s H r Mft nw irr& iy www "THERE IS -NOTHING WHICH IS HUMAN THAT IS ALIEN TO ME." Tebenoe LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, SATURDAY, APRIL 19, 1890. NO. 41. VOL. I. in i Notice to Subscribers. EXPIRATIONS. As tire easiest and cheapest wrre&ts of notl- Sring subscribers of thu date ot their xpira ona wa will mark this notic. Trith u oiue or red Tncil, on the dte at rtiich their bud cription expires. We will -send the paper two weeks after expiration. If not renewed by that time it will be discontinued. Government Ownership of Railroads. 'Editoi: Fahmeks' -Alliance: In au 'editorial in a recent number in ppeak !in of the interest realized from farm property you practically admit that interest on railroad property is right, that private ownership and control of 'these national public highways is all right, is in accord with the- principles of republican government; of the con stitution of this country. And Mana ger lloldrcdge in his letter to Attorney General Leese reminds that ollicial that lie, has acknowledged that the compa nies have a right to draw reasonable in terest from railroad property. And I notice in the last Alliance, April 5, that the executive committee of the Minnesota Alliance requests the co-operation of their brothers to so amend the constitution as to abolish this new slavery. Now if you or Mr. Leese, or your Minnesota state committee or any body else will ((note from the constitution of the United States the article that autho rizes the government to permit private citizens to own and control national public highways, "the commerce be tween the several states,'' or show how it is possible under a real republican government, a go eminent that is in reality as well as in name a govern ment'of the people, by the people, and for the people, for private citizens to own public highways, reap a perpetual proht ot interest ami dividends lrom these public highways, or for time in stead of eternity, I will acknowledge that I may have been mistaken in say ing that the whole sj'stem is a fraud; resting entirely upon the willingness of the people to be fooled and defrauded by a set of boodlers that they them selves had created in violation of every ' principle of republican government, and without even a shadow of authority in the national constitution. If I am not mistaken in this, and 1 am very con fident that neither our attorney general or any one else can show that I am, then the state rights doctrines of Cal houn, or ''secession" Avere no more rank treason than is the creation of these "great American rulers,'' who tax, rob. and oppress the great mass of far mers and other toilers to a greater ex tent than any government, whether re publican or iimited, or despotic mon archy. v The creation of a public debt of ten billion ol-tlollars--for a-debt - created - by private citizens in building and ope rating public highways is a public debt. by a few private citizens who are en craered in the most lucrative business of the country, and who draw annually from four to five hundred millions of dollars in interest, dividends and cor ruption funds from the four and a half million farms there Mere 4,008,907 farms of three acres and upwards in 1880, according to the United States census report shows an amount of robbery that is not exceeded even in landlord rack-rent cursed Ireland. The amount of "net earnings," se cured by these private property public highways, "great American riders'' from 1879 to 1888 inclusive was $2,858, 44,4, more than $100,000,000 more than the whole national debt Aug. ill, 180."). While this nation of fifty and sixty million people in twenty-live years still lack about a bullion of having paid the debt. At the rate of increase for the next ten years these railroad kings will aver age more than $500,000,000 a year "net earnings." The value of all the farms of this country, including land, fences and buildings in 1880, the last census report gives at $10,197,096,770, or just about the amount of the railroad stock and debt; and as farmers have to pay for everything they must pay this mort gage, which is nearly equal to the full value of their farms, or rather for ever pay interest and dividends. The estimated value of all farm pro ductions sold, consumed or on hand in 1879, the census report gives at $2.',U,4O0,ni54, and the "gross earnings" of the railroads for that year was $225, 020,577. just about one fourth the value of the total productions. The "gross earnings" for 1887, the last year 1 have the figures for, was $910,150,702, and wiih the extremely low price of farm produce at the pres ent time, the just about one billion of "gross railroad earnings" may requira nearly half the farm productions for its payment. Of course, railroads are a good thing, a necessity; but a little common sense ought to teach every bod' that these puMic highways, like common public highways, should be made only where the public nee ds them, anil should lie paid for by the public, and have no debt with its eternal interest, much less ten billions of debt on two billions of property. And any reform movement that allows any public highways to re main private property, or any public affairs to be owned or controlled by pri vate citizens is only a little less of a fraud than the great republican anil democratic parties that have created and maintained this the most gigantic and disgraceful system for robbing the many to benefit the tew, to enslave the toilers for the benefit of a boodle aris tocracy that ever cursed any people from the day of Adam to the present time. C. M. Clakk. President Clover's Letter. That sturdy patriot and honest man, 