The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, June 14, 1890, Image 1

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VOL. I. ;-- LINCOLN, NEBKASKA, SATURDAY, JUNE 14, 1890. ; , NO. 52.
Notice to Subscribers.
At the easiest and cheapest tnefioa of not!-
9nng subscribers of the date of thsir xplra
ons we will mark this notice with u blue or
red pencil, on the date at which their aub
eription expires. We will send the paper
two weeks after expiration. If not renewed
ay that time it will be discontinued. .
The New School Apportionment.
State Treasurer J. E. Hill hag certi
fied to Superintendent Geo. B. Xiane
that there are now in his hasfis and
subject to apportionment school
moneys to the amount of $281255.20,
derived from the following sources :
Interest on United State bonds.. $ 300 00
Interest oa state bonds ., . 13,050 69
State tax...... 40,461 65
Interest eu county bonds 4 1, 277 1 7
Interest en unpaid principal
school lands 117,224 53
Lease school lands 65.V41 I'd
Total amount..... 1281.255 20
In compliance with tte provisions
of section 3, sfcb-div. XI, of the school
laws, Superintendent Lane has appor
tioned the same to the several counties
as follows:
Whole number of children.... 316,806
Amount apportioned...... 8 281,255 20
Kate per scholar. , 9 . 8877
names or couxTirs.
Boone ,
Box Butte
Brown ,
Cherry ,
Camlngr... ....
Cuetev. .......
Dawes. .......
DeueL .......
Franklin ....
Hitchcocir.. . .
Eeya Paha..
Lancaster.. . .
NuckoUs ....
, Phelps.
Pierce ."
Red Willow. .
Bichardson . .
Kocl i ' j
Sarpy...... .
Saunderp. . . .
Scotts Bluff.
Sherman ....
7,02! 1
3,580 44
5,210 42
712 89
313 39
2,787 65
1,257 11
6,232 26
1,525 22
3 518 SO
4 848 20
6,808 12
1,269 54
1,422 21
1,244 68
1,974 44
5,2 8 64
3 669 22
3,570 68
6,280 20
2,345 53
2,846 24
1,629 C9
2 561 08
751 15
5,514 93
21, 80 39
1,029 83
5 142 06
2,578 13
2.286 15
3,188 04
8,956 88
561 6
1,593 58
1,489 70
24 86
4,472 53
4,493 1 9
2 772 56
1,652 m
1,763 14
. 7,0741
10, 81
5 897
5,235 28
3,('49 5
4,614 71
3,618 61
136) 98
642 76
3.896 85
294 74
2 841 80
14.817 16
2.536 41
356 ..
540 66
41(5 12
2,822 27
1,390 27
4,090 0
3,260 84
6.537 66
3,29' 14
1.126 03
4 6.'4
2,695 32
1,47 10
4,793 27
3.314 11
2,276 39
6,208 29
89 J C3
6,633 54
1,966 45
6,934 50
363 44
5,040 85
3,264 74
2,174 19
516 69
1,398 26
3,941 77
1( 7 42
170 93
2,283 7
3.994 15
1,746 i 8
3,626 61
567 30
5,514 05
3 733
6,' 93
2.2 '5
$ 281.255 20
It will be noticed that the number
of children is no greater than at the
last apportionment. The same enum
eration is used because the last legisla
ture changed the time for taking the
census of school children.
The amount to be divided this year
is smaller than last.
In General.
The republican state convention will
be held at Lincoln July 23.
The assessed valuation of JPlatts
mouth is estimated at a round million.
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Burns of York
recently celebrated their golden wed
Mrs. D. Walter and Jesse Graham,
two old settlers of Otoe county, died
Mr. E. K. Valentine of Nebraska
was elected yesterday by the republi
can -caucus of the senate to succeed
Mr. fanady as sergeant-at-arms.
There are seventy-five applicants for
the rjooition of superintendent of the
Fremont city schools.
Mrs.. Frank Esley fell and broke her
arm while passing out of the Baptist
church at .Kearney.
The river work at Bulo is being
pushed steadily forward, and a larger
amount than va at first intended will
be completed, TS eaily one hundred and
fifty men are employed and more are
being hired every day.
A Shell Creek, Platte county, couple,
who were about to be married, nap
reled over the selection of the "best
man" to "stand up " with them, and
the wedding has been declared off.
What We Want.
New York World.
All hail tihe dawn of a new dayHbreaking,
When a strong-armed nation shall take
The wecry burdens from backs that are ach
ing With maximum labor awflminimum pay;
When no man is honored who hoards his mil
lions ;
When no man feasts ontlnother's toil,
And God's poor suffertng.-striving' billions
Shall share his riches of sum and soil.
There is gold for all in the earth's broad
There is food fox alt in the la-ad's great
store, .
