THE ALLIANCE. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING. BY TIIE ALLIANCE PUBLISHING CO. Lincoln, - - - Nebraska. J. BURROWS, : : : Editor. J. M. THOMPSON, Business Manager. " In the beauty of the lillies Christ was born across the sea, With a glory in his bosom That transfigures you and me. As He strove to make men holy Let us strive to make men free, Since God is marching on." Julia Ward Howe. Laurel crowns cleave to deserts, And power to him who power exerts." " A ruddy drop of manly blood The surging sea outweighs." Emerson. ' He who cannot reason is a fool, He who will not reason is a coward, He who dare not reason is a slave." EDITORIAL. Get Ready for the Work. Keep the Ball Rolling. next fall. Some policy politicians who are all things to all men who promise but do not perform who are people's men at home and railroad men at Lincoln are to he laid away to dry. Some honest men, who know the truth when they see it, and never turn their hacks on it who are the same to day, to-morrow and always who can't be bribed, bullied or deceived are to be selected and sent down here to rep resent their neighbors in the next legis lature. Every Alliance man in the state should be thinking about it arid figuring about it. The men are to be selected. Such men as 3-011 want will not select them seves. Every organizer in the state should organize at least three new Alliances between this time and the 15th day of May. Fifty thousand farmers should read The Farmers' Alliance from this time on. Men of the Alliance, Ave de pend on 3'ou to reach them. Get the paper into new hands as fast as 3011 can. Without a paper to represent you you will he at a great disadvantage. So push the work. The railroads have a well-organized literary bureau, equipped with your -money, to manufacture public opinion .against you. You must meet them on their oavu ground with their own wea pons. - T TV TV-X o x tp o ALL ALLIANCES Binder Twine. The Alliance State Agency arrangements for a supply twine for the harvest of 3890. has made of binder Full par- ticulars as to price, shipments, &c, will be sent at once in a confidential circu lar from the state secretaiy. Estimates .should be made at once of the amounts needed by the different Alliances, and iorwarded to the state agent, so that the full amount needed can be known at an early day. Wherever a county agencjT can bulk all orders for a county it should be so done. The Australian Ballot System. In response to many applications for the Australian ballot law we have pro cured an official copy of the law adopt ed last year in Massachusetts. As it is too long for our paper we propose to publish it in pamphlet form. We ask all who are willing to aid in distribut ing this law to send us at once on a pos tal card the number of copies of the pamphlet they will take at $1.00 per hundred, sent post paid from this office. By this we will know how large an edi tion to order. No better work can be done than to circulate this law. Its adoption will be the severest blow that can be given to the machine politics that has taken pos sion of the country; An examination of the law itself is better than an' de scription of it. The Agricultural Department and the Fish Commission. Washington dispatches sa3r that Sen ator Paddock is trying to increase the influence of the agricultural depart ment by adding to it the fish commis sion. This is purely a political scheme. The increased "influence" is to be political influence in the form f patronage to be at the disposal of the sharp politi cian who now presides as secretaiy of agriculture. iSo one will thank Sena tor Paddock for his efforts in this di rection certainly not the farmers of the country who have been disappoint cd in the results of raising the agricul tural department to a cabinet position Silver on the Home Stretch. There has been a great change in sen timent in Washington on the coinage question. This change is most noticea ble in the senate. The flood of peti tions from the west and south demand ing free coinage and monetary reform have opened the eyes of some of the senators, and they are getting in out of the storm. As a straw showing the turn things are taking, a possible presi dential veto is spoken of. But it is liardly likely that Benny would have the sand to veto a free coinage bill, if one should be passed. And it is very possible that one raay be passed. The money question is overshadowing all other questions in congress now. This is as it should be. The petitions are not all in yet. We have a large batch to forward to-day. THE Nebraska Farmers and Nebraska Con gressmen. If Nebraska members of congress were half as zealous for the welfare of the farmers of this state as they are for the supposed financial credit of the state among eastern money loaners and land speculators, some valuable con gressional work might be looked for. Senator Paddock prints a long com munication in Bradstreets, quite ably