15. II. Clover, president of the Kunsas State Alliance, has stirred up a hornet's nest by writing a straight-forward, out spoken letter to tbe Kansas delegation in eongress.in reply to a bunch of inter views published by the members of that delegation in the shape of a manifesto against the Alliance. Addressing one of the members, Judge Peters, he says: "Mr. Peters, allow me to say that the people are looking at things in the light of reason, and the facts as they exist are being investigated; the dishwater twad dle you use in your interview with the press correspondent wont go down any longer. You seem to be possessed with no other idea than that the people who have come to Kansas and made her what she is agriculturally, must leave and give ip their homes to a class who may coaae after them. I know- that is the monopolistic idea, but the farmers are gating other ideas into their heads. They want these homes and intend to make the best tight for them they know how. 'Hasten foreclosures,' indeed! when money loanersare bunching the business of foreclosing and employing attorneys at reduced rates. Injure the credit of the state! How can the credit of the state be injured w hen the world can look on and see her magnificent cities, her bursting granaries, her esteeming fields and hopeful though poverty-stricken people. All this while her political interests and law making pow er has been almost from infancy in the hands of the most unscrupulous, self seeking and corrupt gang of political shysters that ever infested any land since time began? These same politi cal barnacles have held the people in their grasp and allowed them to be rob bed by every combine, trust or corpora tion, and generally got pay for the ser vices thus rendered monopoly. They enacted real estate mortgage laws which the late Governor John A.Martin truth fully said were simply legalized thef t.and chattel mortgage laws which he said with equal truth were little short of highway robbery. The people of Kansas are getting their eyes open and from this time on things will look different. The Alliance will not go into politics, and there Avill probably be but two par ties the Papsuckers' and the people. The former will represent those who are now in the official pen, enjoying the public teat, as well as those who an squealing along the fence. The people will represent those who love Kansas for herself alone, and not for the olli cial patronage she may have to distri bute or the party boodle she may have to bestow. The Star of March 18, speaking of the manifesto editorially, voiced very near ly the true feeling of the Alliance,and shows that it has had its linger on the Alliance pulse, but when it expresses the fear that after doing all other tilings just right it will be wrecked on the tar ill' rock, it 'reckons without its host." Possess your soul in peace, dear Star; the Alliance looks upon the tariff ques tion as a matter of business anil not one of politics. The Alliance is ready and intends to demand far greater reduc tions than your dear old democratic party ever dared to demand. "When these demands come they may not be labeled strictly and purely democratic, and, if not, will the Star come up to the rack simply for the tariff reduction fod der found therein, or has it a fatuity for party allegiance? strange Those votes you speak of, whatever they may number, will be behind the Lwhoie - - lifc - of demands, and -we will ask our brothers ot tne south anil or the north; of the east and of the west, to join in the grandest movement of the century. We ask the lovers of liberty everywhere to rally to the stand ard of truth, justice and right, and with uplifted hand declare that as the labor er is worthy of his hire, by the eternal we shall have it!" Yours Truly, 15. II. Clover. The reply made to Pres't Clover is, "O, you want to be governor." Well, whether he wants to be governor or not, the people of Kansas cannot do better than to make him governor. Red Willow County Alliance. Indianola, Neb., April 5, 1890. Ed. Alliance: The following reso lutions were adopted by the Red Willow County Alliance at its session to-day: Whereas, Experience and observation have, beyond a reasonable doubt, proven that legislation is not in favor of the masses, but in the interests of capitalists; That the beet sugar scheme is but an other cunningly devised plan for the further concentration of the fruits of la bor without recompense into the hands of the few; Therefore, Resolved, That we demand that sugar be put on the free list. Ihat legal tender money be loaned to home owners at a rate of interest that will defray expenses of issuing the same. Resolved, That we will vote for such persons only for public officers as will use their best efforts to legislate in the interest of the whole people; and that a copy oi these resolutions be sent to G.L. Laws M. C, and to the Faumeks' Alli ance for publication. A. C. Black, Secy Salaries of Public Officials. Alma. Neb., March, 22, 1890 Ed. Alliance: I noticed in your issue ot this date an article lrom J. is. Asler, in regard to the "salaries of our public servants, lhis is one branch ot reform that has been very little agitated by the reform element in this state. I believe that it is a question that should receive the attention of all good citizens of the state and nation. As a matter of fact the salaries of our public servants have been increased out ot all proportion to the wages ot the producing classes of the country. Is the great advance on account of bet- - it.. ter services rendered, better economy in the administration ot our anairs? We think not. We believe it a scheme not