WW -"THERIfl IS NOTHING WHICH IS HUMAN THAT IS ALIEN TO ME." Terknce. ' VOL. L LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, SATURDAY, MAY 3, 1890. NO. 4( r Notice to Subscribers. EXPIRATIONS. As the easiest and cheapest means of notl- S'ing sub?crtts of the date of thrir xpira on wo will trunk this DOtice ith a blue or red pencil, o the dte at which their sub scription expirt-H. We will Bend the paper two weeks after expiration. If not reDewed by that time it will be discontinued. The Moral and Political Decadence of American Institutions. Concluded. It would be an oflice av holly ungra cious thus to set forth the evidences of our moral :uid political decadence, were there not a hope behind, that, out of the unpleasing exhibit there might grow some suggestion of good. It is only by portraying the evil in its fullest magnitude that we can be fully impress ed with the lesson of its accompanying danger. For there is before us n danger greater and graver than any we have yet encountered. Hitherto the forms of our constitution have been respected though the spirit has been perverted. Hitherto our personal rights have been secure though our political franchises have been practically lost. We need but travel a little further on the down ward road and even these relics of our liberties will be swept away. In the grand corruption which made for a time the commercial metroplis of our country an illustration of the ills the people suffer when the wicked bear rule, we had almost reached the point at which law itself ceases to have ellica cy and the most sacred rights of per son and property became the sport of the caprice of any adventurer bold enough and bad enough and strong enough to throttle justice in her ovvii temples. The example of that tyrany was typical of the system which rules the country. It was only a little in ad vance! of the general progress. But nothing is more surely written in the book of destiny than that unless effectu- ! al remedies be speedily devised to ar rest this downward tendency, what was true in New York in 1870 will, long be fore the close of another century be true universally; arid more than that, the career of defiant corruption will culminate inevitably in the downfall of all law, and a sea of anarchy and a so cial chaos will engulf all rights of the citizen, personal or political. Are there, then, remedies for these evils? Undoubtedly there are, but they are remedies which, if applied at all, must be applied by the people them selves, and which can only, or will only be applied by a people thoroughly ar aroused to their danger s and their duty. The Aside departure from the princi ples of the constitution which is the source of all our woes, has been owing to the abuse of power in the hands of the men who hold it. We need, there fore, no change in the constitution, but a return to the constitution; no change in the laws, but a great change in methods of administration; and to this end we must have men in power not wedded by habit to existing abuses, or bound to them by interest. How shall this object be secured? In the first place, Ave may safely as sume that the great body of the people are honest, and are earnestly and sin cerely desirous of reform. It is impos sible that it should be otherwise. It is impossible that official corruption can even by indirection penetrate deeply in to the ranks of private life. If there are public robbers, there must be a public which is robbed; and the victims can . have no sympathies with the thieves. It follows that if any practicable means of purifying the government or to any de gree improving its character can be pointed out, these must beyona all question command the support of a formidable multitude. - Such means must exist or republican government must be pronounced a hopeless failure. The experiment of such government can never be tried again under circum stances so singularly favorable as have been afforded it here. Now, in en deavoring to organize the public senti ment of the honest masses of the people into a power which shall make itself felt in this matter, it is by no means certain that the attempt to break up and trample out existing parties would be the most judicious The people gener ally are attached to these organizations and cannot easily be made to be lieve that the evils'under which we suf fer necessarily inhere in them, or are created by them. Many are even un der the singular illusion that their own party is honest, and that all the corrup tion is on the other side, and those who are not under such illusions still cling fondly to the belief that reform within the party is quite as practicable as reform without. To organize a new party, therefore, with the avowed de sign to crush the parties actually exist ing, would be to invite unnecessarily the antagonism of many good men who by the adoption of a less defiant policy might be conciliated and induced to act harmoniously. But there is certainly already in both parties an immense and daily increasing number who are pre pared to shake themselves wholly free from the trammels of nartv dsicinline. and though these may not be enongh to niawe a un auu inuepenuent party a success, they are amply enough to nold me uaiance or power between the two existing parties, lhey will willingly accept good government at the hands of either. Let these pledge themselves to each other to withhold their suf- ferages from any candidate for office whose knoAvn character and past rec ord do not furnish a satisfactory assur ance that he will discharge his duties honestly and