Vl i V 4. WIST "THE It K IS NOTHING WHICH IS HUMAN THAT IS ALIEN TO ME." Terence. VOL.1. LINCOLN. NEBRASKA, SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1890. NO. 50. .BtaBBBBBaw cyrv Av rn rn W W t 1 'A. - - 1 J 'V V - j c Notice to Subscribers. EXPIRATIONS As the easiest and cheapest mchat cf notifying- subscribers of tht date of tij-ir "xpsra tions we will mark thia notice with onie or red pencil, on the dst at which tneir sub scription expires. We will send the paper two weeks after expiration. If not renewed y that time it will be iibcoutinuei. t . Clear the Way. (.'HAS. MACSAV. Men of thought be up and doing Night and dar'. Sow the seed, withdraw the curtain, Clear the way,' "Men of ao-tictj, aid and cheer them. As ye may! There's a fount about to stream ; "There's a light about to beam: There's a warmth about to glow; There's a ilowtr about to blow; There's a xnklnUht darkness changing Into gray; "Men of thought and men of action, Clear the way: Once the welcome light has broken. Who shall say ' 'What the unimagined glories Of the day ? What the evil that shall perish In its ray? Aid the dawninr, tongue and pen; .Aid it, topes of honest men ;' -Aid it, paper, aid it, type; Aid it, lor the hour is ripe; .And our earnest must not slacken Into play. I3Uen of thought and men of action, Clear the way'. Xo! a cloud about to v anish ' From the day; :i.o! the right's about to conquer Clear the way ' .And a brazen wrong to crumble Into clay. With that .rig lit shall many more Enter smiling at the door; "With the giant wrong shall fall .Many others, great and small. That lor ages long have held us For their prey. JVleu of thought and men of action. Clear the way! IAB0R AND CAPITAL Talmas Ta'kj oa tas Great Labor Ques tion of the Day. He Congratulates the Laboring Man on His Xrcspects, and Advises the Capitalist to Make Investments for Eternity But Mark the Goldan Kulo. The sub'ect of Dr. Talmage's sermon of 3ast Sunday va3 "The Old Fight to be 453etUetL"..f'om. the text, "Whatsoever ya would that men should do-j you, do ye . -even so to them." ( Matt 7 : l!i. ) Two hundred and fifty thousand labor ers in Hyde Park, London, and the street of American and European cit es filled with T?roces3ion3 of workmen carrying banners, brings the subject of Labor and Capital to the front. That all this was dona in peace, end that as a result in many places, arbi tration has taken plac a hop3f ul sign. The greatest war the Avorld has ever seen is between capital and labor. The strife i3 not like that which in history is called the Thirty Years' War, for it is a war of cen turies. It is a war ot thi fivj continents, it is a war hemispheric. The middle classes in this country, upon whom the nation has .depended for holdiug the balance of power and for acting as mediators between ths two extremes, are dimishing, and if things go- on at the same ratio as they have for the Jast twenty years been going on, it will mot be long belore there will be no middle tlass in this country, but all will be very rich or very poor, princes or paupers, and the country will be given up to palaces and hovel 3. The antagonistic forces have aga'n and again tlosed in upon each othjr. You may ipeoh-pooh it; you may say that this trouble, i ko an angry child, will cry itself to sleep; you may belittlo it by calling it Fourier asm, or Socialism, or St. Simonism, or Nihilism, or Communism, but that will sot hinder the fact that it is trie mightiest, the darkest, the most terrific hreat of this century. Most of the at vmpt3 at pacification have been dead fail ures, and monopoly is mora arrogant, and the trades uuion3 mora b tter. ' Give us sioro wages." cry the employes. "You Hitidll have lcs3," say the capitalists. 'Com - sel us to do fewer hours of toil in a day." 'You shall toil more hours," say tha oth ers. 'Then, under certain conditions, we will not work at oil," say those. Then you shall starve," say those, and the work men gradua'ly using up tint which they -accumulated in better times, unless there $e some radical change, wa shall have soon In this country three million tiu lgry men and women. Now, three million hungry people can not be kept quiet. All the fcnactmsnts of legislatures and all the con stabularies of the citiei, and all tha army nd navy ot the United States cannot keep "tares million hungry people quiet. What then? Will this war between capital and lbor be settled by human wisdom? Never. "The brow of the one becomes mora rigid, -the fist of the other more clinchel. But that whi.h human wisdom cannot achieve will be acooaiplisaed by Christian ity if it be given full sway. You have heard .of medicines so powerful that one drop -would stop a disease and restore a pat'ent; -and I have to tell you that oae drop of my text properly admin stored will stop all these woes of society and give convales cence anl complete health to all classes. " v hatsoever ye wouid that men should -do to you, do ye even so to them." I shall first show you thu morning how this controversy between monopoly md liard work cannot be stopped, anl then will show you how this coutrovorsy will be settled. Futile remedies. In the first place thero -will come r o pacinoatioa to th.s trouble -through an outcry against r.cJi mn merely because they are rich. Therj is no labor ing man on earth that would not be r.ch if heouid be. Sometimes turoagh a fortu rtate invoation, or through some aecidarrtof prosperity, a inan wtiu had nothing comes lo large estate, and we sea him arrogant und supercilious, and taking people by .the throat just as otucr peope