written by Wm. Aunin, which is of very little value to his constituents. One notable fact is alluded to by this manifesto, viz: that the "notes of dis content" as to hard times come not only from all parts of America, but "are swelled into a diapason of protest from the various countries of Europe." This fact we have before alluded to, and have sought to find some adequate cause for these universal hard times which could be universally applied. Senator Paddock does not seek for any causes for the general depression which he admits exists in "all the states of Europe;" but he attributes the hard times among our farmers to large crops, a "very great advance in ocean freights," and a faulty system of agri culture, lie wants our farmers to mar ket "a larger proportion of corn on the hoof instead of on the cob;" to engage in the culture of flax and other fibrous productions, and in the cultivation of the sugar beet. This is about all there is to this great pronunciamento from a railroad U. S. senator to his farmer constituency; and it is all that could be expected. Mr. Paddock was not elected by farmers, and does not represent them, and no one ever supposed he would. When Mr. Paddock asserts that high ocean freights decrease prices of Ne braska products he gives his old-time friends of the U. P. an unkind cut. Onl3T a little while ago John M. Thurs ton and a miscellaneous job lot of other railroad officials were down here as serting that a lowering of freight rates would not advance prices. Now Sena tor Paddock asserts that an advance of freights lowers prices. This seems to be a case of a house divided against it self. As a matter of fact both parties are wrong Mr. Thurston is his bad economy, and Mr. Paddock in assert ing that there has beeu any apprecia ble advance in the cost of taking farm products to Liverpool. In the first place he cannot apply a purely local remedy to a disease that is general, as he correctly says this one is. If he knew anything at all about farm ing he would not recommend flax-growing. Even at the high price of flax last year it is not remunerative, and is at the best only a temporary expedient al lowable while land is new. The most cursory examination of the sugar beet industry, as carried on in France and German3T, and as it must be carried on in this country, will convince him that any hope of relief in that direction will tirnvft ft. flal"o. Tlic oiiljr mcu ? liv will get rich in that business are the capitalists who receive gratuities in bonds, and the manufacturers who re ceive double bounties. If raising sugar beets is so profitable how does it hap pen that the sugar districts of France and Germany are to-day feeling the pressure of hard times quite as much as any other sections. When Ave consider the iind of distress which may be found among Nebraska farmers, a glimpse of the nature of the remedy needed may be obtained. These farmers are not distressed for food. Their granaries, their poults-yards and their dairies afford them an abun dant supply. They are not distressed for fuel. They can burn corn But when the interest on their mortgages, or the mortgages themselves, or their taxes, are due, then the pressure is felt. Or when they need something which calls for mone3T something which they must have and must pay maney for then there is a pinch. Old debts call for money, or a new note with interest compounded, which soon again becomes an old debt. These debts are taking the best colt, and the best calf, and the best bushel of potatoes are eating re morselessly day and night, week-days and Sundays, three hundred and sixty-five days in the year, and are rapidly whit ening the hairs of four out of five of the farmers of Nebraska to-day. And Mr. Paddock's private Secretary coolly says "The allegation of existing dis tress among the farmers of Nebraska, in the sense of wide-spread want and apprehended poverty, can only be met by honest denial." If by "existing distress" he means only hunger and cold, perhaps that is true. But as a matter of fact it is a lie. A man may feel the most poignant dis tress, and have a full belly. He may see a shadow growing over his home he may see the day surely approaching when his wife and children will be homeless and houseless, and may feel a torment of consuming dread daily and hourly without being either hungry or cold. Money which would raise prices, lower interest, and open the channels of trade money to the farmer on the same terms it has long been furnished to the banker would relieve this kind of dis tress. But such an idea as this has never entered the innocent old noddle of Senator Paddock. Or if it had he would never have dared to utter it without the consent of Bradstreets and his other Wall street masters. He thinks money is a product of nature, probably, and has to be dug out of the earth like gold and silver. The idea that money is a creation of law would probably strike him with holy horror; and the