The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, June 07, 1890, Image 1

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NO. 51.
Tlotlce to Subscribers.
At the easiest and cheapest metM cf noti
'tying iubscribers of the date ot tireir xpira
N. Hons we will mark this notice with u blue or
ted pencil, tm the date at which their ub
eriptlon expires. We will, send the paper
So week -after expiration. If not renewed
that time it will be discontinued.
lei General.
county ranks third
in the
"United States in Sunday
school work.
A petition has been presented to the
connty commissioners of Dakota coun
ty asking for an investigation of the
county records.
The Herald says Juniata has a great
many church widows. That is, women
who have no husbands withthem in
the church. V
B. Bade, president of the Niobrara
pork packing establishment, has re
ceived the contract for furnishing beef
to the Santee and Yankton Indian
agencies. :
The governor Friday issued the fol-
lowing order: . v.
To all managers of railroads ; in
Nebraska All restrictions against the
shipment of cattle from New Mexico
and Arizona into Nebraska have this
day been withdrawn.
.John M." Thayek.
One of Pete Hank's children picked
up a fine gold watch on the prairie
near town. The case was somewhat
battered and it had apparently lain
where it was found several- years, yet
on Jeweller Malcolm cleaning up the
works and making some triflng repairs
it ran as well as it did the day it was
lost.--Imperial Republican.
Hastings special. A Hastings cor
respondent was simply misinformed in
regard to the election of Quartermas
ter Hedges of Shelton,
the Third regiment of
Pythias at the convention
Editor E. A. Coombs of
the fortunate gentleman.
as colonel of
Knights of
in this city.
Geneva was
Considerable excitement' was caused
Saturday at Beemer by the elopement
of William Fox with a girl named
Belle Ashburn. Fox leaver a wife and
two children in dest tute circum
stances." Creto special. F. I. Foss of Dawes
" & Fosff, attorneys of this city, filed his
petition in the district court asking for
a dissolution tf the copartnership and
. a division of the property of the firm
of Dawes & Foss. While this step
does not come unexpected to the initi
ated, it has created quite a flurry in
political circles. "
Pawnee 0 ity special : Mr. C. L.
Humphrey, a brother of ex-Kepresen-tative
Captain G. M. Humphrey, died
Friday at 4 o'clock. Mr. Humphrey
was a prominent farmer, a good citi
zen and a manly man. '-' No better one
ever lived and his death in the prime
of life casts a gloom over the : whole
community, v. .,. .
After hearing arguments in the Ltan-
dorsh-Liemmon commissioner contest,
which has been hanging fire in Thurs
ton county since last J anuary, Judge
Morris reversed his decision. '
Grand Island Special : Mrs , Elmina
Sage, who lives near Doniphan, Neb
has been taken , to the insane asylum
at Lincoln for the fourth time.' She at
tempted suicide by hanging but was
discovered in time to save her , , life.
Religious excitement is the cause of her
insanity. tt
Gothenburg special. George Hiles,
Milwaukee's millionaire, Ross and A.
T. Gamble of the Buffalo County Na
tional bank, Kearney, and H. D. Wat
son of the same place, are in town and
formed the Milwaukee land and im
piovement company, with a capital of
$5,000. George Hiles, Ross Gamble,
F. A. Reynolds, H. D. Watson, C. W.
Stansell, M. E. Hunter and A. L. Gam
ble, directors, electing the following
officers : George Hiles, Milwaukee,
president; A. T. Gamble, Kearney,
vico president ; F. A. Reynolds, Goth
enburg, secretary ; Ross Gamble, Kear
ney, treasurer; and H. D. Watson,
Kearney, general manager, the princi
pal office to be at Gothenburg, The
company is to succeed the Nebraska
land and improvement company,
which was claimed to be an illegal or
ganization. Those named are men of
means and business capacity and in
tend going at once to work developing
the resources of its water power and
inducing manufacturers and others to
" Lit the Fire With Kerosene.
Dubango, Col. , J une 3." Mrs. Bobert Mor
row attempted to light the fire with kero
sene. An explosion followed and she
two children were burned to death.
' Waiting on Farmers and Labor,
WAsmsraTOH, June 1. It is not likely that
there will be any legislation intended to
specifically relieve either the farming or
labor distress, for the reason that there
has been no systematic effort in that di
rection. Neither the farmers nor the labor
ers of the country have made any direct or
specific demands for legislation. Both
have asked for relief, but neither has spec
ified what is needed or expected. Congress
men have introduced a lot of bills, but
none of them seem to have been prepared
with any knowledge of the law of ne: es
eities. In has been a walk in the dark and
non sensible result will follow. If the farm
. era through their alliance would suggest
flouie measures and laboi make sugges
tions through its national organization
both could get legis'ation, for every man
m congress would fall Into line. What is
. needed 1b a bill from the national organiza
tion of farmers and a bill from the national
organization of labor. Where suggestions
are left to , local organizations , there ia
noimng out confusion.
Discussing the Amendment.