took him by the throat. Taera is something very mean -about human nature when it conies to the 'top. liut it is no more sin to ba rich than it is a sin to ba po r. There ara those who tiave gathered a great estata through fraud, and then taera are millionaires who have gathered their fortune through fora- sight in regard to change in th? markets, and through brilliant b-si ness faculty, and every dollar of their estate is as honest as the . dollar waiih the plumber gats for mnd ing a pipe, or the m ison gets for bmldln? a wall. 1 here are triose who keep In poverty because of their own fault. They might 'have been well off, but they smoked or I .chewed up th;ir earnings, or they lived be- yona their me ins, while others on the same w ig j and on the same salaries went o i to competency. I kuo.v a m in who i all the time c m.daininjof hi poverty and cryinsr out Against rich men, white he him self keeps two dogs, and chewj and smokes, an 1 is fillad to the chin with vh'sky and bwr! Neither will the contest be settled bv cynical and unymp tthetirj treatment of the laboring classes. There are thos3 who speak of hem us tnough they were only cattle or draught-horses. Their nerves are nothing; th ir domestic comfort is noth- I iug; their happiness is nothing. They have no mora sympathy for them than a hound hns'for a hare, cr a hawk for a hen, or a tiger for a elf. When Jean Valje-tn, the greatest hero of Victor Hugo's writings, after a 1 o of suffering and great endur since, proa into incarceration and death, they ;.ai the book shut an t say, "Good for him!"' They st imp the r feet with in dignation and siy ju3t the oposite of "Save the wo; k ng classes." They have all the;r sympathies with Shylock, and not with Antonio and Portia. 'J hjy ara plutocrats, and their feelings are infernal. Thay are filled with irritation and irascibility on this subject. To stop this awful imbroglio be tween capital and labor they will lift not so much as the tip end of tha little finger. In this country the torh' put to the fac tories that have discharged hands for good or bad reason ; otstructions on the rail-track in front of midnigat exp eis trains because the offenders do not like the president of tho company; strikes on shipboard the hour they were going to sail, or in printing-ofU es the hour, the paper was to go to press, or in mines the day the coal was to ba delivered, or on house scaffoldings so the builder fails in keeping his contract all these are only a hard blow on the he id of American labor, aud cripple its arms, and lame its feet, and pierce its heart. As a result oT one of our great American strikes you find that the operatives lost four hundred thousand dollars' worth of wage3, and have had poor er wages ever since. Traps sprung sud denly upon employe's, and violence, never took one knot out of the knuckle of toil, or put one farthing of wages into a callous palm. Barbarism will never cure the wrongs of civilization Mark that! Well, if this controversy between Capital and Labor cannot ba settle 1" by human w sdom, it is time for us to look somewhere eisa for relief, and it point3 from my text rose tte and jubilant, and puts ono hand on the broadcloth shoulder of Capital, und puts the other hand on the ho uespun-cov ered shoulder of Toil, and says, with a voice that will grandly and gloriously settle this, anl sattle everything, "What soever ye woull that men should do to you, do ye even so to them " That is, the lady of the household will say : 'I must treat the maid in the kitchen just as I would ike to be treated if I were down-stairs, and it were mv work to wash, and cook. and sweep, and if were tha duty of the maid in the kitchen to preside in this par lor." Tha maid in the kitchen must say: If my employer seems to 'hi moro pros perous than I, that is no fault of hers; I shall not treat Jiecas-Ain-enemy- Iwl.l have the same industry and fidelity down stairs as I wo ;ld expect from my sub ordinates, if I happened to- be the wife of a silk imporier." The owner of an iron mill, having taken a dose of my text befora laaving noma in the morning, will go into his foundry, anl passing into what is called the puddiing room, he will see a man there stripped to the waist, and besweatel and exhausted with the labor and the toil, and he will say to him: " Why, it seems to be very hot in here. You look very much exhausted. I hear your child is sick with soar et fever. If you want your wages a little earlier tais week, so as lo pay the nurse ard get the medicines, just coma into my oSica an. time." After awhile, crash goas tha moaay mar ket and t acre ;s no mora dauian i for tha articles manufacture! in that iron iniii. and the o vner does not know what to da. He says, "Shall I stop the mill, or shall i ran it on half-time, or shall I cut down tho mens' wages z" no walks the floor or bu ccuu ting-room all day. hardly knowing what to do. Toward evening he calls all the laborers together. They stand aT round, some with arms akimjo, some with folded arms, wondering what th boss is going to do , now. Th3 manufac turer says: " vlen, business is bad; I don't maka twenty dollars whera I used to maka one hundred. Somehow, there is no demand now for what wa manufacture, or but little demanl. You saa, 1 am a. vast expense, anl I have called yon togeth er this aft&.'noan to sae wnat yoi woull advise. I don't want to shut up the milL because that would force you out of work. and you have always baan very faithful, and I like you, and yon seem to like me, and the bairns must be looked after, anl your wife will after awhile want a new dress. I don't know what t do." There is a dead halt for a minute or two, and then ona of thi workmen step3 out from the ranks of his fellow i. anl says: "Boss, you have bean very goal to us, and when you prospared we prospered, aad.aoyr you are in a ..tight , pluca, .ani I am sorry, and we have got to sympathize with yoa. don't know how tha others feal, but propose that we take off twenty pjr cent. from our wages, and that when the times get good you will rememaber us anl raise them again." Tha workman looks around to his comrades, and says: "Boys, what do yoa say to this I All in favor of my propo sition will . say ay. ' "Ay I ay I ayl" shout two hundred voices. But the mill-owner, getting in some new machinery, exposes hims.