The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, May 10, 1890, Image 1

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Notica o Subscribers
Ab th eantost and cheapest racfevl notl-
5 ring subscribers of tht date of tfcf xpira
ons wr y'tli mark this notice TTitfc ti tiue or
red peri-cfl, ' on the $n at which their sub
cripMen lixpires. We will ee-nfi the paper
two vwlfs after expiration. If Tsot renewed
by Ua!tlae it will be diBcontlTreed.
Love and Detffh.
From the FrXich.
hrtV are tho lovers t , mad with their
Tfchted troth in the -let, "long- aj?o?
?TvT ;c to be true in the fne silly fashion
F- fr and ever, in Jo$Til in woe?
'LcaZ that is fiercest nVVAore than a flash is;
Only a moment toW-a and to kiss;
Vet every couple tir.'friinjfling- their ashes
Swear to forever tibiae in their bliss!
'h, that "Forever!'- Un oath unavailing;
Lovers, why ame'so fond and so bold?
' Why do ye breath t?".t with lips that are palirssr
Pledge it with 1f a ITiat are soon to grow c"u?
All of you swiftr. to nothing- are faring-,
Uriel' is your heaven, your hope but a breath;
Why in a inoimi.tof passionate daring
Tiirow down yoar ffajre in the presence of
Fond ones,
around you u strange voice is
Ever to all saying:
Heaven will-tfot hear
"Love, love and rlie!"
you nor save you from
Earth has no haven to which you may fly
Then without frrievinjr or foolishly eluding-,
Urave with this same love that maddens
you so.
Deep in the vastness of Nature abiding-,
Die since you must, dears, but love ere you
fro: Georg-e Horton.
A Frightful Accident,
An accident occurred at the smelt
ing works of Omaha at 4 o'clock Sun
day morning that may result in the
death of Simon Goralacheck, a role,
-who resides at Thirtieth and Walnut
streets. The man commenced work at
tho smelter two weeks ago, being em
ployed as a commm laborer, whose
duty it was to wheel away the pot3 of
molten metal after they had been
drawn from the furnaces. Sunday
morning, while wheeling one of these,
ho slipped and fell. In doing so the
pot tipped -over and spread about him,
burning his feet and hands until the
llesh dropped from the bones and spat
tering in his face and upon his body,
burning deep holes wherever it struck.
The poor fellow's cries, -which were
heartrending, were heard at the other
end of the department, and in a mo
meilo his fellow workmen were on the
epotbut not until he had been burned
almost beyond recognition. "Wild
with pain, the. poor fellow was put
: into a cab and taken to St. Joseph's
hospital. As he was being driven
along the street his agonizing screams
. caused the early risers, who heard
them, shudder and turn hastily away.
At the hospital the attending physi
cian was called and the burns dressed.
Though under the influence of mor
phine, he continued to writhe and roll
in his bed, moaning most piteously.
: Sunday night the physician said the
man would live, but that he would be
terribly disfigured and would be a
cripple, for, life, as his hands and feet
would have to be amputated, and that
probably, he would lose one and pos
sibly both eyes. . Goralacheck has a
-wife and four small children who are
in. destitute circumstances.
In General.
first national bank
in Burt
will ba opened
about Jnne 1.
The new land office at Alliance will
be ready for business about the 1st of
It is estimated that 300,000 trees
vore set out in Hayes county during
Arbor week.
The pension examining board of
Albion has been organized and is now
an working condition.
Schuyler Presbyterians have sub
scribed $3,280 toward building a
church to cost not less than $4,000.
The Omaha Paving and Tile com
pany will establish a mammoth paving
brick faetory at Louisville.
At Dakota Gity the G. A. Pv. post is
making preparations to appropriately
observe Decoration Day.
Maud Rhodes, a prisoner in the city
jail at Fremont, has made several at
tempts to commit suicide by hanging.
Several pigs and calves belonging to
J. H. Nicholson of Springfield, which
were bitten by a dog last week have
one mad.
Preparations on a large scale are
being made by the Hasting post and
W. It. C. to elaborately observe Mem
orial day.
Li. D. Higley of Lyons made two
little trips out in the haunts of prairie
wolves and scalped twenty-six, wrorth
$1 each,
Fillmore county has good prospects
of the heaviest fruit crop ever known.
Nemaha county will be short on
peaches but long on plums.
In anticipation of the coming county
seat contest, or foi some other reason,
two beautiful parks have been laid out
and plaated with trees near Lyons.
The Blair Republican thinks times
cannot be so very close in that county
when the farmers can plank down
about $5,000 in cash to start a granger
lumber yard,
A. Kloimest, a Jew peddler, who
Lss been doing busjn&g in the vicin-
ity of David City the past year, is
wanted badly, and if caught may have
considerable ?iouble.
The Ootftral Nebraska, Teachers
association, will hold a meeting at
Hastings, "May 10, at the high school
building. Some of Nebraska's most
prominent Instructors will be present.
