THE ALLIANCE. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING. BY THE ALLIANCE PUBLISHING GO. Lincoln, - - - Nebraska. J. BURROWS, : : : Editor. J. M. THOMPSON, Business Manager. In the beauty of the lillies ' Christ was born across the sea, With a glory in his bosom That transfigures you and me. As He strove to make men holy Let us strive to make men free, Since God is marching on." Julia Ward Howe. Laurel crowns cleave to deserts, And power to him who power exerts." A ruddy drop of manly blood The surging sea outweighs." Emerson. ' He who cannot reason is a fool, He who will not reason is a coward, He who dare not reason is a slave." EDITORIAL. Additional Twine Arrangements. The Alliance State Agent has perfect ed additional arrangements in regard to twine by which he is now enabled to furnish members sisal, standard manilla and pure addition to the jute. This makes the Alliance of Nebraska absolutely independent of all combina tions in "regard to twine. It is neces sary that all estimates should be in by May 25th, as the Agent is compelled to liavc his orders in, under this new con tract, by June 1st. So MAKEUP YOUR ESTIMATES AT ONCE. A circular will be sent to Secretaries, giving prices and full information, in a few days. A False Interpretation. No Balance 6f Power Wanted. The Bee's interpretation of our article of last week on the true policy of the Alliance, is unfair, and made to suit its -own views. It says "Mr. Burrows be lieves that the Alliance will be in po sition to carry out its aims and objects by throwing the balance of power where it will count for the most." The Bee's quotation from our article -does not warrant the above statement. The term balance of power infers a -vhoice by the person holding it between selection made ty other parties or per sons. Nothing in our article was capa ble of such an interpretation. We dis tinctly advised the Alliance to select their own men, and then secure their nomination and election, or their elec tion without nomination, by the readiest and most available agency. We made no allusion to a balance of power in'our article. If the Alliance was to be re stricted to a choice between two parties equally corrupt, the balance of power would be of little value. If matters are judicionsly managed from this time for ward, it will be one of the old parties that may hold a balance of power, and not the Alliance. Some of the Men Who are too Previous. From the Omaha World-Herald. "Mr. O. E. Hall of the state grange of Ne braska was in Omaha yesterday. Mr. Hall, as grand master of an organization that repre- sents between 24.WK) and 28,000 farmers in Ne braska, has recently issued a circular calling the grange. Alliance, Knights of Labor, and all kindred associations together to discuss the "situation." The circular talks, about "liberty rather than servitude" and purports to be in response to a general clamor of far mers who want to go to Lincoln at a cost of from $15 to &50 to talk over matters upon which they are already too well posted. Mr. Hall stated that he was for reform. He said that Thayer was the strongest man in the state: that he was an old soldier, and that lie was the people's friend. He thought Thayer would be nominated and elected. He also said that Messrs. Ilenton, Steen and Vnvdrv would perhaps be nominated, and if they were tney would be elected. This is the kind of talk that Mr. Hall who Kigns appeals to the people to turn out and talk about "liltcrty rather than servitude," indulges in. He sees in the recreant mem bers of the board of transportation all the -virtue and honor that is necessary; he thinks Thayer is the man for governor, and, brief ly, if his general talk is a sample of what he 'thinks, will endorse a railroad ticket com plete and entire. Mr. Hall insisted that the "people" had urged him to make his elaborate call, but to n man a respectable distance up a tree, Mr. Hall's mass convention looks more like a railroad scheme than any thing else. It is to be hoped, however, that the farmers will not be hoodwinked by any such sweet buncomb. If the World-Herald will cut off two figures from its estimate of the numeri cal strength of the grange in Nebraska, it will probably lie correct. The grange is a grand organization. Its objects are the same as the Alliance, but it is a more expensive society with more com plicated machinery, and the Alliance has superseded it in this state. An at tempt was made four or five years aga to reorganize it, and Mr. Hall was -elected Master. He has held the po sition ever since. He represents Mr. Hall. The calling of Mr. Hall's conference the dav following the Leesc demonstra tion, is significant. There are some men who are so extremely previous, and at the same time so simple, that they can be used for any kind of a job. Messrs. Thayer, Benton, Steen and st i n TTn i v-rowucry mav m-iii avii. xia.ii um m ms conference. The Silver Situation. The prospect for an agreement on the -silver question seems to be not so good as at date of our last issue. In fact we have nearly reached the conclusion that a new and determined effort must be 'made by the people in favor of free coin -age before Congress will learn what its exact duty is in this matter. There '.-seems to be an obstacle in the way of froey.oinage in Speaker Reed. He is a Wall street gold bug, and he is also an .