THE FARMERS' ALLIANCE: LINCOLN, NEB., SATURDAY, APRIL 2G, 1890. THE ALLIANCE. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING. BY THE ALLIANCE PUBLISHING CO. Lincoln, - - - NeDi aska. J. BURROWS, : : : Editor. J. M. THOMPSON, Business Manager. " In the beauty f the lillies Christ was born across the sea, With a glory in his bosom That transfigures you and me. As He strove to make men holy Let us strive to make men free, Since God is marching on." Julia Ward Howe. Laurel crowns cleave to deserts, And power to him who power exerts." " A ruddy drop of manly blood The surging sea outweighs." Emerson. " He who cannot reason is a fool, He who will not reason is a coward, He who dare not reason is a slave." EDITORIAL. The State Senate A Note of Alarm. The railroad power of Nebraska is organizing to capture the State Senate. There will be no organized fight made to secure the lower house. It is already conceded that the farmers will have a working majority of that body. But it is not so with the Senate. If the rail road influence can secure seventeen members it can control the Senate, and block any legislation in favor of the people. To do this it may not be nec essary for this power to elect seventeen senators. If it can elect nearly that number and at the same time secure the election of a few of the non-committal sort of men, who are so straight up that they are in danger of going over backward Avhose sense of dignit' will not allow of their making pledges who think if they cannot be trusted Avithout pledges they could not be trusted with them if a few of this kind of men can be elected the railroad people will have o difficulty in securing a majority of the Senate. Tke non-committal men are the dangerous men they are the men who are for sale. We want every farmer in this state to see by what a narrow thread hangs their hopes of success next fall. Without a fair working majority in the Senate there can be no new legislation. With three members of the Board of Trans portation on the side of the roads no lower freight rates need be looked for. "Without the Senate this same state board could not be removed; and it may become a serious block in the way of lower local rates. The wires are already being laid in the senatorial districts to secure railroad :Senators. We warn our people to watch out. Beware of these sleek con servative men who have no very de cided opinions, and who are so dread fully anxious that justice should be done to the poor railrords. These fellows are greatly concerned lest capital should -be driven out of the state, and railroad building be discontinued in the west. Don't ha e the least anxiety on that score hut just watch these sleek non-com-anittal, sanctimonious devils who sneak in between two leaves of the bible with out touching either, and who will turn Judas as soon as they get to Lincoln xind come across an oil-room Johnny. We are reasonably sure of the house; but it will do us no good without the Senate. Select men who have made records on the side of the people. If there are none of that sort, then select men whom you know to be honest and who will swear with uplifted hands, "without cavil or quibble or hesitation, that they will be faithful and true to the interests of the people. Watch and probe and. prove every man of every party who aspires to be Senator. free Sugar. The ways and means committee de cided to report in favor of putting sugar on the free list, and in favor of a boun ty of 2c per lb on domestic sugar. If sugar is to be protected of course this is the sensible business way of doing it. But it does not suit the capitalists who esire to invest in the sugar industry. One of these men says that the removal of the tariff will allow a flood of cheap ugar to come in from Germany and elsewhere ' and swamp us." Well, that's a pretty good argument for tak ing it off. How nice it would seem to have cheap sugar as well as cheap corn. He also says "there is no stability in the bounty scheme." Right again! The American people will not long consent to pay a bonus of $40 per ton on domes tic sugar. He also threatens to stop operations at Grand Island if the sugar schedule is adopted. This is a common bluff of capitalists. Our John M. Thurston made the same bluff a short time ago; and so dicT President Perkins and George W. Holdrege, and that's all it amounts to. Qne.G. H. Mendal Again. We learn from the Bee of the 21st that a set of resolutions which it had previously published as coming from itn Alliance in Cherry county turn out to be fraudulent. We received this fcarue set of resolutions, or some quite similar, purporting to come from an Alliance in Nuckolls county, accompa tilwl by a request from Geo. H. Mendal ht we publish them. Not being so Hl matured as the Bee, we put them ? I h? w&te-basket. Shortly afterward tyttHJe Mr, Merxdal's interview in the B. $ M- Journal, and information that he jh.4 $xtn f years connected with that iIvm mnwy sheet. 