-ir very macn, and takes cold, anl it settles into pneumonia, and ha dies. In the procession to the tomb are all the workmen, tears rolling down their cheek3, and off upon the ground; but an hour before the proue33loa gits to tha cemetery tha wives and tha children of thoa workmen are at tha grave waiting for th? arrival of the funeral pageant. The min ister of religion mvr have daliverod an eloquent euloium bafora tha1 started from the house, but the most impressive thinzi are said that day by the working-classas standing around the tomb. , That night in all the cabins of tha work- 'ng-peoplc where thay nave family prayer, j widawaood and tha orphanage ia tua mansion are romembarad. No glaring populat on3 look oyer the iron fence of tea cemetery; but, hovering ovor tha seen 3, the ben;diction of Golund man is comin tor tha fulfillment of thi Chriitiika injunc- . AX f If I ..... uon, -vvaax.so3ver ye would that mac should do to you, do yo even so to tliam." "Oh," says soma man here, "that is all Utopian, tint is apocryphal, that is impoi 3ibl3." No, I cut out of a papir this: "Ona of the pleasanta3t incidents records! In a long tima is reported from ShaSdald, England. The wages of t ie mm in tha iron-wonts ai rme-uaiu ara regulate a oy a board of arbitration, b w .oa decision both masters anl man ara boaid. For soma time past the iron and s;o A Ira la has b3en oxtremely unprotitab.e, an 1 tha employer cannot, without muca urn pay tha v w.sgas fixed by tho board, whio t ne tha.- employ ers nor emplo. el have t ie powar to change. To avoid this difficulty, tha workman in on 3 of theiarget 8t;el-vvorki in Sheiliall hit upon a dovico as rara as it -v is generous They offered to wor.c for their employers one week without any pay whaterer. How much better that p an i3 than ' a strike would ba" ; But you go with me and I will show yoa not so far off as Sheffield, England fac tories, b mking-houses, store-houses, and costly enterprises where this Christ-like injunction .is kept, and yoa could no more get the employer to practice an injustice upon his men, or the men to conspire against the employar, than you could get your right hand and your left hand, youi right eye and 3rouf left eye, your right eat ! and your left ear. Into physiological antag-1 oni3m. Now, where is this to begin! Ii our homes, in our stores, on our farm3 j not waiting for other people to do their j duty. Is thero a divergence now between ; the parlor and the kitchen) Then thero ia omethin wrong, either in the parlor or the kitchm, perhaps in both. Are the clerks in your store irate against tha firm? Then there is something wrong, eithar ba hind the counts r, or ia the private office, or perhaps in both. Supply and Dem md ows tho largest mill on earth, an I all the rivers roll over their wheel, and into their hopper thay put all the men, wjmen, and children they can shovel out of tha centuries aud tha blood and the bones redden the valley waile tha mill grinds. That diabolic law of supply and demand will yet have to stand as de, and in stead thereof will come the law of love, th law of i o-operation, the law of kindness, the law of sympathy, the law of Christ. Have you no idea of the coming of such a timet Then you do not believe tha Bible. All the Bible is fu 1 of promises on this subject, and as the ages roll on the time will come when men of fortune will be giving larger sums to humanitarian and evangelistia purposes, and there will be more James Lenoxes and Feter coopers and William E. Dodges and George Pea- bodys. , As that time comes there will be more parks, more picture-galleries, more gardens thrown open for the holiday peo ple and the work ing-classes. And now I have two words, one to capi talists and the other to laboring men. To capitalists: Be your own executom. Make investments for eternity. Do not be like soma capitalists I know who walk around among their employes with a super cilious air, or drive up to the factory In a manner which seems to indicate they are the autocrat of the universe with the sun and the moon in their vest pockets, chiefly anxious when they go among laboring men not to be touched by the greasy or smirched hand and have their broadcloth injured. Be a Christian employer. Remember, those who are under your cnarge are bone of yo:n bone end flesh of your flesh, that Jesus died for them and that they are immortal. Divide up your estates, or portions ol them, for the relief of the world, be fore you leave it. Do not go out of thi world like that man who died eight or ten years ago, leaving in his will twenty mil lion dollars, jet giving how mu-w'h for the Church of God how much for the allevi ation of human suffaring He gave some money a tittie while bafore he died. That was well; but in all this will of twenty million dollars, how much?. Ono miiiien No. Fiva hundred