WASHraaTON, May SO. Constitutional law
yers In and out of congress are discussing
tonight whether the amendment to the
interstate commerce law which the senate
passed today (providing that there shall be
no intexlcating liquors or beverages ship
ped into prohibition state&V will stand the
constitutional test : , ''
Such able constitution expounders as
Senators Edmunds, Hoar and Everett con
tend that it was intimated by the supreme
court the other day in overthrowing the
prohi bltlon laws of Iowa that the constitu
tion vested a power ; in congress to pro
hibit the interstate shipment bf ai.y article
which was undesirable by the States, under
the interstate provision, and that it was'
within the power of congress to reinforce
the powers of a prohibition state by such a
law as the senate passed today.
It is held, on the contrary, that while the
constitution gives: congress this power it
cannot delegate it to state and that there
fore the Wilson amendment will not stand
a constitutional test because it proposes to
delegate federal power to 6tate authority.
Undoubtedly the Wilson amendment will
pass the house, but it will be resisted by
the original package and other liquor
dealers in prohibition states and , it is very
generally thought will bo broken down.
There were but en votes against it in the
senate, but it should be remembered that
quite a number of senators voted for it
under the impression that It was not only
unconstitutional but would result in the
overthrow of the, license system for the
sale of beverages shipped from outside
states in original packages. .' . j
: Isolated, by Floods. ;;;; j
. Havana, May 83i All telegraphic commu-f
nication and nearly all railway traffic is in
terrupted by floods resulting from excess
ive rains. . The . weather continues threat
ening. ;- -' . ,
, i ., . Bankers Indicted
' Philadelphia, PaM May SO. The grand
jury returned indictments against Presi
dent Pfeiffer and Teller Pancoast of the
Bank of America for embeizlemen t.
Oregon Election.
Pobxland, Ore., June 3. Beturns from
over the state are very incomplete. The
election of Herman, republican, for con
gress is assured. A he governor Is in doubt,
with the chances in fuvor of Pennoyer,
democrat. The republicans elected the
remainder of the state ticket, and a ma
jority of both houses of the legislature.
Government Warehouses.
Washtngton, June 2. Senator Carlislo
has written a letter to B. F. Howard of Tus
kegee, Ala., in response to a request for
his views upon the bill providing for a sys
tem of government warehouses ; for . farm
products, upon which products treasury
notes may be issued. . The senator says In
the beginning that the statement of How
ard and his associates that they are in "fa
vor of equal justice t-i all and special fa
vors to none," embodies sound democratic
doctrine, and it it had been strictly adhered
to In congress the past twenty-five years
the evils of which the farmers and other a
justly complain would have been averted
ana tne wnoie country weuia now De pros
perous and contented. . The farmers have
been taxed so long for the benefit of other
classes and have seen so much legislation
for the aggrandizement of corporations
and syndicates that their patienoo is ex
hausted,, and they are now demanding
that that very policy wnicn tney Hereto
fore announced as unjust ana ruinous snau
be applied to them, or ratner pare oitnem,
for no scneme yet suggested would operate
alike upon all farmers. - - . r ;
But no evil can be corrected by increas
ing its magnitude and extending the scope
ot Its operations.- There is but one effect
ual remedy for the evil which undoubtedly
exists, and that is to reverse the policy
which produced it. The senator, after re
hearsing the features of the proposed sub-
treasury plan ana noting tne race tnat tne
farmers themselves will pay , more - than
their fair share of the cost of erecting
warehouses, and that the officers connected
with them will be partisans of the adminis
tration in power, says that not moie than
one-third ot 2,8C0 counties in the United
States, if that many, produce ana sell an
nually more thaa $500.00J worth of agri
cultural products, and therefore under the
bill not more than one-third of them could
avail themselves of this plan. At the very
outset, therefore, it is planned to compel
the government to issue and distribute
money for the benefit of people living in
the rich and productive counties at the ex
pense of the poorer ones. Moreover, it is
planned to enable unscrupulous specula
tors to take advantage of the farmei'a pe
cuniary necessities and extort exorbitant
Drices for food from the people.
In a great majoriiy of cases tha farmer
will never be able to redeem deposited
products, but will be forced to lose the re
maining '20 per cent of their value or sell
his warehouse receipts for whatever he
can get for them, which will be very little;
foricmubtbe rememberad that after he
eets his warehouse receipts ho has a re
maining interest of only 2d per cent, less
charges for intereet, storage, eta, and this
is all he can dispose cf. He will find the
time ranidlv approaching wheu he must
have money to redeem h-.s products or sell
his small remaining interest or allow them
to be sold at public auction by the govern
ment, and this win be tne golden oppor
tunity of speculators, whose agents will
swarm all over the country, ready to take
the receipts from the embarrassed owners
fcr a merely nominal sum.
Senator Carlisle argued at length to snow
that the plan proposed would produce an
annual expansion and contraction of the
currency which would result in absolutely
destroying the marKet upon wmcn tne
farmer must depend for the sale of his
crops. "No such, facilities as the project
will afford for controlling the markets for
barelv speculative purposes " says he.
have ever existea in tnis or any otner
country, and no more perfect Bystem lor
the oppression of the poor could be do
vised." in conclusion senator uarnsie
savs that even if it could be conclusively
shown that any similar scheme would be
peculiarly beneficial to any particular
class of people he would still be nnalter
ably opposed to it, because in his opinion
it Would be another wide and dangerous
departure from the principles upon which
our political institutions are founded, it
would in fact be the longest step yet taken
in a time of peace toward the consolida
tion of power in the federal government
and tho subjection of the private affairs of
the people to the control of a central and
irresponsible authority. -
Malicious Work of Students.