Enough is provided if rightly divided;
Let each man take what he needs no more. 1
Shame on the miser with unused riches.
Who robs the toiler to swell his hoard,
Who beats down the wage of the digger of
And steals the bread from the poor maa's
board. .
Shame on the owner of mines whose cruel
And selfish measures have brought fchu
While the ragged wretches who dig his fuel
Are robbed of comfort and hope and health.
Shame on the ruler who rides in his carriage
Bought with the labor of half -paid men
Men who are shut out of home and marriage
And are herded like sheep In a hovel pen.
Let the clarion voice of the nation wake him
To broadesr vision and fairer play,
Or let the hand of a Just law shake him
Till his ill-gained dollars shall roll away.
Let no man dwell under a mountain of
Let no man suffer with want and cold ;
We want right living, not mere almsgiving, '
We want just dividing of labor and gold.
Ella Wheeler Witcox.
When descends on the Atlantic
The gigantic
Storm-wind of the equinox,
Landward in his wrath he scourges
The toiling surges,
Laden with the seaweed from theocks:
From Bermuda's reefs; from edges
Of sunken ledges,
In some far-off, bright Azore;
From Bahama, and the dashing,
Silver flashing
Surge of San Salvadore;
From the tumbling surf, that buries
The Orkneyan skerries, ,
Answering the hoarse Hebrides;
And from wrecks of ships, and drifting
Spars uplifting
On the desolate, rainy seas;
Ever drifting, drifting, drifting
On the shifting
Currents of the restless main;
Till in sheltered coves and reaches
Of sandy beaches.
All have found repose again.
So when storms of wild emotion
Strike the ocean
Of the poet's soul, ere long ...
Fromeach cave and rocky fastness,
In the vastness,
Float some fragments of a song:
From, the far-off isles, enchanted,
Heaven has planted
With the golden fruit of truth ;
From tke flashing surf, whose vision
. Gleams Elysian
In the tropic clime of Youth;
C From the 6trong Will and Endeavor
That forever;
Wrestles with the tide of Fate;
From the wreck of Hopes far-scattered,
Floating waste and desolate;
Ever drifting, drifting, drifting,
On the shifting
Currents of the restless heart:
Till at length in books recorded ;
They, like hoarded
. Household words, no more depart.
' " Longfellow.
Pullman's Proposition.
New Yobk, June 6. The World's Chicago
special says that George M. Pullman has
offered to take $5,000,000 of world's fair
bonds if ho will be allowed to furnish a
site near the city f Pullman for the fair.
A Futile Attempt.
Columbus, O., June 9. At noon today the
Consolidated Street Railroad company
made an attempt to run their cars. Police
were massed at one barn where the at-
tempG was made, around which some
2,000 people had assembled. The first car
was derailed after running a mile. The
driver was pursued through alleys and
finally escaped. The second car was also
thrown across the track and damaged by
the strikers and the conductor and driver
The nonce had no control and did not
pretend to give protection to the new em
ployes, their sympathies being plainly
witn me striKers, aespite tne mayor's
orders. Over 10,000 people were massed
within a couple of squares and the excite
ment was intense. The driver of the sec
ond car was afterwards escorted to the
depot and placed on a train. Mayor
Bruok then issued orders that no more
cars be run today. After this order was
soon restored and the strikers retired very
jubilant. The company is discouraged
ana actriDutes na inaouicy to run tne cars
to the lack of police protection. A consul
tation was had with Adjutant-General
Hawkins in regard to calling out the
militia, but he thought the necessity bad
not arisen. The city council tonight
adopted a resolution calling for the arbi
tration ox tne matter ana instructing ue
city solicitor if the company refuses to ar
bitrate to institute proceedings ior tne
revocation of Its charter. The company
contemplate another effort to start its cars
tomorrow. Their manager says they will
neither arbitrate nor advance wages.
The ''independent Party. D., June 6. The farmers' alii
anceand JKnights of Labor closed their
three days' session this evening. ' The
most important action was the decision to
organize a sew party. The new paity was
named the independent party. A plat
form was adopted which Includes the state
and national declaration of principles of
the farmers' alliance. Industrial union and
the Knights of Labor and demands: "That
aurrenev be issued by the srenexal govern
ment. to be full legal tender, to Increase in
the volume in proportion with the Increase
of business, and that it be issued directly
to the productive industries without the
intervention of the banks of lesue; de
mands railway transportation, telegraph
and telephone service at actual cost and
that the government own and operate the
same; free and unlimited coinage of silver;
the adoption of an absolutely secret voting
Bjssem, docc state ana national. " ,
No Alien landlords.