thousand? No. One Hundred dollars? No. Two cents! No. One cent? No. These great cities groan ing in anguish, nations crying out for tha bread of everlasting life. A man In a will giving twenty millions of dollars and not one cent to God! It is a disgrace to our civilization. To laboring men: I congratulata you on your prospects. I congratulate you on tha fact that you are getting your representa tives at Albany, at Harrlsburgh, and at Washington. This will go on until you will have representatives at all the head quarters, and you will nava full justice. Mark that. I congratulate you also on the opportunities for your children. Your children are going to have va3t opportuni ties. 1 congratulate you that.you have to work and that when you are dead your children will have to work. I congratulate you also on your opportunities of inform i tlon. Plato paid ona thousanl three hun dred dollars for two books. Jerome ruined himself, financially, by buying one volume of Origen. . What vast opportunities for in telligence for you and your children I A workingman goes along by the show win dow of some great publishing house and he sacs a book that costs five dollars. He says, "I wish J could have that informa tion;! wish I could raise five dollars for that costly and beautiful book." A few months pass on and he gets , the value of that book for fifty cent3 in a pamphlet. There never was su3h a day for the work ing men of America as the day that is com ing. But the greatest Friend of capitalist and toiler, and the One who will yet bring them together in complete accord, was born one Christmas night while the curtains of heaven swung, stirred by th3 winjrs angelic Owner of ail things all tbe continents, all worlds, and all the islands of light. Capitalist of immensity, crossing over to our condition. Coming into our world, not by gata of palace, but by door of barn. Spending His first night amid the shep herds. Gathering afterward around Him the fishermen-' to be His chief attendants. AVith ad2e,and saw, and chisel, and are, and in a carpenter shop showing himself broth er with the tradesmen. Owner of all things, and yet on a hillock back of Jerusa lem one day resigning everything for others, keeping not so much as a shekel U pay for His obsequies. By charity buried in the suburbs of a city that had cas" Him out. Before the cross of such t capitalist, and such. a carpanter, all met cr.n afford to shaka hands and worship. Here is the evry man's Christ. Nono s high, but He was higher. None so poor, but He was poorer. At His feet tha hostile extremes will yet renouuee their animosi ti'js, and countenances which have glower ed with the prejudices and revenge of cen turies shall brighten with the smile ol heaven as He commands: "vVhat&oevei ye would that men should do to you. do yt even so to tha A New Legislative Trick. TBKHroit, N. J., May 22. Assemblymen Reuben Trier of Newark is more talked about now than anybody else ia the state. He has played a prank on the legislature which has ledt o confusion and commotion and created a general sensation. On Mon day night he ran away with the engrossed oopy of tbe Ne vwk ftevat"; rail wey bill Since then he has not be.c Been here and neither has he f-ent the bill to the houfee. Tfce house ordered him a chairman cf the committee on muniaipaL corp'rations to report the MIL As soon as the order was issued Trier left tha chamber, saying he was going to the governor on noma bui ness. Instead of doing thaV he took the first train for his home in Newark T.he house has been in a tuoiuit over his disap pearance ever since. Resolution after res olution was offered declaring nlm in con empt and direatlng tha sergaant-at-arms ogoinuirjtof aal'ta'ti nln lat ens ody and briar him sforn fu hius. Ha annoli bi tonal A.gfsl dal of money la Interested in the defeat of the bill. Mx. and Mrs. Peter Slack of Maple r-i i r t- n a ' jreeir, .uoage county, nave a genuine prodigy in a twenty -months-old daughter who can carry a tune through with ease. Music is as natural to her as her breath. A LETTER FE03I MR. GUSTIX. H) Writes or Some Ity.eretitifc Rail road History How tho Present Antf-Ratlioad Movement Got its Start The Demand for Cheaper Rates. ."; :; f; l';. To the Editor of The EnterpriM. At Lincoln on the 21st inst., the al leged boards of trade :of Lincoln end j Hastings put in an appearance, under the tutelage of the railroads, to show that rates were all right and everybody satisfied, and to show up the so-called damnable meanness of Gen. Leese in wanting Iowa rates. Let me state a fewr facts on which hangs a true story, and I challenge tba parties interested to deny one siDgle allegation I make. In 1887 Omaha was the ono favored distributing point in " Nebraska. The boom had struck Lincoln, and she awoke to the possibilities open to her as a distributing point if she could only get rates. ' . ' ... A committee oi ways and means was formed to devise a line of action and . ..... .3 data on which to make a kick for rates in equality with Omaha. The best business men and brains of Lincoln crystalized into a board of trade and freight bureau, and, remem bering John Utt who used to be with the A. & N. when she made such low rates into Lincoln, it was proposed that he be secured to fight for and ad vise the board. He was hired to come from Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and then the music began. Tbe Cudiys of Chicago and Milwau kee were contemplating starting pack ing houses in the west, and the Lin coln stock yards wanted to : secure them. Hon. John Fitzgerald