only to enrich an army of office holders, but to so blind their sense of duty to their constituents that they will more lavishly expend the people's monej'. Looking over the appropria tions made by the present congress, we hnd public buildings ranging in cost from $60,000 to $2,500,000 are being planted promisciously through the states with as little concern as an ordinary hay-seed farmer would have in planting the cotton-wood trees that he gleans from the river bank upon his mortgaged farm. I think we can-trace this extrava gance from the inception of the salary grabbing era of the sixties to the present A-l '1 M- i- -A 1 , unit;. j.init cAiiitvai'ance in puoiic Or , -i -i ,. nee nas increased, ana increased in erreater rat 10 since larere salaries have been granted to our public servants is an indisputable fact. TT "1 j 1 A A 4 O 14 1 1 m i nua mat up 10 1041, tne end oi our first half century, the entire expen ditures of the government, including . : i Y.-,-i: ii . it i i P pensions aiiu exciuuing me puunc ueut, was $632,351,388, and our population naa reached beyond seventeen millions At this date our population may reach sixty-live minions, ana the aDnroDria tionsof the present congress will doubt less reach $700, 000. 000, or in other words more than the entire expenditure of our government for the first fifty years of its existence. "Growth in population," says an emi nant writer, "must involve some increase in the expense of government, but it cannot be shown that the necessary in crease would be even observable except through a considerable period of years." Our public servants are losing their heads. They seem to forget that the country is heavily in debt and that mil lions of farmers are almost hopelessly involved. One would naturally suppose by the adroitness with which they intro duce and pass bills that it was simply a matter of how much money they could expend during the session, and not how much of the people's earnings they could save. There will le no surplus to fight over in '02. We want less venality and more hon esty; less fine thinking and more right doing in congress. Cut salaries of pub lic officers in two in the middle, and if the great agricultural people continue on the downward move cut them in two again. Perhaps this method would have a tendency to enlist our law-makers with the producing classes instead of the rnonied corporations. When our pub lic servants saw that the price of farm and other implements had something to do with the price of their services, we would spetdily get help. Salaries must be reduced, retrench ment must commence at once, money must be issued to correspond with the increased production and the general government must absolutely control the volume of money. We must have more old time frugality and less modern .hy pocrisy to bring about these results. So far as the affairs of our own state are concerned, we must have 100,000 readers for the Faioiehs' Alliance. Respectfully, W . J. IIickox. A Chapter on Insurance. I have partly canvassed the town ship in which I live and find that there has been paid out for insurance $1,075, and that our people have received for losses $648 in the last ten years. Or about 38 per cent, while the balance 02 percent, has been used y the com- any to pay agents, ofiieers, advertis ing (such as tin plate calendars, etc.., )ro ay nothing of the dividends and cor- uption fund, the latter perhaps used to nlluence state legislators to believe that the farmers are fools and do not enow enough to run au insurance com iany of their own on an honest plan, and that they will use their (the peo ple's) money to pass a law regulating he organization and running oi mutual companies, so tnat it cannot oe none without a fraud, viz. a cash capital paid in one day and out the next. Hut let us consider the $1,0 oj taken from our township w hile Ave have re ceived but $648 in return. Stock com pany men tell us that Ave can't imagine the immense expense that companies are to in maintaining a company on a sound basis, as they please to call it, but lere is $1,027 taken from our township in the last ten years, or $100 per year for this self same management. 1 take it for granted that what is true of one township is true ot the county over, and as Ave haA e 25 townships in our county Ave are making money for somebody at the rate of $2,400 per an num. Rut ot course the stock insur ance man will tell you that I have not represented facts, but if you will take the trouble to look over your own township you can tell them (or any one else) how it stands at home. And then again let us see Avhere the money r i ill 1 . 1 a i goes, li you win iook at ine statement of any company you Avill see that their cash capital is on the increase (lrom the surplus,) that their dividends are high, and that their management ex penses'are collossal.aud that their bonds and mortgages on (your) farms (my brother) are on the increase. Let us look at almost any company organized twenty or more years ago Avith, say $50,000 capital, almost all of them have a cash capital now ot $200,000, and all of the difference viz. $150,000 made out of the $100 per annum from the many townships in the different states, and Avith only a real inACstmcnt of their OAvn of the original $50,000; and aside from this addition to cash capital yo Avill find that the stock holders are drawing an interest of say 5 per cent. on their stock, but Avheu the stock has been raised out of the earnings of the company to four times the original you Avill plainly see that the o per cent, is sue is 20 per cent, ot the real money paid for the first $50,000; and further you aviII