The farmers' alliance. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1889-1892, May 03, 1890, Image 2

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- NeDfaska.
J. BURROWS, : : : Editor.
J. M. THOMPSON, Business Manager.
" In the beauty f the lillies
Christ was born across the sea,
With a glory in his bosom
That transfigures you and me.
As He strove to make men holy
Let us strive to make men free,
Since Cod is marching on."
Julia Ward Howe.
' Laurel crowns cleave to deserts,
And power to him who power exerts."
A ruddy drop of manly blood
The surging sea outweighs."
He who cannot reason is a fool,
He who will not reason is a coward,
He who dare not reason is a slave."
Additional Twine Arrangements.
The Alliance State Agent has perfect
ed additional arrangements in regard to
twine by which he is now enabled to
furnish members sisal, standard mauilla
and pure manilla,in addition to the jute.
This makes the Alliance of Nebraska
absolutely independent of all combina
tions in regard to twine. It is neces
sary that all estimates should le in by
May 25th, as the Agent is compelled to
have his orders in, under this new con
tract, by June 1st. So MAKEUP YOUR
will be sent to Secretaries, giving prices
and full information, in a few days.
Let us Have an Understanding.
It will be well for politicians and
newspapers outside of the Alliance to
understand that they cannot mould or
dtctate its policy, political or otherwise.
It has a very well-appointed machinery
for ascertaining the wishes and opin
ions of its members, and it has a very
'well-arranged S3'stem for carrying those
wishes into force. The interference of
politicians and the impertinence of the
daily press are insulting to the society,
us well as extremely unwise. Gen.
Van Wyck advises the Alliance to
transform itself into a political party at
once. The fee in a column of double
leaded editorial, combats this proposi
tion, and loads the Alliance with ad
vice of a contrary character. The dem
ocratic press, led by the World-Herald,
favors the new party idea. The
plain motive of all is to capture the
.Alliance in their own interest. Now,
rvc wish to have it distinctly under
stood by all that no capturing will
take place. The Alliance will not be
used by any politician or party. An
apparent effort to use it will be ex
jtremely injurious to the person or party
making it. It will carry out its own
policy in its own way, and will not be
made a cat's-paw to pull anybody's po
litical chestnuts out of the lire. We
might add, that in the light of its recent
course, advice of any character to the
farmers of this state comes from the Bee
with exceedingly poor grace.
The True Policy of the Alliance.
Great interest has been manifested in
the probable policy of the State Alliance
In relation to political action. Many
persons, not understanding the charac
ter of the society, have supposed that it
'was purely political in its aims, and that
it is practically a new political party.
3VIauy others, among them many mem
1kh"s. not being able to distinguish
between political purposes and partisan
organization, think the Alliance should
Tx? at once changed into a political party,
and enter the arena of politics as such.
These men would adopt a means to
-secure their ends which would un
doubtedly defeat them, and at the same
time distroy the Alliance as a non
partisan organization.
It is certainly the true policy of the
Alliance to see to it that the members of
the next legislature are selected from
its own members. The dominant in
terest of this state is agriculture, and
this interest has a right for once to have
a legislature that shall fairly represent
it. It is also for the same reason the
!true policy of the Alliance to secure
members of congress from the same
class. The farmers of this state have
never been represented in Wash
ington. Turn about is fair play. It is
simply disgraceful for a state of this
kind to send to congress mere mediocre
land agents, bankers, speculators and
professional politicians, such as now
make up its delegation. - It is the duty
and the true policy of the Alliance to
-reform this matter. What is the best
and most practical method of doing it?
First, let us ascertain exactly what we
want. What is it? It is men who will
honestly represent our interests and
secure legislation to promote them.
Honesty, integrity, capacity these are
"the qualifications we have to consider.
and the only ones. As to political
partisan belief, it is absolutely inima
lerial. Our legislature makes no laws
on the tariff, and that is the only issue
on which there is ashadoAV of difference
vietween the republican and democratic
parties. But on living economic ques
tions, which are of transcendent im
portance, your representatives should
have positive and correct views. They
should understand the money question,
and should not be under the control of
the money power. They should under
stand the labor question, and be willing
to give to labor the proceeds of its toil
The next question is how to. select
these men. This is the way to do it
from this time on consult in your Sub
ordinate Alliance as to the men you
want for members of the legislature
Come to an agreement on the matter,
and at your next County Alliance com
pare votes with the delegates from your
county, and agree there upon your men
if you can. ' Where there are several
counties in your district appoint conference-
committees from your County
Alliance, and hold a conference for
your district. Having agreed upon
your men, take the most effective
agencies at hand to get them into the
legislature. You have a right to secure
their nomination by any party you can
induce to endorse them, if you wish to
do so. You have a right to run them as
independent candidates if you prefer
that. You have a perfect right to vote
for and elect them without the formali
ty of any nomination, if that suits
you better. In either case let the
Alliance endorse them, and have a care
in all cases to select men of such char
acter as will command the respect and
suffrages of men of all parties.