TliiCTes broke into Connor & "Sin
clarr'e'law offico at Kearney and niter
readfcig chapter G7, general laws of
f 1881, stole two new pairs of pants, a
GleSn shirt and one pair of socks.
At Pawnee City a man named AVil
Jard has been sentenced to eighteen
M'-nonths in tho penitentiary for horse
j-stealing. The evidence showed him
rather weak minded.
Liieuteuant-GovernorMeiklejohn has
been busily engaged for the past two
weeks on the Jenkins ranch at Palmer
consigning nearly GOO tons of baled
hay for shipment to Omaha.
Fred Boschee, a Madison county
farmer, is six feet, nine and three
fourths inches in height asd weighs
about 205 pounds. He is a German
about thirty-years old and has lived in
the county since it was first settled.
Judge Appleget, .holding district
court at Auburn, after listening to in
formation filed against County Attor
ney Cornell, charging him with un conduct, ordered a citation
to show cause why he should not be
The Meteor.
Fobest City, la. , May 4, The meteor Been
yesterday in Northern Iowa fell eleven
miles north west of this place .in about the
center of Winnebago county. It fell in a
shower of fragments in a field mar whieh
a man waa plowing. The meteor had ex
ploded from the heat developed by the in
tense friction in passing through the air.
The pieces found range in siza from chunk
as large as a man's hand down to mere
pebbles. They are of meteoric organization
and are seared and blackened by teat. A?
similar showers are reported in other parts
of this section, it is thought that they were
all a part of that tueteor ttat startled peo
ple yesterday afternoon and buret with a
leui cxolosion like that of thunder.
Who Got It ?
New Orleans, La., My 4. The Pica
yune's Austin, Tex., special says: The
Farmers' alliance of Texas is in trouble and
some sensational developments are rumor
ed. In 1887 the leaders organized at Dallaa
an exchange, with a capital of a half mil
lion, the stock being taken by subordinate
lodges. The exchange lasted about two
years, during which time It is alleged that
nearly a quarter of a million of dollars was
squandered and there is nothing to show
for it but about $40,000 worth of property.
The farmers who contributed the money
are anxious to have an investigation and
will institute Buit to recover certain prop
erty in Dallas now occupied as an alliance
and commercial agency?
Instantly Killed.
Pittsbubo, Pa., May 4. This afternoon
while workmen were hoisting the statue
of "Justice," weighing four tons, to the
fifth story of the new government build
ing on Fourth avenue, the deriick broke,
letting the statue fall to the ground.
Thomas Carr, a laborer, was struck by the
falling derrick and instantly killed. A
large ornamental stone was broken ana
the side wall damaged. Tn statuo, how
ever, was uninjured by its fall of five
stories. The derrick was partly rotten
where the break occurred.
An Important Color Line Decision.
Bblttmobe. Md. , May 5. Judge Bond of
the United Stated circuit court rendered an
important decision yesterday in the case ef
Robert A. McGinn, a nesrro, who has
brought suit for damages against a steam
boat company. McGinn bought a first class
ticket from Baltimore to Milbeck, Va. , on
the steamer Mason L. Weems. In the
steamer dining saloon were two tables, one
exclusively for colored passenger?. McGinn
took his seat at the table intended for white
passengers and was requested to move. He
refused. The captain then requested the
white passer gers to occupy the other table,
which wa3 empty. They did si and McGinn
remained at tae first table. Judge Bond
decided that the steamboat company, al
though making a separation, had made no
distinction between passengers, the appel
lant being the only peison on board who
put an affront on the colored passengers.
Irrigation Matters.
Washington, May 6. The South Dakota
senators say that $350,000 will be appropri
ated at this session of congress for the pur
pose of beginning the the irrigation of the
arid plains of North and South Dakota,
Montana and the northwest, and that the
money will be used in boring artesian wells
in what is supposed to be the artesian basin
of ihat country. They eay that North and
South Dakota have already demonstrated
a sufficient artesian power to make not
only irrigation duu me artesian process
practicable, but that any quantity of power
for manufacturing purposes can be ob
tained by tapping the artesian basin. Sen
ator Moody says that the people Interested
in the irrigation of the arid plains will not
be content with a simple survey of the
country to be irrigated, but will demand a
sufficient amount of money to brgln work
on irrigation and will take a positien which
will mase it next to an impossibility to ao
complish anything in congress unless the
demand is granted.
The conclusion of tho sub-committee of
the house committee on irrigation to ac
cept Mr. Conn til's proposition to withdraw
from the market the basin lands which
Bupply basin irrigation for the arid plains
meets with general approval and there Is
very little doubt that it will take the form
of law. It is the purpose now ot congress
to protect settlers against corporations
which secure the water supply of the
country and make free irrigation an Impos
sibility. The government intends to enter
into the irrigation business itself and will
hold the water basins for that purpose.
California Crop Prospects.
San Feancisco, May 3. The Chronicle in
giving an estimate of the crop prospects
for California for this season says the state
as a whole shows a light decrease in the
yield of grain as compared with last year.