'jFe pays that "wolves in sheep's ilUi.v we grttUtft in their work, in whlah it u &mwnty correct. It might bl .waiV fox Ike WQWr authorities in itf'SocWrVry tfiiOfA into this matter. Bosh The farmer is on the wrong scent in hunting aftcrmore currency. He should hunt down the money sharks. No mat ter how much the volume of currency is increased, the farmer will not be aide to borrow a dollar of it cheaper than he does now. His true remedy is to enact laws that will make usury a misdemean or or felony, and will cause the forfeit ure of the principal as well as the inter est when the money lender exacts more than the legal rate, either in the shape of interests or commission. If the Farmers' Alliance desires to accomplish anything it should confine its efforts to measures of relief that are within their reach. They cannot hope to readjust the finances of the nation. They can accomplish something by cen tering their influence upon the state legislature. Omaha Bee. The above is the kind of bosh the Bee is regaling its readers with since it be came the champion of the money pow er. Let is us look at it a little. The Bee says if money is more plentiful the farmer will not be able to borrow cheaper. The Bee will not deny what all financial authorities assert to be true, viz: that abundance of money makes higher prices. Now with inter est at 10 per cent and corn 20 cents per bushel, it takes 500 bushels of corn to pay the interest on $1,000. With corn at 40 cents it would take only 250 bush els. Are these figures correct, Mr. Bee? A more stringent usury law may be a good thing. But it isn't a question now of being able to pay more than the legal rate. The legal rate is breaking our backs, let alone an illegal one. There is no legitimate business going in this country to-day which is good as loaning money at seven per cent. The Bee says the farmers cannot ad just the finances of the nation; and so should confine its influence to state legis latures. We will say to the Bee that the legislature has very little to do with financial matters. Our national finances are regulated by Congress the volume of our money is fixed by Congress in terest is regulated by the volume of money and the method and terms of its issue. If, in the light of events of the past two months, the Bee says the farm ers "cannot hope to adjust the finances of the nation," it doesn't know what it is talking about. Why, even banker George W. Dorsey is hurrying up to supply the farmers with more money. Jump aboard, Mr. Bee, or you'll get badly left. "Strikes Everywhere." "Strikes seem to be in the air," say the eastern dispatches. "A spirit of universal discontentent is abroad," says one of the Omaha dailies. In Chicago the cigar makers led the movement of a few weeks ago. Then came the plumbers and the carpenters and clock-makers. Now the gas-makers are going out, and the employes of the stock yards are uneasy. In Eng land the Manchester tailors strike for shorter hours and longer wages. In London monster labor meetings are the order of the day. In Vienna six thous and carpenters are on a strike for shorter hours and better pay. Phila delphia street-cleaners are rioting, and in Pittsbiug ten thousand railroaders threaten to quit work unless wages are advanced. In Chicago the choir boys of one of the Episcopal churches have struck. What does this all mean? Are the local rates on corn too high in London? Is the tariff squeezing those Pittsburg fellows? Can't the stock-yards men meet the interest on their mortgages? There seems to be some unhappiness somewhere everywhere among the wage-earners. Strange, isn't it, con sidering that a dollar will buy more food than at any time in the past twen ty years. It seems, in fact, that the more the dollar will buy the more trouble there is about getting the dol lar. Because it is the getting of the dollar that is making all the trouble among these workers. The banker's theory is, that the more value you crowd into the dollar the greater the yalue you give for a day's work. But it don't seem to work in practice. The more the purchasing power of the dol lar is increased the more distress there is among the dollar-earners. Paradox ical, isn't it? Perhaps the explanation may be found in the fact that as the purchasing power of the dollar is increased the purchasing power of the products of labor is dimin ished. At all events, one thing is cer tain, the labor question is the money question. Each embraces the other. There is only one thing that is absolute ly common to all the varied workers and strikers we find named in the dispatches and that is the need of money. A Very Small Affair. 'iThe representative conference of anti-monopoly republicans took the wind out of the fourth party's sails, and the platform of the forthcoming republi- euu Mate convention will enectuaiiy de moralize the little that remains of the VanWyck squall." The above is the concluding sentence of an editorial in the Omaha Republican. The last clause is the leader. What ever may be meant by "the VanWyck squall," it is evident that the republican leaders depend on satisfying the dej mauds of the people with wind. We will say to these gentlemen that bun combe resolutions will not do this year, and that the issue is broader than one of mere local freight rates. Henry George in Australia. The Chicago Herald says: Henry George is making a great impression in Australia. A grand banquet was given the other day at Sydney in his honor. His lectures on the land question draw immense and enthusiastic audiences. Perhaps the land of new ballot systems, black swans and duck-billed platypuses will be the first to give Mr. George's tenets a trial. Meanwhile the great single tax disciple will not suffer any. A California woman has just left him $10,000, and not long ago he was the re cipient of another bequest of a large amount. Whether Mr. George's argu ments are all true or all false, or are a dangerous mixture of truth and false hood, one thing is certain, he writes good English. SENATOR VOORHEES. Extracts From his Recent Speech Elo quent Talk. We give below an extract trom a late speech of Senator D. W. Voorhees in the U. S. senate. His portrayal of the present condition of affairs is quite as vigorous and accurate as his descrip tion of the remedies. It is very ob servable that all the honest, outspoken men of the country, of whatever party, are taking the same view of the present situation: The relations of the laboring classes to the feudal barons of Europe during the Middle Ages were exactly the same in principle as those now existing