aa
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