notice that most companies have a cash dividend annually paid, many ot them about $40,000. bo you will see that this amount is 80 per cent of the original, Avhich if you will add to the seeming 5 per cent, (or actual 20 per cent:) you Avill have the insurance companies receiving the snug sum of $100 per cent, per annum on actual cash invested. And still Ave are told that Ave have no idea of the expense of running an insurance company. Of course all ofiieers and agents are paid a good round sum for their Avork. Some of them reaching to the thousands, while all must be paid for by the far mer. I hope the time Avill come when, the laws of Nebraska" will admit the run ning of an insurance company on a sound and substantial basis on the mu tual plan. But I must not take too mucn space tins time, but win give another chapter some time if it is thought best. A Farmek. For the Druggists. Des Moines, April 11. The pharmacy bill under consideration in the senate, repeals the present law and provides that permits be granted by the district courts to sell and dispense liquors for mechanical, medicinal, culinary and sacramental pur poses and these alone. Physicians may dispense liquor as medicine. Permit hold ers must be under oath and file bonds Liquors can be sold only on a written cer tificate of the person buyii.fr as to the legality of the purpose for which they are to be used, and such purchaser must be personally known to the seller. Each per mit holder must show everv two months the amount of liquor bought, on hand and sold during the period. Conviction for violation of the act works the revocation ct the certificate of the pharmacist. Per buhs masinsr raise certmcates oi the pur chase, or signing false names, shall be punished by a fine of 920 to $100, or im prisonment for ten to thirty days. The bill Is a substitute for the measure wo. posed by the state pharmaceutical associa tion. . C0NGKESSI0NAL. d Tbe Senate. Washington, April 8. In the Ecnate to day the house bill to admit free of duty articles intended for the St Louis exposi tion in 1890 that may be imported from Mexico, was amended so as to read "and other republics and the Dominion of Can ado." The bill then pasted and a confer ence was aeked. The senate then resumed consideration of the Montana case and Spooner contin ued his argument in favor of the republi can claimants. Pogh argued in favor of the minority report. When he had spoken for half an hcur Butler stated that Pugh was not well enough to continue his speech; he moved the Montana election case be laid aside for a day and the an ti trust bill bs taken up. Sherman eaid that -while the amended bill wan not at all what he wanted, he be lieved It the best that could bs get and would vote for It. Vest said he was satisfied on reflection that the public interest required the pas sage of the bill as it stood. After further debate tbe bill was passed yea? 52, nays 1 (Blodgeci). Tbe bill as passed is exactly cs it came from the judiciary committer. Adjourned. Washington. April ft Mr. Wiison of Iowa cflered a resolution, which was ; agreed to, instructing ithe cammlttee on interstate commerce to irquire what ad ditional legislation if necessary in respect to commutation and excursion tickets to prevent the abuses now existing in regard to individuals and localities. The houtel bill appropriating $75,CC0 to supply tbe deficiency occasioned by the Silcott defalcation pasped. The senate then resumed fionideratiou of the Montana case and Mr. Patrh con cluded, h a arguments in favor of the dem ocratic claimants. la the course ol the discussion as to the time for a vote it was etated by Mr. Mor gan that the democratic senators were ready to vote upon tie question without further debate. The oiler was accepted on the republican fside, but the arrangement wan deft ated by Mr. Call taking the floor and stating his desire to address the senate on the subject tomorrow. Washington, April 10. Among the bills reported from the commifctee3 and placed on the calendar, were the following: The senate bill appropriating $2,284,000 for the improvement of the Columbia river; Ore gon; the house bill to aid vesaels disabled in waters co-terminu3 to the United States and Canada; the senate bill to revive the grade of lieutenant general of tha army. The Montana election case was again taken up and Mr. Call addressed the senate in opponon to the report of the majority of the committee declaring the two republi can claimants, Sanders and Power, entitled upon the merits of the case to seats in the Eenato irotri jvioiv - . , As the conclusion oi Jttr. call s speeon Mr. Hoar spoke in support of the majority report. After several other senators had spoken upon the subject the matter went over. Washington, April 11. In the senate to day consideration of the Montana election case was resumed. Senator Evarts epeak ing in favor of the majority report He said the proposition on the democratic side was that the senate was to be a canvassing board higher than the territorial canvass ing board, while the proposition on the re publican side was that the senate had no such power of revision. The latter, he eaia, was a propsitlon oi tne constitution, of the safety of the senate and of the equality of the states. Alter tnrtner aeoate noar gave nonce that on Monday he should ask the senate to remain in session until the Montana case was disposed of. Hawley, from tne committee on quaaro- cectenmal celebration, reported back, with amendments, the house bill for the world's fair at Chicago, and said he nopea to have it taken up and passed Monday. Washington, April 12. In the senate to day Dawes presented