HAinxTON, u., jaay au. The lady man
agers of the western female seminary
some time ago forbade the Btudents of
Miami university to visit the girls of the
seminary for good and sufficient reasons.
Tuesday evenidg three of the female
teachers drove to Oxford to attend a Meth
oaist cnurcn Bociai. wnen tne social was
over their ouo norse - ana carriage were
missing. The horse was found this morn
ing dead and fearfully mutilated. Four
Miami university boys confessed to Presi
cent waraeid this morning that they did
the work. President Warn eld refused to
give their names.
; ; ; Struck y a Cyclone.
Tom, Neb., June 3. It is reported here
that about 10 o'clock tonight the town of
Bradshaw, which has a population of about
three hundred, was struck by a cyclone
and nearly destroyed. Five persons are re
ported killed outright. - The wires are
down and no particulars are obtainable.
Tne "Big Four."
St. Louis, June S. At the annual meet
ing of the St. Louis and Alton and Terra
Haute called here yesterday it was decided
to give sixty days notice of a special meet
ing to be held fer the purpose of voting
upon the proposition to soil the main line
to the "Big Four," for $100,000,000. The
report of 1889 shows that the gross earn
ings amounted to $1,120,000; increase over
1888 $161, 000. The operating expenses
were $649,000; increase. 100,000.
Five Persons .Lose Tneir Lives. 1
r St. Louis, June 2. A tenement occupied
by several families burned this morning.
The firemen found the family of George
Schlothman struggling in smoke : and
flames on the second floor. s , Schlothman
and his wife and two children were burned,
and his father, an old man seventy years
of age, smothered to death In his bed.
The wife of Charles Haues and child were
caught in the flames and dangerously
burned." Schlothman is not expected ta
live. . The recovery of his two children Is
also doubtful, though Mrs. Schlothman
may pull through. - George Hyde, the
leesee, has been arrested on suspicion of
having fired the building. , ,
Mrs Fanme McPherson : Bead,
- Baltimore, Md. June 1. Mrs. Fannie
Jennings ' McPherson , widow of Colonel
John McPherson and a granddaughter of
Governor Thomas Johnson, the first chlaf
magistrate of Maryland under a republi
can form cf government, died last night at
Frederick City. - She was born -December
14, 1799, the night on which Washington
died. During the admlmistratlon of Presi
dent John Qainoy Adams, who married her
cousin, Mrs. McPherson wn3 one qt the
belles of the white house. She had been
blind for some time before her death.
Among the valuable souvenirs in her pos
session was the commission of Thomas
Jefferson as assistant Justice of the United
States, signed by President wasmngton,
and a shirt and cap nearjy one hundred
and twenty years old, presented by the
ladies ot Philadelphia to Governor John
son's first child. "
A Terrible Accident.
Sam Fbaxcisco, May 30. One of the most
horrible railway accidents ever known in
California occurred at 1:40 o'clock this af
ternoon, when the local train connecting
at Oakland 7. ith the ferry boats from San
Francisco ran through an open draw bridge
over San Antonio creek at Webster street
Oakland. . A yacht had just passed
through the draw when the train appeared
going in the' direction of Alameda. -- The
drawbridge keeper endeavored to close the
bridge, but was too late, and the engine
with the tender and first car, which was
filled with passengers, y plunged into the
estuary. Engineer Sam Dunn and Fireman
O'Brien went down with the engine, out
the momentum of the engine was too great
to be stopped in time. . -The weight of the
engine . ana rust . car DroKe tne couplings
and left the other two cars cf the train
standing on the ' track. The second car
ran about a third of the way across the
bridge and stopped, but the jar was suffi
cient to break open the front of the car,
and many of the passengers were thrown
into the water. : The first car, which had
fallen with the engine to the bottom of
the muddy estuary, soon rose, and such of
the passengers as naa escapea . therefrom
were picked up by. the yachts and small
boats which gathered at the scene. - The
train men and the rest of the passengers
lent their aia to tne work ana when the
wiecklng tram arrived from Oakland the
car was drawn into shallow water and
small boats began dragging the creek for
bodies. -; v i ";!
The top of the passenger coach was1 cut
open as soon as it was . raised abave the
water ana the worK or removinsr the
bodies commenced, thirteen being taken
out in quick succession. At the morgue
the bodies were laid out as soon as re
ceived to await identification, and heart
rending scenes were witnessed as friends
came forward to claim their dead.
A Colorado Swindle.
Holtoke, Col., May 33. A correspondent
has secured in advance the -proof sheet of
an exposition "of ore of the most gigantic
real estate frauds that has ever been per
petrated in the west. A complete expose
of the methods of the gang which is rob
bing eastern people of thousands of dol-
ars appears in the columns of the Hoivoke
Tribune of this week.
The Holyoe investment company, com
posed of two or three men, have bought
una platted a piecs of land adjoining the
cemetery, about two miles from town.