-autocrat. .It is stated that he will not let a free coinage bill come up in the house until the senate has acted on its bill, and that then, if such action is not an accord with the administration which means Wall street he will block all silver legislation by appointing frnrfis who will not agree to the senate bill. Again we say to the advocates of free oiuacre. make no concessions ana con sent to no compromises. Accept free nothing. The day is soon coming when we will have ft THE CO-OPERATION. Method of Operation in Co-operative Stores. By request of quite a number of our subscribers we republish the following editorial from our edition of March 1st, that issue being exhausted. There is much desire through the Al liance for co-operatiye effort in busi ness lines. Many enterprises are talked of, such as mills and elevators, more frequently the latter. There are a few Alliance co-operative stores in the staie; but as far as we can learn none of them are operatod on the correct co-operative principle. It is generally thought that the store is the most difficult of the enterprises named, when in fact it is the easiest, and should be the primary move, leading to the others. We have asked some who wrere talking of build ing an elevator or mill why they did not start a co-operative store, and they replied, "We are not strong enough yet we'll start that by-and-by." Now the fact is that the capital that would build one mill would start twenty co-operative stores, and the capital that would build one elevator would start half-a-dozen; while the benefits of the store would be much more general and equally distributed among the member ship than those .of the other enter prises. We will first try to give a clear idea of the true co-operative principle of co operative merchandizing. The store is started on the joint-stock principle. The shares should be put at $5 each. No person not a member of the Alliance should be allowed to own shares, and they not more than ten each. A cer tain rate of interest is agreed upon which the share0 capital may receive. This should not be over 7 or 8 per cent. In this particular the share-holders are on an exact equality. They receive the same rate of interest on their shares. The man who has $50 in shares receives interest on $50. The man who has- only $3 receives interest on only $5. Now we will suppose the store has been started and done business for one quar ter, or three months. The books must now be squared, an inventory taken, and the profits divided. To ascertain the profits expenses must first be ascer tained and paid. These consist of goods bought, rent, fuel, light, insurance, pay of store-keeper and assistants, if any, and interest on share capital. These all belong to the expense account, and must be paid before there are any pro fits. After these are paid the profit remaining is divided among the share holders in proportion to their trade at the store. That is to sa', each share-holder receives the profit on the goods he has bought. To illustrate this point clearly, suppose A has $50 worth of shares, and buys only $10 worth of goods during tne quarter, while B has only $5 worth of stock and buys $100 worth of goods. A would receive interest on $50 and the profit on $10, while B would receive in terest on $5 and the profit on $100. It will be seen that A and B are on an exact equality as to their interest, and that their profit depends on their own trade. It will also be seen that this principle tends to induce trade, and not induce any effort to monopolize the shares, as there is no inducement to in vest money for the interest, as it can only draw the agreed upon per cent. It will also be seen that this is pre-eminently the plan to put the poor man on an equality with the rich one. They are in fact on an absolute equality. LITTLE CAPITAL NEEDED. It needs but very little capital to start a co-operative store. This fact arises from the ease of the purchasing system of the present day. All kinds of goods ire sold by commercial travelers right n the stores of merchants, by sample. Goods Can be bought in this way nearly every day, so only a small stock is needed to start with. Thirty and sixty days' time is considered the same as cash, though even these bills may be discounted for actual cash at a small rofit. Trade is capital. Suppose twenty-five members of an Alliance wish to start a co-operativee store. They need a store-room, fixtures, and money enough to pay freight and running expenses for two mouths. If each of these twent five members will trade at the store, and pay or tne gooas when they buy them, good business management makes the success of the store certain. With fifty members we would ask no other capital than their assured trade. TIIEKE MUST BE NO TRUST. This is an essential to success. The business must be ready pay, either cash or its equivalent. This makes it necessary for the store to deal in truck, which is a great disadvantage, but unavoidable in the country. With Alliance agencies in Omaha, Lincoln and Denver this disad vantage will be partly neutralized. TIIEKE MUST BE XO CUT IN PRICES . It would be extremely bad policy to start a store iu a country town, and un dertake to undersell or injure the other merchants. This would tend to excite enmity and