the petition of the BoBton board of trade endorsing the reso lutions of the New York chamber of com merce "remonstrating against the pro posed legislation for driving the Chinese out of the country." The calendar waa then taken up and among the lills passed were the following: Appropriating $95,000 for a public build ing m Fargo, N. D. ; the senate bill extend ing to the states of South Dakota, North Dakota, Washington and Montana the ben efits of the act a; lowing to certain states 5 per cent on the sales cf public lands; the senate bill to amend and continue in force the act of August 6, 2888, abolishing the constiucvon or a Dridsre across the Missouri at Forest City, Dak. ; the senate bill to increase the rates of pensions for cases of deafness to $40 per month; tho house bill for the payment, or lor the for f elture of lands purchased, and not pat ented nor i aid for In tne rawaee reserva tion Jin Nebraska; the senate bill to in crease the efficiency and reduce the ex penses of the slernai corps of the army, This bill transfers to the department of agriculture the weather bureau, leaving the signal corps of the army to remain in the war department Adjourned. Washington, April 14. In the senate to- dav Mr. Piumb introduced a bill for the disposition of certain funds in the treasury and asked if it could ba read, as he desired to call the attention of the finance com mittee to it is provides tnat tne monev requdred to be deposited for the- redemp tion of national bank circulation be car ried into the treasury and treated as funds available for the reduction of the public debt and for the current expenses of the government; that all the funds held for the payment of the matured debt -and in terest due and unpaid be similarly treated and hereafter that no funds available above the sum of $10,000,000 be retained in the treasury. This is not to be construed, however, as permanently diminishing the runa oi 7iuu,utu,uuu now neia lor the re demption of treasury notes. He said there was lees than $7C0,000,000 of circulation for the use of the 65,000,000 of people of the United States, probably not more than $10 per capita. The system of finance that had been built up and maintained had breught about that result It had Its mer its and Its great defects. One of the great est defects was the compulsory holding in the treasury of a large sum of money on the theory that it was needed and on the further theory that the secretary of the treasury was to be the arbiter of financial questions, it had been stated in the pub lic prints that in pursuance of the policy of controlling the finance" of the country the secretary of the treasure tracted the currency during Februarv over $10,000,000. He (Plumb) believed that the retention of money in the treasury and the assumption on the part of the secretary might have been at one time proper but that it now constitutes business of the country and onirht tA be prohibited by law. him had asked him for what nominal pur pose $250,000,000 was neld in the treasury. He would tell him. A $100,000,000 was held in assumed obedience to the law of 1832, to provide for the redemption of legal tenders treasury notes. Sixty odd millions were held for the redemption of national bank notes ot banks that had gone out of business or that were retiring a poition of their circulation. Between $5,000,000 and $G,000,000 was held for the redemption ot such notes of the national bonds us frcm time to time came into tbe treasury and were found to be utfit for further circulation. About seven million dollars was held for the purpose of the payment of coupons due and not present ed and of debs which had matured lrom time to time, but the evidence of which had not been presented and some of which probably never would be presented. As to the remainder, it was impot Riblo to tell wby it was held. The confusion of sub jects and amounts was such that it was im possible for any one to tell about it, but the whole sum retained was about $ 0, (.00,000. During the last year nearly $100, 000,000 of the national bank circulation had been withdrawn. To meet that re duction there was a coinsga of silver $2, 000,000 monthly and coinage of gol , but experience showed that net only were there two agencies needed, but was also needed paper money to the maximum amount outstanding at any time. Tne business of the country was lan guishing. New enterprises were withheld, old enterprises were struggling to keep on their feet. Sach a condition of things would continue until a remedy was at tained, and that remedy could only come by legislation, because legislation, com bined with executive action had brought the country to where it now was. Congress would legislate some oi these days on the silver question, but no one knew when and no one knew how. w cat- ever was done would result in a great ad- dition to the money of the country, but this measure cf his would give an addition at once and the money could bo disbursed within Klxty days. He had ventured thus puoliciy ana oileny to call tne matter to the attention ot the finance committee and he hoped it woul?. report on some- tMog Use it after its next meeting. The bill was referred to tbe finance committee. A message from the house announcing the death of Mr. Randall and the appoint ment cf a committee to attend his funeral was presented and read. Mr. Cameron moved concurrence. Agreed to and Messre. Qaay.