about completed arrangements to get them, but by the quiet work of Holdrege and John Mc Shane, the Cudiys- were ad vised that Lincoln was "a good place for schools, but a poor place for busi ness, and the quiet ink of the auto crat, Holdrege, decided the matter and the Lincoln Stock Yards company and Lincoln put their hand on the ilea,. an,d it had floflrn to Omaha. This made even the Hon. John R. j Clark and Fitzgerald mad, and they put Tip their good stuff to see if Lin coln could not win some of the posi tion she ought to have. A hue and cry was raised in Liucoln and the railways were ready to show what vast sums it cost to" build a "road and now poor they were, an I were willing to meet the bard of transportation to deliberate oira'ei. On the 28th of June, 1888, a meet ing was called to determine why rates should not be reduced and on that date the meeting was held in the east room of the capitol. Some twenty five of the leading business men of Omaha came do.vn on a special car with George W. Holdrege and Kirn bill, of the Union Pacific outfit. The programme as laid out was that the business men should present t'leir case and the railways afterward, then a general talk be had. What was my amazement to see the president of the Omaha board of trade rise in all his Omahog grandeur and read a lo jg set of resolutions and whereases tending to show what a terrible thing it would be to have rates reduced, values dis turbed, etc. Stool pigeons were caged from Fremont, Beatrice, Hastings and North Platte, bearing out parrot songs of like nature. Hon. Mr. Raymond, president of our board, was present and was not quite sard after all our ight and experience preceding this bit what rates were all right. John Utt, our secretary of freight bureau, said he had nothing to say. Then the roads opened up, and a notorious rail-, road capper from Hastings got up and told an insulting story reflecting on the action of the state board for c alling the meeting which was applauded to the echo by the heavy shippers pres ent, and among them in the front rows was a big smooth, red-faced alder manic bodied individual who was awfully tickled. I did not know him, but from his active working supposed his shipments must run into the mil lions. I afterwards learned he was a hotel keeper at Hastfngs and a ward striker by the name of xsostwich and the only thing he ever shipped was his inflated paunch, and he invariably shipped that on a pass. I began to get mad about this time, and it came dinner time, and I asked John Utt why he did not say something. He said, "It's no use. They have it all cut and dried; just .as well keep quiet." I wrote out a few lines at din ner time, and coming back at 2 o'clock told Raymond I was going to kick. He said I better not. I thought different, and believing that the only way to get anything oi a bashful, shrinking outfit like the railways was to ask for it, with a long string that I could pull upon. I at once jumped from a call for rates for Lincoln to a demand for rates for Nebraska. I kept quiet as Mr. Raymond advised I had oetter- thesame way Mr. Bostwick kept tav ern and acted as shipper and rea soned with them as follows : Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board 1 wonld like to say a tew words not as a business man ; ot p. a a farmer; not as a selfish, narro minded creature, tue toot or some iccai clique or Hired re pre sentatlve. The question before tbe board is "ohaii the freight rates be reduce?" Re duced from what t. Why from a rate dic tated by men who have help the power to dictate as high ac their selfish greed would allow. You were appointed for the express purpose of arbitrating: and fixing such rates as would be just. Aud in pursuance of a way or aeieimming . a just rate wnat a spectacle do we see ! The representative men of Omaha arrayed here In all their power witn emootn tongue a arguments aainst reeucing a rate 100 f er cent above a rate declared by the Intelligence and jas- tiee ox iowaaj usu ana rair rate. To a man i o by nature more a nosr than human. lb, a exhibition of selfish gail ard truckling o tne railway interest Decause of the .sub- Kihntial benefits tnev derive from a union of canse with the railway the parties who are endeavoring to maintain their throt ilii g hold upon the people of this country M?ch an exhibition I ray ought to make a true man blush with shame for his species. When the chairman called upon the mer chants and business men to represent toelr ease what did we set? Why the usually moaest business man irom Omaba with a eat and dried resolution substantially set ting forth the face tbat they were taken Cftft) of They say reduction will stop railway building ard eastern capital seeking this country. They mean that the east wants usury ot tbls agricultural conniry.ana i say we better not have their capita), exotpt ts wa crat It. nut nf th fields of onr rici soli in exchange for our products carried to their aoors as reasonaoie rarea, wiuiuuii ueiuij fi'tered through the magnanimous hands of our Omaha" frieucs. Some generous representatira of Hast ings Kindly informs, you than the farmer maxes in tne ednaaoement ol his a arm uy tha haHdlnc of i,ne roads more tnan he loses in five or t?n years. . . . . ti .r, i M J - . .j.J wnat are tue iaoor m urm ia uonaou to build the road. His farm raises in valae 163 rer cent. The farmer then lsays tne railway 100 to 200 per cent each year on tne fruit ot nts laoocs more man n ougas to get hi grain moved for ten years. The arguments used that radaced rates do not help this country is the same as