3 MAk . WW? "THERE IS NOTHING WHICH IS HUMAN THAT IS ALIEN TO ME." Terence. VOL. I. " LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 1890. , X(I 43.'" " t . . - - . i 5 f U Notice to Subscribers. EXPIRATIONS, As the easiest and cbpe6t men! ot noti fying subscribers of tht; elate of thrir expira tions we will mark Ihte notice with blue or red pencil, on the ite at which their sub scription expires. We will send the paper two weeks after expiration. If not renewed by that time it will be discontinued. He'll Bet That the Tariff is a Tax. (Kinsman, Kan.. Democrat.) He Pat at his door at noonday, lonely and felooiny and -s:l, Brooding over the price of his corn crop and figuring liowinueh he had. Ho had worked from early springtime, early and late and hard. And he was counting his assets and 1gu ring out his reward. He figured Hint it took two acres to buy'his two t)oys new boots, And ten acres more on top of this to flffhem out with new suits. To bray his wife a protected dress took a hun dred bushels more, White five-acres went in a solid lump for the enrpet on the Uoor. His taxes and his grocery bill absorbed his crop of oats, Wliile the interest on his farm mortgage took all his fattened shoats. The shingles on tiis cowshed and the lumber fov-hiw barn Had Piitcii up his beef steers and the balance of his corn. So he Fat in his door at noonday, lonely and gloomy and sore, As he figured up his wealth a little less than it was the year before. Iiy gum, they say I'm protectedbut I know there's something wrong; I've been decieved and gulled and hood winked by this high protection song. They told of rebellious traitors, and held up the bloody rag, And I followed along like a pumpkin, and now I'm holding the bag. Hut from this time on I'll investigate, and get 'to the bottom of facts. And I'll lift four dollars to begin with, that tli" taritl' is a tax" LINCOLN AND LABOR. A Neglected Chapter. Washington. DC, March 81. .lust liel'ore he left for New England, a lew weeks ajo. 1 happened to stroil into the congressional library with .Mr. James K. Mills, of California. We walked about the once spacious hall, now overcrowded a ith its six hundred and lifty thousand volumes, until Mr. Mills asked to see the Congressional (llobe, and turning to President Lin coln's first annual message to the con gress of the United States, dated Dee. 3, 1H(51, pointed out to me the following remarkable passage, which, he said, had at the time it was issued, impressed him so forcibly that the memory of it had stayed with him through the long years which have since intervened. The passage reads: It continues to develop that the in surrection is largely, if not exclusively, a war upon the first principle of popu lar government the right of the peo ple." Conclusive evidence of this is found in the most grave and maturely considered public documents, as well as in the general tone of the insurgents. In those documents we find the abridge ment of the existing right of still" rage and the denial to the people of all right to participate in the selection of public oflicers, except the legislative, boldly advocated, with labored arguments to prove that large control of the people iu government is the source of all politi cal evil. Monarchy itself is sometimes hinted at as a possible refuge from the power. of the people. In my present position I could scarce ly be justified were I to omit raising a warning voice against this apjroach of returning despotism. It is not needed nor fitting here that a general argument should be made in favor of popular institutions; but there is one point, with its connections, not so hackneyed as most others, to which I ask a brief attention. It is the effort to pi see capital on an equal footing with, if not above labor, in the structure of government. It is assumed that labor is available only in connection with capital that nobody labors unless somebody else, owning capital, some how by t lie use of it induces him to la bor. This assumed, it is next consid ered whether it is best that capital shall hire laborers, and thus induce them to work by their own consent, or buy them, aiid -drive them to it without their consent. Having thus proceeded so far it is naturally concluded that all labor ers are either hired laborers or what we call slaves. And further it is assumed that whuev-er is once a hired laborer is fixed in that condition for life. Now, t here is no such relation between capital and labor as assumed; nor is there any such thing as a free man being iixed for life in the condition of a hired laborer. loth these assumptions are false, anil all inferences from them are groundless. Labor is prior to and independent of capital. Capital is only the fruit of la hor, and could never have existed if la bor had fast not existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration. Capital has its rights, which are as worthy of pro tection as any other rights. Nor is it denied that there is. and probably al ways will be, a relation between labor ami capital producing mutual benefits. The error is in the assumption that the whole labor of the community" exists within that relation. A few men own capital, and that few avoid labor thera- selves,and with their capital hire or buy another few to labor for them. A large majority belong to another class neither work for others nor have others work for them. In most of the southern states a majority of the whole people, of all colors, are neither slaves nor mas ters, while in the northern a large ma- ioritv are neither hirers nor hired. JNlen, with their families wives, sons and daughters work for themselves, on their farms,in their houses and in their shops, taking the whole product to themselves, and. asking no favors of capital on the one hand nor of hired laborers nor slaves on the other. It is not forgotten that a considerable number of persons