Alter layinsr off this eround into lots thev
opened correspondence with hundreds of
people in the east, offering them a lot free
In this addition, (which is not an addition
as it dees not join the town site) if they
would interest themselves in distributing
advertising matter sent to them. These
deeds are made out and signed by the sec
retary of the company, but are not wit
nessed and do not bear the company's seal
On the back of each deed is stuck tho fol
lowing slip: 5
This aeea is voia unless niea for record
within thirty days from "its date. Send
the deed with $4.85, Colorado legal fees, to
county ciers ana recoraer, iioiyoke,
Phillips county. Colorado, and he will re
cord and return it to you, with an abstract
ox tide under ms omclal seal as provided
by the laws of Colorado.
There are about one thousand lots in the
plat. The recording fees for these alone
would amount to $4,S5'J. The land, for
w ich they crave their notes, cost them
about $5 per acre, or $400 for the plat,
leaving 14,450 in fees for some one
A good many letters have come to the
banks of business men of Holyoke and thev
have answered in most cases that the land
in question is worth for farm purposes
from t5 to $10 per acre. The different
merchantile agencies have taken the mat
ter up, learned the status of the affair and
stamped it as a fraud and report it so to all
inquirers and the same is truo of the loan
Accountability of Subscribers.
Washington, May SO. In reply to an In
quiry from G. S. Alexander of Syracuse,
Neb., concerning the accountability of sub
scribers who refuse to take newspapers
from the postofflce without settling up ar
rearages the postmaster general said today
that the postal laws have nothing whatev
er to do with the liability of a subscriber
for the price of a newspaper; that it is the
duty oi a postmaster to deliver the paper
to tne suDscriDer so long as ne will contln
ue to receive it, and when he refuses to re
celve it from the postofflce the postmaster
should notify the publisher of the fact and
at the expiration of thirty days, if no in
structions are received from the publisher
the papers should be place with the waste
The Senate.
Washihotoh, May 28,-In th senate ti
&kv Mr. Sherman, from the committee d
foreign affairs, reported an amendment
be offered to the consular and diplomat:
appropriation bill authorising the pres
uouu yo carry wio eiitJi w y t-
tions of the international conference by
appointment (by and with the advice and
consent of the senate) of three commis
sioners to represent the . United , States on
the intercontinental railway commission,
whose compensation is to bo paid from the
oommlttee' on funds, to be distributed by
the several nations interested; also to de
tail from the army and navy such officers
as may be spared withouc detriment to the
service to eerve as engineers under such
commission in makl ng the survey, their
expenses to be paid by the commission,
and appropriating $60,000, aa the share of
the United States of the expenses of such
commission and survey. - - - ' ! ; i f "
Mr. Stewart offered a i resolution, whioh
was agreed to, calling on the" secretary of
agriculture for information in reference to
artesian wells and other supplies from sub
terranean sources of irrigation.
The Bena-e bill subjecting' imported
liquors to the laws of the several states was
again taken up. , Mr. Morgan made an ar
gument against its constitutionality.
. Mr. Faulkner expressed himself In favor
of doing something, of passing, some bill
that would relieve the situation which now
confronted congress., Speaking of the reg
ulation of the liquor traffic, he said he hlm
Belf believed, as did the people of his state,
that the high license system was . the true
method of dealing with the question. . He
had given notice of an amendment some
what similar, te the substitute r reported by
the judiciary committee. . He criticised the
substitute, objecting, for ' instance, to the
use of the word "prohibition,, ar d : sug
gested that the object could be attained by
the use of the word "regulation."
- : After considerable debate on the above
bill and the army appropriation, bill the
senate adjourned without taking any
definite action on either. ' ' ' 4 ,
Washujotok, May 29. In the senate to
day Mr. Stewart, rising to a question of
personal privilege, had read - an artiole
from a local paper containing a statement
by Malor Powell, director of the geological
survey, in reference to Mr. Stewart's recent
resolution in which Powell spoke of the
movement as instigated by land t harks and
sdeoulators for the purpose ' of "gobbling
up irrigable lands and establishing a sort
of hydraulic feudal system. " ' Mr. Sto war t
sketched an outline of what had been done
in the way of stimulating irrigation in the
far west recently and gave the appropria
tions. Powell, he said, had used more than
half of the appropriation in vast and ex.
penseve surveys of no praotical use fer the
object in vie w and intimates that Powel
had. enormous power in both houses from
his giving employment to a lot of young
men, sons and relatives of members of con
gress, and that he kept an enormous lobby
in wasmngten to oontroi tne action of con
gress. The bureau at geology and mlner-
algy was nothing, Mr. Stewart said, but a
mass of humbug and foolishness. .
The imported liquor bill was then taken
up, th question being- on the following
substitute offered by Mr. Gray to the sub
stitute from the judiciary committee : .
mat fermented, distilled or other in
toxicating liquors transferred as articles
of commerce or brought into any state er
territory from a point or place outside
such state or territory for use, consump
tion or Bale therein, shall not be exempt
from the operation of the laws of or the
regulations, control, police or taxing
power ot such state or , territory .affecting
or applicable to all other like property, by
reason of such liquors being in the original
package of Importation of transportation
subjects , ox interstate of foreign com
Mr. GraVs amendment was agreed to-
yeas 26, nays 20.