In fruit of all kinds there will be an enor
mous increase in acreage. Six thousand
new vines have been set out in Fresno and
1,000,000 orange trees have been set out in
Los Angeles county in the last year. The
fruit crop in the state will be the largest
on record.
Over a Hundred Persons Burned.
Loirdl'tt Point, Quebec, May 6. Over a
hundred persons suffered a horrible death
by the burning of the ineane asylum here
today. Their agonizing cries were heard
witfc horror by the helpless spectators.
The Cyclone's Work.
Gband Bfbby, Tex., May A. destructive
cyclone visited Salt Creek, Haod county,
Texas, yesterday afternoon. The residence
of L3e Rhodes, twelve miles from that
place, was blown down and of twenty per
eons in the house, Mies Delia CarmichaeL,
aged seventeen. May Carmichael, aged
twentv-one. and a little fcov of Mrs. Gibb3
were instantiy killed. Mrs. Rhodes
her twelve-vear-old daughter were
seriously inlured. Other childred
in the
hous were bruised.
At Fall Creek a little further south about
a dcz en houses were wrecked and many
persons injured. The damage to houses,
fences, crops and timber is very grea
At the little town of Acton on the line of
Perker and Eadd counties, four people
were killed and a number of others seri
ously injured. Many houses were demol
ished in that vicinity.
At Ebin -Creek, in Hood county, eight
persons were killed, four of whom be
longed to one family. Dr. Griffins. A
heavy hail storm prevailed throughout this
section doing immense damage to crops.
A Lietter From Ir. Emin Peters.
Beibmn, May 6. The Emia relief cDmmit
tse has received a letter from Dr. Peters in
which he says that he ascended the Tana
river and camped from November 16 to No
vember in the IMamoni mountainr. He
had f requent engagements with the natives
and defeated them. !He started for Victo
ria Nyanza on January 13.
Criapi Says He Will Resign.
Rome, May 6. The senate today, in the
debate on the charities bill, rejected the
clause providing for church expenses.
Premier Crispi thereupon declared that he
would resign in order to decide the ques
tion of the dissolution of the cabinet or its
reconstrrction under S;gnor Saracco. H's
announcement caused great excitement.
Spring Wheat Prospect.
Chicago, May 5. The Farmers' Review
crop summary says reports relative to
Epring wheat prospects are encouraging.
Seeding-is about over and in many places
the grain is up and making good growth.
Reports indicate a decrease of the acreage
in the states of Wisconsin and Dakota, Ne
braska slightly ircreased, Minnesota and
Iowa about the same as last year.
Gigantic Railroad Scheme.
Kansas Cm, May 5. A dispatch from
Ieaven worth, Kas., sayB: A big railroad
scheme, with millions to back it, is on foot
for a trans-continental short line from New
York to the Pacific coast The enterprise
is in the hands of a body of English capital
ists and American railroad men. The syndi
cate has been secretly at work far a long
time from .Leavenworth to Denver. The
route surveyed two years ago and known
as the Denver Short Litne and more recent
ly as the Leavenworth, Denver A, Utah
Short Line, will be used. This survey is
eighty miles shorter than anv existing line
of railroad now running to Denver. From
Denver to Salt Lake City, by a continuation
of this survey, two hundred miles is saved.
Stanley's Reception in England.
London, May 5. Th9 Prince and
Princess of Wales, the Duke aDd Duchess
of Edinburg, the Duke of Cambridge, the
Duke and Duchess of Teck, Prince and
Princess Honenlohe. the Duke of Fife, the
Bake of Arg-yle, the Comte De Paris and a
brilliant assemblage of leaders of all
classes were in attendance at the reception
given to Henry M. Stanley by the royal
geographical society in Albert hall tonight.
A procession headed by the Prince of
Wales and other royalties led Stanley and
his colleagues into the hall which was
packed. As they entered the assemblage
rose enmasse and applauded the explorer.
The president c-i the esciety welcomed
Stanley and his csmpanions and presented
them with medals, whereat was another
tremendous outburst of applause.
Mr. Stanley thanking the society on be
half of himself and his colleagues and pro
ceeded to narrate his adventures in Africa,
assisted by a huge chart, upon which he
traced his route. Carpers, he said, had
apked what was the utility of his expedi
tion. To them he would say that the gain
to humanity had been great. It hau
opened up a rich and productive region
and would enable the teaching of millions
of degraded human beings that in the veg
etable products of the country they would
find something of far greater value than
the flesh of their fellow creatures. "As a
Christian nation," he said, "we ought to re
loice that the few thousands of pounds
lent to this worK has rescued 4.0 people
from slavery, restored 290 to their homes
in Egypt and delivered Emin from a stag
nant state of impossibilities to active serv
ice with a friendly state.
All Ends Happy.
Chicago, May 6. The carpenter's strike
was finally settled today when representa
tions of the carpenter's council and new
bees carpenters and buildeis association
signed the agreement reached by the arbi
tration committee yesterday.
Morgan Knocked Out.
New Orleans, La., May 6. Tommy
Miller of Indianapolis and Tommy Morgan
of Chicago fought a twenty-six round
fight here last night for a small purse.