mingle their own labor with capital that ls.they labor with their own nanus, and also buy or hire others to labor for them. But this is only a mixed and not a distinct elaas. No principle stated is disturbed by thg existence of this mixed class. Again, as has already been said, there is not, of necessity, any such thing as the free hired lalxrer being fixed to that conditioi of life. Many independent men everywhere in these states, a few years back in their lives, -were hired la borers. The prudent penniless beginner in the world labors for wages a while, saves a surplus with which to buy tools or hind for himself, then lalxrs on his own account another while.and at length hires another new beginner to help him. This is the just and generous and pros perous system, which opens the way to all gives hope to all, anil consequent energy and progress, and improvement of condition to all. No men living are any more worthy to be trusted than those who toil up from poverty; none less inclined to take or touch aught that they have not honestly earned. Let them beware of surrendering a political power which they already issess, and which, if surrendered, will surely be used to close the door of advancement against such jis they, and to fix new dis abilities and burdens upon them, till all of liberty shall be lost." Is it singular that the foregoing im pressed itself on Mr. Mill's mind? Is it not rather to be questioned why it is not generally remembered? As the eye pass es rapidly along the mind is busy with questions: How came it at such a time and in such a place that there should ap pear a didactical discourse, having ap parently no relation to the mighty busi ness of the war iu hand; what was the process by which Abraham Lincoln ar rived at these wonderfully clear and simple views of cardinal principles un derlying social progress; why did thin portion of the message elicit so little comment and discussion; how came it since to be completely forgotten? Mr. Lincoln had been not ten months in the presidency. He hail at once to undertake the gigantic task of putting down the rebellion. While he could not but choose to use the force of arms against the seceded states, he had first to try other means to prevent the border states from withdrawing from the Union and joining in the insurrection. He must, besides, organize armies and build and man a navy. He must avoid for eign complications. He must press along, despite the suspicion cast upon the loyalty of many of those upon whom he had to impose much confidence and responsibility despite the fact that the Union forces had not yet done aught to lift the cloud of doubt and apprehension that came with the news of the disaster at Bull Run. Yet, notwithstanding the pressure of all these great matters to hurry him, President Lincoln, in this re markable message, after briefly review ing the events of the preceding few months, expressing expectations for the future, and recommending for consider ation divers matters and measures, de liberately turned aside to deliver a hom ilv upon the relations of labor and capi tal.' And they were not idle words falling upon dull ears, or thoughts of some re flective hours so far in advance of his time as not to be generalh' appreciated. It was a political maxim which Mr. Lin coln adopted early in his career to keep along even with the humor of the peo ple, to as truly as possible give expres sion to their thoughts and act upon their wishes, but not to go in advance of them. He saw clearly that the war involved more than a question of secession that natural rights were at stake. What roused him was the attitude of southern extremists who were trying to make themselves and others believe that the relations of capital and labor should be the relations of master and slave, there wanting not southern divines to declare in support of this that the white work ingmen of the north were tending to ward and must inevitably sink under an industrial slavery far more grinding and heartless than was ever suffered by the black chattel slaves of the south. Horses Cost Cash; Men Cost Nothing. Xeir York Sun. A good deal of the profit or loss in the management of a horse car or stage line, an express company, or any sim ilar enterprise lies in the care of the horses. It is more important financi ally to look out for the horses than it is for the men employed. There are al ways plenty of men to be had to take the places of the sick and disabled, but horses cost good, hard cash, and can't be had in any other way. The tempo rary or permanent loss of a man from the" .service means only a little incon venience. The loss of a horse means so much cash gone. Errata Through my mistake, or the printer, in railroad article last week, the gross earnings for 71) are $22r,000,000, instead of $5'"),000,000 as it should be. C. M. Clark. Govenmcnt Buildings. Washington, April 23. A bill was intro duced in the houfe which, if passed, will catss a largo expenditure of money in the fctates of Nebraska, Iowa and the Da kota, and give pofitoi.ee buildings to a kvgj number of cities in these states. It autb.0r.3a tne postomee department to erect pcetofiiee buildings at all cities whose annual net receiptsjare $3,000 cr more, and at county seats where net receipts are $2,5"0. Places which will get buildings under the bil are as follows: Nebraska Beatrice, Chadron, Columbus, Crete. Fairbury, Fremont. Grand Island, Hastirgs. Holarrcre. Kearney, mcuook, ror- folk. Plattsmoutb. aoutn Omaoa. lorK. Iowa Atlantic. Uoone, Uurimgton, ueaar Falls. Creston. Cherokee, Clinton, Daven Dcrt. Decorab. Fairfield, Fort Dodge. Fort Madison. Grinneii. independence, lowa Citv. Keokuk. L3 Mare. .Lyons. Manchester. Maauoket. Harshalltown. Mason City. Mount Pleasant, Muscatine, Newton, Osca loosa, Ottumwa, Bed Oak, Shenandoah, Sioux City, Vinton, Washington, Waterloo, Webster City. Dakota