Mr. wnson ox lowa ottered a .substitute
for Mr. Gray's amendment providing that
llqors transported into any state or terri
tory for use, consumption or sale, or stor
age, shall on their arrival be subject to the
operation and effect of the laws . of such
state or territory enacted in the exercise of
its police power, and shall not be exempt
therefrom by reason of their being intro
duced in original packages.
Mr. Wilson's substitute was adopted 23
to 20. The bill then passed 34 to 10.
The senate adjourned until Monday.
Washington, June a Among the peti
tions presented were two from New Hamp
shire and Vermont against further conces
sions to the Pacioo railroads, and in . favor
of the government taking possession of
Mr. Plumb introduced a bill prepared by
St. John of New York for the purchase of
silver to use as lawful money. Kef erred
to the committee on finance. .
The resolution heretofore offared by Mr.
Spooner, calling on the attorney general
for information as to the practice of the
United States courts at Fort Smith. Ark,
and Paris, Tex., in regard to offenses in
Indian Territory was taken up, discussed
ana agreea to.
The conference report on tho army ap
propriation bill was taken up, ana the ques
tion in regara to canteens was dlscnssed.
Mr. Allison, who presented the bill spoke
in defense of It.
Mr. George remarked tbat if the proposi
tion could not be made to apply to the offi
cers as well as to the men, he would vote
to strike the whole thing out
The conference report was agreed to
yeas, lo; nays. 8. The nays were Messrs.
Blair, Co quite. Dixon, George, Hale, San -
aers, xeucr ana Tarpie.
Tne enver oui went over uu tomorrow
and the senate, after an executive Bession
Washington, June 8. The senate bill for
preventing the adulteration of food and
drinks was reported and placed on the
Blair, from the committee on education
ana labor, reportea tne senate bill to pro
vide for the , obligatory attendance at
school of children in Alaska, and the sen
ate bill, without recommendation, to or
ganize a bureau of information relating" to
employment, occupation and means o:
livelihood. Placed on the calendar.
The suver cm was tnen taken up and
Pugh addressed the senate. His speech
was largely deveted to a criticism ef the
tariff bills.
The house bill to authorize the president
to cause certain lands heretofore with
drawn from the market for reeervoir pur
poses to be restored to the public domain
subject to entry under the homestead law
with certain restrictions, with the amend
ments. This bill refers to lands at the
headwaters ot the Mississippi and St. Croix
rivers in Mlnnesotr and Wisconsin and of
the Chippewa and Wisconsin rivers in Wis
The silver bill was again taken up and
Far well addressed the senate. He de
clared himself in full accord with the pur
poses of the bill, but said he was in favor
of going still further. He would Use for
money all the silver offered, and not a
ttrio" liih jfoy"ihe bovernment,
sending bill, of tr asury notes.
under the pending bill, of
with silver bullion behind them as secur
ity, furnished a circulation that was abso
lutely safe and could not be rednndant
and would still supply the monthly retire
ment of the national bank currency. The
national bank system should be perpet
uated by substituting other bonds than
United States bonds to secure the circula
tion. The people would then utilize
all the best bonds of the country and
would procure such a a circulation as the
business or the country aemanaca. xne
treasury notes to be issued under the bill
would add largely ta the circulating me
dium. He did not think that it was within
the province of congress to determine the
amount of the circulating medium. - But
some law like the national banking law
should be the means by which the people
could determine that matter for them
selves. His object in favoring the adoption
of the sub-treasury system was to have all
the money of the peopln in the channels of
business, as it was before tne passage or
the independent treasury law in 1810. The
money now in the sub-treasuries would, if
plaoed in national banks, add largely to
the volume of currency for business pur
poses. : He would not advocate tne cepoBit
of , government . revenues with national
banks without good security for the whole
amount deposited. Another reason for the
change would be that the money handled
by the national banks without any cost to
the government, and the saving thus af
fected would be in . the aggregate several
hundred thousand dollars per year. He
did not favor the repeal of the independent
treasury act for the purpose of benefitting
the banks.
At the close of Farewell's speech and
without further action the senate ad-
The House.
Washington, May 28. In the house to
day the credentials of Yaux, Randall's suc
cessor, were presented and read, and he
qualified. '
A bill was passed appropriating $123,000
for the establishment of a national mili
tary park on the battlefield of Chica-
maugua. ;
A conference was ordered on the naval
appropriation bill and then the house went
into committee ef the whole on tho river
and harbor bill.
On motion a post survey was authorized
of the Illinois river from LaSalle to the
Mississippi river, with a view of ascertain
ing what lands would be subject to over
flow by the construction of a navigable
waterway between Lake Michigan and the
Mississippi liver. The committee then rose
and reported the bin to tne nouse.
Mr. Uooaery moved to recommit tno oiu
with instructions to the committee on
rivers and harbors to report', t back with
the Hennepin canal clause stricken out.
The motion was lost. The bill was then
paised without dlvison.
The bouse aojourmea until Monaay. -Washington,
May 29. In the house to 3 ay
the committee on public lands reported
back to the house the bill, with amend
ments, for the general forfeiture of land
grants. Ordered printed and recommitted.
The senate bill was passed for the relief
of the widow of Bear Admiral McDougai.