firmly, and defiantly, if need be, of the malign influences which have controlled his predecessors; and let them, on the other hand, resolve to give ineir yotes to mat candidate, no matter by which party presented, who oners mis security in me iiignest ue gree; and the managers on both sides will be compelled to bring forward good men, and the the triumph of either will be the triumph of good govern nient. But supposing public life mirified. the. republic redeemed, the constitution restored, what is to be our guaranty tnat the evils from which we have sue ceeded in extricating ourselves may not return to piaerue us aeramv History teaches us that nations easily forget the sharpest lessons of experience. How shall we prevent the causes Avhich have once so nearly wrought our ruin from operating to engender the same per nicious consequences a second time? We must see k this preventative in the edu cation of our youth. Hitherto our higher institutions of learning have neglected almost wholly to instruct the young men whom they undertook to train, in the principles of the govern ment under which they arc to live, and of which they are to be a part; and in the duties which are to devolve upon them as citizens, as freemen, and as constituent elements of the popular sovereignty. Every other branch of their culture has been sedulously cared for. They are taught a great deal about the properties of matter, but very little about the passions of men; much about the perturbations of the planets, but very little about the interactions of parties; much about the constitution of the solar system, but very little about the constitution of the United States; much alout the laws of the universe, but very little about the laws of the land; much alxnit universal gravitation, but very little about universal suffrage; much about the Grecian democracies and the Roman republic, but next to nothing at all about the republic to which they themselves belong. Indeed so far is the teaching of our colleges at present from leing suited to prepare young men for the proper discharge of what, under our constitution, is really the most important duty before them in life, that it almost seems to have been purposely planned to evade that object. Thus the political education of our youth, after we have given them the highest degree of intellectual culture our institutions are capable of provid ing, is turned over to the worst of all possible schools, the worst, at least, at present the school of practical politics. Such of them as enter public life imbibe there the habits and fall in with the practices which they find there preva lent. They learn by imitation, as chil dren learn to speak! They rarely refer any of these matters to principle, or make them questions of conscience. They even accustom themselves to look with lenient eyes, or at most with only .,1," 1 . ..1.11- i . .1 -. mild disapproval, upon paipame irauus in politics, such as false registration, false counting, repeating, and ballot box stuffing, provided such frauds do not result in iajury to their own party. And thus the men Avho are destined to stand foremost in the ranks of party and to Aveild the largest inlluenee in po litical affairs, are regularly trained from the beginning to familiarity Avith, tole ration of, anil finally willing acquies cence in, tne Avorst vice oi me system that has brought us to our present Ioav estate. Destined, I say, to stand fore most, and to Avield the largest inlluenee. Certainly of the men of high culture as a class this must be true, or the theory that it is well to be educated is a fallacy and wiiat Ave familiarly call the advan tages of education are an illusion. It is true that there individuals exception ally endoAved by nature Avho rise by force of genius, and supply to them selves the culture which has been de nied them in schools; as there are also some Avhom the schools can never raise above the level of mediocrity but, other things being equal, the advantage of the educated man is immense. When the adage, knoAvledge is poAver, was first uttered, it Avas intended, no doubt, in a merely material sense, as expres siA'e of the truth that knowledge fur nishes its possessor with a magazine of reasources which the ignorant man has not, for the application of means to ends; but knowledge is poAver in a high er and a moral sense in the fact that it lends to opinion the Aveight of authority and commands the respect always in voluntarih' rendered to recognized su periority. Genius, no doubt, is poAver, but culture is power also; and in genius and culture combined, humanity at tains its grandest and noblest aspect. Inequalities of political rank may fall before the spirit of democracy; inequali ties of material wealth may be SAArept away by the Avild breath of communism; jut in cultivated intellect there is an in destructible aristocracy, which Avill still survive, in spite of all the elaborate pro- isions of human constitutions, and in defiance of the delirious rage of human missions. The class of educated men, therefore, though comparatively small in numbers, is, in the inherent power to control the course ot human anairs, immeasurably superior to all the rest combined. That it is not distinctly felt to be the ruling class ahvays and everywhere, in public and private life, in the state as in socie ty, is oAving to the fact that it is not an organized class. It has no concert of action; on many questions it is divided against itselt and neutralizes its OAvn nlluence, and tOAvard some it is too in different to be disposed to use it. Un