Where professional politicians, rail
road tools or political strikers are placed
in nomination, ignore such nominees at
once, and bend every energy to elect
the men you have selected.
When it becomes necessary to call inde
pendent peoples' conventions let all men
participate in the selection of delegates.
Do not call a convention of delegates to
be sent exclusively by Alliances. The
reasons for this are obvions and many,
and need not be here stated.
Now, whatever you do locally, do it
altogether. Let majorities rule in your
counsels. United, you can gain all.
Divided, you icill gain nothing.
It is not our purpose at this time to
outline a policy for state action. When
the state at large is considered the ele
ments are entirely different. The same
plan that can be successfully applied in
a county may not be applicable in the
state. But upon one thing let us fully
determine, that is not to vote for any
man for any state office who is not
wholly in sympathy with the objects of
the Alliance. The railroad power,
which dominates the republican party
at this time, and bids fair to continue to
do so, will not nominate such men.
The democratic party may do so, and
it may not. About this we have this to
say: If such men are nominated men
who are absolutely Known to be sound
and true on Alliance questions, on the
transportation question, -the money
question and the, labor question, and
who have a character and record that
gives assurance that they will remain
true, we will support them. If not, not.
We Avill support ho man because of his
party affiliations. The people are
fatigued by this endless partisan fight
between two parties neither of which is
on their side, and both of which will be
equally the tools of the money and cor
poration power when they get the offices.
Any movement of the people, to be
useful as a rebuke to party corruption
and a repudiation of machine politics,
must be non-partisan, spontaneous and
general. While republicans cannot be
coaxed or driven into voting the demo
cratic ticket, and while democrats can
not be lured into the republican camp,
they will both join in a movement to
destroy the railroad power in Nebraska
politics, to demand reform in our
national financial system, relief from
oppressive tariff taxation, honesty and
economy in all government affairs, and
the elevation of pure men fresh from
the people to state and national offices.
It does not seem that the people of
Nebraska need another demonstration
of the determination of corporate power
to hold its clutch upon the production
and industry of the state. But if they
do, they probably will not have long to
wait. So wait. Let the grass grow. Any
premature step by a few extremists who
think a new party is a cureall for our
financial and economic ills will be worse
than useless. It will be mischievous in
the last degree. New parties are not
made by resolutions. They grow upon
ruins. Provide the ruins, and . the time
will then be ripe to train the new
growth. Time is doing good work.
The seeds are being planted. The air is
full of moral dynamite that will explode
in the fullness of time.
In the meantime let every Alliance in
the state at once appoint a canvassing
committee composed of members from
every party. See that every man in
your precinct and vicinity who is not a
member is talked with by one of his
friends. Is he a democrat, send a dem
ocrat to him; a republican, send a re
publican to him; a prohibitionist, send a
prohib to him; a U. L. man, semi a U.
L. man to him. Gather them in gath
er them in! The Alliance should have
at least one hundred thousand farmer
members in Nebraska before the iilesof
Criminal Libel.
The B. f M. Journal has libeled Mr.
Burrows twice within a week. First, it
said he was boodled when he supported
John A. McShane for governor. The
Journal may have a good healthy libel
suit on its docket before Jong. It also
quoted somebody as saying that Mr. B
would be put in the pen for violating
the election law. Perhaps the Journal
had better try it on. If any of the rail
road crew thought they could get Mr.
B. in the pen, they would pounce on
him too quick. The election law alluded
to is an infamy, passed by a railroad
gang under republican colors who were
afraid ot independent voters. " It will be
repealed next winter.
But the unkindest cut of all was when
the B. & M. mouthpiece said that Mr
Burrows did not make his Gage county
farm pay. This is a. vile lie, and the
worst libel yet uttered. J. B. takes
special pride in his success as a farmer
and he is no slouch as an editor either,
if the Omaha Republican is to be be
lieved. , .
Kearney County Alliance.