Washington, June 10. Representative
Oates from the committee on judiciary to
day reported to the house a bill to prohibit
aliens from acquiring title to or owning
lands within the United States. An elabo
rate report accompanied the bill. In it the
committee says the power ef the govern
ment to totally exclude aliens from com
ing within its jurisdiction, as has ' been
done in the case of the Chinese, no one
questions. This sovereign power certainly
includes the lesser one of defining what
property rights they may exercise after
they are admitted, and during the contin
uance of their alien condition. "Your com
mittee has ascertained," says the report,
"with reasonable certainty that certain
noblemen of Europe, principally English
men, have acquired and own in the aggre
gate about 21,000,000 acres of land within
the United States. We have not sufficient
information to state the quantity owned
by untitled aliens, nor is it important, as it
is generally held in smaller bodies. This
alien non-resident ownership will, in the
course of time, lead to a system of land
lordism incompatible with the best inter
ests and free institutions of the United
States. The foundation of such a syttem
is being laid broadly in the western states
and territories.
"The avarice and enterprise of European
capitalists," the report continues, "nave
caused tham to invest many millions in
American railroads and land bonds, cover
ing perhaps 100,000,000 acres, the greater
part of which under foreclosure sales will,
most likely, before many years become
the property of these foreign bondholders,
in addition to their present prinoely pos
sesions. This aggressive foreign capital is
not confined to tne lands it has purchased,
but overleaping its boundaries has caused
hundreds of miles of public domain to be
fenced up for the grazing of vast herds of
cattle, and has set at defiance tke rights of
honest but humble settlers."
The bill proposes to place these aliens
under disabilities of civil law as to all
future attempts to acquire lands in this
"In other words," the report says, "the
bill is a declaration against absentee land
lordism." ' It declares that all foreign born persons
who have not been naturalized are Incapa
ble of taking a title to lands anywhere
within the United States except for lease
holds for not exceeding five years. The
bill contains a pro ision which will compel
alien land owners to cease to be such or
beoome citizens of the United States with
in ten years.
The bill," the report says, "would pre
vent any more abuses like that of a Mr.
Scully who resides in England and is a
subject of Queen Tictoria, but owns 60,000
acres in Illinois occupied by tenants, most
ly ignorant foreigners, from whom he re
ceives as rent $200,000 a year and ex
pends it.
The Schuly estate of about two thou
sand acres within the oity limits of Pitts
burg and Allegheny City, from the rents of
which the Schulys, who are subjects of the
British Queen, draw annually not less than
$100,000, is another instance of alien land
lordship in America. The tenth census
showed that the United States had 570,000
tenant farmers, the largest number pos
sessed by any nation in the world."
In conclusion the report says: "The
natural increase in our people and the for
eigners who flock to onr shores annually
and who by competition are reducing the
wages of labor, is a problem for American
statesmen to solve. Multiplication of the
owners of the soil is a corresponding en
largement of the number of patriots, and
every land owner in this country should
owe allegiance to the United States."
Its Passage Not Desired.
Washington, June 9. Senator Plumb to
day reported adversely from . the com
mittee on public lands the bill to protect
land claimants within railroad limits by
permitting them to purchase land , from
the government at 2.50 per acre whenever
it is held not to be within the land grant
to the railroad company. Accompanying
the bill is a letter from the commissioner
of the general land office recommending
that the bill be not passed, for the reasen
that the interests of bona fide settlers are
sufficiently protected under the present
German Lutheran Synod,
Dubuque, la., June 9. The German
Lutheran synod, in session here, has 300
ministers, 450 congregations and 50,000
communicants and is spread over fourteen
states, including Dakota. Wisconsin Ne
braska and .Iowa. The convention was
opened by the president, Rev. Professor G.
Grossman of Waverly, la. His report
showed the synod was in a prosperous con
dition. A report will be read tomorrow
denouncing the Bennett law.
Dangerous Indians.
Washington, June 6. Congressman Car
ter of Montana today received a dispatch
from Joe Scott of Miles City relating the
facts in connection with the Cheyenne up
rising. The message states that the Chey-
ennes murdered a Mr. Ferguson, a promi
nent stockman of Custer, and that the
provocation was that JFerguson had dis
covered Indians killing cattle and had re
ported them to the authorities. It further
relates that the lives of the people In the
vicinity are in danger if the government
docs not immediately come to the assist
ance oi tne settlers with troops. The scene
ef the murder is about sixty miles south of
Miles City, which is the nearest railroad
and telegraph station, and the reservation
upon which the Indians are located is prob
ably thirty miles from Fort Coster, the
nearest military post, Mr. Carter and the
Montana senator have made application to
the secretary of war for a detail of troops
to go immediately to the Cheyenne agency,
arrest the murderous savages who are
guilty of the slaughter of Ferguson and
see that order is preserved. There is no
doubt that the request will be granted.