fortunately it is in regard to the affairs of political life that this indifference is most frequently manifested. Though some feAv of the youth who emerge Vora our schools of high culture engage 1 ictrvery in the political stnies which they find going on about them, and do this at present, as 1 :have already re marked, under circumstances of great disadvantage; yet by far the greater number, either through insensibility to their duties as citizens, or through un consciousness that they have any such duties to perform, hold themselves throughout all their li-es entirely aloof from the political field, and look upon the struggles oi politicians Avith some thing of the same kind of interest with Avhich they might regard a bull fight or a gladiatorial conflict, lheir leelings are to some extent enlisted, indeed, on one side or the other; but it seems not to occur to. them that it is any part of their business to make the fight their own. I do not mean to say that the majori ty of this class are so indifferent to po litical affairs that they do not even vote, though that is certainly true of many; but it is true of nearly all of them that they do nothing more, and even this simple duty they perform in an unre flecting way. Their party affiliations they inherit from their father, as they inherit the family name and the family estate; and the propensity to vote on one side or the other might, from the point of vieAV of a Darwinian, philoso pher, be regarded as a manifestation of an acquired instinct; while the persist ent act of so voting would seem to fur nish a happy illustration of what is called automatic reflex action. Ought it not to be with us a matter of serious concern, that the vast flood of potential energy unceasingly poured forth upou the country from our institutions of superior education, powerful enough if property directed, in spite oi tne oppos ing eddies and currents of meaner and muddier streams, to keep the great en gine of the constitution in its normal majestic action, should continue year after year to run almost Avhollj to Avaste;Avhile the small portion of it which becomes really effective is ex pended in aiding to turn the Avheels of a miserable and ill-conditioned machine devised by crafty inventors to operate for their own benefit, and to supersede the great engine which Avas designed to operate for the benefit of the whole peo ple. And is it net time that Ave eu deavor to provide against this enormous and runious waste? How shall Ave do so? How, but by making the science of government, the constitution of the United States, and the duties of the citizen, a part of the regular course of instruction in our colleges. 1. The science of government the theoretic basis of the supremacy of the state, the varieties of form in Avhich sovereignty may be embodied, and the actual development of governmental institutions as illustrated in history. 2. The constitution of the Onited States not merely its actual provisions, Avhich are soon learned, but the reasons Avlry they are Avhat they are, the lessous of past experience of Avhich they are the succinct expression, and the antici pation of possible dangers which their wise precautions Ave re designed to avert. 3. The duties of the citizen practi cally the most important topic of them all, but one for which the others are an indispensable preliminary. For the du ties of the citizen derive their character from that of the government under which he lives. Under a despotism the duty of a citizen is to be submissive, obedient, and quietly attentive to his own affairs, leaving those of the state in the hands of his masters, to whom they belong. But under a repubHc the citizen is himself an element of the su preme authority, aud the ruler is a representative and a servant, and not his master. For the character of the rule he is responsible, and his responsi bility, Avhich is not the less real that it is shared Avith many, consists in this, that if the government is bad and he has done nothing to prevent its being so or is doing nothing to make it better, he is justly censurable as a bad citizen. Our young men must therefore bo taught'that as citizens they are sover eigns, with the duties and responsibili ties of sovereigns; and that unless they make practical assertion and . actual exerciseof their sovereignty, it Avill be usurpedand wrested from them. It is not enough that the constitution make the people supreme. Unless they make themselves so, their supremacy is mere ly a paper fiction. A constitution is not a government, any more than the verbal expression of a laAv of nature is a force; but as behind this A erbal ex pression there is an ever active living energy, so beneath the forms of the con stitution the soA ereignty of the people should be no less a liing and substanti al reality. We should teach our youth, therefore, that the first duty of every good citizen is at present to use his most energetic efforts for the breaking up of machine government; for it is through the political machine that the people have been practically divested of their rights, and subjected to the rule of a usurping- and unscrupulous oligarchy. In order to this, effort must begin at the bottom. If the system of Avhat is called regular nominations is to be con tinued, the nominations must be honest nominations of honest men. The pri mary meetings in which they originate must be really meetings of the honest voters, and must express the will of the honest voters; instead of being Avhat they have so long been heretofore, close caucuses ot petty hot-house