demoralize trade, and there would be no compensating advantage. The better the prices at which goods were sold the more profit for the share holders. If members of the Alliance wanted the. benefits let them become share-holders, one share entitling them to all benefits. If non-members of the Alliance want the benefits let them join. In a store of this kind there would be some trade from outsiders. The profit on this trade goes to the stockholders; so there would be no gain by destroy ing this profit by selling goods at cost. Neither would there be any gain in selling goods to members at less cost than to others, as the total profits are divided among the members, and each gets all the profit on his own trade. If there was no cut in prices the other merchants would be apt to say, "Well, there must be room here for another store,, or these men would not start one; and. if there is room some one else will start one if they don't, so I guess it FAKIMERS' ALLIANCE: LINCOLN, NEB., is all right." But if prices were cut enmity would be engendered, profits wiped out and nothing gained. OTHER ENTERPRISES WILL FOLLOW. If a store is started m a small way, with a stock of staple dry goods, gro ceries, boots and shoes, hats and caps and clothing proportioned to its mem bership, and is made successful, other branches of trade will soon be added. For coal only a shed and scales would be necessary. The implement agency would soon be attached. Then would come the lumber department and the grain-shipping department, until the establishment embraced every branch of. the farmer's trade, and in every branch the members would have the profit on their own trade, and thus come as near eating their cake and keeping it as pos sible. This hasty sketch is already too long, though much remains to be said. We will recur to the subject or explain any part of it when requested. JohnR. Morrissy and the World-Herald's Fusion Proposition. John R. Morrissey is a virtious ward politician of Omaha. We are aware that this definition involves a paradox. But Mr. M. has demonstrated his virtue by his repudiation of the fusion idea of the World-Herald. His reasons for this are several. 1st. He is "one of those democrats who do not believe that a principle can be compromised at any time without loss of conscience and dis honor." This clause develbpes several new and startling ideas. One is that there is any principle at all involved in modern democracy; 2d. That there are any democrats who care an iota about principle; 3rd. The amazing ease with which men like Morrissey, who possess neither, can prate about conscience and honor. But JJfor all this we coincide withJMr. M. entirely in his repudiation of the fusion idea but probably not for the same reasons. Mr. Morrissey is one of the numerous democrats who think if the Alliance would run a state ticket the democrats would get there; and consequently who think, regardless of its innate dishonesty, thatJMr. Hitch cock's unauthorized and cheeky offer of a deal was a regular fool caper. That's the reason he repudiates it not at all because of its political immorality. ins precious political pimp goes -on to denounce the Alliance, at the same time claiming that the democratic par tly is the apotheosis of all its principles, except those in relation to money. On money he is Wall street subliemated But when he alludes to the farmers as a purchasable commodity when he proceeds to put an estimate upon the moral worth of three-fourths of the in habitants of this state of the men and women whose industry forms the basis of all our prosperity he comes out strong, and shows by his estimate of his fellow men of just what base materi al he is composed. He says: "The cheapest man in the legislature is s granger. He has the most modest estimate of his woi th, and a $ 100 bill is as big as a sod house. Say the railroads succeeded in elect ing' twenty-five members of the house. They will only have to buy. twenty-five grangers, ana as grangers go tne deal is not so expen sive as a single train wreck might be." We commend the above to the 25,000 democratic members of the Alliance in Nebraska. How do you like your pic ture, gentlemen, drawn by a typical democrat? Comment on the character of the man who can write the above is needless. And we want to add, right here, that the estimate of the grangers by the organs and hacks of the other party, is just about the same, only it is rare to find a man who is such a dod gasted fool as to express it so bluntly. A low down ward politician an idol of the rum-holes and a worker of the slums, whose election to the late legis ture was contested on the ground of fraud this is the aromatic apology for manhood who presumes to denounce the honest farmers of Nebraska as "the cheapest men in the legislature," There has never been so cheap or contempt ible a pup in the Nebraska legislature as when John Morrissey disgraced it That free foreign wool has actually had the effect to advance the price of domestic wol is snown Dy statistics. Under thetariilof 185 nearly all the flue wools of South America and the Cape of Good Hope and many of those grown in Australia, ana all Canadian wools were admitted free of duty. This condition lasted till 1802, when very moderate duties (15 per cent aa valorem) were imposed on wool, The period of highest duties on wool did not begin till 1807. The prices of domestic wool aunng tne live j-ears ot practically free wool beginning with 1857, and the five years under tne present tariff, ending with 1888, were as follows: Free Wool. Tariff of 1883. 