other ida that prices, which are of such vital moment to producers, bear a certain fixed relation to the volume of money, would very likely surprise him. The following gem shows the trend of thought of Senator Paddock and his versatile and able private secretary: "The causes of the present agricul" tural depression in which Nebraska FARMEBS' ALLIANCE: LINCOLN, NEB., shares, but through which it suffers far less than is generally believed from the exaggerated accounts of discontent originating with P'.1 farmers and demagogues and published in the east ern press, are largely of general appli cation." "Political farmers and demagogues" is good, coming over the signature of A. S. Paddock, one of the most success ful "political farmers" in the country. For a man who would as likely as not try to hatch calves out of porcelain eggs or graft potatoes on apple trees for a railroad attorney who is repre senting a farming community at $6,000 a year for a man who proposed to lo cate a U. S. marine hospital at Nebras ka City to make that kind of a fling at "political farmers" is certainly amus ing, f Senator Paddock would gather his brood of "political farmers" under his wing, and keep them out of the wet next fall, the farmers of Nebraska would get along very well, albeit it would be pretty tough on the poor rail road cappers and the Wall street money loaners. If Senator Pacdock would broaden his vision a little, he would see that all classes of laborers and producers are as much distressed as farmers, and that some general cause besides an overpro duction of food and clothing which neither feeds nor clothes any body must be found to account for the situation. Senator Paddock's lame denials about the mortgage indebtedness of Nebraska, and his efforts to convince people that it was all made for improvements, go for nothing, and are not borne out by the facts. We refer him and his Wall street friends to the official figures re centby published in Saline county. We venture to say that four out of five of all the farm mortgages now in force in Nebraska were originally made for purchase money, and that an investiga tion will so prove. Twin Crimes. The house post office committee has agreed to report favorably a bill to ex clude from the mails as second class matter all the various libraries and pub lications of like nature, embracing com plete novels, works on political economy and all other works commonly pub lished in that form. The McKinley tariff bill proposes to double the tax on the wood pulp from which all the white print paper in this country is manufactured. The first of these infamies is probably instigated by the Express companies, who care nothing for the blow it will strike at the cheap literature which is such a boon to poor people all over the land, but hope to secure the carrying business which goes to the post office. The second one is probably instigated by the paper combine composed of Warner Miller, the Rochester Mills, the Glen Falls Mills, the Hudson River Pa per Co., the Remington Co., and other paper manufacturers. All that stands in the wav of .eieantie paper trust which will make our dollar weeklies im possible, and will advance the price of every newspaper in the land, is the cheap wood pulp which is imported from Norway. There is not the shadow of a public necessity for these two crimes. One will strike a deadly blow at our cheap literature, and the other quite as serious a blow at our cheap newspapers. The republican party is the sponsor for both, without a pretence of public necessity or a shadow of public demand. Both acts in fact will be in the interest of mo nopoly, and directly against the inter est and welfare of the people. It is in the interest of labor that all raw material upon which labor may be employed should be admitted free of duty. The Alliance has repeatedly de manded this. Can Ave ever hope to reach a plane of intelligence that will enable us to apply to our international trade those princi ples which make our inter-state trade so successful. Death of Samuel Randall. The demise of this eminent man ex cites no surprise, as it has been daily expected for some time. He entered congress in 1863 and has been a mem ber for twenty-six consecutive 3rears. He was before that a member of the Philadelphia council four years and of the Pennsylvania state senate in 1858 and '59. Mr. Randall has won an enviable re cord as an able, upright and incorrupti ble statesman. There is no doubt what ever of his sterling honest3' and integ ritv. As a democrat he went counter to the principles of the democratic party on the tariff, when by accepting them against his conscientious convic tions he could have had the highest honors in its power to bestow. He was respected and honored "by men of all parties. He was a man of iron will, an experienced and readv parliamen tarian, and these natural and acquired qualities made him a natural leader. During the war no patriot was