used by tne Slave noiaer w;nn muuuun ing that the nigger was better off in bond than whnn frefl and if I mistake not. it will have the same weight in shaping . . . a m .1 a. -I V tne nnamg ox tnis Doara as mat wovi'a. a am not a speaker and tbls is my maiden fTnrt. Hnsi T t.hn alrm nance some srood men have who are luke warm to tbe inter est of this community and state k couta nrobablv do nw more to actuate your de liberations in this matter taan has Deen done now. I can assure you there is a silent ii fluence and though c on this mat ter thronghoat the . state that is intently w&tohintr tha findintrs vou make, srentle- men, and 1 have confidence and fully be lieve you will consider the silen c voices scattered over tnis state as fully ae you hearken to the united cqaeallngs and pleadings before you now. Who is there here to represent the inter ests of consumers in this country wh to represent the protective interests of tbf wealth producing tollers of the state; Virtually nothing is arrayed against t!&e array of distinguished attorneys and em ployers oi tne otuer biub. jui, oiiucuiau, I am wrong in this last: your own lnteg- ri'v is here as the representative ot the unbiased interests and the unrepresented Interest the farmers and mechanic, and work day people, trust you and rely on your loyalty to them, and I do not believe tnev will be oetxayea. - -mm i aT General Leese seemed to tnink l was getting down to business, and so did the railroad eraner. General Laws and General Leese and Willard voted to reduce the rates, notwithstanding there was but one goose cackled in the broach. Laws afterwards made a trip to the Pacific coast and thought batter of his resolution and went back on Leese. "Willard went oat of office. I kept writing a few letters as one whelp and another would bob up for the rail roads, and Lincoln now has rates just as John Utt says in his statement of the 21st inst. " 'Lincoln ?M h5"helrT from the ' bal ance of the state, and I suppose on the same principle that was shown in 1888, "Let the devil take the hindmost." that she does all right now to join with the railroads in stopping tne cry ur rates. I write this letter to show what a broad view General Leese took of the demand for Letter rates, and has in season and out of season stood by the state for rates. I am for rates for Kearney on a par with incoln, in rates for a circle of 100 miles. I am for rates for Nebraska distance tariff tho same as Iowa. Let the peo ple of the Third district sf e tha. Leese is sustained. The grand Cowdry hippodrome of the 21st, when the same brass collared person told tne pnysi ciau'd story in 1888 and in 1800, ia sulted Gen. Leese again and called him a liar when one of the railroad leaders had to corroborate Leese. Let the people see that this gentleman, Mr. Dietrich, is put DacK into nis Hastings board of trade hole as cap per for Holdrege. I was for Leese in 1888 a id I am for him more so now. Gentlemen of the state of Nebraska, if you want to get pay for your ox that is gored by the railroad gang, it von pxnect to catch the sheen-killing dogs that feed on the railroad crumbs. you must work to do it. Mr. Utt savs the JLancoin oc ues Moines railway would cost $25,000 a mile. He gave me ngures and ficta showing that half that amount would do it, and also how it would be made to cost $25,000, and I am betraying no confidence in showing this up either. A. J. UUSTIN. A Bitter Fight. Chicago, May 22. The carpenters' strike is developing into a bitter fight between the old bcaseb' association and the carpen ters council, in which each side will use everr means in its power to defeat the oth er. Said J. W. Woodward of the executive committee of the carpenters' and builders association today: A sub-commit cee today retained Lawyer C. M. Hardy, and will at tack the pickets and their employers in the carpenters' council ir -he courts. We will adopt whatever action may be advised ty at,.. offnmoTr T n.m nf tha onlnlon ttiat nro- ceedinffs will be began in the United States . - . . . 3 1 1 4. court dv suing one an mjauoiiun kius the strike committed and the carpenters' council to restrain it ana na mu&ews um f mtarfarrincr with niir man. Then. too. we may prosecute them criminally undar tho Merritt conspiracy iaw. t w riaaaai rt t.h nlri aRiioolatlon has ba- come wearied of securing gangs of non- nninn man nnlT tn nave tnem driven awav from his jobs by tha strikers' "pt'!ketB-" Mr. Casoel learned the names of tbe mea- beis of the committee ani tnis aioernoon urAra dill t. TMTtlYTAYl a for thmr arrest on charges of intimidation. I'Tbe whole west ide is terrorized by these maraud'. r. Nothing can be done, nd I am not going to stana it any lonifer, eaia mr. The carpenters' council has sent the fol lAm4nnnHnH tn fill r.IHfH in thfl Union "The carpenters' council ot dloago, tbe . . Jl at aVl.. ..am amsw aV. representative oooy oi m jk wishes to warn carpenters throughout t oe country against the misleading statement that are being ent out by the carpenters . ... i.li . i. w . it a a ann Duuaers association, ior M f AinothanltTvlth narnenters. The strtKo trouble is not yet sattled, ani thero la no scarcity oi carpenioru. An Immense Structure. Ji.cxsoKvn.Lt, Fla., May 28 A model fer the world's fair building was forwarded to nhtr.atro todav. Ifc rtnntemolat es a struc ture in the snap of a nyramU 1,200 fet at tne bane and 1.200 feet bigh, to be ar ranged in sixfcv fttnrlaff. each twantv feet hicrh. or in fortv storiea eoh thirty fet hiffh. the material to be entirely of steel. irlaflB andiron Torn alectric rail