politicians, employed to give the outward forms of reguliarity to corrupt arrangements al ready perfected in secret. And this they Avill be, so soon as honest voters do their duty, by direct and personal participation in the selection of the men Avho are in turn to name their rulers. Our young men should also be in structed as to the nature anil use of parties in political affairs, and taught to distinguish the limitations Avithin which the action of such is healthful, and beyond which it may be destruc tive of the ends of good government. Upon every great measure of public policy, and upon every great question of constitutional interpretation, opin ions Avill necessarily be divided; and on these divisions will inevitably arise op posing parties, which, in spite of their differences, may be equally honest and equally patriotic. But it is in the na ture of things human that these points of differences cannot be eternal. Ques tions of constitutional laAv must in some form or other be adjudicated. But though Avith the disappearance of the original cause of difference the reason of their being is itself removed, it is rarely the case that parties reeog nize the fact that their usefulness has ceased, and voluntarily dissolve them selves. For Avhile the questions divid ing them Avere living questions, it was unavoidable that the struggle over these should take the practical form of a struggle for the possession of the gov ernment, and these being lost, the pos session oi the gOAernment becomes itself the object of contention, the greed of gain becomes the bond of union, and selfishness takes the place of patriotism as the ruling motive. Our Dorsey's Bank Circular. Editor of the. Alliance: Stripped of a garbage of words, the clean cut proposition the bankers make the peo ple in Mr. Jjorsey's circular is . as fol lows: we me national cankers are willing the people should have almost free coinage of silver. The government bonus due in iyu7 on w hich the govern ment is now paying 4 per cent may be refunded by the people and the banks will accept the 2 per cent. For these trifling considerations the banks want the people to stop the issue of legal tender paper money and allow the currency to be increased to fifty dollars Per Capita bv eoinincr silvpr nnrl fold and by the issue of national bank ills (principally by the issue of nation al bank bills.) Mr. Dorsey says, "I am in favor of in creasing the -olume of currency unti it reaches $ou per capita. But think it should be done by increasing the coin age of silver and issuing more nationa bank notes." The Alliance people in their netittons demand the free coinage of silver and the issue of a full legal tender paper money by the government. Dorsey . in his bank circular favors the limited coinage of silver and the issue of bank bills by private citizens organized in national banks." To rightly understand the merits of these two classes of currency Ave must consider that the issue of bank bills has ahvays been in the hands of its friends. That ev ery effort has been made to make it popular Avith the people, while the issue of the government legal tender paper money has always been in the hands of its enemies and the bankers have done their utmost to discredit and make it unpopular and to retire it from circulation. The laAv that provided for specie payment in Jan. 1S7D also provided for the total destruction of the government legal tender paper money. But at the almost unanimous demand of the peo ple the clause in that law that retired the gOA crnment legal tender Avas re pealed and $346,000,000 saved to the people. No one objects but national banks. Dorsey would retire them and put bank bills in their place. He says. "I do not like to pay for the issue of United States notes." Of course not! But you like to have the people pay 10 per cent interest for the issue of bank bills. Well, Mr. Dorsey, Avhen you and a couple of hundred other bankers and bank attorneys are retired to private life and the issue of government money is in the hands of its friends it .will be issued direct to the people on real estate security at one or tAAro per cent a year, it w i 11 not cost you anything un less you borrow. The $100,000,000 in gold now held as a useless redemption fund to please the bankers by contracting the currency that much will be paid out to the old soldiers as it would have been years ago but for the opposition of the bankers. The circulation of silver and gold Avill probadly neA er reach $20 per capi ta. Mr. Dorsey would increase this amount to $50 per capita by the issue of $30 per capita of bank bills. Or for our sixty millions of people the issue of bank bills would be $1,800,000,003. The bankers propose a 2 per cent bond as far as the government debt Avill reach, and something else for the balance as a basis for this mountain of national bank currenc3T, The people would have to pay the bankers 2 per cent on the bonds used as a basis. In Nebraska Ave would have to pay at least 10 percent for the use of the bank bills, or the bankers of Ne braska Avould receive 12 per cent on their investment, and they would pay the government as at present 1 per cent for the use of their bank bills. Their income on their circulation in Nebras ka would approximate 11 per cent pro vided the bankers complied Avith the usury law of the state. - Take the country over the bankers Avould realize at least 8 per cent, or on the whole amount $1,800,000,000 bank bills the people would pay a yearly in terest of $144,000,000 on the circulation alone. This would go into the hands of a class