Aberdeen, Bismarck, Deadwood, Fargo. Grand Forks, Huron, Jamestown, Minot, Mitchell, Plankington, Rapid City, Sioux .ails, water town, xanaxon. Tneir Labor Completed. Washington, April 20. At noon Saturday the Pan-American conference adjourned sine die. After the transaction of some routine business and the adoption of res olutions offered by Delegate varas ox Chili pledging the sympathetic associa tion of the members of the conference with the quadro-centennial celebration, of tne discovery oz America, and Dy Delegate Peeraza of Venezuela expressing their gratitude for the hospitality of the United States, a motion to adjourn sine die was made and carried, after Mr. Blaine had glAen the conference a benediction. CONGRESSIONAL The Senate. Washington, April 17. In the senate to day Mr. Cullom presented a petition signed by many citizens of Ohio, Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, MinEesota, Michigan, Colorado, Missouri, Kanea?, Arkansas, North and SiUth Dakota and Washington pray irg that sugar, lumber, salt, binding tw ine ard ma terials ent ering into its composition be ad mitted free of duty and that a cut of at least 50 per cent be made on woolen, cotton and linen fabrics. Mr. Plumb presented a resolution of tht Newton, Kan., board of trade protesting against the imposition of any duty on ores containing lead imported from Mexico and favoring the negotiation of a reciprocal treaty with that country. Among the petitions and memorials pre sented was one from the Charleston board of trade protecting against the pat sage of the Bmtterwcrth anti-option and future bill. Among the bills introduced was one by Mr. Bfgan, proposing an amendment to the constitution cr the election of senaters by a vote of tha people. The house bill for the appointment and retirement of John C. Fremont as major general in the army was passed. The Fenate proceeded to consider the house joint resolution for the appointment of thirty medical examiners for the p? n sion bureau, without reference to the civil service law. After some discussion the senate ad journed without finishing the bill. Washington, April 18. In the house this morning, Mr. Enloc of Tennessee, rising to a question of piivilege, sent to the clerk's desk and had read an article from the New York Press declaring that a gigantic job had been discovered in tha eoutnern war claims bill introduced by him. Tie article further states that Mr. Thomas of Wiscon sin, chairman of the committee on war claims, bad denounced the bill as one of the most infamous obs which had ever been fois'ed upon congress. Mr. Thomas said he had not censured any member ot the committee. He stated that if tbc bill passed the house it would be infamous because he thought he could prove that a rumber of claims on the till were claims of rerpcns notably disloyal. Artar a heated discussion the bill was put back on th calendar. The house at the evening session passed fifty private pension bills. Washington, April 19. In the senate Mr. Manderson introduced two bills that were referred to the library committee for the purchase of Matthew's portrait of Abra ham Lincoln and to accept from the Grand Army of the Republic a statue of U. 8 Grant and a pedestal to be placed in stat uary hall of the capitol. In connection with the latter Mr. Vest stated that the committee on public buildings and grounds had this morning ordered the reporting of a bill for an equestrian statue of General Grant in Washington. Messrs. Manderson and Paddock today presented petitions from members of the farmers' alliances of Nebraska relating to the financial policy of the government. The petitions request the senate not to pass the Windom silver bill or any similar measure, to restore silver to free and un limited coinage on an equality with gold and supplement this money with United States legal tender notes until the volume of currency shall reach $5 J per capita of i the population, and that as soon as possi ble to discontinue the issue of any other kinds of money whatever. Among the bills passed were the follow ing: Senate bill ratifying the agreement with the Indians at Fort Berthold Aeency, North Dakota, and appropriating ?83,OC0; senate bill creating an additional land office for North Dakota; senate bill to pro vide for the disposal of Fort Hart6uff, Fort Sheridan and Fort McPherson military res ervation in Nebraska to actual settlers un- 1 der the homestead laws. The senate bill appropriating 100,000 for an equestrian statue of General Grant in Washington was passed. Adjourned. Washington, April 2!. In the senate to day Reagan introduced a bill to repeal all laws for the retirement of army and navy officers from active service on pay. On motion of Hawley the senate pro ceeded to consider the bouse bill to pro vide for celebrating the four-hundredth anniversary of the discovery of America by holding an international exhibition. Alter a iacetious epeecn py vest against the bill, and the amendment for a naval review in New YorJC harbor t the bill, it passed by a vote of 43 to 13. Washington, April 2. In the senate to day Cockrell offered a resolution, which was agreed to, directing the superintend ent of census to communicate to the sen ate the forms of rules and regulations adopted by him for obtaining statistics as to farm mortgages. Plumb's resolution, neretorore offered, for the increase of the treasury purchase and the coinage of silver, was presented and Eustis moved as an addition to the resolution that the free coinage of silver is essential to a sound financial policy and is demanded by all the great interests in tne country, and thereiore ail laws limit ing the coinage of silver should be re pealed. Plumb consented to let the resolution lie over for the present eo as to give Mitchell an opportunity to address the senate. Mr. Mitcnell addressed the senate m ra- vor of the constitutional