-Allison, Dawes, Voorhees and Eu?tis were appointed as the senate committee to attend the funeral. A" a timber maTk of respect to Mr. llandah'd memory the senate adjourned. The House. Washington, April 8 In the house today the bill was passed providing that persons settling on the second indemnity plat of the Northern Pacific railroad grant between August, 1S87, and July, 18S9, may transfer their entiles from that track to other gov ernment lands subject to entry. Aleo tho bill to cause certain lands at the head waters of the Mississippi, St. Croix, Chip. pewa and Wisconsin rivers, set apart for reservoir purposes, to be restored to the public domain. 'JUtia onmmUToa om. n1 ra nollafl lift the bill to prevent the enlistment of aliens in the naval service of the United States and it wa9 passed. Adams of Illinois called up the motion to reconsider the vote by which the home de feated tne bill making an appropriation to supply the deficiency caused by the 8:Jcott defalcation. The motion was then recon sidered and the bill passed. Adjourned. Washington, April 9. On motion of Mr. Strubble.of Iowa, the senate amendment was non-concurred in to the house bill pro viding far townsite entries of land in Okla homa, and a conference was ordered. The house went into a committee of tho whole on the naval appropriation bill. . Mr. Wilkinson of Louisiana, said he would not emulate Great Britain in building ships but China bad a bitter fighting armament today than the United Stutrs. The govern ment had been taking extreme measures with China. It was a part of proper pre caution to build ships which could cope with those of other nations upon which contumely had been cast Ho advocated the establishment of a navy yard at Al giers, La. Mr. Adams of Illinois, saia tne people he represented were anxious for a navy yard at the mouth or t.-.e Mississippi river. Mr. Coleman of Louisiana, advocated New Orleans. Pending final action the committee rose and the house adjourned. Washington, April 10. In his prayer this morning the chaplain of the house made a feeling allusion to the illness of Repre sentative Randall. The house went into committee of the whole on the naval appropriation bill. Some discussion ensued, after which the bill was favorably reported to tho house. but no final action was taken and the house adjoured. Washington, April 11. In the house to day Lacey of Iowa called up the contested election case of Waddell vs. Wise from the Third district of of Virginia. E aloe of Tennessee raised the question of consideration The house decided yeas 124, nays 113 to consider the election case, and Lacey took the floor with an argument in favor of the claims of the contestant O'Ferrall of Virginia supported the reso lution of the minority declaring the seat vaoant After considerable debate and witbout disposing of the matter the house took a recess until evening. The house, at the evening session, did no businesa Ealoe of Tennessee gave notice that un til the house allowed the private bills con -sidered Friday he would allow no pension bills to be passed on Friday nights He then made a long speech in favor of the payment of southern war claims. After considerable talk on this sub jeer, and pensions the house adjourned. Washington, April 12. Immediately after the reading of the journal the house re sumed the consideration of the contested election case of Waddel against Wise. Haugen of Wisconsin and Dalzell of Pennsylvania spoke in favor of the con testant, and then Wise of Virginia took the floor la his own behalf. After further discussion the vote was taken on the minority substitute resolu tion, declaring the seat vacant and it was defeated yeas 119, nays 133. The majority resolution declaring Wad dell entitled to the Beat was adopted yeas 134, nays 120 and that gentleman appeared at the bar of the house and took the oath of office. Public business was then suspended and the house proceeded to pay a fitting tribute to the memory of the late James Laird, representative from Nebraska. After eulogistic addresses by Laws, Con ger, Connell and others, the house ad journed. Washington, April 14. After the appoint ment of a committee to attend the funeral of ex Speakar Randall, the house adjourned without transacting any business. Ralph K. Hill of the Hardy Herald narrowly escaped losing - his life . the other day by falling under a freight A Regiment of Indian Soldiers. Washington, April 14. The secretary of war has under consideration a plan for raising a reglireat in the regular army which will be composed of Indian soldiers, with Indians as non-commissioned officers and tbe commissioned officers from the regular army, lie has asked the views of the department commandeis and the only objection raised is that it ould have the effect of reducing the present regular force of tha army. Tbe law now limits the ormy to 2.i.f(!0 men, including not to ex ceed l.rtO Indian rcouta. Indian Commls f loner Morgan is in favor cf this plan and it is probable tt at ccrgrtss will be asked to make an appropriation for such a regi ment Changed its Name. Chicaoo, April 15. The National linseed oil trust, has ceased to exist and in its place now stands the National linseed oil company, chartered under the laws of Illinoip. It is the owner of foTty-nine lin seed oil mills, forty elevators, ranging in capacity from 720,000 bes iels downward, and a line ot tank cars. The capital stock is $1,000,0 0. The old board of trustees have been elected directors, with Mr. Fus tsn of Missouri as president Samuel J. Randall Dead. Washington, April 13. Congressman 8amuel J. Randall died at ten minutes past 5 o'clock this morning of internal cancer, after a long and painful illness Ho was surrounded by his family his devoted wife and affectionato children, his daugh ter?, Mrs. Lincasterand Susie Randall, and his sou Samuel In bis last moments. Samuel Jackson