Bro. W. O. Dungan sends a list of
subscribers and writes: The work goes
bravely on here. The organization of
the County Alliance was a complete
success. President Powers of the State
Alliance was present and rendered val
uable assistance.
To the Women of America Eepecially
the Women of the W. C. T. U.
Ladies, do you know what is being
done to your little boys? We see in the
papers occasional mild protests against
cigarette smoking by children mere
boy infants. How common it is to see
these boys little fellows, six, eight or
ten years old with the inevitable cigar
ette between the ruby lips which their
mothers may have kissed only a few
minutes before. These mild newspaper
articles tell them that cigarette smok
ing is injurious that it weakens their
nervous systems and affects their brains
that it makes them smell bad and
grow idiotic, and that no great man
smokes cigarettes. But we have seen
none of these notices that have told the
whole truth, the damning truth that
ought to send every guilty manufac
turer of cigarettes to a penitentiary.
We propose to tell it and we want to
tell it to the mothers, and to the women
who are organized into great reform so
cieties tor the extirpation of drunken
ness and crime. For it cannot be that
they know, and still that there is no
terrible outcry raised no shriek of hor
ror no rush to save the boys. It
seems to us that if they really knew
what is going on vinder their very eyes
half of them would be maddened to
such nn extent that they would start a
crusade against the vile business that is
polluting their innocents and sowing
broadcast the seeds that will ripen in
dissolute and immoral lives. Cigarettes
are put up in little attractive looking
boxes. Large numbers of these boxes
contain, hidden under the cigarettes,
immoral pictures. These boxes are
bought by our little fellows often by
chipping in their pennies together, and
the pictures are seized upon and gloated
over. Cigarettes injurious,- indeed!
Cigarettes bad for their brains! It is
their lives that are being blasted by this
early appeal to their animal natures
it is their souls that are being spirited
away to hell. Think of it, mothers!
Here is a portal of the pit yawning
wide for your darling held open be
fore your very eyes by respectable tobac
conists manufacturers and dealers.
What are you going to do about it ?
Since writing the above we are in
formed that this matter has been agita
ted, and that there is now in force in
Chicago an ordinance prohibiting the
sale of cigarettes to boys under the age
of sixteen. But we repeat, we have
seen no allusion to it in the public
prints. But why stop at sixteen? Is
the boy at sixteen safe? On the con
trary, that is just the impressible time
when he needs a guardian most. And
vet, what can be done about it?
"Let the Galled Jade Wince."
Our article in The Alliance of the
19th entitled "Wanted, an Issue," seems
to have hit the Omaha Republican square
between wind and water. In its issue
of the 20th that paper comes out with
two editorials in reply, one quite gen
tlemanly in its tone, and signed by the
initials of the publisher, J. C. Wilcox,
the other by another party, w hich is un
civil and abusive, and substitutes un
warranted assertion for fact and insult
for argument. This article alludes to
"the utterly absurd and preposterous
assertions made by Van Wyck, Bur
rows & Company." Now this utterly
absurd concatenation invites a protest.
Mr. Burrows is not in company with
Mr. Van Wyck or any one else. He
does not know what assertions Mr. Van
Wyck may have made, and is in no way
responsible for them. But he would
respectfully invite the Republican to
quote verbatim some of his own "utterly
absurd and preposterous assertions."
And when such assertions are quoted
and verified it would be quite in order
for the Republican to criticise and refute
them. Until it does that, such talk is
mere vaporing and unworthy a digni
fied editor. Mr. Burrows has raised
no cry of "damn and down the rail
roads," and the assertion that he has,
without producing it, is cowardly and
undignified to say the very least. Mr.
Burrows has been eminently fair in
discussing the railroad question. After
some remarks he made last summer be
fore the board of transportation on the
subject of local rates, even John M.
Thurston felt impelled to compliment
him for his fairness, and did so gener
ously. But in its sympathy for the rail
roads the Republican has allowed Mr. B.
to grow on its imagination until he has
become a sort of one-eyed giant from
no-man's land ready to swallow a rail
road president without pinning back its
ears. So in its issue of the 22d it says:
"The Republican is in sympathy with
the Alliance; but not with J. Burrows
or C. II. Van Wyck. "Still harping on"
Van Wyck. J. Burrows isn't in need
of the Republican's sympathy. But it
had better be careful where it draws its
lines. The Alliance may consider sj-m-pathy
expressed in that way akin to an
Mr. Wilcox writes more like a gen
tleman. But his "sympathies," while
not so plainly expressed, crop quite as
broadly out. They are with the rail
roads overwhelmingly. He thinks the
Alliance should "delegate its best and
soundest men to consult with represen
tatives of the railroad interests," and
that "both should strive to cultivate
friendly relations, and should treat
with caution all such counsels as tend
to interrupt harmonious relations."