187 53cent8 1884 37 cents 18 4; cents 1885 34 cents 185!) 59 cents 1880 34 cents 1800 54 cents 1887 34 cents 1801 44 cents 1S88 92 cents bo it appears as a matter of fact that free foreign wool may be accompanied bv hia-h prices of domestic wool, while heavily taxed foreign wool may be accompanied bv low prices for the domestic article: Chicago Her- aiu. All of which goes to prove that the decline of prices is caused by something quite independent of the tariff. The de cline in wools, shown above, has been accompanied by a decline in all other commodities and property, whether af fected "by the tariff or not. There is only one cause that has been genera that could have had this effect. That is the decrease of money proportionec1 to population and production. u. o. ideological urvey: We are indebted to Hon. G. F. Laws for a copy of the Sixth Annual Report of the U. S Geological Survey, by J. W. Powell Director. This is a very comprehensive report, and of much value to the student of the geological conditions of this coun trr. The receipt of this report would have been sooner acknowledged only it was sent to Filley instead of Lincoln and so did not reach us until this week Just About the Size of It. (Norfolk Journal Rep.) The World-Herald more than intimates that the capacious arms of the demo cratic party are wide open to receive the Farmers' Alliance to its loving em brace. Yes. And its squeeze would be so ardent that after it the Alliance would have about as much juice as last year's corn husk. . The Political Situation, and Some Politi cal Prophecies. The' political situation in Nebraska is interesting and peculiar. The republi can party is acknowledged by all men o be in the grip of the railroad ring. This fact is emphasized by a coterie of gentlemen who claim to be above all things model republicans, and one of whom is a leading republican official of the state, and all of w hom are named as candidates for some electiye office. These gentlemen are so imbued with the desire to secure the part' from railroad control that they have called a special convention for May 20 to take measures to that end. This call is met by the people with marked indifference. t is looked upon as an office-seeker's ruse. It will result in no popular up rising. . The people seem to be imbued with a thorough distrust of anything which has any connection with politics. The other wing of the republican party the railroad wing sits serene and confident. With the machine of the party in its hands with the state com mittee made up mainly of its friends with the county committees headed by its henchmen with cappers in every precinct committee who have long been accustomed to receive their orders rom the county machine the railroad power is confident of its ability to carry the state convention as usual Meantime there is a strange ferment among the people that great mass who tiave long been content to receive their politics from their political bosses, and eave their consciences at home when they went to vote. A well-founded dis j j i i trust oi tneir Dosses nas sprung up in their hearts. Their discussions in their Alliances has opened their eyes, and contemporaneously with this their consciences are being awakened. They are organizing. And as they organize they are realizing that the party ties to which they have so long willingly sur rendered themselves have been fetters that have held them while the party bosses were going through their pock ets. As they organize the cry is "no more party politics in mine!" Sixty thousand of them .are banded together now, and still they come still they come. They are secret, thev are ouiet they don't talk. Their capacity for absorbing advice is unparalleled; and oceans of it is poured in upon them ill from disinterested patriots who are ready to immolate all their wive's rela tions for the welfare of the poorfarmer. The democratic party is a quiet, but not by any means disinterested specta tor of the show. Its would-be leaders have made some noise. Its real leaders have not peeped. These men hope their rank and file will be as servile as ever. They expect to elect the next president, and they intend that the party shall remain compactly and sol idly democratic, whatever may betide. At the same time this rank and file is going into the Alliance at the same rate as are the republican farmers, and is quite as hopeless as they of any relief through these old party machines. This is the present condition in this state; the politicians scheming, the par ties waiting and hoping, the people or ganizing: It is a hopeful situation. If it can be held in statu quo for three months longer nearly all the farmers in the state will be members of the Alli ance. But what does the future hold? First, defeat in the g. o. p. for the patriotic wing that has gone in to reform it. To these men will be conceded all the wind they desire. Anti-monopoly resolu tions mountain-high will be piled up be fore them. But when they come to count noses for results at the close of the nominations they will find a beggarly