for their benefit. These fig ures do not .half tell the story of the bankers income as they would also have the use of all the deposits of the peo ple. When the government issues the $1,800,000,000 in legal tender paper money direct to the people on real estate at 2 per cent a year it would cost them $36,000,000 a year and this would go into the United States treasury in lieu of other taxes for the benefit of the Avholepeople. The people would also have the benefit of their own deposits. Which had the people better do? Pay the national bankers for their enrich ment $144,000,000 a year and increase this amount as our population increases until Ave fasten a debt on our children that Avill make of them abject slaves, or shall Ave pay Uncle Sam for the benefit of the whole people $36,000,000 a year for the same serA'ice and be able to es tablish a cash system in less than tAven ty years, and bequeath to our children a country out of debt with homes and happiness for every one. As the bank ers are practical business men we sub mit this proposition. Mr. Dorsey says: "We all admit the great service rendered the government by the national banks.1' No sir! Ave do not admit it. No one admits it except the bankers, their relatives and em ployes. W hen Mr. Dorsey undertakes o proA e that the bankers have been ot service to the government avc will prove they have been an expensive curse to the people. Mr. Dorsey says: "ManT able law yers contend that if Ave took from them the circulating medium issued to them y the government that the govern ment cannot maintain a supervision over these banks." Hold on Dorsey! Don't make any threats for your Wall street masters. They have alloAved those Alliance petitions to rile their tempers. On whose meat are our bank ers feeding that they propose to out grow government supervision? we think that when the great American people pass a laAv retiring the bank oill circulation, and the bankers to some other business, and establish a government bank in every toAvn to loan legal paper money direct to the people, the bankers aviII compiv Avith the laAv. They Avill Avalk up like meek little Jambs and asked to be employed: as cashiers and book-keepers in the peo pie's bank. John Stebbins, Shelton. Huge Hailstones. Baltimobe, April 28. This city was vis ited yesterday afternoon about 4 o'clock by hail of a size and destructive power never before seen in this city. The hall was not like the snow coated hail of com merce bat was plain, 'itard ice, frozen through and through, clear as crystal an solid as a rock. It went through thics panes of glass as If they were tissue paper. ana tne amount or damage done by it can only be figured up wnen all the broken panes are counted and the glass setters' bills are paid. The loss will run np into the thousands. The hall stones weie like rooKs. some of them ragged and sharp on the edges as a steel blade. Hens' eggs were nothing to them in size. Many of them were as laree as a man's fist and as they came down they sounded like so many cannon balls falling on the helpless earth. The storm came from the west, was local in its character and swept to the east with a rattle like heavy musketry, frightening people out of their wits, making some of the supersti tious think that the day of judgment had come ana miung cnose who were on ine streets many hard knocks' and driving tnem into places ox shelter. The State bank at Creighton has commenced the erection of a two-story brick building. . , OLD FIELDS THAT NEED PLOWING The New Crop to be Planted. Vekdon, Neb., April 19, 1890. Editok Alliance: I see by The Alliance of April 12th you are calling attention to a neAv crop a crop of farm legislators. I second the motion. There are certainly some old fields (not so erv old either,) that look as though they Avere terribly foul, and need to be thoroughly raked up and burned over to get them fit for farming. One is state expenses. If you will allow me I Avill call attention to a few legislative mployes. Iirst comes our Hon. Church lowe Avhoasamemberof the senate (21st session Neb. legislature,) drew pay for sixty days as member, and seventy seven days as president of that body. As there was only eighty-seven days rom the opening until the close, in cluding Sundays, there must have been twelve Sundays, so his Honah must iaA-e drawn pay for two Sundays. J. C. Watson, speaker of the house, did equally as well, Avhile Tate, ReA J. G., lornswoggled 88J day s pay lor praying or our senate, lhink ot that one- third f a prayer. Over in the house one Z. E. Jackson acted as janitor 142 a vs. These are only a feAV items of many, one more and l aviu close mis ine. That is an appropriation of $123,- 000 to pay county treasurers' fees for ollecting state taxes, as they are en titled to tAvo per cent except pro rata Avith the county on the first $7,000 col- ected which might make the average . Stop and compute Iioav much taxes the state of Nebraska pays annually. This sum is for tAvo years and a defi ciency. lhere is another held which needs raking badly. That is our state school una and school lands. mere nave been granted by tne general govern it . . i ment to this state nearly 3,000,000 acres of land for common school purposes. Of this not one-quarter, or Jess than 00,000 acres were sold or under con tract of sale at the date of the state superintendent's last report (1888). Of the money received by the stale lrom these sales, nearly $300,000 were lying idle in the hands of the state treasurer; $1,300,000 Avere invested in county )onds at less than five per cent inter est, lo