wny wind about the jjulldlng on the outside from top to Dattom. CONGRESSIONAL The Senate. . Washington, May 26. I a the senate to day Immediately alter the reading of the ournal, the oath of office was adminis tered by the vice-president o Carlisle as senator from Kentucky for Beo 's unex pired term. Sherman presented a petition in f aver of excluding from the mails the Police Gezstte and similar publications. Plumb introduced a bill to 'provide for the purchase of silver ter use as lawful money, and enid that it had been prepare by Banker St. Jehn of New York. lie de sired it introduced with the endorsement of St. Jehn on account of bJa .recognized position on financial questions. It also met bis approval. Tue bill wad referred t the finauue committee. Plumb offered a- r solution instructing the nuance cotnmlstee to prepare and re port in connection with too tariff bill a statement snowing the duties levied under tne existing law, tne duties as tney wouia be under tne house bill, and the duties and the bill to be reported by tbe committee. such duties to be sated in ; parallel col umnp. tteagan moved to amend tie resolution so .as to require, in cases oi oomaouaa duties, epecido and ad valorem, columns showing me equivalent ad valorem amount oi tne cuty. Aimon moved to insert in juaagans amendment the words "where, practi cable." Tne amendment as modified .by Allison's suggestion was agreed to. . Tne resolution was rurtner amenaeu Dy making lc apply also toredaotlons of duties, and as thus uuaenddd was agreed to. (leorj-e, from tne ia JloUry committee. reported a bill subjecting national bank notes and treasury notes to state taxation. Plaoed on the calendar. Tne pending question was on Cookreu' a amendment to (strike out the provision for three heavily armored battle ships at lour millions each. After considerable opposition the bill passed. Mlccnell offered a resolution, which was agreed to, instructing the committee oa pensions to report an amendment to tne pension laws providing lor a more liberal manner of pensioning the widows, minor calidrtn and dependent relatives of de ceased soldiers. ' Adjo-irned. Washington, May 27. Mr. Cullom of fered a resolution calling on the se crotary of the treasury for information as to the authority under which merchandise In bond, appraised or anappraleed, and goods of domestic origin axe permitted to be for warded between the Atlantic and Pacific ports of the United States over the Cana dian Pacific railroad, etc. ; also to report by what authority merchandise other than the products of contiguous countries is permitted to enter the United bcates under consular seal and proceed to its destina tion without entry or' examination at the port of first arrival. There was, he said, evidence of irregularities and that the country was probaoiy losing some of its revenue. The resolution wens ver until tomorrow. Tne senate then resumed consideration of the imported liquor bill, the question balng on cue euostuuee report ja yesterday troin tne Judiciary committee. Mr. Uoke argued agatnsc tne consutu- tienal ilgnt oi cocgreas to delegate its del egated powers baoK. to the state.' Mr. Eustls said tie pending bill could not become a law with the belp of his vote. lie was a state's rurnt democrat or tne strict est sort and wai in f aver of the states ex ercising to an unlimited extent the rights whicu taey had reserved; but , the powers wnlch tney nad lodged in tne federal gov ernment, ana longed wisely, he wanted tbe feoeral government to exercise exclu sively. After zurtner debate tne bill went over witnout action. Mr. Wlison of Iowa gave notioa that he would ask tie senate to remain in session comorro v until the bill was disposed of. Tne vloe president announced tne ap pointment of Mr. Blackburn as a mem . er of tbe committee on appropriations and of Mr. uarllsle as a memoer of tue c jjainu tees on finance, territories and woman suf frage. Tbe conference report on the bill to sim plify the law In relation to the collection of revenue was presented and agreed to. Adjourned. Tbe House. Washtnoton, May 22. In the house to day Mr. Flower of N ew York Introduced a bill subjecting olemargarlneto the provis ions of the laws of the several states. Re ferred. The house then went Into committee of the whole on the river and harbor bilL Mr. Hltt moved an amendment to give the city of Galena, UL, the right to take up the harbor improvement there dropped by the government and complete it, pro viding the city shall then receive 1100,000. Adopted. Mr. Post of Illinois offered au amend ment appropriating $250,000 for the pur pose of securing a continuous navigable water way between Lake Michigan and the Mississippi river, adequate for the passage of the largest Mississippi river steamboats and naval vessels, and for the - continua tion of tbe survey of thi Illinois river. Mr. Henderson said the committee had not considered the opposition and it ohouldn'c be included in the bill without consideration. Mr. Yandever cf California said that Jeal ousy between Chicago and 8". Louis had hitherto prevented tne adoption ot this grand national project cf connecting the lakes and the MieBtssippl a project wh'ch would certainly be carried out in the end, and place Chicago at the head of Missis sippi river navigation as well as in com mand of lake navigation. Mr. Wild of Illinois explained that the Hennepin canal was Entirely independent of tois proposition. Catchings ot Missouri moved to amend the amendment by fixing the appropriation an $125,000. This was accepted by Mr. Pjbo. but the entire