This might be excellent advice if the re
lations of the parties didn't happen to
be, under existing conditions, so ex
tremely unequal. Previous experience
in all such consultations is best illus
trated by the first line of an old song,
viz: "Won't you walk into my parlor,"
etc. But we are decidedly in favor of
friendly relations also of equality in
conditions; and when wre establish that
equality by electing Alliance men to the
legislature next fall, we'll have a quite
free and open consultation.
What "J. C. W." might mean by such
an excruciating figure of speech as
"screaming vampires" we are at a loss
to divine. Is he after Van Wyck too?
Mr. Wilcox considers prohibition as
"a purely religious question," and na
turally objects to its endorsement by
the republican party. Mr. W. has read
history to little purpose or not at all, if
he does not know that many of the
greatest political issues have been
"purely religious questions." . The cru
cifixion had religion and politics quite
intimately mixed. - Religion and poli
tics were in the cup of hemlock Socrates
drank. Mahomet mixed the two in
admirable proportions. From Julius
Csesar to Charlemagne and the Crusades
to Tamerlane, religion and politics were
jumbled in inextricable confusion.
From Charles V to the First Empire,
embracing the reformation, Henry VIII
and his illustrious daughter, the two
were never separated. The pilgrims
had a spice of both. They have come
down hand in hand from Buddha to
modern India in an unbroken line. , To
hear a modern editor objecting that a
question must not be made a political
issue because it is religious is amusing
to a student of history. But the repub
licans and prohibitionists must settle
this between them. The latter will ab
stain from putting up a state ticket if
the former will endorse prohibition,
and John M. Thayer will take prohibi
tion with a third term. It will be quite
interesting to see them swallowing each
other, and J. C. W. will have to take
his medicine if the railroads are suited.
From the Bee of Apr. 27.
Popped the Question.
For months that double-headed political
monstrosity, known as the World-Herald, has
been paying marked attention to the farmers.
The billing' and cooing, the sighing and woo
ing was not a mere passing fancy or an irre
sistible fascination. It was not an affair of
the heart, but a well matured plot to capti
vate the Farmers' Alliance by fulsome flat
tery and a hollow pretense of sympathy and
affection. At last the mysterious attachment
has culminated in a bold proposal in the fol
lowing terse language :
We propose a union of the two organiza
tions in this coming campaign upon the fol
lowing basis:
The Alliance to name and the democratic
party to endorse a state ticket, the democratic
party to name and the Alliance to endorse the
three congressmen, both organizations to
bend every energy to the election of the joint
ticket so formed.
This throws an electric light on those pa
thetic appeals and all the honeyed buncombe
which has been dealt out so liberally to the
Nebraska tillers of the soil. We now under
stand the object of all those soul-stirring
cartoons that were to arouse the brawny
toiler and intensify his discontent into an up
rising. "Come into my parlor, said the spider to
the fly." Is the Alliance willing to play fly for
the democratic spider? Are the republican
farmers of Nebraska gullible enough to play
cat's paw for the democratic monkey?
This is all irresistibly funny. The
fact is the Alliance don't care for either
of the old rakes. The Alliance is youth
ful and rosy and blooming. She may
dance with both of them, but she will
marry neither. The attention of politi
cians are getting fulsome, not to say dis
gusting. The Alliance is young but not
entirely simple. She knows her own
mind, and will carry out her own plans
with little regard to political hacks and
old party organs. . If the hyphenated
concern at Omaha thinks it can buy the
Alliance, or any of its real leaders, by
any such bold and corrupt bargaining
as it proposes, it will be undeceived in
good time. It might as well understand
now as later that the gentleman it is
consulting with does not represent the
Alliance nor any part of it.
The New Duties on Woolen Goods.