you avIio are paying live times this amount, Iioav does this rate strike ou? Nearly one-half of our school amis were leased at an appraised valu ation of less than two dollars ($1.80) er acre. As Gov. Thayer seems quite anxious just now to pose as a reformer, et me call attention to one point in his message to tne legislature, wnere ne states that the assessed value of land is $3.50 per acre, and declared that lo ie a stigma on the state. let our model goArernor could not see that Are Avere assessed twice as high as school and was appraised for the purpose of ising. The school fund gets less than seAen percent, ine lease is six, or n ill is paid, less than twelve cents per acre. lou avho nom your mie in iee who of you can pay your taxes for that? But Avorse and more of it. Of the $153,000 lease rental due the state, only about $115,000 found its way into the school tund, or less than nine cents er acre, lo our Logan county mend et me say, you may be assessed very ligh. but school land in Logan county is appraised for leasing at less than $1 ler acre, and the lessee pays precisely six per cent, none delinquent, oo me state gets about five cents an acre. What can vou pay vour taxes for? I see by the Omaha liee ot March 20 that our delegation in congress has been interviewed 1at one Perry S. Ieath. Senator Manderson declared or more money, readjustment of the tariff, and loAver freight rates. Sena tor Paddock said "Me too." Represen tative Laws and Dorsey said ditto, and Connell "Me too and a-half." We armers knew of these things, and they earned their wisdom from us. To send them back looks about as Avise as for the government to make national bank notes good by going security for the bank instead of issuing the note it self. In conclusion let me say to the Ne braska Alliances, get the state auditor's report, get the state school superintend ent's report, also the report ot lion John Steen, commissioner of public ands and buildings. Study them, lou will learn many things of interest. Also beware of reformers, especially those Avho have been Avhere they might have reformed things and -did not do so Take The Fakmeks' Alliance. It will do you good. Do your OAvn thinking. rT1..t ...ill .1 -, ., o.y-.1 n I 1 J. 1 lilt Will UU Ull 1UUIC gUUU 11K11I (ILL the rest. And above everything else )e as loval to your country, your family and yourself as you are to your party, and Ave may hope to raise a crop ot arm legislators Avho Avill entirely clean . 1 1 1 1 At. up these iotu neids, anu make mem bloom as the rose. Hoping lor our cause unbounded success I am Fraternally your Bro. Geo. W atkins, Lecturer Richardson Co. Alliance. CONGRESSIONAL. The Senate. Washington, April 22. In the senate to day Cockrell offered a resolution, which was agreed to, directing the superintend ent of census to communicate to the sen ate the forms of rules and regulations adopted by him for obtaining statistics as to farm morttraees. Plumb's resolution, neretoiore exxerea. for the Increase of the treasury purchase and the coinage of silver, was presented and Eostls moved as an addition to the resolution that the free coinage of silver is essential to a sound financial policy and is demanded oy all the great inter ests in the countrv. and therefore all laws limiting the coinage of silver should be re pealed. Plumb consented to let the resolution lie over for the present so as to give Mitchell an opportunity to address the senate. Mr. Mitchell addressed the senate in fa vor of the constitutional amendment pro- Eosed by him for the election of senators y a popular vote. Already fifteen changes had been made in the constitution, and who could say that any of them were not well advised. All of these amendments led nn losrioallv to the pending proposition. The present system of electing senators, he declareed. in unreoublican and vicious. It was in purpose a declaration that for some reason it was unsafe to commit the election of nfiimtors to a vote of the people and a reflection on the honesty or capacity or both, nf the voting classes. Amour other things Mitchell declared secret exec utive MeiMiirmfl no longer in harmony with the spirit of the age. It was a ielio of mon archy. . and should find no recognition in the republic. A1", the conclusion of Mitchell's remarks the resolution was referred to the commit tee on privileges and election?. The house amendment to the National Z Kj'oglcal park bill was a?red to, and the bid now goes to tno president. The District or Ujlnaibla appropriation bill was padppd, and after executive session ibe senate adjourned. Washington, April 23. In the senate to day Mr. ShermaD, from the committee on foreign relations, reported back in lieu of Mr. Reagan's bill concerning the Irrigation of .arid lands in the valley of the Iiio Grande river, the concurrent resolution requesting the president to enter Into negotiations with the government of Mer lon on the subject. Adopted. Mr. Keacran epoko In support of his bill repelling all laws for the retirement of army, navy and marine c nicer s and of the judiciary fmm active service on pay. ine comerence report on tne Dill pro viding temporary government for Okla homa was agreed to veas 50. nays 5 (Messrs. Butler. Gockrell. Pueh. Quay and Vest). The bill now goes to the president. The following bills were rassed: The per. ate bills appropriating 144,89 te relm- ourse Mouth Dakota's expenses lor tne con stitutional convention; the senate bill amending and further extending the ben- fit act of February 8,1887; providing for rne allotment ot land in severalty to