firmer for liberty and the Union. With the last movement of his lips he uttered the sacred word "mother," ad dressed to his faithful and loving wife. An honest man, true to himself, his country and his duty, his life is an ex ample for our young men to emulate, and his death an ordeal from which no man having lived such a life need shrink. Wholesale Foreclosures in Kansas. The .Yon-Conformist, of Winfield, Kan sas, says: We have on file in this office a copy of last week's Kingman Leader, containing one hundred and thirty-six foreclosure sale notices. This is an item for the immigration bureau. The B. & M. Journal says, "It is just possible that the action of the Topeka convention in regard to Mr. Ingalls may be repudiated by the Alliances of the state." Don't lose any sleep on that account. It isn't at all probable. The Truth Beginning to be Recognized. For many years the editor of this pa per has in various ways, and on all ap propriate occasions, been sounding a note of alarm on account of a contrac iton of the money volume of the country. Long ago we recognized the deprecia tion of values by a change in the rela tions of population and wealth to mon ey, and showed that a contraction of money could be just as actual and harm ful by an increase of production and population as it could by a positive de crease in the sum of our currency. Taking up the subject of price, we showed that price was only the expres sion of the relation of money to other things; that prices all the time bore a fixed relation to the volume of money, and that it was vital to the welfare of all producers and laborers that prices should be maintained above the accumu lating power of interest, or wages would be entirely destroyed. What we prophesied in this connec tion actually took place. As popula-. tion and production increased prices and values sunk lower and lower, until the margin of profit or wages the mar gin of production above a bare subsis tence entirely disappeared. Added to this relative contraction there has been an actual contraction within a short time by the withdrawal of national bank notes of over $150,000,000. These things have caused a depression that is felt not only by farmers alone, but by all classes of business men. The good that is to come out of it lies in the fact that the prime first cause of the de pression is being recognized by leading public men and leading newspapers, who are now taking exactly the same ground long held by the editor of this paper and many others, and for the proclaiming of which we have been de nounced as cranks and lunatics. It is being discovered that money is a crea tion of law, as Mr. Cernuschi declared, and not a natural product;that increased purchasing power does not compen sate for decreased prices; that no mi ally low interest in times of depression does not indicate abundance of money, but the reverse; that prices must be maintained above the level of accu. mulation by interest or wages would be destroyed and all interests suffer. These truths are being recognized. The army of cranks is being reinforced by an accession of sensible men. These see, as yet, through a glass darkly; but having found a glimmer of the truth, they are likely before long to become as crazy as the cranks. The Omaha Re publican has been "in the path" for sometime. We are glad to welcome the Omaha Herald as an accession to the ranks of the redeemed. We are de lighted to see that these papers, seeing the truth themselves, do not fear to pro claim it from the house tops, no matter whose prejudices may be offended. We have before this quoted the Republican on this question. We give below an article rrom the Herald. The article is so exactly in line with what we have long been teaching that it might have been copied almost literally from some of our articles. 'The Herald says: If this congress fails to provide a more ade quate volume of money it is safe to 6ay that the financial question will reappear in poli tics and exert a powerful influence on the next election. The pinch for money is be coming: so great that a general recognition of the absolute necessity for a greater volume of it must be formed. For years now when we have been enormously enlarging and expand ing business and increasing in population M'o have been contracting our currency, whereas it should have been materially increased in volume. The result has been that the value of money has steadily risen : its scarci ty has given to the dollar an unusual and un natural value. The increase in the value of a dollar is only another name for the fall of prices of commodities. These commodities, except those controled by trusts and monopo lies, have fallen year by year, and the great est decrease has been in farm produce, be cause the farmer has not bt en able to resist the tendency as other classes, a dollar will now purchase nearly twice as much farm pro duce as it would ten years ago. The farmers income has therefore