The house then went into committee ox
the whole on public building bills.
The following bins were Jaia asiae iavor-
ably: Mankato, Minn., 150,000; Milwau
kee, increasing to $1,4C0,00: Bioux Falls;
S. D., $150.C0C; Beatrice, Neb., $60,000,
Davenport, la., $100,000; Bck Island, I1L,
75.WU; aioux mty, ia., swu,uuu; uioom-
Ington.IlL, $100,0t'0; Kansas City, $1,20,
000; Baclue, Wis., $100,000: Bockford, III ,
siuo.wHJr FortDocge,- ia., 7D,uw, uaeooy-
gan. Wis., $5),000.
The agrlcultaral bill was tnen reportea
and the house adjourned until Monday.
Washington, June 2. In the house today
a memorial from the Philadelphia board of
trade was presented, favoring the estab
lishment of a postal telegraph. Passed.
A number ot bias were passed, including
one transferring the exr ense of the trial of
Indians for crimes committed on other In
dians in territories from the territories to
the Un States. Adjourned, rzrj: -ZZ
Washington, June 3. lathe house "tod ay
on motion of CIark,;the.tEenate bill was
pBseauthorTz l"ng"the sale!? of '. I ti mber " r e-
served for the use of the .Menominee tribe
nf Tnmftnn In Winaonaid. . v .
The house then proceeded to the consid
eration of the Alabama contested election
caeo by McDuffle vs. Turpin.
Pending further debate the house ad
ourned. ,
A Governor Nominated.
Montgomeby, Ala, May 31. The Ala
bama democratic state convention closed
its labors at 6:30 this evening after a four
days' session, welch, for interest ana ex
citement is unparalleled in the political
history of the state. The state ticket com
plete is as follows : Governor, Thomas G
Jones: secretary ot state, J. D. Barron of
Ulay county; auditor, uyrus v. iioarue ot
Perry; treasurer, John L. Cobbs of Mont
gomery; attorney-general, W. L. Martin of
Jac&son; superintendent of education, J,
G. Harris of Sumter. Jones' nomination
was secured by all the anti-Kolb men com
bining on him. Eoib was the avowed can
didate of the farmers' alliance, r- " fcv.
Camphor Going Up.
Washington, June 1. So ;much camphor
is being used for the extermination or re
pression of moths and scientific purposes
that a Washington druggist makes the
interesting statement that the article will
double in value during the next year. It
is being used in large quantities In the
manufacture ox smokeless powder, wnicn
has lust boen adopted for continental and
oriental armies.
The editor of the Ord Blizzard will
plant and cultivate 100 pounds of sugar
beet seed.
The case of Little Willie Lauer of
Columbu3 against tho Union Pacific
wherein the railroad company is de
fendant in a suit for $20,000 damages,
has been compromised by the com
pauy agreeing to pay $4,000 to the in
jured boy.
On one of the principal streets o:
Kearney, within two blocks, can be
found four cornets, one tuba, three pi
anos, four organs, a parrot, and a ntun
ber of smaller instruments in tne way
of jewsharps, harmonicas and flutes
When thev all turn loose the overflow
of the canal stops to "listen, f armer lis
ten.'' .
Gowlnjg Crop Reports From Da
kot. Hubon, 8. D., June 2. The democratic
county convention this afternoon nom
inated George C. Cooper for state senator
and S. M. McFarland, Bobert Wilson. Peter
Myers, W. H. Birdsell ana B. S. Campbell,
representatives. -Reports
from all parts of te state indi
cate xrom one-naix to tnree-fourtha ox an
inch rain foil list night. Reports at the
United States signal office, from nineteen
counties in North Dakota and twenty.
seven in ooutn Dakota, says the crops are
in good condition and in some localities ex
ceptionally fine. Cut worms have done
eome damage in a few localities.
To Assist Industrioue Indians.
Washington, June 2. The Indian appro
priation bill for the fisoal year ot 1891 was
completed by the house committee today.
It carries an appropriation ot nearly
$6,000,000, whioh Is somewhat below the
appropriation for the current fisoal year.
It includes an appropriation of $63,000 to
enable the secretary ot the interior to em
ploy practical farmers, in addition to the
Indian agency farmers now employed, at
wages not exceeding $75 per month, to
Buperintena ana airect snon Indians as are
making -efforts for self-support. For the
support of Indian day and industrial
schools find other educational purposes
$772,700 Is appropriated, and for the con
struction on Indian reservations ef school
buildings and repairs to buildings $100,000.
Western Packing Interests.
Cincinnati, O., May 2ft Tomorrow's
Price Curreut will say: The recent good
prices for hogs stimulated the marketing
and wes tern packing operations show a
further enlargement, the total for the week
being 33U,uuu, against for the pre
ceding week and 245,000 last year; from
March 1 a total of 2,040,000. against 2,490,
a year ago, an increase of 450,010.
The Fatal Wild Parsnip. - ,
Oitawa, Ont , June 2. Dead in bad with
a dying sister en each side of him lay little
Archie Campeau of Lake George when a
neighbor woman came in, attracted by fee
ble cries of "help, help." Another child was
rolling in death agony upon the floor near
by. Gasping and helpless lay the mother
and aged grandfather, the latter relapsing
into insensibility.