The McKinley bill raises the duty on
shawls from 88 to 135 per cent; on
blankets from 80 to 106; on felt hats
from 78 to 107; on worsted goods from
70 to 130, and on women's dress goods
from 68 to 106. This is the advance on
the cheapest goods belonging to each of
these classes. There is some advance
in the duties on the costlier goods, but
the percent is not nearly so much. This
increase of duties is made under the
pretext of protecting the American
wool grower. But in ninety-nine cases
out of a hundred his interests as a con
sumer greatly exceeds those as a grow
er. In Nebraska, for instance, if the
thing is fairly averaged up, our loss by
high tariff on woolen goods would be
$10 "to c every $1 we gain by protection
on wool. In 1887 our national imports
of cheap dress goods were 26,000,000
yards on which the duty wan $2,700,000,
which added to their dutiable value of
$4,094,000, made their cost $6,800,000.
Under the McKinley bill their cost
would be $8,300,000. This added $2,000,
000 is to be taken out of the pockets of
the very poor under the pretense of
helping the wool grower, while in fact
it only helps the already wealthy manu
facturer. A glaring inconsistency of the bill is
an ' increased duty on carpet wools
which are not grown in this country,
To even this up the manufacturer is
given a great increase on manufactured
To benefit labor which, by the way,
dosn't seem to concern this high tariff
outfit the materials upon which labor
may be employed should be made as
cheap as possible. It is perfectly obvi
ous that the cheaper raw material can
be obtained the larger will be the fund
to divide as wages. The consumer also,
who finally carries this whole burden of
taxation, is as little considered by Major
McKinley as is the laborer.
When the Alliance demanded that all
raw material be "put on the free list, it
took a sound position that will ultimate
ly be reached by the American people.
Gen. Van Wyck at David City.
Gen. V an Wyck addressed a large
meeting of farmers at David City on
April 24th,. On account of a necessary
trip to the east we were compelled to
make up most of our paper before the
address was received, so can publish
but little of it this week.
Gen. Van Wyck practically reiterated
and emphasised his former withdrawal
from the republican party, and advised
independent political action on the part
of the people. We give an extract:
"You remember our fathers, without
representation, were taxed a penny a
pound on tea, much less than is taken
from you every hour, in the day and
night. Ihey remonstrated, petitioned
and begged, just as you have been do
ihg, having the same experience no
results. Onlj one course was open, and
they saw and boldly entered it. Friends,
good friends, advised them to again
petition the crown, not to break with
the king, and pictured the dreadful con
sequences of rebellion, but they cared
not for such consequences. The king
was the cause of the wrong, but for
him the oppression had not existed and
there was no safety in further humilia
tion. They threw the tea in Boston
harbor, defied the sovereign and Ameri
ca was free. You can profit by their
example. Relief and safety lie in only
one path. Although friend, good friends
may advise you to again petition, beg,
remonstrate with that power, the ma
chinery, which if it did not create
could nave prevented your depression ;
you cannot depend upon them.
Parties, often so necessary in a re
public, sometimes become despotic and
need rebuking. In the nation you have
tried both; in the state your foitunes
have been allied to one. Year by year
you have been vainly hoping for a re
turn of justice, but all your "hopes like
dead sea fruit have turned to ashes on
your lips." You have demanded more
honest taxation, more stringent usury
laws and better enforcement, less extor
tion in railroad charges. At the ballot
box you asked for the abolition of the
transportation board.
Every petition was spurned in con
vention and legislature.
Knowing that further appeals to par
ty were useless in utter dispair you or
ganized for one purpose; a fair return
tor your products, the protection of
your families, the preservation of your
homes. You made it non-partisan, out
side and above all party organizations,
that men of all creeds and no creeds,
ignoring party lines and not intending
to assist or strengthen either of the old
parties could meet together and exer
cise their judgment and power at the
ballot box. For that object nearly
fifteen hundred Alliances have organiz
ed and fifty thousand farmers enrolled.
You have the strength already with the
elements that will fight with you to
sweep the state and carry triumphantly
nearly every county."
While we f ully coincide with Gen. Van
Wyck in his advice to the people to act
independently of party organizations,
we do not endorse his inference as to
the Alliance. If his advice at David
City was followed the Alliance would
be immediately transformed into a poli
tical organization, its nonpartisan char
acter would be destroyed, its assurance
that no political test of membership
should be made nullified, and its consti
tution trampled under foot. This action
would destroy the Alliance. Tt is not
necessary in order to give the Alliance
its full weight in the politics of this state,
and it will not be done. The recent con
ference of the County Presidents and
County Organizers of forty-three coun
ties settled that matter definitively, Any
continued advocacy of such a course
may excite antagonisms that would be
We have alluded to this subject of po
litical action in another article this Aveek,
under the caption of "the true policy of
the Alliance."