At the war department it is stated ahat
the savages are of a very troublesome dis
position. In 1883 they cut their way from
the Indian territory to the locality where
they are now situated, leaving a trail of
blood behind them They were captured
by General Miles and located upsn their
reservation by executive order. There
were about one hundred and fifty white
persons in the community at the time aid
the location of the Indians there has caused
trouble ever since, the Indians being ex
tremely bloodthirsty and warlike. There
are about eight hundred of the Cheyennes
now upon the Besebud river.
Grain Inspection Bill.
Washington, June 6. Senator Paddock
introduced in tne senate today a bill pro
viding for the inspection and storage ef
grain for interstate shipment. All railroad
companies engaged in interstate com
merce are required to construct elevators
and storehouses for the storage of such
grain along their respective lines at
nlaces to be dealraated bv a state board.
The president is authorized to appoint one
chief inspector of grain in each state and
territory and the secretary of agriculture
may appoint such assistant inspectors as
may be required to carry out the provis-
Minii vi uie acb
Mail Train Robbed.
Washington, June 8. Chief Inspector
Rathbone of the poet-' fflce department re
ceived the following1 dispatch today from
the post-office inspector at Chicago, 111.
"Two miles east of New Salem, N. D., at
10 o'clock last night, the east-bound train
was held up and robbed of forty-seven
mull pouches and seven registered pack
ages. The case is receiving attention."
Chief Inspector Rathbone offers a reward
of 91,000 for each conviction and sentence
in the Unite States courts.
Grain Rates Exhorbitant,
Washington, June 9. The interstate
commerce commission sent to the senate
today a report upon the , Investigation
made by it under the senate resolution di
recting the commission to inquire into the
truth of the allegation that the long and
short haul clause operated to prevent a re
duction of the rates of transportation of
food products from the Mississippi valley.
After synopsizing the' testimony collected
the commission dlssusses the reasonable
ness of the cost of transportation at great
length and says: j -
The rebates before the act and the very
much lower rates frequently put in force
since fairly lead to the conclusion that the
existing corn and grain rates are so high
as to encourage frequent and hurtful
changes and to make reductions expedient
and profitable to the roads whenever nec
essary to secure business. We are con
strained by all the facts - to believe that
any rate or greater charge from the Mis
souri river than 17 cents to Chicago and 15
cents te the Mississippi, east side, is ex
cessive and that the rates should be o re
duced and adjusted, and that a reduction
of 2 oents should be made from stations
west of the Missouri river In Nebraska and
Kansas." . -
Tke commission says the rates on grain
from Kansas and Texas points are un
reasonably high for long distances and
grossly excessive and exorbitant for shorter
distances, and should be reduced.
"Wheat and flour should bear the same
rate, which should not be more than 15
per cent above the rate on corn and oats.
All grain other than wheat should pay the
same rates as corn."
"The grain rates from the Dakotas and
Minnesota should be moderated and ad
justed." The commission renews the recemmen
tions of the annual reports of 1888-69. that
the third section of the interstate com
merce act should be so amended as to make
provision for through carriage at through
rates over connecting lines. -
Fierce Rain and Wind Storm.
. St. Paul,' June 6. The fierce storm which
raged all night , over southern Minnesota
has nearly abated and reports which are
now coming in show the damage heavy
and widespread. Where the rain was
heaviest the wind did, no damage, but at
Chtfleld and Mapleton, where a cyclone
prevailed, there was no rain. At Red
Wing the storm was . terrible. Nearly half
ef Goodhue county was overflowed and
several cases of loss of life have been re
ported. The Belle creek valley is com
pletely devastated and every farm house
on the lowlands is washed away. At day
light this morning a torrent of water five
feet deep and nearly two miles wide swept
downt e valley, carrying everything be
fore it The loss of cattle and stock is very
great. A farmer named Larsen, three
miles from Red Wing, carried two children
from the flood, but his wife and two more
children were drowned. A family named
Whltelwldge is missing and as their house
is destroyed it is believed thy were all
lost. At Hay creek the torrent carried out
two milldams, a mill, the station house and
a large section of track. The damage at
Chatfield was light. At Mapleton the house
of Edward Fayton was struck by lightning
and he and his son killed. The fire com
municated to the barn and a hired man
named Miller was burned to death. .
An Annexation Victory.
Windsor, Ont, June 6. A parliamentary
election in Canada, in which the annexa
tion question was the feature, was held
yesterday In North Essex riding, of which
this town is the largest portion. Sol White
the foremost annexationist of Canada, was
one candidate, opposed by Francis Cleary,
a strong Catholic, and Gaspard Guerard, a
native Frenchman. Religious questions,
race prejudices, and sectional hatred were
all involved against White, but in spite of
it all he carried the riding by over six hun
dred plurality. His victory is all the more
significant as he was not the nominee of
any party, but stood alone on his record
and well known principles. White is the
chief of the Wyandotte Indians, while to all
intents and purposes a white man and a
successful lawyer. When the resu t of the
vote was approximately known, White's
adherents carried him about the streets in
a chair and held a carnival the Use of
which the district never saw before. The
returns, which are very slow in coming in
oommg in, indicate a majority ox over
three hundre 1 for White.