be tween the laboring classes of the United States and the favored few, for whom they are hewers of wood and drawers of water. Cedric, the Saxon, had no surer hold on the services of Gurth, the swineherd, than the lords of the money power have at this time on the hard earnings of American industry. Are we to be blind to the lessons of history? There is al ways a point in the oppression and en slavement of labor where safety ceases and danger begins. REMEDIES PROPOSED. First. "Tariff reform should be so thorough, complete and unsparing that, after providing sufficient revenue for the government, not one dollar would be further required of the farmer as protection to high priced goods, wares and merchandise, because of their be ing manufactured and sold by Ameri can monopolists. Second. A full supply of legal ten der money in the hands of the people, proportioned in amount to the popula tion and business of the- country, is as essential to the prosperity of the farm ers as a sufficient quantity of blood is to human life. It is nowhere denied that there is at this time a meager and stint ed volume of currency in circulation amongst the producing and business classes. This fact is owing largely to the absorption of money by the monop olies at the money centers, and to a great extent also to the growth of pop ulation and the expansion of business without any corresponding increase in the amount of our circulating medium. The figures of the census and the sta tistics of finance show that wiiile our population has increased 25,000,000 in the last twenty-five years, and the re quirements of business for the use of money have increased in the same pro portion, yet there is in fact less money in actual circulation in the hands of the people or attainable by them for daily use than there was a quarter of a cen tury ago. It is the constitutional power and the constitutional duty of the gov ernment to authorize and enact by its stamp, on either gold, silver, or paper, a sufficient amount of money, full legal tender in quality, to meet the sound and healthy demands of the people in their trade, their commerce, and their development of the physical resources of the country. Thus the supreme court of the United States has decided, and thus, in spite of those interested in the scarcitv of mon ey, in low-priced property, and in cheap labor, the law stands settled. With the power in congress to declare what shall be money and how much shall be is sued, what necessity can there be for the farmer to offer his lands to the gov ernment as security for a small loan in his distress? He has a higher right than this to a much ampler and more endur ing relief. I fully agree with the sena tor from California (Mr. Stanford), in his statement that "an abundance of money means universal activity, bring ing in its train all the blessings that be long to a constantly employed, indus trious, and intelligent people." I do not, however, agree with him that the land-owners of the United States, the sovereign people who own and support the government, should be left to become borrowers at the door of the treasury on their mortgaged homes at one-half or one-quarter of their as sessed value, or at any other appraise ment. I do not agree with him that such a system would in the long run bring any relief at all. The owners of the soil stand on higher, safer, and more dignified ground. The constitu tion of the United States confers the power on congress to create and issue all the money needed for the relief of the people; and for the value, the in tegrity, the good faith, and the final re demption of this money all the lands between the two oceans, all the homes on the farms or in the cities, all the wealth of monopoly and of corpora tions, all the credit, resources, and hon or of the government itself stand pledged, and will stand pledged for ever. Let congress, on such a pledge, such a mortgage, furnish to the laboring masses and the active business interests of the country an amount of currency in porportion to population and trade, and everv active industry will be stim ulated, prices for agricultural produce will become remunerative, mortgages will be paid off, old debts will be wiped out, wages will increase to a fair ex change for work in the shops and in the coal mines, the wrinkled visage of hard times will be smoothed, and homes now dark with gloom and distress, will smile with peace and plenty. The largest amount of legal tender notes (greenbacks) known in our financial history since the war was $432,757,604; and that at a time when our population was 25,000,000 less than it is now. The present amount of the greenback circulation is $346,081,010, being a con traction of the currency, for an enor mously increased population, of $86, 076,588. Had I the power, I would as a measure of justice, wise policy, and permanent relief to every worthy and industrious class of citizens, restore the greenback circulation to the highest point it ever reached in time of peace, and there maintain it. Let the $86,076, 588 be reissued, with debt-paying pow er, and the humiliating idea of mort gaging homesteads for small loans will disappear forever. No speculative dis turbance in values would follow such an increase of our circulation,' for it would even then be too small in its ra tio to a population of 60,000,000 and to the giant developments yet to take place in this Union of forty-two states. Third. The free coinage of silver al so presents itself as a measure of relief to the American farmer, and to the la borer for daily wages. Argument against the use of silver money to the full extent of all cur silver resources is never heard in th channels of trade nor in the fields of active industry. Its enemies are not to be found in the