been greatly curtailed. But the feature of the shrunken money supply which is worst of all is the crippled condition in which it leaves the debtor class How are they to pay their debts? Certainly only in money. How can they get the money? Certainly only by selling something. What shall they sell? Is it cattle? If so, the herd won't bring what it once would. It requires more cows and calves to pay a $1,000 debt than when the debt was contracted. Is it corn or wheat? It takes vastly more grain to pay off the debt than when it was contracted. Is it a farm? Well, have farms increased in val ue while grain and live stock have been fall ing. Of course, to say that the great shrinkage in value of the circulating medium has crip pled and is bearing hard on the debtor class is to say that it is bearing hard on the west, for the west is the money borrower and the east the money lender. And this is the reason that the west is so loudiy demanding that Uncle Sam increase the volume of currency in circulation. A Straw Burner. We have received from W. II . Ellis, of McCool, a letter of inquiry about a straw burner which is being sold as a patent right, and said to be manufac tured at Beatrice. There are a dozen straw burners, and of course many pa tents. But no patent concern is neces sary. The process is very simple. The Russian colony of Mennonites west of Beatrice have a simple furnace in which they burn straw and all kinds of waste, and have ever since they settled in that locality. The price of the burner al luded to by Bro. Ellis is extortion ately high, which is excused by the patent. The man who pays a cent for a patent on a burner will be swindled. Some parties in Gage county were badly let down with this same patent burner. It is quite safe to let traveling patent ped dlers severely alone. To W. A. Mansfield, of Gaudy, and others who have written us on political questions, we would say, action in the direction suggested is being taken, and the results will be published as soon as expedient. Also, ten thousand Alliance men who do" not take it, should sub scribe for1 this paper at once, when we could very easily buy a press. SATURDAY, APRIL 19, Wanted, an Issue. The Omaha Republican is the leading republican organ of the state. In mat ters of party policy it is supposed to represent and foreshadow the actions of that party. In one of its late issues there is a leading editorial entitled "Party Policy," in which it very con cisely and plainly defines what are not or ought not to be party issues, and fails entirely to state what are or should be such issues. And strange as it may appear it selects the live questions of this time the questions upon which the people of the state are thinking and de bating, and upon which they are get ting ready to vote next f all.and declares that they must not be made party issues. First it takes the railroad question. After defining the different positions held on that question, it says: "The duty of republicans is to find the middle ground between the extremes that will come nearest to doing justice to railroads and people, and no man or paper, or organization has the right to denounce any man as not ueiug a goou republican because of his views on the railroad question." This twaddle about a middle ground that will do justice to both sides with out hurting either is . just the kind of stuff they have been putting into repub lican platforms for the past ten years. If the above means anything it means that the party must be good Lord and good devil on the railroad question, and that no issue must be made on it for fear of discord in the party or in other words, for fear the railroad bosses, when they find they cannot rule will go in to ruin. Next the Republican takes up the pro hibition and license questions and reaches the same conclusion in regard to them. Here is the way it states it: "Within our party are men occupy ing very extreme views on these ques tions, but who has the right to denounce a newspaper or a voter oecause of its or his views on the question of prohi bition or license? These questions are not party issues, and a voter or a news paper may take either side and still re main in good fellowship with the re publican party." We hold very different views. It is the duty of every great party to deter mine what is the right policy in regard to every public question of sufficient magnitude to need a legal solution, and having determined the right policy, to vigorous7 pursue and enforce it until it either becomes law or is condemned by popular suffrage. The party which, through cowardly policy, will ignore or palter with great public questions which fill the popular mind and move the popular heart, deserves defeat, aud what is more will achieve it. In the earl3r daj's of the republican partyr no such cowardly councils pre vailed. No cowardly, faltering half way utterances were heard in those days, but its bugle voice rang out like a