Randall was born In Philadelphia, October 10, 1838, the eon of a well known lawyer and democratic pol itician. A friend of his father was Samuel Jackson, a distinguished physician of Philadelphia, which then, as now, was noted for the brilliancy, learning and skill of her doctors, and tho father christened his son after his frteDd. There was noth ing remarkable about the jouth of Samuel Jackson Randall. In was spent in his na tive place in attendence upon school and tne usual Doyisa pporis. lie was not a brilliant scholar and showed rnoro foad nets for outdoor life than for books. Tkcre were oocasionally exhibitions of the In domitable and stubborn will and dogged persistence which in after life marked him out as a man among men. It is not generally known that he was a soldier in the late war, but eu-;h is the fact. There was in Philadelphia a civilian military organization known as tho First troop of FolJadelphia City cavalry. 1 5 was an old esiablished organizattor, daMng its pxietence back to 1774, when its title was "The L'ght Horse of Philadelphia" Mr. Randall was a member of this troop in 1861, at the outbreak of the war, when the new3 rang out through every town and hamlet that Sucpter had fallen. The troop immediately tendered its services to tho government and it was mustered in for ninety days. Colonel George H. Tflomas was at this time commanding officer of the Second United Spates cavalry, and to his regiment tbe Philadelphia troop was at tached. Mr. Randall was a private in tbe company. He jaw Ma- first real service vervruoon, lor his troop was oiuuea w ma front and participated in the engagement oi failing waters against Stonewall Jack 6on. Promotion came rapidly to Private Ran dall, and he rose through the grades of sergeant and acting quartermaster to that oi coionei. lie went to Philadelphia at the close of his tbree month' service, and in the autumn of 1862 was elected to the Thirty-eighth congress as a democrat ms popularity kept mm in congress from the time of his first election until his death. An American Enoch Arden. Kansas uity, April 13. February 6 an insane man was removed in a helpless con dition from the uni-n depot in this city to the city hospital. He was well dressed and on hip person was found $150 in money and a railway ticket frcm Cinci&Tiattl to San Francisco. Nothing was found to identify him. Tonight his story became known. He is Andrew Jefferson Farnswortb, formerly of Quincy, 111. Fifteen years ago he disap peared from his home there and from that time until now his friends have heard nothiDg from him. His wife and two children moved to Cincinnati, whero Mr?. Farnsworth, having received supposadly reliable news that her husband was dead, married C. E Holly of that city. When Addio Pratt, a sister of Mrs. Farusworth, visited the city hospital by chance one day sne recognized in the man who had become insane man her brother-in-law, A J. Farna- worth. She communicated the facts to her brother, J. E. Pratt of St Louie, who to night removed tho unfortuna:e man to his home. From the circumstances surrounding tho case it is believed Far us worth visited Quincy early in the year to rejoin his fam ily and there ascertained that his wife had moved to Cincinnati. He went to that city and finding that his wife had married again determined not to reveal his identity. He purchased a ticket to San Fr&ncleco and proceeded as far as this city, where broo J ing over his wife's second marriage is sup posed to have driven him insane. The Iowa Senate. Des Moines, April 10. In the senate this morning a resolution was Introduced pro vld'ng for a sifting committee, but it went over under the rules. It was decided to hold evening sessions from now until the adjournment except on Monday evening. The hour for the consideration of the license bill having arrived, the question wsb on tho amendment by Finney provid ing that if any ot the counties decided in favor of license a suitable Inebriate asylum must be provided before any saloon licenses could be issued. It was voted down. The amendment was adopted al lowing towns of 4,000 the privilege of choosing license or not Senator Rcnmldt closed the debate and on the final vote the bill was defeated by a vote of 21 to 29. A memorial was presented by a commit tee from the state encampment of the G. A. 14., asking lor a memorial nai. lor a nos- pital at the soldiers' home and the recognition ot tho soldier element proper of the state. A Bnge Scandal Opened. NewYobk, April 14. The World this morning begins an attack upon Henry Hilton. The article is entitled: "The open ing chapters in a curious tale of contem poraneous society; how a social secret was guarded and hidden; the mystery of Hil ton's influence over Stewart at last dis covered; the motive for the grave robbery made clear." The article asserts that the influence of Hilton over Stewart waa founded In a crime. "The crime Involved the henor of a woman and the reputation and vast business of the greatest dry goods merchant on the continent. Hilton, as a lawyer, did the work that averted the cal amity which would have resulted from ex posure. From that hour his star began its ascendancy " The article then proceeds to summarize the facts already known as to the passing of the Stewart fortune into Hilton's control. It closes with the declar ation tnat tne w&ewart will casa will be re opened and all the facts brousrht out The article will be continued In future editions An Exciting Scene. Pbovidence, B. I. April 10, There was ta exciting scene In the house of re j r sect a- tlves today. - The democrats cime within oae vote of adopting ths t'0) . license fee for the