The Silver Situation.
The contest on the silver question has
reached the point of an agreement upon
a report by the senate and house com
mittees. Like all such agreements this
is a compromise, and entirely against
the men who wish to restore silver to
its old position as a matter of principle.
This compromise shows the dominance
of Wall sireet influence in the make up
of the committees, but it does not show
that final action will sustain the report
The "agreement is that notes may be
issued on silver bullion, redeemable on
demand in lawful money, the volume
of such notes at all times to be kept
equal to the cost of the silver bullion
purchased by them. This report if
passed into law, will make a market for
silver; but it is practically a defeat of
free coinage, and a victory for Windom,
Wall street and the gold standard. It
leaves silver more in the condition of a
commodity than it is at present; it does
not accept it as money, nor make the
certificates issued on the bullion a legal
tender. Senator Teller of Colorado
did not support the report, but gave
notice that when it came up in the sen
ate he should move to make the certifi
cates legal tender. But if such an
amendment should be adopted it would
still be a defeat for the free coinage
men. Silver would remain as now a
commodity, and not be returned as an
integral part of our money system. It
would simply be accepted as security
for the certificates issued by it, the
same as wheat or any other commodity
might be accepted.
We hope this compromise will be de
feated. We would fight for free coin
age to the very last, and if defeated
would let the gold bugs take the tempo
rary consequences, and renew the fight
at the next session. This is not at all
a question of providing a market for
our products. The fight is between the
men who want more money and those
who want less. It is a question of im
proving the market for all products or
of letting the depression continue, and
letting the money power through low
prices and forced sales scoop into their
coffers the balance of the wealth of the
nation. We may say to the free coin
age men, do not surrender. "Xever give
up the ship.'" Defeated now, if you are
to be defeated, you can renew the bat
tle to better advantage than after any
compromise. In the next fight the west
and south will have power to carry
their point.
Snipe and woodcock will be the fash
ionable game .birds in Chicago from
this time until after the world's fair.
They are little things with very long
bills, doncher know.
Sheriff Ray of Richardson county
sold nearly 100 farms under foreclosure
during the last two years in oflice al
most as many as had been sold before
since the countv was settled more than
thirty years before. Let Paddock write
another letter. Lincoln Herald.
To J. L. Vokiies we would say the
number of members of the Alliance in
Nebraska at this time is about sixty
Insanity, Suicide and Crime.
We invite our readers to recur to an
article in our last issue, by C. M. Clark,
giving some comparative statistics as to
suicide, insanity and crime. The facts
presented in that article are in the last
degree startling, and a remarkable fea
ture shown by them is the steady in
crease of these scourges of society with
the increase of debt and the concentra
tion of wealth in a few hands. Thus
from 1860 to 1880 the national debt in
creased from $3.01 to $22.30 per capita,
and from $40.36 to $278.77 per farm.
The number of insane in each million
of population increased from 765 in
1860 to 1,834 in 1880. The total num
ber of suicides increased from 491 in
1860 to 2,511 in 1880. The number of
millionaires in the country in 1850, two;
in 1880, 5,000 to 10,000
Is there no connection between this
appalling increase of insanity and sui
cide, and the corresponding decrease in
the volume of money? Can we say that
the increased nervous strain any faster
life of these latter days are alone re
sponsible for the increase of insanity
and crime? This nervous strain is the
result of the intense competition for
money, which has become intensified
just in proportion as money has dimin
ished and wealth and production in
creased. Men become crazed with
greed, and insane from failure, and sui
cide offers the only relief. How many
have observed the fearful increase of
suicide among farmers of late? Every
day every dajT, the pages of the daily
papers give an account of some new
farmer suicide. An editor grimly re
marked the other day that the farmers
seemed to be having a monopoly of the
suicide business of late. What causes
it? The concentration of wealth on the
one hand, the despair of debt and pov
erty on the other. And both have been
made possible by the perpetration by
the money power, through the agency
of congress, of unparalleled national
crimes. These were the two exceptions
on the greenback, the national bank
act, the contraction act, the credit
strengthening act, the demonetizing
act. Added to these, and coterminus
with them, was the squandering of the
land of the people upon soulless corpo
rations land grants, free gifts of the
only wealth that absolutely belonged
to the people, equal in extent to nine
states like Ohio, exempt from taxation
and withheld from homestead and pre
emption. These were all national
crimes, and the nation will go in sack
cloth and ashes before their effects shall
pass away.