Muier won wren a knock-out Diow on
Morgan's neck.
Excitement in Wheat.
Chicago, May 3. Reports of rain through
out the northwest were among the causes
of a weaker opening in wheat yesterday
morning. The July option started in at a
very wide range, it being quoted at from
9Dc to 91c. It soon became settled and
sales were made at yjc and then up co
9;e, which was the price at the end of
the first fifteen minutes. At 11 o'clock the
excitement continued and a heavy trade
was done in that cereal. May was offered
at 92o early, but found no takers, and later
was quoted at 93a It eased off to 92Jc
and then was quoted at 93 o again. Tne
close on July wheat was 9JWc, but on the
curb the price went up to 91c. .
Spring Wheat Prospects.
Chicago, May 6. The Farmers' R9vlew
crop summary says: The reports relative
to spring wheat prospects are encouraging,
Seeding is about over, end in many places
the grain is up and making good growth.
i ne reports indicate a decrease of the acre
age in Illinois, Wisconsin and Dakota. Ne
braska is slightly increased. Minnesota
and Iowa are about the same as last year.
The Senate.
Washington, April 30. In the senate to
day the committee on foreign relations re
ported a concurrent resolution requesting
the president to negotiate with the gov
ernments of Great Britain and Mexico with
a view to securing treaty stipulations for
the prevention of the entry into the United
States of Chinese from Canada and Mexico,
and immediate consideration for it was
asked. The resolution went over till to
morrow and consideration of the customs
administrative bill was resumed.
Gray moved to amend she bill by insert
ine a provision giving the importer who is
dissatiefled the Hht to begin a common
law-suit in the United States circuit court.
This was discussed at length and the bill
was finally laid aside without action.
The conference report on the house bill
for a public building at Fremont, Neb. ,
was agreed to. The cos5 is fixed at $6J,
000, but there is no appropriation clause in
the bill.
Piatt's resolution for the correction of
the Oklahoma bill wai agreed to and the
senate adjourned.
Washington, May 1. In the senate today
Mr. Vest, from the select committee on
meat prodicts, made a report and accoxn
ied it with an explanation. Ha said that
the committee had investigated the sub
ject very f ally and had now reported four
measures for the consideration of the Ben
ate. The first was a concurrent resolution
asking the president to Inaugurate diplo
matic correspondence with the autherities
of Great Britain to bring about the repeal
or modification of the existing quarantine
relations with the United Kingdom. Txe
nezt measure was one providing for a na
tional meat inspection law and requiring
that all live cattle shall be lnspecteu jehen
reported ard alpo all cattle intended for
exportation and all meat Intended for ex
portation, Mr. Test stated that the repori
covered ebbut one hundred pages of type
written matter and he supposed it could
be printed in a few day?.
The house amendment to the senate bill
for a public building at Aurora, 111. , was
non-concurred in and a conference atked.
The customs administrative bill was
taken up. the pending question bei?g on
Mr. Graj's amendment secur'iig to ag
grieved importers the right to bring a com
mon law suit against the collector of cus
toms. Mr. Hiscock proposed an amendment to
the effect that th court in its discretion
may receive additional evidence and send
different questions of fact for taial to a
jary. After a long discussion Mr. Graj's
amendment was laid on the table by a
party vote. The bill went over until to
morrow, with the agreement that the sen
ate should proceed to vote on the bill and
the pending amendments at 4 o'clock to
morrow afternoon without further debate.
After an executive session the senats ad
journed. Washington, May 2. In the senate today
the committee on interstate commerce
presented a resolution on the subject of
American commerce by . Canadian iail
roads. Ordered printed.
Mr. Yest introduced a bill to amend the
interstate commerce act, stating that his
object was to place the express companies
under the provisions of that act, and asked
the attention of the interstate commerce
committee on the subject. The bill was
referred to ta at oommittee.
A message from the house with the house
amendment to the Benate dependent pen
sion bill was laid before the senate and tho
chairman of the oommittee on pensions
moved that the amendment be non-concurred
in and a conference asked.
Mr. Sherman suggested that the bill and
amendment be referred to the committee
on pensions, and it was done.
The customs administrative bill was then
taken up, the question being on Mr. Gray's
amendment to strike out of the fourteenth
section the words "except in cases where
in applications shall be filed in the circuit
court within the time and ia a manner
provided for in section 15 of this act" and
to insert a provision that whero congress
had not clearly and dlstinctlv declared the
classification cf any imported article, eta,
the lowest rates snail be levied and col
lected and the collector shall Inform the
secretary of the treasury for a report to
Atter a long d3bate Mr. Gray's amend
ment was rejected without division.
The discussion of the customs bill was
then resumed. At 4 o'clock the discussion
closed and the senate commenced to vote
on the - bill, which was passed yeas 35,
nays 18. Mr. Payne was tae only demo
crat voting In the affirmative.
The conference repor on the Oklahoma
town site bill was presented and agreed to.