- Mrc. Campeau managed to pay that they
had been poisoned and the village physi
cian was cauea. When he arrived one ils-
tle boy was dead and the other evidently
beyona nope or recovery, while toe
mother, grandfather and two little girls
and an infant but three months old, were
in a desperate condition. Emetics were
administered, and before he left the physi
cian was successful in saving the lives of
threa of the poisoned patients, although
the others, it is feared, are too far gone to
Wednesday old man C.unpoau went into
the woods to dig roots to make medicine
for a sick horse. He gathered a lot ot var.
ious kinds. Including some which tasted
sweet and of which all the members of the
family partook. In a few minutes all were
taken with fearful pains. Is was in this
condition the neighbor woman found
them. The eldest boy. about nine years
of age, was dead, the second boy has tinoe
died and the doctor says the old man ana
infant are likely to follow. The roots
which the old man had given them were
wild parsnips," a peadly poison.
They Want a Fair Decision.
Lisbon, May 30. Portugal proposes that
the United States and Great Britain shall
name the head of some friendly nation who
will appoint an arbitrator for them in tho
Delogoa railway question. Portugal will
them select another nation to appoint a
second arbitrator in oase of a disagreement
between the two, ana Switzerland shall be
asked to nam? an umpire whose decision
will be final.
The Garfield Memorial Dedicated.
Cleveland, May 30. The Garfield memo
rial in Lakevlew cemetery was dedicated
toiay with imposing cerexnonlse in the
presence oflmany distinguished people
from all over the country. The memorial
is a colossal structure, towering 465 feet
abovs an eminence in the cemetery which
overlooks the city and surrounding coun
try, and was erected at a cost of 9150,000.
The exercise? ot the cay began with a pa
rade of military and civic societies, the
procession forming in the centre of the
city and moving to the cemetery, a dis
tance or nre miles. The city was filled
strangers, and thousand of t ersons lined
the streets through which the procession
passed. The decorations along the line of
march and all over the city were the finest
ever seen nere.
President Harrison. General Sherman,
fx-rresldcnt rlayes and Yloe President
Morton were applauded very frequently
along the line of the psocession. The
spectacle, barring Garfield's funeral pro
cession, was the most imposing ever sean
in Cleveland.
The procession was two hours in passirg
a eiven point and was five miles In length.
There were at least 25,000 in line. There
was but one accident during the day. Eir
Knight James Wernple. post commander of
Nebraska division. Knights Templar, who
now resides here, was thrown from his
horse and suffered a bad fracture of the
Dispatches from all over the country in
dlcate that Decoration day was observed
with the same feeling of patriotism as of
Millions Behind Them. .
Washington, June 8. A party of import
ers and merchants from Boston, New York
and Philadelphia, who tra alleged to rep
resent a capital of SOO,GOO,000, are on their
way to Washington on a fcpeclal train, to
protest before the committee on finance
against the increased duties upon certain
rmportea goods, particularly wearing ap
parel and other fabrics. These gentlemen.
coming as tney ao. representing the enor
mous interests that have sent them, will
receive a respectful hearing even if they
do not accomplish their purposes. There
is a disposition on the part of Messrs.
Aldrlch, Allison, Hlscock and Jones, who
have the bill in hand, to reduce the rates
fixed by the house committee as far as can
possibly be done without impairing the
protection of American labor and capital.
Cowboys and Indians Fight.
DUBANOO, Col, May 80. A fight took
place today between cowboys and Indians
at inne mver agency, two inaians were
killed and several injured. More trouble
is expected. -
- Agricultural Appropriation Bill,
Washington, May 29. Chairman Funston
of the house committee on agriculture to
day reported to the house the agricultural
appropriation bill. The bill carries an ap
propriation of $1,109,400 tor the agrionl-
tural department proper, and the regular
yearly appropriation of 9645,000 for the
state agricultural experimental stations.
The estimates submitted by the depart
ment were fl.2C8.430 and the appropria.
tions for the current fiscal year are 1 1,084,-
London, May 9. Though there are stilf
a few who doubt that the ultimate suocess
of the labor policy of the Emperor William
of Germany, nobody questions his sincer
ity in hi a endeavors to. ameliorate the con
dition ot the wcrkere, while his personal
activity in the supervision of the labor
matters at home and inquiry into them
abroad commends general admiration. I
is stated on good authority in Berlin that
the kaiser has dccHcd to ask the assist
ance aud co-operation of the English
trades unions in the formation of a work
lngnten's privy oounct), to have immedlato
oontroi of the preliminary work of formu
lating the regulations governing traae
matters in Germany; and to advise and
paps upon such questions as may ansa
from time to time affecting the relations
between employes and employers. Each
of the counsellors is to receivo an annual
salary ot 2,000 marks and the body i to bo
known as the arbeitxatn.
Upon the arrival ot the steamship New
York May 21, at Qaeenatown today, a
female passenger who gave her name as
Mrs. Nugent was discovered when passing'
the customs offioers to have a loaded re
volver concealed in a secret pooket in one
of the skirts. She disclaimed ownership ot
tho weapon and declared that a fellow pas
senger named Devlne had requested her to
carry It as her own. Devlne could not be
found and Mrs. Nugent was arrested ana
arraigned before a magistrate, who re
manded her for farther examination for
violation of the law prohibiting the bring
ing of firearms into Ireland.