shrill clarion in favor of the right as soon as the right was known. Should it adopt the cowardly policy outlined by the Republican, and there is little doubt that it will, we will wel come the grand old party of Nebraska to a humiliating defeat that will herald also its national disruption. The Republican fails to indicate any question upon which an issue shall be made by its party. Certainly the re marks it makes about prohibition and license apply with equal force to tariff. Civil service reform it has abandoned. With the propositions now pending in congress for expenditures it can make no pretensions to economy or retrench ment. Inspired from Wall street, it dare not touch the money question. In fact if it follows the Republican, it will be a party without a policy and without an issue an aggregation of innocent voters devoted to the memory of a name and a good record, led by a set ot de signing politicians intent on public plunder. From such a party good Lord deliver us. Our State Agency. Our State Agent, Mr. J. W. Hartley, is a thoroughly good business man, and is indefatigable in his efforts to benefit our members in all business matters. He does all kinds of buying and selling for them. He has an unlimited stock of machinery and implements to draw from. There are some embarrassments connected with publishing full informa tion; but we invite Count jr Alliances to send committees to investigate our facilities and report to their members. We supply Glidden wire. Labor and Capital Advanced in Price. We have been offering Labor and Capital, by Edward Kellogg, as a pre mium for subscriptions to The Alli ance, giving the book with each $1 sub scription. The New York house which publishes this work has been absorbed in a combine and prices advanced, so that we are now compelled to put the price of The Alliance one year and the book at $1.10. We shall continue to furnish it, as it is a book we desire all farmers to read. The Bee and Wall Street. The Omaha Bee has gone into the service of the money power, body, soul and breeches. Like all new converts it out-IIerods Herod in its devotion to its new master. In its daiby issue of Sun day last are two long editorials devoted to the destruction of "fiat money mani acs" and defending the interests of Wall street. One is entitled "Fiatism Rampant." It bristles with such gems as "fiat virus," "ignorant money quacks," etc., etc. The other is an editorial canard about the fearful financial condition of the Argentine Republic, caused by currency inflation. This terrible crisis is con jured up in the editorial room of the jjee a veritable tempest in a tea-pot. Query, does the Bee print these editor ials in its weekly edition where the farmers might see them? The conversion of the Bee to be the champion of the money power will be remembered hereafter. - 1890. The Railroad Literary Bureau and . Alliance. the One George H. Mendal. That the railroads have organized a literary bureau to aid in their political work there is no doubt. Superior seems to be a sort of headquarters of the thing. The vile resolutions of its so-called board of trade, which is probabljr composed of some merchants who think they are getting special railroad favor, is fol lowed now by a long interview in the B. & M. Journal with one George II. Mendal, said to be a member of the Al liance. "This is given as "the voice of a farmer." It has abundant ear marks of the squeal of a railroad cap per. Any member of the Alliance who will go to a low-down monopoly organ like the Journal with an interview which in almost every particular is against the Alliance, ought to be kicked out of the society at once. We know nothing about Mr. Mendal; but we venture to guess, from his interview, that he is engaged in some kind of business in which he can receive favors from the B. & M. K. R. Co., and that under a fair construc tion of the constitution he is not eligible to membership in the Alliance. We cull a few gems from his inter view: "From whom does this talk of repu diation, oppression and discrimination in railroad rates come?" "I am sorrv to say that these questions are discussed by political aspirants who have been repudiated by both old par ties." "In my judgment and from long ex perience in the state on the question of transportation, I think that Nebraska is not as yet read3' to demand as low rate as that now in force in Iowa." "We farmers are in favor of a lower rate of interest, but the usury hurrah largely comes from men of no credit. The intelligent farmer recognizes in the national banking system a security that is unsurpassed in the world's history. "I am disgusted that would-be politi cians should endeavor to use the Farm ers' Alliance for the furtherance of their own political operations." How about railroad cappers? Ed. "I have carefully read the procedure had before the commission. I do not think that Attorney-General Leese has maintained the position in any respect which