After an executive session the senate
Washington, May 3. A number of bills
were passed, among them the senate bill
for the relief of Nathaniel McKay and the
executors of Donald McKay ; the senate bill
to amend the pre-emption homestead law,
providing for the selection of lands for
educational purposes in lieu cf those ap
propriated for other purposes; the senate
bill appropriating $15,000 for a farm for
the Indian training school at Pierre, S. D. ;
the senate bill constituting Cairo. 111., a
port of delivery in the district of New-
Orleans; the senate bill amsnding the act
to constitute Lincoln, Neb., a port of de
livery. At a quarter past four Mr. Harris Inter
rupted the proceedings and had read a
bulletin announcing the death of Senator
Beck. He moved the adjournment.
The motion was agreed to and the sena
tors and officials gathered around
Harris, expressing to each other their sin
cere sorrow at the sudden aeatnoi the man
so much loved and respected.
ingaiis instructed the assistant sergeant-
at arms to proceed at once to the railroad
station, ascertain the facts, make all
proper arrangements and have the senate
flag half-masted.
Washington, May 5. In the senate this
morning the formal announcement of Sen
ator Beck's death was made by Blackburo
Resolutions were adopted for the appoint
ment ef a committee to superintend the
funeral services in the senate chamber to
morrow at 1 o'clock and the senate then
The presiding efficer announced the fol
lowing committee to attend the funeral
and hava full charge of the arrangements
Senators Blackburn, Harris, Vance, Kenna,
uawes, .uvarts and Manaerson.
The House.
Washington, May L In the house todav
the committee on rates reported a resolu
tion for the immediate consideration of
diiis reported irom me jaaiciary com
mittee in the following order: The senate
bill relating to trusts; the house bill re
lating to copyrights; the house bill relat
ing to bankruptcy, and such other bills as
the cemmitteo may call up. This order is
to be in force today and tomorrow. The
resolution was adopted and the house pro
ceeded to consider the senate bill to pro
tect trade and commerce against unlaw-
rui restraints and monopolies. This is the
measure known as the "anti-trust bill."
An amendment by Mr. Bland, making
uniawiui any ceniracc or agreement to
prevent competition in the sale or pur
MAY 10, 1890.
chase of any commodity transported from
one state to another, was adopted and tV.e
bill passed with only one single negative
Mr. Adams of Hlinois called up the inter
national copywright bill and explained its
provisions. Without action the house ad
journed. ,
During the debate Mr. Cannon an
nounced that the tariff discussion would
begin next week.
Washington, April 30. After the reading
of the journal the house proceeded to vote
upon the passage of the bill for the classi
fication of worsted cloths as woolens. The
bill passed yeas 133, nays 0. the speaker
co.-.ntirg a quorum. Tae bill cuthorrzss
the secretary of the treasury to classify as
wcolen cloths all imports of worsted cloth,
which are known unSer the name of worst
eds! or diagonals or otherwise
The conimitcee on rules reported a tceo
lution providing for the Immediate consid
eration of the senate dependent pension
bill, to which the Morrill service pension
bill may be ordered ai a Eubstitute, the
previous question to be considered as
ordered at 4 o'clock.
After considerable opposition to the bill
an amendment was agreed to upon the
Morril bill reducing the age of limitation
irom sixty-two to sixty years.
Tne MorrH bill was agreed to as a substi
tute bill yets 103, nays 71.
Mr. Yoder moved to recommit the blil
with instiuetions to the committee tore-
port back a per diem pension bill. Lost
48 to 161.
The fe nate bill af amended by the substi
tute was then passed 179 to 70, amid loud
The house then adjourn ea.
The bill authorizes the secretary of the
treasury to plce on the pension roll the
name of any o fticer or enlisted man of six
ty years or ever who served ninety days or
mere in the war and who shall have re
ceived an honorable discharge, said pen
sion to cemmence from the date of applica
tion and continue during life at the rate of
88 per month- All persons who served
ninety days or more and who were honora
bly discharged and are now or may here
after be Buffering from mental or physical
disability shall upon due proof be placed
upon the list of Invalid pensioners at $8
per month. The bill also provides a pen
sion for tho widow of any soldier when she
shall arrive at sixty years or be withou
other means of support.
Washington, May 2. A resolution was
adopted setting apart Saturday Jane 14, for
the delivery cf cu'egies on the late Samuel
J. Randall of Pennsylvania.
The house then resumed consideration of
the coiyrJght bill. The bill was discussed
all the afternoon and some amendments
were adopted. A vote was finally taken on
engrossment and the third reading of the
bin wrs defeated yeu 93, nays 196.
U3f ore the announcement of the result
Mr. Breckenridge of Kentucky, who voted
in the affirmative, changed his vote to the
negative for the purpose of moving a re
Mr. Hopkins of Illinois moved to lay the
motion on the table and Mr. Adams of Illi
nois moved to take a recess. A vote was
taken on the recess motion and it was de
feated, but as the hour of 5 o'clock had ar
rived the chair declared tha j under the
rules the house was in recess until 8
o'clock. The motions to reconsider and t o
lay the motion on the table go over until
The house at the evening session passed
seventeen private pension bills and ad
Washington, May 3. The house went in
to committee of the whole on the diplo
matic and consular appropriation bill.