sale of beer nud light wlnew. Iho republicans thoueht that this was done to win the Germ n American vote. Dilatory tactics were adopted ly tie republican ... . A some or wnr m ran out oi ice duih ih-u-o with tho sheriff after tbem. Speaker JM1- er (dem) counted the absent members in the negative. After great cotluslou the house adjourned. A Splendid Jail Keeper. Habt, Mich., April 13. Friday night Mr. Sheriff Cooper went into the Jail to give the prisoners a l'ght James Waldron, awaitirg trial for forgery, struck her two blows over the head with a btick. Lis pur pose being to escape, but she dropped the amp and struck rainy cut ircin mo shoulder, catching Waldron on the mint of the jaw and knocking blra out Then the dragged him into n cell and locked him up. Mra. cooper s neaa wrb rainy cut. A Call for Help Fremont, Neb., April 15. Mayor Shcrvins teday received a letter from Governor Thayer requesting him to lfy before the people of Fremont the pubjectof contribut ing relief to tho settlers of Cheyenne county, who had their wheat fl?ld dsvaft- tatea ana property acsirojea ry a Dig wind storm which prevailed cn tho 7th Inst Tho Sieeeton Itreorvat ion. Washington, April 10. Senator retti- grew was loasy instructed cy tne com mittee on Indian affairs to report f avert bly the bill throwing open to settlement the Sieseton Indian leservnt'on in S-uth Dakota; aleo tho bill appropriating 11,100,- C0 to meet the promlsfs made by General Crook to the Sioux Indians in treating for tho opening to fettle merit of the ret Slcur reservation. TMh Mil we upon by Fre&ldent Hanlnr. llo ImvUi Dukota fenntors are fceth taVirtr tho por tion ifcot their f tate hiss too ir.uch hud Irdian reservation. ThyOtiie tho In dians to take lands in m v rally nr-el to open upforeettlement ioie e f ltecro!c t unoccupied lards. Iho Crow Creek tdlan reservation in south rsicm wui hlso be opened shortly. Tho Ijatest 91evcinent. Chicago, April 15. The mrst important move in tbe carpenters' fctrlke was rawis this mcrniug, when the matter was brcugM before Judge Prendergast in tbe c-cunty court on the request ct Andrew McXally that the court proceed wilh the woric cu tho new Rand-MoNally building on Adm street. Tho court's., connection with tho matter comes tlrou&h the rooent failure of the company which had tbe the 'work on the building. contruct for When the assignee was appointed be Jrvv,,,,?rlr,"rt iaj uu.u.. 1 uf tLfl court all existing oontracts, and thus the county court ac the time cf tco strike occupied the same position as tho otJ-tr contractors. Judgi? Prendergast Raid b& could not forco tbe men to work rrd did rot wlt.h to do so, and would make no f uch endeavor. He instructed the assignee to comply with all the demands of the men to give them 40 cents per hour, eigl t hours per dy and full recognition of the union. Fattber than this he would not go at present After the Commissioner. Nsw Yobk, April 14. At a meetirg of the Central labor union today a copy of tho resolutions passed by the police commis sioners last week, stating that tbey were always ready to examine into any charges which the Central labor union might make against the police department were re ceived. In answer a long preamble and resolution was passed Mating that the po lice commisbioners were in pr-Mess-ion of sufficient evidence to clce "every one of the hundred gurcblirg tocses, trcthcl. dance houeec, etc., but they preferred to iave that state of uiralrs e x't o tteir pub ordlnates could trra s J) gutter, wealth. Tiie resolution "instructed u srcnl com mittee to call for voJnbteern frrm the affiliated unions to artist in 'sbu-iowina every police captain in New YoTk au 1 hi tools,' iu crder to rtbife'r utcie tleir misdeedp, nnd swe p frcm r"wer thei famous Fys.tr ra which has f o r d immor ality ai-d crlma in public p ace " A Notable Invent. New Yoke. April 11 The president of the associazione dull a sta-npa pcroedloi In Italia writes from Rome to tho United press. New York, requesting that the at tention cf the press of America bo called to the Interesting event in K ino durinr the coming mouth of May. A reries of fetes is being arrarged in coutectlou with the exposition of kcal industries and the opening of the grand national racing meeting at wlich thn Brand r rlx d Rome of 100,000 francs will be competed for by horses from all countries. l.o Italian press association will be pleased to take part, together with the European prca.i generally. In a reunion with representa tives of the principal American journals on that occasion. Every I acuity win be ar- f ordea to tho visitlrg journalist to ob serve and study ail that may be of intert to them in" Rome, and every possible courtesy wJJl be extended them. The ad dress of the association is No. 1 A, via Dell Missione, Rome. General rains arc reported through out Kansas, which cause tbe fanners to be jubilant over the crop prospect. THE MARKETS. Lincoln, Nui CATTLE Butchers' steers.... 92 75 a S 5J Cows 2 0a2 fO HOGS Fat 3 65 a 3 S Stockers 8 25 a S 50 SHEEP 3 00 a 3 fO WHEAT No. 2 spring 55 a 60 OATS Ne. 2 11 a 15 RYE No. 2 25 a 27 CORN No. 2, new 15 a IS FLAXSEED 1 02 a I 01 U POTATOES 18 a 24 APPLES Per febl 3 75 a 4 CO HAY Prairie, bulk 5 00 a 6 00 Oxaba, Net. CATTLE 3 80 a 4 25 Cows 1 75 a 8 25 HOGS Fa'x to heavy 3 93 a 4 00 Mixed 3 90 a 3 95 Chicago, ix. CATTLE Prime steers f3 50 a 5 00 Stockers and feeders 2 l5 a 3 65 HOGS Packing , 4 00 a 4 20 SHEEP Natives 5 00 a 5 25 WHEAT CORN 2$S Kansas Cm, Ma CATTLE Corn fed 1 SO a 4 60 Feeders....... 2 40 a 3 40 HOGS Good to eholoe S 75 a 3 1)5 Mixed 3 55 a 3 60 A r il it 4 A senator sitting near tram in motion. of the World. r