amendment pro posed by him for the election of senators by a popular vote. Already fifteen changes had been made in the constitution, and who could say that any of them were not well advised. All of these amendments led up logically to the pending proposition. The present system of electing senators, he declared, was unrepubiican and vicious. Io was in purpose a declaration that for some reason it was unsafe to commit the election of senators to a vote of the people and a reflection on the honesty or capacity or both, of the voting classes. Among oth er things Mitchell declared secret execu tive sessions no longer in harmony with the spirit of the age. It was a relic of mon archy, and should find noreaognition m the republic At the conclusion oi MJtcneJi's rercarks the resolution was referred to the commit tee on privileges and elections. The house amendment to tne National Zoological park bill was agreed to, and the bill now ere es to tne president. The District or uoiumoia appropriation bill was passed, and after the executive session the senate adjourned. The House. Washington, April 17. After the reading of the journal the house adjourned out of respeot to the memory of Mr. Randall, whose itinera, was neia today. Washington, April 18. In the senate among the bills passed were the following Senate bill authorizing the construction of a bridge across the Missouri river be tween the city of Chamberlain and Lyman county. South Dakota. Senate bill increasing the pension of General Milroy's widow to 975 a month. Washington, April 19. The speaker laid before the house various public bills with senate amendments. The Ashland, Wis. public building bill was sent to the confer ence committee. On motion of Mr. Adams of Illinois the senate amendments were concurred in to the house biil to divide the judicial dietrict of North Dakota Mr. Henderson of Iowa, from the com mittee on appropriations, reported a bill to provide vaults and safeguards for the se enritv of pablic money in the custody of the United States treasurer. Referred to the committee of tte whole. At 1 o'clock public business was sus pended and the louse proceeded to pay tribute to the memory of Samuel S. Cox of New York. Mr. Can minga of New York then ad dressed the house, Messrs. Holman of Iodiana, Mil?s of Texas, Batterworth of 0io and others also poke and tire house then adjourned. Washington, April 21. In the house to day Doreey of Nebraska introduced a joint resolution providing that the secretary of he treasury be directed to increase the treasury purchase, of silver bullion to the maximum amount authorized by the act "to authorize the coinage of the standard silver dollar and to restore its legal tender character," which act was parsed over the vote of the president and became a law July 28, 1878. Referred. Oa motion of Struble of Iowa the bill was pasted amending the act authorizing the conetrnction of a highway bridge across the Missouri river at Sioux City, Iowa On motion of Thomas of Wisconsin the bill passed providing that eoldiers who lost their limbs during the late war shall be en titled to receive artificial limbs every three years. The present law permits him to receive one every five Tears. The bill appropriating 333,590 to provide neceseary vaults and safeguards for the se curity of the pufelic money in the custody of the United States treasurer was passed. Morrill moved the suspension of the rules to pass the bill pensionirg prisoners cf war, but after a lergthy debate it was defeated yeas 143, nays 78, not the neces sary two-thirds. Adjaurned. Washington, April 22. The committee on ways and means reported the till provid ing for the classification of worsted cloths as woolen. Referred to the committed of the whole. Mr. Caniler of Massachusetts moved that the house concur in the senate amend ments to the world'd fair bill. This being agreed tc, the bill is finally passed and will be sent to the president for his action. The house then went into a comnaitiee of the whole (&Ir. Payson of Illinoif, in the cha'i) on the legislative appropriatica bill, and after some discussion tno house ad journed without finishing tha bill. British Grain Trade. Lone on, April 21. The Mark Lane Ex press says : The tone of English wheac was improved and there was a fair demand at an advance of 6d; foreign wheat is in im proved request and higher. New Z aland reports a good average yield and India the reverse. There ts been an advance in shelling corn since Easter. Oats and bar ley were firm. - Today foreign wheat sold steadily at an advance of 6d; fine American flour advanced Is. jy?r sack. .:...-- Reporter Cboate Goes to Prison. New Yoek, April 19. An opinion was handed down today in the case of Dil worth Choate, the reporter now in Ludlow street jail undergoing a sentence for con tempt of court in entering and concealing nimseii in see jury rcom where the Flack urora were deubtlatirg. The opinion dls- rnieees the writ of certiorari applied for by Cfcoate's counsel. The decision is con curred in ty all the judges, who hold that Choate was guilty of contempt of court. Choate will now have to spend the re mainder of his term in prison. Serioue Trouble Apprehended. Vienna, April 21. The workmen in the mines and iron works of the Prague Indus trial company and the Austro- Alpine Min ing company have demanded the eight t our day, and if the demand is refused they will strise. This important movement indicates that a general strike throughout the envolre is almost certain, and grave ap- prenension prevails in consequence. The excitement among the laboring population la so great as to make it certain that ex tensive demonstrations will occur on the first of May. The authorities are unable to conceal their anxiety. The cabinet will shortly publish a proclamation intended to mnuence tne workmgmen and lessen the danger cf outbreaks. Requisitions