The Commercial Situation.
New York, June 7. All Indications re
garding legitimate business continue en
couraging. At the same time there Is a
renewal of speculative excitement, based
on the prospect that a silver bill will
speedily pass both houses and in such form
that executive approval can be expected.
It is difficult at times to distinguish be
tween the merely speculative and the
more substantial improvement, but in this
instance there is no room to doubt that
conditions are Improving for productive
Industries and for legitimate trade. Crop
prospects have brightened wonderfully.
and those who look for better times are no
longer forced to account for a hopeful and
confident tone in the face of a short crop
outlook. The general average of prices
has not been effected much as yet. but has
turned upward, and manufactured pro
ducts, with breadstuff s, show a general
tendency to advance.
The reports from other cities are almost
without exception favorable.
Boston notes not much change, but high
er prices obtained for boots and shoes with
even more advance in 'aides and leather,
and large sales. Wool is quiet and firm,
but manufacturers ar looking for some ad
vance on light weight goods. Cotton goods
hold the late advance and lumber is firm,
with good business. Philadelphia has re-
Eorteid three mill failures in tne nelghbor
orhood, and 60 per cent of the spindles
are idle, but the situation in wool is one of
waiting. Iron improves, coal stiffens, the
liquor trade is more active and the leather
and boot and shoe trades are pleased.
Building in May showed a decline of more
than a third from last year.
The great Industries show clearly the
tendency toward Improvement. The spec
ulative markets are generally stronger.
The monetary prospects In all parts of the
of the country is favorable to business ac
tivity. Business failures throughout the country
during the last seven days number: for
w poj1 States, 179Caniuia, twenty-six;
wwu.w, wiuiwou wiw zis last wf ex.
jror me oorresponaing week of last year
iwun wdio w u una umr.Art NtittM.
and twenty-five in Canada.
The Senate.
Washington, June 5. In the senate to
day the senate bill giving to the Chicago,
Kansas City k Nebraska Railway company
the power to sell and eonvey to another
railway company its right of way and fran
chise in Oklahoma Territory was reported
and placed on the calendar.
The silver bill was taken up and dis
cussed at some length, but without action
went over until tomorrow.
. Washington, June 6. In the senate today
tne house -mendment to the senate bill es
tablishing a public park in the District of
Columbia wai disagreed to and a confer
ence asked.
Mr. Mitchell moved to reconsider the
vote by which the senate yesterday eed
the bill authorizing the construction of a
railway bridge across the Columbia river
near Vancouver. Motion entered.
A new conference was ordered on the de
pendent pension bilL
The silver' bill was taken up and dis
cussed for some hours without any action.
A message from the president relating to
the landing of an armed force from a reve
nue cutter at Cedar Keys, Fa., was read
and referred to tne committee on judiciary.
Washington, June 7. The following bills
were passed: The senate bill to provide
additional associate justices of the su
preme court for the territory of Arizona;
the house bill relieving from liability the
exposition at Louisville, Ky., for duties on
certain goods from Russia sent for exhibi
tion; the senate bill to pay to representa
tives of James and William Crooks of
Canada $5,000 for the value of a vessel
seized by the Unltel States on Lake On
tario, June 5, 1812, twelve days before the
declaration of war; the senate bill for the
relief of Major Bash, army paymaster; the
senate bill to provide for the compulsory
education of Indian children; the houe
bill to prevent desertions from the army
by withholding part of the soldier's montnly
pay as a deposit. " -
Mr. Vest gave notice that he would some
time day next week endeavor to bring up
for action three bills, now on the calendar,
in regard to live cattle and beef products.
One hundred and twenty pension bills
were passed.
The senate bill for a public building at
Fargo, N. D., was amended by making the
appropriation $125,010 and it was passed.
Washington, June 9. In the senate to
day Mr. Call offered a resolution vreferred
to the committee on foreign relations) re
questing the president to institute negotia
tions with Spain for such modifications of
the treaty with that government as will
enable American cattle to be shipped from
the United States to Cuba.
The senate silver bill was then taken up.
After some discussion Mr. Teller moved
that the bill be printed and laid on the
table. After a brief argument it was so
Mr. Vesc asked the senate to take up and
consider the bill "to prohibit monopoly in
the transportation of cattle to foreign
The bill provides that no clearance shall
be granted to any vessel plying as a com
mon carrier from the United States to a
foreign country the owners, agents or of
ficers of which shall refuse to receive, in
the order they may be offered said vessel,
cattle for transportation to a foreign coun
try, said cattle being in sound condition
and suitable for transportation, and ship
per tendering a reasonable freight charge,
or who shall make any contract or agree
ment creating a monopoly of th capacity
of said vessel for carrying cattle in viola
tion of the law governing and regulating
the duties and obligations of common car
riers to the public, ard providing us just
discrimination between shippers.