tne Indians on various reservations, eta ; the senate bill appropriating $6),(J00 for the construction of a military store house and offices for army purposes at the Omah mil itary depot, Nebraska, and for other pur poses. The land forfeiture bill was taken up and the senate adjourned. Washington, Ipril 21 In the senate to day the house bill to transfer the revenue cutter service to the navy department was again taken up and the amendment report ed from the committee on naval affairs agreed to. Mr. Hoar then reported from tne commit tee on privileges and elections the bill to amend and fcupplement the election laws and to provide for the more efficient en forcement of the same. Calendar. The land forfeiture bill was then taken up as unfinished business and the amend ments reported from the committee on public lands agreed to. Acjourned. Washington, April 20. In the senate to day the senate bill to author iz a the sale of timber on the lands reserved for the Meno minee Indians in Wisconsin was placed on the calendar. The senate resumed consideration of tha railroad land forfeiture bill. Pending the discussion the senate took np and passed the house lolnt resolution appropriating flEO.CCO for the relief of the destitution in tne district overnowea Dy the MlspisBlppi river and Its tributaries. Consideration ci tee land forfeiture bill was then resumed. Senators Call. Ocorcre and Papco spoke upon the subloct, but without definite act ion the matter was laid over tin Monday. Washington, April 26. In the eeaate to day the bill to carry out the terms of the agreement with the Sioux Indians of Dakota for the sale of a portion of their reservation, and to get an apj ropriatlon of $1,800,C00 for the purpose, was passed. The jsint resolution accepting the dona tion of the sword of the late Captain Sam uel Chester Beed, tendered as a gift by his ton, Samuel C. lteed, and providing for the presentation to him Dy congress or a gold medal was taken up. Much opposition to the resolution de veloped and it finally went ever. The senate bill to amend tne interstate commerce act, as to mode of prooeeduro, was passed. Adjourned. Washington, April 28. In the eenate to day in connection with the presentation of the memerial in relation to the Missis sippi river, a discussion sprung up and was participated in by many senators, tne point turning on the question whether the levee systen or the outlet system was the correct one or whether there should net be a combination of the two. Without any action the business of the morning hour was proceeded with. Mr. li lack burn introduced a bill for tne admission cf Arizona. Referred. The land forfeiture bill taken up and after some discussion went over without action. The senate bill incorporating the society of the Sons of the American Revolution was read. Mr. Plumb made some satirical remarks about the efforts to encouratre patriotism "lying around loose in the count rv" and moved to amend the bill by providing that Its privileges be extended to the Grand Army ef the Republic. No quorum voted and wl thout action on the bill, the senate ad j surned. The House. Washington, April 22. The committee on ways and means reported the bill pro viding for the classification of worsted cloths as woolens. Beferred to the com mittee of the whole. Mr. Candler of Massachusetts moved that the house concur with the senate amend ments to the world's fair bill. This being agreed to, the bill is finally passed and will be sent to the president for his action. The house then went into a committee of the whole 'Mr. Pay son of Illinois In the chair) on the legislative appropriation bill, and after some discussion tee house ad journed without finishing the bilL Washington, April 23. In the house to day Mr. MUTison of Pennsylvania pre sented a memorial from tho Manufactur ers' club of Philadelphia, representing many millions of capital invested in Amer lean industries and many thousands of workmen earning American wages, in favor of prompt action on tariff legislation which shall check the importation of arti cles produced by our own people. Be ferred. The house then went into committee of the whole, Mr. Payecn of Illinois in the chair, on the legislation appropriation bill, the pending question being on a motion to strike out the clause providing clerks for senators. After considerable debate the motion to strike out was lost. In speaklnsr to a verbal amendment Mr. Kelly ot Eansas replied to a remark by Mr. Allen, to the enect tnat some newly ap pointed postmasters in Mississippi bad moved tneir omcea into tne country, by saying that he had learned at the post- office department that in seme places it had been impossible for the republican postmaster to secure a location in town and he was obliged to go Into the oountry. The above ana other outrages related by Mr. Eelley caused a bitter debate, and pending lurtner discussion the house ad journed. Washington, April 24 After the tr ansae tlon of somert unimportant business the house went Into committee of " the whole. Mr. Payson of Illinois in the chair, on the legislative appropriation bill. When the clause appropriating salaries for ihe civil service commission was reached Mr. Cummlngs of New York made the point of order that It was not properly in the bill, as the commission was neither legislative, executive, nor judicial. After some debate tne point oi order was over ruled and pending action the house ad journed. Washington, April 16 la the hjuoto. day O'Neil of Pennsylvania, presented a memorial of the busineM men of Philadel phia asking the