ranks of labor, but in the sumptuous council chambers of the arrogant plu tocracy, where the chief aim and end of government is to increase the power of money over lands . and houses, and over men and women, by making it scarce and" hard to obtain by the plain, unprotected people. Those who affect an alarm at silver inflation are mostly those who are bent on the contraction of all kinds of cur rency in order to increase the purchas ing power of the money which monop oly ana privilege nave aireaay given them. The financial credit of no na tion in the world stands higher than that of France, and the circulation of silver amongst the French people is $14.67 per capita, while it is but $2.72 per capita with us. With more silver products than all the world besides, the people of the United States are demand ing fair play for silver money and the assistance and stimulus of its unlimited coinage and circulation. With all the discrimination that has been made against it, with all the sneers and ca lumnies that have been heaped upon it, gold can buy no more in the markets than silver, and can carry its aristo cratic head no higher than the dollar of the fathers. The adoption of the free coinage of silver will make an era of prosperity to the American farmer and to all the industrial classes. Fourth. Another measure of relief for the embarrassment and depression of. agricultural interests and the dis turbance of their markets should be the prompt enactment of laws, either by congress or by the states, or by both, punishing with state's prison imprison ment those who speculate on the great food products of the world and gamble on their future prices, without having owned a bushel of corn or wheat, or a pound of beef or pork or any other commodity which they assume to buy and sell. This is an interference with the honest, legitimate trade of the farm er which should be made a felony, and punished as such. Fifth. To the foregoing propositions in the interest of the farmer I would add a liberal policy of pensions and a full and generous recognition of those who served their country in the hour of its peril. Money paid in pensions to the soldier is not only a benefit and a bless ing to him and those who are dear to him, but also to the produce dealer, the merchant, and to all within range of its circulation. But for the large sums which for years have been disbursed by the pension office and thus reached nearly every neighborhood in the Uni ted States and gone into general circu lation the present financial crisis among the farmers and laborers would have come at an earlier day. As a beneficial measure, therefore to all as well as a dutv of the most sacred character, the soldier should be paid by his govern ment as one who was willing to die for his government. On that lofty basis his equities are without limit, and jus tice should at all times stand read to enforce them. ALL FOR THE FARMER. Corn, Wheat, Eggs, Raw Silk and Peat Under Higher Duties for His sake. The New York Tribune, by way of con vincing the farmer that the republican party benevolently holds him in the hol low' of its hand, publishes a list showing the comparative rates of duty on agri cultural products by the present tariff, the Mills bill and the McKinley bill. Here are some of the most striking facts of the case, showing the increase of duty as compared with the present tariff: Barley, 20 cents a bushel; buckwheat, 5 cents a bushel; corn, 5 cents a bushel: oats, 5 cents a bushel; wheat, 5 cents a bushel; butter, 2 cents a pound; beans, 30 cents a bushel; eggs, 5 cents per dozen ; peas, changed from 20 per cent to 40 cents a bushel; potatoes, 10 cents a bush el; vegetables in natural state, 15 per cent; straw $2 per ton; apples, 2o cents per bushel; plums, 1 cent per pound ;hgs, unchanged; raisins, cent a pound; ba con and ham, 3 cents per pound; beef, mutton and pork, 1 cent a pound; wool, unwashed, 1 cent a pound; wool, third class, not exceeding 12 cents a pound in value, 1 cent a pound; wool, third class, exceeding 12 cents a pound in value, cent a pound; raw silk, $1 a pound; peat, $3 a ton; leaf tobacco, stemmed, $1.75 cents a pound; unstem- mend $1.25 per pound. This is a refreshing list. A tariff on most of these things, especially wheat, corn, oats and bacon, is ot about as much use to the farmer as the fifth wheel to his wagon. It is pleasant to know that figs are unchanged, since no farmer will suffer by their admission at the present duty of two cents a pound It is to be hoped that every farmer real izes the advantages conferred upon him by increased duties on raw silk and peat. Saunders County Alliance. A grand meeting of the Saunders County Alliance was held at Wahoo on Saturday the 19th inst. Mr. Voldo ad dressed the meeting. His addresses are original, sharp and incisive, and are at tracting much attention. Secretary Rand reports twenty-eight Subordinate Alliances in Saunders county, with a membership of fifteen hundred. The total vote of Saunders county in 1888 was 4,379. It looks as though the Alliance in that county might turn matters about to its liking, if it keeps reasonably solid. . Strange Bedfellows. The Omaha Bee and the B. f M. Jour nal come together in their fight for the money power, and against the farmers The latter quotes from a correspondent of the former some abuse of the men who have dared tell the truth about the indebtedness of Nebraska. Neither of them (fuote the official report of the farm mortgages of Saline county, that we have noticed. The Memorial Again. The Omaha Republican publishes a column rigmarole about the Alliance Memorial, and some figures about farm mortgages obtained by Mr. Jenkins in Sarpy county. Mr. Jenkins has memo rial on the brain, when his brain is in condition to