he so blatantly proclaimed to the world he intended to do when the com mission came to Nebraska. It looks to me as if Attorney-General Leese's mind had been warped 13T political aspirations, and in his pretended zeal to benefit the farmer he has overreached himself by making professions which he neither had the ability nor the means to enforce. It is 1113' judgment and the judgment of many that efforts of Mr. Loose, while good in some respects, have not shown themselves practicable, and which he never intended to carry out, but which can only be characterized as political buncombe." "Who has been promoting the agita tion that we see continuously in the newspapers pertaining to the Alliance?" "It is usually the aspiring curb stone politician that does it." An interuiew like the above appearing in the Journal is an insult to every honest Alliance man in the state. We are curious to know whether the Alli ance men of Nuckolls count endorse this man Mendal. The Omaha Bee and the Money Ques tion. In its issue of Sunday, the 13th, the Bee, in pursuance of its attack upon The Alliance in its demand for more money, as made through the thousands of petitions sent to congress in the last two months, presents a rehash of Secre tary Windom's report, trying to show that there has been a great increase of currency since 1878. We quote the statement of the Bee, to be perfectly fair: The rerort of the secret&rv of tho tronsnrv showed on March 1, 1878, a total circulation of eigne n una red ana live million seven hundred and ninety-three thousand eight hundred and forty-seven dollars. The active circulat ion on the first day of the wruBeiii iuumn was composed as ioilows uoiu coin, 373,824,488 Standard silver dollars, unsicuary silver coin, Gold certificates, Silver certificates, Greenbacks, -National bank notes, 5!1,1IK4,172 i:m.J8.07 2!H),fl05,5tt2 339,761,359 186,589,030 Total, - - - - f 1,437,404,052 Would it not have been candid for the Bee to explain why the year 1878 was selected for the purpose of a compari son? If it had done so it would have shown that that was the year of contrac tion for the purpose of resuming specie payments, ior this purpose the treas ury had taken in over $830,000,000 of 7-30 bonds which were issued in small denominations to be used as money, and replaced them with bonds not usable as money, so that by 1878 when payments were resumed there had been retired $1,230,990,086, leaving only about the amount named by the Bee for use. As a matter of fact there never has been a time in the present century when there was so small an amount of money per capita in circulation as now. The selection of 1878 hy the president, the secretary of the treasury and the Bee for comparison, is a piece of demago gur3r, as we propose to show. In 18CG there was a circulating medi um of $1,990,000,000. Population 31, 000,000. Currency per capita $04. In 1889 we have a total paper and coin issue of $1,403,000,000. Population 05, 000,000. Circulation per capita $21.40. But of this $1,40.j,000,000 given by the treasurer as the circulation now a large amount is held as bank reserve. This reserve is variously estimated. The amount required hy law in 1888 was $312,000,000. Deducting this reserve from $1,405,000,000 leaves $1,093,000,000. With a population of Co, 000,000 this gives $10.53 per capita circulation in 1889. In 1878 the money volume, at the secretary's own figures, was $706,000, 000. The population was 45,000,000, leaving a per capita circulation of $17, or thirty-seven cents per capita more than in 1889, or the present time. So taking the year 1878 for compari sonthe one most unfavorable year since the war the one vear when every energy of the country and ever3' spark of patriotism was appealed to to reduce money and resume specie payments and we have shown that even in that thaa there is now. After publishing its table as alxve quoted, the Bee adds: "This is exclu sive of money and bullion in the nation al treasury, which on the first instant amounted to six hundred and tdxty-six million six-hundred and forty-threo thousand two hundred and sixty-one dollars." Nothing could be more unfair than this; and it shows to whvt desKrate straits and misrepresentations the Boo is driven to to make out a case. To bo correct the amount in the treasury must be reduced by the total amount of gold and silver certificates, as given by the Bee this sum is counted twice over. As a matter of fact and any compe tent accountant or banker will admit it there should be deducted from the Bee's statement of "active circulation" the following sums, viz: In banks and U. S. treasury, - $700,00lVX) National bank notes una green- backs lost and destroyed. - 4."i,0t,(0 Coin lost, melted and removed for Asiatic trade, lVl.OHO.OitO Total, $S!r,omUWQ This would leave a per capita circula tion of only about $8.34; and this is very nearly the correct figure to-day. The Bee has joined the monopoly and Wall street