Mr. Reagan also defended the bill a d
argued in favor of its passage.
Mr. Hale moved to amend the bill by in
serting the words, "not already contracted
for in good faith by persons or parties hav
ing cattle for transportation at such date,
such contracts being sufficient Co occupy
such storage room"
Mr. Nest opposed the amendment as one
that would entirely neutralize the bill.
Mr. Hoar said that where all the storage
capacity of a ship was contracted for that
snip ceased to be a common carrier ana be
come a private carrier.
Mc Test denied that statement, but said
if that were decided to be the law no harm
could resu't from the passage of the bill.
A whole steamship line had been taken by
one shipper (East mar) and it had been
done to control the English market and
shut out all other' cattle dealers in the
United States. The result was that the
prices of cattle were put up and put down
when this monopoly chose, because it con
trolled transportation.
The vote on Mr. Hale's amendment was
yeas 10, nays 23. No quorum having Voted
the senate without further action on the
bill or the amendment adjourned.
The House.
Washington, June 5. In the house this
morning Mr. McKinley of Ohio, from the
committee on rules, reported a- resolution
providing that the house shall proceed im
mediately to consider the silver bill and
that consideration shall continue until 3
p. m. Saturday, when the previous ques
tion shall be considered as ordered. The
previous questien was ordered on the reso
lution ana forty minutes' debate was al
The debate was very warm, but the reso
lution passed yeas 120, nays 117 the fol
lowing republicans voting in the negative:
Anderson of Kansas, Bartlne, Connell, De
Haven, Featherstone, Fanston, Kelly, Mor
row, Herman and Townsend of Colorado.
The bill having been read. Conger offered
the caucus bill as a substitute.
Considerable discussion followed and the
house adjourned.
Washington, June . The isilver debate
was resumed In the house this morning
and occupied the attention of its members
until 5 p. m., when the house took a recess
until 8 o'clock.
Washington, June 7. After considerable
wrangling the house passed the silver bill,
the vote being, yeas 135, nays 119.
Eight republicans voted with the demo
crats against the bill, as follows : Anderson
of Kansas. Bar dine of Nevada, Carter of
Montana, Kelly of Kansas, Rockwell of
Massachusetts, Townsend of Colorado, Tur
ner of Kansas, Wilson of Washington.
But one democrat, Wilson of Missouri,
voted with the republicans for the passage
of thebili.
Washington, June 9. In the house on
motion of Mr. Comstock of Minnesota the
SUe of the silver bill passed Saturday was
amended so as to read as follows:
"A bill directing the purchase of silver
bullion and the Issue of treasury notes
thereon and for other purposes."
Mr. Lodge of Massachusetts offered the
following resolution, which was referred
to the committee on foreign affairs: That
the secretary of the treasury be directed
to inform the house whether it is true that
the Cunard Steamship company Saturday
last refused to obey the orders of officers
of the United States to give return passage
to certain immigrants landed at New York
by the said company in violation of the
contract labor laws of the United States
and if so what steps. If any, have been
taken to refuse entry to the steamships of
said company until said compand has com
plied witn the laws of the United States
and made due reparation for their refusal
to obey the orders of the officials thereof.
At the evening session of the house no
private pension bills werepassod, owing to
objections by Enloe of Tennessee, lut
about thirty-five went over with the previ
ous question - ordered.
Sacs Come to Terms.
Sac and Fox Agency, L T., Juno 8. The
Sao national council has come to terms,
with a slight concession on the part of the
government commission. By the. terms of
the trade, each Indian takes 160 acres of
land as an allotment. Half of this land
will be inalienable and untaxable for
thirty-five years and the remainder for a
period not less than five years nor more
than fifteen years, as the president may
see fit. The allotments may be chosen by
the Indians in any locality they prefer.
For the surplus of the lands after all the
Indians have taken their allotments the
government shalll pay $485,000, about
$i.22 an acre. By tne purchase the gov
err ment secures 400,000 acres of excellent
Disastrous Railroad Collision.
St. Louis, June 10. A serious railroad
wrecX is reported from Warrentown, Mo.,
sixty-one miles west of here, on the
Wabash road. Dispatches to the head
quarters of the road say that two freight
trains collided just outside Warrentown at
1:25 this morning, thot both engines and
eighteen cars were wreoked and that sev
eral men were killed and several wounded.
Tuere were eight palace horse oars at
tached to one of the trains laden with race
horses en route for Kansas City, two of
which were wreoked and seven men in
charge of the horses are reported killed.