receive any impressions. Why don't the Republican publish the official figures from Saline count v? The Moral and Political Decadence of American Institutions. Under the .early presidents, appoint ments to office were made in the true spirit of the Constitution. A certain service was to be performed in the in terest of the public, and a man possess ing the requisite capacity and tried character w as looked for to perform it. Appointment as a reward of partisan service, and removal as a punishment for difference of political opinion, were unknoAvn. In the first division of par ties, the strength was with the Feder alist, and George Washington, their candidate, Avas eleAated to the presiden tial chair. But George Washington Avas first of all a patriot, and only in the second place a Federalist; and his earliest executive act was to appoint to the leading place in his cabinet his most conspicuous political opponent, since knoAvn as the father of American De mocracy, Thomas Jefferson; while Alexander Hamilton, the champion of the party which had just triumphed in his own election, was assigned to a lower seat at the same council board. And in this large and liberal and magnanimous spirit were made all the appointments to office during the administration of that great man. If under his earlier successors the same noble magnanimity Avas not the invariable rule, there was at least no large departure from it for more than thirty years. There came a time at length, hoAvever, AA'henthe chair of state AA'as filled by a man who chose to make himseli the chief of a party and not of the country, or, rather, in whose view no country existed except the party supporting him. Under the iron rule inaugurated by this energetic chief, every incumbent of a federal office, no matter how insignificant, Avho Avas pre sumed not to have been favorable to the reA'olution which brought the neAV dynasty into poAAer, wras unceremon iously ejected from the public service; and in filling the multitude of places thus vacated, the qualifications demand ed Avere no longer honesty, competency and fidelity to the Constitution, but, in stead of these, activity and zeal in the service of the party and devotion to the party chief. rroni that time to the present, the character of the civil service of the country has been steadily falling lower and loAver. Among the serA'ants of the public, the public interest is the last thing thought of. Rather, on the other hand, the public treasure is regarded by those into Avhose hands it has fallen not otherAvise than as the merchandise of a rich caraAan is regarded by the Bedouins of the" desert a legitimate booty, to be seized Avith favoring oppor tunity and divided among the members of the successful band. Not eAen in the beginning Avas any attempt made to conceal the mercenary character of the new system. It Avas eAen defended as a just system in the highest legislative council of the nation, by a very promin ent leader of the party Avhich first prof ited by it, whose pithy enunciation of its fundamental principle will never pass from the memory of man "To the A ictors belong the spoils." But it is no longer the system of a particular party. It has become the recognized system of all parties, until the continually-recurring political struggles by which the country is agitated have ceased to be contests OA'er great questions of consti tutional law or governmental policy, but have degenerated into discreditable squabbles to determine Avhich of two bodies of political cormorants, both equally unAvorthy, shall be permitted to prey upon the public. Under its opera tion the very character of our govern ment has been changed. This violation of the spirit of the Con stitution is prostituting the poAver of appointment to be an instrument of re Avard and punishment, originated, as Ave haA e seen, in the Avill of a single man, strong enough in an abnormal popularity to force his OAvn measures upon the country in spite of a hostile legislature, and to convert the govern ment for a time into a practical des potism. He A'as accustomed indeed to speak of the government as "my gov ernment," and of himself as one "born to command;" and had he been asked to define the stale, Avould, probably, like Louis XIV., have answered, Uetat e'est moi. But his imperial mantle fell upon a successor fashioned in a far inferior mold and infinitely less daring in tem per, Avho, though not suited to the bold role of an avoAA'ed dictator, was possess ed of an astuteness Avhich amply com pensated for this defect. It Avas his boast to tread in the footsteps of his illustrions predecessor, and in some respects he certainly improved upon the example his predecessor had set him. To him is believed to haAre been due an important discovery, if not in the science of politi cal economy, at least in the economy of scientific politics that the poAver of goA-ernmental patronage may be in definitely increased by the ingenious expedient of employing middle men in its dispensation. The middle man, Avho must be a man AArorth buying, is bought by the privilege of bestOAving the bene faction; the final recipient is bought by benefaction itself. The men most Avorth buying by this participation in the pow er of appointment are naturally to be found, and they are found, among the members of the legislatiA-e body; and by firmly attaching a sufficient number of these, in interest as Avell as in sympathy, to the recognized head of the party in power, there AA'as secured to the execu tive the incalculable advantage of a never-failing and indiscriminate support in that body of all his measures. The system thus introduced speedily and effectually took root and has since be come the established system of Ameri can politics. N o matter Avhat party