account of empty boxes. But the bolt ers will not bolt. They have promised not to beforehand, and that was when they dug their own graves. When they made that promise they convinced the people that they cared more for party and self than they did for reform. But defeated, as they will - be, they will sulk, and the schism in the party will be deep and wide. Now the peoples' opportunity will have come, and the people will be found ready to improve it. With an organ ized machinery' that can reach every precinct in the state in three days, the signal fires will flash responsive from peak to peak, and there will be a rally ing of the clans such as was never known before. The cry will be "Equal rights for all, special privileges for none !" There will be a shower of ballots that will appal the politicians, and whiten the state from the Missouri river to the Laramie plains, and from Kansas to the Dakota line; and Nebraska will come out of it redeemed from a vile power that would plunder a widow, rob an orphan or ruin a world with equal in difference providing gold flowed to its coffers. Only one thing can prevent this de voutly to be wished for consummation, and that is t the too previous action of the . There are some men wrho see only one side of the shield men who go off half cocked men who want to lead a new movement men who can't wait: These men will do are doing infinite harm by trying to start a great movement before the time is ripe. They organize failures and cloud the future. To these Ave say again and again, wait. Let the grass grow. The signal will strike when the hour is ready, and not one or two alone, but all will hear it when it strikes. The State Board of Transportation. We publish this w eek an open letter from a York county Alliance to the state board of transportation. This letter is not an English classic, nor yet a literary gem; but we venture to be lieve that it will strike a responsive chord in the heart of every Nebraska man who reads it. It tells the gentle men of the board the plain truth in plain words, and demands that they should perform their sworn duty to the SATURDAY, MAY 10, people of this state, without any more monkeying. But the monkeying will go on ail tne same, ine members oi the board are drawing their salaries with distressing regularity. They are having an expensive report printed, which has been prepared by their sec retaries. It will contain what little in formation has been vouchsafed to them by the railroads, and possibly some more or less valuable statistics. But the gist of it could be told in four words on the fly leaf, viz: "We have done nothing." The people will pay the bill at the rate of $1.90 per page. The fun of it all is, that these men -1 t c a' 1 are- candidates ior renominanon, ami will probably get there. They sit in their easy chairs at the state house, when they don't happen to be gunning or fishing, read the papers, and coolly estimate the relative strength of the railroads and the people, and deliber ately cast their lot with the roads. In doing this they are able to justify the old maxim, "honor among thieves." The railroads put them where they are, and they stay with the men who ele yated them. Mr. Benton, with the rail road machine and the office-holder's machine, aided by a millionaire banker brother-in-law, expects to capture a re nomination, and then parade it as an endorsement of the board by the peo ple. Mr. Steen and Mr. Cowdrey are in the same boat except the broth er-in-law. We give it as our deliberate opinion that these men, or some equally sub servient to corporate interests, will be nominated by the republican conven tion. And it will be well. The crash had better come this fall. The people will never be readier for it. The Alliance and the Politicians. , It will take but a few months of time for the farmers throughout the country to under stand that politicians have secured absolute control of their organization known as the Farmers' Alliance, and the political work of the organization will begin to decrease. From letters received by men In congress, written by democratic and republican politicians, who have nothing but spoils injview.ttis readi ly seen here that the active work being done in the Fanners' Alliance is led by many broken-down politicians from the various par ties. If the Farmers' Alliance would only confine itself to its personal interests aside from politics it could unduobtedly influence legislation as well as commercial interests of the country, but when it goes into office seek ing and permits itself to be led by profession al politicians, it at once puts Itself to great disadvantage. The above is clipped from the Wash ington correspondence of the Omaha Bee. We regret that there is much that must come under the eye of this Wash ington gentlemen to justify this state ment. Washington is the headquar ters of a junta of managers who have demonstrated conclusively7, that their aim is to use the Alliance for "the ad vancement of their personal ends, and ior the building up oi a dictatorial po litical power. This junta is straining every nerve to extend its influence throughout the country. As soon as any popular movement becomes strong enough to promise success the politi cians gather to it and strive to convert it to their use. The uproar that is going on among the party organs and the par ty hacks in this state the propositions for fusion on the one hand, and against political action on the.other the gratui tous advice trom hundreds of solons and would-be office holders who have never done anything for the farmers except advise them illustrate the fact exactly. That it will be difficult for hundreds of members of the lliance to steer clear of their influences there is no doubt. But if one or two simple rules and principles are adopted the task will be easier. 