After a long debate the committee arose
and the bill was passed.
The joint resolution w."3 passed appro
priating $1,000,000 for the improvement of
the Mississsippi river from the head of the
passes to the mouth of the Ohio river, such
sum to be immediately available.
The conference reports on the pudiio
building bills for buildings at Ashland,
Wis., (limit SK 0,U0J) and Cedar Rapids, la.,
Umlt Sl5'.i,00l) were agreed to.
The conference report on the Oklahoma
town site bill Yias presented, but no action
was taken and the house adjourned.
Washington, May 5 In the hsuse this
morning a number of bills were passed
and the conference report on the Oklahoma
bill was agreed to.
The formal announcement of the death
of Senator Beck was made this afternoon.
The speaker appointed the following con
gressmen to take charge of the zucerai
arrangements on the part of the house:
Messra Breckenridge, Halmany, Blount,
Bland, Hatch, Wilson of Kentucky, Banks,
Dannel and Butterworth.
The house then adi turned.
Pension Outlook.
Washington, May 6. The pension com
mittee of the senate will meet tomorrow.
when it is expected the Morrill bill, which
passed the house last week a? a substitute
for the senate dependent pension bill, will
be considered and the measure put in form
for a conference committee. I asked
Chairman Morrill of the house committee
today how much time would be required
for the conference committee to complete
its work. He said that after the confer
ence committee once be gan business there
would be little, if any, deliy. He did not
anticipate any prolonged discussion of the
matter, but expected the conferees on the
part of the two houses to easily agree upon
a bill which would meet tho approval of
the senate and house, and that, in his
opinion, the president's signature will be
auaohed to the bill within the next four or
five weeks. A careful canvass of several
other prominent members of tho house
pension committee developed the fact that
they all expect to see an early agreement
on tee pension queetion and that not more
than four or live weeks at the very
farthest will be required to get the meas
ure before the president for his approval.
The Morrill bill as . passed by the house,
piovides for an additional expenditure
above the regular pension appropriations
of about $50,000,000 a year, while the sen
ate bill only calls for an extra outlay of
830,000,000. The disagreement between
the two branches of congress is not, how
ever, over the question of expenditure.
Senator Davis, chairman of the committee,
says that he expects to see in the pension
measure when it comes out of the confer
ence committee a clause providing for de
pendents, and thinks the bill will involve
a somewhat larger appropriation than the
Morrill servicd bill.
Hill's Suggestion.
Albant.IN.' Y. ,'May 6. Governor Hill to-
day sent ithe legislature a message sug
gesting a change in the method of con
tested elections. He suggests the passage
of a concurrent resolution submitting to
the people an amendment to the state con
stltution which will take from each house
the power of judging its own election and
confer the jurisdiction upon the courts.
He would also recommend such action on
tho part of the legislature as is likely to
brine the fiubiect to the attention of con
gress with a view of securing ultimately a
similar amendment to the federal consti
tution. "This," says the governor, ."would
compel contests to be deciaea upon meir
own merits and relieve legislative bodies
from the standing temptation to da in
A JLabor Leader's Warning.
Washtnoton, May 3. Ralph Beaumont
chairman of the national legislative com
mittee of the Knights of Iabor, has writ
ten to Msjor McKinley a letter criticizing
the pending silver bill. Beaumont says,
in part: "Oa what ground of equity and
justice dees your party decide to confer
legal tender powers to those certificates
for tho purpose for which national banks
desire to use them and refuse the farmers
and business men of the country the same
privilege." Beaumont then recalls the
discrimination between the trade dollar
and the standard dollar and asks: "What
is to hinder, under this bill, these same
bankers from discriminating against this
note, as it i only legal tender for certain
"This bill creates money for the bankers
and notes for tho farmers. It ia not notes
the farmers are ia need of. They are al
ready burdened down with notes. It Is
money they want with which thsy
may liquidate their indebtedness to
their bondsmen. I insist, sir, that
if you, as the leader of tho house,
let this measure pass creating
theee certificates without conferring upan
them full legal tender power to enable
theeo overburdened farmets to meet their
obligations you are guilty of committing a
wrong and mark it, it is one that both you
and your party will have to atone for in
the coming congressional campaign. These
over-burdened tillers of the soil aro in no
mood to be trifled with. They are desper
ate. You, as the leader of your party in
the house, are on the point of pressing a
measure through the huise known as tho
tariff bill, which you say is to protect the
tillers of the soil from ruinous competition
from abroad. Let me again, I beg, warn
you that since the last campaign, which
was fought out upon this issue, these same
tillers of the soil have come to the conclu
sion that during that campaign they were
laboring under a delusion and have come
to the lurther conclusion that it is not
from competition from abroad that they
are suffering, but on the contrary it is from
legal discrimination against them in the
interests of corporate wealth by just euoh
unfair legislation as is contained in this
The Irrigation Commission.