is in power it is ahvays practiced. But it has Avrought in the experience of years a consequence which the inventor cer tainly neAer anticipated; for the privi lege which themiddle men at first re- ceiv ea Avitn uianktuiness they noAv in virtue or a long undisturbed possession boldly demand as a light. The spoils of victory are claimed as the common property of the victorious band; the right of the chief to control its distribu tion is set at defiance; and thus the ex- ecutive, with which the system origin ated, has been shorn by it of the power to name its own subordinates and the goA-ernment of the Constitution has practically ceased to exist. In its place has groAvn up something which admits ot no classification among systems of government ancient or mod ern. Republican in form, as nominally representatiA e, it is yet not a republic; tor its representatiAes, though chosen by the people, are not the people's choice. Democratic in methods as seemingly resting on universal suffrage ii is yei not a democracy; tor the peri- ouicai appeal ro me popular AOice is a ceremony as empty and unreal as a plebiscite under the second empire Though the goAernment of a class it is not an aristocracy; for it is largely com poseu oi elements least or all deserving of respect. And though the government of a feAv it is not an oligarchy de jure though it is such de facto; it exists by no recognized right and its existence is not even confessed. The imperfection of language has necessitated the inA ention of a neAV form of Avords to describe it; and this has been supplied by those most familiar Avith its Avorkings in the felicitous expression, "machine goA'ern ment." No phrase could have been bet ter chosen. A machine is a contriAance in AA'hich numerous separate elements are combined for the effective applica tion of force to a determinate object. Such is the political machine. It is composed of a class of men Avho make politics a profession and Avhose ruling aim in life is to make their profession profitable. In order to do this it is nec essary to secure tk? possession of all places of trust and emolument under the gOA'ernment to their oavii class. And in order to this again, it is - further neces sary that the people shall be deprived of the option to choose other men. The effectiveness of the machine is most strikingly illustrated in the thorough ness with which this object is accom plished. So long as forms of popular election are maintained party divisions among tne people are of course inevit able. And it is as true of parties as of armies that without organization, unity of purpose and concert of action there can be no success. To control the party organization is therefore the aim of the professed politician, and experience has shown that this is comparatively easy. The process is a curious combination of fraud and force. The first step in it is what is known as "engineering the primaries." The pri maries are in theory assemblies of the soAcrcign people. Their province is to select delegates to a representative con vention, having for its function to set forth publicly the principles for Avhich the party ostensibly contends and to name its standard-bearers. The prima ries are easily engineered. Their busi ness is carefully prepared for them in advance, even to the designation of their OAvn officers. At the appointed hour, the captains of tens and the captains of fifties are prompt in attendance;ca ma chince politician is called to the chair by a vote Avithout a count; a machine politician proposes the nominees; the nominations are declared to be adopted; and the engineering of the primary is complete. The management of the con- A'ention is almost equally simple. Being made up of machine politicians it Knows very well what it has to do and it does it. The really important part of its Avork has been prepared for it in antici pation of its meeting by a process con ducted in secret, knoAvn among machine politicians as "making up a slate." In general, the slate, after the obsen-ance of certain decorous formalities is duly ratified; but occasionally as there Avill now and then be factions within tac tions the slate may be broken and a neAV one produced a result, however, of no importance to the country, since it is perfectly understood that the Avin ning party in any case shall have the use ot the machine, ihe portion or the Avork of the con'ention which is designated for popular effect, is the declaration of principles, technically called a "platform." This is a beauti ful piece of composition, glowing in every line Avith patriotic and virtuous sentiment, setting forth with earnest emphasis a A'ariety of indisputable pro positions and embellished Avith a choice selection of those glittering generalities which sound so Avell and Avhen Ave think of it, seem to mean so little. These may be A'aried from time to time according to circumstances; but there are one or tAA'o specifications which, as beiug al Avays in place and particularly Avell sounding are quite indispensable to any properly constructed platform, These are first, a peremptory demand for the retrenchment of the public expenditure; and secondly, a proper denunciation of the ungrateful miscreants who Avould rob our brave soldiers and sailors of their merited pensions. The platform being duly promulgated the Avork of the conATention is done. In the meantime the opposing party has been going through with a perform ance entirely similar; and the result is that the simple citizen or the "man out side of politics" has no - alternatiAe but to stay outside altogether or to choose the machine Avith which he Avill run. There remains of course the expedient of independent action; but such action is only labor Avasted, unless it be wisely concerted, so