1st. Pay no heed to men and papers who are out side of our order. Their advice is prompted by selfish per sonal motives, or is for the supposed in terest of their party. We do not care for either. 2d. Listen to and be guided by the men you have chosen as your leaders men who are your brothers in the Alliance, and who by years of un rewarded work in your cause have de monstrated that they are worthy pf your confidence. 3rd. Listen to the politicians hear their plans, and un derstand their schemes but let them do the talking. Expose nothing, promise noth ing. Hold yourselves aloof from all party complications. Neither make pledges to individuals. No man can divine the events of the next months. Be ready for whatever two may come. While there are politicians in Ncbras ka who are trying to use the Alliance, it is false here, whatever may be true in Washington, that "the active work be ing done in the Alliance is being led by broken-down politicians from both par ties." Let usbe sure that this shall not be true at any time. It is our duty to use politicians and parties, not to be used by them. And the best use poli ticians can be put to is to set them to manufacturing turnip bitters, each in his own locality. Senator Beck. In the death of Senator James B. Beck, says the Chicago Herald, the United States senate has lost a member who was both an honor and an orna ment to it, and the democratic party an exponent and an advocate whose place it will be hard to fill. In the ex tent of his political learning and ex perience, in the depth and sincerity of his democratic convictions, in his rare ability to state and defend democratic doctrine, and in his moral courage on all occasions he was a model statesman and an admirable man. His death, coming as it does so soon after that of Randall, suggests a contrast. The men were strikingly alike in their integrity, their ability and their persistence, but their relations and value to the demo cratic party were almost diametrically opposite. Randall was a thorn in the the side of his friends, while Beck was a tower of refuge and defense. In his relation to his party Senator Beck was more like the late S. S. Cox, and both of them will be lamented as long as in telligent and incorruptible statesman ship shall be admired in the democratic party. 1890. v Mr. Dorsey's Alliance. It is a very nice thing for a million aire to be a member of congress, live in line style m Washington, which is an imperial city where all the elegancies of high life can be enjoyed, have a pri vate secretary to take all the cares of business, and some henchmen enjoying sinecures in the pay of Uncle Sam to look after matters at home, and keep the wheels of the machine well oiled. Mr. Dorsey is serving his second term, and evidently likes it, and so lie organ ized a little bankers' alliance to look after everything and fix matters up so he can get a third term. His second term wa3 secured by attending to the machine. The people had little or nothing to do with it. Perhaps the machine will slip a cog or two this fall. Perhaps the farmers of the third con gressional district will prefer to be rep resented by a man of their own choos ing, instead of a millionaire banker, who is willing to give them more money provided-it can be done through the banks and without disturbing the single gold standard, and who believes in tax ing Nebraska farmers to protect east ern manufacturers. How would the farmers of the third district like to have a little junta of Dorsey's appointees in Washington set up the pins to secure nis return ior a third term? That is just what is being done, as the following confidential cir cular explains: WASHINGTON LEAGUE OF NEBRASKA REPUBLICANS. ADDRESS ALIi COMMUNICATIONS TO THE SEC HETARV, BOX 464, HOVSK OF HEl'UESENTA TIVES. Washington, D. C, April 20. Dear Sir: The friends of Mr. Dorsey have advised us of a combination against him, and ouv organ I za tion will at once make an earnest effort to de feat the scheme referred to. We explain to you the situation and desire that you advise us at once If you are with us in this fight. Certain men who are anxious to come to congress have commenced work to secure the nomination. They fear to ruu oi. their mcr its, but have begun to trade, offering a Judge. ship to this one, a land office to another, and postoffices ad libitum. Everything is to be parcelled out ana divided. borne or our friends who are in have been promised re tention and others asked to be neutral. You may ask how a republican can be re moved under the present administration This can bo done simply for cause or ineffi ciency, and of this the member of congress is judge. We want no change now, do you? If you are with us commence work at once Talk for our friend, Interest the editor of your paper if you can, and reply