Hukon, S. D., May 3. Tho United States
irrigation commission went to. Hitchcock
this afternoon to examine the artesian
well there used to operate a large mill and
irrigate a firm of 163 acres. From there
they go to Jamestown to or-anfza field
agents for North Dakota, returning here
in ten daya Colonel Nittleton believes
the investigation here gives tho commis
sion the key to their work throughout the
artesian basin and regards the disclosures
as very important. Prof. Hay, chief
field geologist. Major Coffin, stato engi
neer of irrigation, and D. S. McCoslln, a
prominent geologist, visited Wesslngtou
Hills, twenty miles southwest of here,
with a view to ascertaining the strata
yielding the artesian supply. They dis
covered a large bed of roc's suitable for
making a fine quality of hydraulic cement.
Samples wero secured and will be sent to
Washington with a full report of tho find,
whicn Prof. Hay regards as very valuable.
The discovery creates some excitement
here and samples will be sent to experts
for examination. .
A Mean Trick.
Indianapoijs, May 3. The railroad con
ductors' association is smarting under the
wholesale discharge of its members by the
lines centering hero. Nearly all the men
discharged were Masons of the thlrry-see-ond
degree, and it is claimed that their
discharge was brought about by a fellow
Mason of the same degree, who travelled
over all the roads and succeeded in getting
transportation by giving the Masonic sign
of distress. He proved afterward to be a
spotter and reported every man who
showed him a favor. The discharges fol
lowed. A Heroic Mother.'
Plainfield, N. J.. May 3 John H. Rein
mann, a German farmer living on the out
skirts of North Piainfield, made a murder
ous assault upon his wife and children
Monday night. In a fit of despondency he
tried to cut his own throat with a razor.
When his wife attempted to - prevent him
he turned on her, seized her by the head,
put it under his arm and bent it' back,
seemingly with tie Intention of decapitat
ing her. The woman fell to the floor in a
swoon and the husband left her. Re inn? arm
then made a dash for one of his children.
but the heoric mother struggled with him
and after a despeiate fight she d
in saving the child,
Early yesteraay morning Keinmann told
bis wife that he was going to kill John
Wendell, his brother in-law. He harnessed
a horse, put an axe and a spade in the Wag
on and compelled the woman to accom
pany him, saying he wanted her to attend
the funeral. When Wendell's house was
reached Reinmann stopped at a lonely spot
on the road, tied his horse to a tree and
commanded Ms wife to alight from the
wagon. I a the nick of time two of the
madman's brothers sprang from a clump
of bushes, overpowered him and brought
him back to the city, where he was declared
insane and committed to the insane asylum
at Norristown.
Our Immigration Problem.
Washington, May 3. A joint meeting of
house and senate committees on immigra
tion was held
Representative Owen, chairman of the
houae committee which investigated the
subject at New York, made a statement
The inspection of Immigrants at Castle
Garden he pronounced a farce and said tho
immigrants were fleeced by boarding be use
harpies. The observation of immigrant
fncials is that the undesirable element Is
increasing. Italians are coming in hordeB,
without money and without-clothes, ex
cept what they wear or carry in bags.
Owen said that Italian bankers in this
country send agents to Italy to solicit the
natives of that country to come to America.
Those agents swindle the Italians, charg
ing them as high as 89 for a ticket from
Naples to New York, the price of which is
$26. Arriving at New York they go
to a boarding house kept and con
trolled by these Italian bankers, and
thence are sent out to labor under
contracts made by the bankers or
padroned, with employes. If their pay ia
fixed at 81.25 per day tho padrones take 25
cents, besides they furnish a shanty in
which the men live while at work and have
a man in charge of that. The Italians are
timid and superstitious, so that it Is impos
sible for Americans to get at them. With
in the past eight years they have about en
tirely supplanted other races in the ranks
of unskilled laoor in New York city.
In one square mile in New York city there
are 270,000 people8,000 more than in any
other square; mile on the earth's surface.
These people speak in foreign language
Italian)., observe foreign customs and are
surrounded by a Chinese wall over which
they never come and over which no Amer
ican can go. '
Mr. Leihlback expressed the opinion that
the contract labor law In its present form
was a farce.
NO. 47.
Senator Beck Dead.
Washtnoton, May 4. Senator Back drop
ped dead at the Union dept. yosterday. Ho
had Just, arrived from New York.
An International J-tiite.
Chicago, May 6. Accord inj to ihs pre
dictions cf the etcckyarda coopeis there i
a probability cf their cause bclsg taken up
by theEagiieh deck laborcTs.andthe fiikc '
becoming international. Ala meeting ot
tho Brotherhood of United Labor today a
committee was appointed to communicate
with John Barn, the Eogll?h labor lea i?rv
and to request h'm to order the Eoglifeh
longshoremen not to handle any beef cr
other products shipped by Chicago house.