thoroughly organized and so energetically prosecuted as to become poAverful enough to break both ma chines. It must be attempted, if at all, under enormous disadvantages. The adA antage of experience is against it; it must oppose raw volunteers to dis ciplined and A'eterau troops. The ad vantage of position is against it; one of the parties is already in possession of the goAernment. The advantage of in strumentalities is against it; the custom house, the postollice, the internal reve nue bureau, the land office, and all the other ramifications of the civil serA'ice, are so many engines in the hands of the enemy. And finally the adA'antage of access to the public ear is against it; for the periodical press is largely either subsidized by existing parties or in sympathy Avith them. In certain party exigencies it is some times found to be a stroke of policy to eleA ate a man to high position Avho is not a professional politician. We have seen such a man made eA en president; and Ave have seen him in taking office avow his deep sense of the Avrongful ness of the existing state of things, and his determination to effect a radical re form. The people outside of politics that is to say, the great mass of the peo ple looked on Avith delighted satisfac tion; the more so as the politicians af fected to catch the gloAv of their chief's enthusiasm and prepared in their A'ery next platform a conspicuous plank in scribed "Civil Service Reform' in large letters. There AAras nothing surprising in this. The professional politician al Avays favors the thing that is good, only he neA'er does it unless it is good for himself. On this occasion, after throAv ing the civil service tub to the great public whale, he simply let it severely alone, and it soon drifted out of sight. The president, disgusted Avith the ill success of his project, abandoned fur ther effort and let the machine grind on as before. When the corrupt use of the public patronage for party ends first began to be practiced, it Avas not regarded as necessarily involving, in those Avho em ployed it or in those who Avere benefited by it, any personal dishonesty or lack of integrity. Personal morality and political morality Avere esteemed, to be two quite different things. But the practice is intrinsically and essentially dishonest and no man can participate in it Avithout shortly losing sight of all the ordinary distinctions betAveen right and wrong. The man who sought othce for the emolument it brought, rather than, for the honorable functions with Avhich it clothed him, would hardly hes itate to use the opportunities and the poAA ers of office to increase his gains. And history has painfully demonstrated that the corruption inAoh'ed in the original distribution of office is insignif icant and trivial, contrasted Avith that infinitely larger corruption Avhich has groAvn out of the prostitution of office itself to mercenary ends. It is only by occasional glimpses that we get sight of this moral rottenness. Hoav much or it remains hidden Ave know not, but Avhat Ave ha'e seen is more than enough to demonstrate that it infects the public serA'ice more or less completely in all its departments, state, municipal and fed eral and in all grades from the highest to the loAvest. When the officers ap pointed to guard the revenue are them selves discovered in a conspiracy to de fraud it, and Avhen the conspiracy is found to spread its ramifications OA'er half the territory of the union, the state of the federal civil service .needs no further comment; and so long as I am an inhabitant of a city in Avhich a public debt of one hundred millions of dollars, contracted in the brief space of five years, is a monument commemorating the colossal robberies of its own chosen rulers, I shall not think it necessary to seek out any other example of Avhat is possible in municipal misgovernment. Nor are our legislatiA'e councils more exempt from this Avide-spread moral contamination than our civil sen ice. Rather, as the high trust committed to them is capable of larger perversion, as they hold in their hands the poAver to grant or refuse privileges, monopolies, charters, franchises and claims and as the solicitants for these things are usually as unscrupulous as they are eager, and are always ready to buy Avhere they cannot persuade, the mem bers of the legislature have been pre emintly exposed to temptation, and have been found too often sadly Aveak of resistance. So notorious indeed has the fact of legislatiA-e corruption become that in every calculation upon the prob able fate of any important measure pending before such a body, this fact is one of the elements invariably consider ed. There is the story told, I know not how truly, of a well known capitalist whoso interests Avere liable to be seri ously affected by the action of a lure just about io no ciuwn. jicaau SOllCllCll IO tOHllimuu m my -. jh-ji.-mj i the canvass, and the argument Avas re inforced bv the suggestion that a suffi cient sum judiciously npplied might se cure to him a friendly majority. "Pos sibly it might," replied the millionaire, "but in my judgment it Avould be cheaper to Avait until after the election and then buy the legislature ready-made." However this may be.theioiiowing pne- i . . nomena are ot uuueniauio occurrence. Honorable members, though miserably compensated by the many cases groAV rapidly rich. Possibly they arc saving, but if so the saving seems often to be greater than the income. Second ly, there invariably clusters about every legislative body a peculiar class of men T . ..i.. 