to any attack made. Ascertain the feelings of prominent republicans in your locality and give us the names of our friends. Win over all you can Ascertain the reason ot the opposion ol any promiuent republican and advice us. Write freely and keep us posted. E. I. Jensen, (Confidential.) Secretary The second paragraph of the above is aboul the cheekiest thing that ever was uttered. There isn't a member from this state who did not secure his place by exactly the methods described. They are the essence of the machine, and machine politics has dominated this state for years. They are exactly the means by Avhich Mr. Dorsey hopes to retain his nice place in Washington so ciety, and yet he denounces the men who have the same right to aspire that he has for using machine methods. This is the very apotheosis of a machine politician's impudence. "We want no change now, do you?" Isn't that re freshing? Who ever knew a depart ment clerk who wanted a change, un less from a low position to a higher one? We commend this circular and Dor sey's scheme to the Alliance men of the third district. Mr. Dorsey will find they will be "with him in this fight," and probably a neck or so ahead. Toiling Women. A shirt makers' strike! These work ing women, driven by hard poverty, be came desperate, and actually refused to work sixteen hours a day, making shirts at thirty-live or fifty cents a dozen. Unreasonable mortalsl It is impossible to live on these earnings; they are mere ly sufficient to starve on. The wolf is always at the door, whining for en trance, and the enfeebled toilers have scarcely strength enough to keep him back. This is a picture well worth our pondering. Philanthropjr may be puz zled to find a solution for the problem, and religion may feebly sigh that such a state of affairs can exist in a great christian city like New York; but facts are facts, and sooner or later they must be faced. Immeasurable wealth"on the one side, poverty as dark and hopeless as the pit on the other; the impossibilty of earning an honest livelihood and the temptation to lead a life of sin and plenty overlax each other. Then when the girl half starved and poorly clad, shivering Avith the cold and utterly friendless, surrenders to fate, we cry 'Shame!" deplore the infidelity of the times, and marvel that so many of our blooming youth betake themselves to evil ways. If tears can flow at human suffering, they will not withstand the sorrows of a shirt maker's life, but fall like heavy rain. Between the upper and nether mill-stone of fierce and ruthless competition these half-paid women are being ground thousands of them to powder. Their homes are but caricatures of what the word im plies dingy, dark, sunless, barely fur nished rooms, whose stove cries out for fuel and is fed so sparingly that heat is almost a stranger to it. They stitch, stitch wearily from day break until "flaky darkness" drives away the light, and tnen renew the monotonous labors in their unquiet slumbers. Can such things be and remain unnoticed? Well, such things are, and within pistol-shot of your own house. And not only this throng of shirt makers, but other throngs of both men and women are en- gaged in the hard battle of life, bearing urdens so great that a christian civili zation should come to their relief with reforms and new laws and more broth erhood and less indifference to our struggling fellow-creatures. .Yew York Herald. Thomas G. Shearman is writing a series of articles upon economic questions for the press. In one of them he compresses the whole tariff question, so far as it applies to New England manufacturers, into these preg nant sentences : "You have the capital, you have the labor, you have the skill, you have the experience to enable you to compete suc cessfully with manufacturers in any part of the world. But you have not the materials, and if you will not open your ports to free materials you must expect to decline." And he might of added, "you have not the sand, but prefer to whine as in fant industries, and suck government pap, rather than to pull off your coats and go into a manly fight for the indus trial supremacy which by every natural condition belongs to you." The Australian Ballot Law. We have ordered printed, in a con venient form for general distribution, the Australian ballot law, as passed by Massachusetts in 1881). I hose pam phlets Avill be sent post paid at the ex tremely Ioav price of $1 .00 per 1 00. To send them at this price wo were com pelled to order a large edition, and we hope our friends will take enough to give us our money back. don t want to make a cent on the work. But every farmer in the state should have this law. Attacking Leese. Charleston, Neb., April 2(5, 1800. Pimif Amjante: Tim York publican stated some three weeks ago that Attorney General Leese made it convenient to be absent from the meet ing of the inter state commerce com mittee at Lincoln, intimating that he pretends to be the farmcrs.and laboring classes friend, but at heart is a railroad tool. Will you please give us the tacts in the case and oblige many readers. 