The committee Fays Barns ha taken great
Interest in tho cause ot the men at the
yards. The men in ou open letur say that
by the terms cf their agreement, tUned
alter the great strlko ot lbHS, they aro eub
leotto difcharge without warninr, while
in case of quitting they must give two
weeks' notice or forfeit ten days' pay.
which the employers withheld. Sometime
they say they are only given two or three
days' work per week, but are ecnipellc 1 ta
remain or loso their forfait inocfv. Tfcry
are compelled to work Sundays. If a man
is two minutes late in the mornirg he Is
docked an bout's pay, but If the work in
iinithed before tho cioee of tho day he U
not paid ior a full day,
With Imposing Ceremonies.
St. Louis, May 4. The new St Louis
merchants' Kridgo was formally opened
yesterday with Imposing ceremonies. Tho
river was dotted with crafts of 11 kinds,
while tho banks were lined with thou
sands of people. A special train bearirg
Governor Francis of Missouri and hi tuff,
Secretary of tho Interior Noble, the efn
rers of the Merchant.' Bridge and Terminal
Railway company and the invited guent
was met in the centre cf the bridge this
afternoon by another traiR bearing Gov
ernor Fifer of Illinois and his tff sail
many prominent Illlnolanp. The two
KOvtrnorR met acd clasped band rn the
centre fpon amid the plaudit cf the on
lookers, the screaming of thistles ud the
booming of cannon. The Fpeelal train
then crossed to the M'ssrun Bide, where
addresses were made by Governors Fifcr
and Frarcis corgratulating their respec
tive states upon tho new link wrtch
bound them more closely together. Fol
lowing the ceremony at the bridge came tk
grand parade. Lit night a batqatt wm
held at L'ndell hall.
Kansas County Sent War.
ATivooD, Kan., May 3 The county seat
war between Atwood end 15 lake ma ia
ended. Official notice was received here
today from the supreme court that the can
would be dismissed on the opening of
court next Tuesday. Speculators are al
ready making a grand rush for choice busi
ness and residence lots.
Hardy Kloters.
Bab;elona, May 3. Riotous strikers held
complete possession of this city yesterday
for a short time. Placards have been scat
tered broadcast urging strikers to pillage
the city. Mounted police charged tho titt
ers, but the latter resisted aud attacked the
police, finally compelling them to retire.
Ia the evening three regiments arrived la
the city and the governor issued a procla
mation threatening death to any of the
strikers who Interfered with the men wish
ing to work. The mob became cowed at
the firm attitude of the authorities and the
presence of military and slowly dispersed.
At noon today, notwithstanding the fear
that further trouble was imminent, the
Eublic market opened a usual and a num
er of workingmen went b8ok to their em
ployment This morning the anarchist
are actively engaged in attempting to
foment trouble and the have ca'led a meet
ing for SuLday. They declare the tim
bos arrived for the beginning cf a cociol
If all the reports are true Horn as Ij.
Kimball, a prominent o fiieial of the
Union Pacific railway, should investi
gate affairs near Riverside, says the
Fremont Tribune. He has a herd of
450 head of cattle on tho farm there
which are said to be actually drying up
and blowing away enduring slow
death by starvation. About thirty head
are said to have died already and ihu
remaining are but shadows.
Payment Suspended.
Philadelphia, May 2. The Bank of Amer
ica has suspended payment. The news of
the suspension did not occasion much sur
prise, as it was known in certain quarters
that there had been a heavy drain on the
institution all day. The branch offices in
the different parts of the city were shut up
simultaneously with the closing of the
main house. There are twelve of theee
branches scattered over the outlying dis
tricts and the deposits are said to amount
to $700,000. The bank is clocely allied to
the Insurance Company of America and
other financial institutions of this city, and
th bank's suspension, which is said to be
only temporary, was due to rumors set
afloat to affect the credit of McFariard of
the insurance company.
A Prominent Illinoieau Dead.
Chicago, May 5. Ex-Lieutenant Gov
ernor Andrew Shuman died suddenly in a
down-town hotel this evening. He hax
for many years been the managing editor
of the Evening Journal and was highly
CATTLE Butchers' steers, .$2 75 03 50
Cows 2 CO (2.3 50
HOGS Fat 8 t,5 (IS i5
Blockers 3 25 3 50
SHEEP 3 Oil 33 5
WHEAT No. 2 spring. 5"J (& GO
OATS No. 2 11 ($ 15
BYE No. 2 25 $ 27
CORN No. 2, new 15 is
APPLES Per bbl 3 75 Jii 00
HAY Prairie, bulk. 3 50 (&
Omaha, Nr p.
CATTLE.... $3 IX) ($4 25
Cows 1 75 33 5
HOGS Fair to heavy 392 (1 OU
Mixed 3W g3 l&
Chicago, Iix.
CATTLE Prime steers $3 CO r. ( O
Stookers and feeders. 2 85 ($3 65
HOGS Packing 4(0 4 20
SHEEP Natives 00 &5 25
Eakbas Cm, Mo.
CATTLE Corn fed $3 2d fai W
Feeders 2 40 (3 SO
HOGS Good to choice S 75 3 W5
Mixed S 3 69