for troops have been received at Vienna from various industrial centres. An Important Decision. Washington, April 22 The United States supreme court today rendered a decision which has been waited for long and anx iously by many pensioners and claim agents. Some two or three years 8go a man by the name of Miller applied for an increase of pension and presented evidence which he claimed showed him to be enti tled to more than double the amount he was receiving, under the law. The com mission refused to grant the increaee, and a writ was applied for to compel trrem to do so. A number of claim agents who had similar cases combined together and raised the fund to carry the case to the supreme court, which today refused to issue the writ and held that the commissioner fol lowed the rules of his office and exercised his lawful discretion in the case. If the decision had been otherwiee thousands of similar eases would have been brought in the courts. A Protest. Washington, April 22. The Nebraska delegation will within a few days call in a body on the secretary of war to protest against the abandonment of Fort Sidney as a military post, but owing to the determin ation of the secretary to concentrate the troops as much hb possible iD large posts. which determination is warranted by the fact that the railroads have done away with the necessity of bo many frontier poses at the present time, makes it mere than probable that the efforts of the Ne braska senators and members In this re spect will be futile. The abandonment of Fort Sidney was recommended eight years ago, and it was only by strenuous efforts that it has been retained so lo-g. The delegation will leave no stone unturned to induce the secretary to come to their views, but the chances are anything but good at present Weather Crop Bulletin. Washington, April 20. The weather crop bulletin Issued by the signal .service says The weather during the. past week has been especially favorable for farm work throughout the northwest, where the sow lng of small grain was substantially com pleted. As far north as southern Minnesota and southern Dakota crops wore Improved Dy iavoraDie weatner. in Kansas, Missouri, JNeDrapaa and lowa, wneat. oats and grass and reported in good condition, but more rain 1b needed from the Missouri valley norenward over Minnesota. In Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky and Tennessee tne growing crops.are greatly, improved. THE TARIFF BILL. MAJORITY REPOBT. Washington, April 16 The ma orlty re port on the tariff bill begins with a state ment cf the financial situation and esti mates the surplus of the present fiscal year to be $92,000,000, and, deducting the sum required to make payments on the sinking fund, the net fcurplus of receipts over ex penditures will be 43,673,8S3. The esti mated surplus for the next fiscal year will be $13,569,522, which, with the amount now on hand and available reaching $900,000, OCO) will justify the reduction In the reve nue in the sum contemplated by the bill reported $B 3,936,930 and probably more from customs, and By $10,327,878 from in ternal revenue, or a total of $71,264,414. The majority report says in part: It was the aim of the committee to fix duties upon that class of manufactured goods and farm products which can be supplied at home, so as to discourage te use cf foreign goods and products and secure to our own people and producers a home market. Tne general policy of the bill is to foster and promote American produc tion and diversification of American indus try. The committee believe, in as much as $4000,000,000 annually is required to meet tne expenses of the government, that It is wisei to tax those foreign competing pro ducts which Beek a market here tban to tax our domes do goods or non-competitive foreign goods. Tne committee believes that the United States shou d produce all the wool lc con sumes, and with adequate defensive legis lation it will do so. I'he annual consump tion 13 6J0,000,0t0 pounds, and with tlie pio tection afforded by tne biil, farmers ot the United States will be at an early day able to supply this demand. On metal schedules the report says no re duction can be made in pig iron ore duties without detriment to existing industries, and the committee has not felt justified lu Interf erring with the further development of our iron ore reBourc:s, now bo promis ing in the southern s rites. Oa sugar tne report saye; The committee recommend sugar up to and including No. 16 ad xnola&ses to be placed on the free ii3t with duty of 4-10 of a cent per pound on refined sugar above No. 16 and a b junty of 2 cents per pcuad be paid from the treaa ury for a period of fit teen years for all sugar, polarizing at least 85 per cent, made in this country trom cane, beet or sorghum produced ia tne United States. In lbb8 the cntumptJon cf sugar in the U-lted Scates was l,40'i,W7 tons, or 3 1 pounds per in habitant. Of this only 189,811 tons were produced in the United States. Is is clear that the duty made the cost of sugar and molasses consumed by the people of thia country in 1SS9 about $1 lor each man, woman and child more tnan it would have been if no such duties were levied. Eren on the assumption that with proper en couragement we shall eventually De able to produce all, or nearly all, the sugar re quired for the consumption of our peopie, encouragement can be given much more economically and effectually by a bounty of 2 cents per pound, involving an expend iture of but little more than $7,000,000 per annum, with the present production of sugar in this country than by the imposi tion of a duty, as above. In providing not only that raw sugar up to and including No. 16 be admitted free, opportunity is given for the free Introduction of yellow Bugara suited for family use, an arrange ment which will secure to the people suar at the lowest price existing in