press in giving advice to the Alliance ami the farmer. We may al lude to this advice in another article. Newspaper Interview. The interviews that are appearing in the Bee and Republican, of Omaha, are mostly the mere inventions of the re porters who send them. One in the Republican of the 11th makes (i. W. Burton, of Orleans, say that President Powers is pledged to (Jov. Thayer. Perhaps Mr. Burton said so. and per haps he did not. If he did he lied: if he did not, the reporter lied. They can chew it up between them. In the Bee of the 11th is an interview with one C. K. Adams, of Hastings, whom the reporter introduces as a "capitalist." The reporter and Mr. Adams together give the Alliance a very bad send-oft". The statements at tributed to Mr. Adams are without ex ception vile lies. This matter is of no moment, only as showing the animus of the papers for whom these interviews are got up to order. Silence is Golden. Gi'cat anxiety is manifested in cer tain quarters to obtain correct informa tion as to the membership, plans, etc.. of the Alliance. Howards hae been offered to certain parties for desired in formation. Silence is golden. Our af fairs arc our own. Information of ihi sort is not sought in the interest of the Alliance, but in that of its opponents. Remember, "Silence is golden." "Put none but Americans on guard to-night." Railroad Legislation. " The railroad men have the universal sympathy of the working community in their attempt to get relief from some of the especial hardships of their calling. An idea of the danger to which rail- 1 road employes are subject can le gained from the records of the Brotherhood of Railroad brakemen. One in eighty-three of its 10,000 members are killed annually and one in sixty injured. A brakemau has only one chance in 4.7 of being al lowed to die a natural death. laseu ger train employes are comparath elv free from danger, the great majority 1m ing freight train brakemen. who are re quired to perform the most perilous feats in couplingears and setting brakes. Long hours and low bridges should both be abolished. Railroad corpora tions should be made to adopt improved safety appliances for coupling. It should not be necessary for a brakemau to le an acrobat in order to be permitted to live. It is not a fair test to put human life against the expenditure of a few thousand dollars. Boston Labor I.radrr. Politics and the Alliance. The cry goes up that the Alliance must not discuss political questions, for that will break it up. Well, if the Alliance people are not permitted to discuss the great question of can they vote intelligent ly on these questions? The farmers and laboring men of our country are inaugurating the greatest reform movement that waseer inaugu rated in the history of our country, and if they do not thoroughly understand this movement they will make a failure of it, and to understand it thoroughly they must have a thorough discussion of it. The intelligent discussion among our selves of the great questions of reform that now agitate the mindsof the Amer ican people, will simply make our order stronger ami unite us more firmly in the object of reform. The object of the Farmers' Allianee. summarized, is to unite the farmers for the promotion of theirinteresH.socially. politically and financially. And how can they promote their interests socially without understanding their social cou- dition, and how can they promote their political interests without understand ing their political condition, and how- can they promote their iinaneial inter ests without understanding their finan cial conditions,and howcaii they under stand these conditions without a discus sion of them? Hear Both Sides. A meeting for the discussion of fi nance was held in New York not many even ings ago. Ex-Postmaster (icneral Thomas L.James presided. He said upon taking the chair, that he had al ways been inclined to the belief that "values should be measured by a gold yard stick." He was williug to hear both sides. Mr. Warner, one of the principal speakers, in the courso of a lengthy ad dress said: "In the quarter of a cen tury before us we shall be encroaching on the present stock of gold in the hands of man for the arts and dentistry. In less than three decades the popula tion of the United States will have in creased to 1,300,000,000, and the pro duction of gold will not give 2 j cent apiece to all who dwoll here." Another speaker said: "You who listen to me to-night, well clothed, well fed, whose sleep will be perturbed by no care for to-morrow, do you know that not only upon tho bleak prairies of far Dakota, but on the banks of the Mississippi and tho Missouri, on tho shores of tho great lakes, and in the valleys of Maryland and Virginia, there are thousands of people hungry to night, not because they have been idlo or dissolute, but because the crops they have raised have not sold for enough ta pay the cost of production." year there was more money