1 ours iraternaiy, A. P.. Sec. 478. The facts are that (Jen. Leese wau attendance constantly, and did ood service, until about the close of tin Ses sion. At this time his daughter was run over and nearly killed by a street car; but even after that he was in at tendance most of the time. Mendacious Lying. The Omaha Republican, in its issue of May 3d, in an editorial headed "Farm el's of Nebraska," says: "The mortgage phantasm has bcu effectually dissipated by the Republican and its contemporaries. The fallacy of the reports made by Burrows and hi disciples has been demonstrated again and again." Now we desire to say to the Omaha Republican that both the above state ments are square lies. No single mort gage, nor any phantasm of mortgages, has been dissipated by the Republican or any other paper. As to the reports al luded to, every official investigation made since the Alliance memorial was published has demonstrated that its statements were moderate, and did not equal the truth. Why don't the Repub lican and its contemporaries publish the official figures from Saline county? You can obtain them by applying at this of fice. Written for The Fahmkhs' Alli ance. The Use of Tobacco. While we as an association of popl. arc bound together in common for the furtherance of our material good, ht us attack the moral enemies which exist iu our midst, and strive to protect tin younger members of our community from the one evil of tobacco using, if it be too late for the older members to give up this next to the greatest evil of this country, for which millions of dol lars are yearly squandered. Let us consider the great waste shown in these figures taken from Prof. Rich ard T. Ely's work on political economy. "In 188G there were 74:1,4(10 acres of land devoted to the production of this weed, and the quantity of cigars, cigar-etts-and cheroots consumed Irthe American people .in 1880 reached ! tin enormous number of 2,821,77G,28..TTep rescnting an outlay on the part of the consumers of at least $140,000,000. In the year 1888 the number probably increased to over three billions, or over fifty for every human being iu the coun try. The tobacco that was consumed by chewing and in the form of snuff was, in 1880, 130,275,835 pounds, at a cost to the consumers of probably $70, 000,000. The indirect loss resulting from the use of tobacco is not so great, nor are its effects upon the consumers so disastrous, as is the case in the con sumption of liquors; but it is ut h'ast doubtful whether the enormons outlay shown by the above figures is compen sated by any increased happiness of the people.'" Again let us look at the moral as well as the financial aspects of the subject. A learned physician, after a long and' close observation of the cil effects of tobacco says: "If the t-vil ended with the individual who, by the indulgence of a pernicious custom, im pares his own health and impairs his faculties of mind and body, ho might lie left to his enjoyment, his foors parodist, unmolested. This, however, is not th case. In no instance is the sin of the father more strikingly visited upon th children than the sin of tobacco smok ing. The hysteria, the insanity, the dwarfish deformities, the consumption, the suffering lives and early deaths of the children of inveterate smokers bear ample testimony to the feebleness and unsoundness of the constitution trans mitted by this pernicious habit. Now for some of the practical appli cation of some of the points that belong to this subject which is a prevalent evil in our midst. Of course it is not the millions that the members. of this com munity squander but the quarters ot their hard earned dollars, and it is this that takes a great many little conveniences and comforts from the homes, and makes it a very selfish habit. Especially when an overworked woman stands up at home and makes a few pounds of butter for one of the "lords of creation" (r) to negotiate at the nearest country town for his beloved tobacco, as such a case has recently come under my observation. It is not a polite habit. We ladies are members of this lodge merely as orna ments, we infer, and if any one of us can come here and walk over this floor a few times without dooming our line feathers to utter ruin (and it takes the best of line feathers to make the majorit v of us ornamental, we admit) there will" have to be an amendment to our by laws prohibiting the chewing of tobacco dur ing these meetings. We think with a famous minister of our day that it is best to make the appli cation of this sermon ourselves.for if we tell our audience to go home and make a practical application of these remarks they would be sure to apply them to their neighbors and not themselves. Kate Causes. Locating Warehouses. The advocates of the perishable pro perty security plan for loaning money to farmers, go so far as to compute from returns of the census of 1880, how many warehouses each state would bo pntiti.i to in order to carry out the provisions oi m piuposeu law. witn present ue uression of nrioes tin ostim n -,.1.1 hold good for the census of tho present year as well. We find them figuring that a few western states would lie enti tled to the following niimlier- lllinnia 48; Ioyva, 41; Kansas, 42; Nebraska, 18; Minnesota, 26. Let any farmer imagine what relief, and what fae.ilities for ilnnneit f 1 - - - . ' 4 V V I'lU duce would be afforded when all tho noicters or such produce were obliged to concentrate it in 18 points for the wholo state of Nebrasks. or .at. 41 whole state of Iowa. Chicago Express. I