tfio market of ehe world, while even imported white refined sugar will be subject to a duty of only 4-10 of a cent per pound. Cuming to agricultural products, the re per c says the committee has given the most of its investigation to the exis ing condi tions of agricultural and kindred matters. Speaking of the depression In agricultme it say 8 that tht enemies of the protective system have no word of criticism for the real causes of the agricultural depression, no suggestion of relief from the burdens which are weigmng it down tody, but, seizing the present as a ravoraoie time, they solemnly charge the decline in our markets to the tariff. ' A critical examina tion of the subject will show that agricul ture is suffering chiefly from damaging foreign competlon in the home markes. The increase in the importations cf agri cultural products since J 850 has been enor mous, amounting from $4'J,' 00,000 to mere than $356,010,000 in 1889. With a view to Increasing the nnmber of gainful occupations open to the farmer the committee has recommended a bounty to growers of silk. As a duty of $1 perpound would be required to protect the American Bilk reeler, tne committee decided that bo high a duty would embarrass the silk weaving interests without sufficient reason and, to secure the industry as speedily as possible, offers a necessaiy differential cf a bounty of $1 per pound, or about 20 per cent protection on reeled silk. To etc jur age tne production of cocoons and give di rect encouragement to the producers the committee hus also provide d a bounty of 7 cents per pound on iresn cocoons, tbe bounties to continue ten yearp. Oi the internal revenue sections the com mittee recommended the repeal of all stat utes imposing restrictions upon farmeis and growers of tobacco, so that ihty may sell with freedom. In conclubion the report saye: "Of the advances in duties on agricultural pro ducts, as they are for te most pare articles which thJB country can produce to the ex tent of our wants, the increased duty win reduce importations eo that the revenues will not be increased, ana our larmers will Lod their own markets," the minor. tt betpoet. The minority report is Signed by a'l the dem-jcraitc numbers of the committee. Ik eays: -"lhe miooiity conttnds tor tho principle oi unt and tquai taxation upon all, acoutdmg io their -biiity to bear to burden, while the majority has, in this bill, thoroughly committe l itself to the ponc of unjust and unequal taxation of t many lor the benefit ot the few. Ve are as anxious as tn majority can pombiy be to promote and encourage Amerluuu in dustries and advance the interests of American laborers But we believe that but- these objects can ba accomp lished by rcduckg the burdeiiB ot taxation and not by increasing tnetn. The silk bounty is severely crlt'cJsed. The report tavs the bill w ill lpcreae tbe taxes on wool and woolens io,oju,wu per annum, according to last year's importa tions, but really a much greater sum, while taxes en tobacco to the amount ot $3,60,994 are abolished. Tne minority cannot agree to do this at the price of an increase on necessaries. The report attacks some of the details of the bilL Among otherthings it says that the grade ef course, cheap blankets will be reauired to pay It 6 per cnt, but the finest blankets pay 72 per cent. The coarsest and cheapest woolen hats will be subject to a dutv of 111 per cent and the finest to 6ft rer cent Women's and children's cheapest dress goods with cotton warp are to be taxed 106 per cent and the finest 73 TRr cent The lowest grade of woolen cloths will pay 125 per cent and the high Oa the metal schedales the report says there are many increases and scarcely any reductions. The report says: "We have for a long time been trying to Increase our trade with th rtennle of Central and South America and Mexico and an International conference ia now being neia to oevise means for t.h oftomnllshment of this re- unit In th midRt of the consultations. and when It was earnestly hoped that some good plan might be agreed upon ior tne establishment of doner commercial rela tione, this bill is reported, containing provisions which will not only retard reciprocal arrangements for the future. but will deetrov the larger part of the Irade now existing. The bill propose to make large increase s in the duties on car pet wools and subject lead contained in sliver ores to duties, not because we need revenue, but for the sole purpose of pre venting these articles being imported into this country. Speaking of the wool schedule the report savs: "These Increases are 'made principally upon the demand, of a few largo flock masters in the Btate of Oaio, and defended by tbe majority on the alleged ground that they are beneficial to the farmers of the country who keep sheep. The fact la that wool is one of our least important agricul tural products." The minority goes onto say: "It Is impossible to protect tho farmer against foreign competition and his home market, for he has no such competition, and the insertion or retention of theso ar ticles in the tariff bill is a device which will deceive no one who gives a moment's thought to the subject During the last fiscal year we exported 0,593,529 bushels of corn and imported only 2,388 bushels. The same proportion is q loted on wheat and corn meat This shows how futile it Is to attempt to afford protection to the larmers by imposing duties upon importa tions of these products, and tois large and intelligent class of citizens can not be reconciled in this way to a policy which in creases the taxes upon their clothing, tableware, carpets, earthenware, glass ware, agricultural implements and other agricultural implements and other neces sary articles." Tho minority aeks how farmers are to be helped by increased duties on rods used in the manufacture of fence wire and Iron and steel for hoops or ties