Fifteen horses are also reported killed.
Mexico Frightened
San Diego, Gal., June 6. The latest state
ment lii regard to the filibustering
schemes is that advices have been received
to the effect that the Mexican government
has requested the government of the Unit
ed States to send a regiment of soldiars to
San Diego to prevent any probable or pos
sible conspiracy to capture Lower Calif or
from being carried out. .
Five Killed In a W eck.
Rocxfokd, HL, June 6. A Northwestern
passengar train was derailed near here
this morning by a broken wheel A gan
of section men working beside the track
were caught in the wreck and four of
them, August Johnoon, Emll Anderson,
John Gnstavson and JobnDrehner. instant
ly killed, as was also Engineer Blaisdell.
The fireman, two section men and several
of the passengers were slightly injured.
Farmers Alliance and K. ol L.
Mason City, la, June 6. A state delegate
convention of Farmers' alliance men and
Knights of Labor is being held here today,
and tomorrrow at Northwood. The pur
pose of the meeting is to arrange for a com
bination whereby the different organiza
tions may give their entire patronage to
the party or parties selling to them the
cheapest. It is understood that in some
localities groceryuen are making big die
counts to Kaiyhts of Labor where they get
the entire patronage of a lodge. The
knights are provided with cards and in
this way make themselves known to deal
ers. The present meetlng4s very import
ant to retail dealers throughout the state.
A Cloudless Hurricane.
Clinton, la., June 5. The elements have
been playing havoc here for the last two
days. Last night a severe storm passed
some forty miles north, raising the streams
so that Hurstville was Inundated, washing
out a dam and carry ing off a mill at Cotton
villa Here today from 10 to 3 was witnessed
one of the most severe wind storms ever
known, though not a cloud was to be seen.
The wind blew at terrlfflc speed, coming in
gusts, for five hours from the southwest.
Buildings were unroofed, trees blown
down and everything lnseourely fastened
was moved. The crreatest damaore was th
wrecking of two mammoth ice houses of
George Hay ward and Son, blowing a lum
bez pile in C. Lamb A Sons' yard on a mill
man, nurting him badly, and the blowing
to pieces of a raft worth $3,000 belonging
to the Lyons lumber company, the logs es
caping down the stream. The waves in
tne river ran so high that steamers could
not move, and the ferryboats were tied up.
A Million for a Hospital.
Madison, Wis., June 5.--Legwaid A.
Qvale, a wealthy Norwegian of Eau Claire,
Wis., lately deceased, has bequethed
$1,000,000 for the establishment of a hospi
tal lu this city for born cripples and de
formed persons. Mr. Qvale came to this
country a poor boy, started in at $30 per
month, saved his money, invested it in
real estate and died worth $1,50,(XXX He
died without a will, but put his money in
possession of three friends for the pur
pose above named. He also leaves a small
amount for a hospital at Eau Claire, some
$50,000 to his wife and enough to secure
her four-year-old boy by a formei husband
a good education. Madison citizens are
greatly elated over this splendid bequest
and already eligible sites are being dis
cussed of a number that exist among the
beautiful lakes. One of the requirements
of the bequest is that ' Msdison shall fur
nish suitable grounds for the hospital.
Clearing Away the Debris.
Yosx, Neb., June 6. Mach has been ac
complished in clearing away the debris in
the business portion of Bradshaw. All the
carpenters in York county are at work re
pairing dwellings and getting roofs on the
business houses.
The town was closely guarded today and
no teams were permitted to enter or leave
without a pass.
A number of fellows were found stealing
and one was ordered to leave the camp A
strong piece of hemp with a number of
pairs of willing hands at the end of It was
the animating motive in his speady de
parture. A correspondent finds all the wounded
at the Wyoming hotel ana elsewhere in a
fair way to recovery. Many of them are
destitute and are in sad need of financial
aid. A great many who owned nouses In
Bradshaw have lost everything they pos-
RMMmL Thav ara nrifhnnt tnrA aTuinf whn
has been provided by this Immediate vloin-
4 m MHa .....1 1.1 A. M Ti. .
buu uwriy wivaoub wouung. ag is im
possible to over estimate the horrors of
their condition or exaggerate their need
fer relief.
The republican state convention will
have 818 delegates.
Government Surveyors Massacred.
Denveb, June 5. J. U. Holt, purchasing
agent for the Importing Cattle company of
Wyoming, arrived here this morning and
gives an account of the Indian massacre
wnloh occurred In the upper Green river
country several days ago. He says that a
party of Indians that had beoome intoxi
cated with whisky furnished by ranchmen
oame to' the government sur
veyors and demanded more "fire' water."
It being refused the Indians attacked ths
party, killing Chief Engineer Crittenden,
in chcrge of the third division of tne gov
ernment survey, and Chain Bearers E. W.