'i it.. i : who so actively concern iiieiuseie m the proceedings as almost to form a third house. These are knoAvn as the lobby. They are chiefly interested in a class of measures described as "bills which havo money in them." J. heir principal busi ness, in the jargon which they use among themselves, is "to see men." And the men they are most eager to see are such as are uuderstood"to be on the make." There must be something sin gularly efficacious in their power of sight, tor the memuer Avnom mo loony man has once thoroughly seen, is as money in it is speedily "put through;" and the lobby man, as he puts the money into his pocket, remarks that some of it had already in advance been"put Avhere it would do the most good." In the third place, while these important mat ters are busily transacted, the measures AA'hich really concern the general avcI fare are either neglected altogether, or allowed to accumulate in an unregarded heap upon the speaker's table, Avhere thev lie forgotten until the closing hour of the session, Avhen, in the midst of a Babel-like confusion, they are either hastily dispatched Avithout reading, or else cut off altogether by the fall of the speaker's hammer, and so finally lost. And this is the deplorable condition into Avhich the public affairs of our coun try haAe fallen. It is not the spectacle to Avhich the hopeful patriot of the ear lier years AA'as accustomed to look for Avard. It is hardly a realization of those gloAving visions of purity and virtue.and noble disinterestedness, and unselfish devotion to public good, and large and lofty statesmanship, and generous and fervent patriotism, so often, in rapt im agination of orator and poet Avelcoming the annual return of freedom's natal day, beheld adorning our country's fu ture annals. Concluded next Aveek. At War .With Themselves. While Mr. McKinley's minority av:is shilly-shallying over the question of hides, that amiable economic imbecile, the NeAV York Press says the Standard put into type an article from the Bos ton Boot and Shoe Recorder, designed to sIioav that the argument in favor of free hides Avas no argument in favor of free avooI. As the irony of fate would lnwe it the Press ran this article into its "tariff talks" on the very morning Avhen the announcement Avas made that the McKinley bill puts hides under a duty of fifteen per cent. Here are some of the Boot and Shoe Recorder's arguments against this feature of the bill: Commerce can exchange articles pro duced for other articles, but as long as a fair value is given in exchange this can bring no positie increase in the to tal wealth. Noav if Ave assume that the tariff, by making an imported article cost more, will encourage domestic pro ducers to supply a similar article, Ave have a Aery simple rule lor testing whether a tariff on a given article is protectiAe or not. If there is no ten dency to development and increase of the domestic production, then the tariff is not protective, but becomes simply a tax on the consumers for the sole pur pose of rcA enne. Applying this test to the tariff on hides, Ave see at once that there is no possibility of a duty being protective in the sense or developing production, be cause Ave cannot imagine a farmer rais ing cattle for the sake of the hides. A tariff on meat, if avo were importing largely, might tend to offer inducements for raising more cattle, but if all im portations of hides Ave re prohibited the fact would not tend to encourage the raising of a single extra calf. Neither could a tariff increase the price of do mestic hides, because the domestic pro duction is so Aery much larger than the possible importations that the former raer Avould govern the price. The an nual product of domestic hides is esti mated at 16,000,000 of all kinds, and the total imports will amount to about 4,500,000 hides. Furthermore, the latter are for the most part intirely different in quality from the domestic hides, and do not com pete Avith the latter in the markets. But even if this were not the case an advance of ten per cent on the cost of one-fifth could not seriously affect the prices f the four-fifths. As the production of hides could not be developed by a duty therefor, nor the price increased for the hides that are produced, a tariff must be a tax for revenue only, Avithout any ossibility of compensating benefits, 'rotectionists long ago recognized this principle, and as soon after the Avar as the revenue could be dispensed Avith, hides Avere placed on the free list. While it is undeniable that tariff will not advance the price of domestic hides, this is not the belief of Chicago's big four. It has long been a stock argu ment Avith them that free hides AA'as one of the main elements in making cattle loAV-priced. They believe the duty will advance the price of domestic hides, and it is by their influence that the duty Avas restored. The Long and Short of It. The Omaha Bee is laboring hard to convince the farmers of Nebraska that there is plenty of money in this country for all practical purposes. The Bee may be right, but so long as the farmer has to hustle twenty acres of corn to market to get enough lucre to pay the interest on his mortgage he Avill con tinue to think the United States is long on corn and short on cash. Xorfolk Xeics. . The American Well Works of Auro ra. Til.. h.iA-e onened at 1113 Elm street. Dallas, Texas, a branch house, Avhere they will keep a stock of supplies and standard machines to supply the very large and increasing southern trade. Omaha Market. Any member of the Alliance having pro duce to sell in Omaha can ship to Allen 'Root, care of Bowman & Williams. April 19, 1890. Sugar granulated 67 ?. Sugar X C 6X 6V4 . Sugar-Anti-trust 5?i Wt' Butter 14 16. Poultry 9 11. Poultry Live, f3. 60 $4.00. Potatoes 30 cents if good. Eggs 1013. oats imao. Baled Hay 6.007.00. completely subdued as Avas Coleridge s Avedding guests by the glittering eye df the Ancient Mariner. The bill which has