ai 1 of conzreat in trio pro motion of the buildirg of America chips to trade with foreign ports. The petition of seventy eight drv good commission boupes and v oolen manufac turers of New Yok city was presented ask ing for the pasiago of the bill cUtsifjlDg worsteds with woolen. Inferred. The bill passed providing for a trin of court at Danville, IlL, on the Ural Monday in May. The house at its evening session panned thirty private pension bills and adjjurne-l, Washington, April 2. The houno went into committee of the whole on the legislative appropriation bill. After adopting various amendments the committee rose and reported the bill to tte honse. By dilatory tactics the democrats ab stained from voting so as to prevent a quorum on a vote on the previous ques tion, bat the speaker counted a quorum from thofle present and the previous ques tion wes declared orderad, but without action the house adjourned. Washington, April 29. Ij the house to day the conference report on the Fremont, Neb., publla building bill was agreed to. The limit of the cost of the bulldlntr tm. 860,000. The legifflatlvd, executive and judicia appropriation bills passed without division. The house then went into committee of the whole on the bill relating to the Dis trict of Columbia. The pending bill wan for the establishment of Book creek park. Ia the courie of the debate Mr. Hooper of Mississippi alluded to the confederate graves in Arlington cemetery on the head boards of which is carved the word "rt bel. He did not obj ct to thlc "itebel" was not a word of repi-oaob. It only showed that . they were tho men who wtre led by the- second great rebel of America It bert 1-1. Le Qsorge Washington having been the ttrst. The committee bavin ir risen, the Hock creek park bill was defeated. Mr. Hemphill of South Carolina moved its reconsidera tion and the houso adjourned. Eight Women Hmotliered. San Fbancieco, April 30. A stearushfi that torlved yesterday morning from Hong Eong end Eokohama brings news that on the arrival of the Japanese steamer in HongKorg, March 6, from Nagafcka, Ihe bodies of eight dead Japanese women werv discovered in the held, haviag been suffo cated during tho psiage. They had hid themselves away in their endeavor ti leave the country. Anarchists Arrested. Paws, April SO. Twelve anarehleta were arrested in this city yesterday. Auionjr those taken into custody were the Marouen DeMores and .bis secretary. A number of additional arrests were then made at various places throughout Franco of per sons chareed with inciting workmen to riot and pillage. Hall road Accident. Staunton, Vt, April 2a Early this morn ing the brake of an express train on tho Chespeake It Ohio, became unmanageable and the train ran through the town at the rato cf eighty miles an hour, tearing away the depot roof. A Pullman sleeper, la which were fifteen members of the "Pearl of Pekln" troupe enrouto for Baltimore. was derailed and turned over. Of the com pany Miss Myrtle Enox died while belntr taken from the car, Mlrs Edith Miller had a leg broken and a number of others u tamed more or less serious injuries. Mina Enrx was formerly a telegraph operator lu Eansas City and joined the com r any not very long ago, contrary to the wishes of her ather. Myra Clark Gaines' Heirs IleltcfillU Washington, April 27. The house com mittee on private land claims has author- iz9d a favorable report on the bill for the relief ot the heirs of Myra Clark Oatnes. The bi'.l recites that M a Clark Gaines. the legal representative of Daniel Clark (deoeased), ot Louisiana, was entitled by reason of Spanish grants, to S8,457 acres of land and provides for the bsue of patents to those heirs for all these lands which the commissioner of the general lad offloe shall find vacant, unapproprtajed and un disposed of by the Uni ed States, And shall not impair or preclude any adverse claim ants from the r'gt to aHcrt thevalidttv of their claims. For all Knds disposed of by the United States or otherwleo lawfully appropriated, provided there shad insus certificate of location of th character pre scribed In the act of tho adjustment of the private land claims in Florida. Lou'slann. and Missouri. Hard on the Saloons. Boston, April 2a An order has been lspued by the Boston police board that after May 1. next, the sale ot intoxicating liquors over bars must bs stopped. The enforcement of the law will work great injury to almost every saloon keeper In the city. Hotels and saloonkeepers protect and the former are or the opinion that the law will work Injury to the hotel business. in Omaha Market. Any member of the Alliance having pro duce to sell In Omaha can ship to aIW n Knot. care of Bowman ti Williams. A PHIL ll, 10. Sujrar granulated OX 7. SuRar X C Q U 4 . HuRar-Anti-trust 5?i 0 614' Butter 14 fo Irt. Poultry 9 & 11. Poultry Live, $3. B0 f 4.00. Potatoes JW cents if good. Errs 11K7&12. oats lix&ao. Baled Hay f THE MA.ltK.ET8. Lxnoolji, .Vu CATTLE Butchers' steers .... 13 75 a 3 50- Cows 2 to a 2 to HOGS Fat 3 65 a 8 M Stockers 3 25 a 3 50 SHEEP 3 00 a 3 0- WHEAT No. 2 spring 55 a CO OATS Ne. 2 11 a 15 RYE No. 2 25 a 27 CORN No. 2, new 15 a IS D'LiAXHJSKll 1 ov a 1 (X W POTATOES 18 a APPLES Per bl 3 75 a 4 00 HAY Prairie, bulk 5 00 a 6 U) Omaha, No CATTLE.. $3 80 a 4 25 Cows 1 75 a 3 US HOGS Fa'r to heavy 3 W a 4 oo Mixed s Was Chicago, u. CATTLE Prime steers 3 50 a 5 00 Stockers and feeders 2 85 a 3 G5 HOOS Packing 4 00 a42O SHEEP Natives 5 00aS25 WHEAT 7W CORN 2SX Eansas Crnr, Mo. CATTLE Corn fed 13 SO a 4 00 Feeders . 8 40 a 3 40 nOQS-Good to choice 3 75 a 3 Mixed S5f0a