Timberlake, George Woods and Henry
Overmeyer. Jesse A. Lee, assistant engin
eer, was left, on the field for dead, but re
covered sufficiently to get to a neighboring
ranch, where he lies in a precarious con
dition. - --..
Damaging Storms In the IZast.
New Yobk, June 6 -The tcrrlfia thunder
storms of last evening throughout the
night and long after daybreak seem to
have been widespread. From all points of
the compass and hundreds of miles away
stories came in of floods and heavy loss by
lightning and high winds. Several lives
are reported lost In and about the city
several buildings were struck and burned,
houses unroofed and fences and trees laid
Over 60,000 Children In Line.
NewYobx, June 5. There were about
sixty-five thousand children In line this
afternoon at the annual parade of the
Brooklyn Sunday school union. The union
has never had a more glorious day than
this, their sixty first anniversary. The
streets along the line of march and in th
vloinlty of tne various churches assumed
a gala appearance and the houses are gay
with flags and bunting. The parade was
divided into eleven divisions as follows:
Bedford division, 6,50 J in line; Washington
park, o,(i00; Prospect park, 13,00; Tomp
kins pork, 6,00"; Heights, 9,000; New York
avenue, ,000; Eastern,?, 00; 1 wen ty. sixth
ward, 3.OC0; Carrol prk, 2.' 10; South.
Brooklyn, 1,000; Ocean Hill, 1,5X.
World's Fair Exhibit.
San Fbanctbco, June 5 Preparations are
being mado to take out a section of one of
the large red wood trees In Teleure county
for exhibition at the world's fair in 1892.
It will be the largest section or any big
tree ever taken from California. The tree
measures ninety-nice feet in circumfer
ence. The section to be taken out will be
nine feet in heiehth and sixty feet in cir
cumference, and will weigh about thirty
three tons.
An Important Decision.
Nebraska City Special: County
Treasurer Houser received the decision
of the state board of educational lands
and funds in the case of Thomas Han
Ion and Lewis Dunn against Mrs.
Charles Schott and the Nerheusen
heir, wherein the defendants were in
default of the final payment to the state
for school land. The' plaintiffs leased
the land from the school board at tho
old appraisement of $1 per acre, where
as the farm is now worth $8,000 and
has been occupied by the defendant
twenty years.
The decision sets aside tho Dunn and
Hanlon lease and gives the heirs six
months to make the final payment,
and further holds that ' personal notice
must be given against the parties liv
ing on the school land before the lease
and sale of contract 8 , of the school
lands can be declared forfeited.
A bath house has been erected by
York's Young Men's Christian associa
tion on the banks of the, creek adjoin
ing the athletic grounds for the ex
clusive use of its members.
The south-bound Missouri Pacific
passenger train near Weeping Water,
struck an unknown man walking on
the track, breaking his leg. He was
taken to Weeping Water and cared for.
A Preston correspondent sajs; "Tho
Sac Indians were paid their annuities
last week. As a matter of. course they
came to town and got drunk, and for
two days it was not fit for a lady to go
on the streets.
The marshal at Homer is very con
siderate of the village funds, says the
Wayne Gazette, and instead of occasion
ing the expense necessarily incurred
when a drunk is arrested, he dumps
his inebriates into their wagons, gives
them a quart of whisky to amuse them
selves with and starts them out of town.
John Mundt, a German farmer living
near Central City, feeling very dispon
dent over the loss of his wife, resolved
to drown his grief in a good drink of
brandy. The brandy proved tobe carbolic
acid, and it required the use of a stomach
pump to save his life.
Isiah Powers of Curtis has an or
chard of Russian Mulberry trees that
are gifted with a second blossoming.
The trees blossomed out nicelv at
their proper season this year, but
frost completely destroyed the blos
soms, and now the trees are again in
The Hastings Nebraskan tells this :
County Judge Burton has issued a
marriage license to John Frederick
William Hoevet and Christina A.
Korgan. The groom is sixty-eight
years old and the blushing bride ten
years hie junior After the papers
had been drawn up, the old man re
marked as he left the office, "Veil,
mine Got, 1 hopes dig been the last
vomans I haf to get me."
The black stallion which has been
giving the ranchmen of northwest
Nebraska so much trouble lor a number
of years was last week shot and killed
forty miles southeast of Alliance. Tho
animal was .y no means a phantom
and was the handsomest piece of horse
flesh on the plains. His tail was very
heavy and dragged on the ground and
his mane fell below his knee?. The old
fellow had never been branded and was
probably twenty years old. ,
Decay mmmons xs my facw rwa
for the whisky?" Barkeeper "No, I
do not think it is. I think if they got
together tho whisky would get decided
ly the worst of it." Tcrre UauU i.'x
vrcss, . , : i:-