or bailing purposes, and pays if the bill passes the farmer will bo the first to demand the restoration of the old rates or the aboiitioa of the duty. While the im position of duties on live animals and other agricultural products cannot possi bly do the farmers any good at home, the increase made will certainly be a great in jury to them in the market abroad. No reduction will be made in duties un der any schedule except that relating to sugar and molassesu The report criticises the eugar bounty and protests against the eross favoritism and Injustice of such a policy. It says the bounty on last year's Eroduction would have been $7.520,0C0, ut as it is expected to encourage pro ducers to supp.'y tbe entire domestic de mand, the ultimate result, even if the con sumption remained at last yeat'd .rure 2,700,421,302 pounds would be an annual payment of $61,528,426 in bounties. The fcugar duty is defended as far more just and equitable tan that on many other articles, and while tho minority think the duty should be reduced, they cannot see the jusiice or propriety of making thin ar ticle free, paying it a bounty and making this an excuse for imposing $05,000,010 ad ditional taxes on other schedule?. The minority finds it impossible to state with accurscj the effect of the increases. They express the opinion that tho increase on tobacco will be $'6,305,9.5, and other items show an increase of $8,000,000. Adding these amounts to the $40,055,152 shown by the committee's tables to have been added to the duties on articles remaining on the dutiable list, shows a total increaso on ar. tides still dutiable, outside of the sugar schedule, of aboat $63,000,000, and we are satisfied it is more than that Wedo0t mean to assert that the bill actually in creases the customs revenue $65,0 0,000 ever what it i, but thit it proposes to im pose upon articles on the dutiable list, ex cept sugar and molasses, that sum in ex cess of the amount collected on the same schedules last year. It places on the free list articles which yielded a revenue of $6,0S9,6C9 during the last fiscal year and makes a reduction of $54,9 .'2,1 10 on sugar and molasses, and the two sums, amount ing to $61,963,079, being deducted from $65,000,000, leave an Increase of more than $4,000,000 in tariff tax at on under this bill. McEenna ot California dissents from the sugar schedule. Speaking of the beet sugar induatry Mr. McKenna says: "Must an in dustry bo able to eupply home consump tion before it U entitled to protection? Olher industries have not done this. Upon every principle upon which a protective duty can be denied on sugar it must be de nied to every other American industry. Protection must be universal or not at all." The bill as submitted with the report shows a number of changes sinco laid' be- iro tne iuii committee. Tne committee also added the following section to the in ternal revenue feature: Upon cigars manufactured and sold at or removed lor consumption or use there shall be assessed and collected the follow ing taxes, to be paid by the manufacturer thereof: Oa c'gars of all descriptions, $3 per 1,000; cigarettes wc'gMng not more than three pounds per 1. 000. 50 cents per 1,000; on cigarettes wholly of tobacco. weigning not more than ft re pounds per 1,000, 51) cents per 1,10?; on cigarettes weighing more than three pounds per wo, except as hereinbefore provided. viz , to bo made wholly of tobacco, $3 per ,000. A Fatal Bridge Collapse. FparNoriELP, O., April 21. Near the col ored baptizing given in Buck creek this afternoon a part of a bridge loaded with pp?ctators collapsed Four persons were injared fatallv and over fifty more re ceived severe injuries. There were about six hundred peo le on the Limestone street bricge wnicn bad been condemned and afterwards repaired and which spans the milirace in addition to crossing the creek Iu was on ot tbe foot bridges on the race part which gave way. The main ratling did not break and this caused the foot bridge to swing around at an angle of forty-five degrees. Screams, yells, shrieks 8nd groans commingled. The fatally hurt nre: A. ljenman, aged sixty-five: Mrs Margaret Flannery, aged saventy: Mrs. Cftarles Myers and son. All these had bones nroKen and were injured Internally. Hor co, son oi ueneral reller, had an arm broken. Desertions From the Army. Washington, April 21. Reports received at the war department for the nine months beginning with the fiscal year of Ju'y 1, 1889, show that there has been 1,578 deser tion) from the regular army in that period and for the corresponding months of the previous j ear 1,893 desertions, a reduction this year of over 16 per cent The percent age of desertions to the enlisted strength of the army has been for this period 61.10 per cent, and for same period last year 76.10 per cent Secretary Proctor has taken active personal interest in this subject and has labored diligently to reduce this evil. with some success, as figures show. The house ban already passed bills in the line of the secretary's suggestions and we be lieve that if the same pass the senate and become laws they will enable him to ac complish much more In this direction. Stxteen Drowned. London, April 21. The steamer Bilboa from Qrimeeby, April - 8, for London, has been lost in the North sea. Sixteen per ions were drowned. An Incendiary Lynched. Fatetteyille, Tenn., April 22. Last month Steve Jacobs, colored, was placed in jail charged with arson. A lynching was threatened, but this was finally aban doned.. Last week another barn was burned and the attention of the farmers was thereby directed again to Jacobs. Early this morning one hundred men marched to the jail, and on the refusal of the sheriff to open it, battered In the doors. Jacobs was taken out ana nuns to a tree, FOREIGN AFFAIR?. FLOODS IN AUSTRALIA. Stdset, N. S, W., Aorll 19. lleavy ;raina are prevailing and Darling river a over flowed Its banks. The town of Bourke im Inundated. The residents were compellc-d to remove to the highlands for safety. BUYING CANAPIAN rfcOPIKTr. Toronto, April 19 A dlppatch frcm Q in beo says that an American syrdicatj ban furchaed the controlling Interests in all he binding twine factories in Canada, ex cept one in Ontario. 