proposition was re jected by the bouse. When the paragraph appropriating $510,000 for the construc tion ot the liliuois and Mississippi (Eljn nepin) canal was reached, Mr. Turner of Oeorgia made the point of order that tbe committee bad no Jurisdiction over canals, Pending decioion tbe oommltije rose and house took a recess until evening. The house at the evening session passed forty-two private pension bills and ad journed. Washington, May 27. In the house today Mr. McElnley submitted the conference re port on the customs administrative bill Mr. McMlllln, one cf the conferees, said ho had declined to ajree to the report for the reason that he believed tho bill would Increase taxation, The conference report was adopted- yeas 17, nays IS She speaker pro tern couatlng a quorum. The democrats re frained from voting. The house then went into committee of tbe wnole on tne river una harbor appro priation DU. After some dlECUEsion the house ad jouined. NEBRASKA NEWS. Proclamation.- State of Nebraska, SI EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. Section one, article five, of the Con stitution of the IS t ate of Nebraska reads as follows: . "The governor may on extraordinary occasions, convene the legislature by proclamation, setting forth the pur poses for which they are convc netl, ami the legislature shall enter upon no business except that for which tiy are called together. Whereas, Matters of vital interest to the people of the state greatly agitat ing the public miud, coustitute, in tho judgment of the executive, an extraor dinary occasion which justifies tho as sembling of the legisUture. Now, Therefore, I, Jahu M. Thayer, governor of the state of Nebraska, by virtue of the authority in me vested by the constitution above quoted, do hereby issue thi, my proclamation re quiring the members of the two house of the twenty-first joint assembly o the state of Nebraska, to convene ia their respective legislative halls in the capitol building on Thursday, tbe 5th day of J une, 1800, at 10 o'clock a. m.. for the purpose of considering and tak ing action upon the following named subjects and these only : First For the purpose of enacting a law establishing maximum railway freight rates, and repeal that sec tion of the statute creating the state board of transportation. Second For the purpose of consid ering and amending our election lawa by the adoption of what is known as the Australian ballot system. Third To consider and give ex- piession in favor of an increase in the volume of currency, and of the free coinage of silver. No other subject will be proposed for the consideration of the legislature it this special session. In testimonv whereof, x have nero- unto set my hand and caused to be affixed the great seal of the state. Done at Lincoln this 24th day of May, in the year of our Lord one thou sand eight hundred and ninety, of the 6tate tho twenty-fourth and of tho In dependence of the United States the one hundred and fourteenth. John M. Thaykk. By the governor. Ben B. Cowdeby, Secretary of State. Governor Thayer issued Monday a proclamation supplementary to tha one promulgated on Saturday. Ho discovered that there would be no means of paying tho expenses of the gathering unless an appropriation trill covering tbe subject was made part of the call. 11 is second proclamation therefore sets forth that in additisn to the business before mentioned the legislature should be called to enact legislation for the pay ment of the expenses of the special session and the mileage and per diem, of employes. "Expenses," he Bay, covers the pay of employes and all in cidentals. All Over the 8tatr A 5,000 bushel lot of corn brought 24 cents at Bulo last week. According to the Indianola Timed hog cholera has appeared in that vi cinity. Columbus will open her spring boom May 27 by entertaining an ex cursion party from Onaha. ' Madam Lipp of Fremont, was Sat urday fined $150 for serving beer to her friends without having the necessa ry license. Dr. J. N. McCasland, one of the old est residents of the state, living at Pawnee City, is very low with paraly sis and is not expected to live. William Blevins of Nebraska City, who threatened to kill his family the other day, has been adjudged insane und will be sent to the asylum. Considerable excitement was c&usod Saturday at Beemer by the elopement of William Fox with a girl named Belle Ashburn. Fox leaver a wife and two children in destitute circum stances. About $40,000 worth of bonds voted by Plattsmouth in aid of the Omaha Southern railway were sold Saturday to a Kansas City firm. This give Plattsmouth assurance of another rail road. A special election was held ia Thurston county Monday to vote bonds for a $24,000 court house. The contest will be close, but it is thought the court house will be built. A government steamer, Capitol a Butt, arrived Saturday at Plattsmouth and will immediately commence tha contemplated government work on the Missouri river. Wisner people have, run short of freph fish on account of the West Point dam and will accordingly ap peal to the law of the state. After hearing arguments in the Laa-dorsh-Lemmon commissioner contest, which has been hanging fire in Thurs ton county since last J anuary, Judge Morris reversed hie decision. On ohe of tho principal streets of Kearney,- within two blocks, can Ins found four cornets, one tuba, throe pi anos, four organs, a parrot, and a num ber of smaller instruments in tbe way of jewsharps, harmonicas and flat When they all tnrn loose the overflow of tbe canal stops to "listen, farmer listen."