The wealth that these crimes created
and concentrated now dominates the
nation dominates the land, the coal,
the machinery, the electricity domi
nates the functions of the government
and the taxing power. It is this domi
nation, and this alone, that is causing
the fearful increase in suicide, insanity
and crime, that is controlling our finan
cial system in the 'interest of the few
and driving the many to want and de
spair. We regret to observe a trilling deca
dence in the outward signs and symbols
of our brotherly contemporary the Lin
coln Herald. Has this any connection
with the "etc., etc." principle our friend
was alluding too awhile ago?
J. M. Sanford and the Grand Island Insur
ance Company.
Resolutions of School Creek Farmers'
Alliance No. 1271.
Wiiekeas, There is now one James
Sanford traveling through this section
of the state claiming to represent a
Farmers' Alliance insurance company,
and also claiming to be employed by
the State Alliance to address the Subor
dinate Alliances; and
Whereas, The facts show that the
Farmers' Union Insurance Co., which
he represents is not connected with the
Farmers' Alliance in any way or form,
and that he is not authorized by the
State Alliance or any other farmers'
Alliance to represent their interests;
therefore be it
Resolved, That we respectfullv request
that our state paper, The Farmers'
Alliance of Lincoln, and the county
papers publish these facts for the pro
tection of the Alliance.
F. M. Morris, Pres.
We publish the above resolutions ex
actly as they were received, with the
exception of one of a personal character
which we take the liberty of omitting.
There is no doubt that the insurance
company at Grand Island has been rep
resented to be connected in some way
with the Alliance, though we cannot
say that this has been authorized by the
officers of the company. As far as the
Alliance is concerned the resolutions
state the facts. The insurance company
has no connection whatever with the
Alliance, and no officer or agent of it
has any authority or right to refer to
or use the Alliance in any way in pro
moting its work. We have stated this
before, but not quite so ' strongly. We
wish now to add that any effort to con
nect that companj7 with the State Al
liance would be an undoubted fraud.
We have no quarrel with the company;
but we fear that in the competition for
business representations have been made
by its agents which, to say the least,
are incorrect. We hope we shall not
be called upon to refer to the subject
Resolutions of Otis Alliance No. 744,
Hamilton County.
Resolved, That we do heartily endorse
the proposition made in the U. S. senate
by the lion. Senator Stanford to loan
money on farm mortgages at from 1 to 2
per cent.
Resolved, That we will not patronize
any lumber dealer who is known to be
connected with the late Omaha pooling
Resolved, That we will not support any
man for congress or the legislature who
will not support such a proposition as
Senator Stanford has made.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolu
tions be sent to The Alliance for pub
lication and the first one be sent to the
lion. Senator Stanford.
J. T. Voriies, Sec'y.
e call the attention of our readers
to Wm. Deering & Co's new advertise
ment in this issue.
Supporting Senator Stanford.
Whereas, The proposition of Senator
Stanford of California, for the govern
ment to issue money on land security,
has struck a tender cord among the
bankers and money loaning classes.
Resolved, That we, members of Bur
rows Alliance No. 745, heartily approve
of said proposition, as the money ques
tion is one of the most vital questions
of the day. Furthermore, we consider
Senator Stanford has introduced one of
the most important measures ever in
troduced in the U. S. senate, a proposi
tion to free a race from bondage. Also
that he be urged to crowd said measure
to a vote.
Resolved, That a copy of the above bo
forwarded to Senator 'Stanford, to The
Alliance for publication, and dele
gates to Gosper County Alliance in
structed to present a copy to that meet
ing for their consideration.
W. E. Alprich,
Sec'y Burrows Alliance No. 745,
Arapahoe, Neb.
April 19, 1890.
Resolutions Adopted by Alliance No.
1013 of Dawes County.
Whereas; For years we have faithful
ly supported our respective party nom
inees, chosen from the professional
classes, and, under laws made and ad
ministered by these men we have seen
the idle rich growing richer, and the
laboring poor getting poorer; and
Whereas; We believe a change in our
laws and law makers is absolutely es
sential to the liberty and independence
of the working people; therefore be it
Resolved, That we hereby pledge our
selves to support no man for any legis
lative or congressional ollico who is not
a member of our order, and known by
his antecedents to be faithful to the
cause of labor.
We demand the abolition of that use
less and expensive farce, the state board
of transportation.
We demand government ownership
of railwa.ys, and their operation at cost
rf m.iintinnnno- mid thnt ill the 1)111'-
chase of the roads the government shall
nave creuit lor an am in lanu or money
ever extended to any road.