8TAKLET ARRIVES AT VAHX. Pabis, April 19. Ileiiry M. Stanley and Sir William Mackinnon, cbatimu of the Emin relief committee, have arrived K the city frcm Cannes. CAUSED A RKSSATION. St. Pb-iEbsburo, April 19 A sensation has been created her. by the announce ment that the young woman arrested a day or two ago for attempting to bribe a gov ernment official to surrender a copy of the government's mobilization scheme and tho plans of the Russian frontier fortifications, acted under the orders of Baron Von Pica son, naval attache of the German cmbascy. When the disclosure was made it wa found that the baron had suddenly takea his departure from the city. TWEKTT r-RISON'EES ESCAPE. Vienna, April 19. The strike has ex tended tt all industrial centres in eustem Silesia. Sixty of tho rioters arrested at Wltkowitz last night made an attack upon two of the sentries guarding them during the night and twenty of them, escapeih The sentries were seriously wounded, but were nble to prevent a wholesale escape. The strikers are without leaders and ne gotiations with them are impossible. Ctat is becoming very scarco and thero are fears of a famine. Will Benefit Crops. Minneapolis, April 22. Special from a dozen points in Minnesota and tho Dako ta?, state today that rain ia general and will be of great benefii to crops. Seollrg is from one-half to thre- fourths done in some sections, practically completed in others, aua the rain will aid material y in. getting a good start. A Snug Sum for Nebraska. Washington, April 20. Tho nenate ba passed the bill which grants to tt e stnten of NebrasKB, Kansa, Nevada, Co'orndo, Minnesota and Oregon 5 ptr cent of thu value of tho present Indian reservations In these states as well as 5 per cent of tho money derived from tho ta'e of public lands, and the commissione r of the general land cfiice is required to give an account between the United States and e ach of tho states named, cstimatirg all suh lands and reservations at $1.2) an acre, and to certliy tbem to the seoretarv of the treas ury for settlement To Mr. E Ham, private secretary to Senator Mandersou, is due tfce credit for digging up this question. Savcral months ago he set to work to ascertain if there could rot be turned into the treasury of Nebraska a considerable sum ot rveney on this aocsount, knowing that to Indian reservations were in point of facs and in tbe 3plrit if not the letter of tbe Jaw a r art of the public domain. 119 a'certninad by inquiry at the land cfiice a late cn Jannnrv 30. 1288, that thsre were in Nebraska 1,170, 743 acres of Indian reservation, and under fa provisions ot the bill which ban just parsed the senate, which he strggesto, tho state of Nebraska will be entitled to $53,53. Thii", in additicn to the sum recently given to tke state by tho act of congress which appropriated 5 per cent of the sals of lands In the public domain gives Ni braska quite a snug pile of pin money. A Frightful Situation. New Orleans, April &3 The Time- Democrat's Bayou Sara special says: The suffering in Points Coupe ii terrible. It in reported that people are rumiing to the trees for safety. Skiff ioadi of people are passing through the streets seeking safety on the hills, xmy make a gloomy tu occa sion, men women and bahlfs. The situa tion here is frlgntfu'. Not a house In town is above the flood. Nebraska Military llcRcrvations. Washington, April 20. In the senate Sat urday afternoon Mr.. Paddock called up and secured tbe paaacge of the bill which he introduced in January and reported from the committee on public land in March last, providing for the disposal of Fort Hartshuff, Fort Sheridan and Fort Mc Pherson, military reservations in Nebras ka, to actual settlers under tie homestead aw. The till provides that the lands cm- bi ace din these reservations, having been surveyed accordinr to law, shah, from aud after the passage o! this act , bo subject to disposal to actual settlers thereon as lands held at the minimum price according to the provisions of the homestead law o-ly. and the lands embraced lu tbe former mil itary reservation of Fort McPherson which have been ordered surveyed snail as soon as such survey is completed be subject to like disposal, provided, that auv person who prior to the pawafc of this act may nave become an actual resident uron unv of said reservations an! may have erected permanent improvements thereon, may. if living, enter one quarter section of said land to include his residence and Improve ments under tbe provisions of tne home stead Jaw, notwithstanding he may have previously exhausted his right there under, and notwithstanding the inhibition contained in section 2,298 of tho rcvistd statutes, or if deceased his heirs may e n ter such quarter section and may perfect title thereto in like manner as if the laud hap been entered by tte deceased settler during his life time. Till: MARKETS. Lincoln, Neo. CATTLE Butchers' steers. .$2 75 (i3 59 Cows 2 CO Cil'Z W HOGS Fat 3 C5 (43 Stockers 3 25 g3 ftO SHEEP 3 CO tt3 51 WHEAT No. 2 spring. 55 (A eo OATS No. 2 11 (ii 15 RYE No. 2 25 T$ 27 CORN No. 2. new 15 (rt 13 FLAXSEED 1 00 l C6V POTATOES 18 (Hi 20 APPLES Per bbl 3 55 (c$4 00 HAY Prairie, bulk. 3 50 ; 53 Omiha, Neb. CATTLE $3 00 - (34 25 Cows 1 75 ($3 25 HOGS Fair to heavy 8 92 00 Mixed 3 90 3 15 Chicago, Iix. CATTLE Prime steers $3 10 (icT. (O Stockers and feeders. 2 85 (3 C5 HOGS Packing 4(0 fM DO SHEEP Natives 00 &5 25 WHEAT 7V CORN Kansas Crrr. Ma CATTLE Corn fed $3 20 4 60 Feeder 2 40 ($3 to HOGS Good to oh clce 8 75 Ci3 95 Mixed S tfx3 6U