Tho strike of the SOD timber handlers on
the Liverpool docks, which began yester
day, to enforce their demand for an In
crease of wages to 6 shillings a day, was of
short duration. Aa the strikers were
backed by the dockmen's union and the
employers were unable to procure men to
take their places, the demnnds of the men.
were conceded wcay ana work resumoa.
Mile. Raffalovitch, who is to become tho
wife of Mr. William O'Brien, VL P., gave a
dinner to 600 poor children at New Ti-
perary today and crowned her charitable
work for the day by donating a large sura,
to the support of the Boboot oonduoted by
nuns at that place. The dinner was a moet
successful affair and aroused the enthusi
asm ot young and eld to a high pitch.
The vinyards in the valley of the Rhine
are being devastated by worms, which In
test the vines in such numbers that their
extermination is Impossible. It is esti
mated that hundreds of thousands of vines
have already been destroyed and the
destruction of the entire crop is threat
ened. He Had aa Oily Tongue.
New Tobx, May 2a To step from a sumpt
uous supper table in Deimonioo's, wnere
he had been dining with tw wealthy Eng
lishmen, one of them a baronet, into the
dutches of a detective and thence to a
prison cell, wa the experience ot John
McDermot, who was arrested last evening
for swindling people out of various sums
of money, and for whom the detect! vts
have been looking lor some lime, jdo .
Englishmen were lr Bobert Peel, and Mr.
Clifford Talbott, who came here on the
Auranla. They met McDermot, who told
them he was Inspector By men' head de
tective and was coming from Germany.
where he had delivered a forger to the
authorities. He promised to ehow them
the sights of New York and get
into their good grces. Sir Robert
Peel presented him with a diamond eoarf
pin worth tbOO, turned over his bag-
cage cneoK 10 mm ana gave mm xour
English 5 notes In a short time he and
Mr. Talbot placed themselves practically
lu his hands. They had been looking at
the fights of the city up till Tuepdaynignt
when they dinea ac DelmonlcoV Deteo
tlvo Sergeants McClusky, and Mulholland
of Inspector Byrne.' staff were passing
Delmonloo's at the time, and looking
through the window saw McDermot, whom
they recognized, sitting at a table. They
waited until ne came ous ana pus mm un
der arrest. Hla friends were dumbfound
ed, but the detective explained matters.
McDermot. thev said, was wanted for the
larceny of 1,2M oat of which sum ha had
swindled Mrs. Thayer, a widow living at
Mansey, a fcmall town In tola tate. under
promise of m arris tre. Todey M. Thaver
came to thin city and identified McDermot..
telr Ilobe't Peel made no complaint, on&
left for Chicago. McDermot 1m f ortv-four
years old and wan a hack driver in thlt
city. He will be arraigned in court to
morrow morning.
A Cracker Trust,
Minneapolis, May 30. Tae Journal prints
tats afternoon particulars of the formation
of a big cracker trust, with n capital of
$10,000,000 and lnclu3inp nearly every
prominent cracker maker in tho country.
This pool has been in operation for some
time, but has proved unsatisfactory and
the trust is the result. It in to conduct
the entire business of the various concerns
ot the trust. Stock to the amount ot 310,
000,000 ia being issued in return for tho
transf orr'ng of individual properties. Tho
Journal says the final papers have but uat
bean signea ana ueiwerea.
- Unveillntc the Leo Monument.
Richmond, Va., May 9. Tke weather
here cleared balmy and beautifully fluo
Early this morning the streets were crowd-
ed with people from out of town tud mil
ltazy organizations which are to takd -jaxt
in the procession. As the various com
mands reach their starting points, wilh
some familiar officers at their beai,' they
are greeted with cheers. Chief Marshal
General Fitz Hugh Lee, Generals Early,
Johnson and Longstreet received ovations
as tney moved from place to Place.
Shortly aftor 12 o'clock tho precession
moved to the monument, around which,
the different organizations were grouped.
as soon as the distinguished guests were
all seated Governor McKluley, as president
of the Lee Monument association, arose
and called the assemblage to order. After
a brief prayer Governor McKlnlay intro
duced General Early as chairman of tho
meeting. He wa greeted with prolonged
applause ana cheering. He made no
ppeecb, but In a few well chosen words
introduced the orator of the oocaron. Col
onel Archer Anderson. Colonel Anderson's
address was an eloquent cne. in which.
while abating not a Jot of his love and ad
miration for Lee, so couched It in words as
not to lar upon the sensibilities of the
most ardent
Flouring Mill Destroyed.
St. Loins, May 29. The LaClede flouring:
mills, owned by Kehler Bros., were en
tirely burned early this morning. The loss
la estimated at $125,000; fully insured.
The origin of the fire is a mystery, as the
mill has been idle for some time.
A Terrible Hail Sturm.
Minneapolis, Minn. , May 81. A Hender
son special says: A terrible hail storm oc
curred in the Bed River valley yesterday.
The hail lies four feet deep in place?. Con
siderable damage was done to crops and