We heartily endorse the action of the
Minnesota State Alliance in regard to
the Supreme Court of the United States.
We demand the enactment of a law
to tax real estate mortgages in the
county where recorded.
And that these resolutions be for
warded to the Alliance state paper for
publication. W. A. Thornton,
Z. T. Smith, Sec. - Pres.
Resolutions of Grant Alliance, Nemaha.
Whereas, All capital is created by
labor, and a majority of all laborers are
engaged in agriculture, and all legiti
mate industries except banks and rail
roads depend on the success of the labor
ing classes for their prosperity; and
Whereas, There is more money ex
pended in farms and farm equipments
than in any other business, and which
pays more tax than all other industries
combined, and receives loss profit foi
capital invested; and
Whereas, The Union Pacific, B. & M.
and other railroads in Nebraska have
been built largely by lands and bonds
donated by congress,' and also lands do
nated to Nebraska for internal improve
ments when admitted as a state, also
bonds voted by cities, precincts and
counties, which are yet mostlv unpaid,
for which the taxpayers will be bur
dened for years to come. Notwithstand
ing the donations and fair treatment by
the people of Nebraska, these corpora
tions charge a greater amount for trans
portation in this state than in any othei
east of the Rocky mountains, and by
their attorneys and paid political agents
who are located in every county,and the
free pass system, they.manipulato pri
maries, and county and state conven
tions, and with bought proxies and
other unfair means.they have controlled
the legislature of our state and have de
feated candidates whom they could not
control for supreme court judges and
U. S. senate. They have woven a web
around the agricultural and laboring
classes that closes the avenue of politi
cal preferment to those who do not bow
in humble submission to the political
bossses of the state; therefore bo it
Resolved, By the Farmers' Alliance of
Grant, No. 963, Nemaha county Nebras
ka, composed of members from John
ston, Otoe and Nemaha counties.
That we view with alarm the increasing
power of trusts, corporations and other
combinations to control capital, and
rob labor of its just reward, which are
transfering the wealth of the millions to
the hands of the few; and bo it
Resolved, That we charge the free pas
system as part of the means of brilery
that has made it possible for such a state
of affairs to exist; and bo it further
Resolved, That we. the members of
Said Alliance ask the commercial and
mechanical classes and all others that
are in favor of equal rights and opposed
to unnecessary taxation and legal i.ed
extortion to join us at the ballot Ihx,
and vote for such men only whose past
lives shall be a guarantee of their future
conduct. J. H. Elmore,
Ion a B. Peterson, Sec'y Pres't.
Anent Geo. Mendal.
De We'ese, Neb., 19, 1890.
Editor Alliance: I notice in vour
issue of the 19th an article concerning
Mr. Geo. Mendal. Do not worry one
moment about Mr. Mendal; ho is not
even a fly speck on the present page of
our history.
The neighborhood about Superior is a
tough one for the farmer. Taxes have
doubled in six years, on account of the
cursed railroad and other bonds. I
know whereof I speak, because I lived
there from March 10, 1884, to March 5.
1889. I was glad to sell my little
eighty acre farm and get out.
We are getting organized in good
shape here in Nuckolls county. There
is about 400 Allianc e men in our countv.
Just count on us for a lift in the right
direction. Your paper grows Wtter
with every issue; I am sending it to
Illinois to help the good work along
there. Yours truly,
C. A. Pomerov.
Commending General Leese.
At a meeting of North Blue Farmers'
Alliance No. 833, held at Arborvillo,
Neb., the 29th day of March, the follow
ing resolution was adopted:
Resolved, That a vote of thanks be
tendered Attorney General Leese in ap
preciation of Ins efforts to secure for
the producers and consumers of this
state, just ami reasonable reductions in
transportation charges; ami we do
pledge him our hearty support in all
measures tending towards the relief of
the people, from corporate oppression,
and the secretary of said Allianco is in
structed to transmit a copy of this
resolution to Attorney General Leese.
and also a copy to The Farmers'
Alliance. E. D. Smith, Sec'y.
There will be called a meeting of the
Saline county Allianco which will meet
in Wilbur on the 7th of June at 10 a. m.
We desire a full representation from
every Alliance in the country. Each
Alliance will please elect their delegates
at their first meeting in May.
Yours fraternaliv,
Wilber Savage, Co. Pres.
Ciias. M. Turner, Co. Sec'y.
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